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I’m fine with combat being an issue on the carpet, we have to find the damn thing first. I just didn’t want to go looking for it and leave Flora, our tracker, alone at the Pagoda. Once we actually find it we can deal with whatever comes up
Mal calls out,” Great, an aquatic dragon... anyone have the magical ability to ignore the problems that water confers?”

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"My Echolocation should still work. The dragon can hear the sounds it produces so will know we can see him and will know to stay away. I can keep looking for his lair.
His Invisibility spell won't last that long.
Also, I can cast Acute Senses on others."
+20 enhancement bonus to Perception.

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Jeras descends 15 ft above the surface of the water and tries to find the dragon.
perception: 1d20 + 20 + 23 ⇒ (20) + 20 + 23 = 63

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So I am assuming that meant Jeras wanted an Acute Senses on him. Daathiel will do that, and move down with Jeras.

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So I am assuming that meant Jeras wanted an Acute Senses on him. Daathiel will do that, and move down with Jeras.
Sorry, I assumed that Acute Senses was for all of us.

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Daathiel has 7 2nd-level slots per day. He has now used 4 (2 Heroism, 1 Mirror Image, and 1 Acute Senses).

GM Uktar |

Using his remaining action to try and spot the dragon from 15' above the water, Jeras is only able to see the ripples echoing outward; the murky water of the bay frustrating his attempts to see anything below the surface. No matter how hard you look, the baywater is opaque beyond maybe 10 feet of the surface.
Result=43, i.e. before Acute Senses is cast
hmm: 1d8 ⇒ 1
What would you like to do? Go ahead and offer up your next round of actions as well as overall plan. Daathiel confirm if you want to fly down to Jeras and cast Acute Senses or whether you want to maintain concentration on Detect Magic, or ???
Daathiel down 4hp. Entire party can act

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Yes, cast Acute Senses. Then re-cast Detect Magic.

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"Guys, I can only see ripples echoing outward. I don't wanna fly closer to the water surface."
My swim bonus is +5. I don't have anything magical that can allow me to go underwater.
Jeras continues to look.
perception: 1d20 + 23 + 20 ⇒ (13) + 23 + 20 = 56

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"We have him on the ropes. Let's stay and finish this no matter how long it takes."
Daathiel re-casts Detect Magic and scans under the water. He is at 20' height, facing towards the shore, looking for the lair.

GM Uktar |

The recent rains have made the water too murky to see much further than 10' below the surface, and you can see no evidence of the dragon, invisible or otherwise.
Daathiel spends a few rounds, first boosting the acuity of Jeras's senses, then scanning for magic. From his current position, he detects no magic.
Sounds like you want to scan for Magic. Mal, Flora, if you have other ideas, pipe up.
Daathiel, I'm assuming you'll be maintaining concentration and moving (up to 60', +/- depending upon changing height). Which direction are you facing and where are you headed with your detect magic up? Please move your token accordingly. Jeras, I'll assume you're maintaining relative position with Daathiel, actively watching for the Dragon. Mal, Flora, unless I hear otherwise, I'll assume you'll move along at top of cliff level, relative to Daathiel's position. If there's a different plan/idea, don't be shy. And yes, Detect Magic is not blocked by water...
Daathiel, where to?

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Maintaining concentration and flying west, 20' above the water.
Facing towards the cliff, reasoning that a cave in the cliff wall (perhaps underwater) is a likely lair for a water dragon. Rather than just on the sea floor. Although a sunken ship is a possibility too.

GM Uktar |

As Daathiel focuses on his spell, moving to the west, the rest of the party follows along, keeping a keen watch for any sign of the dragon. Mal asks Flora about whether she could track the dragon. Suddenly, Daathiel detects the presence of magic somewhere below. While the rest of the party maintains their vigilance, he maintains his concentration, and is able to identify the following auras:
- moderate aura of evocation
- 2 faint auras of divination
- faint aura of conjuration
- strong aura of transmutation
- strong aura of magic
All of them seem to be about 35' below the surface of the water, underneath the cliff: there must be some sort of underwater cave or grotto.
Current init order. BOLD may act,.
Daathiel 4 dmg, hasted
Flora: hasted,
Huyanwo 95 dmg, Invisible, somewhere in the murky depths
Jeras , hasted,
Party buffs: Haste, 3rds left

