[PbP GD VIII] PFS Mod: Ruby Phoenix Tournament (levels 10-12) [GM Uktar] (Inactive)

Game Master Uktar

A tournament-style adventure for 11th-level characters, written by Tim Hitchcock

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Witch's Winter Holiday

GM Screen:
1d20 + 20 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 20 + 10 = 32
1d20 + 20 ⇒ (18) + 20 = 38

The Emissary shakes his head, a thin smile on his face. Kiang Zhen has a much harder time concealing her amusement, and the crowd begins to murmur in confusion.

Even from his closer vantage point, Daathiel doesn't see anything to identify this creature as anything but an ordinary ettin.

The creature is not wearing any rings. From next to the creature, Mal realizes that it is not actually an ettin, but something that has made itself look like one. Unfortunately, he has no idea what it actually is.

Intelligence or Wisdom DC 10:
When forcing a creature that can heal itself this aggressively to surrender, shutting off its regenerative abilities would certainly create a stronger argument than simply beating it into unconsciousness over and over again. That being said, the creature would have to be conscious to surrender (and conscious of the fact that its natural healing abilities were stunted).

Final Exhibition!
Round 4! Bold may act!
Jeras (-60)
Flora (-17)

Red (-150, Unconscious, Prone)

Active Field Effects:
- Haste

What do you do?

The Exchange

I repeat my suggestion. Back up, I’ll ready to attack it if it refuses surrender. Daathiel, can you attempt to negotiate about either it surrendering or you throwing that acid and permanently ending it? If that doesn’t work do we repeat the threat with fire or give it a try? Do you have more than one acid flask and does anyone have fire?

Mal readies an attack if negotiations go poorly.

If you want to stay next to it thats fine, just in character Mal wanting to protect his team

wisdom: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13

attack: 1d20 + 22 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 22 + 1 + 2 = 26damage: 1d8 + 12 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 12 + 2 = 20

Scarab Sages

M Aasimar Archivist 14 | HP 129/129 | AC 25 T 14 FF 21 CMD 24 | Speed 30' | F +16 R +21 W +16** | Init +9 | Per +21 | Performance 35/36 | Probable Path 2/2 | Reroll 1/1 | Lore Master 3/3| Spells 6/7, 5/7, 5/5, 5/5, 3/3 |Active: Heroism, Heightened Awareness

"That works for me."

Daathiel draws his acid flask and prepares to threaten the creature in Giant when it wakes.


"You are prone and disarmed and I have acid. Yield."

Grand Lodge

Male CN Elf Rogue 12 | HP 111/111 | AC 26 T 17 FF 20 | CMB +8, CMD 26 | F: +14, R: +21; +4 for traps W: +13; +2 vs. enchantment | Init: +9 | Senses low-light vision; Perc: +23 (+29 to locate traps), SM: +6 | Speed 40ft | / | | Active conditions: None.

"I will follow your lead, Mal. I will stab it if you fail to knock it down." Jeras also readies an attack.

+3 dagger adamantine - haste: 1d20 + 20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 20 + 1 = 30
damage: 1d4 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15

The Exchange

You might want to not SA, since we may want to try again and not wait forever for it to heal up

Grand Lodge

Male CN Elf Rogue 12 | HP 111/111 | AC 26 T 17 FF 20 | CMB +8, CMD 26 | F: +14, R: +21; +4 for traps W: +13; +2 vs. enchantment | Init: +9 | Senses low-light vision; Perc: +23 (+29 to locate traps), SM: +6 | Speed 40ft | / | | Active conditions: None.
Mal 001 wrote:
You might want to not SA, since we may want to try again and not wait forever for it to heal up

I have removed SA. It was there because I just copy-past attack

The Concordance

Neutral Good Halfling Kineticist 11 (Sheet) (Equipment) | HP: 157/157 (66 nonlethal) | AC: 35 (18 T, 30 F) | Fortification: 30.% | CMD: 24 | F: 23, R: 19, W: 11 | Init: 5 | Perc: 25 | Speed 30, swim 20 |
Tracked Resources:
Burn 6/12 | Internal Buffer 1/2 | Reroll 0/1

"Something isn't right here..."

Flora looks up toward the Emissary and yells.

