GM Toothy's Wrath of the Righteous (Inactive)

Game Master Sir Longears

HP, Sanity and Conditions:
Darrien - 17/22 - Grazed (-0*) | Sanity 31/33 (2 thd) |
Edril - 15/15 - Healthy (-0) | Sanity 35/38 (3 thd) |
Finja - 5/20 - Critical (-3) | Sanity 31/32 (2 thd) |
Ivanna - 9/17 - Grazed (-0*) | Sanity 36/36 (3 thd) |
Jiao Feng - (-1)/22 - Critical (-3) | Sanity 33/33 (2 thd) | disabled
Matheus Critchton - 16/16 - Healthy (-0) | Sanity 36/36 (3 thd) | (1 Str dmg)

Anevia 17/17 - Healthy (-0)
Aravashnial 35/35 - Healthy (-0)
Horgus 18/18 - Healthy (-0)
Isa 2/2 - Healthy (-0)

Battle Map

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Current Map | Loot | Critical-Fumble Generator
Matheus Critchton wrote:

I'm not sure if you noticed but Matheus has the Good Dreams trait (only available to halflings who worship Desna). It is horribly mislabeled as it only gives you bad dreams. Just thought I'd point it out explicitly as it requires more GM work although it also gives GMs a way to foreshadow cryptically too which can be fun.

If you don't like this trait I can swap it for another.

I did noticed the trait and even edited the post. It saved you from losing some sanity. I believe you were already posting when I was doing the edit.

M image for Darrien Fighter 2| HP: 9/22 | AC: 20 FF: 19 T:11 | Fort: +5, Ref:+1, Will: +2 | Init: +1| Perc: +7

So I noticed something just a bit ago looking over my archetype again, apparently an "unbreakable" fighter doesn't know how to use a tower shield.

Figured I'd ask if you are ok with letting the archetype keep proficiency with it, otherwise I'll need to rework feats, Or just go with a base fighter :/

HP: 12/12 | AC:18 / T:18 / FF:10 | Fort: 4, Ref: 5, Will: 0 | CMD: 19 | Init: 3 | Perception: 4 (Darkvision 60 ft)

Or, advocatus diabolii, go with a heavy shield :)
(We already had a short chat that it basically works almost identical, except for some additional gimmicks like cover...)
I know the tower shield is also a important aspect for Darrien, so just throwing that out there as a what-if-consideration.

@GM: I would like to point out that I took the History of Terrors alternate racial trait instead of skilled. It gives +2 versus mind-affecting and +4 versus mind-affecting fear effects.
By my understanding the +2 should always apply versus sanity-damaging effects, and the +4 in specific scenarios.
(Seeing her family slaughtered seems a good enough justification to be less sensible to such effects involving strangers in the future) - main reason was to shore up her defense in regards to sanity damage.
If your interpretation differs, do let me know.

HP: 12/12 | AC:18 / T:18 / FF:10 | Fort: 4, Ref: 5, Will: 0 | CMD: 19 | Init: 3 | Perception: 4 (Darkvision 60 ft)

@Darrien: Just to clarify that - what I meant was to have your shield be a tower shield for flavor, but a heavy shield mechanically. You would still wield your custom-made large shield, but you deviated from classic design principles - making the handling a bit different(so you can two-hand it), maybe add some cuts or slits to the shape to see what goes on at the other side, and a lighter construction to be able to bash someone with it(and not take an attack penalty). Drawback of that deviation from classic tower shield design would be that it is not quite as capable of affording the same amount of protection(less AC, no cover...).
That would, of course, lock you out from tower-shield-specific build aspects such as Mobile Bulwark, which is a minus...but on the plus, it would be compatible with the archetype and let you start out with your intended style from the said, just a thought to consider, but figured I should go a bit more into detail and explain that my suggestion was keeping the theme and shifting the mechanics, using a reskin to make it work.

Halfling HP 14/16 (2 STR) -3 Critical | AC 17 T 14 FF 14 | F 2 R 4 W 4 | Init 3 | Perc 4 |1st 0/5

Or just take the feat for tower shield proficiency again. Generally, now a fighter is better keeping bravery, weapon training, and armor training although the Unbreakable archetype is a nice amount more tankability.

