DM Bigrin |

Hello everyone! Thank you all for joining my game. My goal is for each and every one of you to walk away thinking 2 things: 1) Man, that was a lot of fun, I can't wait to do it again; and 2) That DM Bigrin guy is a great GM, I want to play in more of his games :)
Please take a moment to answer these questions about you and your character. They will help us all stay on task and have fun!
Out of Character Questions
Can you access Google Slides?
Do you have an up-to-date 'bot me' spoiler -- complete with dice expressions? (check out Kastien's botme)
Will you be willing to bot other characters if I ask you to do so?
Do you promise to let me know if you get super busy for a few days so we can bot you?
Are you comfortable with a 1-2 post a day pace?
What's been your favorite SFS Adventure with this character, and why?
Player Name:
Character Name:
Character Number:
Slotted Faction:
Information for this chronicle sheet:
Number of this Chronicle:
Starting XP:
Initial Fame:
Fame Spent:
Reputation with slotted faction:
Day Job:
Any other special things you need me to note on your chronicle?
I also need you to fill out your alias profile with all the relevant information.
Please put the relevant stat block in your profile, under the Race field. See below for an example of what I am looking for. This is my quick lookup so I don't have to do a full dive into your character when I need to make snap decisions.
Female Ysoki Mystic 1 | SP 6 : HP 8 : RP 5 | EAC 13 : KAC 14 | Fort. +2: Ref. +2 : Will +2 | Init. +2 : Perc. +8 (darkvision)
Also, please put your full character sheet in your profile somehow, whether it is formatted text from HeroLab, PCGen, or another character generator, a link to an online sheet, or raw text. (talk to me if you want to know more about PCGEN, a FREE character creation and management tool).
I have also set up a Discord channel (sfs-table1) so that we can have time-sensitive discussions (not having to wait until someone checks the boards to answer a question). It isn't mandatory, but Hmm's games have really shown me the utility of having some form of discussion and question answering mechanism outside of the delayed board responses.
Ready? Break!

BotPlay-4000 |

A clicking noise heralds the arrival of a spherical robot that shuffles into the room on a set of spider-like legs.
"Hello, I am the BotPlay-4000. I have been assigned to help this group move forward as swiftly and smoothly as possible. I have a limited ability for strategic problem solving, so it is to your benefit to provide me a detailed list of possible actions. It is also to your benefit to make use of me as little as possible. My job is done best when I am not necessary at all."
The spherical body spun on its axis, without moving the legs, then the robot skittered away, back to whatever hidey hole it came from.
I will use BotPlay-4000 under the following circumstances:
I prefer not to bot, but I want the game to keep moving. If I do bot you, it will likely be minimal. I won't use player non-renewable resources except in dire situations.

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1.) Seems pretty likely given my previous experiences with you as a GM.
2.) Already done due to my previous experiences with you as a GM.
Out of Character Questions
Can you access Google Slides? Yes
Do you have an up-to-date 'bot me' spoiler -- complete with dice expressions? (check out Kastien's botme) Yes
Will you be willing to bot other characters if I ask you to do so? Yes
Do you promise to let me know if you get super busy for a few days so we can bot you? Yes
Are you comfortable with a 1-2 post a day pace? Yes
What's been your favorite SFS Adventure with this character, and why? Yesteryear's Truth. It had a classic sci-fi feel due to a lot of the themes involved and, in the end, there was a tough decision with no real "right" answer. Which is also very classic sci-fi.
Player Name: Ebon Fist
Character Name: Azara Thenason
Character Number: 143948-15
Slotted Faction: Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)
Information for this chronicle sheet:
Number of this Chronicle: 6
Starting XP: 7
Initial Fame: 14
Fame Spent: 0
Reputation with slotted faction: 3
Day Job: None - Using my downtime to fashion a Souvenir Cestus from #1-28
Any other special things you need me to note on your chronicle? No

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Google Slides? - Yes
Bot Me? - Yes, once I get the pregen code put on. (Anyone know where those are? I know someone has already put them together.)
Both others? - Yes
Let you know about business? - Yes
1-2 post a day pace? - Yes
What's been your favorite SFS Adventure with this character, and why? Haven't played with this character yet. My favorite adventure of all so far was Star Sugar Heartlove! because of the creativity of the scenario, and how it were so many different types of challenges to deal with.
Player Name: azjauthor
Character Name: Gletch
Character Number: 108452-707
Slotted Faction: Dataphiles Champion
Information for this chronicle sheet:
Number of this Chronicle: I anticipate this would be applied as Chronicle #7 (unless I apply a Convention boon, which I'm not expecting to)
Starting XP: 6 (when it is applied)
Initial Fame: unknown
Fame Spent: 0
Reputation with slotted faction: unknown
Day Job: None
Any other special things you need me to note on your chronicle?
This doesn't need to go on the chronicle, but you should know I have GM'd this scenario once.