GM Uktar |

Mal has a +0 swim skill, so short of magical intervention, I don't think he is going down to fight. Does flight help with water? If so, does the carpet help? Can Flora or Jeras swim?
To answer your question, Mal, by RAW, flight does NOT help underwater. Fly speed different from Swim speed different from Land speed different from Climb speed, etc. Unless you have ability to use fly speed in place of swim speed, etc
That being said, as long as you're carrying 16 lbs of gear (8lbs for Small, Flora), you can walk at 1/4 speed on a solid horizontal surface under water. Freedom of Movement mitigates that, and lets you walk, run, etc, but you are stuck on the bottom unless you want to swim (which is at 1/4 land speed).
And then there's breathing underwater issue. You can hold your breath for number of rounds equal to your constitution score, but only if you do not take standard action or full-round action. If you are using more than just a single move, then it uses 2 rounds of duration v your Con score. (NOTE: It's the ability score, NOT the ability MOD). THis is spelled out in the rules for SWIM.
Add to that the dice hate you and the visibility in the murky water is 10 feet (murky water=10-80' visibility, and I rolled a 1). Daathiel has echolocation up, which cuts through that. But as fate would have it, dragon's are sensitive to it. Don't get me wrong, it'd have to move close enough for Daathiel to spot it, but it would then also know Daathiel spotted it. And, Daathiel is aware that Dragon Senses includes Blind Sense (not blind SIGHT--but still, it potentially has greater sensory range).
Relevant links
Underwater Combat
Swim skill
To be clear, I'm just providing the relevant info so you can make informed choice. Underwater sucks without the right spells/abilities, and I'm not suggesting you should engage. Just letting you know the full extent of suckage. And last GM Reminder: This is not a required challenge for the tourney.

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Daathiel moves down to the surface of the water and tries to use Echolocation to get a sense of the layout of the grotto opening.
"Flora, I think you are our best swimmer. You can command water to some degree?" I see she has the Waterdancer wild talent.
"If you like, I can support you with Vanish, Heroism, Grand Destiny, Acute Senses, and Haste, and myself stay close enough to the water surface that the dragon will perceive my Echolocation and think twice about closing with us. Then you can take the items from the lair. If the dragon comes for you, I have little doubt that you can finish it off, badly wounded as it is."

GM Uktar |

2 rounds haste remaining. Unless I hear otherwise, Daathiel is just above surface of water. Jeras on lookout 15' up. Mal and Flora on lookout 60' above the water surface, on flying rug, but above solid ground at top of the cliff. Daathiel can just sense the bottom of the bay floor 40' down, and the entrance to the underwater cave is about 5' above the bay bottom (i.e. 35' below the surface) The cave entrance seems to be about 15' high (i.e. top is about 20' below surface of water).
Waterdancer indeed does impart a 20' swim speed, no swim checks required unless extenuating circumstances (and then have a +8 bonus on normal mod). Water breathing still an issue, but can hold breath for at least 1/2 your CON score while taking whatever actions you like... Swim speed does mean even "Run" action available for faster movement in straight line, and no issues of up and down taking extra movement, etc, while underwater...(Normal diagonal rules apply, i.e. 5/10/5/10)

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Flora nods, willing to at least try.

GM Uktar |

Anyone else want to plunge in with her?
Anyone have touch of the sea potion, or air bubble, or ???
Anyone have freedom of movement?

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I just checked. I do have one potion of water breathing. I also have a wand of touch of the sea.

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With all of us able to go, Daathiel isn't going to super-buff Flora. He will re-cast Haste.
Daathiel looks embarrassed. "A wise purchase, Flora. Wisdom has never been my strong suit. I will get myself a wand like that."