M image for Darrien Fighter 2| HP: 9/22 | AC: 20 FF: 19 T:11 | Fort: +5, Ref:+1, Will: +2 | Init: +1| Perc: +7

Yeah, It was more of a "this is how I see darrien, He just doesn't stop" sort of thing for the archetype, If I just went plain fighter I could start with a tower shield and smash with it at level 1 and not wait a level, and at level 5 I could get bravery as a straight up will bonus, (along with other nice things later on) but I like the archetype's theme, so wanted to ask.

and reskins are all fine, but I always feel a bit iffy about doing it, IDK, its a bit silly of a though tbh but one I get.

and I don't plan on waiting until level 3 to start bashing things with my towa shield O powa XD.

HP: 12/12 | AC:18 / T:18 / FF:10 | Fort: 4, Ref: 5, Will: 0 | CMD: 19 | Init: 3 | Perception: 4 (Darkvision 60 ft)

Well, reskins are usually unproblematic, and what you are asking for is essentially homebrew.
Unbreakable gets 2 Feats at first level, Endurance and Diehard, in exchange for the bonus Feat and Tower Shield Proficiency - in effect, a 2 for 2 trade. For those not opting to use Tower Shields, a 1 for 2 trade that makes sense even if the gained Feats are situational. For those wanting tower shields, probably only a mediocre deal.
I get what you are saying, and most fighter archetypes are inferior to the baseline after advanced weapon/armor training were introduced - but if we're going to alter archetypes and/or re-introduce advanced training for archetypes that trade the base feature away and create custom Feats to make things work, that's a pretty heavy deviation from the design rules during recruitment - I am all for player empowerment, we are on the same team. I am just saying if you get to have your cake, and eat it, too, then I'll also want another go at the design board.

Current Map | Loot | Critical-Fumble Generator
Darrien Rose Rossberg wrote:

So I noticed something just a bit ago looking over my archetype again, apparently an "unbreakable" fighter doesn't know how to use a tower shield.

Figured I'd ask if you are ok with letting the archetype keep proficiency with it, otherwise I'll need to rework feats, Or just go with a base fighter :/

If you take some meaningful drawback, I'll allow you to keep the tower shield proficiency, since the unbreakable archetype has some very situational abilities in place of very good ones.

I've been reviewing your sheets and organizing them in a way that becomes easier for me and I noticed your stats... Care to explain how you managed to get Str 18, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 9 in a 15-point-buy? Considering the +2 to Str and +2 Cha from being an angel-kin aasimar, I still count your pb as 21!

Your skill points are incorrect. You have 2 normal points and 2 background. I suggest you switching Intimidate for Perform (something) since you mentioned Darrien enjoys music and even learned a bit and since he is very friendly, Intimidate is a bit weird.

I also can't see your whole gear list, since it is half eaten by the myth-weavers sheet. However from what I've seen, you have far more gear than you should. The easier way to fix (and perhaps your mistake) is to change the longbow to a shortbow.

Current Map | Loot | Critical-Fumble Generator

@Edril/Scorched One: I've noticed your sheet is incomplete. It lacks a couple abilities from the wizard class... I'm not sure if you took a familiar or a bonded object, which school you choose or if you took an archetype.

You also bought no gear... However, since you are now below earth, we'll simply assume you left everything back home.

In either case, I'll need your sheet finished ASAP.

M image for Darrien Fighter 2| HP: 9/22 | AC: 20 FF: 19 T:11 | Fort: +5, Ref:+1, Will: +2 | Init: +1| Perc: +7

Yes, apologies, I had been tinkering around with gear earlier, and forgot to make sure it was completely finalized (apologies), and the PB is a mistake, as I had darrien and another character pulled up in myth weavers, and likely I accidentally changed stats around on darriens sheet thinking it was the other. I shall fix it once I get access to a labtop.

And to avoid the hassle and issues I'll probably just go for the base fighter.

AC 41/39/39 hp 187/187 F +22, R +26, W +19 (+9 vs. mind-affecting effects); Init +14; Senses blindsense 30 ft., greensight 60 ft., low-light vision, scent, see in darkness; Perc +43 (+47 to hear conversation or find concealed object) DR 5/cold iron; Immune charm, cold, sleep; Resist electricity 10, fire 10

"Base Fighter" became pretty awesome with all those new abilities!

