Strength and Fear: An Ustalavic Kingmaker Campaign

Game Master vayelan

Kingdom Building Rules
Rulership Tracker
Map: Canterwall and Neighbors

Map: The Town of Ravengro
Map: Harrowstone Grounds

Current Encounter: Koldukar - The Great Hall

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"This seems like a poor posting for me," Vreya says nervously, all the while still sallying forth with the countess and her coterie. "I really hope my presence doesn't agitate the orcs."

You ride out to meet the approaching column of orcs, yet unsure whether they are raiders or refugees. As you progress into the western reaches of your controlled territory, you see evidence of your citizens' anxiety. Rather than tending to fields of crops or pastures of animals, the homesteaders are gathering into posses. Pitchforks are carried like pikes, goads like spears, and improvised slings and cudgels abound. They watch their leaders pass, but you aren't sure whether the sight eases them or galvanizes them.

The orcs finally come into view once you reach the very edge of your controlled territory, where the travelers have been kept at bay by loose bands of locals who have thus far used only threats and insults rather than their eclectic, makeshift weapons.

As you begin to take stock of the myriad orcs arrayed before you, your attention is drawn to a familiar face, waving to draw your attention. There you see at the head of the amassed number - which, indeed, includes at least one hundred - Gargan and his band of warriors-turned-guides. They sit and idle with their weapons, positioned between the rest of the orcs and the no-mans-land that stretches towards your incensed citizens. They appear to be the best armed among the many orcs, but that is not to say the others are unarmed. You see smatterings of weapons in a haphazard array that is ironically reminiscent of those being gathered up by the frightened locals.

Ultimately, though, you find that this is no warband. Although there are a fair number of able-bodied adults among them, the majority seem to be too old, too young, too infirm, or otherwise unfit to be warriors or hunters. This "horde" seems to be largely civilian refugees fleeing the Belkzen.

NG Human Witch (hedge witch) 7 | hp 41/41| Init +2 | Perception +1/+3 | AC 21 (17)/T 14/FF 17(13) | CMD 15 | Fort +5 Ref +5 Will +7 | mage armor (7 hours), message (refreshing regularly)

The witch's eyes scan the large group of orcs. She has many a poor experience with orcs in her own life, but indeed, this has all the more given her a good sense of what a hostile orc party looks like, and she does not see one here. "A band of refugees if I ever saw one." Mishka jumping out of her basket ahead of her, Nadiya slides off her magically summoned mount. Her cat trots beside her, tail up. To Valeska, she says, "Countess, I would like to see to their ill and wounded."

If the countess agrees, she will say, "I am Nadiya, called the 'Old Lady,' a midwife and a healer. While you speak with the Countess, are there any in need who would allow me to use my skills to assist them?"

Her hope is that if she has any of her own reputation to leverage, she not only offering to assist them but also showing they may have people in need, not those who are threats.

Happy to adjust the timing of Nadiya's offer after Valeska speaks first, but wanted to post while I had a chance. Am coming back online regularly soon.

CG Kineticist7 l 80hp, Burn 0/8 l F +11, R +10, W +6, Ini +3 l AC19, Touch14, FF16, CMB +6, CMD20 l Perc +11 l Darkvision 60ft l Spd30

Anyone Bashuk would recognize from the Burning Sun?

Bashuk strides up beside Nadiya and makes a reassuring gesture. "Nadiya's a good sort, you can trust her." She lingers nearby, hoping to be a reassuring presence even as she keeps a nervous eye on the knot of human farmers.

"My abilities aren't really useful for breaking up an angry mob without killing a lot of people, and I don't want to do that. I hope we can make everyone see sense."

Female Human Sw/Ro/Su 1/2/3 HP 47/47 AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +1 | R +8 | W +6 | Init +2 | Per +8

Certainly, Nadiya. Miruna and Faunlara, please accompany her.

Valeska looks out into the distance in the direction from whence the refugees have come.

General, please dispatch runners. Perhaps we should send a force to cover their rear. There may be those who would attack the vulnerable or use the opportunity as a distraction. Give the column a wide birth, no need having them feel threatened.

And, we need relief supplies and temporary shelter as soon as possible. You and Valda, go meet Gargan... warm welcome, please.

She considers those left, dispatching them as needed... Lenora to start the accounting. The High Diplomat and Treasurer to soothe the Ravengro citizens and acquire food, water and supplies at a fair price from the farmers.

Spotting the most agitated group, Looks like our work is cut out for us, Ladies.... you too, Sasha. She smiles at Leta and Vreya, Let's go ease some fears.

She starts moving towards the mob.

I'm using folks/NPCs in the Rulership Tracker, hope that's OK.

