JohnnyBlack |
Let me submit Jekkajak the Unseen, kobold rogue extraordinaire, for your consideration.
Character Sheet (PCGen generated)
The halfling man, perfectly dressed and with a professional air about him, can't avoid showing this disgust for the tavern where the negotiations would take place.
He scans the place expertly, and asks for a table farther away, in a secluded corner, and sits looking at the door, his back to the wall.
"You can never be to cautioussss."
That's the first clue something is amiss. The hissing in his speech.
"My client, Jekkajak the Unssseen, is willing to take your job. We will need to sssign a contract, to make it official. It's a normal one for thisss kind of job. To make everything clear and sssafe for all partiesss involved. Except for the adversssarial onesss, of courssse."
The halfling lets a cruel happy laugh at his own joke.
"Oh yesss, they will NOT be sssafe. I'll make sssure they sssquirm and cry a little before taking them out of their misssery."
There is glee in the Halfling face. Did he just talk in the first person?
"Yesss, my client, Jekkajak the Unssseen, isss a Kobold. But not any Kobold."
The pride in his voice is unmistakable.
"He isss deadly. Cruel. Unremorssseful. Cold asss only a Kobold can be. Lovesss to torture and kill all of thessse..." - he waves his hand towards the patrons at the tavern - "... monkeysss. You can't see him unlesss he wantsss to. You can't hear him unlesss he wantsss you to hear hisss laughter while he torturesss you. You can't find him unlesss you crosss him, in which cassse you would prefer to die before he getsss to you. Yesss, he isss evil, but believe me, those goody-two-shoesss 'heroesss' are the more untrussstworthy kind of people you want to to a job with. One female monkey asssking for help and they forget the job, and go chasssing after her without a sssecond thought."
He has a maniacal smile now. A little too wide for a Halfling.
And then you notice his eyes in the dim light. They are green. And reptilian.
Jekkajak, as you can see, is an unchained rogue that thinks much of himself. he has incredible dexterity, is smart, perceptive and very charming (for a kobold rogue), but weak and frail. He has a cap of human guise to appear as a halfling to mix with the "monkeys", as he calls the other humanoid races. He is very skilled in a lot of areas, especially acrobatics, appraise, diplomacy, disguise, disable device, escape artist, perception, sleight of hand, stealth and use of magic devices. He loves to use daggers to torture, and kill especially defenseless enemies. He is evil (and proud of it), but loyal to his partners. The downsides to him are that he is VERY arrogant, paranoid and overconfident, to the point of being comically so.
I hope you like him. I think he can be a fun character to play with.
Elnaril Ilikas |
This will be my submission for the game. Elnaril is a commoner from the Kingdom of Keoland just to the east of Sterich. A commoner ousted from his village at a young age when he was discovered playing with a small dragon that entered his body when startled. He learnt his magic living on the streets of Keoland from travelling adventurers, eventually taking up the profession himself.
He has travelled to Sterich after hearing of the King's proclamation hoping to make a name for himself and riches along the way.
chillblame |
Culture and history notes
His Peerless Majesty, the King of Keoland, Kimbertos Skotti; Lord of Gran March, Plar of Sterich; Protector of the South; etc.
Capital: Niole Dra (pop. 21,600)
Population: 1 300,000 (excluding dependencies) Demi-humans: Sylvan Elves, Gnomes, Halflings Humanoids: Doubtful Resources: foodstuffs, cloth, gold, gems (III)
Keoland was the first major kingdom to be established in the Flanaess, the Oeridians and Suloise tribes mingling and joining to build a tolerant and prosperous realm which nominally included many and varied demi-human groups as well.
After several centuries of benign leadership, a line of monarchs upon the Keoish Throne became ambitious and embarked upon a policy of conquest. At the peak of this imperialism, Keoland held sway from the Pomarj to the Crystalmist Mountains, while her armies pushed into Ket and threatened Verbobonc and Veluna City (c. 350-360 CY). The Ketite expedition came to grief in successive battles (Molvar, Lapolla), while an alliance between V eluna and Furyondy ended the Keoish threat in that quarter (Short War).
Coincidentally, the Olvenfolk within the boundaries of Keoland objected to the warlike policies of the King and began expelling royal garrisons in the Ulek Provinces and Celene. In the ensuing struggle, the freemen of the western portion sided with the demihumans. Raiders in the far south took advantage of these conditions to harry the Keoish coast from Grad sul to Gryrax
King Tavish III was slain in battle against the Sea Princes (Siege of Westkeep, 453 CY), and his son, Tavish IV, immediately changed the policies of the kingdom upon ascending to the throne.
