GM Z..D.. |

Please Provide the following Information
Player Name: As you want it to appear on chronicle
Character ID #:
Current Exp:
Current Prestige & Fame:
Current Gold:
Dayjob Roll:

GM Z..D.. |

I am planning to start when my other game wraps up. Should be by the end of this week the way it is going.
But if the group is ready to go by then, I do not mind starting sooner.

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Checking in!
Player name: Aldizog
Character ID #: 108731-7
Faction: Scarab Sages
Current Exp: 12.5
Current Prestige & Fame: (need to check this)
Current Gold: 3,797
Dayjob Roll: Craft (Sculpture) of the thing from beyond reality he sees in his nightmares, Crafter's Fortune: 1d20 + 11 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 11 + 5 = 24
Purchases: 4 3rd-level spells (4*135 = 540)

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Player name: qstor
Character ID #: 2072-23
Faction: Lib. Edge
Current Exp: 15
Current Prestige & Fame:
25 F 23 P
Current Gold: 6348
Dayjob Roll: craft bookbinding 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17
Purchases: unsure

noral |

Thanks again GM!
Player Name: Zaarah Katsu
Character ID #: 314670-4
Faction: Scarab Sages
Current Exp: tbd, as I might apply GM credit but between 12 and 14
Current Prestige & Fame: tbd, as I might apply GM credit but between 20 and 24
Current Gold:
Dayjob Roll: Perform Dance: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (5) + 11 = 16
Purchases: tbd, during adventure
Sorry for the unknown XP, PP but I am juggling to see where I apply my GM credit but Zaarah is definitely level 5 in any case.

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Sorry guys - totally skipped over my name in Flaxseed :-/
Player Name: Cwethan
Character ID #: 182453-9
Faction: Liberty's Edge
Current Exp: 15
Current Prestige & Fame: 16/23
Current Gold: 13476
Dayjob Roll: Loyalty to Earn a Title: 1d10 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5 - One box checked (Hell's Rebels Boon)
Purchases: Pending
I can still bring my rogue if we go low tier, but my quick scan suggested we're in 6-7.

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Player Name: As you want it to appear on chronicle
Character ID #: 137484-13
Faction: GL
Current Exp: 16
Current Prestige & Fame: 24/26
Current Gold: 3987
Dayjob Roll:

noral |

Sorry guys - totally skipped over my name in Flaxseed :-/
Player Name: Cwethan
Character ID #: 182453-9
Faction: Liberty's Edge
Current Exp: 15
Current Prestige & Fame: 16/23
Current Gold: 13476
Dayjob Roll: [dice=Loyalty to Earn a Title]d10+1 - One box checked (Hell's Rebels Boon)
Purchases: PendingI can still bring my rogue if we go low tier, but my quick scan suggested we're in 6-7.
Andor told Zaarah so much about Roldala! :-) Great to be in a team with you again!

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Good to game with you again! Too bad our rebellion didn't end up continuing on these boards, but a Garundi excursion should be good too :)

GM Z..D.. |

Still waiting on Eddv. I will PM him tonight to make sure he is still in.
Plan on starting in the next couple days.

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Oh I forgot about this.
Player Name: Doug Edwards
Character ID #: 133118-23
Faction: Sovreign Court
Current Exp: 7
Current Prestige & Fame: 10/14
Current Gold:
Dayjob Roll:
I'll get back to you on the rest and need to update this profile which I will do tonight
Oh everyone else is much higher level I should probably switch.

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Player Name: Doug Edwards
Character ID #: 133118-13
Faction: Exchange
Current Exp: 15
Current Prestige & Fame: 30/21
Current Gold: 702
Dayjob Roll: Profession Merchant: 1d20 + 16 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 16 + 2 = 21
Purchases: (via Prestige) Potion of Fly (Upgrade) +1 Silversheen Pick to +1 Ghost Touch Silversheen Pick.


