GM Toothy's Wrath of the Righteous (Inactive)

Game Master Sir Longears

HP, Sanity and Conditions:
Darrien - 17/22 - Grazed (-0*) | Sanity 31/33 (2 thd) |
Edril - 15/15 - Healthy (-0) | Sanity 35/38 (3 thd) |
Finja - 5/20 - Critical (-3) | Sanity 31/32 (2 thd) |
Ivanna - 9/17 - Grazed (-0*) | Sanity 36/36 (3 thd) |
Jiao Feng - (-1)/22 - Critical (-3) | Sanity 33/33 (2 thd) | disabled
Matheus Critchton - 16/16 - Healthy (-0) | Sanity 36/36 (3 thd) | (1 Str dmg)

Anevia 17/17 - Healthy (-0)
Aravashnial 35/35 - Healthy (-0)
Horgus 18/18 - Healthy (-0)
Isa 2/2 - Healthy (-0)

Battle Map

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HP: 12/12 | AC:18 / T:18 / FF:10 | Fort: 4, Ref: 5, Will: 0 | CMD: 19 | Init: 3 | Perception: 4 (Darkvision 60 ft)

Actually, I figured if you reveal you have darkvision in some way(whatever reason), it might have made sense to swap around a bit, maybe make Darrien and Jiao the vanguard who scout ahead without needing light that instantly gives us away to any darkness-dwellers that can decide to ambush us. That was the idea - as in, lie about the source or reason you have it if you want but maybe share that vital information :)
Also take note that darkvision is black&white...even if your character is unaware about their heritage, the world looks distinctly different in darkvision than it does in normal vision, so if you have it you probably know.(Technically that is monochrome, not even greyscale, so probably a border&countour-based system akin to echolocation-based visual representations - unlikely to be mistaken for anything else).
(Also, Finja is defensive because she's scared. Not because she's hostile - I am sorry I worded the post in a ambigious way. For all she knows underground body snatchers took over Darrien and Jiao while they were unconscious, and the reason the creature is now gone is because it took over Sayid and it's only a matter of time until it's her turn to be turned into a puppet...)

| HP: 8/9 | AC: 17; T: 13; FF: 14; CMD: 14 | Fort: +3; Ref: +3; Will: +4 | Init: +3; Perc: +2 | Senses: None
Daily Abilities:
Blessing: 3/3 | ShldoFth: 1/1 | Spells: L1 - 1/2 | Scale of Prot: 2/3
Active Blessing & Effect:
SoP - +4 Shield
Human Warpriest of Iomedae 1
Sayid Al'Shaytan wrote:

Sayid was at -4, so the healing provided brings him to -1. Stable but still unconcious.

The bleeding wounds in Sayid's gut close at the application of the healing magic. His breathing becomes deeper, and some color returns to his cheeks, but he remains unconcious.

Just reviewed posts, I thought that CLW had been for 3, but it wasn't it was bad.

So that means Sayid is at -2, not -1.

If there is any other healing available to get him at 0 or better he can do the rest himself if necessary. Otherwise we will have to wait for an hour so I can con check to try to go from Stable but unconscious to conscious but disabled. Would need to roll an 11 or better or lose another hitpoint and have to wait another hour.

Once awake I can use my last spell slot to hopefully heal myself to positive hitpoints.

Low levels make for short adventuring days.

Halfling HP 14/16 (2 STR) -3 Critical | AC 17 T 14 FF 14 | F 2 R 4 W 4 | Init 3 | Perc 4 |1st 0/5

I wasn't sure how far you were unconscious. Used up the last of Matheus' first levels spells.

Current Map | Loot | Critical-Fumble Generator

Giving you a chance to wrap this scene before we move on.

| HP: 8/9 | AC: 17; T: 13; FF: 14; CMD: 14 | Fort: +3; Ref: +3; Will: +4 | Init: +3; Perc: +2 | Senses: None
Daily Abilities:
Blessing: 3/3 | ShldoFth: 1/1 | Spells: L1 - 1/2 | Scale of Prot: 2/3
Active Blessing & Effect:
SoP - +4 Shield
Human Warpriest of Iomedae 1

I have nothing left to say...I am good to continue the delve, although hopefully with slightly less death.

M image for Darrien Fighter 2| HP: 9/22 | AC: 20 FF: 19 T:11 | Fort: +5, Ref:+1, Will: +2 | Init: +1| Perc: +7

sorry, thought I posted but it seems it was eaten.

