+2 racial bonus on Bluff and Perception checks (already added)
Ignore negative levels until they surpass hitdice
detect undead 3x per day (1 used) (CL 6)
Light Sensitivity (-1 attack and visual perception in bright sunlight)
Negative Energy Affinity - treat positive and negative energy as undead do
Class Abilities:
wild knowledge (+1/3 level to know/nature, make geography untrained)
nature magic (replace some spells with druid or ranger spells)
bardic performance (20 rounds/day (4 used); song of the wild, distraction, fascinate, suggestion)
well-versed; inspire courage +2; lore master 1/day
song of the wild (grant an animal aspect to an ally)
Primary Motivation:To have fun, to enjoy life
Secondary: Allegiance to allies
Tertiary: Protect the natural world
Disposition: Joyful, even-tempered
Core Traits: Intrepid, free thinking