Xeria |
Hope you all found that worth the wait.
I was thinking, what situation would make big strong PCs want to leave a cave alone?
Well, a little girl wandering around in them for hours unharmed would be a good indicator that there was nothing worthwhile to fight in there.
Also, typical caves are disgusting places and emphasizing the floor being covered in guano and maggots would be a good way to encourage PCs to not want to go in there and sully their shoes.

Xeria |
Oh, and if this works, I do not expect to do this to every PC group. That would make the game boring, we certainly need to fight off PC groups, but I certainly wanted to try it once. :D

GM Monster |

Ah interesting, Xeria. I thought you wanted them to go in without expecting trouble. They are trying to find your doll for you, which they now see as a very fast side quest. The fighter is really only interested because you flattered him.

Xeria |
I wanted to see if I could get them to want to take me home, then lead them back to civilization, then when we got to the village or whatever, she'd run ahead as kids are liable to do, run down one of the side streets so they couldn't see me, then turn invisible and hope they assume she went into one of the homes.

GM Monster |

Yes I interpreted that as they left you in the cave and are either still in the cave or hid it somewhere. I honestly thought that was what you were going for. When possible, I would have RPed more interaction to get a sense of your goal but here I wanted to push forward.
Also, I don't want to deny the party their first fight here.

GM Monster |

I like the initiative, Xeria. Just didn't work out as you planned this time. Feel free to drop some ooc explaining what you're going for so that way I won't run with something to far, realizing your character would push things a different direction if they started going that way. That's how we'll handle that next time.

Xeria |
I guess, 'guaranteed' surprise and one PC down is better than nothing :D
Given that they are going in, she'll make certain she is far enough away that when combat noises happen she can turn invisible before the halfling can do anything to her.

Doll #23, also known as Cindy |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Good call with the doll idea Xeria. If they happen to look in my direction they'll probably just think I'm your dolly lol

Gorthug |

If we really planned this out we could have had the doll lie at the feet of the undead orc. Have Gorthug stand there as still as possible. They’d think that he is just an old corpse. How else could the doll be left there? They come up and boom....sleep magic and an axe to the face.

Snowball the Dragon |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

please remember to teach Snowball well so she can avoid screwing up those plans xD
Or wait until CR 5 when she gets 6 int? :o
@Gorthug: placed you on map at north edge, then moved you 6 tiles (30') south :3

GM Monster |

Thanks for map support, Snowball.
Cindy, sleep and therefore deep slumber have 1 round casting times. SLAs have standard unless the spell description says otherwise, which sleep does. So Cindy spends a standard action beginning to cast a 1 round spell which conpletes after she finishes it with a move action next round. In general, te spell requires a full round action to cast and becomes active at the beginning of your next turn.

Doll #23, also known as Cindy |

Oops, I did look that up and the Universal Monster Ability Rules say:
Using spell-like abilities is a standard action unless noted otherwise
But the CRB says:
A spell-like ability has a casting time of 1 standard action unless noted otherwise in the ability or spell description.
Unsure which one had precedence I went with the Monster Rules. My error and I wouldn't have used it in a surprise round if I'd realized. Thank you for pointing it out, I will remember for next time :)

Piedmontina Mumblethunder |

Thanks for letting me Know about the bbcode stuff. I'm also on chrome/mac so that's weird.
I just threw out a frighting aura, which is everyone 5 HD or less within 60 ft, who can see me. I would suggest that all the monsters saw me earlier in the day, so they've already used up their rounds for the day, but I love the idea that every 24 hours, they look upon me, and are like "nope, still terrifying"

GM Monster |

I can see you fine, Xeria is off the bottom of the map, and Bob is coming from the north when he comes.
Yes I think those who can be affected have to save every now and then but have many opportunities to stop being afraid before a combat comes up.

Doll #23, also known as Cindy |

Not sure how to portray an angry doll effectively, but I tried.

Snowball the Dragon |

and Snowball is too dumb and similar to be scared :D

Doll #23, also known as Cindy |

If the fighter is asleep, wouldn't Snowball's feeding be a coup de grace with the auto hit and auto crit?
NVM re-read it. Only 1 attack on a CdG so he's probably better doing all 3 of his attacks on a helpless target versus just getting an auto-crit on one.

