Darrien Rose Rossberg |
^ sounds good, Also, I was going to suggest everyone eat half rations (basically double the amount of food we would have). At least the PCs.
Matheus Critchton |
I'll note that while small creatures are half weight for weapons and armor, they are a quarter for food and drink. Normally this doesn't change anything but Matheus and Isa only using up a quarter ration each may come into to play if so.
I was going to also suggest Sayid grab Purify food and drink as it can make something unpalatable at least edible. Scorched bat on a stick for example.
RE Long term care: If Matheus and Jiao Feng both reach the unwounded category together we can both take 10 giving Jiao Feng's take 10 a 21. Assuming the GM is ok with that in the future.
Sayid Al'Shaytan |
![Sable Company Elite Marine](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/27_Sable-Company-Uniform.jpg)
Changing up my Orisons seems reasonable...Definitely will do that.
It seems like a few treating deadly wounds might be a better option than long term care...If you do long term care that is an 8 hour action, which knocks you out for the whole night. You aren't going to get any rest.
Alright, let's figure this out...we have 6 party members...casters have to take 9 hours of resting if it is interrupted. So if a caster has first or last watch 8 hours of sleep, otherwise they need 9.
Easy Peasy...Jaio Feng, you are going to treat 3 patients for Deadly Wounds (no recommendations for who, just saying thats what you can do) and then sleep for 8 hours. (This assumes we have the med kit supplies for 3 deadly wounds treatments.
One of our casters (Me, Matheus, or Edril) will watch for 3 hours and then sleep for 8. Caster 2 will sleep for 3 hours, watch for 2 hours, and then sleep for 6 hours (9 hours of rest since it is interrupted). Our non-casters (Darrien and Finja) take the Deep shifts...one sleeps for 5 hours, watches for 2 and then sleeps for 4, the other sleeps for 7 hours, watches for 2 and then sleeps for 2 more. The final watch is taken by the third caster character who sleeps for 8 hours wakes up and prepares spells and then watches for 2.
We need to rest for a total of 11 hours because a caster is taking a watch in the middle of the night, so they need 9 hours of sleep instead of 8.
Hour----Watch-----------Deadly Wounds Care
1-------Caster Watch 1--Patient 1
2-------Caster Watch 1--Patient 2
3-------Caster Watch 1--Patient 3
4-------Caster Watch 2--REST 1
5-------Caster Watch 2--REST 2
6-------Non-Caster 1----REST 3
7-------Non-Caster 1----REST 4
8-------Non-Caster 2----REST 5
9-------Non-Caster 2----REST 6
10------Caster Watch 3--REST 7
11------Caster Watch 3--REST 8
Jaio, this excludes you from taking a watch because it seems likely that you can't treat and watch effectively at the same time.
Sayid will volunteer for the last watch...he is used to meditating and preparing spells with the sunrise...hard to say when that is, but generally it comes after sleeping.
GM Toothy |
![The Outcast King](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A12_Barbazu_Otyugh_FINAL.jpg)
@Sayid: Just a couple thoughts... you actually don't have a healer's kit, so Jiao Feng takes a -4 penalty on the check. Even if Matheus helps her and she is not 'grazed', taking 10 will only give her a 17. Also, it is not allowed to take 10 on aid another.
About the shifts, remember that you also have NPCs to take the shifts... Aravashnial is obviously useless for this, but Anevia and Horgus are quite capable of doing so, even if against his will in Horgus's case.
Taking a look on the rules regarding resting, each character becomes fatigued if they sleep less than 6 hours and fails a DC 15 Fortitude check. Arcane casters need the 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep +1 hour for each interruption. However, divine casters need not to sleep or rest to regain spells like arcane casters. Assuming they do not want to become fatigued, they need only the 6 hours of sleep.
Sayid Al'Shaytan |
![Sable Company Elite Marine](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/27_Sable-Company-Uniform.jpg)
Oh, I wasn't aware of that difference between arcane and divine casters. That's cool
Healer's kit or no, I can't see Jiao Feng taking the long term care action unless we are camping out for more than 24 hours...We can't afford anyone to be fatigued I don't think...The debuff itself isn't too bad, but it puts you one step from Exhausted...and that think is a hoser.
Your character Jiao Feng, so your choice...but I think you try a couple of treat deadly wounds (even with the penalty) and then bed down with the rest. With Critchton trying to help you each attempt has about a 24%* chance of success, so you might be successful with one of them. Sadly, you have only a 4% chance of adding your wisdom modifier to the amount healed on each attempt.
