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I would be very interested in this game. I have an idea for a Dwarven Priest of Torag, Bluden Mithralpick.
He comes from a long line of miners and smiths, but felt a higher calling to join the church. While his family was proud that he became a priest, they were also upset that he broke with tradition, in which father or mother would teach their son or daughter their craft.
Bluden has a hard time balancing his faith in a deity with a focus on tradition, and his backing away from tradition to follow his deity. Bluden left his homeland to better focus on his own path, and to possibly build a new life for himself.
I will create the crunch for the character later today.

Torilgrey |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I've got an idea for a cleric kicking about: May I present Aleksey Rostmonov
Aleksey Rostmonov
Male human (Taldan) cleric of Iomedae 5
LG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +0; Senses Perception +4
AC 19, touch 10, flat-footed 19 (+7 armor, +2 shield)
hp 43 (5d8+15)
Fort +6, Ref +1, Will +8
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee longspear +4 (1d8+1/×3) or
. . mwk longsword +5 (1d8+1/19-20)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with longspear)
Special Attacks channel positive energy 5/day (DC 14 [16 to damage undead], 3d6)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 5th; concentration +7)
. . 1/day—light
Domain Spell-Like Abilities (CL 5th; concentration +9)
. . 7/day—battle rage (+2), touch of glory (+5)
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 5th; concentration +9)
. . 3rd—bestow curse (DC 17), dispel magic, searing light[D]
. . 2nd—inheritor's smite, silence (DC 16), sound burst (DC 17), spiritual weapon[D]
. . 1st—bless, divine favor, obscuring mist, sanctuary (DC 15), shield of faith[D]
. . 0 (at will)—detect magic, read magic, stabilize, virtue
. . D Domain spell; Domains Glory, War
Str 13, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 18, Cha 14
Base Atk +3; CMB +4; CMD 14
Feats Combat Expertise, Deadly Aim, Power Attack, Scribe Scroll, Selective Channeling, Spell Focus (evocation), Spell Penetration
Traits analytical (ustalav), chosen of iomedae
Skills Acrobatics -6 (-10 to jump), Appraise +5, Diplomacy +7, Heal +10, Knowledge (arcana) +5 (+6 when taking 10.), Knowledge (history) +5 (+6 when taking 10.), Knowledge (nobility) +5 (+6 when taking 10.), Knowledge (religion) +6 (+7 when taking 10.), Linguistics +5, Profession (scribe) +8, Profession (siege engineer) +8, Ride -5 (-3 to stay in the saddle), Sense Motive +8, Spellcraft +6
Languages Common, Hallit, Orc
SQ finesse weapon attack attribute
Combat Gear pearl of power (1st level), scroll of bless water, scroll of comprehend languages, scroll of lesser restoration, scroll of masterwork transformation, scroll of remove curse, scroll of remove disease, scroll of stone shape, wand of cure light wounds (50 charges), wand of lesser restoration (50 charges); Other Gear +1 chainmail, heavy steel shield, longspear, mwk longsword, belt pouch, candle (10), flint and steel, holy text (Iomedae)[UE], masterwork backpack[APG], mess kit[UE], scroll case, scroll case, silver holy symbol of Iomedae, soap, speed sheath[UW], spell component pouch, tattoo holy symbol of Iomedae[UE], wooden holy symbol of Iomedae, wooden holy symbol of Iomedae, wooden holy symbol of Iomedae, wooden holy symbol of Iomedae, heavy horse (combat trained), bedroll, bit and bridle, blanket, feed (per day), hemp rope (50 ft.), military saddle, pot, saddlebags, torch, trail rations, waterskin, 32 gp, 5 sp
Special Abilities
Battle Rage +2 (7/day) (Sp) Touch ally to grant +2 to a melee dam for 1 rd.
Cleric Channel Positive Energy 3d6 (5/day, DC 14) (Su) Positive energy heals the living and harms the undead; negative has the reverse effect.
Cleric Domain (Glory) Granted Powers: You are infused with the glory of the divine, and are a true foe of the undead. In addition, when you channel positive energy to harm undead creatures, the save DC to halve the damage is increased by 2.
Cleric Domain (War) Granted Powers: You are a crusader for your god, always ready and willing to fight to defend your faith.
Combat Expertise +/-1 Bonus to AC in exchange for an equal penalty to attack.
Deadly Aim -1/+2 Trade a penalty to ranged attacks for a bonus to ranged damage.
Finesse Weapon Attack Attribute Finesse weapons use Strength on attack rolls.
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Selective Channeling Exclude targets from the area of your Channel Energy.
Spell Focus (Evocation) Spells from one school of magic have +1 to their save DC.
Touch of Glory +5 (7/day) (Sp) Grant +5 to a CHA-based skill or ability check.
Aleksey Rostmonov is a cleric of Iomedae, and a member of the religious order called the Grey Blades based in western Ustalav. The order is devoted to the service of Iomedae, but takes a slightly more scholarly approach than the mainstream church and catalogs their enemies and actions as part of their devotion to the Inheritor. They don't lack for undead hunters, and those who smite the wicked, but they take a more even approach to doing so.
Aleksey is in his late twenties, spending his teenage years at the monastery, the Grey Tower, learning the tenets of Iomedae, and in what way they serve her and humanity as a whole. The teachings are rooted in older texts based on Aroden, but updated to Iomedae. He then went on to study at Lepistadt University, and his skills with divine magic really manifested themselves. He learned alongside the mages and other scholars to craft written scrolls, and how to utilize his magics offensively, even though he wasn't a wizard. His studies broadened his horizons and understanding of things, even though he wasn't the brightest student there, he was certainly among the more martially inclined, and certainly was quite proficient with divine magic.
Since then he's been on a pilgrimage around Ustalav, exploring, talking to people, rooting out the undead when able. Recently he has gone out to Belzken, not only to bring the word of Iomedae to the Orcs within, but to learn more of their manners and ways, should they become a threat to Ustalav again in the coming years.
Aleksey is a militant cleric, but with a scholarly bent. He seems as at home on the battlefield as he does in a monastery. His version of the faith of Iomedae doesn't involve pushing his faith on others, but he isn't shy about his beliefs. He lets his moral compass make his decisions, and trusts that his faith guides him appropriately to make the right choice. In combat he stays at range, preferring to use his divine magics to bolster his allies and draw doom on the foes of Iomedae.
Mechanically, I'm thinking about sticking with Cleric all the way up, but may throw a level into Paladin after writing up this backstory. Primary focus will be as a caster cleric, but with the ability to dish out punishement in melee and do some heals once things are over.