GM Uktar |

I need to know:
-if anyone is taking the water breathing potion
-the order for Touch of the Sea wand casting, and who's carrying it (lasts 1 minute, so someone's going in with 8, 9 & 10 rounds respectively
-where and how you're entering the water...place yourselves on the map according to your plan

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My vote would be for us to be in 2 lines, 10’ apart (iirc the breath weapon was a line) with Flora and myself in the first column, and Jeras and Daathiel in the second. We could swim directly there, with the touch of sea applied in order of swim mods (but since we have two plus 15 umds and one plus 19, we could maybe apply several touchs in one round). If this is agreeable, we can probably use 2 in one round, so start with 10 rounds for Daathiel and myself, and 9 rounds for Jeras. Daathiel with touch of sea wand and Flora with her potion of water breathing.

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My vote would be for us to be in 2 lines, 10’ apart (iirc the breath weapon was a line) with Flora and myself in the first column, and Jeras and Daathiel in the second. We could swim directly there, with the touch of sea applied in order of swim mods (but since we have two plus 15 umds and one plus 19, we could maybe apply several touchs in one round). If this is agreeable, we can probably use 2 in one round, so start with 10 rounds for Daathiel and myself, and 9 rounds for Jeras. Daathiel with touch of sea wand and Flora with her potion of water breathing.
I am OK with that

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Sounds good to me. Daathiel auto-succeeds on using the wand, and can hand it off to Flora who also auto-succeeds.
Daathiel has a high enough Concentration that he can automatically cast Ear-Piercing Scream underwater, which will be his tactic if he perceives the dragon with Echolocation.

GM Uktar |

the party gathers at the top of the cliff to execute their plan. Daathiel uses Flora's wand of touch of the sea on himself, hands to Flora who uses wand on Mal, then Jeras while Daathiel casts haste. The party flies down into their designated columns, Flora hopping off Mal's carpet at 5' above water surface.
As you all enter the water, Daathiel cries out he sensed the dragon near the bottom of the bay right beneath you, but it immediately withdrew for deeper water, retreating to the north, (leaving the range of Daathiel's Echolocation as it did so).
Underwater Visibility 10’. Daathiel Echo 40’
Party buff Haste 11 rounds,
Touch of Sea=Hasted swim speed 60'; Flora=40’ hasted swim speed
Current init order. BOLD may act,.
Mal ToS: 8rd, Con: 14 /14
Daathiel 4 dmg ToS: 8rd, Con: 16/16
Flora: [Con: 24 /24
Jeras ToS: 9rd, Con: 16/16
Huyanwo 95 dmg, Invisible, somewhere in the murky depths

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Daathiel re-activates his Ring of Blinking and moves into the cave. So 20' down to reach the cave entrance, and then maybe 10' into the cave to where he detected magical auras?

GM Uktar |

visibility is 10'. Mal and Daathiel have darkvision but just 10'. Flora, Jeras, let me know your light source (it could've been prepped/cast before firing up buffs and going down to the water. Obviously mundane fire is out).
While it's only 20' down to the top of the entrance to the grotto, it's 35' down to the floor of the grotto, where you spy the heaps of copper & silver, with some gold and even a bit of loose platinum mixed in. It's obviously not practical to grab the loose coins. Though you do spy a couple of empty sacks laying in the heaps.
Mal moves deeper into the cave, where he spies a heavy steel shield sticking out of the heap.
With the need to go down 35', it's a double move for Mal to basically get to the back of the cave where you've spied the shield.
It'll take an active perception to try and find any smaller items in the heap...i.e. it takes an action to look. There are no other obvious large items on Mal's side of the room
Daathiel, you basically can move up to 25 into the cave (your hasted swim speed is 60, so you can move that far) I moved you in a straight line into the cave. feel free to reposition yourself within 25' of entrance. You do not spot anyhing but the edges of the piles of the loose coins in the back of the cave.

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"One of you should drink this water breathing potion and be prepared to rescue the others if they are in danger of drowning."
If you are knocked unconscious while holding your breath you have to start making checks vs drowning immediately. So someone should be prepared to extract us if that happens.
Flora will have to use her only emergency light source, an oil of daylight. I don't have anything else.

GM Uktar |

Current init order. BOLD may act,.
Mal ToS: 7rd, Con: 12 /14
Daathiel 4 dmg ToS: 7rd, Con: 15 /16
Flora: Con: 24 /24
Jeras ToS: 9rd, Con: 16/16
Huyanwo 95 dmg, Invisible, somewhere in the murky depths
Flora and Jeras still have actions, Daathiel only used a single move action underwater, so only 1 round count (safe to assume he activated blink and then moved). Mal was double move, so 2 rounds. If someone used the water breathing, say so now.