So that takes Critchton and Jiao Feng out of the watch schedule...everyone needs 6 hours except for Edril who needs his beauty sleep. If we want to recover hitpoints from rest though we do need 8 hours...6 doesn't cut it per the rules unfortunately.
We can still do that on a 10 hour rest with a watch rotation though...Just have to add Anevia and Horgus in...didn't realize that was an option.
So if we all want to get back 1 hp from sleeping (woo, 1 hp!) then we could do this
1-------Darrien----Jiao Feng & Critchton
2-------Darrien----Jiao Feng & Critchton
Otherwise, we could do this:
1-------Darrien----Jiao Feng & Critchton
2-------Darrien----Jiao Feng & Critchton
No HP recovery, but no fatigue checks, so that's nice.
Is that all accurate this time Tooth?
Darrien Rose Rossberg |
I forget off the top of my head, but does endurance give a bonus to saves vs fatigue in regards to sleeping?
If so, I could risk an all nighter (which would be fairly in character) to let the rest of you get a good rest, and save a bit of time.
The reason for this is I can see in the dark, its likely that any light we keep going for that long is bound to attract attention. Not to mention any open fire will create smoke and consume oxygen and make it that much harder for us. Lanterns may be very useful though.
Sayid Al'Shaytan |
![Sable Company Elite Marine](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/27_Sable-Company-Uniform.jpg)
I forget off the top of my head, but does endurance give a bonus to saves vs fatigue in regards to sleeping?
If so, I could risk an all nighter (which would be fairly in character) to let the rest of you get a good rest, and save a bit of time.
The reason for this is I can see in the dark, its likely that any light we keep going for that long is bound to attract attention. Not to mention any open fire will create smoke and consume oxygen and make it that much harder for us. Lanterns may be very useful though.
The endurance feat does not mention any bonus vs fatigue...just that you can sleep in your light or medium armor without being fatigued. It would probably have to be a GM ruling if it applies to that.
GM Toothy |
![The Outcast King](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A12_Barbazu_Otyugh_FINAL.jpg)
As Sayid mentioned, there is no bonus from the Endurance feat. However, you DO have an identified potion of lesser restoration that could be used if Darrien fails his check.
@Matheus: Could you point me to the rules where it states small creatures consume 1/4 food and water. All I could find was this:
Characters might find themselves without food or water and with no means to obtain them. In normal climates, Medium characters need at least a gallon of fluids and about a pound of decent food per day to avoid starvation. (Small characters need half as much.) In very hot climates, characters need two or three times as much water to avoid dehydration.
Matheus Critchton |
@GM: Interesting. I was going on the fact that all food and water items in the various books are usually tagged with the superscript to indicate that they weigh 1/4 of the normal amount.
These items weigh one-quarter this amount when made for Small characters. Containers for Small characters also carry one-quarter the normal amount.
With your quote although it looks like small people have to buy two rations and four waterskins to give them one day.
Finja of Aaramor |
Their meals may be smaller, but they ARE more numerous ;)
Also, figured I'll give a prompt for the create water cantrip in-game...considering we'll run out of water shortly, it could be a big deal to know water WILL be available on the next day.
Darrien Rose Rossberg |
Hey All, I have sad news, some things came up this past weekend that will likely keep a large portion of my attention for awhile. I will try to keep up a posting rate, but if I am away for a day please feel free to bot me in combats. Apologies for the trouble.
GM Toothy |
![The Outcast King](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A12_Barbazu_Otyugh_FINAL.jpg)
@Jiao Feng: No need to roll for the Long-Term Care, since even grazed you can take 10. I've already applied the effect of the healing to Edril, Finja, Matheus, Sayid, Anevia and Aravashnial. The header of the campaign are up to date in your conditions at the moment.
Regarding Anevia, you are pretty sure you can't mend her bones with simple low-level magic. The same applies to Aravashnial's blindness. I'll update and move us in a couple hours.
GM Toothy |
![The Outcast King](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A12_Barbazu_Otyugh_FINAL.jpg)
Matheus have any dreams last night? The Good Dreams trait can be fun in letting the GM do cryptic foreshadowing. :)
I've added a dream for you. I hope you enjoy it.
@Everyone: Ok, I moved us along. If you wish to do something prior to moving or during the march, feel free to do so. Some of you are still pretty wounded, which might be dangerous... or not };].
Finja of Aaramor |
@Darrien: The roll for Jiao-Feng was made here
So everything is in order. Also, Finja will all but insist to take a closer look at the temple and try to gain favor of the gods, be cleansing it of evil(if corrupted) or praying(if not)...so it's probably save to get closer to it :)
GM Toothy |
![The Outcast King](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A12_Barbazu_Otyugh_FINAL.jpg)
@Jiao Feng: I actually rolled the Fortitude check for you. You got a 1. Th rolls are located two posts prior to my new post, under the "Rolls" spoiler. As I've mentioned before, the only spoiler that are for my eyes only are those labeled "GM Rolls".