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I accepted the invite to the Discord channel. Not real familiar with it. Anything special I need to do over there? Can I set up a channel-specific alias?

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Can you access Google Slides? Yes
Do you have an up-to-date 'bot me' spoiler -- complete with dice expressions? (check out Kastien's botme) Yes
Will you be willing to bot other characters if I ask you to do so? Yes
Do you promise to let me know if you get super busy for a few days so we can bot you? Absolutely
Are you comfortable with a 1-2 post a day pace? Yes. It's rare when I don't check in a few times a day. July 4th might be such a day. :)
What's been your favorite SFS Adventure with this character, and why?
Scoured Stars Invasion. Had a great GM, good story, the multi table format worked really well. We had a perfect combination for ship combat and our table really turned the tide overall.
Player Name:Joey Martin
Character Name: Yith Naarin
Character Number: 73425-701
Slotted Faction:Exo Guardians
Information for this chronicle sheet:
Number of this Chronicle:16
Starting XP:2
Initial Fame: 26
Fame Spent: 0
Reputation with slotted faction:24
Day Job: None
Any other special things you need me to note on your chronicle?Nothing I can think of.

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Can you access Google Slides? yes
Do you have an up-to-date 'bot me' spoiler -- complete with dice expressions? (check out Kastien's botme) will have this ready tomorrow (Jul 3, by around 5pm eastern US, if not sooner), apologies for the delay!
Will you be willing to bot other characters if I ask you to do so? yes, as long as I have an inkling about how the player likes to play their char
Do you promise to let me know if you get super busy for a few days so we can bot you? yes, I will post midday which is as soon as I will know
Are you comfortable with a 1-2 post a day pace? love it, prefer more if possible, though it might be clustered during morning and evening
What's been your favorite SFS Adventure with this character, and why? this char has mostly GM sheets from my live tables. actually playing him, I most enjoyed Aeon Throne (I used a copy of him through the entire AP), as he really got to shine as the ship captain / team leader. Think of him as a cross between Han Solo / Mal Reynolds, and Face from the original A-Team. He doesn't really shoot anything so much as trick it into being shot, if he can't persuade it to let them move along. And boy did it work well in Aeon Throne!
Player Name: Matt
Character Name: Matt Dravis yes super creative, there's a story here...
Character Number: 181804-702
Slotted Faction: Acquisitives
Information for this chronicle sheet:
Number of this Chronicle: 005
Starting XP: 8
Initial Fame: 9
Fame Spent: 0
Reputation with slotted faction: 14
Day Job: Profession (Smuggler) (CHA): 1d20 + 2 + 3 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 2 + 3 + 3 = 11
Any other special things you need me to note on your chronicle? nothing yet, thanks

DM Bigrin |

I accepted the invite to the Discord channel. Not real familiar with it. Anything special I need to do over there? Can I set up a channel-specific alias?
I think the alias there is constant across the server, but you can have different nicknames per server
If I play this scenario with Hadir then I won't be able to play the prequel with him (he will level past it). But Kai (the character that has played The First Mandate) is busy. I don't want to use a pregen, so I think I'm going to bow out for now, unfortunately.
Sorry to hear that, buddy.

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Not a big deal. I am not seeing that as an option in the phone app, but will check from laptop over lunch. I did look it up online. It should be allowed, but the permission to set nicknames on a server is managed feature, so that might be the issue.