Robert Henry |

Recruitment will remain open until 7pm EST on Friday, October 30th.
Ok, 30 hrs. to wrap them up!
DM Vayelan, I have finished Valda's fluff, if you would like to take a look at it.
Plastic Dragon
Roward Armstead
Cuàn: Cleric 3 / Wizard 2 at the start to prepare for going Mystic Theurge at 7.
mighty_avenger: a full warpriest of Desna,
Lobaron: Dwarven Priest of Torag, Bluden Mithralpick.
Jovich Zilybar Gnaz Male Halfling unchained rogue 5 (Eldritch Scoundrel)
Robert Henry: Valda Aslougsdottir female Aasimar Paladin 2 (Warrior of Light/Hospitaler] / Oracle of life 3 (Spirit Guide)
Joker 27: Alberich Orstana male human Unchained Monk 5 {Windstep Master)
Dread: Andru Cardei male Human Cleric of Desna
KingHotTrash: Nikolai Lukresh Male Human Investigator 5 (Empiricist)
Revolving Door Alternate: Farishta Male aasimar warpriest of Desna 5
Digger: Anca Florescu Female Aaasimar Cleric of Nederi 5 bare bones
Ridge: Dargys male Half Orc Evoker
Ioc: Tarson Lierdein male Dhampir Ceric of Abador 5
Losonti Meraki Hannan Female tiefling cleric (ecclesitheurge) of Nocticula 5 (Redeemed)
Torilgrey Aleksey Rostmonov Male human cleric of Iomedae 5
If I have forgotten anyone or gotten information wrong, please let me know.