HP: 12/12 | AC:18 / T:18 / FF:10 | Fort: 4, Ref: 5, Will: 0 | CMD: 19 | Init: 3 | Perception: 4 (Darkvision 60 ft)

Also, just one more thing I wanted to mention, Darrien, not sure if that is what you want, but your Age is listed as 34 on Mythweavers(as opposed to 31 on alias).
Human are middle-aged at 35 - so if there is some downtime in the campaign, you might slip into that age category. That may be intentional(e.g. by gambling on lesser age resistance being readily available), or it may not be(in which case you are probably safer at 33 or 32 years.)

M image for Darrien Fighter 2| HP: 9/22 | AC: 20 FF: 19 T:11 | Fort: +5, Ref:+1, Will: +2 | Init: +1| Perc: +7

also, wouldn't Darrien have received a lesser madness from that sanity attack?

even with a 14 wis, 3 is one over my sanity threshold, how would I determine what madness I get?

Current Map | Loot | Critical-Fumble Generator
Darrien Rose Rossberg wrote:

also, wouldn't Darrien have received a lesser madness from that sanity attack?

even with a 14 wis, 3 is one over my sanity threshold, how would I determine what madness I get?

Yes, you got a madness. I'll pick one that seams fitting for your character. It might manifest soon or later.

M image for Darrien Fighter 2| HP: 9/22 | AC: 20 FF: 19 T:11 | Fort: +5, Ref:+1, Will: +2 | Init: +1| Perc: +7


| HP: 8/9 | AC: 17; T: 13; FF: 14; CMD: 14 | Fort: +3; Ref: +3; Will: +4 | Init: +3; Perc: +2 | Senses: None
Daily Abilities:
Blessing: 3/3 | ShldoFth: 1/1 | Spells: L1 - 1/2 | Scale of Prot: 2/3
Active Blessing & Effect:
SoP - +4 Shield
Human Warpriest of Iomedae 1

On the road to get on a cruise ship. I won’t be back until January 10th.

Feel free to bot me until then.

HP: 12/12 | AC:18 / T:18 / FF:10 | Fort: 4, Ref: 5, Will: 0 | CMD: 19 | Init: 3 | Perception: 4 (Darkvision 60 ft)

Have a great trip!

Current Map | Loot | Critical-Fumble Generator

Ok guys, new post is up!

I've added a link on the header of the campaign with the battle map. Under the spoiler, you'll be able to see your current hp, as well as your healthy state according to the wound threshold rules, your sanity scores and your fear level.

To the campaign tab I've added the rules for the Scales of Fear and Wound Threshold. If you think of anything else that might help, let me know and I'll add it as well.

As you'll be able to see, the combat map is really big and every square corresponds to 10 ft. Be careful not to move incorrectly!

Now that we are in combat mode, you'll always be able to see who is UP to post. You can post in any order, but I'll resolve your actions according to the initiative order. If your action is not possible anymore, I'll change it as best as I can. While in combat mode, I'll always bot someone if they are not able to post within the 1-day time you all agreed upon entering this game.

Current Map | Loot | Critical-Fumble Generator

On the map you'll be able to see yellow circles. These are the light radius of the various sources you possess (two light cantrips and one bullseye lantern). Beyond that, you have an equal amount of low-light vision and then darkness.

HP: 12/12 | AC:18 / T:18 / FF:10 | Fort: 4, Ref: 5, Will: 0 | CMD: 19 | Init: 3 | Perception: 4 (Darkvision 60 ft)

@GM: Just out of curiosity, your profile does have a map/loot/crit-fumble generator linked in the statline.
Going by your 'about me' from recruitment I think it may be a hold-over from the first attempt to run it - I was wondering if we could use the links for our game here...if there is sentimental value attached, thats fine too, but it would be convenient ;)

Current Map | Loot | Critical-Fumble Generator
Finja of Aaramor wrote:

@GM: Just out of curiosity, your profile does have a map/loot/crit-fumble generator linked in the statline.

