Strength and Fear: An Ustalavic Kingmaker Campaign

Game Master vayelan

Kingdom Building Rules
Rulership Tracker
Map: Canterwall and Neighbors

Map: The Town of Ravengro
Map: Harrowstone Grounds

Current Encounter: Koldukar - The Great Hall

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Female Humanoid (Dhampir) Bard 7 | HP 42/43 | AC: 19/14/15 | Fort: +3, Ref: +9, Will: +6 | BAB: +5, Melee +9, Ranged +9, CMB: +6, CMD: 19, | Init: +3 | Perception: +11

Leta had spent the night out among the people; her music was starting to give her a reputation, and this served her purposes well. If people admired and trusted her, she would hear things, and those could be passed along.
The early morning hours pre-sunrise were spent relaxing in a secluded grove of trees; thus it was when someone had come to find her, she was so fast asleep she would not be roused. The Countess had been made aware of her proclivity for late hours (an advantage given her duties), and thus was not surprised at her absence.

NG Human Witch (hedge witch) 7 | hp 41/41| Init +2 | Perception +1/+3 | AC 21 (17)/T 14/FF 17(13) | CMD 15 | Fort +5 Ref +5 Will +7 | mage armor (7 hours), message (refreshing regularly)

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26

Nadiya herself is shopping (more an excuse for doing rounds and getting to know the town better) when she receives the call and goes to meet the dwarves.

Listening to the exchange, she replies, "High Oathkeeper, as you ask, 'why else?' I turn that question back to you. Few of us who live here have escaped an orc war-tribe raid. My entire village burned when I was just a babe, and my father and five siblings with it. Yet that hasn't driven most of us into hiding, centuries ago or now. To be master dwarven engineers and warriors and remain isolated for eight thousand years suggests something far darker, and, as you suggest yourself, breaking such isolation would not be an easy decision, which suggests perhaps you have deeper concerns than you say. Since you come here to us as friends, and friends help each other, I suggest putting all your reasons on the table so that we might be aware of what threatens both our peoples."

Female Human Sw/Ro/Su 1/2/3 HP 47/47 AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +1 | R +8 | W +6 | Init +2 | Per +8

It is a rare thing to see Valeska uncomfortable, and this is not one of those times but, she seems... concerned. She acknowledges Nadiya's perception.

If our guests have a reason to be cautious, I'm certain it will become evident in time. Please, let's get indoors. Here is Jofra's place.

"Darker?" the High Oathkeeper exclaims, incensed by Nadiya's insinuation. However, this seems to be the right approach to coax the elder into opening up. "We protect the Prophecy of Ascendance, the very future of our people. If Gerduhm were to fall, the key to a new golden age would be lost forever."

Knowledge (History, Nobility, or Religion DC 20):
According to the Prophecy of Ascendance, a descendant of King Taargick - the mighty dwarf king who led his people to the surface for the first time - will one day lead their nation on a new mass migration similar to the Quest for Sky and to a new golden age.

As you enter the forge, you watch as a brief expression of surprise upon Jorfa's face devolves into one of outright panic. Despite being perhaps the oldest person living in Ravengro, Jorfa flees like a frightened child. She tries to act as though she didn't notice your arrival, as though she merely needed to grab something from the back of her workshop, but it is a poor facade.

Anyone who goes to check on Jorfa:
"Are they here to arrest me?" she squeaks. "Please don't let them take me away, my lady."

Female Human Sw/Ro/Su 1/2/3 HP 47/47 AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +1 | R +8 | W +6 | Init +2 | Per +8

Valeska puts the basket she's been carrying down and follows the smith.

Checking on Jorfa:
No, my dear... I just needed a place other than the castle to meet with them.

Perhaps you can learn from them or even trade. Valeska offers a wink.

If you would extend them hospitality, I would greatly appreciate it. And, I think you will find their tale fascinating.

Kn Nobility: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10

CG Kineticist7 l 80hp, Burn 0/8 l F +11, R +10, W +6, Ini +3 l AC19, Touch14, FF16, CMB +6, CMD20 l Perc +11 l Darkvision 60ft l Spd30

The Quest for Space! a prophesized dwarven Inventor shall found a multi-stage rocketry program in Torag's name! I love it :)

Religion: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (8) + 12 = 20

"Prophecy died a century ago..." Bashuk murmurs mostly to herself as she follows the entourage to Jorfa's.

"Hey Jorfa, what gives? These gents couldn't know you, and they don't have jurdi--jursic--permission to arrest you anyway."

Gotta admit, between the inbred dwarf clan and now the dwarven space program, Bashuk is killing it with these ideas.