After protracted negotiations, the independent state of the Yeomanry was recognized, the Ulek states were granted autonomy, and Keoland returned to its former state of tolerance and prosperity thereafter. The semi-independent Gran March and Earldom of Sterich are loyal to the crown and furnish strong contingents to the royal army. The Keolanders are well known for their light cavalry employing javelins, crossbows, and lances. The bulk of the army consists of footmen armed with polearms and long spears, while the nobility comprises the heavy cavalry portion of the force. There are typically small companies of elves, gnomes, halflings, and/or dwarves included in the muster. The fleet is battleworthy but small, and conflict with the Sea Princes continues to plague the realm.
The people of Keoland are tolerant in general to other humans and demi humans but are hostile to humanoid races such as goblinoids, orcs and kobolds. Magic was banned in Keoland for several centuries, which was reversed in recent decades. But Arcane spellcasters are viewed by the common people with distrust and superstition, and arcane casters even less so.
The current king has had significant opposition with his nobles. Recent events have caused much upset in the Kingdom, with a short civil war in the south, then an attack against the piratical Sea Princes to the south.
The King is currently with the royal army sieging the fortress city of Westkeep.
His Magnitude, Querchard, Earl of Sterich
Capital: lstivin (pop 5,000)
Population: 100,000 Demi-humans: Mountain Dwarves (4,000), Gnomes, Halflings Humanoids: Some (in mountains) Resources: silver, electrum, gold, gems (II. III)
The Earl of Sterich is a nominal vassal of the King of Keoland, although treated more as a favored relative than a vassal by the king. The Sterish are loyal to their Earl and the King of Keoland alike, and in time of need, a large contingent of the renowned light cavalry and sword-armed light infantry of the earldom are sent to Keoland, accompanied by companies of stout heavy dwarvish infantry from the Crystalmists.
A good portion of the levies of Sterich must always remain on guard to the west, however, for many humanoids, giants, and even worse monsters tend to follow the headwaters of the Davish River down into the fertile low country to loot and pillage. The halberdiers and medium horse of Sterich are thus seldom seen outside their native land. The Earl maintains good relations with the Grand Duchy of Geoff (being of the same bloodline as the Grand Duke, this is not too suprising), and some trade is carried on with the Yeomanry via the Javan River.
The people of Sterich are fairly good nature but have a strong dislike of humanoids and such.
Naji bin Caedmon |
hustonj, here, with a reused profile holding my 7th level Cleric (Ecclesitheurge) 7 of Istus.
Naji is a Healer, who believes Fate brings him to the people he should assist. He isn't a combatant, though he can try to help, but he keeps a few spells prepared that might. If he knows to plan for something different, well, then he can.
pad300 |
What about item creation feats and starting gold? Can we factor in crafting items into our starting equipment with the crafting prices?
Starting gold Crafting
I encourage you to read the thread...
Seltyn Sevenleaf |
A highly regarded expert here, again.
I already had this character. Played him in another game. Elf admixture evoker. Not the most powerful wizard, but he's a "blast" to play.
1d6 ⇒ 3 4
1d6 ⇒ 2 4
1d6 ⇒ 2 4
1d6 ⇒ 2 4
1d6 ⇒ 6 6
1d6 ⇒ 6 6
+7 con, +7 toughness, +7 favored class
55 hp. Just gotta make sure his treasure is right.
While Seltyn is very bright, and has a natural talent for things arcane, he's spent more time studying histories and mysteries than developing a deeper "common sense" understanding of the world around him. He's rather naive.
He's likewise awkward in social situations. Seltyn means well, but he's never at ease, and often comes off as insincere or sarcastic when he tries to interact with others.
He is a good tactician, though, and he's been successful devising some rather clever team strategies.
chillblame |
OK, getting some really good submissions here. I'm thinking of moving up the date. My conversion of the base material is going faster than I thought, and the 7th December is a long way off (relatively speaking).
I am thinking the 23rd of Nov for character finish and starting the next day. (Australian time)
A couple of things.
Looking back I seem to have forgotten to state no evil characters. Not that several submissions are paladins and good clerics and such. I apologise if that hurts character submissions.