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Can you access Google Slides? Yes
Do you have an up-to-date 'bot me' spoiler -- complete with dice expressions? (check out Kastien's botme) I will within a couple hours
Will you be willing to bot other characters if I ask you to do so? Yes
Do you promise to let me know if you get super busy for a few days so we can bot you? Yes
Are you comfortable with a 1-2 post a day pace? Yes
What's been your favorite SFS Adventure with this character, and why? I haven't really got many chances to actually play this character, with most of the chronicles being GM, pregen, or playtest. However, the scenario I have had the most fun playing with this number was The Protectorate Petition, mainly due to the fact that I got to meet and interact with cool new aliens!
Player Name: Art Burd
Character Name: Senesdar
Character Number: 60235-707
Slotted Faction: Exo-Guardians
Information for this chronicle sheet:
Number of this Chronicle: 7
Starting XP: 9
Initial Fame: 14
Fame Spent: 0
Reputation with slotted faction: 16
Day Job: None
Any other special things you need me to note on your chronicle? No

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Ally - Duskmire Allegiance (Unicorn) (selecting a stickybomb grenade)
Faction - Exo-Guardians Champion
Personal - None
Promotional - Promotional Record Keeper
Social - Street Cred: Absalom Station
Starship - Drift Maven
Slotless - Claimant to Salvation, Copaxi Linguist, Counter Innovation, Society Contract, Triunite Technotheurgy

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Faction: Dataphiles Champion
Promotional: Record Keeper (character folio)
Slotless: Society Contract

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Sorry neither Hadir nor Kai will be making it. I was looking forward to a reunion.
Duskmire Accord 9 is probably my second favorite scenario. My group managed to make it through the whole thing without firing a shot and your ally is my favorite NPC from it Senesdar.
Ally - High Society Influence (All, including Royo and Iteration-177)
Faction - Second Seekers
Personal - Scoured Stars Survivor
Promotional -
Social - Honorary Spider
Starship - Defender of the Fleet (Finest Computers)
Slotless - Souvenir Cestus, Private Vault

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Yes, that scenario is quite interesting. I enjoyed running it for my group quite a lot. (They almost did what your group did, but...) The unicorn was my favorite of them to roleplay, which is why they are the one I selected.

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Sorry everyone, please disregard my previous post, it turns out I was missing a chronicle sheet which was emailed to me. Below is up to date, and after some false starts with PCGEN, I'm updating my forum profile now with that info.
Can you access Google Slides? yes
Do you have an up-to-date 'bot me' spoiler -- complete with dice expressions? (check out Kastien's botme) inputting it right now
Will you be willing to bot other characters if I ask you to do so? yes, as long as I have an inkling about how the player likes to play their char
Do you promise to let me know if you get super busy for a few days so we can bot you? yes, I will post midday which is as soon as I will know
Are you comfortable with a 1-2 post a day pace? love it, prefer more if possible, though it might be clustered during morning and evening
What's been your favorite SFS Adventure with this character, and why? this char has mostly GM sheets from my live tables. actually playing him, I most enjoyed Aeon Throne (I used a copy of him through the entire AP), as he really got to shine as the ship captain / team leader. Think of him as a cross between Han Solo / Mal Reynolds, and Face from the original A-Team. He doesn't really shoot anything so much as trick it into being shot, if he can't persuade it to let them move along. And boy did it work well in Aeon Throne!
Player Name: Matt
Character Name: Matt Dravis yes super creative, there's a story here...
Character Number: 181804-702
Slotted Faction: Acquisitives
Information for this chronicle sheet:
Number of this Chronicle: 006
Starting XP: 9
Initial Fame: 2
Fame Spent: 0
Reputation with slotted faction: 16
Day Job: Profession (Smuggler) (CHA): 1d20 + 2 + 3 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 2 + 3 + 3 = 21 then after you double for normal earnings, multiply x4 for my Known Quality boon
Any other special things you need me to note on your chronicle? no, thank you
Boons Slotted for This Adventure
Faction: Acquisitives, Improved
Social: Known Quality
Ally: Preservation of AA-126D using Professional Hireling (Culture, Life Science, Mysticism)
Starship: Abundant Ammunition
Personal: Jinsul Witness
Slotless / Unidentified: Journey to the Scoured Stars segment 7

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Looks like 1 box of loot per person, which means 1 ring per person, etc. Correct @GM ?

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OK thank you!

DM Bigrin |

Welcome to combat!
The way I do combat is to set up the initiative tracker, and then let everyone post in blocks (before the monster, after the monster, between the monster groups, etc.). If your block is up in the tracker (bolded) then you should post. Don't worry about posting in order, as that slows everything down. Post as you can and I will merge the actions together in initiative order. If your action would depend on what someone before you in the order, place contingencies in spoilers, like this:
I have this action prepared
I have this other action prepared
Obviously, if it is too complex you can delay, but I will be running combat updates at least once every 24 hours and if you miss your posting block, you lose your action.
Clear as mud?

