GM ZD #5-08 The Confirmation table 2 (Inactive)

Game Master Z...D...

Knowledge Checks -Sky Key Solution Aid Token

Post Rate: I usually like my players to post as often as they can. The more the merrier, minimum is at least once per day. On the weekends, I understand families and IRL friends take priority, but at least try to get one in. If for some reason, you are unable to meet the minimum, I will send you a PM and remind you. If we are in combat and it has been over 24 hours since I had posted and no response, you will be put in delay unless you have "bot me" direction.

Rolls:In game, I will usually roll for you on perception checks to save time. If you have anything special, make sure it is in your stat block, such as stone cunning or trap spotter. For knowledge rolls and information gathering, I will make a spoiler with what type of check it is, i.e. Diplomacy (Gather Intel), Knowledge (Nature) and such, with the DC on it. Please only look at the checks you succeed at.

Notes on encounters: After some trial and error, I now go with block initiative in PBP. I will post the group of PC's who may act in bold. If I need certain rolls from you, which will be noted in spoilers, you may make those outside of initiative and please make those rolls first. On movement, I do not require arrows or polylines; unless it is specific to the encounter. (ie hazards and traps).

Stat Blocks and headers: Since I have mentioned them multiple times already, it is safe to say that these are important. I do not care how you format them, as long as they have all the information that is needed I will be happy. I would ask you to keep the headers updated as the scenario goes along.

Recruitment: I do all recruiting through the Flaxseed Lodge. However, if the scenario you are taking part of is a multipart scenario, you will have first dibs if you want to play through, with the same character. I will usually announce it on the last page of the gameplay thread if you want to join. I use google sheets for the sign up roster. Scenarios that are 1-2 re-playable, I tend to let newer players get in on those.

Bullying: Please see the Society Guide for Organized Play.

Chronicles: I will fill them out and put the link in the discussions tab. You are to retrieve them in a week, I will then delete them. If you are unable to, contact me and we can work something out.

Rule Clarifications: As a player and GM, I do know that rule debates do happen. I am more than willing to discuss these thing out in the open. But do not expect me to know every rule from every book. If I can not find the ruling in the PRD or Campaign Clarifications, I will expect you to find the source and provide it to me. Then hopefully we can come to a conclusion. If I am wrong, then so be it. I am human after all.

Please fill out the following information.
Player Name:
Character Name:
PFS and Character ID#:

I'll ask for day jobs towards the end. If you need anything noted on your chronicle sheet, let me know here.

Grand Lodge

Male Human(I think) Gamer 20

dotting interest here...recruitment tab isnt open yet...don't wanna miss this...

Grand Lodge

male Human Occultist 1 | HP 11/11 | AC 15, T 11, FF 14 | CMB +3 CMD 13 | F +4 R +1 W +4 (+2 vs. emotions) | Init +1 | Perc +4 SM +0 Occultist 1


Grand Lodge

Female human (Shoanti) druid (plains druid) 1 | HP 9/9 | AC 16 T 13 FF 13 | CMB +1, CMD 14 | F: +3, R: +3, W: +5 | Init: +3 | Perc: +7, SM: +3 | Speed 30ft | Spells: 1st 5/5 | Active conditions: None. | Arrows Cold Iron 50/50.

Player Name: MrStr4ng3
Character Name: Grimaldi
PFS and Character ID#: 335915-3
Faction: Grand Lodge

M Silvanesti Elf Wizard (Necromancer) 6/5 Renegade Hunter Int +2 AC 22, touch 22, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex) hp 44 (9d6+9) Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +7; +2 vs. enchantments Defensive Abilities resistance; Immune sleep;

I am thinking of doing either a barbarian, or a wizard or a shifter.

If there is space, I'd be bringing a negative cleric at level 1.2. Like grimdog73, I don't have access to the recruitment tab at this time.

Knowledge Checks -Sky Key Solution Aid Token

I think we are full now. So everyone who has shown interest please post your data. Once characters are ready, we will go ahead and kick off. Also follow the link for Confirmation Table 2 and place a token of your character in the box. Also fill out your perception and Initiative modifiers.