Also, I always saw darkvision as grey scale. Hm.

HP: 12/12 | AC:18 / T:18 / FF:10 | Fort: 4, Ref: 5, Will: 0 | CMD: 19 | Init: 3 | Perception: 4 (Darkvision 60 ft)

For the record, I understand quite a bit is probably directed towards the NPC's, but Finja still feels responsible for having started that...(without actually wanting to).

@Greyscale: Probably table variance because usual real 'night vision' works that way, sort of. But considering there is nothing to 'enhance' or 'shift' into the regular spectrum of visibility(complete darkness, magical absence of light of all sorts) it makes sense it operates more like a sort of 'directional radar' - but then, it IS fooled by stuff like illusions or invisibility, so you may have a point :)

Current Map | Loot | Critical-Fumble Generator

Guys, is everything ok?

I usually do not like to use GM-fiat to solve the problems for you, but I did not want to drag this scene any longer.

M image for Darrien Fighter 2| HP: 9/22 | AC: 20 FF: 19 T:11 | Fort: +5, Ref:+1, Will: +2 | Init: +1| Perc: +7

yes, I've just been a little busy, so for that.

Halfling HP 14/16 (2 STR) -3 Critical | AC 17 T 14 FF 14 | F 2 R 4 W 4 | Init 3 | Perc 4 |1st 0/5

I thought the knotted rope was successful as its only DC5 to climb one so I was awaiting a result.

AC 41/39/39 hp 187/187 F +22, R +26, W +19 (+9 vs. mind-affecting effects); Init +14; Senses blindsense 30 ft., greensight 60 ft., low-light vision, scent, see in darkness; Perc +43 (+47 to hear conversation or find concealed object) DR 5/cold iron; Immune charm, cold, sleep; Resist electricity 10, fire 10

Yeah i thought the climb action was successful and was waiting for GM feedback. Perhaps i should have elaborated that a bit more?

HP: 12/12 | AC:18 / T:18 / FF:10 | Fort: 4, Ref: 5, Will: 0 | CMD: 19 | Init: 3 | Perception: 4 (Darkvision 60 ft)

Aye, I had little to add - I could have tried to assist Jiao somehow but rather opted to wait and see if it worked out.
Would you prefer filler posts to show we have nothing to contribute? I know some GM's prefer those to know when to update, others prefer not to have postings without a contribution to the situation at hand-

AC 41/39/39 hp 187/187 F +22, R +26, W +19 (+9 vs. mind-affecting effects); Init +14; Senses blindsense 30 ft., greensight 60 ft., low-light vision, scent, see in darkness; Perc +43 (+47 to hear conversation or find concealed object) DR 5/cold iron; Immune charm, cold, sleep; Resist electricity 10, fire 10

In my eyes, a little rp is always a contribution!
If it furthers the story or helps, the better^^

HP: 12/12 | AC:18 / T:18 / FF:10 | Fort: 4, Ref: 5, Will: 0 | CMD: 19 | Init: 3 | Perception: 4 (Darkvision 60 ft)

Aye, sure, but Finja is still cautious about Jiao :) I didn't want to seem antagonistic by stating that I'll stand off and watch instead of helping ;)
No worries, we'll grow into a proper team soon enough but yeah, she's scared and paranoid and angry. But we had that and moved on and I didn't want to go right back to that by a careless filler post :)

Current Map | Loot | Critical-Fumble Generator

@Matheus and Jiao: You are indeed correct. I missed it was a knotted rope the first time I read it. Sorry.

@Everyone: I'd indeed like a "check in" post, even if you are not intending to do anything in the current scene. It at least give me the knowledge that you were able to see the post, so I'm not rushing anything.

Halfling HP 14/16 (2 STR) -3 Critical | AC 17 T 14 FF 14 | F 2 R 4 W 4 | Init 3 | Perc 4 |1st 0/5

As a note by your few hours comment I would take it we think it is early afternoon or so? Matheus would normally have midnight as time to regain spells with his allegiance to Desna.

Halfling HP 14/16 (2 STR) -3 Critical | AC 17 T 14 FF 14 | F 2 R 4 W 4 | Init 3 | Perc 4 |1st 0/5

@GM is aid another for stealth feasible when going slow in a situation like this?