Jorfa calms down somewhat when she learns that these emissaries hail from a hold in the Tusk Mountains, rather than from the east. As she struggles to control her ragged breath, she confesses her secret shame to Countess Valeska and Bashuk.

"Once upon a time, I had a promising career as a soldier back in the Five Kings Mountains. But there came a day when my patrol launched an attack on an enclave of duergars and...and...I don't know, I just panicked. I ran and abandoned my platoon.

"I didn’t stop running until I reached western Ustalav, where I heard a call for skilled crafters to aid in the foundation of a new town — Ravengro. I actually arrived only a month after Harrowstone - the old Harrowstone - was finished," she says, gesturing with her head towards the stone walls.

"I've lived in Ravengro ever since, but I've lived looking over my shoulder. My kin are slow to forgive, and they never forget. When I saw you bring those three to my forge...well, I thought they'd finally tracked me down, and I'd be punished for desertion."

Female Human Sw/Ro/Su 1/2/3 HP 47/47 AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +1 | R +8 | W +6 | Init +2 | Per +8

We can speak more of this later, today you are a hostess. Make them feel welcome, show then around and ask for advice.

We can always learn from and teach others. We are never perfect. The double meaning isn't an attack, as the Countess seems to include herself.

NG Human Witch (hedge witch) 7 | hp 41/41| Init +2 | Perception +1/+3 | AC 21 (17)/T 14/FF 17(13) | CMD 15 | Fort +5 Ref +5 Will +7 | mage armor (7 hours), message (refreshing regularly)

I was assuming we had already been in privacy when Nadiya spoke, sorry!

Knowledge History: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (15) + 13 = 28

When Jorfa runs off, Nadiya stays with the visitors. "I am sorry, I tend to talk too much. That is the prophecy about the great King Taargick's descendants? I have heard of it, but I do not know much about the King himself, beyond that he led his people to the surface. Would you mind telling me more about him?"

Just trying to keep them preoccupied.

Moradan is quite shocked to hear an outsider express knowledge about King Taargick and the prophecy. This serves Nadiya's purpose and gets the High Oathkeeper talking, keeping him and his party preoccupied - first while Valeska and Bashuk calm Jorfa, and then when the smith composes herself and begins acting as host, as directed by the countess.

There are broad strokes and common details about the legend of King Taargick that Nadiya already knows: he was born in the subterranean nation of Felgunn, deep inside Golarion, on the very night of Earthfall. His mother, the military commander and oracle Hilgart, insisted that he be educated in a range of skills, such as diplomacy, engineering, religions, and others.

"It was actually Hilgart who convinced her son and many of their kin that Earthfall was a sign from Torag, signifying that it was time to begin the Quest for Sky," Moradan explains. "Of course, it was Taargick who reunified and motivated our people anew when the terribly costly wars with the orcs threatened to end the skyward exodus."

This, of course, leads back to the comparatively more common knowledge of the completion of the Quest for Sky, the founding of Koldukar, and Taargick's reign over Tar Taargadth's golden age.

Moradan begins to speak about the mystery surrounding Taargick's death and final resting place when he is interrupted by Jorfa's return, offering to show her kin around the castle and Ravengro.

CG Kineticist7 l 80hp, Burn 0/8 l F +11, R +10, W +6, Ini +3 l AC19, Touch14, FF16, CMB +6, CMD20 l Perc +11 l Darkvision 60ft l Spd30

"I'm sorry, I'm not sure I fully understand," Bashuk says slowly, trying to roll the implications of Moradan's tale over in her mind. "Are you saying that your little community has been guarding the bloodline of Taargick the Bloody-Handed for eight thousand years?"

Another little bit of editorializing, but I can't imagine the orcs have any polite terms for Taargick :p

NG Human Witch (hedge witch) 7 | hp 41/41| Init +2 | Perception +1/+3 | AC 21 (17)/T 14/FF 17(13) | CMD 15 | Fort +5 Ref +5 Will +7 | mage armor (7 hours), message (refreshing regularly)

Not that I mind the interjection, but I thought you went after Jorfa, Bashuk? And thus would have missed most of the story? Or are you interjecting after you return? Just trying to get a sense of sequence

Nadiya smiles as Jorfa returns. "Maybe we can hear more history as we get our tour."

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CG Kineticist7 l 80hp, Burn 0/8 l F +11, R +10, W +6, Ini +3 l AC19, Touch14, FF16, CMB +6, CMD20 l Perc +11 l Darkvision 60ft l Spd30

I think I misunderstood where Jorfa was, on a reread she was hiding in the back from these folks. I guess Bashuk popped her head in, saw the Countess was handling things with Jorfa, and so came back because she was curious about this prophecy business.