Snowball the Dragon |

Also, too enthusiastic to line up a shot xD
Though with those damage rolls, I'm not 100% sure a crit wouldn't be better xD
Hopefully Snowball and/or Gorthug will get to tank ^^

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

A full attack coup de grace is almost universally better, because the target needs to make a fortitude check of 10+damage dealt or die. Usually those fortitude saves and almost impossible to succeed on.
Though with snowball's level of damage, I would give it 50-50 odds. :)

Snowball the Dragon |

hmmm... anyone want a scythe? You don't even need proficiency! xD

GM Monster |

Scythes are great to carry around for that very purpose!
I've added an altitude tracker to the top left of the map. Those who are flying, please make sure this is updated on your turn every round. 0 ft means you are at ground level, 5 ft means a medium creature could fit between you and the ground, etc. Hopefully our combats won't be horribly 3D (I experienced that as being far too much book-keeping in a PvP tourney I ran that Snowball was in) but it will massively help us keep track of things.

Doll #23, also known as Cindy |

I just realized something. Cindy's going to have to learn to NOT walk up to fighters. As a construct she's immediately and permanently destroyed at 0 HP. That makes me have to think about remaining HP very differently than the normal adventure with stabilization and healing and such...

Snowball the Dragon |

Yeah, that's sort of part of what a constructs bonus hp are for.
Also, constructs aren't immune to crits anymore in pathfinder.
Another important fact I learned in that tourny xD

Snowball the Dragon |

Magic 8-ball answer:
Signs point to yes

Doll #23, also known as Cindy |

Yeah, that's sort of part of what a constructs bonus hp are for.
Also, constructs aren't immune to crits anymore in pathfinder.
I don't remember a time that they WERE immune to precision damage. I thought that was always the case.
...and I get no bonus HP. That's only for the bigger constructs. Anything tiny or smaller gets no bonuses, and since we can't grow I won't see construct bonus Hp in the future either :)

GM Monster |

Cindy just needs to take barbarian levels. Imagined... Shudders...
Btw, I will often forget your immunities, etc so I'll try to list damage types etc but you'll have to educate me if you're immune to sneak attack or something.

Doll #23, also known as Cindy |

Gonna delay a bit and go near the end this round after a couple others go. Due to no fancy CR3-ness yet I'm down to only 1 remaining combat SLA...and at 9 health I don't think I wanna charge in with my whole 1d2-2 damage dagger.

GM Monster |

Xeria: I am so sorry I forgot to resolve the halfling's save against your grease. I read it then immediately forgot. As an apology, I offer you this: Roll the halfling's save here in discussion (he has +8 to reflex). If he fails, I'll give you an extra bit of loot from this encounter since my mistake changed the course of the encounter.

GM Monster |

Cindy: That's what barbarian levels are for! Rage doll! XD But joking aside, yeah I generally let the party resolve wthin their block init how they choose within reason for the most part.

Doll #23, also known as Cindy |

Well she's probably moving and thinking a bit slowly after losing over 60% of her health in one big smack, so acting slow is actually pretty realistic. She's only porcelain and cloth after all. :P

GM Monster |

Truly (tm). It's weird she wasn't destroyed by a play date with a greatsword! Creepy magic doll!

Xeria |
Grease totals:
Reflex: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25 vs DC 15
Acrobatics: 1d20 ⇒ 8 vs DC 10
Yup, it made them no problem. It was always a long shot :D

Doll #23, also known as Cindy |

*Insert stilted little girl giggle here*
Think the cleric won't last long since he can't take actions for 3 rounds. Should we chase the halfling or let him get away?

Snowball the Dragon |

Snowball isn't done hunting until everyone within 60' of her is dead. Also, preferably frozen ^_^

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In regards to Bob's turn, he took 1 move action to move 50 feet from the north of the map. With my standard action, can I jump onto a head that is about 15 feet away? Or do you think I need to be right next to someone to use this gelatinous orb attack? It really doesn't say in the ability description.
If I have to be right next to someone, that means my turn is done.

Snowball the Dragon |

Isn't 10 squares enough to get into the cleric's square?

GM Monster |

Bob, you normally have to be within reach to engulf but here I said you could run into the map pretty much wherever so don't worry about not reaching. Engulf!

Doll #23, also known as Cindy |

Yeah I was just counting, you're only 35' (7 squares) from the north edge, so you have enough room to get to the cleric with just your 50' move action and still attack. Go melt that guy!!!