Next, so I can get a feel for your roleplay abilities, and to set the scene, I am asking for a set piece situation for all completed characters to interact with. This will be run on the discussion board so as to not clutter up recruitment.
In basic, you are all in the village of Garethsford, a pleasant river crossing on the river Javan. But life has become difficult here. Large numbers of refugees from great troubles in Sterich to the west, across the river, have started to arrive.
Head to the discussion board.
JoshB |
Here's my submission, an arcane trickster looking to find fortune and earn himself a pardon.
In the Princess Tower of the Castle of the Baronet Highgrave:
Bam! Bam! Bam!.... the pounding began to rouse Fitzroy from his sleep, but he couldn't tell if the pounding was in his head or in the real world. Trying to escape the sound he buried his head under a very soft pillow, a very soft pillow in a very soft bed.
”Wait, where am I?” Fitzoy wondered as he pulled himself out from under the pillow and upright in the bed, where he came face-to-face with a comely girl that he vaguely remembered from the night before.
”Eeeeeeiiik!!!!” the girl shrieked, the high pitched wail reverberating in Fitroy's aching head.
There was a great Crash!!!! as the door to the room smashed open with a squad of the Baronet's men-at-arms.
”Unhand the Baronet's daughter!!!” shouted the lead guard, which was confusing for two reasons. The first was that Fitzroy wasn't touching anyone, both his hands were in the air, the second was that he didn't know the Baronet's daughter.
”Wait....” he stammered, trying to sound reasonable. ”She told me her father was a merchant.....”
The butt of one of the guards' spears collided with his forehead with a meaty ”Thunk!!!!”, and everything went black.
In the basement dungeon beneath the castle of the Baronet Hightower:
The cell was dim with only a little moonlight shining in through the cell's barred window.
”Seven years of hard labor for tresspassing....” Fitzroy groaned, ”I can't believe that girl lied to me, and then acted like she didn't pick me up in the bar that night.”
The moonlight was blocked as a small form climbed between the bars and into the cell. The small, striped raccoon chittered at Fitzroy as it dropped to the floor of the cell.
The little mammal would have seemed like a normal specimen of its kind except for the accouterments strapped around it's body. A tiny leather climbing harness was buckled around its body. A black leather pouch hung on the raccoon's back like a tiny backpack and a collection of tiny tools were tucked under the straps at it's waist and limbs.
The raccoon stepped over in front of Fitzroy on its hind legs and looked him over, it's eyes seeming to linger on the locked manacle's around Fitzroy's wrists.
”Don't judge me Rauber.” Fitzroy said to the little raccoon. ”We don't have a lot of time for me to get out of here.”
The raccoon chittered with laughter as it pulled a tiny lock pick off of his harness and extended it to Fitzroy's waiting fingers.
At the Two-Dog's Inn along the road to Istivin:
To an observer, it would have seemed that a shorter, darker complexioned elf with black hair stood outside the inn instead of Fitzroy. But anyone talented enough to pierce a magical disguise would have seen that it was Fitzroy reading the notices and proclamations tacked to the wall.
Rauber, the little raccoon, clung to his shoulder and the pair seemed to be having a muffled conversation.
”Look at that” Fitzroy said, pointing at a wanted poster with a familiar face. ”Wanted for trespassing and flight from justice. They never get the eyes right.”
Rauber chittered in amusement at the elf's declaration, but nodded in agreement.
”and look at this...” Fitzroy said, gesturing to a royal proclamation on the wall. ”The King is looking for suckers to defend the realm from 'Foul Witcheries and Malign Magicks', and in his generosity he will let the suckers keep whatever treasure they find, if they survive.”
at this, Rauber gave a little raccoon snicker in amusement again at Fitzroy's commentary.
”Hey wait a minute ...” Fitz said as he continued reading. ”This says that his Lordship is handing out pardons.”[b]
Fitzroy craned his neck around to look at the raccoon on his shoulder. [b]”Rauber, it sounds like it's time for us to go be heroes.”
With that, the pair set off down the the road towards Istivin.