As Bashuk returns to the conversation out front and offers her insight, Moradan's nostrils flare from beneath his bushy mustache and beard, like a mighty beast bristling within a bush.

"I am wise enough to hold my tongue, especially when availing myself of my host's hospitality," the High Oathkeeper speaks, measuring his words carefully. His eyes appraise Bashuk. "The soil and stone beneath our feet is soaked with the blood of both our people, at each other's hands, stretching back for twice the lifespan of our hold and reaching down to unfathomable depths.

"Nevertheless, you are not my enemy, and neither am I yours."

CG Kineticist7 l 80hp, Burn 0/8 l F +11, R +10, W +6, Ini +3 l AC19, Touch14, FF16, CMB +6, CMD20 l Perc +11 l Darkvision 60ft l Spd30

"No argument here," Bashuk raises her hands in a placating gesture. "Sorry Oathkeeper, my mouth ran ahead of my head--the Everlight bids us to forgive wherever possible. I hope we can find a way towards being more than merely 'not enemies' but all things come in their own time."

"We do not need a full tour around your castle or your town. I would rather get right to the matter of why we have decided to emerge from seclusion and accept your invitation.

"Through magic, we have long stayed in contact with the rest of the Order of Oathkeepers spread across Avistan and Garund. After your initial visit and...meeting with Miss Grayhand, I communed with my colleagues, and long did we deliberate on how to proceed.

"The consensus is that the time has come for the Prophecy of Ascendance to be fulfilled."

Moradan quickly summarizes the elements of the prophecy that you do not already know: a descendant of King Taargick will one day lead their nation on a new mass migration similar to the Quest for Sky and to a new golden age.

"Of course, there remains debate about the destination for this migration. Some of my peers believe we are meant to converge upon the Five Kings Mountains, joining together on a crusade to slay the dragons that squat upon the ruined holds of Tar Khadurrm.

"A much larger share of the Oathkeeper Council, however, believes that Gerduhm should be the epicenter of the migration, and that our goal should be retaking Koldukar from the orcs.

"An ambitious prize, but one that I fear would cost too much blood to ever be worth the price."

The High Oathkeeper looks towards Bashuk before adding, "And I recognize that such a terrible cost would be exacted from both peoples."

M Cavalier Cavalier 7 HP: 65/65| AC:22(25)| T: 12| FF:21(24)| Fort:+9 | Ref: +5 | Will: +10| Init: +4| Perception: +13 | Resolve: 3/4

Kain grimaced a bit at the mention prophecy. He was a man of action, not of hiding and waiting, and it took every ounce of decorum he had to not point out that hiding and slowly dwindling in a hole would not lead their people to a new age. So he merely tightened his face and said nothing.


His restraint was rewarded, as soon the dwarves mentioned a call to action.

Dragons and orcs, both are likely to be fearsome foes. Perhaps, it would be better to gather your forces, and then properly prepare for a campaign. A great migration of unknown dwarves is assured to draw attention. And a safe, defensible rally location that warned no one of your potential intent, be it this Tar Khadurrm or Koldukar, would be best. He laughed a little in his head at the thought he was warning them from brashness. But he had learned from his mistakes. Action, and foolishness, were oft a knife's edge.

Though, a thought played on the edge of his mind, if the dwarves could begin retaking the hold, perhaps he could see the reestablishment of his lost city before his final breath.

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NG Human Witch (hedge witch) 7 | hp 41/41| Init +2 | Perception +1/+3 | AC 21 (17)/T 14/FF 17(13) | CMD 15 | Fort +5 Ref +5 Will +7 | mage armor (7 hours), message (refreshing regularly)

"Would be presumptuous to ask--and I apologize if it is supposed to be obvious--who exactly is--or are--the descendants of Taargick?"

She did not like the idea of anyone assaulting a large force of orcs, or to take on dragon-s- plural, but it seemed to her there was more to determine first, here.

Female Human Sw/Ro/Su 1/2/3 HP 47/47 AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +1 | R +8 | W +6 | Init +2 | Per +8

Valeska listens carefully.

Does the word "ascend" in Dwarven mean something like "kill" or something close to it?

The Countess blinks, somewhat bewildered.

"The last member of Taargick's bloodline to sit upon the throne of Tar Taargadth was Durlak II," Moradan explains. "When Koldukar's fall became inevitable, he entrusted his daughter to the priesthood of Kols. They retreated to Gerduhm to protect her and her descendants, forming the Order of Oathkeepers and becoming my predecessors. One of the last descendants of King Durlak remains safe in our care, but for security reasons, we will not name them. There are other living descendants, but their identities and locations are known only to the other High Oathkeepers, my counterparts across Golarion."