Current Map | Loot | Critical-Fumble Generator
Matheus Critchton wrote:
@GM is aid another for stealth feasible when going slow in a situation like this?

I don't believe so... unless someone is carrying the other person, I can't see how someone might be able to help the other being sneakier.

| HP: 8/9 | AC: 17; T: 13; FF: 14; CMD: 14 | Fort: +3; Ref: +3; Will: +4 | Init: +3; Perc: +2 | Senses: None
Daily Abilities:
Blessing: 3/3 | ShldoFth: 1/1 | Spells: L1 - 1/2 | Scale of Prot: 2/3
Active Blessing & Effect:
SoP - +4 Shield
Human Warpriest of Iomedae 1

Going in front of them and helping them pick out the most quiet path through unstable material on the ground. Prevents them from tripping and falling or kicking detritus across the room, which would cause a ruckus.

Current Map | Loot | Critical-Fumble Generator
Sayid Al'Shaytan wrote:
Going in front of them and helping them pick out the most quiet path through unstable material on the ground. Prevents them from tripping and falling or kicking detritus across the room, which would cause a ruckus.

Nice, this makes sense, go for it. However any given PC might get help from only a single ally, so no stacking bonuses.

Halfling HP 14/16 (2 STR) -3 Critical | AC 17 T 14 FF 14 | F 2 R 4 W 4 | Init 3 | Perc 4 |1st 0/5

With my read on the Unchained Action Economy. Matheus could assist two people next to him as stealthing is a move which is 1 action and assisting takes the same duration. Of course the whole team of 3 would be moving 10-15' a round.

Halfling HP 14/16 (2 STR) -3 Critical | AC 17 T 14 FF 14 | F 2 R 4 W 4 | Init 3 | Perc 4 |1st 0/5

Also note Matheus is a Helpful Halfing and gives out +4 for aid another normally. But whether that would apply to a "group" aid is GMs call of course.

HP: 12/12 | AC:18 / T:18 / FF:10 | Fort: 4, Ref: 5, Will: 0 | CMD: 19 | Init: 3 | Perception: 4 (Darkvision 60 ft)

So, do we have any options here except die horribly?

Meta-knowledge, and things may be different, but swarms are deadly for low-levels...especially bats.
Immune to weapons and wounding(causing bleed damage) we try and just run for it, hope they give up pursuit?
Could someone with an applicable Knowledge Check try and figure out those traits(and wether they apply to these specific bats) in-character?

Does someone HAVE options that seem like they could work? I know Finja doesn't, really, except improvising with lantern oil and hoping she doesn't blow up herself...

I figure we should use discussion to decide how to deal with that before acting rashly...

Halfling HP 14/16 (2 STR) -3 Critical | AC 17 T 14 FF 14 | F 2 R 4 W 4 | Init 3 | Perc 4 |1st 0/5

I was hoping my aid would ret-con the stealth attempt to a 10. Else I dont have much more than a light spell and intimidate to try to scare.

We could ask our blind mage npc to fire an aoe straight up also since burning hands doesnt require a target. Assuming he has it and can time it for when they come down.

Current Map | Loot | Critical-Fumble Generator

@Matheus: I noticed you had the Helpful Halfling trait, but I ruled it would be a more individual use, not this "group aid" which is already a stretch.

@Finja: The knowledge point was one I was going to bring to you... you are lacking on it! I'm usually flexible on which knowledge to use. For an example, against the bats, I'd allow either a K. Dungeoneering or K. Nature but none of you have neither of them.

K. Arcana: Edril +7
K. Dungeoneering:
K. Engineering:
K. Geography:
K. History: Jiao Feng +4
K. Local:
K. Nature:
K. Nobility: Sayid +2
K. Planes: Edril +10
K. Religion: Finja +4, Sayid +5

None of the NPCs have those skills either. Because of that, you don't know much about the bats, so you can't figure out their abilities or a way to keep them at bay. The only information you have is that they are scared and protecting what they perceive as their "new home".

