Alledisil |

Welcome, soldiers, to the 5th Battalion of
the Suskillon Defense Force! The SDF is
a unified military for the entire Suskillon
system, whose mission is the defense of our home world of
Suskillon and any outlying regions, by means of deterrence
and direct conflict when necessary. You have chosen an
exciting and dangerous time to join the SDF, as Suskillon
needs every capable hand to drive back the ravening hunger
of the Swarm.
Use this thread to talk strategy, purchases, or other ooc and meta topics. Topic 1 of course, is party make-up. Who are you?
If you have AP19, you can find the player's guide on pages 38-45. If you'd like me to snip just those pages out and send them to you so you can more readily avoid spoilers, I'd be happy to.
Character creation guidelines
Since this is not SFS, you best believe almost everything is fair game. Race, class, gear options, just run it by me before you fall in love. The only thing I'll cut right up front is ring of fangs and the cheesy strength-build stellifera. You can make other kinds of stellifera if you want.
- No evil characters. You've signed up to defend the Suskillon system from invasion.
- Have some personal connection to Suskillon. The population is majority human, minority shirren, but other races come and go along with the trade to the Pact Worlds and Suskillon's own space exploration. Whether you were born and raised here, or your true love died in the Battle at Stone Sea, or your mercenary career brought you here looking for glory, there's a reason you're now fighting the good fight.
- Do not post in the main gameplay thread until I ok your character concept. Send me a DM of your character's motivations and personality. The more I have to work with, the more I can weave you into the story.
- Character avatar selection appears to be broken currently, but when it's fixed start thinking about what image you want as your character.

Alledisil |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Use Zarrex's profile as your template when making your character. (My Account - My Profile - Aliases)
Here's the player's guide pages..
You can buy any of the items listed in the Player's guide except the magic item Medallions.
You all will receive your IDENTs (p44) at boot camp.
Everyone knows the 'Suskillon' language, it's the equivalent of Common in this system. This does not count against your known languages from INT or Culture.
You also know a lot about Suskillon! Here's a primer on the planet.

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Zarrex looks around, seeing the questions on the faces of new and veteran members of the 5th Battalion alike. Resigning themself to the fact that this awkwardness will only get worse with silence, he speaks up.
"I can see the questions on your faces. I was on Alipu Minor. I don’t remember much, but I’ll tell you everything I can. Everything seemed to be happening in slow motion. My brother, Xiktavarrex, lay motionless beneath me as I reached for a healing serum. I could hear his telepathic screams of agony filling my head while explosions, a high pitched ringing, the sounds of weapons smashing armor, gunshots, and the all-too-familiar squish and crack of flesh being violently penetrated and bones snapping like tree branches filled my ears. As I pulled the serum out of my bag and prepared to administer the injection, I looked down at Xiktavarrex just in time to see a barbed foreleg pierce my exoskeleton with a loud crack. Excruciating pain instantly surged through my body as I went limp, dropping the serum to the ground. Just as quickly as it came, the pain left. As I flew backward through the air, the world went silent and still. A dark emptiness engulfed my senses.
The next thing I remember is looking down at myself. I saw my own body, but there was something different about it. It was distant, fading, surreal. It is hard to describe the passage of time in that place, almost like there was none. Rage and sorrow filled my being. Watching my friends…no, my family, slaughtered around me..watching those creatures gut our home, our way of life, and our very existence from around my body...killing everyone and everything I held dear tore the fabric of my soul. I had to go back! I could not let it end that way. I clawed and fought my way back, fighting against a current of souls that threatened to wash me away for eternity. Not this time!
Without warning, I woke up. I thought it must have been a nightmare. Darkness and silence surrounded me. I could see, but there was no light. I should have been able to hear the sound of my breathing, but I did not. I reached up to my chest, to feel the place where my wound felt so real. I cut my flesh on the razor-sharp barbs of the foreleg still lodged into my chest, broken off from the creature that pierced my heart; however, I did not bleed. I was not breathing, I was not bleeding and I could not see. It took me a moment to realize that I had been sealed up inside some sort of bag. I had to claw my way out. Eventually, I calmed down enough to come to my senses. I was in a morgue. I had died. Pharasma had given me a second chance. And that is what brought me here today.
I may not have been able to save Xiktavarrex, but I will avenge him! Those monsters have to pay. They will pay! I will not rest until they know the pain that I know, feel the loss that I feel, and die the way I did, with violence and extreme prejudice.
I am Zarrex, and I have returned to the Suskillon Defence Force, 5th Battalion, not to offer my life; but to do everything within my power to protect my allies and purge the Swarm and all who stand with them from existence."

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For daily preparations, I plan to spend 10 minutes attuning my microlab to the party and any willing allies traveling with us, up to 6 total creatures. During this same 10 minutes, I will also be preparing 4 biohacks. I will then spend an additional 10 minutes putting on and adjusting my camouflage membrane for the current terrain.
Anytime the GM indicates an upcoming change in terrain, time permitting, I will request the party allow me to spend 10 minutes readjusting my camouflage membrane to the new terrain.

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I am just testing to see if I did this right

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Sense Motive: 1d20 + 4 + 1d6 ⇒ (17) + 4 + (4) = 25
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (1) + 11 = 12

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Oh hey there my rolls are, I was so confused when I couldn't find them