A discussion with Moradan and others fluent in Dwarven clarifies that the word used in the name for the prophecy translates literally, equating "ascension" with a physical rise - mirroring the ancient dwarves rising from the depths of Golarion, up to the surface.

The modern interpretation, however, takes a more metaphorical bent.

"Four of the original ten Sky Citadels lie in ruins. Jernashall and so many of our second generation of cities have also fallen," Moradan rues. "You'd be hard pressed to find one of my kin who doesn't believe we are in a dark age. We have fallen so far from the heights we once reached in art, architecture, engineering, music, literature...Some of our greatest treasures sit in the hoards of dragons and other monsters.

"The Prophecy of Ascendance represents a chance to pull ourselves back up and reclaim what has been lost. It is a beacon of hope for our people, a reminder that no matter how far down we are, we can keep climbing back up."

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NG Human Witch (hedge witch) 7 | hp 41/41| Init +2 | Perception +1/+3 | AC 21 (17)/T 14/FF 17(13) | CMD 15 | Fort +5 Ref +5 Will +7 | mage armor (7 hours), message (refreshing regularly)

"The reason I ask is becsuse... Well, I don't deeply know the way of dwarves, but I have met and studied with those who study the ancients... And my understanding is prophecy cannot be forced. Indeed, attempts to push it, manipulate it, or thwart it are equally fruitless. So if this prophecy centers on the descendant, I would like to know what her instincts may be."

Female Human Sw/Ro/Su 1/2/3 HP 47/47 AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +1 | R +8 | W +6 | Init +2 | Per +8

Valeska discretely looks at Vreya, judging her reaction.

Sense Motive, Vreya the descendant?: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14

Female Human Sw/Ro/Su 1/2/3 HP 47/47 AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +1 | R +8 | W +6 | Init +2 | Per +8

So that I do not embarrass myself and prove complete ignorance, I'll simply ask... do any of your desirable objectives border our fair Canterwall?

And, could you bring yourselves to cooperate with or even treaty with Orc tribes? We would be happy to help you establish a foothold upon the surface and help in your defense.

I ascribe to a world-view of... plenty. While others ascribe to scarcity and feel that others must be brought low for them to succeed. I believe we can rise together.

We wish to cultivate all that you have names, truth be told. Art, architecture, engineering, music, literature, spirituality and though we are mostly a short-lived population, we welcome all should they come in peace.

I know of a hold that could use your help, as well as a town.

She pauses to take a deep breath.

So that you know, I've been giving this county to rule... serendipity I suppose. But, I take the mantle and duties quite seriously. Where there is chaos, there is opportunity and only fools would squander their chances.

In general there may be neighbors that plot against us both overtly and in clandestine manner. There may be those further, waiting for an opportunity to march upon this humble county.

With you as ally, we would be stronger. With us as an ally? I'll let you decide for yourselves.

Female Humanoid (Dhampir) Bard 7 | HP 42/43 | AC: 19/14/15 | Fort: +3, Ref: +9, Will: +6 | BAB: +5, Melee +9, Ranged +9, CMB: +6, CMD: 19, | Init: +3 | Perception: +11

Leta rolls over in bed, adjusting the blindfold over her eyes to keep out the climbing sun. It was much darker in her forest cottage; this took some getting used to.

Just dotting in with a silly interlude. Player's keeping up with what's going on.

CG Kineticist7 l 80hp, Burn 0/8 l F +11, R +10, W +6, Ini +3 l AC19, Touch14, FF16, CMB +6, CMD20 l Perc +11 l Darkvision 60ft l Spd30

Bashuk opens her mouth to speak, then closes it again. She repeats this twice more as she struggles to find the words. "What Nadiya says is true, to a point--that's how prophecy used to work. But the priests and sages all agree that it's dead and gone, it unraveled over a hundred years ago when The Last Azlanti died. Maybe because He died, I don't think anyone knows for sure." Bashuk shrugs helplessly. "I can't imagine what it must be like to have spent such a very long time guarding this prophecy of yours only to have the rug pulled, it must be awful, but there's no certainty in augury to be had any more. While I believe my people would accept an alliance if one were offered, are you certain that you really could rally a mass migration?"

Based on Vreya's reaction, you reach two conclusions. First, since she is not surprised by what her leader says, the scout was already aware of the prophecy business, so this is not something kept from the lower ranked members of the hold.

Second, the lack of nervous glances from Vreya leads you to believe that she is not the descendant they are protecting. Or, if she actually is, she is not aware of the fact.