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Jeras swims deeper in the cave with daggers in his hands and looks around.
perception: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (19) + 23 = 42

GM Uktar |

Jeras spots a couple of potion bottles peeking out of the pile of coins.
Underwater Visibility 10’. Daathiel Echo 40’
Party buff Haste 11 rounds,
Touch of Sea=Hasted swim speed 60'; Flora=40’ hasted swim speed
Current init order. BOLD may act,.
Mal ToS: 7rd, Con: 12 /14
Daathiel[/b] 4 dmg, ToS: 7rd, Con: 15/16
Flora: , Con: 24 /24
Jeras ToS: 8rd, Con: 14 /16
Huyanwo 95 dmg, Invisible, somewhere in the murky depths

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Flora will take the water breathing potion before descending. She will move near Mal and have a look around.
Perception: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (16) + 22 = 38

GM Uktar |

Flora joins her compatriots inside the underwater cave, and she spots a rod sticking out of the pile.
Suddenly, albeit not unexpectedly, a line of acidic saltwater comes blasting out of the murky depths, striking Daathiel and Jeras.
Acid Dmg: 12d6 ⇒ (1, 5, 2, 3, 4, 2, 1, 5, 5, 6, 4, 2) = 40
Reflex Save for half (none for Jeras, 1/4 for blinking Daathiel)
Current init order. BOLD may act,.
Mal ToS: 7rd, Con: 12 /14; by heavy metal Shield
Daathiel 4 dmg, ToS: 7rd, Con: 15/16 REFLEX Save
Flora: , Waterbreathing, Slipstream; by Rod
Jeras ToS: 8rd, Con: 14 /16 REFLEX Save; by 2 potion bottles
Huyanwo 95 dmg, somewhere in the murky depths
if grabbing the loot and bolting is still the goal here: Grabbing object is move action.
Jeras, I'll let you grab both potion bottles as a single move action if you so choose, but it's a move action to sheathe dagger as well (no quick draw). So barring special abilities, etc, it's move action sheathe, move action grab both potions, swift action and 5' step available (because you have swim speed, can 5' step) ...
Underwater Visibility 10’. Daathiel Echo 40’ (did not detect anything)
Party buff Haste 10 rounds,
Touch of Sea=Hasted swim speed 60'; Flora=40’ hasted swim speed

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Reflex, Heroism: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (10) + 18 = 28
Daathiel takes 5 damage after his Aasimar resistance to acid.
Daathiel remains in the cave and casts Detect Magic again (auto-succeed on DC 15 Concentration check).

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ref: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (5) + 21 = 26
same as Mal; if I don't see a dragon
Jeras sheathe dagger and takes both potion bottles.

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Daathiel didn't see the dragon with his 40' Echolocation. He could move to spot it, but with its breath weapon being so ineffective, it is going to have to close for melee if it wants to defeat us.

GM Uktar |

And it's a very intelligent beastie who knows closing with you all is too dangerous...so we'll speed this up. It gets a couple more potshot breath weapons on Daathiel, who's down there a bit longer, where he roots out an Ioun stone and a magic bag
hmm: 3d4 ⇒ (2, 1, 3) = 6
breath weapon v Daathiel: 12d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 6, 3, 6, 4, 6, 4, 4, 1, 5, 6) = 53
breath weapon v Daathiel: 12d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 4, 6, 5, 6, 6, 1, 3, 6, 6, 3) = 52
Daathiel, 2 reflex saves for quarter dmg, and everyone gets out with their loot. DC:21. Then use up performance (or whatever) for heals.
Once you move away from the Ridge of Graves, Daathiel is able to indentify
- +1 blinding heavy steel shield
- 2 elixirs of vision
- a gray bag of tricks
- lesser silent metamagic rod
- Incandescent Blue Sphere Ioun Stone. +2 enhancement to Wisdom
Feel free to look those up and let me know if anyone wants to use them--obviously the Ioun Stone won't stack with headband of wisdom.
Another post about to be forthcoming...