"HEY! What gives? We've never been required to kill an opponent to end a battle before. As soon as they were all unconscious, the battle was over. Are you really changing the rules without telling us? That seems hardly an honorable thing to do."

Witch's Winter Holiday
Flora wrote:
"HEY! What gives? We've never been required to kill an opponent to end a battle before. As soon as they were all unconscious, the battle was over. Are you really changing the rules without telling us? That seems hardly an honorable thing to do."

"Does it count as defeat when you cannot keep your opponent down for more than a few seconds?" Kiang Zhen calls back disdainfully. "Even from up here we can see the effects of your feeble attacks fading."

The Emissary holds up a hand. "Enough, Kiang Zhen. But she is correct - you have only brought this battle to a draw, and there can be no draws in the tournament. You must find some way to press your advantage decisively to bring this to a close."


The crowd watches anxiously as the Pathfinders wait for their opponent to rouse. As its eyes flutter open, Daathiel yells at it in its strange tongue while brandishing a bottle of green liquid. The entire arena holds its collective breath as the Pathfinders wait for their foe to make a decision.

"Very well - fighting to the death is not part of my service," the giant replies at last, eyeing Daathiel's bottle warily. "I yield." Its form wavers and shifts to adopt otherworldly features similar to Kiang Zhen's.

Knowledge (planes) DC 21:
Now that you've gotten a good look at it, you recognize this creature as an atamahuta - a type of oni that can change their shape to mimic the ettin their two-headed form already resembles.

As the crowd breaks into cheers, the Emissary nods approvingly. "Well done, Pathfinders. You may rest while the other remaining challenger undergoes his own exhibition bout."

Out of combat! Damage Report:
Jeras (-60)
Flora (-17)

Go ahead and post any restorative actions you would like to take.


When the Pathfinders are escorted back out into the area, they find the sand carefully raked in a spiral pattern once more with no traces of the blood spilt there earlier in the morning. The only new additions are the four pillars standing at each corner of the arena.

"We have seen your physical prowess time and time again," the Emissary calls out, holding up his hands to quiet the crowd. "But battles are not won through strength of arms alone. A single strike at the right place at the right time can topple even an empire. Show us you understand this - show us your peerless minds and flawless logic. This is your final test."

He gestures at the pillars. "On each pillar in this arena is carved a single line from an ancient riddle. You must read them all, place them in the correct order, and solve the riddle to pass this test. You have two minutes, starting... NOW!"

There is no chance to prepare for this test (no pre-buffing beyond the restorative actions taken earlier). Pillars are color-coded only for ease of reference - there is no noticeable difference between them in-game. We'll be acting in rounds to help me track the passage of time.

The Final Test!
Round 1! Bold may act!

What do you do?

The Exchange

Mal plants a staff in the ground with a waving banner of Torag on it and begins to look more heroic.

Thats a full round for me. Not doing a skills challenge without buffing for it.

The Concordance

Neutral Good Halfling Kineticist 11 (Sheet) (Equipment) | HP: 157/157 (66 nonlethal) | AC: 35 (18 T, 30 F) | Fortification: 30.% | CMD: 24 | F: 23, R: 19, W: 11 | Init: 5 | Perc: 25 | Speed 30, swim 20 |
Tracked Resources:
Burn 6/12 | Internal Buffer 1/2 | Reroll 0/1

Flora moves towards one of the pillars and decides to look it over for any traps first.

Perception: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (13) + 23 = 36

Grand Lodge

Male CN Elf Rogue 12 | HP 111/111 | AC 26 T 17 FF 20 | CMB +8, CMD 26 | F: +14, R: +21; +4 for traps W: +13; +2 vs. enchantment | Init: +9 | Senses low-light vision; Perc: +23 (+29 to locate traps), SM: +6 | Speed 40ft | / | | Active conditions: None.

Jeras moves to the other pillar and also looks for traps first.

perception: 1d20 + 29 ⇒ (5) + 29 = 34

Witch's Winter Holiday

@Flora, @Jeras, don't forget about your restorative actions (if any).

The crowd cheers as Mal's banner waves in the wind, but they yell even louder as Flora and Jeras spring into action!

You don't see anything dangerous about this pillar.

The hairs on the back of your neck tingle - there's a magical trap hidden in the words carved into the side of this pillar. If you had to guess, it seems most likely to stun anyone who reads the words - and those nearby.