Moradan's expression and mannerisms are harder to read, but applying a merchant's strategic thinking, you also conclude that it would be very unlikely for the High Oathkeeper to bring Taargick's heir along to a human town with so much unknown about the hosts.

Valeska Talanova wrote:
"So that I do not embarrass myself and prove complete ignorance, I'll simply ask... do any of your desirable objectives border our fair Canterwall?"

Moradan's answer comes as no surprise to Kain and Bashuk, but others less familiar with the geopolitics and history of the Belkzen might be shocked to learn that Koldukar is now the orc city of Urgir.

Kain and Bashuk can automatically read the following spoiler, but they can also make Knowledge checks with a +4 bonus to glean additional details.

Knowledge (Geography, Local, or History) DC 15:
Located only a couple days' ride southwest from Valorforge - and by extension, roughly a week's travel from Ravengro - Urgir is the de facto capital for the Hold of the Belkzen. While there is, obviously, no official census for the city, estimates from travelers who purchase pass tokens to safely visit Urgir suggest that its population is at least 20,000.

The city's ruler is Grask Uldeth, chief of the Empty Hand tribe and arguably the most powerful person in the Hold of Belkzen.

Moradan affixes Bashuk with his eyes, but while his expression offers a challenge, it is not hostile.

"What comes to mind when you think of my people?" he asks Bashuk. "Just like I have my ideas about your people, you probably have yours about mine. I'm guessing 'stubborn' is one of those. Well, it may not be forged in our people's very bones, but there is certainly enough stubbornness among my colleagues and kin to be a force of nature itself.

"The divine prophecies may be dead, but our conviction is not. If we want it badly enough, we will fight for it. We live in a world where even gods may die, but ideas and hopes do not."

The High Oathkeeper pauses to sigh and catch his breath, reining himself in from getting too passionate and losing his composure.

"As for whether we could rally a mass migration...for woe or weal, the wheels already turn. My peers within Highhelm and Janderhoff have reported that particularly eager, impetuous groups of our kin are already packing bags and wagons to begin their journeys.

"Thus, our problem is not motivation but organization. Discipline, if you will. These eager dwarven souls - representing both hotheaded youths growing their first beards, as well as proud elders whose gray beards sweep the floor and want to see the dawning of a new age before they are interred in stone - are not uniform in purpose. Some see themselves as settlers, looking to set down the roots that will grow a better life. Others are pilgrims, looking to pay homage to the one who may soon become High Queen. And others still...," he says, taking a brief but noticeable pause, "fancy themselves crusaders, seeking blood and glory."

Female Human Sw/Ro/Su 1/2/3 HP 47/47 AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +1 | R +8 | W +6 | Init +2 | Per +8

Kn Geography: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16

Female Human Sw/Ro/Su 1/2/3 HP 47/47 AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +1 | R +8 | W +6 | Init +2 | Per +8

How can we help High Oathkeeper Daras Moradan?

Moradan retreats into his mind, thinking deeply upon the countess' question.

"We are not quite ready to open Gerduhm," he finally says. "A sudden stream of pilgrim would surely give away our location before we are prepared and organized for our future steps. And even if we were ready, Gerduhm is not large enough to host the number of our kin who have already pledged to the still-forming cause."

Thus, the High Oathkeeper asks if you would be willing to accept dwarven settlers into Ravengro and your surrounding lands.

NG Human Witch (hedge witch) 7 | hp 41/41| Init +2 | Perception +1/+3 | AC 21 (17)/T 14/FF 17(13) | CMD 15 | Fort +5 Ref +5 Will +7 | mage armor (7 hours), message (refreshing regularly)

Nadiya looks expectantly at Valeska and the others, having little to say.

Female Human Sw/Ro/Su 1/2/3 HP 47/47 AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +1 | R +8 | W +6 | Init +2 | Per +8

Canterwall would welcome the Dwur with open arms. Let your people know. Ravengro and Clover's Crossing, especially. We've yet to visit every field, mount and hollow.

Also, let them know that the only price for this hospitality is they must abide by Canterwall law.

They may come as visitors, as merchants, transients or to settle. Your scouts, soldiers and people in general may find safehaven here.

We have farm land, and could help acclimate your growers to the surface. I can only imagine the differences there must be to farming underground. My own background in winemaking and the cultivation of grapes.

In fact, your warriors are welcome to join our militia and army, if they pass General Kain's inspection. We may yet learn from one another. And, when it's time for them to answer the call... they may leave.

We have a Cathedral that needs rebuilding. And, as part of our ways, we've endeavored to create a worship center that welcomes and includes all good faiths.