However, there should be a way to not die horribly... I would not do that to you, would I? }:]

Halfling HP 14/16 (2 STR) -3 Critical | AC 17 T 14 FF 14 | F 2 R 4 W 4 | Init 3 | Perc 4 |1st 0/5

@GM no problems with that ruling at all, had to try although. :)

M image for Darrien Fighter 2| HP: 9/22 | AC: 20 FF: 19 T:11 | Fort: +5, Ref:+1, Will: +2 | Init: +1| Perc: +7

Darrien should have a +4 on dungeoneering. (changed from intimidate as you requested a while back)

HP: 12/12 | AC:18 / T:18 / FF:10 | Fort: 4, Ref: 5, Will: 0 | CMD: 19 | Init: 3 | Perception: 4 (Darkvision 60 ft)

@Knowledge: Aye, it was more of an open call among my comrades if anybody had something they could roll and see if they know something.

That said, aye, I would assume there is a solution.
My first thought was that the light probably startles them. So turning off the light and not making noise might get them to calm down.
But then, my second thought was that with what happened before, darkness is not exactly a great place to be and it does not solve the problem of needing to cross the space - second thought and current tactical favorite is "run for it and hope they are territorial rather than aggressive" - but before I turned that into an action, I figured we may want to decide on what to do as a team because otherwise a single action may force everybody else down a route that MAY include horrible avoidable deaths.

AC 41/39/39 hp 187/187 F +22, R +26, W +19 (+9 vs. mind-affecting effects); Init +14; Senses blindsense 30 ft., greensight 60 ft., low-light vision, scent, see in darkness; Perc +43 (+47 to hear conversation or find concealed object) DR 5/cold iron; Immune charm, cold, sleep; Resist electricity 10, fire 10

Jiao Feng is going to suck at knowledge rolls.
I could take a couple of levels in unchained rogue, that would net some more skill points, class skills and trapfinding, but the character totally wasn't planned for that and would need a little refitting then.

Especially would i then rearrange some stats to have some more DEX, but would be limited to one weapon on the long run.
I played a monk/rogue mix before and it is pretty cool, but didn't really plan it this time.

I'm ready to adapt though if wished or called for.

Halfling HP 14/16 (2 STR) -3 Critical | AC 17 T 14 FF 14 | F 2 R 4 W 4 | Init 3 | Perc 4 |1st 0/5

Matheus has trapfinding, but between doing that, social skills and doing spellcaster stuff he will never have much of the knowleges.

I did the move away with Matheus as we probably needed to do a reaction discussion before setting off the fight instead of during 6 seconds of being quiet. :)

HP: 12/12 | AC:18 / T:18 / FF:10 | Fort: 4, Ref: 5, Will: 0 | CMD: 19 | Init: 3 | Perception: 4 (Darkvision 60 ft)

Aye Matheus, but that's what discussion is for :)
I am not trying to come up with an elaborate tactical plan, just wondering if trying to rush away from the place is fine with everybody to get people on the same page. In reality, someone might try and stay behind, near the walls, hoping not to draw attention. And then die horribly in the splatter-movie because deaths are sequentially...I think we wouldn't want that here :)

AC 41/39/39 hp 187/187 F +22, R +26, W +19 (+9 vs. mind-affecting effects); Init +14; Senses blindsense 30 ft., greensight 60 ft., low-light vision, scent, see in darkness; Perc +43 (+47 to hear conversation or find concealed object) DR 5/cold iron; Immune charm, cold, sleep; Resist electricity 10, fire 10

I think running and hoping seems like the best option.

Jiao Feng might opt for an archetpye which gives 1/2 level on knowledge, but that's still never going to be really good.

M image for Darrien Fighter 2| HP: 9/22 | AC: 20 FF: 19 T:11 | Fort: +5, Ref:+1, Will: +2 | Init: +1| Perc: +7

considering the CR for things is 10+CR to know what it is (usually) It shouldn't be too hard to have at least 1 or 2 skills that can usually reach that.

Well, I'm doing the thing which I am doing. Hopefully we don't all die.

HP: 12/12 | AC:18 / T:18 / FF:10 | Fort: 4, Ref: 5, Will: 0 | CMD: 19 | Init: 3 | Perception: 4 (Darkvision 60 ft)

Aye, but Knowledge Checks without Ranks are capped at 10, so even 10+1 is beyond that limit if nobody is trained ;)
I usually LOVE skill points, but with the 15 point buy, could not afford to up Int, unfortunately - but I'll keep up with religion :) I'll be needing my other skill point for Intimidate.


