
Leta Erdeal's page

196 posts. Alias of rando1000.

Full Name

Leta Erdeal


Humanoid (Dhampir)


Bard 7 | HP 54/43 | AC: 19/14/15 | Fort: +3 (+5), Ref: +9, Will: +6 | BAB: +5, Melee +7, Ranged +9, CMB: +6, CMD: 19, | Init: +3 | Perception: +11




M (5'5"; 115 lbs)


48 (appears mid-20s)




Common, Varisian, Draconic

Strength 13
Dexterity 17
Constitution 10
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 10
Charisma 18

About Leta Erdeal

Feats Dodge (1st)
Point Blank Shot (3rd)
Toughness (5th)
Precise Shot (7th)

Bluff 4 (+13), Knowledge/Nature 7 (+13), Lingustics 2 (+5), Perception 7 (+11), Perform/Sing 7 (+14), Spellcraft 6 (+9), Stealth 4 (+10), Survival 7 (+7)

Spells Prepared:
(CL 7th; concentration)
3rd (2 known; 2/day)—gaseous form, vermin shape I (druid)
2nd (4 known; 4/day)— allegro, bladed dash*, invisibility, bear's endurance (druid)* USED
1st (5 known; 5/day)—abundant ammo, comprehend languages, ear piercing scream (3d6) USED, entangle (druid), inflict light wounds (1d8+5)
0th (6 known, at will)—detect magic, ghost sound, know direction, lullaby, mage hand, spark

Race Abilities/Limitations:
+2 racial bonus on Bluff and Perception checks (already added)
Ignore negative levels until they surpass hitdice
detect undead 3x per day (1 used) (CL 6)
Light Sensitivity (-1 attack and visual perception in bright sunlight)
Negative Energy Affinity - treat positive and negative energy as undead do

Class Abilities:
wild knowledge (+1/3 level to know/nature, make geography untrained)
nature magic (replace some spells with druid or ranger spells)
bardic performance (20 rounds/day (4 used); song of the wild, distraction, fascinate, suggestion)
well-versed; inspire courage +2; lore master 1/day
song of the wild (grant an animal aspect to an ally)

Combat Gear: +1 shortbow (2330 gp), 30 arrows, +1 chain shirt (1250 gp), +1 shocking shortsword (8310 gp)

Magic Items: potion inflict moderate wounds x 2, potion of inflict light wounds x 3, cloak of resistance +1, aegis of recovery

Normal Items: backpack (2 gp); bedroll (1 sp); 1-pint flask (3 cp); 7 days’ trail rations (3.5 gp), grappling hook (1 gp), 50' silk rope (10 gp), belt pouch x 2 (2 gp), spell component pouch (5 gp)

118 gp, 7 pp, 15 sp, 25 cp

RP Notes:
Primary Motivation:To have fun, to enjoy life
Secondary: Allegiance to allies
Tertiary: Protect the natural world
Disposition: Joyful, even-tempered
Core Traits: Intrepid, free thinking