Also, being Fatigued you only get -2 on Strength and Dexterity (not Str and Dex rolls), so you are not in such a dire state. You don't take -3 in everything.
娇风 Jiao Feng |
Yeah i saw the roll and it's fine.
Then only -2 for attacks and -1 on damage with being grazed ;)
Sayid Al'Shaytan |
![Sable Company Elite Marine](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/27_Sable-Company-Uniform.jpg)
If you drop below 50% hp I promise to heal you...definitely want to avoid getting too far down that death spiral. Just want to have the option of food available at the end of the day for some of us in case we don't make it out in this adventuring day.
娇风 Jiao Feng |
Question for the GM:
What mx range would you allow for the roped dart?
Different people have different opinions on this, some limit it to 20 feet range, some say that's the first range increment and you can have a 50 feet rope tied to it or whatever.
GM Toothy |
![The Outcast King](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A12_Barbazu_Otyugh_FINAL.jpg)
Question for the GM:
What mx range would you allow for the roped dart?
Different people have different opinions on this, some limit it to 20 feet range, some say that's the first range increment and you can have a 50 feet rope tied to it or whatever.
20 ft. However, if you wish, you can release it as you throw, thus making it work as a common dart, but you won't be able to retrieve it immediately, of course.
娇风 Jiao Feng |
Allright that's fair.
Guess i'll have to stock up on something to throw in the future then^^
Darrien Rose Rossberg |
Finja, was wondering, where you interested in maybe getting a couple teamwork feats? Like shield wall etc? at some point.
Finja of Aaramor |
I was considering it, but there's a lot of Feats I need for my build to work out, and I got the VMC and a Prestige Class lined up(meaning fewer Fighter Bonus Feats and half normal ones).
I do have some wiggle room in the build plan, but lets revisit that option a few levels down the line.
As we discussed earlier, it would technically be more efficient to only wield a heavy shield and two-hand it - using sword and tower shield is flavorful/iconic but not a particulary powerful combat style in pathfinder, so needs a lot of investment to stay competitive to the alternatives :)
娇风 Jiao Feng |
Actually, having someone with tower shield in front is pretty good.
Then someone behind with a reach weapon, phalanx soldier, gang up and outflank. Good for rogues because auto sneak attack.
GM Toothy |
![The Outcast King](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A12_Barbazu_Otyugh_FINAL.jpg)
@Sayid: Had to modify your actions a bit. I do not allow my players to carry loaded crossbows outside of battle, unless they explicitly say they are holding it at all times... a loaded crossbow dangling from your back/waist would only cause the bolt to fall or even missfire. Because of that, you ended up your turn with an UN-loaded crossbow.
Finja of Aaramor |
Oh, Tower Shields are great for a few things, especially with a few Feat Lines. And many Teamwork Feats are also great for those benefitting from them.
But as players so often do, I want to have 'impact' on the game as well, not only be a roadblock for enemies and buff-station for allies- getting all the stuff required would leave my own options and damage output negligible.
That said, that type of combo does not need multiple tower shields to work, so maybe you and Darrien want to work something out?
娇风 Jiao Feng |
I think that would give everyone impact because everyone gets flanking that way? With gang up you only need 2 characters threatening someone to flank from any angle.
Unfortunately i don't think Jiao Feng would be good for it, since there are no monk reach weapons to flurry with?
Finja of Aaramor |
@Impact: Flanking gives to hit. If things go right, I should already have sky-high to hit. Getting more from flanking may not help that much...plus it still requires a flankable enemy and 2 people there(one of which is first to be in position and may not benefit at all) - and if the full attack downs the enemy, second flankee has to move towards a new target.
That kinda stuff is awesome for Solo Tactics, but there's a couple aspects that can easily prevent you from getting full mileage out of those...that said, nobody says you have to hide behind Darrien with Reach :)
You can still Gang Up/Outflank/Paired Opportunists - (get Seize the Moment as well and then have fun crit-fishing together...would likely also work great with Sayid if he has the Feats to spare)
Sayid Al'Shaytan |
![Sable Company Elite Marine](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/27_Sable-Company-Uniform.jpg)
My feat plan has a couple of holes in it at low levels. It is packed full as we level up, but I am not 100% yet on if they are all worthwhile. Essentially lots of crit feats to debuff when I crit which I should be doing all the time.