Good to game with you again! Too bad our rebellion didn't end up continuing on these boards, but a Garundi excursion should be good too :)
The rebellion may return one day... if there's enough players signing for it. :)
Oh, and would you guys take another PC in this? hard cap 7 players if GM willin'! :)

GM Z..D.. |

The most common model for social encounters involves a single exchange involving a Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate check. The following influence system serves as a more robust replacement for that basic system. It also encourages the entire party to participate in a social encounter, and can be used in encounters with multiple NPCs. In the individual influence system, participants try to change the targets’ opinions or court favor by succeeding at a variety of checks unique to each individual target. Known as influence checks, these are usually skill checks, though other types of checks may suffice, as an NPC may be especially impressed by other qualities, such as drinking ability or martial prowess.
In this system, a social encounter is divided into one or more phases. The length of a phase is flexible, and typically lasts 15 minutes to 1 hour—long enough for each PC to perform several minutes’ worth of actions per phase that are unrelated to influence checks (such as investigating a murder scene or surreptitiously defeating an assassin) without forgoing their chances to participate in the social encounter.
At the beginning of a phase, each PC selects an NPC (for the purposes of this scenario, that NPC is always Stuinvolk). During each phase, a PC can either try to directly influence the NPC via an influence check, or attempt to learn more about that NPC with a discovery check a check to learn about an NPC that can help with future influence checks during the same social encounter. The kinds of checks required for an influence check or a discovery check, known as influence skills, are unique to each individual. The PCs can learn an NPC’s influence skills through successful discovery checks (see Discovery Checks below); otherwise, they must guess.
Each PC who attempts a discovery check rolls separately, even if multiple PCs attempt to discover information about the same NPC during the same phase. This represents the PCs forming their own separate opinions and analyses.
At the beginning of the social encounter, each PC can attempt a relevant Knowledge check to recognize particularly prominent NPCs. This skill is listed in the Recognize section of the NPC’s social stat block. If any PC succeeds at this check for an NPC, then all PCs gain a +4 bonus on their discovery checks involving that NPC. Before attempting a discovery check, a PC chooses whether to try to learn the NPC’s strengths, the NPC’s weaknesses, or the skills that can be used to influence him. Each type of discovery check has its own requisite skill and DC. When a PC chooses to attempt a discovery check, the GM should tell the player the possible types of skill checks for each kind of discovery check (though not the DCs), and let her pick which to attempt. If a discovery check relies on a Knowledge skill, it requires observation in the current moment, not static knowledge.
A PC who succeeds at a discovery check learns one of the skills that can influence the NPC (starting with the skill with the lowest DC), one of his strengths, or one of his weaknesses. For every 5 points by which the PC exceeds the DC, she learns an additional influence skill, strength, or weakness. Thus, a withdrawn but observant character can provide allies with a significant bonus (or help them avoid significant penalties) on future influence checks, making her as important to the group’s success as PCs who prefer the spotlight.
Without a successful discovery check, a PC attempting an influence check must guess what an NPC’s influence skills are. A PC generally gains no benefit or hindrance when using a skill that cannot influence the NPC, though the GM may rule that multiple fumblings annoy the target and impose penalties on future rolls.
The PCs usually must succeed at more than one influence check to sway an NPC. No matter how many PCs speak to the same NPC, only one check to influence that NPC can be attempted during that phase. Additional checks serve as aid another attempts tied to the principal check. Succeeding at an influence check by a substantial margin provides additional benefits. Succeeding at an influence check by 5 or more counts as succeeding at an influence check and a discovery check (the PC chooses whether to learn one of the skills that influences the NPC, one of the NPC’s strengths, or one of the NPC’s weaknesses after the check is rolled instead of before the check, but the check otherwise functions as a successful discovery check). Succeeding at an influence check by 10 or more allows the PC to choose between gaining the benefit of succeeding at two influence checks or the benefits of an influence check and a discovery check (as if she had succeeded
by only 5 or more).
Failing an influence check by a substantial margin makes it harder to influence the target in the future. If a PC fails an influence check by 5 or more, she cannot attempt to influence that NPC using the same skill for the remainder of that social encounter. A PC who fails an influence check by 10 or more cannot influence that NPC for the rest of the social encounter at all. For example, if the NPC’s influence skills are Diplomacy and Knowledge (arcana), a PC who fails a Diplomacy check against that NPC by 5 or more can still attempt to influence the NPC with Knowledge (arcana). These restrictions also apply to aiding another—a PC who fails by 10 or more irritates the NPC to the point that the party can no longer take advantage of her assistance.
A PC doesn’t necessarily realize whether or not she has succeeded at an influence check unless she succeeds by at least 5, but a character always knows when she has achieved the maximum possible influence over an NPC. Some NPCs might act as if they were being influenced even if they have no intention of listening to the PCs.
Once the PCs succeed at a certain number of influence checks, they gain sway over that NPC, changing his opinion on an issue, earning a favor, or otherwise gaining some benefit or removing an obstacle.
The only two section I left out were Before A Social Event and Stat Block, which the first does not pertain to this scenario, while the latter is for the GM. So is not pertinent for you all the moment.