Female Humanoid (Dhampir) Bard 7 | HP 42/43 | AC: 19/14/15 | Fort: +3, Ref: +9, Will: +6 | BAB: +5, Melee +9, Ranged +9, CMB: +6, CMD: 19, | Init: +3 | Perception: +11

Leta nods, her eyes squinting in the daylight, and follows the Countess.

NG Female Human Inquisitor (Ravener Hunter) of Sarenrae 7 | 55/55 HP | AC22 T16 FF17 | CMD21 | F +8 R +8 W +8 | Init +7 | Perc +12 | Climb +4, Dance +1, Diplomacy +6, Dungeoneering +7, Geography +8, Heal +15, Intimidate +12, Linguistics +3, Nature +9, Planes +11, Religion +11, Ride +11, Sense Motive +15, Survival +6, Swim +4 | Spells: 3rd 1/1 2nd 4/4 1st 5/5 | Bane 7/7 | Judgment 3/3 | Conditions: None

"At once, Countess," Miruna says with a nod, falling into step behind Nadiya and Bashuk.

As they approach the refugees, she holds her weapon hand close to her heart and offers her best smile. "And I am Miruna, a servant of the Healing Light. If any of you are injured or sick, we can help."

M Cavalier Cavalier 7 HP: 65/65| AC:22(25)| T: 12| FF:21(24)| Fort:+9 | Ref: +5 | Will: +10| Init: +4| Perception: +13 | Resolve: 3/4

Kain nods and turns to too three of the militia with them. Directing them to do as the countess bade. He also has the others go about gathered the loose bands of civilians closer together.

He will then turn to the rag tag bands of armed citizens seemingly ready to speak, however he stops, and turns to Valeska. If I may... warm them up for you, my lady.

Female Human Sw/Ro/Su 1/2/3 HP 47/47 AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +1 | R +8 | W +6 | Init +2 | Per +8

She arches a brow, but trusts the General.

By all means, kind Sir.

M Cavalier Cavalier 7 HP: 65/65| AC:22(25)| T: 12| FF:21(24)| Fort:+9 | Ref: +5 | Will: +10| Init: +4| Perception: +13 | Resolve: 3/4

Kain gives a nod before turning to address the citizens, and tries to project his voice so the fearful mob may hear it.

Fellow citizens, I understand your worry all too well. The trials and tribulations of the past, and the scars that such things leave. However, I ask you, look upon these newcomers not with eyes of the past, nor with eyes of fear or anger. Look, and see them as they are, people not so dissimilar to yourself or myself. They carry not weapons of war, but tools more akin to many of yours. They are but people trying to survive as best they can, in a world that hounds their every step forward. And that is something I also understand all too well. So, I beseech you to hear the words of our Countess, and trust in her as I do. So that perhaps, we may all work together, and charge into a brighter tomorrow!

diplomacy: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (6) + 12 = 18 if so desired. as an assist to Valeska.

It is difficult to survey every last orc, but Bashuk does not see any familiar faces among the throng. However, she does begin to pick out small tokens - carved stones or dried wood upon bits of twine - shaped like the symbol of the burning angel. Although not even half their number carry these tokens, Bashuk recognizes them as a clear sign that these refugees made contact with the Burning Sun tribe, perhaps using Valorforge as a waypoint in their exodus towards Canterwall.

Nadiya and Miruna readily identify many maladies and symptoms among the orcs: exhaustion, dehydration, malnourishment, blistered feet, and sunstroke, among others. Although they have likely been marching for days with little, if any rest, it is hard to conclusively determine how much of their condition stems from their trek rather than the harsh life afforded by the lands of Belkzen.

Nevertheless, the two also notice that at least some effort was spent providing rudimentary care to these immigrants, especially the children. This is further prove that Chieftain Firehair likely provided aid and comfort to them as they passed Valorforge.

Female Human Sw/Ro/Su 1/2/3 HP 47/47 AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +1 | R +8 | W +6 | Init +2 | Per +8

Valeska allows Kain to half-step back, and takes his place.

You may not know it, but this man fought Orcs... in skirmishes, battles... in war. He does not speak lightly on the topic. He's also lost loved ones. She reaches back to place an affectionate hand on the general's shoulder.

Sasha circles Kain protectively, brushing his shoulder against the warrior's thigh, gently.

People are people. Orcs... do not hate them. They are living beings.
They are mothers and fathers, children, grandparents... These people are in suffering, harried and thinned in number. Forced out for fear of worse.

What is it you wish to do in your hearts? Finish the job? Kill them and their children? End them as if they never existed? Is that what is truly in your hearts? Give in to fear and you are slaves.

Or would you rejoice if never needed to fear them again, by lending a helping hand that will never be forgotten? Fear and uncertainty is what drive us all, until we master them. Fear is your enemy.