Going by your 'about me' from recruitment I think it may be a hold-over from the first attempt to run it - I was wondering if we could use the links for our game here...if there is sentimental value attached, thats fine too, but it would be convenient ;)

LOL, you are indeed correct. There is no sentimental value though. I'll properly link the correct stuff.

Also, if any of you has any doubts or comments about the game so far and how I'm handling stuff, you are always free to tell me!

AC 41/39/39 hp 187/187 F +22, R +26, W +19 (+9 vs. mind-affecting effects); Init +14; Senses blindsense 30 ft., greensight 60 ft., low-light vision, scent, see in darkness; Perc +43 (+47 to hear conversation or find concealed object) DR 5/cold iron; Immune charm, cold, sleep; Resist electricity 10, fire 10

Looks good so far and i love the flow!

A bit concerned that mali will stack fast, but that has to be seen :D

HP: 12/12 | AC:18 / T:18 / FF:10 | Fort: 4, Ref: 5, Will: 0 | CMD: 19 | Init: 3 | Perception: 4 (Darkvision 60 ft)

No real doubts or comments so far.
I openly admit I was a bit worried if we'd get off the ground without problems with the pause between recruitment and start, and the holidays. With Sayid, we know he's on a cruise until tomorrow. So overall, it seemed to have worked out pretty well.
No idea about ScorchedOne, but I think he had no other posts since ~21st of December - may be on some extended vacation or something as well.

Other than that, I like the flavor, descriptions, and way the NPC's act. But that's no more of an initial impression, we only just started - but yeah, more of the same, please ;)

Current Map | Loot | Critical-Fumble Generator


Sayid is indeed on vacations and I expect for him to join us again once he returns. I play with him in another game and he posts pretty frequently, so I'm not really worried.

About ScorchedOne, I've sent him a PM. I'm giving him a couple more days to answer since we are still a bit slow thanks to holydays and vacations, but if I get no answer, I'll make his PC a GMPC, since I'm not in the mood of re-opening recruitment at the moment.

I'll make an update in a couple hours.

I am back, and will be able to post a bit later after I make the rounds and apologize for my disappearance. Holidays and then other circumstances prevented my posting. It has been a stressful time.

| HP: 8/9 | AC: 17; T: 13; FF: 14; CMD: 14 | Fort: +3; Ref: +3; Will: +4 | Init: +3; Perc: +2 | Senses: None
Daily Abilities:
Blessing: 3/3 | ShldoFth: 1/1 | Spells: L1 - 1/2 | Scale of Prot: 2/3
Active Blessing & Effect:
SoP - +4 Shield
Human Warpriest of Iomedae 1

I am back and posted...thanks for the botting while I was gone.

I may need help with wound thresholds and sanity as we go, I haven't played with those rules before...I think I set up that perception check right since I am currently grazed? Please correct me if I make mistakes though...

Current Map | Loot | Critical-Fumble Generator

Once you are ready to move on and leave the room, I'll need a marching order.

Halfling HP 14/16 (2 STR) -3 Critical | AC 17 T 14 FF 14 | F 2 R 4 W 4 | Init 3 | Perc 4 |1st 0/5

A small note: Matheus has only ever introduced himself as Critchton so far.

Current Map | Loot | Critical-Fumble Generator

Before we move on, it is important for us to know which one of you took which scale, since they don't work at all if someone holds more than one.

Please use the Discussion thread for... discussion about this. This weekend was brutal to me and I wasn't able to update and move us along. I believe I'll be able to do it tomorrow.

| HP: 8/9 | AC: 17; T: 13; FF: 14; CMD: 14 | Fort: +3; Ref: +3; Will: +4 | Init: +3; Perc: +2 | Senses: None
Daily Abilities:
Blessing: 3/3 | ShldoFth: 1/1 | Spells: L1 - 1/2 | Scale of Prot: 2/3
Active Blessing & Effect:
SoP - +4 Shield
Human Warpriest of Iomedae 1

Looking over the scales we have and the characters we have built, this is what I propose...


Scale of Resistance Three times per day as a standard action, this scale can be used to cast resist energy - but only against electricity or cold (30 points for 190 minutes). This scale doesn't function at all if more than one scale is carried by the same person.

