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how did you get it so early? I thought it wasn't out til August

Doll #23, also known as Cindy |

As soon as it went to printing, you could pre-order it directly from Paizo for shipment as soon as it got back. It's not in 3rd party stores until August. Looking at my order, mine was shipped on Saturday.
EDIT: Hardcover Rulebook is available for sale now on Paizo store (no longer pre-order) but the pdf version isn't available til August 1st

Doll #23, also known as Cindy |

Cindy's not tactically minded enough to understand aiding another but somehow managed to pull it off anyways. Thank you for using big words Tina.

GM Monster |

Note that this works both ways with misc healing and bleed. So Goldslip will, unfortunately, be able to make you almost immune to bleed. Many of you already are anyway.

Goldslip |

If you guys are really worried about whether we can beat this thing, we could try to convince Cinder to blast it--his fire breath was pretty nasty on Goldslip.
But it won't be easy to convince him (maybe not even possible).
For what it's worth, I think we can probably beat this thing, just need a few more decent-to-good rolls from Gorthug and Tina, would be my guess.

Doll #23, also known as Cindy |

GM Monster: Would a perception check as move action give one of us an idea as to whether we are actually making progress on this beastie?
Or heal check, or knowledge check, or as a standard action, or whatever :P

GM Monster |

Gorthug, 18 is a miss but I'm curious about that attk bonus. Draugr has +5 but flank and aid should be +9, yes?

Doll #23, also known as Cindy |

Now that Cindy's default action for this combat is to pet the worm while chatting nicely at it, could it perhaps be tamed and become her new friend?
I doubt it, but you never know. It might enjoy tea parties.

GM Monster |

Please RP with each other for a bit here. You don't know each other much yet. If your character isn't sociable, find a reason they would need to interact with another character. I'm going to occasionally award hero points for good RP. Tomorrow will update with more objectives.

Doll #23, also known as Cindy |

I have a whole one more casting of prestidigitation to clean someone, but that's almost literally all that's left til I regain SLA slots at midnight.
There's also light, detect magic, detect secret doors, and ventriloquism but everything else is used up.

Snowball the Dragon |

yay xp!
Also, yay reach > 0'

Goldslip |

"Onward, my glorpy steed! Left! Right! Jump! Hahaha!"
"No, not a noble steed. You're more like... mmm... A sentient battle armor!"
"Flight Mode, ENGAGE!"
"You're flying, Bob"
BAHAHA I cannot handle this post!

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I am diminutive. Am I really that much bigger than Tina? She must be a speck!

GM Monster |

Ah ok you're only one size category bigger than her then. She's fine. I thought you were tiny. I still doubt she can carry you with the size difference and her total lack of a strength score.

Doll #23, also known as Cindy |

Well I think that was addressed with the crash into the wall XD

Piedmontina Mumblethunder |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Tina is Fine. Oh so fine. 24 CHA fine. She's 4 inches of evil.
Regarding Flight:
Bob is Diminutive, which gives a size between 6 inches and 1 foot (diameter, 3-6 inches for radius). Typical creatures in this category are between 1/8 and 1 lb, but I think we can all agree that Bob doesn't qualify as typical.
If I assume that Bob is perfectly spherical, and the same density as water, this would give him a weight between:
4*pi*((3 inches) ^ 3) / 3 * (0.03613 lb/in^3) = 4.0862 lb
4*pi*((6 inches) ^ 3) / 3 * (0.03613 lb/in^3) =32.69 lb
I would suggest that we split the difference (in diameter) and call it somewhere around 4.5 inches, which would give Bob a weight of:
4*pi*((4.5 inches) ^ 3) / 3 * (0.03613 lb/in^3) = 13.8 lb.
and make him nicely sized to swallow somebody's head.
Right now, my STR score is 4, which give me load ratings of: 13/26/40 lbs. Depending on the Bob's true weight, this could put him in any of these categories, but most likely at the lower end of Medium.
I haven't found anything that says I can't fly under medium or heavy load, beyond taking the appropriate penalties (Dex penalties, reduced speed) for encumbrance. Therefore, with Bob being less than a heavy load, I definitely can fly while carrying Bob, although maybe not elegantly.
All of this is also predicated on the idea that Bob can hold on to me, but I feel that's also a safe assumption, when the creature is centered around the idea of staying on someone's head as they are trying to rip it off of themselves.
Also, I have been previously banned from bringing calculators to the game table, so take all this with a grain of salt.

Snowball the Dragon |

Nice xD
I know that you can't fly in medium or heavy armor. I thought I saw something about load, but I guess I'll have to double-check ^^
Also those loads are for medium creatures ;p
Fine creatures carry 1/8th as much. Which means 5lbs is your heavy load xD

GM Monster |

Exactly. A fine creature has 1/8 that carrying capacity. So five pounds is your maximum for a heavy load. Bring your calculator. But the math says you could barely fly with Bob if he were the minimum size for his category, which he isn't since we distinctly said he's growing from eating the cleric. XD So splat! Into the wall is appropriate. Near the floor...
It's not a matter of how you hold him, it's a sheer matter of weight ratio.