The Final Test!
Round 1! Bold may act!

What do you do?

Grand Lodge

Male CN Elf Rogue 12 | HP 111/111 | AC 26 T 17 FF 20 | CMB +8, CMD 26 | F: +14, R: +21; +4 for traps W: +13; +2 vs. enchantment | Init: +9 | Senses low-light vision; Perc: +23 (+29 to locate traps), SM: +6 | Speed 40ft | / | | Active conditions: None.

I need help with healing

Scarab Sages

M Aasimar Archivist 14 | HP 129/129 | AC 25 T 14 FF 21 CMD 24 | Speed 30' | F +16 R +21 W +16** | Init +9 | Per +21 | Performance 35/36 | Probable Path 2/2 | Reroll 1/1 | Lore Master 3/3| Spells 6/7, 5/7, 5/5, 5/5, 3/3 |Active: Heroism, Heightened Awareness

Daathiel will use Soothing Performance immediately after the 'ettin' fight.

Mass CSW: 3d8 + 12 ⇒ (8, 8, 6) + 12 = 34
Abd then wand charges on Jeras as needed.

CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8
CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8

4 rounds of performance, 5 wand charges. Daathiel's CLW wand now at 11.

Daathiel casts Acute Senses on himself and moves cautiously towards another pillar.

Grand Lodge

Male CN Elf Rogue 12 | HP 111/111 | AC 26 T 17 FF 20 | CMB +8, CMD 26 | F: +14, R: +21; +4 for traps W: +13; +2 vs. enchantment | Init: +9 | Senses low-light vision; Perc: +23 (+29 to locate traps), SM: +6 | Speed 40ft | / | | Active conditions: None.

GM, on my turn, can I try to disable the trap?

"Guys, maybe it would be best that I check all these pillars because there is a magical trap hidden in this one. Such things are my specialty. What do you say to that? Maybe I can disable traps in time!"

Rogue's Edge - disable device - 5 Ranks: Reduce the time required to disarm a trap or open a lock by taking a –5 penalty on your Disable Device check for each step by which you reduce the time required: 2d4 rounds, 1d4 rounds, 1 round, a standard action, a move action, a swift action.

The Concordance

Neutral Good Halfling Kineticist 11 (Sheet) (Equipment) | HP: 157/157 (66 nonlethal) | AC: 35 (18 T, 30 F) | Fortification: 30.% | CMD: 24 | F: 23, R: 19, W: 11 | Init: 5 | Perc: 25 | Speed 30, swim 20 |
Tracked Resources:
Burn 6/12 | Internal Buffer 1/2 | Reroll 0/1

"This one seems to be clear."

Just to make sure, I want to remind the GM that you don't need trapfinding to detect a magic trap, you only need it to disable it. Anyone can find traps.

Scarab Sages

M Aasimar Archivist 14 | HP 129/129 | AC 25 T 14 FF 21 CMD 24 | Speed 30' | F +16 R +21 W +16** | Init +9 | Per +21 | Performance 35/36 | Probable Path 2/2 | Reroll 1/1 | Lore Master 3/3| Spells 6/7, 5/7, 5/5, 5/5, 3/3 |Active: Heroism, Heightened Awareness

Daathiel looks a bit disappointed.
"A test of mental prowess, logic, and skill, and you expect me to sit it out? When we may have to disable multiple traps within our two minutes?"

OOC, happy to let Jeras do them all. IC, Daathiel would want to do something.

The Exchange

We are a highly unusual high level party with 3 people with trap finding and reasonable disable device ooc fine sitting out, although we only have 19 rounds remaining. IC Mal would want to do whatever is best, including letting the rogue crack his knuckles. Daathiel could inspire and I could aid instead, making the -5 penalty moot? Maybe try disabling one and see how it goes?

Mal moves up and examines a different pillar for traps, or aids Jeras if asked to. Take 10 for 36, can’t fail aid

Witch's Winter Holiday

That's what I thought too, but symbol of death - which all the other symbol spells seem to reference - specifically calls out that only a rogue can use Perception to find the symbol and Disable Device to disarm it. Other magical traps (like spike stones) also have this language. Was there a FAQ that changed this restriction? I'll happily make any necessary retcons if that's the case.

