Acquiring more natural weapons


My son and I are in our first Pathfinder Campaign. I have some RPG experience (no pun) with stuff like D20 system D&D so I have been helping him maximize his character. He is playing a Half-Orc Barbarian. We decided to follow the Beast Totem path to ultimately give him Pounce at 10. Almost by accident, we discovered the power of natural attacks. At level 4 he now has Lesser Beast Totem giving him two primary claws attacks at 1d6 each plus his Str bonus. He also has Animal Fury which gives him a secondary Bite attack at BAB -5 doing 1d4 dmg plus half str bonus.

So now I have two questions. First, if he takes something like razortusk, can he get a second bite attack?
And second, is there a good way to get him horns or a tail to give him a fourth attack?

Remember, I am new to pathfinder so any suggestions would appreciated, as would the refference to the handbook the powers and such come from.

Thanks in advance.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

you can only have 1 natural attack per limb I believe, a head counting as a limb. slam attacks use 2 arms usually (or possibly a headbutt). horns come in the form of a gore attack. basically, you can't really bite and gore at the same time. you can get improved natural attack to buff up the ones you have.

if you do a small dip into ranger and get the natural weapon tree you can get aspect of the beast to get 2 primary attack claws at 1d4.

the problem you're going to face though, is it is hard to enhance your natural weapons.

You can (probably) use a gore and a bite in the same attack set, based on the gargoyle being able to. yle

Nobody official has come and said definitively that you can or can't, but I'd say the evidence suggests that you can.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
Zodiac_Sheep wrote:

You can (probably) use a gore and a bite in the same attack set, based on the gargoyle being able to. yle

Nobody official has come and said definitively that you can or can't, but I'd say the evidence suggests that you can.

yeah the head ones are weird, it mostly has to do with eidolons and how they apply natural weapons. you have to buy additional heads for additional bite and gore attacks and how you can't use multiple claws on the same arm, or use a claw attack and a slam with the same arm.

Yeah, enhancement is a concern. However, there is alot of damage enhancement builting to the Barb anyway. Greater Beast totem kicks the damage up to 1d8 per attack on the claws. Raging Brutality grants a Con bonus each attack. Greater Rage and Mighty Rage grant better Str and Con bonuses. Raging Vitality grants a Con bonus which works with Raging Brutality. Basically, until he hits lvl 16 (attack bonus-wise) it would he better for him to use the natural weapons as opposed to his great sword. And by then we should be able to afford things like the Amulet of Mighty Fists and such. I was hoping to give him a tail or something to get him that fourth attack.

It might be a bit weird, and it might not end up being your thing, but Evangelist prestige class could give you another natural weapon.

Essentially, the level 10 ability gives you a new spiritual form, which comes with telepathy, +4 untyped bonus to a stat of your choice, and your choice of a few other abilities which include a single natural attack.

Now, I can understand your first reaction-"A prestige class? But that takes me out of my main class". And that actually brings me to another weird ability of this class- the aligned class ability which basically lets you resume the progression of another class (after a one level skip). Yes, you would still gain rage powers and scaling of rage as normal.

The only difference from taking the class normally (Except all the gained abilities and that 1 level skip before you resume progression) is that you still use the Evangelist's hit dice, saves, skills, and BAB. So 10 levels of a 3/4 BAB class with good skills and only a good reflex save....but still, you are basically gaining your main class's abilities+some nice seems worth it.

Amulet of mighty fists is great

it basically lets you do anything to them you could to a regular weapon

certain feats can help with special DR bypassing materials like silver
if you guys are willing to use mythic items (because they're still just magic items specifically made for use by mythic character, but i believe regular characters can still use then) i think there is an item that make all natural attacks silver (called mithral rose)

if you want natural attacks, try looking at summoner for synthesist if it isn't to late to re-write characters
VERY natural attack
SUCH power
(summoner class is from the APG)

BUT if your REALLY set on half orc barbarian

First off, bite attacks are primary (but i haven't read the power so it may be a specifically secondary attack)

razor tusk would not give him another bite attack, because he already has one

might want to look at rending claws, rend damage is always nice with pounce (although the rules are a bit weird)

i'm not HUGELY well informed on stuff like this, but i do believe that you can use a bite and a gore attack

like i said, i've been playing maybe for a few years, but im not hugely informed on this stuff

If you play with the APG. Your sin want to ask if he Can take this alternate racial trait Toothy: Some half-orcs' vestigial tusks are massive and sharp, granting a bite attack. This is a primary natural attack that deals 1d4 points of piercing damage. This racial trait replaces the orc ferocity racial trait.