The Concordance

Male [HP: 13/13 | AC:18 ; T:13; FF:16 | F:+4; R:+2; W:+2] Human
Diplomacy: +6; Perception: +5; Religion:+4
Paladin (Tempered Champion 1) [init+ 2/ Perc +5]

this is Dralitar- he is lvl 8 but this is a brand new lvl 1

Player Name: Drake
Character Name: Tyrwaz Vanirson
PFS and Character ID#: 163396-12
Faction: Concordance

Sovereign Court

Human Cleric of Urgathoa 2 | HP: 15/15 | AC: 16 T: 10 FF: 16 CMD: 11 | F+4 R+0 W+6 | Init +0 | Perception +3
Tracked Resources:
Vision of Madness 5/5; Bleeding Touch 5/6; Channel Negative 7/7; Spells: 1st 3+1/3+1

Player Name: Gummy Bear
Character Name: Wormling (Made more than 10 posts with original name, so reporting name and character alias do not match)
PFS and Character ID#: 74244-10
Faction: Dark Archives

Grand Lodge

male Human Occultist 1 | HP 11/11 | AC 15, T 11, FF 14 | CMB +3 CMD 13 | F +4 R +1 W +4 (+2 vs. emotions) | Init +1 | Perc +4 SM +0 Occultist 1

Player name: Qstor
Character name: Jorgo
PFS #: 2072-58
Faction: Dark Archive

The character has the pregen stats. I was basically going to make the character a "clone" of the pregen.

Sovereign Court

Init +2; Senses Perception +6 ————— Defense ————— AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +2 Dex, +1 dodge) hp 13 (1d10+3) Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +1 —————

Name: Terevalis
Character Name
PFS # 43330-39
Faction: Soverign Court
day job 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20

Sovereign Court

Init +2; Senses Perception +6 ————— Defense ————— AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +2 Dex, +1 dodge) hp 13 (1d10+3) Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +1 —————

It looks like the dragon aspect shifter was added to Herolab! Hooray!

Sovereign Court

Init +2; Senses Perception +6 ————— Defense ————— AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +2 Dex, +1 dodge) hp 13 (1d10+3) Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +1 —————

For some reason his traits are not showing up within the abilities of the character. I will have to add them when I get back to my computer.

Knowledge Checks -Sky Key Solution Aid Token

Gameplay has started

Sovereign Court

Init +2; Senses Perception +6 ————— Defense ————— AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +2 Dex, +1 dodge) hp 13 (1d10+3) Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +1 —————

I have been in bed most if the day with either allergies or a cold that seems to want to settle into my chest.

Knowledge Checks

Got one more spot GM Z..D..?

Knowledge Checks -Sky Key Solution Aid Token

Yeah, if you want in feel free. We actually just lost Jurgo, Go ahead and act in initiative as well.

Dark Archive

CN Male Halfling Magus (Kensai) 9 | Speed 30 ft. | AC 26, T 21, FF 16 | hp 66/66 | Fort +9, Ref +10, Will +12 | Init +10 | Percep +5 | CMD 22 | Spells 1st 4/9 2nd 1/4 3rd 2/3 Arcane Pool 0/8 | Reroll @ +4 0/1 | Conditions: antitoxin/plague; mirror image x3, shield; enduring blade (keen/shocking burst)

Player Name: PDK
Character Name: Riltar Nobettween
PFS and Character ID#: 4456-18
Faction: Dark Archives

Knowledge Checks -Sky Key Solution Aid Token

Busy night at work. Will post when I can

Sovereign Court

Init +2; Senses Perception +6 ————— Defense ————— AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +2 Dex, +1 dodge) hp 13 (1d10+3) Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +1 —————

FYI: The Easter Triduum has begun. I may or may not be around that much this weekend.

Sovereign Court

Init +2; Senses Perception +6 ————— Defense ————— AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +2 Dex, +1 dodge) hp 13 (1d10+3) Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +1 —————

Joyous Easter and a Blessed Passover

Dark Archive

CN Male Halfling Magus (Kensai) 9 | Speed 30 ft. | AC 26, T 21, FF 16 | hp 66/66 | Fort +9, Ref +10, Will +12 | Init +10 | Percep +5 | CMD 22 | Spells 1st 4/9 2nd 1/4 3rd 2/3 Arcane Pool 0/8 | Reroll @ +4 0/1 | Conditions: antitoxin/plague; mirror image x3, shield; enduring blade (keen/shocking burst)

Fellow adventurers... pretty serious medical procedure I'm going through on Monday and Tuesday... please bot me as I won't be available during those days... if you don't see me post by Wed or Thu, May 1 or 2... consider replacing me with someone else... wish me luck!