My hope is that when your armies are strong and do march, they remember the lessons of the past and... forge a new golden era of peace with those that have been allies and those that were once... not.

I am furthermore personally at your service, High Oath Keeper Moradan, should you need diplomatic assistance.

She pauses, taking a breath. As she does her eyes rest upon Miss Grayhand, then scan the faces assembled.

If there are questions from anyone, I'm glad to field them.

The High Oathkeeper solemnly accepts the agreement. Miss Grayhand's face registers far more open enthusiasm for the accord.

Mirta, your treasurer, suggests that the dwarven settlers might be especially useful for repairing and securing the catacombs beneath Clover's Crossing.

The dwarven envoys are ready to make haste and return to their hidden home. However, Miss Grayhand speaks in low, insistent tones with the High Oathkeeper.

Freya is suggesting to the High Oathkeeper that she stay behind in Ravengro as a representative for him and the rest of the Oathkeepers. Moradan is very reluctant to agree to this, insinuating that the young scout is motivated by more personal reasons.

Female Human Sw/Ro/Su 1/2/3 HP 47/47 AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +1 | R +8 | W +6 | Init +2 | Per +8

Valeska wholeheartedly agrees regarding Clover's Crossing.

She tries interrupting the Dwarven conversation at a respectful lull, though she is yet to be certain of the language's cadence.

Valorforge... she considers any reaction from the Dwarves.

"Eh?" Moradan raises an eyebrow, confused by the enigmatic interjection from the countess of Canterwall.

However, Miss Grayhand jumps in with a clarification for her superior.

"Valorforge. It's a stronghold the humans of this land built about nine centuries ago in the badlands overlooking the Gap of Valballus," she explains with the detailed precision of a skilled scout. "It stood for about four centuries before falling to the orcs of the Belkzen. Our intel isn't current on who currently holds the stronghold."

Grayhand reflexively offers a salute whilst making this report to the High Oathkeeper, then sheepishly lowers her arm, worried that the gesture makes her look too green.

Thus you learn that while the dwarves of Gerduhm are aware of Valorforge's existence, they had no hand in its construction or history.

Female Human Sw/Ro/Su 1/2/3 HP 47/47 AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +1 | R +8 | W +6 | Init +2 | Per +8

Valeska considers, impressed with Vreya. We have helped take and settle Valorforge, but in doing so... have discovered the presence of Dark Folk and their Chooser.

There is an uneasy truce, now... where access had been blocked off. The Dark Folk stay deep while our allies command the surface levels.

I was wondering if you've encountered these people and I'd you could assist in rebuilding Valorforge.

It did not benefit from Dwarven engineering when it was built, perhaps it can be so blessed, now.

Valeska Talanova wrote:
It did not benefit from Dwarven engineering when it was built, perhaps it can be so blessed, now.[/b]

"A very fascinating argument. Perhaps you can plead your case once the first wave of settlers arrives," Moradan suggests. "Given the motivations and fervor driving our kin, I suspect they will be reluctant to take interest in something Their eyes will be set on the deep foundations laid by our ancestors ages ago."

Female Human Sw/Ro/Su 1/2/3 HP 47/47 AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +1 | R +8 | W +6 | Init +2 | Per +8

Valeska smiles broadly.

Very well, High Oathkeeper. As you suggest.

We do appreciate the sacrifices in making this journey, and wish you a safe and swift trek home.

Valeska bows deeply, and offers hey own arm for an arm clasp.

The High Oathkeeper pauses and eyes the countess' proffered arm. The machinations of his mind are plain to read upon his face, as he weighs matters of tradition and culture as well as the weight of centuries of isolation.

Finally, he returns the gesture and clasps Countess Valeska's arm.

The dwarven envoys march a couple dozen yards away, then pause abruptly. High Oathkeeper Moradan says something you can't hear to Freya Grayhand. The meaning is made abundantly clear, though, by her reaction.

She turns and eagerly hustles back towards you, offering another reflexive salute, and reporting for duty as an ambassador for her people.

Is there any business you guys want to take care of? If not, we can complete another kingdom turn, resolve the arrival of some orc settlers during the event phase, then move onto the next big development.

NG Human Witch (hedge witch) 7 | hp 41/41| Init +2 | Perception +1/+3 | AC 21 (17)/T 14/FF 17(13) | CMD 15 | Fort +5 Ref +5 Will +7 | mage armor (7 hours), message (refreshing regularly)

Just small matter: the ancient nature of the catacombs and now the conversation with the dwarves has piqued Nadiya's curiosity about the history of the region and who has settled in Ravengro over the centuries. She'll do some research and if possible put out a call for historical documents--or oral history--to collect in the area and learn from.