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I'm going to toss my hat in the ring with Bashuk Cinderhand, a half-orc of the Burning Sun tribe who worships Sarenrae. For the build I'm thinking thinking standard Kineticist with the fire element, later branching out into the aether element.

Shontar Hadove |

Jovich Zilybar Gnaz Male Halfling unchained rogue 5 (Eldritch Scoundrel)
Robert Henry: Valda Aslougsdottir female Aasimar Paladin 2 (Warrior of Light/Hospitaler] / Oracle of life 3 (Spirit Guide)
Joker 27: Alberich Orstana male human Unchained Monk 5 {Windstep Master)
Dread: Andru Cardei male Human Cleric of Desna
KingHotTrash: Nikolai Lukresh Male Human Investigator 5 (Empiricist)
Revolving Door Alternate: Farishta Male aasimar warpriest of Desna 5
Digger: Anca Florescu Female Aaasimar Cleric of Nederi 5 bare bones
Ridge: Dargys male Half Orc Evoker
Ioc: Tarson Lierdein male Dhampir Ceric of Abador 5
Losonti Meraki Hannan Female tiefling cleric (ecclesitheurge) of Nocticula 5 (Redeemed)
Torilgrey Aleksey Rostmonov Male human cleric of Iomedae 5If I have forgotten anyone or gotten information wrong, please let me know.
some of these are incomplete sadly

Bashuk Cinderhand |
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Here is CrusaderWolf's submission, about 90% complete at this point. Need to add her quick-reference bar along the top, half-orc racial traits, and background and then we're good! I understand she's not a terrific fit for High Priest but I did envision her fulfilling the Royal Enforcer role quite well.
Should be complete before noon CST :) Thank you for your consideration!

Andru Cardei |

On Andru, all that is lacking is background. I plan on reading the entire gameplay thread and merge the backgrounds with others.
For the readers digest version hes a Varisian who worships Desna particularly the part of Desna that liberates the oppressed and the part of Desna that rewards his followers with luck.
So Andru would become the high priest and through luck as a true son of the varisians.....
He would have grown up in the Ravengro vicinity.
I think background is all that is lacking though

Robert Henry |
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Folks, it looks like were down to it, I'm posting this at 6:45 EST, so I hope I've got everything right.
Jovich Zilybar Gnaz Male Halfling unchained rogue 5 (Eldritch Scoundrel)
Robert Henry: Valda Aslougsdottir female Aasimar Paladin 2 (Warrior of Light/Hospitaler] / Oracle of life 3 (Spirit Guide)
Joker 27: Alberich Orstana male human Unchained Monk 5 {Windstep Master)
Dread: Andru Cardei male Human Cleric of Desna
KingHotTrash: Nikolai Lukresh Male Human Investigator 5 (Empiricist)
Revolving Door Alternate: Farishta Male aasimar warpriest of Desna 5
Digger: Anca Florescu Female Aaasimar Cleric of Nederi 5 bare bones
Ridge: Dargys male Half Orc Evoker
Ioc: Tarson Lierdein male Dhampir Ceric of Abador 5
Losonti Meraki Hannan Female tiefling cleric (ecclesitheurge) of Nocticula 5 (Redeemed)
Torilgrey Aleksey Rostmonov Male human cleric of Iomedae 5
CrusaderWolf Bashuk Cinderhand female half-orc Kineticist 5
YoricksRequiem Natyi Alamina Female HumanOracle (Pei Zin Practitioner / Psychic Searcher) 2 Witch (Cartomancer / Seducer) 3
Good luck all and good gaming.

DM Vayelan |

And now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for.
The characters who will be joining our adventure are…
Valda Aslougsdottir, played by Robert Henry
Nikolai Lukresh, played by KingHotTrash
Bashuk Cinderhand, played by CrusaderWolf
Congratulations to our new players. Please post in our Discussion thread to introduce yourselves.
To those not selected, do not despair!
Some of my other games are also in need of new party members, so you may soon receive an invitation to adventure after all.