She pauses, expecting some hecklers and forgiving them in advance.

I have put out a call to all that need help and are genuine. I have sent word that we wish to end the killing and suffering. That we do not wish war with our neighbors.

All that come with peace in their hearts are welcome here. Hatemongers are not. Their will be Orcs and Dwarves and countless others from far away places streaming to Canterwall and Ravengro. My vision is harmony, but you might not see the same vision.

Then, see success and profit. Farms that grow more, shops that sell more, taverns and inns that are bustling. And, to conduct more farming or trade... you will need more workers.

She let's that sink in.

Go back home with peace in your hearts and count your blessings. See what you can spare as charity, a peace offering, a kind gesture... or wish to sell or barter for. Welcome them, offer them places to stay... teach them and learn from them.

And, when our darkest hour comes and there are barbarians at our borders and gates, these Orcs... these people will stand shoulder to shoulder and protect you and yours.

Thank you for your time. Smiling, but unsure how her message will be received, she awaits judgement.

Diplomacy, change attitude, honest, aid another: 1d20 + 18 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 18 + 1 + 2 = 35

NG Human Witch (hedge witch) 7 | hp 41/41| Init +2 | Perception +1/+3 | AC 21 (17)/T 14/FF 17(13) | CMD 15 | Fort +5 Ref +5 Will +7 | mage armor (7 hours), message (refreshing regularly)

Nadiya, more quietly as she goes among the orcs with Miruna, says to Miruna and to the orcs who inquire, in whatever languages need to be spoken,

"Well the good news is there is little that cannot be cured here by some good meals and some rest, so let us hope we can get you both quickly. In the meantime let us at least get you something to slake your thirst and make you feel more hearty."

And with that Nadiya asks for some volunteers to build a fire and fetch some water. She, in the style of a mythical nanny, pulls her cauldron out of her haversack and sees about setting up a tripod to boil water and make as large a batch of tea as she can (the first of several, if needed).

While she has some black tea leaves to get things going, if Leta is to hand she will ask her, "As someone skilled with the outdoors, could you find some additional herbs growing around here to add to the pot?" If Leta is not there or otherwise occupied, Nadiya will look herself, aiming for things that are restorative but also might taste good to an orc. If any of the orcs present appear to be knowledgeable of herbs and the like she will ask them what they would add.

Survival, herb picking: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22

Of course, if the peasants are mollified enough to join in, she will pass the beverage produced to any and all who will take it, though prioritizes the elderly and children first, orc or otherwise.

NG Female Human Inquisitor (Ravener Hunter) of Sarenrae 7 | 55/55 HP | AC22 T16 FF17 | CMD21 | F +8 R +8 W +8 | Init +7 | Perc +12 | Climb +4, Dance +1, Diplomacy +6, Dungeoneering +7, Geography +8, Heal +15, Intimidate +12, Linguistics +3, Nature +9, Planes +11, Religion +11, Ride +11, Sense Motive +15, Survival +6, Swim +4 | Spells: 3rd 1/1 2nd 4/4 1st 5/5 | Bane 7/7 | Judgment 3/3 | Conditions: None

"It's almost a relief to be dealing with simple afflictions like dehydration and exposure, after our encounter earlier," Miruna muses, while helping manage the line for Nadiya's tea.

Valeska's rousing rhetoric leaves the assembled people of Canterwall with no doubt that the prince chose well when he elevated her to the position of countess. Valeska has gone beyond merely placating her citizens and has actually won them over to the idea of inviting orcs into the county; after all, it is better to have them as neighbors than enemies, the locals reason.

Nadiya sets about gathering any herbs, roots, or other plants that are medicinal or edible - but she soon finds the fields growing crowded as farmers and ranch hands pitch in. Some have their own knowledge of the local flora, while others watch Nadiya, Miruna, and Leta, consulting them as they go.

"Well said, well said," Gargan calls out to Valeska and those allies still at her shoulder. He offers applause that is more sincere than sardonic, sauntering closer to talk.

"In the weeks since our last parting, I've encountered many people interested in moving to the land of the human lord who offers open arms rather than open armaments. Well, perhaps I had a hand in spreading word of your hospitality," the orc guide says with a wink. "They are mostly outcasts: women, children, the old, the lame, the addled. And they didn't have very much to offer by way of payment, but taken all together, providing them with safe passage has proven to be quite rewarding."

Female Human Sw/Ro/Su 1/2/3 HP 47/47 AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +1 | R +8 | W +6 | Init +2 | Per +8

Gargan! Good to see you! Valeska's genuine signature smile seemingly forces any negativity away, as she approaches with literal open arms. She didn't expect her voice to be so loud, but it would be good for both Orc and Human to hear and see.