Unchained Action economy wrote:
Cast a 1-Round-Action Spell (Complex; 3 Acts): You cast a spell with a casting time of 1 round. You can split the acts over 2 rounds, but those rounds must be consecutive. If you cast the entire spell in 1 turn, you can choose to have the spell’s effects manifest at the end of that turn or at the start of your next turn. This isn’t an attack action, even if the spell requires a ranged attack roll. If you provoke attacks of opportunity when casting the spell, you don’t provoke attacks a second time when making the ranged attack roll.

Did you move? Otherwise that beetle should be here already. Because Sayid and me are wounded and bleeding. Which means after our turn Sayid will be a 0 HP and staggered - definitely not a good idea for him to stay back and distract the swarm from you.

And I will be at 4 HP, meaning a 33% chance to die if I stay around, also not exactly what I had planned.

| HP: 8/9 | AC: 17; T: 13; FF: 14; CMD: 14 | Fort: +3; Ref: +3; Will: +4 | Init: +3; Perc: +2 | Senses: None
Daily Abilities:
Blessing: 3/3 | ShldoFth: 1/1 | Spells: L1 - 1/2 | Scale of Prot: 2/3
Active Blessing & Effect:
SoP - +4 Shield
Human Warpriest of Iomedae 1

I take 1 day away and you try to kill me, again!

Toothy, I thought we were friends. ;p

Halfling HP 14/16 (2 STR) -3 Critical | AC 17 T 14 FF 14 | F 2 R 4 W 4 | Init 3 | Perc 4 |1st 0/5

sayid note that you don’t go unconscious until over negative your CON bonus. So -2 in your case.

Okay. So then summoning complete!

AC 41/39/39 hp 187/187 F +22, R +26, W +19 (+9 vs. mind-affecting effects); Init +14; Senses blindsense 30 ft., greensight 60 ft., low-light vision, scent, see in darkness; Perc +43 (+47 to hear conversation or find concealed object) DR 5/cold iron; Immune charm, cold, sleep; Resist electricity 10, fire 10

Regarding the healing, i had planned to take some more unusual feats anyway.
There's a "conduit" feat, which let's you heal someone with a heal check DC20 for treating deadly wounds as often as you have ranks in knowledge planes and add your ranks if the check is exceeded by 10.

| HP: 8/9 | AC: 17; T: 13; FF: 14; CMD: 14 | Fort: +3; Ref: +3; Will: +4 | Init: +3; Perc: +2 | Senses: None
Daily Abilities:
Blessing: 3/3 | ShldoFth: 1/1 | Spells: L1 - 1/2 | Scale of Prot: 2/3
Active Blessing & Effect:
SoP - +4 Shield
Human Warpriest of Iomedae 1
Matheus Critchton wrote:
sayid note that you don’t go unconscious until over negative your CON bonus. So -2 in your case.

Is this true? I was basing the falling unconscious thing on this part of the pfsrd:

PFSRD on Hit points wrote:

Disabled (0 Hit Points)
When your current hit point total drops to exactly 0, you are disabled.

You gain the staggered condition and can only take a single move or standard action each turn (but not both, nor can you take full-round actions). You can take move actions without further injuring yourself, but if you perform any standard action (or any other strenuous action) you take 1 point of damage after completing the act. Unless your activity increased your hit points, you are now at –1 hit points and dying.

Healing that raises your hit points above 0 makes you fully functional again, just as if you’d never been reduced to 0 or fewer hit points.

You can also become disabled when recovering from dying. In this case, it’s a step toward recovery, and you can have fewer than 0 hit points (see Stable Characters and Recovery).

Dying (Negative Hit Points)
If your hit point total is negative, but not equal to or greater than your Constitution score, you’re dying.

A dying character immediately falls unconscious and can take no actions.

A dying character loses 1 hit point every round. This continues until the character dies or becomes stable.

If I can stay up for another round I might be able to staunch my own bleeding (although the modifier on the roll really hurts thanks to the wound threshold system).

Halfling HP 14/16 (2 STR) -3 Critical | AC 17 T 14 FF 14 | F 2 R 4 W 4 | Init 3 | Perc 4 |1st 0/5

It is actually another change from the wound threshold system, this one in the players favor.


A character with a Constitution score of 12 or higher who is at or below 0 hit points is disabled until she falls below a number of hit points equal to the negative of her Constitution modifier. For example, a character with a Constitution score of 18 would be disabled from 0 to –4 hit points and unconscious at –5 hit points. A character with a Constitution score of 11 or lower is disabled only while she has exactly 0 hit points.