NG Female Human Inquisitor (Ravener Hunter) of Sarenrae 7 | 55/55 HP | AC22 T16 FF17 | CMD21 | F +8 R +8 W +8 | Init +7 | Perc +12 | Climb +4, Dance +1, Diplomacy +6, Dungeoneering +7, Geography +8, Heal +15, Intimidate +12, Linguistics +3, Nature +9, Planes +11, Religion +11, Ride +11, Sense Motive +15, Survival +6, Swim +4 | Spells: 3rd 1/1 2nd 4/4 1st 5/5 | Bane 7/7 | Judgment 3/3 | Conditions: None

I'm good to go. Still trying to find my feet again.

The next scandal to crop up is stamped out by Leta before word even reaches the countess and her council. Gharen Muricar, serving as the countess' diplomat, has long carried a reputation around Ravengro as a lecherous rake. This had little impact when Ravengro was nothing more than a sleepy, backwater town. Now that it is the capital of the new Canterwall, however, rumors of his actions have carried to neighboring counties.

Although gossip in the courts of neighboring counts may persist for a season or two, Leta works by night to ensure that these stories do not get in the way of governing the county. She also keeps the tales from getting too blown out of proportion, and she...convinces Muricar to rein in his escapades for the time being.


Over the prior weeks, you have also calmed tensions as orcish hunters and travelers venture into Canterwall from the Belkzen. These precipitated flared tensions with local homesteaders and ranchers, who would then threatened the passing orcs with bows and spears. These tense situations have thus far been resolved by members of your party, accompanied by detachments of the newly formed militia, to squelch the potential violence.

However, the midsummer month of Erastus brings a new scale to these tensions.

Foot patrols from your militia report a very large group of orcs have crossed the western border and approach Ravengro. They number at least one hundred, but your scouts make it clear that they do not appear to be a warband. Indeed, very few weapons were seen amongst them, predominantly only carried by the guides leading them.

Nevertheless, the scouts also report that panic is fast spreading among the western homesteads and creeping into Ravengro. Many of your citizens are convinced this is another raiding party, much like the one that crashed the Burning Festival, and they are arming themselves in preparation for the battle they are sure is soon to fall.

If these are orc civilians, as your scouts' observations suggest, then the Canterwall folk are primed to unleash a massacre that will doom any hope of friendly relations between your land and the orcs of Belkzen. Quick and decisive intervention will be needed to avert such tragic bloodshed.

Female Human Sw/Ro/Su 1/2/3 HP 47/47 AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +1 | R +8 | W +6 | Init +2 | Per +8

Council Meeting - Full Attendance

Valeska waits for an appropriate time to broach the topic.

...Well my friends, it seems to have worked thus far. Orcs are coming in from the cold, as it were. But, our not so little stew pot threatens to boil over.

Thoughts on how we integrate our new citizenry? Does anyone believe this is a elaborate ruse of some sort, masking an intentional threat?

I will hold my suggestions until after, as I do not wish to sway opinion.

Speak your minds, speak freely...

CG Kineticist7 l 80hp, Burn 0/8 l F +11, R +10, W +6, Ini +3 l AC19, Touch14, FF16, CMB +6, CMD20 l Perc +11 l Darkvision 60ft l Spd30

"I'll go out to meet them," Bashuk offers immediately. "If they're not a raiding party it should be easy to determine that once we've talked for a minute. Wish they'd sent word ahead that they were coming though we could have prepared a little better."

And if they are a raiding party, their leaders will burn before I'm done.

Female Human Sw/Ro/Su 1/2/3 HP 47/47 AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +1 | R +8 | W +6 | Init +2 | Per +8

Valeska nods.

Please inform them that we are transforming land and building farms, mines, vineyards and mills... there is work to be done and we need people to do it.

If they come in peace, we welcome them with open arms.

But, what about those who feel threatened and for good reason, considering past relations and events? She looks around the table.

Female Humanoid (Dhampir) Bard 7 | HP 42/43 | AC: 19/14/15 | Fort: +3, Ref: +9, Will: +6 | BAB: +5, Melee +9, Ranged +9, CMB: +6, CMD: 19, | Init: +3 | Perception: +11

"If I might recommend...perhaps the villages and rural folk would feel less threatened by smaller groups. Splitting the Orcs up into groups of a dozen or so with an escort of militiamen for each group (to ensure no one takes any unwarranted action) might help calm nerves."