She gives the Orc a big hug and warrior clasps all around to his men - hugs to those open to it.

Well, certainly you've been busy. How much did you charge them. or have you grown soft? Whatever it was, Gargan... give it all back. I do appreciate your spreading the word and being the perfect guide and steward.

But, they will need the little coin they had and it will mean we do not have to subsidize... Most importantly, I do want them to trust in us, but not at the cost of begrudging their own kind for taking advantage of their situation.

It breeds self-hatred.

She pauses, making sure Vreya is listening.

You know I was looking to do business, let's do it. It will make you more than what you may have charged... or, did you mean rewarding in the personal or spiritual sense? She gives his a mock stern look, Don't lie to me.

Once I hear the truth, you and the men can stay here and help or head into town. Baths, dinner, drinks and rooms are on me, if there are any to be had. But, you'll need to be a bit reserved as you represent myself and the others.

NG Human Witch (hedge witch) 7 | hp 41/41| Init +2 | Perception +1/+3 | AC 21 (17)/T 14/FF 17(13) | CMD 15 | Fort +5 Ref +5 Will +7 | mage armor (7 hours), message (refreshing regularly)
Miruna Blackthorn wrote:
"It's almost a relief to be dealing with simple afflictions like dehydration and exposure, after our encounter earlier," Miruna muses, while helping manage the line for Nadiya's tea.

"Indeed! I am sure in your line of service, you tend to many challenges."

Mishka, who is fond of Miruna, "helps" her handle the line by attempting to rub against her legs whenever she gets the chance.

Nadiya gladly welcomes all comers to the help, reasoning that the sense of pitching in and doing something together is as important, if not moreso, than the treating of fatigue.

"Ha ha, and I thought it was hard to make a living in the Belkzen," Gargan laughs, trying to disguise his dismay and frustration. He clearly knows better than to disobey Countess Valeska - or to try any skulduggery while her coterie's eyes are upon him - so he begrudgingly orders his men to return the tolls collected from the immigrants.

"In all seriousness," Gargan says, although he maintains his boisterous tone, "I really do hope you have some...alternative business proposition. Operating independently back home is becoming increasingly dangerous.

"I've heard that there's a new player recruiting warriors. Very dark, very unsavory. Not my type at all," Gargan says, waving his hand dismissively. You aren't sure whether the irony is intentional. "I've also heard that any smaller bands that turn them down and aren't already in service to Grask Uldeth or one of the more powerful tribes end up...well, I haven't heard of any bodies or even bleached bones turning up, so I don't know what might happen to them."

CG Kineticist7 l 80hp, Burn 0/8 l F +11, R +10, W +6, Ini +3 l AC19, Touch14, FF16, CMB +6, CMD20 l Perc +11 l Darkvision 60ft l Spd30

"Another ambitious chieftain," Bashuk's tone is scornful--orc gang leaders with more bravado than sense come and go with alarming frequency in Belkzen--but she knows better than to dismiss a potential threat. "Who? Where?" If Gargan hems and haws she flashes gold to loosen his tongue.

Offering a 15gp bribe if that gets him talking.

NG Female Human Inquisitor (Ravener Hunter) of Sarenrae 7 | 55/55 HP | AC22 T16 FF17 | CMD21 | F +8 R +8 W +8 | Init +7 | Perc +12 | Climb +4, Dance +1, Diplomacy +6, Dungeoneering +7, Geography +8, Heal +15, Intimidate +12, Linguistics +3, Nature +9, Planes +11, Religion +11, Ride +11, Sense Motive +15, Survival +6, Swim +4 | Spells: 3rd 1/1 2nd 4/4 1st 5/5 | Bane 7/7 | Judgment 3/3 | Conditions: None

Miruna grins, both at Mishka and Nadiya, when she realizes she's picked up a little helper of her own, and reaches down to scratch behind the cat's ears.

Gargan reflexively reaches out to accept - or perhaps snatch - the proffered gold from Bashuk, but he thinks better of it and takes his time. He looks to Countess Valeska for signs of approval or reproach, but in the end he will graciously accept the bribe.

"No. Not a chieftain," he says with surprising solemnity. "After all, if it was a chieftain or would-be warlord, they would want the whole Belkzen to know. They would want their strength and wrath to be known openly as a warning to others who might oppose or reject them.

"No, I think these are death worshipers," he states, gravely. Gargan intimates more information about his suspicions. He doesn't mention them or their master by name - you aren't sure whether this is due to ignorance or fear - but you piece together that he believes agents of the Whispering Way are the ones seeking to recruit orc tribes.