Halfling HP 14/16 (2 STR) -3 Critical | AC 17 T 14 FF 14 | F 2 R 4 W 4 | Init 3 | Perc 4 |1st 0/5

Edril, under the Unchained Action Economy you can cast a 1-Round-Action Spell as all 3 of your actions and have it complete and have the summoned bug be there. You don't need to wait for next round like normal PF.

HP: 12/12 | AC:18 / T:18 / FF:10 | Fort: 4, Ref: 5, Will: 0 | CMD: 19 | Init: 3 | Perception: 4 (Darkvision 60 ft)

Aye Matheus, that's what I quoted earlier regarding the summoning.

@Wound Treesholds and negative Con Mod: Actually good to know, but I hope it won't become relevant too often -_-

@Healing Hands Conduit Feat: It's great, Jiao Feng!
I got a character with Skill Unlock for Healing and a Healers Satchel for Long-Term Care - also playing with another person using the combo in a pbp game - it basically takes care of almost all the healing a group needs...(we still carry a wand of CLW to top off small wounds.)

Current Map | Loot | Critical-Fumble Generator

Just a quick reminder... Edril is still bleeding and at 1 hp right now. Finja and Sayid are healed from the bleeding and out of death's grasp... For now >:]

| HP: 8/9 | AC: 17; T: 13; FF: 14; CMD: 14 | Fort: +3; Ref: +3; Will: +4 | Init: +3; Perc: +2 | Senses: None
Daily Abilities:
Blessing: 3/3 | ShldoFth: 1/1 | Spells: L1 - 1/2 | Scale of Prot: 2/3
Active Blessing & Effect:
SoP - +4 Shield
Human Warpriest of Iomedae 1

Shoot. Thanks for the head's up Toothy.

Edit to add: So, just now realizing that not a single one of us took ranks in the Heal Skill. That's no bueno.

I will put a couple of ranks in it as we level up...just to get to some level of proficiency.

HP: 12/12 | AC:18 / T:18 / FF:10 | Fort: 4, Ref: 5, Will: 0 | CMD: 19 | Init: 3 | Perception: 4 (Darkvision 60 ft)

@Jiao Feng: Great rolls, but maybe 'bank' the deadly wounds for when we make camp? Or do you have some way to speed it up yet? Otherwise spending an hour may be more desirable in whatever (probably defensive) position we choose to rest at.
(Another great thing about the conduit feat, it's so much faster...)

AC 41/39/39 hp 187/187 F +22, R +26, W +19 (+9 vs. mind-affecting effects); Init +14; Senses blindsense 30 ft., greensight 60 ft., low-light vision, scent, see in darkness; Perc +43 (+47 to hear conversation or find concealed object) DR 5/cold iron; Immune charm, cold, sleep; Resist electricity 10, fire 10

Ah well yeah, then maybe let's do that later and just ignore that part of the post.

Halfling HP 14/16 (2 STR) -3 Critical | AC 17 T 14 FF 14 | F 2 R 4 W 4 | Init 3 | Perc 4 |1st 0/5

Sorry, I hadn't seen Jiao Feng's update. But Edril was probably already unconscious from bleeding by then, so even with the blood stopped the potion would still be a wise choice.

Current Map | Loot | Critical-Fumble Generator

OK, resource management moment!

In total, you have food rations for 22 person-day. You consume 9 each day, since Matheus and Isa count as half for being small. After this night, this will leave you with 13 rations... not good, but also not THAT bad.

Water is far more concerning. Each person should consume 1 gallon each day, so that would be 9 gallons/day... and you have 2 gallons in total. I'd like to know how you want to proceed.

Also, will Jiao Feng be providing long-term care during the night? If so, I'll need to know which 6 of you will be receiving it. Also, let me know for how many hours you'll rest and the shifts if any.

AC 41/39/39 hp 187/187 F +22, R +26, W +19 (+9 vs. mind-affecting effects); Init +14; Senses blindsense 30 ft., greensight 60 ft., low-light vision, scent, see in darkness; Perc +43 (+47 to hear conversation or find concealed object) DR 5/cold iron; Immune charm, cold, sleep; Resist electricity 10, fire 10

Yes long time care was the plan!
I'm not quite sure who should receive it, but i guess the party is kinda important. So might be certain NPCs.
Let me know your opinions!

Treating deadly wounds for everyone is out i guess.

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