Mark Arvidson |

Long been exposed to Pathfinder, but not a lot of experience playing. A few first level characters in the Pathfinder Society, and then a pick-up game that went all the way to Level 4 in Sandpoint, Rise of the Runelords. I do have a Priest of Gorum named Brother Payne, but he's in fledgling status as only briefly played in a PbP that failed...I'd be a neophyte for PF, but lots of experience elsewhere in D&D, AD&D, 5E, and Shadow of the Demon Lord. I'm not a Rules Lawyer by any means, and would need a bit of help to flesh out a priest beyond 2nd Level. I'd be dating myself, but I grew up near to, and at the inception of D&D in the early 70s. I first played "Chainmail" in 1977, and my Saxon with a sharpened wooden pole and a knife got axed by a Viking in ring mail with a battle axe. It was one of those "Hmmmm..." moments.

SirKay |
Hey GM, Valeska mentioned that you might be looking for new players and recommended that I get in touch. I've done pbp before but not on paizo boards. I have a few ideas for divine caster characters depending on what will fit best with the existing party (gotta say, I was pretty excited to see a griffon in the mix). I'd also love to get some more info on current arc/quest of the campaign, balance of rp and combat, how the kingmaker/settlement aspect is being handled mechanically, and any lore context you think is important. Could you PM me so we can discuss further? Thanks.
- Sirkay

rando1000 |

Hey GM, Valeska mentioned that you might be looking for new players and recommended that I get in touch. I've done pbp before but not on paizo boards. I have a few ideas for divine caster characters depending on what will fit best with the existing party (gotta say, I was pretty excited to see a griffon in the mix). I'd also love to get some more info on current arc/quest of the campaign, balance of rp and combat, how the kingmaker/settlement aspect is being handled mechanically, and any lore context you think is important. Could you PM me so we can discuss further? Thanks.
- Sirkay
Hey, I made a druid with decent healing capabilities, but if you go cleric (with channel energy) I might redesign to fill a different position. If you don't want to go healer, I'll leave Alphion as is.

Valeska Talanova |

I'm keeping hush mostly so as not to affect prospective players' personal preference.
I personally think having a Druid and a Cleric and a Warpriest would be awesome!
Can always have a mix or gods and domains.
There is exploration (wilderness and bonding with the land) and missionary (combat/conquest & evangelism) work to be done.
Undead seem to be a big theme or large arc on the story thus far, it is Ustalav after all. Add Orc hordes... combat aplenty.
Party balance-wise:
* Valeska can always use another flanking buddy
* Range - we only have a kineticist and a vanilla crossbow
* Reach/Trip - battlefield control we only have a lance
What else would anyone like to know?!
There is an obvious vacancy around "Wizard" and I'm sure everyone will protect the magic user! And, we could improve/expand some aggregate knowledge skills.

Valeska Talanova |

From a kingdom building perspective... I'm a lover not a fighter. My intuitive thoughts are:
* secure what we have (from attackers, neighbor expansion, etc...)
* forge alliances with like-minded factions (non-evil)
* build centers of excellence and become a destination (library, theatre, school / university / academy - crafting, diplomacy, arcane, divine, military - and central intelligence/agents)
* commerce, cater to caravans, trade routes... hospitality
* welcome all people, races, creeds - again, so long as non-evil - multi faith centers of worship
I know it's all general, but basically becoming a "shining jewel"...
Except for securing what we have, and by extension forging alliances... this is not in any particular order.
All players/characters have a hand in guiding these principles and priorities.

DeathQuaker RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |

Hi all, I'm a little confused because I didn't see a recruitment/re-recruitment post, yet people are making submissions. GM Vayelan, if you're looking for someone I'd be interested in throwing my hat in. I used to play Kalig the Druid in your homebrew settlement game, and I am looking for another game to join. If you are accepting submissions please let me know what you are looking for. If not, good luck and happy gaming.

DM Vayelan |

Hi all, I'm a little confused because I didn't see a recruitment/re-recruitment post, yet people are making submissions. GM Vayelan, if you're looking for someone I'd be interested in throwing my hat in. I used to play Kalig the Druid in your homebrew settlement game, and I am looking for another game to join. If you are accepting submissions please let me know what you are looking for. If not, good luck and happy gaming.
As Valeska mentioned, our plan was to try reaching out to acquaintances before holding an open recruitment. However, based upon my previous (very) positive experience with you as a player, I would welcome your submission.
The party currently includes a cavalier (serving as general), a kineticist (serving as warden), and a rogue/summoner/swashbuckler (serving as ruler). Casters, either arcane or divine, would be useful, as would be someone with knowledge and/or utility skills.