Knowledge (History or Religion) DC 20:
The infamous lich known as the Whispering Tyrant has previously united the Belkzen orcs under his rule, using them to conquer Ustalav and other regions. If his agents are reaching out to the orc tribes again, they may believe their master's escape and return are imminent and seek to prepare a living army to supplement his legions of undead.

NG Human Witch (hedge witch) 7 | hp 41/41| Init +2 | Perception +1/+3 | AC 21 (17)/T 14/FF 17(13) | CMD 15 | Fort +5 Ref +5 Will +7 | mage armor (7 hours), message (refreshing regularly)

Knowledge History: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (7) + 13 = 20

"Forgive me for interjecting, but the Whispering Tyrant united the orcs of Belkzen once before. Key to his ability to conquer the region in fact. They--servants of the Tyrant, that is--may be trying to get history to repeat."

NG Female Human Inquisitor (Ravener Hunter) of Sarenrae 7 | 55/55 HP | AC22 T16 FF17 | CMD21 | F +8 R +8 W +8 | Init +7 | Perc +12 | Climb +4, Dance +1, Diplomacy +6, Dungeoneering +7, Geography +8, Heal +15, Intimidate +12, Linguistics +3, Nature +9, Planes +11, Religion +11, Ride +11, Sense Motive +15, Survival +6, Swim +4 | Spells: 3rd 1/1 2nd 4/4 1st 5/5 | Bane 7/7 | Judgment 3/3 | Conditions: None

Religion: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (12) + 11 = 23

Miruna's smile falters a step, and she nods in silent agreement.

CG Kineticist7 l 80hp, Burn 0/8 l F +11, R +10, W +6, Ini +3 l AC19, Touch14, FF16, CMB +6, CMD20 l Perc +11 l Darkvision 60ft l Spd30

"Ha! Unite the orcs of Belkzen? Maybe a long long time ago, but I'd like to see anyone--lich, warlord, or god--try that today. Still, just because they're fools doesn't mean they aren't dangerous... Gargan, any word on where the death worshippers are operating?"

M Cavalier Cavalier 7 HP: 65/65| AC:22(25)| T: 12| FF:21(24)| Fort:+9 | Ref: +5 | Will: +10| Init: +4| Perception: +13 | Resolve: 3/4

I assume those of us speaking with the more native citizens are out of ear shot of the current conversation? Or have the two sides sort of met in the middle as it were? Slightly confused.

Female Human Sw/Ro/Su 1/2/3 HP 47/47 AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +1 | R +8 | W +6 | Init +2 | Per +8

After the citizens were appeased, Valeska made her easy over to Gargan. I suppose folks can split off or join to split off later.

Or with DM Vayelan's permission we treat it was a "scene" of which there can be many happening asynchronously. Kind of like being out of combat rounds.

That way each scene can address a certain topic without having to worry about the logistics. Folks can choose to be or not be in a given scene.

Of course if a horde comes attacking Ravengro, were back to synchronous.

Female Humanoid (Dhampir) Bard 7 | HP 42/43 | AC: 19/14/15 | Fort: +3, Ref: +9, Will: +6 | BAB: +5, Melee +9, Ranged +9, CMB: +6, CMD: 19, | Init: +3 | Perception: +11

Kind of at a loss as to any way Leta can contribute to the current situation, but if anyone needs her assistance let me know. Until then she's merely observing.

M Cavalier Cavalier 7 HP: 65/65| AC:22(25)| T: 12| FF:21(24)| Fort:+9 | Ref: +5 | Will: +10| Init: +4| Perception: +13 | Resolve: 3/4

come Gargan, are you saying a good deed is not reward enough? Kain asks before smiling.

We will see to it that you will be compensated. How much or with what, I cannot say though.

At the mention of warlords and forces attempting to unite the orcs Kain's face grows dark.

Nothing good can come from such tidings. We should take this news with grave sincerity. The last time a warlord went on such a quest my entire town was ground into the dirt. We must prepare more. If a band the size of which that attacked my home town were to attack us now. We would be hard pressed to repel it...

Kain's face stays dark before looking to Gargan again.

I would speak with you later as well. I have questions you might could answer.

NG Human Witch (hedge witch) 7 | hp 41/41| Init +2 | Perception +1/+3 | AC 21 (17)/T 14/FF 17(13) | CMD 15 | Fort +5 Ref +5 Will +7 | mage armor (7 hours), message (refreshing regularly)

I couldn't remember if you were here, Leta, given time of day, but you could search for herbs for the tea (and in so doing chat with the others that started to help)

As to where we are, Nadiya's walking all over the place bringing people stuff to drink and collecting things, so I figured it was plausible she could have overheard to provide useful information from the skill check... to help us keep moving. :)

Female Human Sw/Ro/Su 1/2/3 HP 47/47 AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +1 | R +8 | W +6 | Init +2 | Per +8

After greeting and speaking with Gargan, Valeska will walk among the refugees helping as she can and easing the concern of any militia or citizens bringing relief.