Snowball the Dragon |

BTW, a heavy or medium load counts as heavy or medium armor for things restricted by wearing armor ^^
But it's only flying mounts that cannot fly in medium or heavy barding xD

Snowball the Dragon |

If you really want to fly, Snowball can be your mount. She heals faster than your acid damages her ^_^

Doll #23, also known as Cindy |

Pot weighs 4 pounds. Bob weighs 5 pounds. Cindy can carry 11.5 pounds and still be at a light load! Cindy can carry BobPot!!!!

Xeria |
If I assume that Bob is perfectly spherical
Is he also on a frictionless plane at standard temperature and pressure? :D
Also, I have been previously banned from bringing calculators to the game table, so take all this with a grain of salt.
Yes, I've had to do calculus in my head before for the same reason. It makes my brain hurt :D

Doll #23, also known as Cindy |

I would love to participate in the current conversation but I think I've railroaded myself into wandering off and grabbing some coins. GM let me know when I'm back lol.

GM Monster |

You're back! I'm generally in favor of lots of hand-waving in order to favor more roleplay interactions. You guys really need to get to know each other and the other inhabitants of the dungeon a bit.
I assumed Cindy didn't like trudging along underwater and would get help but trudging is fine. It took a while to find the island without being able to see underwater but she managed it eventually and we're not currently in a time crunch.

Doll #23, also known as Cindy |

With prestidigitation to dry/clean herself, an absence of fatigue, and no real concept of time...trudging along is never really an issue for her, underwater or otherwise.
She's a lot more 'sentient' than Gorthug but has the ability to just kind of zone out and keep trucking if there's nothing interesting around her.
So Snowball, I see you have 155gp in your stash. I'm guessing she would have grabbed about 15gp in her search for tools. She's not the type to take more than she thinks she needs. That work for you?

Doll #23, also known as Cindy |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

You know, they say that you can find anything on the internet.
I seriously doubt that I can find a picture (or even a description) of a sentient doll holding a pot containing an immature ooze and riding on the shoulder of an orc zombie.
Does that mean we have transcended the internet?

Piedmontina Mumblethunder |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Oh no. no no no nonononono. We need to shut down the game and burn the servers before the rule 34 folks find this.
Also, I'm very happy that both goldslip and tina are establishing as caretakers of the party, but in very different ways. Like goldslip seems the cool but responsible older sister, or nurturing mom, who wants everyone to be safe, while Tina is showing up as the vodka aunt / angry momma bear.
Also, Can we say we grabbed a pile of stuff to take along with us to sell?

Snowball the Dragon |

That's one of the things we said we would do, isn't it?
Trade uglies for shinies :P
@Cindy: you just described the other thread, which is on the internet ;p
Nothing that counts for Rule 34 yet thankfully...

Doll #23, also known as Cindy |

Well I was kind of referring to the REST of the Internet. I was aware of the conflict between my statement and us putting it there.

Doll #23, also known as Cindy |

Fair warning, Cindy is going to march right into town unless someone convinces her that it's a bad idea. Just repeating that she's a doll not a girl will probably result in frustration and sulking and nothing productive.
Also - if she ends up not going to town, could someone take her gold and buy her some supplies? :D

Goldslip |

Real talk: I don't think any of us can appear in front of any townsfolk and not freak them out, can we?
Xeria and I are probably the least scary looking, but we're still fey, which people may not be comfortable around.

Doll #23, also known as Cindy |

Honestly I don't think any of us really can show up without causing issues. Even Xeria's shape changing is just disguise self, and that lasts 10 min at a time and can only make her up to 1 foot taller and a little fatter, so she's probably still not all that normal looking considering her normal diminutive size

Doll #23, also known as Cindy |

We may have to trust Sevren to not mess up, or just suck it up and head in hoping to not cause too much trouble.
Possibly if Sevren could act like someone who can actually create constructs if he asked Cindy to play a game and pretend to be a robot he could pass that off, and Xeria and Tina can do the invisible thing, Bob can chill under a hat. Goldslip, Snowball, and Gorthug I don't even have an idea for

Doll #23, also known as Cindy |

But ... Cindy, naive one that she is, wants to know how she'll be able to buy her tool kits if the shopkeep is dead?

Doll #23, also known as Cindy |

YAY! Finally I can see the bears!!! Can't get too distracted though. Gotta watch em. Watch em good.
Now that I am taking Craft Poppet with whatever class I choose, I could always go Druid and get myself a bear. Cindy is so all over the place that I have no idea what class to take lol

Snowball the Dragon |

You might not need class levels for what you want to do. I think craft feats only need a minimum CL, right? :3

Doll #23, also known as Cindy |

Officially by RAW you don't have a CL until you have a class level. Your SLA's may be at a certain CL but you yourself don't count as a caster with a caster level until you have a class.

Snowball the Dragon |

nuts xD
Then you'll just have to become a dragon to get an official CL ;p