DeathQuaker RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |

Awesome, thanks! As long as it's okay with your group, I'll submit something and if y'all like it, great (and if not, such is PBP).
I've got an Ustalavan hedge mage witch (healing focused but arcane) who might work particularly well for this. I might also explore the possibility of an Investigator for utility. I'll post a build within the next couple days.

Nadiya |

This is DeathQuaker; this is probably the character I will submit, but this is not submission ready (she was in a very short-lived Carrion Crown game). I need to finish leveling her and re-doing her skills to adjust for background skills among some other tweaks. Posting with her in case you have any questions or concerns about the overall content. (Now that I reread her I recall she has some similarities with Kalig, but generally she is a kindler character and more focused purely on being a support caster; I think she'd personality-wise support the diplomacy focused goals of the group but be able to handle exploration and catastrophe deftly).
Are there any particular skill gaps you're concerned about filling (I did see the note above about Knowledges)? Any redundancies you're keen to avoid?
Mechanics-wise--I see that Elephant in the Room is being used for feats. Does this mean if I wished to use Dex on a finessable weapon I do not need the feat? (I think it does, just want to confirm.)
Do you have any guidance about how many spells she (her familiar) should know? There's the minimum cantrips + 3 at 1st level and 2 every level thereafter but realistically she would have been an active adventurer and probably picked up a few more along the way.

DM Vayelan |

Okay, now Nadiya is submission-ready. Stats are updated to 5th level.
I realize my questions from yesterday have not been answered (I've for now assumed auto-finesse is okay), but of course I am happy to make adjustments if need be.
Sorry, I missed the question about Elephant in the Room and Feat Tax rules. Valeska is correct, they are in effect, so you can do auto-finesse.
Regarding skills, roles, and spells, I was going to defer to the current party's thoughts, although I invite other new recruits to offer input, too. I figure party composition and strategy should be your own decisions, rather than mine. I'd rather see what you come up with, then design and adjust encounters around those capabilities to make sure you get a chance to put them to use.
Okay, since Nadiya seems to have healing under control, I'm going to withdraw Alphion as my submission. I'm thinking maybe Bard/Councilor or Sorceror/Councilor role for my next attempt.
I think either a bard or sorcerer would be great additions to the party.

rando1000 |

I'd note that while Nadiya has healing as her main schtick, a druid could do a lot of things she could not. But bards and sorcerers are useful too, if you're excited about one of those!
Yeah, my druid was a custom model with extra healing and no wildshape (which I don't care much for as a player). It's cool though. I'm liking my new concept better anyway.

DM Vayelan |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Okay, after waiting for a bit, I think it's safe to move things along and welcome rando1000's Leta Erdeal and DeathQuaker's Nadiya into the party.
Furthermore, a player from one of my other campaigns reached out about joining our game, as well. As long as there are no strenuous objections to raising the party's strength from 5 to 6, I'm going to send them a message to finalize their character. They were going to play an Inquisitor of Sarenrae, so I believe the addition of an Inquisitor, Witch, and Bard will add a great complement of spells and skills to the party.

Leta Erdeal |

Okay, after waiting for a bit, I think it's safe to move things along and welcome rando1000's Leta Erdeal and DeathQuaker's Nadiya into the party.
Cool. Understanding that the party is in the middle of something right now, please let me know when it's time to jump in and how you'd like me to do it. Meantime I'll start porting my character info to the alias.

Valeska Talanova |

Okay, after waiting for a bit, I think it's safe to move things along and welcome rando1000's Leta Erdeal and DeathQuaker's Nadiya into the party.
Furthermore, a player from one of my other campaigns reached out about joining our game, as well. As long as there are no strenuous objections to raising the party's strength from 5 to 6, I'm going to send them a message to finalize their character. They were going to play an Inquisitor of Sarenrae, so I believe the addition of an Inquisitor, Witch, and Bard will add a great complement of spells and skills to the party.
No objections here! Welcome ALL!