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Apologies for delay, posting within the hour, basically always get em and clever feint

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FYI I will be travelling from Wed through Sun this week. I may or may not have much time to check in on the game. Please carry on as if I were still planning on posting once a day, and be patient if I can't. Thanks!
Don't worry, we'll just Bot the bad guys for you to keep things going. Below is a sample -
"The glitching becomes so bad in the malfunctioning constructs that they simply walk past each Starfinder, provoking attacks of opportunity before dropping their weapons."
Enjoy your trip!

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DM Bigrin wrote:FYI I will be travelling from Wed through Sun this week. I may or may not have much time to check in on the game. Please carry on as if I were still planning on posting once a day, and be patient if I can't. Thanks!Don't worry, we'll just Bot the bad guys for you to keep things going. Below is a sample -
"The glitching becomes so bad in the malfunctioning constructs that they simply walk past each Starfinder, provoking attacks of opportunity before dropping their weapons."
Enjoy your trip!
"The bad guys decide to take up Matt's offer and sit down to a cordial tea social with the group, chatting the hours away and generally being delightful company. Before they smile and wave goodbye to depart for better climes, they generously bestow to the party all their worldly possessions and any helpful information, as recompense for any previously misjudged ill will."
Ditto, have a great trip!

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Hey guys, after almost exactly 7 months of looking I finally found a new job, which is good news.
The bad news is that my posting rate probably will go down to once per day at most since I won't be able to check the boards or post during working hours (I don't want them knowing I'm a slacker immediately, after all.)
Bot me, as necessary but I should be able to keep a one a day rate.

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Congrats! :)

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Congratulations! No problem, we'll bot ya ...
Hey, guys, didn't Azara say he wanted to be fed to this thing?

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Hey, guys, didn't Azara say he wanted to be fed to this thing?
Feet first, please. It's pointless if you go in head first.
Thanks for all the well wishes. It has been a long time coming.

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Oh crap, I didn't notice that in my forum header or whatever it's called. I'm Lashunta, not human. Sorry for the confusion!

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Hey I'm going to be a bit busy until 6pm Eastern US or so, feel free to bot me if that's faster
I want to run to the edge of the wreckage and shoot at the northeast nozzles.
Next round I'll get 'em Loomarch and do inspiring boost on Senesdar or whoever is in worst shape.
Round after that I'll resume the usual get 'em and clever Feint on Loomarch

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Wow. I have this thread bookmarked on the 'discussion' tab and it hasn't notified that it has changes. I just happened to scroll down and see lots of 'new to me' posts. :)

DM Bigrin |

Congratulations, we made it! Thank you all for sticking though my absences and travel. What a crazy summer! Still, we got through this next part of the Scoured Stars storyline together.
Chronicle sheets are linked below. Please look them over and make sure they are correct.

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Thank you so much for running and being patient! Got the Chronicle, Day Job is wrong, should be 168 (21×2 for normal earnings, then x4 for Known Quality Boon). Thanks in advance!
OR 11x2 x4 if you're going with the initial roll, apologies if that's confusing. So that's 88.
Remember everyone's Day Job roll is multiplied x2 for normal earnings.

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Oh, by tier, I'm sorry, I misread that. Yes it's x2 again, sorry! So using the original roll, it's 11x2x2 or 44.

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Was this Chronicle supposed to give a bonus Jadnura rep? I thought it was Luwazi Elsebo

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So, apparently when you are rushing things to try and finish so you don't have to post on your phone, you make a lot of mistakes. Thanks for helping me be correct. Fixed
Not to be a pain, but I think all 3 of my points should be for Luwazi.

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Looks good for me, thanks again DM Bigrin!
Hope to play again with you folks in the future! :)

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DM Bigrin wrote:So, apparently when you are rushing things to try and finish so you don't have to post on your phone, you make a lot of mistakes. Thanks for helping me be correct. FixedNot to be a pain, but I think all 3 of my points should be for Luwazi.
I don't need a new one, though. With your confirmation, I can fix it.

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I thought the ending was fine. It's always a question about how long to draw out the closing part after the climatic encounter.