@Mal, I'm only seeing Jeras and Mal with trap finding. Who's the third?

@Jeras, that sounds like an excellent idea!

@Daathiel, then do something! Be authentic to your character, and have fun!

Daathiel's magic makes his eyes sharp enough to notice the lack of pores on Kiang Zhen's face as he heads towards a third pillar. The crowd cheers, not quite sure what to expect - but knowing the Pathfinder Paragons, they expect it to be fast and violent!

Given that this is a competition, there are enough distractions that you cannot Take 10 on checks at this time.

The Final Test!
Round 2! Bold may act!

What do you do?

Scarab Sages

M Aasimar Archivist 14 | HP 129/129 | AC 25 T 14 FF 21 CMD 24 | Speed 30' | F +16 R +21 W +16** | Init +9 | Per +21 | Performance 35/36 | Probable Path 2/2 | Reroll 1/1 | Lore Master 3/3| Spells 6/7, 5/7, 5/5, 5/5, 3/3 |Active: Heroism, Heightened Awareness

@GM, it was changed by errata, as seen

Symbol of Death wrote:
Note: Magic traps such as symbol of death are hard to detect and disable. While any character can use Perception to find a symbol, only a character with the trapfinding class feature can use Disable Device to disarm it. The DC in each case is 25 + spell level, or 33 for symbol of death.

Daathiel can disable magical traps due to his Archivist archetype.

Magic Lore wrote:

At 2nd level, an archivist gains a bonus on Spellcraft checks to identify magic items or decipher scrolls equal to half his bard level and may take 10 on such checks. An archivist can use Disable Device to disarm magical traps as per a rogue’s trapfinding ability and gains a +4 bonus on saves against magical traps, language-dependent effects, and symbols, glyphs, and magical writings of any kind.

This ability replaces well-versed.

Daathiel looks for a trap. Perception: 1d20 + 34 ⇒ (14) + 34 = 48
Assuming he finds one, he takes a 5' step and casts Heroism.

Grand Lodge

Male CN Elf Rogue 12 | HP 111/111 | AC 26 T 17 FF 20 | CMB +8, CMD 26 | F: +14, R: +21; +4 for traps W: +13; +2 vs. enchantment | Init: +9 | Senses low-light vision; Perc: +23 (+29 to locate traps), SM: +6 | Speed 40ft | / | | Active conditions: None.

Guys, if you all agree I will roll 4 perception checks and 4 disable device checks with -10 penalty so that I can disable trap in 1 round. So that way we can speed this up.

If you all agree:
perception: 1d20 + 29 ⇒ (19) + 29 = 48
disable device: 1d20 + 42 - 10 ⇒ (10) + 42 - 10 = 42

perception: 1d20 + 29 ⇒ (3) + 29 = 32
disable device: 1d20 + 42 - 10 ⇒ (11) + 42 - 10 = 43

perception: 1d20 + 29 ⇒ (11) + 29 = 40
disable device: 1d20 + 42 - 10 ⇒ (16) + 42 - 10 = 48

perception: 1d20 + 29 ⇒ (12) + 29 = 41
disable device: 1d20 + 42 - 10 ⇒ (4) + 42 - 10 = 36

Witch's Winter Holiday

Naughty boy, looking into other people's spoilers like that. What would Sir Hendric think? ;-)

Perfect! Pity Archives of Nethys doesn't have the funding/manpower to add all the errata. And thanks for bringing that to my attention, Daathiel - I was searching for "trapfinding" in your profile.

Flora pauses, seeing a strange shimmer around the writing on the pillar in front of her. Yep, another trap! Daathiel similarly spots another on his pillar and channels the heroes of legend to aid him as he floats closer.

@Jeras, that works for me. If everyone else agrees, I'll track how many rounds it would take and deduct them from the timer. That being said, you do have friends that can help.

The Final Test!
Round 2! Bold may act!

What do you do?

Scarab Sages

M Aasimar Archivist 14 | HP 129/129 | AC 25 T 14 FF 21 CMD 24 | Speed 30' | F +16 R +21 W +16** | Init +9 | Per +21 | Performance 35/36 | Probable Path 2/2 | Reroll 1/1 | Lore Master 3/3| Spells 6/7, 5/7, 5/5, 5/5, 3/3 |Active: Heroism, Heightened Awareness

My bad! Based on her OOC comment to you I figured that was the subject of the conversation, and since it had relevance for me, I felt I had to check. Also, Daathiel doesn't have the full Trapfinding; I think he lacks the +1/2 level bonus to Perception and Disable Device.