Sovereign Court

Human Cleric of Urgathoa 2 | HP: 15/15 | AC: 16 T: 10 FF: 16 CMD: 11 | F+4 R+0 W+6 | Init +0 | Perception +3
Tracked Resources:
Vision of Madness 5/5; Bleeding Touch 5/6; Channel Negative 7/7; Spells: 1st 3+1/3+1

Good luck! Wishing you all the best!

Sovereign Court

Init +2; Senses Perception +6 ————— Defense ————— AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +2 Dex, +1 dodge) hp 13 (1d10+3) Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +1 —————

I hope all works out.

Dark Archive

CN Male Halfling Magus (Kensai) 9 | Speed 30 ft. | AC 26, T 21, FF 16 | hp 66/66 | Fort +9, Ref +10, Will +12 | Init +10 | Percep +5 | CMD 22 | Spells 1st 4/9 2nd 1/4 3rd 2/3 Arcane Pool 0/8 | Reroll @ +4 0/1 | Conditions: antitoxin/plague; mirror image x3, shield; enduring blade (keen/shocking burst)

What was a routine procedure turned out to be a nightmare... eat your vegetables folks, and check your cholesterol. Do it early, and do it often. I'm still shaky, but no longer in negative HPs! you might want to bot me if I'm slowing you down in the next few days though...

Thank you all for the wishes of good luck as they may have made the difference! Also send a thank you prayer for Mike: a guy who had wisely listened during his classes and maxed his ranks in Heal. Without his expert knowledge and his leadership with another half-dozen wide eyed professionals who had NOT maxed up their ranks in Heal (and had instead cross-trained in Performance: Drinking Games), I probably wouldn't be here today.

Sovereign Court

Human Cleric of Urgathoa 2 | HP: 15/15 | AC: 16 T: 10 FF: 16 CMD: 11 | F+4 R+0 W+6 | Init +0 | Perception +3
Tracked Resources:
Vision of Madness 5/5; Bleeding Touch 5/6; Channel Negative 7/7; Spells: 1st 3+1/3+1

Hooray for a successful (if apparently tense) procedure! Glad to hear you are back on the mend PDK!

Grand Lodge

Female human (Shoanti) druid (plains druid) 1 | HP 9/9 | AC 16 T 13 FF 13 | CMB +1, CMD 14 | F: +3, R: +3, W: +5 | Init: +3 | Perc: +7, SM: +3 | Speed 30ft | Spells: 1st 5/5 | Active conditions: None. | Arrows Cold Iron 50/50.

My wife and I just bought a house and put ours on the market, it has been a busy 5 days and was unexpected. I apologize for lack of posting.

Sovereign Court

Init +2; Senses Perception +6 ————— Defense ————— AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +2 Dex, +1 dodge) hp 13 (1d10+3) Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +1 —————


Knowledge Checks -Sky Key Solution Aid Token

Everyone, just so that you are aware, Jason Rodarte aka Soterastis, has been removed from my game at the orders of Tyranius, VL of PBP. I do not know the reason, nor did I ask, but coming from the VL, I did not question it. We will continue on with the 4-player adjustment.

Sovereign Court

Human Cleric of Urgathoa 2 | HP: 15/15 | AC: 16 T: 10 FF: 16 CMD: 11 | F+4 R+0 W+6 | Init +0 | Perception +3
Tracked Resources:
Vision of Madness 5/5; Bleeding Touch 5/6; Channel Negative 7/7; Spells: 1st 3+1/3+1

How odd! Ok GM, thanks for letting us know!

Knowledge Checks -Sky Key Solution Aid Token

Please, go ahead and roll day jobs.