Feat Plan:
1 Weapon Focus: Kukri / Weapon Finesse / Two weapon fighting
3 Skill Focus (Sense Motive) / ???
5 ???
6 Improved Two Weapon Fighting / Weapon Specialization: Kukri
7 Martial Focus
9 Greater Weapon Focus: Kukri / Improved Critical
11 Critical Focus
12 Greater Two Weapon Fighting / Delay bonus feat by taking +1 hp or +1 sp FCB
13 Weapon Material Mastery / Critical Staggering
15 Critical Bleeding / Critical Censoring
17 Critical Mastery
18 Stunning Critical
19 Greater Weapon Specialization: Kukri
娇风 Jiao Feng |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Those are the feats i loosely planned on:
Demon Hunter
Demonic Nemesis
Creature Focus - Demon
Healers Hands
Open Conduit
Incredible Healer
Sayid Al'Shaytan |
![Sable Company Elite Marine](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/27_Sable-Company-Uniform.jpg)
Hmm...I am going to have to revisit some of the ordering on that feat tree...I have improved two-weapon fighting at lvl 6, but I don't have +6 BAB at that point...I don't get that until level 8.
So take my feat tree with a grain of salt. I will rebuild it and show you the results probably tomorrow.
Also thinking cut from the air and spellcut might be nice since I am already picking up martial focus for the weapon material mastery...will have to see if I have room for those.
娇风 Jiao Feng |
Yeah don't forget the prestige class replacing the mythic levels we get.
Darrien Rose Rossberg |
@GM Toothy Isn't that a bit of a nerf to the already particularly weak crossbow? I suppose its not a huge issue at this time, with the unchained action economy in place though.
I've no real thing one way or another, but are you going to require people to re-string their bows? This is a world with demons and magic, the thought that there is a safety mechanism on a crossbow isn't too far fetched. Unless you are trying to distinguish the already large "power" gap between mundane/magical. Which I've no problem with. Its just many people assume to have their crossbow loaded, similar to a firearm. Unless you were allowing crossbows to gain a strength modifier like longbows. (which, would probably be more/just as realistic, considering it was actually harder to pull back the draw string on heavy crossbows than most bows. One of the reasons it packed a much harder punch.)
this is a rough outline for Darrien-
2- Tower shield Bash
3- Combat Reflexs(or)Advanced armor training
4- Body Guard
5- either In harms way(or)Advanced weapon training
6- Weapon focus shields
7- weapon spec. shields
Haven't planned much beyond that, but its the general gist atm.
Also, Sayyid, I'm not entirely sure, so wanted to check, but don't you get back 50% of ammo used in a combat?
Sayid Al'Shaytan |
![Sable Company Elite Marine](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/27_Sable-Company-Uniform.jpg)
50% of shots that miss are recoverable...I have had some DMs roll recover chance on all bolts fired and others just say half of what missed you are able to find...
Was planning on asking after combat is over.
Finja of Aaramor |
Thanks Jiao
The Demon setup looks sweet - those could be flavorful and fancy for the campaign in general.
Now if I could squeeze the needed Knowledge(Planes) in somehow(and justify taking them to myself). :)
@Healer stuff: Also awesome you'll provide that. But DO run the math depending on when you pick up Incredible Healer - you MAY get better results with Signature Skill(Heal).
@Crossbow: I think that's reasonable for overland travel/in cities/when we don't expect danger. In situations when it's also expected your bow is unstringed, and your shield affixed to the backpack, etc-
We are currently in hostile territory, had been attacked before, and are carefully advancing through a cave system. I think if he is staying back(as per the request so he can make more water by not dying) it may be reasonable for him to carry a firing-ready crossbow to give cover if needed. I think we'll simply need to define a proper 'state' of the marching order in both hostile and non-hostile territory.
Sayid Al'Shaytan |
![Sable Company Elite Marine](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/27_Sable-Company-Uniform.jpg)
I hate to "Um Actually..." you GM, but I checked the rules before posting because I am not familiar with Unchained Action Economy, this being the first time I have played with it...
Under Simple Actions:
Draw or Sheathe a Weapon: You draw or sheathe a weapon. If your base attack bonus is +0, this action provokes an attack of opportunity.
It looks like with UAE you can no longer draw a weapon as part of a move action...it is a separate simple action, which provokes AoO if you are not martially proficient enough (do not have a +1 BAB or higher).
So my actions for that round were:
Draw a weapon (provoking AoO) - Simple, 1 Act
Draw a weapon (provoking AoO) - Simple, 1 Act
Attack with both using TWF - Simple, 1 Act
As such that rat I slaughtered is due 1 or more attacks on me if you would like to take them retroactively.