GM Z..D.. |

So we are at APL 5.5. If we drop it down to 5, we would play high with four play adjustment. If we go to 6, we would be strictly in high tier.

GM Z..D.. |

Yeah, but a seventh player usually over powers the scenario not matter what tier it is.
Per the Guide it is the players choice at this point. It is more of, do you want it to be slightly more challenging or not.

GM Z..D.. |

Okay, majority has it, high tier with four player adjustment.

GM Z..D.. |

So...I have a question for you guys, and honestly this is the first time I thought about this.
When a creature has a template that changes the type. Do you identify it using the base creature knowledge or the new type granted from the template or is it two separate checks.
This encounter specifically...Its base template is a vermin which makes it knowledge nature, but then you add this template which changes it to an undead type...
So i do not even know what to have you all roll to id these things.

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The way I've run it is to allow both knowledge checks - one gives info about the base creature, one gives info about the template's changes.

GM Z..D.. |

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Thank you guys for a great game!
Chronicle is OK. Thank you GM!

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If I'm not mistaken you've crossed item for 3-4 subtier on chronicle sheet, but we do have at disposal all the items, and for subtier 3-4 and 6-7 because we were subtier 6-7.
Correct me if I'm wrong.

GM Z..D.. |

@Jeras, I was told that was one of the items they fixed this season was the tiered item system. But, that was by word of mouth. Let me do some researching and get back to you, and if I learn something new, then it is a good day.
Looking over it, it looks like the only thing that you would get from the low tier to high is the Necklace of Fireball Type 1. You get the type 3 in the high tier.

GM Z..D.. |

Okay, from what I was able to find on the guide and among the boards are:
Step 7: Mark any special boons the players did or did not earn (U) and cross out any treasure items the party didn’t find in the adventure (V); additionally, if you’re running the lower subtier, always cross out all of the items listed for the higher subtier. Return the Chronicle sheet to the player.
It never mentions crossing out the lower tier, just the high. So I guess that still means if you play high tier you get everything.
Z...D... wrote:On a scenario I played last night. I received an item that is limited. In the all sub-tier category it is limited to 2. In the higher sub-tier it has a limit of 3.
So what I think it is, since I did the higher tier, I get the limit 3.
Or am I off, and I get to buy this item a total of 5 times.
The other GMs at this table, could not answer this question, and I'm not finding anything in the Guide pertaining to this situation.
If it is the exact same item—for example, the low subtier gives 2 doses of black lotus extract, and the higher gives 3—you can buy the amount listed in the high subtier. That is, you can buy 3 doses, not 5.
If, however, the item is different, even if it is similarly themed, you can buy the items listed in both subtiers after playing the high subtier. If low subtier has 3 +1 flaming arrows and a wand of cure light wounds with 5 charges and the high subtier has 4 +1 flaming burst arrows and a wand of cure moderate wounds with 5 charges, you can buy a total of 7 arrows and 2 wands.
Funnily enough, I started the above thread. Pretty much means you get the one wand of endure elements at the listed charges, not two.
So the chronicles have been redone to reflect the changes. Feel free to grab them using the same link as before.

GM Z..D.. |

Long story short, these things are confusing and need to all stick to the format of all sub-tiers and then hi-tier, just to make it easier on us.

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GM, would Stuinvolk qualify for the faction mission below:
Recruit a named NPC scholar, archaeologist, extraplanar authority, or similar figure to join the Scarab Sages. Recruitment
requires a Diplomacy or Knowledge (local) check (DC = 15 + your character level).
Diplomacy DC 20=15+5: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (13) + 12 = 25

GM Z..D.. |

I would say yes, he is some sore of archeologist or close enough to it.