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Changing out infernal healing was just a suggestion. It's just a shame that you have a 20 Cha and both your spell picks worth just as well at Cha 11.

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Right. It sounds like you want to keep your spell selection as is. Are there any changes you'd like to make? The window on making any changes will need to close because the next combat is going to start.

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I like to keep things simply, so I tend to treat objects on the map as difficult terrain. So yeah, I'm fine with you occupying the same squares as the cannons. I like the idea of your character baseball sliding under the cannon and don't want to penalize someone for being creative or descriptive. Now if you're hoping to get a tactical advantage out of doing something zany, than I will probably want a skill check. Like if you were doing that because you are trying to avoid an Attack of Opportunity, then an Acrobatics check would be called for.

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The nice thing about this adventure is that it gives you a bunch of free healing. I hate tracking wand charges and don't find that people using wands on themselves to be interesting or engaging so I like that the scenario just gives you more healing than you can possible use. Also, people forget to heal between combat all the time and if there was time and the resources to heal, I'm fine retconning it. For realism sake, I can't imagine that an eidolon would suffer through having all those crab bites without complaining and maybe even asking for some healing.
I guess if for some reason you like leaving your eidolon injured because the character is a sadist or because you're just personally rigid about these kinds of things and refuse to accept a generous but also very reasonable retcon from your GM, so be it.

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I guess if for some reason you like leaving your eidolon injured because the character is a sadist or because you're just personally rigid about these kinds of things and refuse to accept a generous but also very reasonable retcon from your GM, so be it.
The condescension isn’t necessary. I don’t appreciate how hyper critical you’ve been, especially since this is my first time playing online, and I hope this isn’t par for the course here in the play-by-post sector. I’m not trying to create tension, I just want to enjoy playing.

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I'm personally very forgiving of things like someone forgetting to heal themselves or putting up that long lasting buff that they like to use and willing to retcon things, within reason. I'm actually hoping everyone make it out alive through this scenario and I'm not interested in gotcha-ing players over forgetting to heal between fights. If I could I would just handwave out of combat healing and ammunition usage, but society play requires players to track wands charges and how many arrows they use.
From my perspective I threw you a bone once, and then a second time to let you know I meant it and you declined twice, so I wasn't really sure where to go with that.
I really didn't mean to offend you with my snarkiness. What I wanted to communicate is that my standards on how combat healing are very loose and that I didn't really understand why you felt the need to be more rigid than me on it. It hindsight it would have better to just say it exactly like that.
And with play by post I will say its a pretty great community but like anywhere else you're going to run into people that you just don't get along with. I wouldn't want your experience in my game to turn you off to play by post in general and would encourage you to try another game. I do think play by post can be a really rewarding format for gaming and for certain character concepts its one I actually prefer to table top.

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Zalgrim, after the crab fight, Bocke offered charges of his CLW. Did you not see that, does CLW not work on your eidolon, or did you intentionally decline?
While I agree the GM was a liitle snarky about voicing his confusion, he wasn't the only one confused.
It would be helpful to us - your teammates - if you were clear about what's going on.

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I intentionally didn’t heal Pyrha because I would rather make use of summoning should another battle ensue, which requires her to be dismissed. It didn’t make sense to heal her only to dismiss her, and I actually preferred her being knocked unconscious because it let her fight until she fell, which in-character she prefers.
I also apologize if I came across as combative.

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It makes sense now! I'm a nice guy most of the time but I'm definitely not perfect. And miscommunication is so easy to happen in any context and online you only have written words, which aren't great for expressing emotional context. Glad we can work things out.

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For the next part of the adventure, you will need to navigate the boat through rough waters. You will need to nominate one person to captain the boat, using Strength, Dexterity or Profession Sailor. Everyone else can aid. You'll need to make three checks, so nominate your captain!

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Unfortunately, you do have to have at least one skill rank to make a Day job roll.