Sovereign Court

Human Cleric of Urgathoa 2 | HP: 15/15 | AC: 16 T: 10 FF: 16 CMD: 11 | F+4 R+0 W+6 | Init +0 | Perception +3
Tracked Resources:
Vision of Madness 5/5; Bleeding Touch 5/6; Channel Negative 7/7; Spells: 1st 3+1/3+1

None for me!

Grand Lodge

Female human (Shoanti) druid (plains druid) 1 | HP 9/9 | AC 16 T 13 FF 13 | CMB +1, CMD 14 | F: +3, R: +3, W: +5 | Init: +3 | Perc: +7, SM: +3 | Speed 30ft | Spells: 1st 5/5 | Active conditions: None. | Arrows Cold Iron 50/50.

Profession (shepherd): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20

Dark Archive

CN Male Halfling Magus (Kensai) 9 | Speed 30 ft. | AC 26, T 21, FF 16 | hp 66/66 | Fort +9, Ref +10, Will +12 | Init +10 | Percep +5 | CMD 22 | Spells 1st 4/9 2nd 1/4 3rd 2/3 Arcane Pool 0/8 | Reroll @ +4 0/1 | Conditions: antitoxin/plague; mirror image x3, shield; enduring blade (keen/shocking burst)

None for me either! :)

Sovereign Court

Human Cleric of Urgathoa 2 | HP: 15/15 | AC: 16 T: 10 FF: 16 CMD: 11 | F+4 R+0 W+6 | Init +0 | Perception +3
Tracked Resources:
Vision of Madness 5/5; Bleeding Touch 5/6; Channel Negative 7/7; Spells: 1st 3+1/3+1

Posting this in all of my games:

As of yesterday, I have moved to London!

1. This should not impact my posting regularity, but it will change when I can post (around five hours earlier now).

2. If you live in London and enjoy playing with me/in my games, shoot me a PM! I'd love to get involved in the local PFS, a homegame, or even 5e (although I'd be brand new at that).

Sovereign Court

Human Cleric of Urgathoa 2 | HP: 15/15 | AC: 16 T: 10 FF: 16 CMD: 11 | F+4 R+0 W+6 | Init +0 | Perception +3
Tracked Resources:
Vision of Madness 5/5; Bleeding Touch 5/6; Channel Negative 7/7; Spells: 1st 3+1/3+1

Lol totally thought it didn't get AoO's anymore. Checked the rules and that isn't even vaguely implied there. Good job me! *self high-five* On the other hand though, Elvira totally would have gone for it anyways. Either way, I would have laughed soooooo hard if I walked right into an AoO crit XD

Knowledge Checks -Sky Key Solution Aid Token

When I realized you walked straight up to a minotaur, I thought "that was ballsy".

Knowledge Checks -Sky Key Solution Aid Token


Any additions or corrections to the chronicles, let me know and I will edit them.

Thanks for sticking in with me. Looking forward to playing/running future games with you all.

Sovereign Court

Human Cleric of Urgathoa 2 | HP: 15/15 | AC: 16 T: 10 FF: 16 CMD: 11 | F+4 R+0 W+6 | Init +0 | Perception +3
Tracked Resources:
Vision of Madness 5/5; Bleeding Touch 5/6; Channel Negative 7/7; Spells: 1st 3+1/3+1

Thanks GM! Chronicle looks great :)

Dark Archive

CN Male Halfling Magus (Kensai) 9 | Speed 30 ft. | AC 26, T 21, FF 16 | hp 66/66 | Fort +9, Ref +10, Will +12 | Init +10 | Percep +5 | CMD 22 | Spells 1st 4/9 2nd 1/4 3rd 2/3 Arcane Pool 0/8 | Reroll @ +4 0/1 | Conditions: antitoxin/plague; mirror image x3, shield; enduring blade (keen/shocking burst)

Thanks for running this! chronicles were fast!

Grand Lodge

Female human (Shoanti) druid (plains druid) 1 | HP 9/9 | AC 16 T 13 FF 13 | CMB +1, CMD 14 | F: +3, R: +3, W: +5 | Init: +3 | Perc: +7, SM: +3 | Speed 30ft | Spells: 1st 5/5 | Active conditions: None. | Arrows Cold Iron 50/50.

Thanks for the game

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