Scale of Sacred Weaponry Three times per day as a standard action, this scale can be used to cast align weapon, but only to make a weapon lawful or good (lasts 19 minutes). This scale doesn't function at all if more than one scale is carried by the same person.

Scale of Cloudwalking Three times per day as a standard action, this scale can be used to cast levitate. A pillar of roiling clouds rises below the levitating object or creature, growing and shrinking with the target's altitude. This pillar is 5 feet in diameter (regardless of the target's size) and provides concealment (20% miss chance) to any creature or object wholly contained within (lasts 19 minutes). This scale doesn't function at all if more than one scale is carried by the same person.

Scale of Disguise Three times per day as a standard action, this scale can be used to cast disguise self. While disguised, the target gains a +4 bonus on all Bluff checks made against evil creatures (lasts 190 minutes). This scale doesn't function at all if more than one scale is carried by the same person.

Scale of Protection Three times per day as a standard action, this scale can be used to cast shield (lasts 19 minutes). This scale doesn't function at all if more than one scale is carried by the same person.

Scale of Vanishing Three times per day as a standard action, this scale can be used to cast vanish (lasts 5 rounds). This scale doesn't function at all if more than one scale is carried by the same person.

At first glance these are what I feel like decent fits are...

Resistance: Darrien; Finja; Sayid; Jiao Feng
Aligned Weapon: Darrien; Finja; Sayid; Jiao Feng
Cloudwalk: Darrien; Edril; Finja; Critchton; Sayid
Disguise: Critchon; Sayid
Protection: Edril; Critchton; Sayid; Jiao Feng
Vanish: Edril; Critchton; Sayid; Jiao Feng

If I were unilaterally assigning scales this is the arrangement I would do:
Resistance: Darrien
Aligned Weapon: Finja
Cloudwalk: Edril
Disguise: Jiao Feng
Protection: Sayid
Vanish: Critchton

Maybe give Critchton the Disguise for the bluff bonus, but he is squishy, so I feel like the ability to disappear is better there.

Anyways, that's my two cents.

Halfling HP 14/16 (2 STR) -3 Critical | AC 17 T 14 FF 14 | F 2 R 4 W 4 | Init 3 | Perc 4 |1st 0/5

I have no problems on any distribution. I agree Disguise or Vanish would be useful although being squishy right now is more from lack of gear.

HP: 12/12 | AC:18 / T:18 / FF:10 | Fort: 4, Ref: 5, Will: 0 | CMD: 19 | Init: 3 | Perception: 4 (Darkvision 60 ft)

Tricky one.
I would prefer, for flavor, sticking with one Scale.
But later on(Mythic Rank 5+), my weapon will count as holy, so is automatically good-aligned, meaning the aligned weapon-scale becomes superficial at that point.

Resistance would be sweet considering for quite a long time it will effectively be immunity with a threshold of 30, but Darrien is the one opting for being the defensive tank so I can see how it's a great fit.
I do have a shield, and while vanish and disguise are powerful, I neither have the skill ranks to back them up nor are they great fits for the character concept.
And cloudwalk is 'only' levitate, and being locked to vertical movement is not desirable for melee-

So I suppose I'll stick with the aligned weapon one - maybe at such time as it becomes redundant, a minor quest can 'upgrade' it to bless weapon that effectively does the same as align weapon, but auto-confirms crits?
That is unless Darrien has need of weapon aligning and wants to swap.

I'm fine with cloud walk, I don't need anything really.

AC 41/39/39 hp 187/187 F +22, R +26, W +19 (+9 vs. mind-affecting effects); Init +14; Senses blindsense 30 ft., greensight 60 ft., low-light vision, scent, see in darkness; Perc +43 (+47 to hear conversation or find concealed object) DR 5/cold iron; Immune charm, cold, sleep; Resist electricity 10, fire 10

Scale of disguise would certainly be great for Jiao Feng if she were outward visibly a tiefling with horns or something, which she is not though. She looks perfectly like a human and also counts as human for spells etc.
Might still be useful in certain situation and especially the +4 on bluff vs evil creatures is handy.
Probably a lot better for whoever is "the party face", which Jiao Feng is definately not^^
Also note: disguise self gives a +10 bonus on the disguise roll. That's no auto succeed.