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The rip in reality looks to have a 5 foot wide hole, per the map. Is that right? (Asking in case the spell Hold Portal could possibly affect it.)

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Hold Portal is pretty specific about only affecting doors that are made from metal, stone or wood. If it is a door that goes somewhere, it's definitely not something someone made. The anomaly would not be affected by that spell.

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Fair enough. Thanks! Was my interpretation of the size correct?

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Yeah, the center of the anamaly is about five feet in diameter. It's pretty small.

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That was quick. A dragon is a tough encounter for low level but with two archers in the party and losing initiative they didn't stand a chance.

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heavy hitting archers at that.

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I have the Chronicles for the scenario here:
Let me know if I need to fix anything. I also think Professor M and Eredur wanted to scribe spells out of each other's books. Let me know what you want to scribe and the cost so I can add that in.

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Thanks so much for the game, GM. A great distraction during an odd time.

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Thank you! This was fun! Chronicle looks good to me

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I'd like to copy these level 2 Spells:
Mirror Image
Resist Energy
DC is 17 (15+spell level), Spellcraft bonus is +8 so by taking 10 I'm at 18.
Just need to substract the cost from my money (40 GP per L2 spell, is that correct? So 120 GP total)
Would like to copy some more spells from Professor Molvil spellbook
L1 Grease, Hold portal, Ray of sickening, True StrikeL2: Glitterdust
Total (4*20)+(1*40)=120 GP
@Molvil: for easy reference, here are my own known spells again
Lvl 1 spells (14) Mage armor, Sleep, Burning hands, Endure elements, Ray of enfeeblement, Protection from Evil, Feather Fall, Enlarge Person, Identify, Magic Weapon, Cause Fear, Summon Monster I, Color Spray, Expeditious retreat
Lvl 2 spells (2)Acid Arrow, Blur

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And here are the spells that Molvil would like to copy from Eredur's spell book:
Level 1: burning hands, ray of enfeeblement, enlarge person, magic weapon, cause fear, summon monster 1, expeditious retreat
Level 2: acid arrow, blur
1st level (7*10)=70
2nd level (2*40)=80
Total: 150gp
Eredur: I noticed that you paid 20gp per 1st level spell, but the table I found shows they cost 10gp. Is there somewhere else I should be looking for the cost? I'm still trying to figure all this out, so am inclined to believe that I'm the one who has goofed.
Thanks a bunch!

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My mistake: seeing that level 2 spells cost 40 GP, I erroneously supposed the cost was 20 Gp per spell level, so 20 Gp for level 1 spell.
Your table is correct.
So that (4*10)+(1*40)=80 GP for the new spells for me.
Thank you for that adventure GM BadBlood, I enjoyed playing it, and I'm willing to join any future missions!

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Thanks for the fun game, GM Badblood. It gave plenty of situations to help me continue figuring out this character's personality, which has been a bit of a challenge.
Question regarding the "Elemental Scholar (Concordance Faction)" boon: Its title suggests that it is only available to members of the Concordance Faction, though it's not crossed off on my Chronicle. (Molvil is a member of the Dark Archive.) That's the only question I have about my chronicle. The rest looks good.

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I actually don't think anyone here was in the Concordance, so I'm glad you brought it up. If it does have a faction tag, you do need to belong to that faction in order to use it.
You know...I don't cross off the faction specific boons. You are still level 1 and changing your faction is one of the things you could theoretically decide to change. You could also change your faction (although 1st Edition makes this so expensive almost no one ever does this).

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Thanks a bunch!

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Great game everybody! I plan on running Mysteries in the Moonlight, a two part tier 3-7 in a week or two. PM me if you're interested and I can reserve you a spot at the table.

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Just a note: you forgot to write those spells, copied earlier in the game:
Mirror Image
Resist Energy
Cost 120 GP
I could be interested in your future game, in low tier with Eredur or maybe higher tier with another character

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Easy enough to change!
Send me a PM if you'd like me to save you a spot! I should be able to start in week or so.