Would rather not have Daathiel just sit around twiddling his thumbs. It isn't what he would do.

While Jeras starts on the other pillars - full-round actions and movement in between - Daathiel will begin disabling the trap on his pillar. Despite the distractions, he is able to focus.
Using Probable Path to treat the d20 roll as a 10.

Time needed: 2d4 ⇒ (2, 1) = 3

Probable Path, Disable Device, Heroism: 10 + 25 + 2 = 37

The Concordance

Neutral Good Halfling Kineticist 11 (Sheet) (Equipment) | HP: 157/157 (66 nonlethal) | AC: 35 (18 T, 30 F) | Fortification: 30.% | CMD: 24 | F: 23, R: 19, W: 11 | Init: 5 | Perc: 25 | Speed 30, swim 20 |
Tracked Resources:
Burn 6/12 | Internal Buffer 1/2 | Reroll 0/1

Yes, I think that was due to a change between 3.5 and Pathfinder. Trapfinding in 3.5 had this rule that was taken out of Pathfinder:

3.5 SRD wrote:
"Rogues (and only rogues) can use the Search skill to locate traps when the task has a Difficulty Class higher than 20."

When they took that out of trapfinding they forgot to update the relevant spells.

Flora is content to wait for others to disable any traps.

The Exchange

Mal aids Jeras with all his attempts. I can automatically aid perception and disable device.

Witch's Winter Holiday
Flora wrote:
When they took that out of trapfinding they forgot to update the relevant spells.

Ah, that would do it. Think any of those errors made it into 2nd edition? X-D

So it looks like Daathiel will work on one trap and Jeras/Mal/Flora (?) will work on as many as they can in the meantime. First one to the last pillar will be...

Round 2 cont.
Jeras steps closer to the pillar, pulling out his tools and starting to work with blinding swiftness. Mal hurries over to assist, though by the time the priest has found the trap the elf is halfway done with his work. Flora waits impatiently by her pillar while Daathiel casts a spell and pulls out his own tools.

It'll take a move action to pull out thieves' tools - and I don't think anyone's in that much of a hurry to try to disable these without them. That leaves Jeras with a standard action to start disabling, but it'll take his standard action from the following round to finish.

Round 3
Jeras and Mal finish wiping a thin layer of chalky dust off the pillar's carvings. While Mal stays behind to transcribe them, the elf is off like a shot to where Flora still stands waiting. The crowd cheers, certain that Jeras has done something - and if he's running away because the pillar is going to explode, all the more exciting that Mal is staying behind! On the opposite side of the area, Daathiel hums to himself and begins working methodically on his own gemshard-encrusted engravings.

This carving reads, "And every one of me you cherish."

Round 4
Daathiel continues working, ignoring the sounds of Flora trying to point out the trap to Jeras without inadvertently triggering it herself. Once he understands the trick to this trap, the rogue gets to work again. Mal, meanwhile, hurries over to the last pillar and prepares for his companion's arrival.

Move action from Jeras to find the trap (and he almost didn't - thank goodness for that aid from Flora!), standard action to start disabling.

Round 5
The crowd gasps as Jeras finishes drawing a few extra lines with his charcoal and takes off again across the sand, leaving Flora to study the pillar as Daathiel finishes tapping out the last of the emerald shards from his pillar's carvings.

This carving reads, "You build more of me each day."

Unfortunately, it's 75 ft minimum between the Black and Blue pillars. Fortunately, Jeras is wearing Really Fast Boots™ and can make it there in two move actions (one this round, one next round). Woo!

Round 6
Daathiel can finally study the carvings on his pillar directly as Jeras and Mal convene at the final pillar, squinting and trying not to look at it directly as they warn each other about the magical seal buried deep within the stone column.

This carving reads, "The oldest are the first to perish."

Round 7
Mal holds a piece of rice paper as Jeras quickly inks a mystical symbol, then throws it at the pillar. It floats through the air, buffeted back and forth by a small gust of wind, and the crowd holds its breath in anticipation. As the paper lands on the pillar, it bursts into flame to leave only the rogue's drawing behind, glowing on the stone until it fades away.