Female Humanoid (Dhampir) Bard 7 | HP 42/43 | AC: 19/14/15 | Fort: +3, Ref: +9, Will: +6 | BAB: +5, Melee +9, Ranged +9, CMB: +6, CMD: 19, | Init: +3 | Perception: +11
Nadiya wrote:
I couldn't remember if you were here, Leta, given time of day...

Yeah, I went over with the Countess when she gave her speech to the humans; I think we're all in the same place now?

Knowledge/Nature to locate the herbs Nadiya is looking for
1d20 + 13 ⇒ (13) + 13 = 26

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Once the tensions were eased between the orc refugees and the human homesteaders, the scene became much more informal and less structured. Party members can resolve tasks and conversations asynchronously, and you can join into a conversation at a convenient or relevant time as you wish. This is really meant to be more of a narrative scene than a structured scene.

Gargan offers an exaggerated shrug when asked where the Whispering Way agents may be based.

"I'm no wiseman, but I'm certainly not fool enough to send any of my men off to die trying to spy on those death worshipers. I could think of several places I know by reputation only where they might make themselves at home. Of course, there's also the possibility they're lurking in Virlych just south from your own lands."

The mercenary guide heaves a deep sigh when talk turns to "good deeds."

"Good deeds do not keep my men fed and loyal. They do not replace my boots when the soles wear out. They do not buy safe passage through certain tribes' territory. Yeah, yeah, good deeds may make you all very happy, but there are a great many things they don't buy."

Meanwhile, Leta's assistance greatly expedites the triage and treatment of the orc travelers. Although she goes about her work with her usual joyful, fun-loving attitude, the extra plants she procures ensures that many more people are tended in short order.

Leta, Miruna, and Nadiya soon earn no small amount of admiration from both the orcs and the homesteaders.

Female Human Sw/Ro/Su 1/2/3 HP 47/47 AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +1 | R +8 | W +6 | Init +2 | Per +8

Valeska looks to the Orc as she excuses herself from an Orc girl holding a piece of fruit, with a courtesy and smile.

Gargan, our word is our bond. Ravengro will always be a safe haven for you and you people. Let us know how you gave back. She looks the Orcs over, the leader and his team.

Your stay is on us, room, board and reprovisioning before you leave including food and ammunition. Perhaps a few gear, weapon and armor upgrades if you feel you need it.

Turning to Vreya silently and then to Bashuk, We will need to speak with Chief Firehair as soon as possible and then on to Grask Uldeth. What do you know of the man, Gargan?

How is he related to the Open Barrow tribe?

I'm assuming all the admin stuff, humanitarian relief, etc... is being taken care of. Not micromanaging, rather managing by exception.

"Well, I've certainly never met Great Chieftain Grask personally. I can't claim to be quite that important," Gargan concedes. "But it's rare to find an orc in the Belkzen who doesn't know him by reputation."

Grask Uldeth is the leader of the Empty Hand tribe, as Gargan explains. He and his tribe control Urgir (which you know was formerly the dwarven sky citadel of Koldukar), the only city in the Hold of Belkzen and the closest thing to a capital that the land has. As a result, Uldeth and his tribe are the de facto rulers of the Belkzen.

"He's a strange one, that Lord Grask," Gargan adds. "Sure, he started by consolidating power and asserting his dominance through battle, but then he started changing things. The biggest change was how he began inviting and encouraging non-orcs to visit Urgir to trade. Everybody thought he was mad, but as it quickly turned out to be very profitable, a lot of the grumbling went away."

Grask Uldeth's only connection to the Empty Barrow tribe is that they owe him nominal loyalty, at least in theory. There's certainly no law in the Belkzen that positions them as vassals to Uldeth, but as long as the Empty Hand remain the strongest, unchallenged tribe, then the Open Barrow are subservient, in practice.

"Of course, if anyone was going to throw their lot in with the death worshipers, even if they aren't about to shout it out openly to the rest of the land, it'd be the Open Barrow."

NG Female Human Inquisitor (Ravener Hunter) of Sarenrae 7 | 55/55 HP | AC22 T16 FF17 | CMD21 | F +8 R +8 W +8 | Init +7 | Perc +12 | Climb +4, Dance +1, Diplomacy +6, Dungeoneering +7, Geography +8, Heal +15, Intimidate +12, Linguistics +3, Nature +9, Planes +11, Religion +11, Ride +11, Sense Motive +15, Survival +6, Swim +4 | Spells: 3rd 1/1 2nd 4/4 1st 5/5 | Bane 7/7 | Judgment 3/3 | Conditions: None

"It might be possible to sway him to our side, or at least to neutrality," Miruna suggests, though her tone belies her skepticism. "It's worth the try, at least, to prevent more bloodshed."