Also getting more natural attacks is hard without Ending up looking like a freak. But thigs feral combat training. And snake style(all 3) or dragon style( 1 and 2) Can be worth it. He Will want a Big weapon( adamantine pehaps) as a backup, but he Will be fine.

yes having a weapon as a backup is useful for fighting things that hurt when you hit them

i know my dm has pitted the monk in a torture chamber full of oozes

Well he still has a Masterwork Great Sword 2d6 x2 on crit.

what traits did he pick for his character?

if those are still up for discussion, i believe that sacred tattoo and fates favored stack very nicely for a base +2 to all saves?
i think
and if it does work that way its a luck bonus, so it stacks up with resistance cloaks

The traits were just the standard for Half-orcs. +2 to one stat, darkvison, +2 to intimidate and the ability to stay up for oje round after hitting zero hp. Basic rules setup.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
Mindfever wrote:
The traits were just the standard for Half-orcs. +2 to one stat, darkvison, +2 to intimidate and the ability to stay up for oje round after hitting zero hp. Basic rules setup.

*put's hand on shoulder*

bro, you didn't pick your traits.

Dark Archive

Mostly, you're looking at magic items to get more natural attacks.

Ring of Rat Fangs (will give a Primary bite, instead of secondary)
Helm of the Mammoth Lord (Gore attack) of-the-mammoth-lord
Wyvern Cloak (Sting attack) -wyvern
Tentacle Cloak (2 x Tentacles attacks, once per day) -tentacle

Are a few, there's most likely more but thats the ones I can think of off the top of my head, a search of the magic item section of the D20PFSRD site will probably turn up more!

The bottom of the page for each link will tell you which book they are in.

as Bandw2 said, you didn't get your traits

every pathfinder character starts with at least 2

i recommend this one:

if you match this up with the sacred tattoo alternate racial trait to replace ferocity, you get a nice +2 luck bonus to ALL saves
that's right
for the price of a minor monster ability and a +1 to some skill you can have a PERMANENT +2 Luck bonus (that stacks with other types like resistance and sacred) to ALL SAVE

and for the price of ONLY ONE MORE TRAIT, these are pretty okay
i'm not exactly a fan of the +1 skill point traits
and even

Suthainn gave a list of most of them i think
there is a biting belt that takes attacks of opportunities for you i guess, but its really not even worth the money spent on it...

i addition to getting MORE attacks, remember that you will always want static +1 to hits and damages. more attacks are great, but they don't matter if they have little-no effect, and later game your going to have issues with DR unless the DM will make some exceptions, OR you somehow have adamantine claws...

It is possibly to play with out traits. Dont worry about traits it is a Nice thing but if you guys ditent use them, pay no attention to all the trait talk.
2 primary and a secondary natural weapon will keep your sons 1/2 orc relevant for a good part of the game and getting a big weapon around level 12 is not hard if he wants to make a bigger sent by then. Beast totem is still the best choice even if you never use the claws because pounce is that good.

A head is not a limb. You can have both bite and gore on same build.

MW definition of "limb:"

a : one of the projecting paired appendages (as wings) of an animal body used especially for movement and grasping but sometimes modified into sensory or sexual organs
b : a leg or arm of a human being

Without leaving Barbarian it is hard to do. You can go the Improved Unarmed Strike route though. It will make the claws secondary along with the bite, but it lets you do things like take Improved Unarmed Strike and Two Weapon Fighting for an attack routine of Kick (-2)/Kick (-2)/Claw (-5)/Claw (-5)/Bite (-5) at level 4, all running off one amulet of mighty fists. It gets more impressive by level 7 when Improved Two Weapon Fighting ups that to 7 attacks on a full attack.

You will also want the feat Multiattack from Bestiary 1, though for some reason some GMs won't let you take it even if you qualify because it is classified as a "monster" feat.

Yeah I looked at multiattack. My GM is a letter of the law kind of GM. So with the Half-Orc not having 3 permanent natural weapons I doubt he'd go for it. But is there a good way to get horns? And what would the damage on the kicks be?

i don't want to sound pushy or anything, but synthesist really is the way to go for natural attacks, besides monk of course

if your really set on a barbarian don't read the rest of this, because its just me ranting about summoners to try and convince you to reconsider

one of the cool things about synthesist, is you can SAC your own hp to keep the eidolon alive, essentially just moving the HP for the temps of the eidolon to your own HP to keep yourself in the fight
its pretty much doubling your hp and with self buffs and stuff, you can be REALLY hard to kill

damage is easy, and you only need to worry about items for one person
pounce is an evolution for a single point
when i play a synthesist, a lot of the time ill give up ALL my hp to keep the eidolon up, because once it drops, i'm an under powered sorcerer. heck i would put my favored class into HP if i ever played a summoner that wasn't a half elf. and the great thing is, your natural attacks are relevant throughout the entire game, AND you have a way of improving them beyond an amulet of mighty fists
you get multiattack for free, and you are probably starting with a minimum of three natural attacks anyways (unless you pick serpentine, but a snythesist would probably snap his spine doing that)
as a summoner, more natural attacks is super easy, and they will all have higher damage dice. eidolon str is always going to be super high as long as you invest into it, and its FULLY customize-able
give yourself flying after a while without even spending money on an item or a spell slot
huh? you want a sting attack with poison? can do!
what wing attacks? sure!
fast healing, size increases, reach, breath weapons
you name it, and a summoner can do it. (when it comes to being bad ass and having natural attacks)

I appreciate your advice. Thing is the character is already in use and doesn't have the stats for a summoner. That might be something to think about for the next campaign, though.