Round 8
Jeras quickly reads the final etching and rejoins his companions in the center of the arena.

This carving reads, "But with age I slip away."

Alright, so we are in Round 8 currently. You still need to assemble the riddle and answer it before the two minutes are up. Now while I have directions on how to translate real-time to game-time for a F2F game, I'm uncertain about how well that works in this setting. So... try to solve it quickly so it's a non-issue?

What do you do?

Scarab Sages

M Aasimar Archivist 14 | HP 129/129 | AC 25 T 14 FF 21 CMD 24 | Speed 30' | F +16 R +21 W +16** | Init +9 | Per +21 | Performance 35/36 | Probable Path 2/2 | Reroll 1/1 | Lore Master 3/3| Spells 6/7, 5/7, 5/5, 5/5, 3/3 |Active: Heroism, Heightened Awareness

"'The oldest are the first to perish'..."
Daathiel laments the abrupt change in reality a few years back that shortened his lifespan. Stupid pointless errata.
"Well that applies to a lot of things. What did you all find on the other pillars?"

The Exchange

Mal replies,” I found a carving reading, ‘And every one of me you cherish.’
I also lamenting the life change. Mals years of wandering learn martial styles made more sense with those extra years...

Grand Lodge

Male CN Elf Rogue 12 | HP 111/111 | AC 26 T 17 FF 20 | CMB +8, CMD 26 | F: +14, R: +21; +4 for traps W: +13; +2 vs. enchantment | Init: +9 | Senses low-light vision; Perc: +23 (+29 to locate traps), SM: +6 | Speed 40ft | / | | Active conditions: None.

"But with age I slip away." says Jeras.

"For me all that sounds like gibberish."

Scarab Sages

M Aasimar Archivist 14 | HP 129/129 | AC 25 T 14 FF 21 CMD 24 | Speed 30' | F +16 R +21 W +16** | Init +9 | Per +21 | Performance 35/36 | Probable Path 2/2 | Reroll 1/1 | Lore Master 3/3| Spells 6/7, 5/7, 5/5, 5/5, 3/3 |Active: Heroism, Heightened Awareness

"I think I have it. Flora, what does the last line say?"

The Exchange

I also suspect I have it, but I too want to hear the last line.

The Concordance

Neutral Good Halfling Kineticist 11 (Sheet) (Equipment) | HP: 157/157 (66 nonlethal) | AC: 35 (18 T, 30 F) | Fortification: 30.% | CMD: 24 | F: 23, R: 19, W: 11 | Init: 5 | Perc: 25 | Speed 30, swim 20 |
Tracked Resources:
Burn 6/12 | Internal Buffer 1/2 | Reroll 0/1

"You build more of me each day."

The Exchange

Mal whispers to his allies’ This is a riddle. Perhaps the order is
You build more of me each day
But with age I slip away.
The oldest are the first to perish,
And every one of me you cherish.’
I believe the answer is is memories.

Scarab Sages

M Aasimar Archivist 14 | HP 129/129 | AC 25 T 14 FF 21 CMD 24 | Speed 30' | F +16 R +21 W +16** | Init +9 | Per +21 | Performance 35/36 | Probable Path 2/2 | Reroll 1/1 | Lore Master 3/3| Spells 6/7, 5/7, 5/5, 5/5, 3/3 |Active: Heroism, Heightened Awareness

"I believe you are right, Mal."

The Exchange

Mal speaks loudly to the emissary,” The answer is memories.

Witch's Winter Holiday

A crow perched on the top of Yon Loi's noodle house could have heard a pin drop in the arena as the crowd holds its collective breath. The Emissary stands, hands raised for attention. He pauses, considering, for a long moment.

Witch's Winter Holiday

"The Pathfinder Paragons are correct!" he says finally, and the crowd erupts into cheers!

Perception DC 40:
"or at least that's the answer I remember." Did the Emissary just wink at you?

No reward this time. Lame.

The Pathfinders are escorted from the arena and led to a shaded pavilion nearby as the monks begin preparing the space for their final opponent, Gomwai.

If anyone needs to heal, consider this your final opportunity to do so.