CG Kineticist7 l 80hp, Burn 0/8 l F +11, R +10, W +6, Ini +3 l AC19, Touch14, FF16, CMB +6, CMD20 l Perc +11 l Darkvision 60ft l Spd30

Bashuk confirms Gargan's information on Grask Uldeth. "He's eager to court merchants from outside the Holds, and he leans on the tribes outside Urgir to keep them from shaking down caravans before they can reach him. Doesn't make things safe, and Gargan's right about needing to pay bribes and tributes every step of the way. All that said, if we were to come to terms with Uldeth it'd go a long way towards making your lands and my people safer, Countess."

An expedition into Belkzen for diplomacy & death-cult hunting sounds awesome!

"If you hope to meet with the Great Chieftain of Urgir, now may be your best chance, slim though that chance may still be. Summer brings the river, and with it, the Flood Truce," Gargan says grandiosely.

Between Bashuk's experience in the Belkzen, Valeska's experience as a merchant, and your collective knowledge of geography, nature, and local culture, you know quite a bit about what Gargan means.

Melting ice and snow from the Tusk Mountains, coupled with spring rains, are turning the Flood Road into a slow-moving river, transforming the badlands into fertile prairie for the next two months. Millions of aurochs will be migrating south, causing practically every tribe in Belkzen to converge upon the plains around Urgir and along the river to hunt, trade, seek mates, and broker alliances.

During the Flood Truce, warfare is strictly forbidden - at least among the orc tribes. This time can still be very dangerous to outsiders, who receive no special legal protections during the Flood Truce.

Knowledge (Geography or Local) DC 18:
During the Flood Truce, outsiders can travel more safely by purchasing a tribal token, showing that they are under that tribe's protection.

There are two locations where you can find tribal representatives selling these tokens.

One is a site south of Urgir known as the Table of Ralock. The other is Freedom Town, the only non-orc settlement in the Hold of Belkzen. Freedom Town, the closer of the two sites, is approximately 50 miles south of Valorforge.

Female Human Sw/Ro/Su 1/2/3 HP 47/47 AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +1 | R +8 | W +6 | Init +2 | Per +8

Kn Geography: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10

Nodding to Miruna and Bashuk, We will help these people settle and the residents adjust. Then, we can go.

We have a prisoner from the Open Barrow, we shall return him as far or close as we can to his people. He's a shaman.

CG Kineticist7 l 80hp, Burn 0/8 l F +11, R +10, W +6, Ini +3 l AC19, Touch14, FF16, CMB +6, CMD20 l Perc +11 l Darkvision 60ft l Spd30

Though she tries, Bashuk can't quite hide the expression of disappointment that comes over her face. "As you command, Countess."

NG Female Human Inquisitor (Ravener Hunter) of Sarenrae 7 | 55/55 HP | AC22 T16 FF17 | CMD21 | F +8 R +8 W +8 | Init +7 | Perc +12 | Climb +4, Dance +1, Diplomacy +6, Dungeoneering +7, Geography +8, Heal +15, Intimidate +12, Linguistics +3, Nature +9, Planes +11, Religion +11, Ride +11, Sense Motive +15, Survival +6, Swim +4 | Spells: 3rd 1/1 2nd 4/4 1st 5/5 | Bane 7/7 | Judgment 3/3 | Conditions: None

Geography: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18

"We'd be able to travel more safely if were to purchase a token of protection. Freedom Town is not so far from here, just a few days there and back."

Female Human Sw/Ro/Su 1/2/3 HP 47/47 AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +1 | R +8 | W +6 | Init +2 | Per +8

What troubles you, Bashuk?

Female Humanoid (Dhampir) Bard 7 | HP 42/43 | AC: 19/14/15 | Fort: +3, Ref: +9, Will: +6 | BAB: +5, Melee +9, Ranged +9, CMB: +6, CMD: 19, | Init: +3 | Perception: +11

Leta moves past in the background, humming a forest tune and carrying more herbs for Nadiya, and notes the discussion.

Female Human Sw/Ro/Su 1/2/3 HP 47/47 AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +1 | R +8 | W +6 | Init +2 | Per +8

Aside (at some point) to Leta, Do you think this dark figure could have planted spies among the refugees? Would be easy enough. I'll leave the particulars to you.

CG Kineticist7 l 80hp, Burn 0/8 l F +11, R +10, W +6, Ini +3 l AC19, Touch14, FF16, CMB +6, CMD20 l Perc +11 l Darkvision 60ft l Spd30
Valeska wrote:
"What troubles you, Bashuk?"