Sayid Al'Shaytan |
![Sable Company Elite Marine](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/27_Sable-Company-Uniform.jpg)
So I figured out how I was getting two full bab feats at the same level...I forgot that I am taking the favored class bonus that gives me 1/6 of a warpriest bonus feat.
I still did have some errors that I had to straighten out, and I ended up with one high level feat slot that I don't know what to do with.
Again, open to feedback and suggestions.
Feat Plan: - WPB - Warpriest Bonus Feat
1 WPB: Weapon Focus: Kukri / Lvl 1: Weapon Finesse / Human: Two weapon fighting
3 Lvl 3 Skill Focus (Sense Motive) / WPB Slashing Grace (Kukri)
5 Lvl 5 Combat Reflexes
6 WPB Improved Two Weapon Fighting / WPB (FCB) Weapon Specialization: Kukri
7 Lvl 7 Martial Focus
9 Lvl 9 Clarifying Channel / WPB Improved Critical
11 Lvl 11 Weapon Material Mastery
12 WPB: Greater Two Weapon Fighting / WPB(FCB) Critical Focus
13 Lvl 13 Critical Staggering
15 Lvl 15 Critical Bleeding / WPB Critical Censoring
17 Lvl 17 Channeled Revival
18 WPB Stunning Critical / WPB (FCB) Critical Mastery
19 Lvl 19 ???
GM Toothy |
![The Outcast King](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A12_Barbazu_Otyugh_FINAL.jpg)
I hate to "Um Actually..." you GM, but I checked the rules before posting because I am not familiar with Unchained Action Economy, this being the first time I have played with it...
Unchained Action Economy wrote:Under Simple Actions:
Draw or Sheathe a Weapon: You draw or sheathe a weapon. If your base attack bonus is +0, this action provokes an attack of opportunity.It looks like with UAE you can no longer draw a weapon as part of a move action...it is a separate simple action, which provokes AoO if you are not martially proficient enough (do not have a +1 BAB or higher).
So my actions for that round were:
Draw a weapon (provoking AoO) - Simple, 1 Act
Draw a weapon (provoking AoO) - Simple, 1 Act
Attack with both using TWF - Simple, 1 ActAs such that rat I slaughtered is due 1 or more attacks on me if you would like to take them retroactively.
Lol, this is weird. Very well, I'll keep it in mind in the future. However, as you have the Two-Weapon Fighting feat, I'll allow you to draw both your weapons with a single Simple Act.
Regarding the crossbow, the ruling of not carrying it loaded is indeed looking for a more realistic approach. I'm not really concerned about it being comparable to a bow. The crossbow is cheaper, a light weapon (used by everyone) and actually gives more damage than a longbow for someone not going to build around it. On top of that, the UAC already boosted it a bit, so I'm not concerned.
Finja of Aaramor |
...ransacking the temple in the first place, doesn't particularly have much to say with regard to the trespassing of the rest of the group on holy ground. It seemed very disrespectful...
Edril, is that an IC opinion? Or some OOC knowledge I lack?
You do understand that at least Finja and Darrien are not ransacking anything, nor being disrespectful or trespassing?
We simply mean to pray to a God that actively supports the crusade and who's very domain we are currently trapped in...in their temple. Finja even spent time cleaning up.
If the temple indeed is lost, and we stumble upon something useful, it would be seen as a gift, but rest assured that the church of Torag would be fully compensated for anything used / whatever was borrowed returned to them.
But we are, so far, doing our best not to disrespect the gods, nor plundering aimlessly...our hope is to gain Torag's support in getting home safely.
If simply entering a temple and praying could be seen as offensive by the god in question, I would like for GM to clarify that...IC at least those with basic knowledge in religion should probably be aware of that if it was indeed disrespectful.
Edril |
Edril's IC opinion. He doesn't like going into temples to other gods, unless they're part of a pantheonic structure. I can't recall this long ago into WotR. I can't even recall a temple. Most of what I remember from book 1 is the fall, hating Horgus, and a certain fight because the foe escaped and I've had that individual popping up at least twice per book since.
Finja of Aaramor |
Sorry, seems my post was eaten. I fell ill and have fever. I'll try and re-post tomorrow, otherwise I think I already added my intended path to the map. Striking it if found, readying an action to strike if it comes into view if not encountered during th more.
Darrien Rose Rossberg |
I'm glad I looked here before I posted, I'll assume Finja is moving further into the room.
ahhhh, why ya gotta go and do that. I'm probably gonna die but oh well haha.