Finally, a red-robed monk approaches. "It is time to begin the final bout," she says with a bow. "Once you are ready, please follow me."

You may take any preparatory actions you wish, though it will take a bit of time before the bout begins as you must walk to the arena. Consider this your final opportunity to prepare, and go ahead and roll initiatives one last time. When you are ready, place your token back in the red box.

What do you do?

The Exchange

Mal is clearly relieved when the emissary accepts the answer.

Mal floats toward the bout on his carpet, casting heightened awareness from a wand and drinking his ‘special brew’ right before. 10 minutes of mutagen. I’ll update statblock when I get home tonight

init: 1d20 + 13 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 13 + 4 = 29

edit, forgot perception check
Perception : 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (3) + 26 = 29

Grand Lodge

Male CN Elf Rogue 12 | HP 111/111 | AC 26 T 17 FF 20 | CMB +8, CMD 26 | F: +14, R: +21; +4 for traps W: +13; +2 vs. enchantment | Init: +9 | Senses low-light vision; Perc: +23 (+29 to locate traps), SM: +6 | Speed 40ft | / | | Active conditions: None.

Jeras drinks his potion of fly and flies 10ft up.

init: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23

Scarab Sages

M Aasimar Archivist 14 | HP 129/129 | AC 25 T 14 FF 21 CMD 24 | Speed 30' | F +16 R +21 W +16** | Init +9 | Per +21 | Performance 35/36 | Probable Path 2/2 | Reroll 1/1 | Lore Master 3/3| Spells 6/7, 5/7, 5/5, 5/5, 3/3 |Active: Heroism, Heightened Awareness

Perception: 1d20 + 34 ⇒ (20) + 34 = 54
With his Acute Senses, Daathiel easily picks up the Emissary's whispered comment.
Assuming that ongoing buffs like Acute Senses and Heroism wear off before the final bout.

Daathiel casts the following spells in preparation for the championship match.
Grand Destiny

And he activates his Ring of Blinking, re-activating it each time the effect ends.

Init: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22

Daathiel is flying, 15' above the ground.

The Concordance

Neutral Good Halfling Kineticist 11 (Sheet) (Equipment) | HP: 157/157 (66 nonlethal) | AC: 35 (18 T, 30 F) | Fortification: 30.% | CMD: 24 | F: 23, R: 19, W: 11 | Init: 5 | Perc: 25 | Speed 30, swim 20 |
Tracked Resources:
Burn 6/12 | Internal Buffer 1/2 | Reroll 0/1

Initiative: 1d20 + 5 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 5 + 4 = 13

Scarab Sages

M Aasimar Archivist 14 | HP 129/129 | AC 25 T 14 FF 21 CMD 24 | Speed 30' | F +16 R +21 W +16** | Init +9 | Per +21 | Performance 35/36 | Probable Path 2/2 | Reroll 1/1 | Lore Master 3/3| Spells 6/7, 5/7, 5/5, 5/5, 3/3 |Active: Heroism, Heightened Awareness

With the short time between events, Daathiel does not need to re-cast Heroism. Other preparations are the same.

Witch's Winter Holiday

The roar of the crowd and the beat of a dozen large drums fill the air; the energy and excitement in the Grand Pavilion are palpable. The winner of this match will be crowned Ruby Phoenix Champion and gain access to the vaults of the legendary Hao Jin, and in so doing, become legend as well.

The Pathfinders size up their opponents - a tall, muscular hobgoblin ignoring the crowd's cheers of "Gomwai! Gomwai!" flanked by a trio of human warriors. He stares back at the Pathfinders, then grunts something to his companions.

"Let the final match - BEGIN!" At the Emissary's words, the crowd's roars escalate to a fever pitch!


Red: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20
Blue, Yellow, Green: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

The Final Round!
Round 1! Bold may act!


Active Area Effects:
- Performance Combat Rules

What do you do?

Scarab Sages

M Aasimar Archivist 14 | HP 129/129 | AC 25 T 14 FF 21 CMD 24 | Speed 30' | F +16 R +21 W +16** | Init +9 | Per +21 | Performance 35/36 | Probable Path 2/2 | Reroll 1/1 | Lore Master 3/3| Spells 6/7, 5/7, 5/5, 5/5, 3/3 |Active: Heroism, Heightened Awareness

Daathiel casts Haste on the party and begins his Naturalist performance, educating his allies on the finer points of hobgoblin physiology and movements.
+3 insight bonus to attacks and AC as long as allies are within 30' of Daathiel.