Scale of vanishing is awesome to move into a flanking position actually.
We don't have a rogue who could make most use of that (i think?).

Right now i would prefer something which enhances my combat abilities.
Since i needed no armor, i already have cold iron weapons and 2 attacks with a better +hit and damage than you Sayyid ;)
The good blessing might alleviate the damage there 3/day.

Protection would fit Jiao Feng the most in my eyes.
For the sake of moving on, i'm ready to take whichever scale though, but say this isn't written in iron and we can freely exchange scales any time.
I mean depending on strategical and tactical situations, it could even be best at times to exchange scales and buff different people with different things!

M image for Darrien Fighter 2| HP: 9/22 | AC: 20 FF: 19 T:11 | Fort: +5, Ref:+1, Will: +2 | Init: +1| Perc: +7

I'm quite fine with the resistance scale, later on, I may opt to swap for the alignment one when it becomes redundant for her.

I'd also suggest Jiao get the protection one, as it was a shield bonus yes?

HP: 12/12 | AC:18 / T:18 / FF:10 | Fort: 4, Ref: 5, Will: 0 | CMD: 19 | Init: 3 | Perception: 4 (Darkvision 60 ft)

Well, Sayid as dual-wielder also makes use of the shield bonus. It's kinda a tie between them.

@Light: Because at our level, light will last only 10 Minutes and illuminate 20 feet(+20 dim) - the hooded lantern burns 6 hours and illuminates 30 feet(+30 dim). It's a mechanical reason, but I'd prefer larger light radius and no chance it flickers out in the middle of surprise combat... ^_^

Plus, of course, if he casts it on my shield, the scale's light is gone since he can only have one active, so the girl might not be excited about that :)
But thats stuff Finja might not even know IC.

| HP: 8/9 | AC: 17; T: 13; FF: 14; CMD: 14 | Fort: +3; Ref: +3; Will: +4 | Init: +3; Perc: +2 | Senses: None
Daily Abilities:
Blessing: 3/3 | ShldoFth: 1/1 | Spells: L1 - 1/2 | Scale of Prot: 2/3
Active Blessing & Effect:
SoP - +4 Shield
Human Warpriest of Iomedae 1

Protection really is the best one for both of us. I am not apposed to trading when the need arises.

Maybe to decide for now we loot roll the way they do in MMORPGs? Higher d20 result gets Protection and the other takes disguise?

Assuming you agree - Loot Roll: 1d20 ⇒ 18
Back up loot roll in the event of a time: 1d20 ⇒ 2

No way to know this for sure, but I promise I recommended this before I looked at the dice results. Scouts honor.

AC 41/39/39 hp 187/187 F +22, R +26, W +19 (+9 vs. mind-affecting effects); Init +14; Senses blindsense 30 ft., greensight 60 ft., low-light vision, scent, see in darkness; Perc +43 (+47 to hear conversation or find concealed object) DR 5/cold iron; Immune charm, cold, sleep; Resist electricity 10, fire 10

Alright then, take the protection and let's move on when the rest is decided.
I'll take some cure spells from you in exchange ;)

| HP: 8/9 | AC: 17; T: 13; FF: 14; CMD: 14 | Fort: +3; Ref: +3; Will: +4 | Init: +3; Perc: +2 | Senses: None
Daily Abilities:
Blessing: 3/3 | ShldoFth: 1/1 | Spells: L1 - 1/2 | Scale of Prot: 2/3
Active Blessing & Effect:
SoP - +4 Shield
Human Warpriest of Iomedae 1

Fair enough.

Current Map | Loot | Critical-Fumble Generator

OK, new post is up!

Just a reminder... for those of you who have not seen the enemy before (like Matheus) or that lack darkvision (like Darrien and Jiao Feng), you have no idea what is going on and where the enemy is, so take that in consideration in your post!

Those who lack darkvision are blinded.

Blinded wrote:
The creature cannot see. It takes a –2 penalty to Armor Class, loses its Dexterity bonus to AC (if any), and takes a –4 penalty on most Strength– and Dexterity-based skill checks and on opposed Perception skill checks. All checks and activities that rely on vision (such as reading and Perception checks based on sight) automatically fail. All opponents are considered to have total concealment (50% miss chance) against the blinded character. Blind creatures must make a DC 10 Acrobatics skill check to move faster than half speed. Creatures that fail this check fall prone. Characters who remain blinded for a long time grow accustomed to these drawbacks and can overcome some of them.