Male elf arcane trickster 3/unchained rogue 1/illusionist (deception) 3
CG Medium humanoid (elf)
Init +5; Senses low-light vision; Perception +7
AC 19, touch 14, flat-footed 16 (+4 armor, +1 deflection, +3 Dex, +1 natural)
hp 42 (7 HD; 6d6+1d8+8)
Fort +5, Ref +8, Will +4; +2 vs. enchantments, +8 circumstance bonus vs. visual-based attacks
Defensive Abilities deceptive flourish; Immune sleep
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +1 short sword +6 (1d6+2/19-20) or
. . dagger +5 (1d4+1/19-20) or
. . dagger +5 (1d4+1/19-20) or
. . mwk cold iron dagger +6 (1d4+1/19-20)
Ranged light crossbow +5 (1d8/19-20)
Special Attacks sneak attack (unchained) +1d6, sneak attack +2d6
Illusionist Spells Prepared (CL 7th; concentration +12)
. . 3rd—fly, haste, heroism, phantasmal affliction[UI] (DC 19)
. . 2nd—glitterdust (DC 17), hideous laughter (DC 17), mirror image, mirror image, mirror image
. . 1st—charm person (DC 16), handy grapnel[UI] (DC 16), silent image (DC 17), snowball[UW], vanish[APG] (DC 17), vanish[APG] (DC 17)
. . 0 (at will)—detect magic, mage hand, ray of frost, read magic
. . Opposition Schools Abjuration, Necromancy
Str 12, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 20, Wis 8, Cha 14
Base Atk +2; CMB +3; CMD 17
Feats Accomplished Sneak Attacker, Craft Wand, Great Fortitude, Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus (illusion), Weapon Finesse
Traits magical knack, warrior of old
Skills Acrobatics +7, Appraise +11, Bluff +8, Climb +5, Diplomacy +6, Disable Device +15, Disguise +20, Escape Artist +10, Fly +7, Intimidate +6, Knowledge (arcana) +12, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +9, Knowledge (geography) +9, Knowledge (history) +9, Knowledge (local) +15, Knowledge (nature) +9, Knowledge (planes) +9, Knowledge (religion) +9, Linguistics +10, Perception +7, Sleight of Hand +13, Spellcraft +15 (+17 to identify magic item properties), Stealth +11, Swim +5, Use Magic Device +12; Racial Modifiers +2 Perception, +2 Spellcraft to identify magic item properties
Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Elven, Giant, Goblin, Orc, Sasquatch, Sylvan
SQ arcane bond (Rauber, raccoon), elven magic, impromptu sneak attack, ranged legerdemain, subtle misdirection +1, trapfinding +1
Combat Gear oil of bless weapon, pearl of power (1st level) (2), potion of cure light wounds (3), potion of gaseous form, scroll of glitterdust, haste, heroism, invisibility, scroll of identify (x3), wand of cure light wounds (50 charges), wand of grease (50 charges), wand of mage armor (50 charges), wand of scorching ray (50 charges); Other Gear +1 short sword, dagger, dagger, light crossbow, mwk cold iron dagger, amulet of natural armor +1, handy haversack, hat of disguise, headband of vast intelligence +2, ring of protection +1, bandolier[UE], canteen[UE], grappling hook, hip flask[UE], marbles[APG], masterwork thieves' tools, oldlaw whiskey (per bottle)[UE], scroll case, second-story harness, smoked goggles[APG], spell component pouch, spider's silk rope (50 ft.)[APG], spring loaded scroll case, trail rations (6), wizard starting spellbook, wrist sheath, spring loaded, wrist sheath, spring loaded, 120 gp, 9 sp
Special Abilities
Abjuration You must spend 2 slots to cast spells from the Abjuration school.
Deception Associated School: Illusion.
Deceptive Flourish (Su) Bonus on Bluff and Disguise checks.
Deliver Touch Spells Through Familiar (Su) Your familiar can deliver touch spells for you.
Elven Immunities - Sleep You are immune to magic sleep effects.
Elven Magic +2 to spellcraft checks to determine the properties of a magic item.
Empathic Link with Familiar (Su) You have an empathic link with your Arcane Familiar.
Familiar Bonus: +3 to Sleight of Hand checks You gain the Alertness feat while your familiar is within arm's reach.
Impromptu Sneak Attack (1/day) (Ex) You can declare any melee or ranged attack to be a sneak attack.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Necromancy You must spend 2 slots to cast spells from the Necromancy school.
Ranged Legerdemain (Su) Can use Disable Device or Sleight of Hand from 30 ft away, but +5 DC.
Share Spells with Familiar Can cast spells with a target of "You" on the familiar with a range of touch.
Sneak Attack (Unchained) +1d6 Attacks deal extra dam if flank foe or if foe is flat-footed.
Sneak Attack +2d6 Attacks deal extra dam if flank foe or if foe is flat-footed.