After a few moments' hesitation, Bashuk plunges ahead. "Bringing the shaman with us is four or five different kinds of bad idea, Countess. Grask's ambitions aside, we don't have a safe route through the Holds brokered yet and dragging a hostile prisoner through that is asking for trouble. There's also no guarantee the Open Barrow tribe will negotiate for him at all--best case, whoever has his job now prefers he never comes home and tells us to f~&* off. Worst case, they attack us while we're far from home and deep in their territory. If you won't have him hanged and be done with it, at least don't bring him with us. Please."

Female Human Sw/Ro/Su 1/2/3 HP 47/47 AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +1 | R +8 | W +6 | Init +2 | Per +8

Valeska mulls the Warden's words over for a bit.

I do appreciate your speaking up and don't hesitate in doing so. We can speak freely amongst friends.

But, none of what we are doing here is or will be... easy. And, this is a statement I do wish that we make. We forgive, we show mercy... and it is not weakness. It is a... second chance.

Many will squander it but, that is their choice. She pauses.

There was to be no bargaining. I only wanted to release me closer to home. From his own mouth, they will probably kill him. If he does try anything, we will defend ourselves with extreme prejudice.

We will tell the Burning Sun, we will tell the Open Hand. Our ways will be known. And those that spread the word will have seen them first hand.

CG Kineticist7 l 80hp, Burn 0/8 l F +11, R +10, W +6, Ini +3 l AC19, Touch14, FF16, CMB +6, CMD20 l Perc +11 l Darkvision 60ft l Spd30

By now Bashuk has mastered herself and her expression is carefully neutral. "As you command, Countess."

M Cavalier Cavalier 7 HP: 65/65| AC:22(25)| T: 12| FF:21(24)| Fort:+9 | Ref: +5 | Will: +10| Init: +4| Perception: +13 | Resolve: 3/4

Kain remains quiet, but has a mild face of disapproval. When it came to orcs, he things such actions will show the county as weak.

Female Humanoid (Dhampir) Bard 7 | HP 42/43 | AC: 19/14/15 | Fort: +3, Ref: +9, Will: +6 | BAB: +5, Melee +9, Ranged +9, CMB: +6, CMD: 19, | Init: +3 | Perception: +11
Valeska Talanova wrote:
Aside (at some point) to Leta, Do you think this dark figure could have planted spies among the refugees? Would be easy enough. I'll leave the particulars to you.

"Hmm, I'll set some ears to listening," Leta said thoughtfully.

Leta began looking around for someone among the humans here that looked gullible enough, yet who had reacted positively to the Countess' speech.

Once found, she'd bring such a person aside and tell that person...

"It is possible that some persons might wish continued harm to the Orcish travelers against the will of the Countess. If you could, please keep your ears open around all people in the area, and send word to me in the Capital if you encounter such ideas. In fact," and she added this part almost as an afterthought, even though it was her main goal, "best keep an eye out for anything odd when among the refugees as well, just in case."

1d20 + 13 ⇒ (10) + 13 = 23

Leta's main goal is to begin setting up a network to monitor the Orcs for potential spies. Yet she did not want to take the chance communicating to these people that she thought such a thing was likely, considering how fired up these people were when we found them. Thus, the need to make her new "agent" think the mission was mainly about her people, and to monitor the Orcs as an afterthought.

NG Human Witch (hedge witch) 7 | hp 41/41| Init +2 | Perception +1/+3 | AC 21 (17)/T 14/FF 17(13) | CMD 15 | Fort +5 Ref +5 Will +7 | mage armor (7 hours), message (refreshing regularly)

Nadiya listens in as she finishes her ministrations and orchestrates cleanup. She speaks quietly to Valeska.

"I am less concerned the chances that us escorting the prisoner will mean someone attacks, than who attacks us and what stories they bring back about us--or what stories people glean from their corpses--should we stop them. I am not against the idea, but since you're discussing how you would like the world to see the county... well, something to consider."

Female Human Sw/Ro/Su 1/2/3 HP 47/47 AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +1 | R +8 | W +6 | Init +2 | Per +8

Hmm... Do you mean that they will learn of our tactics and capabilities?

NG Human Witch (hedge witch) 7 | hp 41/41| Init +2 | Perception +1/+3 | AC 21 (17)/T 14/FF 17(13) | CMD 15 | Fort +5 Ref +5 Will +7 | mage armor (7 hours), message (refreshing regularly)

"No, although that's something to consider too. No, I meant that if we're forced to defend ourselves, and our prisoner, we could nonetheless be characterized as aggressors by those who would want to spoil future diplomacy efforts. I don't think this means we shouldn't do it, mind. Just that it bears thinking about."

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