Mmmh, about the beginning of the thread, if I went Tengu or Catfolk or Tiefling or so on, getting the claws options, and then I took Aspect of the Beast (Claws fo the Beast), would I not get 4 claws attacks? After all, humanoids do have 4 limbs, I guess it could be argued that the 2 extra claws are on your feet... or there's something somewhere that does forbid it?

There are devloper statements saying that claws cannot be put on feet. That only talons are allowed on the feet of bipeds, and at this time there is not a method available to get such a thing. This is on purposes to the limit the availability and number of natural attacks.

Best possible natural attack build is the were-boar from blood of the moon. Can start with hoof/hoof/bite all as primary, and pick up claws from beast totem on the way to pounce, for a total of 5 primary attacks at level 2.

With a half-orc, I would take the primary bite from either alt racial or feat, then get the claws and pounce from beast totem. For 8k, Helm of the Mammoth Lord is the 4th one.

He still has 3 attacks at full bonus with full (raging) str from level 2, and picks up a 4th around 6-8th level.

In addition, Rhino Hide armor adds 2d6 to all attacks made on a charge (yes, that means all of them with pounce) and is +2 Hide (for 5150g) In Ult Equip.
Mammoth Hide armor is +3 Hide and gives +4d6 to all charge (pounce included all 4 attacks) attacks and is only 11700g in Inner Sea Gods.

Shadow Lodge

AmyGames wrote:
i don't want to sound pushy or anything, but synthesist really is the way to go for natural attacks, besides monk of course

You are underestimating the power of the Conqueror Ooze. ALL HAIL THE OOZE!


With an aasimar White-Haire Witch 1/Ranger 2/Barbarian 8, I can achieve

Claw x 2
Gore x 1
Bite x 1
Wings x 2 (from a feat, Metallic Wings)
Hair x 1 (Dmg comes from Int, but screw it, because Power Attack!)

For a total of 7 natural attacks, 2 being secondary (wings). Trying a «super attacking barbarian»? Now we can theorically achieve 11 attacks by level 12, it goes like this:

3 Unarmed Strikes with legs
+1 Unarmed Strike Off-Hand from Greater Brawler, with legs
Claw x 2
Gore x 1
Bite x 1
Wings x 2
Hair x 1

If you don't want to give Pounce, say bye bye to the gore attack and get out the two levels of ranger. Now, you can pounce with 10 attacks. Now that is a profitable way to use that Amulet of Mighty Fists.

Scarab Sages

Caïen wrote:

With an aasimar White-Haire Witch 1/Ranger 2/Barbarian 8, I can achieve

Claw x 2
Gore x 1
Bite x 1
Wings x 2 (from a feat, Metallic Wings)
Hair x 1 (Dmg comes from Int, but screw it, because Power Attack!)

For a total of 7 natural attacks, 2 being secondary (wings). Trying a «super attacking barbarian»? Now we can theorically achieve 11 attacks by level 12, it goes like this:

3 Unarmed Strikes with legs
+1 Unarmed Strike Off-Hand from Greater Brawler, with legs
Claw x 2
Gore x 1
Bite x 1
Wings x 2
Hair x 1

If you don't want to give Pounce, say bye bye to the gore attack and get out the two levels of ranger. Now, you can pounce with 10 attacks. Now that is a profitable way to use that Amulet of Mighty Fists.

Metallic Wings has a prerequisite of Level 11, as well as the prerequisite of Angel Wings. Angel Wings has a prerequisite of Level 10. Both of these are Base Feats, meaning to get Metallic Wings, you have to be Level 13.

Moreover, you can get 4 more Natural Attacks: Spine, Sting w/ Poison, and Talons x2

Fleshwarped Scorpion's Tail:
This +1 scorpion whip is made from the tail of a giant cave scorpion. Three times per day, it allows the wielder to use a poison effect (as the spell, save DC 15) upon a creature struck by the whip. The wielder can decide to use the power after she has struck. Doing so is a free action, but the poison effect must be invoked in the same round that the whip strikes.