Spell Focus (Illusion) Spells from one school of magic have +1 to their save DC.
Subtle Misdirection (8/day) (Sp) Ward touched creature or object granting 20% miss chance.
Trapfinding +1 Gain a bonus to find or disable traps, including magical ones.
Rauber CR –
Raccoon (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3 113)
N Tiny magical beast (animal)
Init +2; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +13
AC 21, touch 14, flat-footed 19 (+4 armor, +2 Dex, +3 natural, +2 size)
hp 21 (1d8)
Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +8
Defensive Abilities improved evasion
Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft.
Melee bite +6 (1d3-1)
Space 2½ ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks deliver touch spells
Str 8, Dex 15, Con 11, Int 7, Wis 16, Cha 5
Base Atk +2; CMB +2; CMD 11 (15 vs. trip)
Feats Weapon Finesse
Skills Acrobatics +6 (+2 to jump), Appraise +1, Bluff -2, Climb +14, Diplomacy -2, Disable Device +8, Disguise +0, Escape Artist +6, Fly +10, Intimidate -2, Linguistics +0, Perception +13, Sleight of Hand +9, Spellcraft +5, Stealth +18, Swim +6, Use Magic Device +4
SQ empathic link
Other Gear belt pouch, second-story harness, smoked goggles[APG], thieves' tools
Special Abilities
Climb (20 feet) You have a Climb speed.
Deliver Touch Spells (Su) Deliever master's touch spells.
Empathic Link (Su) You have an empathic link with your master.
Improved Evasion (Ex) No damage on successful reflex save; half on failed save.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Scent (Ex) Detect opponents within 15+ ft. by sense of smell.
Share Spells Spells with a target of "You" can be delivered by a familiar with a range of touch.
Mazrak the Forlorn |
I’ve been in PbP for awhile. I’ve been in a lot that haven’t lasted. But through it all, it’s playing in the moment that is fun. If the GM wants to have a scene in discussion then that’s great. It means that even if not picked we get to play the characters for a bit. That’s a win in my book.
False Life roll? Good idea. I have one of those too.
False Life: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8
A highly regarded expert |
Eldric Lightbringer wrote:I’ve been in PbP for awhile. I’ve been in a lot that haven’t lasted. But through it all, it’s playing in the moment that is fun. If the GM wants to have a scene in discussion then that’s great. It means that even if not picked we get to play the characters for a bit. That’s a win in my book.Agree!
False Life roll? Good idea. I have one of those too.
[dice=False Life]1d20 + 7
You rolled a 20, rather than a 10.
Technically, you should reroll that... :)
pad300 |
Mazrak the Forlorn wrote:Eldric Lightbringer wrote:I’ve been in PbP for awhile. I’ve been in a lot that haven’t lasted. But through it all, it’s playing in the moment that is fun. If the GM wants to have a scene in discussion then that’s great. It means that even if not picked we get to play the characters for a bit. That’s a win in my book.Agree!
False Life roll? Good idea. I have one of those too.
[dice=False Life]1d20 + 7
You rolled a 20, rather than a 10.
Technically, you should reroll that... :)
Hey, it gets a nat 1 out of the way, without failing a very important skill/save/attack...
Also, Mazrak, do you have a lesser extend rod to make it last 14 hrs?
A highly regarded expert |
I’ve been in PbP for awhile. I’ve been in a lot that haven’t lasted. But through it all, it’s playing in the moment that is fun. If the GM wants to have a scene in discussion then that’s great. It means that even if not picked we get to play the characters for a bit. That’s a win in my book.
I like the idea, too. It would be fun to have all the characters face an encounter together. Maybe there's some kind of attack on the village, and the people need heroes to defend them from the onslaught.
With this many powerful characters all fighting at once, that would be a hoot. Picked or not, at least we get to play a bit and kick some butt.
Brother Hawthorne |
Sorry to see you go. This wasn't really an audition, as gives everyone something to do, and to organically give you some background to the game and to see which of you have good chemistry together. It wasn't meant as a time-waster.
Fair enough, if it's not mandatory, then I'll keep my hat in the ring and just not participate in the pregaming.
chillblame |
chillblame wrote:Sorry to see you go. This wasn't really an audition, as gives everyone something to do, and to organically give you some background to the game and to see which of you have good chemistry together. It wasn't meant as a time-waster.Fair enough, if it's not mandatory, then I'll keep my hat in the ring and just not participate in the pregaming.
No problem