POOG! ... |

Well, Poog is once again knocked into next week. He crumples to the ground in a mushy, bloody mess.
Constitution DC 10: 1d20 - 7 ⇒ (19) - 7 = 12
Oh thank goodness! Alrighty, Poog is stable, and has one mystery liquid in his pack that will get him up to -3 HP. If no one else can heal him, please just drag his senseless body along with you wherever you go. Feel free to go full "Weekend at Bernie's" with him.

Crunch's Pregen |

With all the luck he's having with rocks, Mogmurch scoots over to Poog instead. Easier to put the sleepy goblin in his debt. He rifles through Poog's pockets, ready to mix all fluids he finds into a healing potion.

GM Ietsuna |

Chuffy lands a shot on the woman and Reta finishes her off with a swing of her dogslicer.
The woman has upon her person a frying pan, a courtier’s outfit, some perfume (tastes like minty licorice) and a bottle of fine wine (tastes even better than the perfume).
The fire continues to consume the house, its flames dancing in the goblin whelps' eyes.

Crunch's Pregen |

By some miracle, the jumble of liquids had some healing potion mixed in! Not enough to wake up Poog, though. Unless anyone else produces more potion, Mogmurch sets to pushing the goblin's face back together. His doctor's intuition may also have him direct others to fetch more cake for the injured.
Heal, Treat Deadly Wounds: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17

GM Ietsuna |
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Mogmurch is not able to bring Poog back to the land of the living. Luckily he is able to hoist the unconscious, but stable, body of his companion onto the back of the piggy and it follows you all back to the village. Poog is revived when you get there and you are all given healing, of a kind.
During your celebrations you are each approached by a senior goblin who appreciates your spunk and they offer to train you in goblining Essentially you each retrain into your eventual class levels
You party into the night enjoying the haul of cake, corn whiskey and other delicacies gathered from the farm.
Done. I will get you chronicles out as soon as I can, perhaps tomorrow.

POOG! ... |

@GM Ietsuna: To clarify: Poog gets healed up enough in-game that I don't have to clear any conditions before receiving the Chronicle, correct?

GM Ietsuna |

Yes, Poog is healed up enough that you have no conditions to resolve.