In addition, the fleshwarped scorpion’s tail can be attached to (or removed from) a willing or helpless creature with 1 hour of surgery and a successful DC 20 Heal check. Whether or not the surgery is successful, the creature takes 1d4 points of Constitution damage. While the tail is attached, the creature gains a natural sting attack that deals damage as the fleshwarped scorpion’s tail (including the enhancement bonus and ability to use the poison effect three times per day). The save DC for the poison effect becomes 10 + 1/2 the creature’s Hit Dice + its Constitution modifier.

Cloak of the Manta Ray:
This cloak appears to be made of leather until the wearer enters salt water. At that time, the cloak of the manta ray adheres to the individual, and he appears nearly identical to a manta ray (as the beast shape II spell, except that it allows only manta ray form). He gains a +3 natural armor bonus, the ability to breathe underwater, and a swim speed of 60 feet, like a real manta ray.

The cloak also allows the wearer to attack with a sting ray’s tail spine, dealing 1d6 points of damage. This attack can be used in addition to any other attack the character has, using his highest melee attack bonus. The wearer can release his arms from the cloak without sacrificing underwater movement if so desired.

Animal Totem Tattoo:
An animal totem tattoo is dedicated to a specific animal totem. The bearer gains the totem transformation ability of a 5th-level druid with the corresponding animal shaman archetype (ape, bat, bear, boar, dragon, eagle, lion, saurian, serpent, shark, or wolf). If the bearer already has the corresponding totem transformation as a class ability, she is instead treated as a druid of 5 levels higher for the purposes of this ability.

Totem Transformation (Eagle):
At 2nd level, an eagle shaman may adopt an aspect of the eagle while retaining her normal form. This ability functions as the bear shaman ability, but the druid may select from the following bonuses:

- movement (fly speed 30 feet [average], the druid must be 5th level to select this bonus)
- senses (low-light vision, +4 racial bonus to Perception)
- natural weapons (bite [1d4], 2 talons [1d4] for a Medium shaman)

While using totem transformation, the eagle shaman may speak normally and can cast speak with animals (birds only) at will.


Retraining does wonders :) Good finding on the Cloak of Manta Ray and the Fleshwarped Scorpion's Tail! However, I would not use the Eagle Totem Transformation, since I lose my bite, wings and claw attacks because it is a polymorph effect.

Furthermore, I forgot to take the alternate race trait Scion of Humanity, then Racial heritage (kobold) to take the feat Kobold Terror.

However, I don't think we could combine Spine, Sting and Tail attacks since it comes from the same limb.

So, it tops at 8 natural attacks:

Claws x2
Bite x1
Gore x1
Wings x2
Hair x1
Tail or Spine or Sting x1

Here for the polymorph:

Where are the Tail and Tattoo from?

The Cloak only works if you are in water, since it says it's a normal leather cloak until you submerge in salt water.

If you think being in a different paragraph matters, the line after it also references being in water.


Hmmm, not sure for the underwater thing. There is a paragraph between the salty water thing and the tail attack. Furthermore, you have no arms when you are in a manta ray form, so this part makes no sense at all.

On the other hand, there is compensation in the findind of this Tentacle Cloak: e%20Cloak


In addition, taking the archetype Urban Barbarian and two levels of the PrC Stalwart Defender to obtain a slam attack. We would look at something like this:

Claws x2 (Ranger)
Bite x1 (Trait Tusked)
Gore x1 (Barb)
Wings x2 (Feat)
Hair x1 (White-Haired Witch)
Tail or Spine or Sting x1 (Object)
Slam x1 (Stalwart Defender, needs stance)

White-Haired Witch 1/Ranger 3/Barbarian 4/Stalwart Defender 2

Feats: 1) Dodge 3)Toughness, Ranger: Aspect of the Beast 4)Ranger: Endurance 5) Angel Blood 7) Angelic Flesh (Steel) 9->10 (Retraining) Angel Wings 11) Metallic Wings

But I believe the slam attack is not worth it and those feats could be more useful for Power Attack and Arcane Strike.

Scarab Sages

TGMaxMaxer wrote:

Where are the Tail and Tattoo from?

The Cloak only works if you are in water, since it says it's a normal leather cloak until you submerge in salt water.

If you think being in a different paragraph matters, the line after it also references being in water.

The Tail and Tattoo are both in the Magical Marketplace companion booklet.

Eagle Shaman Totem ability refers to the Bear Shaman. Talons are Leg-based.

At 2nd level, a bear shaman may adopt an aspect of the bear while retaining her normal form. She gains one of the following bonuses: 

As for retraining, you would still need Angelic Blood, Angelic Flesh, and Angel Wings in order to get Metallic Wings, since all three are prerequisites to it.


Oh, nice catch for the totem aspect! Still, I'm not sure if I want to trade my unarmed strikes for talons... Well, I could trade stalwart level for 2 alchemist levels for vestigial arms.

As for the retraining issue, I've shown that I take the prerequisites in the build progression before retraining.

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