Current Map | Loot | Critical-Fumble Generator

@Sayid: Actually your AC is 11 at this moment. While blinded, you take -2 to AC and lose your Dex, thus also losing any dodge bonus to AC. On top of that, you are Grazed, giving an additional -1. Sorry :(

Dodge Bonus wrote:
A dodge bonus improves armor class (and sometimes Reflex saves) resulting from physical skill at avoiding blows and other ill effects. Dodge bonuses are usually not granted by spells or magic items. Any situation or effect (except wearing armor) that negates a character’s Dexterity bonus also negates any dodge bonuses the character may have. Dodge bonuses stack with all other bonuses to AC, even other dodge bonuses. Dodge bonuses apply against touch attacks.

| HP: 8/9 | AC: 17; T: 13; FF: 14; CMD: 14 | Fort: +3; Ref: +3; Will: +4 | Init: +3; Perc: +2 | Senses: None
Daily Abilities:
Blessing: 3/3 | ShldoFth: 1/1 | Spells: L1 - 1/2 | Scale of Prot: 2/3
Active Blessing & Effect:
SoP - +4 Shield
Human Warpriest of Iomedae 1

Oh...well if that is the case he wouldn't use that point in a dodge bonus that is nonfunctional.

Let's cast the once per day shield of faith SLA for a +2 deflection bonus instead, at least get up to 13.

I see a whole bunch of sneak attacks on their way. Goodie!

Halfling HP 14/16 (2 STR) -3 Critical | AC 17 T 14 FF 14 | F 2 R 4 W 4 | Init 3 | Perc 4 |1st 0/5

Matheus lost an action from something? Isn't a surprise round 2 actions?

M image for Darrien Fighter 2| HP: 9/22 | AC: 20 FF: 19 T:11 | Fort: +5, Ref:+1, Will: +2 | Init: +1| Perc: +7

surprise round is either a move or standard action IIRC

HP: 12/12 | AC:18 / T:18 / FF:10 | Fort: 4, Ref: 5, Will: 0 | CMD: 19 | Init: 3 | Perception: 4 (Darkvision 60 ft)

Unchained Action Economy says 2 plus a the inquiry is valid. It is important because complex actions Like Spells would become Impossible to do, so probably relevant to clarify soon.

Current Map | Loot | Critical-Fumble Generator
Matheus Critchton wrote:
Matheus lost an action from something? Isn't a surprise round 2 actions?

Sorry, you are indeed correct. you have two Acts.

AC 41/39/39 hp 187/187 F +22, R +26, W +19 (+9 vs. mind-affecting effects); Init +14; Senses blindsense 30 ft., greensight 60 ft., low-light vision, scent, see in darkness; Perc +43 (+47 to hear conversation or find concealed object) DR 5/cold iron; Immune charm, cold, sleep; Resist electricity 10, fire 10

Sorry just noticed we are in a surprise round and the initiative order was put in spoilers!
I usualy don't read spoilered stuff untill told to read it.

Probably Darrien and i should not have posted then since we can't act yet, which means we also don't get to speak or warn the rest i guess.

Critchton being the only one in the surprise round theoretically gets 5 acts then. 2 from surprise, 3 from first round.

Halfling HP 14/16 (2 STR) -3 Critical | AC 17 T 14 FF 14 | F 2 R 4 W 4 | Init 3 | Perc 4 |1st 0/5

Critchton is spending the surprise round talking if I wasn't clear, although I did forget to add the -2 for being wounded.

Current Map | Loot | Critical-Fumble Generator

About the Spoilers, the only ones that are not for your eyes are those meant for other players (unless they post they are sharing the information with you) and those labeled "GM Rolls", since these indeed might contain spoilers.

Current Map | Loot | Critical-Fumble Generator

New post is up.

Sayid is down, but only Darrien and Jiao Feng can know for sure.

Sayid's location (as of any fallen enemy/ally) is considered difficult terrain.

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