Female Human Sw/Ro/Su 1/2/3 HP 47/47 AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +1 | R +8 | W +6 | Init +2 | Per +8

Valeska smiles, Yet another excellent idea. Please assure families aren't separated, especially children from parents.

And that each group knows where exactly the other groups are headed... Such that they can find each other.

We don't want them to feel isolated or vulnerable.

What else?

M Cavalier Cavalier 7 HP: 65/65| AC:22(25)| T: 12| FF:21(24)| Fort:+9 | Ref: +5 | Will: +10| Init: +4| Perception: +13 | Resolve: 3/4

I will travel with Bashuk, along with an armed escort. Just in case things turn out the worst case. Also, while they very well may mean no harm to us or our citizens, difference in cultures need to be broached. A listing of laws, and perhaps some courses on what is at the least, not acceptable in our lands as behavior. Who to go to should they have issues and the like. This may be beneficial to do with every citizen as well, to ensure everyone is following the same code, as it were. It may also do well to have them stay in semi isolation for a short time, maybe a few days to a little over a week at a minimum or perhaps a month at the maximum, while this is done to keep incidents to a minimum and hopefully discover any potential ruse or hidden spies among the group(s). From there, we could let them decide, to an extent, themselves where they would like to stay. Setting up an outpost on the border that further migrants could go to first could also help keep issues like this from happening. While also being the start of any defensive undertaking we plan to take on the border.

NG Human Witch (hedge witch) 7 | hp 41/41| Init +2 | Perception +1/+3 | AC 21 (17)/T 14/FF 17(13) | CMD 15 | Fort +5 Ref +5 Will +7 | mage armor (7 hours), message (refreshing regularly)

"How will the orcs feel about being offered an armed escort? It may make other residents feel safer, but will they feel protected or like they are under arrest? Are we showing them we agree with others they are too dangerous that they cannot be trusted without an escort. We must take care that our efforts to keep the peace are not what escalates tension. I agree with working with them to divide into smaller groups, across family and clan associations, but can we come up with a more... Equity-making way of assisting them to where they need to go?"

She pauses. "Whatever we decide, I should like to go with Bashuk and Kain. I can't guarantee I can assist in diplomacy, but some of the people know of my or my mother's reputation, and I hope I might assure that these new settlers are welcome."

Female Humanoid (Dhampir) Bard 7 | HP 42/43 | AC: 19/14/15 | Fort: +3, Ref: +9, Will: +6 | BAB: +5, Melee +9, Ranged +9, CMB: +6, CMD: 19, | Init: +3 | Perception: +11

"But the reality is that the militia ARE there for the orcs' own protection. Surely yourself and Bashuk can get that point across to them in a believable yet diplomatic way? The orcs MUST arrive safely; if hostilities were to begin, THEN we must choose between skittish but loyal citizens and immigrants. Either choice would be a diplomatic disaster even I cannot cover up."

Female Human Sw/Ro/Su 1/2/3 HP 47/47 AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +1 | R +8 | W +6 | Init +2 | Per +8

Yes, Kain... read them the riot act. She smiles broadly. I'm certain the delivery will match the audience, but essentially, as I'd mentioned to the High OathKeeper. She turns to Vreya Grayhand, whom had been invited to this particular meeting.

But, I do not wish to set up any sort of standing camp outside Ravengro's borders. Some pavilions for shelter from the elements and refreshments as we triage and document, is all.

Nadiya, could you, Faunlara and Miruna lead that effort? Prioritize needs, children, elderly, wounded, pregnant mothers and such.

Half of our forces will not carry weapons besides small arms for personal defense. Instead, they shall carry food, fresh water and supplies.

She takes a breath.

Our current citizenry will need to adjust, tolerate the discomfort until it alleviates. Perhaps a good bump in business will help soften the shock. We need to house, cloth, feed, educate and train, employ one hundred more individuals.

Gharen, please work the business owners. Espouse the positives, the long term benefits, even as you negotiate prices for anything we need in bulk.

Mitra, please review our finances and see what we can maneuver to make this all flow smoothly.

Lenora, would you lease coordinate the documentation process. We need to know their tribes, what happened where they came from, how they heard about Ravengro.

Their skills, so that we can coordinate work if they choose. Children so that they are not separated from their families and offered schooling. Ensure the elderly aren't lost in the shuffle and perhaps give them purpose.

But first, let's announce a Town Hall meeting in front of the Castle.


There will be no Orc Quarter, slums, tenements, camps... likewise integration cannot be forced. It will be a dance.

And that's a fine idea, actually... once all their immediate needs are tended to. We should celebrate, this is a big step.

As if it we never a question. We ride immediately to greet them. Vreya, you're with me if you'd like.

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