He also takes a 5' step forward.

The Exchange

Thank you again Hawthwile

Mal grins at his opponents, glad to be starting the final bout.

He steps forward and uses long arm from a wand and asks for Torag’s blessing to make his fist into a weapon of awe. He then shifts into his fused stance and awaits his foes.

I’m not sure if I can Fervor to target my weapon , if I can’t I’ll just use another divine favor. I put his AoO attack line at the top of my his profile for the first foe to provoke, and if its divine favor the only difference is that he also gets a +2 to attack (and has a less intimidating unarmed strike, but that only comes up on a critical!) . He'll use a DC 20 stunning fist against the first opponent to provoke as well. Hopefully he provides his ally's a little cover with his 10' reach.

umd: 1d20 + 15 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 15 + 2 = 20

Grand Lodge

Male CN Elf Rogue 12 | HP 111/111 | AC 26 T 17 FF 20 | CMB +8, CMD 26 | F: +14, R: +21; +4 for traps W: +13; +2 vs. enchantment | Init: +9 | Senses low-light vision; Perc: +23 (+29 to locate traps), SM: +6 | Speed 40ft | / | | Active conditions: None.

Jeras waits for someone to come closer to him.


The Exchange

apparently when I was editing and added a move action to put the wand away it didn’t take. It doesn’t matter much mechanically but it does look cooler to have Mal’s hands free for the combat

Mal stores the wand as he awaits his foes.

Grand Lodge

Male CN Elf Rogue 12 | HP 111/111 | AC 26 T 17 FF 20 | CMB +8, CMD 26 | F: +14, R: +21; +4 for traps W: +13; +2 vs. enchantment | Init: +9 | Senses low-light vision; Perc: +23 (+29 to locate traps), SM: +6 | Speed 40ft | / | | Active conditions: None.

oh I don't have daggers out. So as a move action Jeras will take his daggers out

Witch's Winter Holiday
Fervor wrote:
...When cast in this way, the spell can target only the warpriest, even if it could normally affect other or multiple targets...

@Mal - Given the text of the ability, Mal wouldn't be able to cast weapon of awe because it targets a touched weapon. So divine favor it is! Also, could you double-check your AC for me? I'm getting 34 due to the Wisdom penalty from the mutagen - did I miss something?

@Jeras - You could totally have your knives out, so we'll put you in delay.

Gomwai watches as the Pathfinders prepare, then takes off like a sling from a bullet - aiming straight at Flora! His path takes him dangerously close to Mal's now-lengthened arms...

Mal AoO, Heroism, DF vs Red: 1d20 + 22 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 22 + 2 + 2 = 27
Piercing damage: 1d8 + 12 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 12 + 2 + 2 = 18 (lethal or nonlethal?)

...but Mal is quite unprepared for his opponent's audacity and the new length of his arms, almost tying himself in a knot as the hobgoblin slips past...

Red Grapple vs Flora CMD 22: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (17) + 20 = 37

...and grabs the halfling in his massive arms!

@Mal, that Nat 1 means we need a performance check from you to avoid losing the crowd's favor!

The Final Round!
Round 1! Bold may act!
Mal (Performance check needed)
Jeras (delaying)
Red (Grappling)
Flora (Grappled)

Active Area Effects:
- Performance Combat Rules
- Naturalist (hobgoblin)
- Haste

What do you do?

Scarab Sages

M Aasimar Archivist 14 | HP 129/129 | AC 25 T 14 FF 21 CMD 24 | Speed 30' | F +16 R +21 W +16** | Init +9 | Per +21 | Performance 35/36 | Probable Path 2/2 | Reroll 1/1 | Lore Master 3/3| Spells 6/7, 5/7, 5/5, 5/5, 3/3 |Active: Heroism, Heightened Awareness

The +3 insight bonus to AC from Naturalist would also apply to Flora's CMD, not that it would make a difference.

Daathiel casts Liberating Command as an immediate action. Flora can make an Escape Artist check with +20 bonus, and her +5 from Dex.

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