Pathfinder: Shards of an Order PBP

Game Master Benjen Harris

Shards of an Order is a homebrew Pathfinder campaign set in a world called Vyn, more specifically set on the continent of Enderal.
World Anvil

[dice=Nalia Initiative] 1d20 + 6[/dice]
[dice=Poppo Initiative] 1d20 + 5 [/dice]
[dice=Vynya Initiative] 1d20 + 1[/dice]
[dice=BobE Initiative] 1d20 + 2[/dice]
[dice=Hurak the Hunter Initiative] 1d20 + 4[/dice]

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Male Halfling Rogue 8 (Arcane Trickster) Loot HP 64/64 l AC 18 l Saves Str -2, Dex +8, Con +1, Int +6, Wis +1, Cha +2 l Spd 30' l Init +5 l Passive Perception 14 I Stealth +11 I Arcane Fever 0% I Effects: none, Spells Slots Lvl 2 2/2 Lvl 1 4/4 l Lvl 2 Knock, Invis l Lvl 1 - DM, Disg Self, Hid Laugh, Silver Barbs l Lvl 0 - Shock Grasp, Acid Splash, GFB


GAU..da O di?

Male Hobgoblin Investigator 7 HP 50/50 + 15 temp l AC 23 21 T 14 FF 19 17 l  F +5 R +10 W +6 l Spd 30' l Init +8 +4 l Perception +12 +10 I Stealth +17 I Sense Motive +10 I *TRAP SPOTTER* l Inspiration 7/7 Effects: Heightened Awareness, False Life, Barkskin, Invisibility l Extracts Lvl 1 - 4/5, Lvl 2 - 1/4, Lvl 3 - 2/2

Yeah ov'r the wall, I'll try to open as few doors as possible. I've got a potion, another wouldn't hurt. But if you don't have one. Okay I'm off. He draws out yet another vial, grins, and then pauses just a second for any last words.

Okay missy, go ahead and cast that Silence spell!


For Poppo's Eyes Only:

Ah I see that torturer did quite the number on you. O'Dimm says, suddenly you hear his voice in your head. Does this work a bit better for you?

Male Halfling Rogue 8 (Arcane Trickster) Loot HP 64/64 l AC 18 l Saves Str -2, Dex +8, Con +1, Int +6, Wis +1, Cha +2 l Spd 30' l Init +5 l Passive Perception 14 I Stealth +11 I Arcane Fever 0% I Effects: none, Spells Slots Lvl 2 2/2 Lvl 1 4/4 l Lvl 2 Knock, Invis l Lvl 1 - DM, Disg Self, Hid Laugh, Silver Barbs l Lvl 0 - Shock Grasp, Acid Splash, GFB


Poppo thinks in his head, Yes, that is better. Yeah, I barely even sassed that f'in dwarf, maniac!

I'm guessing you wouldn't be here if not for my current circumstances, and I'm sure you have a deal for me. Poppo thinks, hoping O'Dimm can read his thoughts.


For Poppo's Eyes Only:

Of course I can hear you! Poppo hears O'Dimms voice in his head And of course I have a deal. I find that after the nasty business with Lord von Eberich I am strongly short on deals at the moment. You've gotten yourself in a bad predicament and I will give you a way to become free once again. But you will be my champion moving forward, you will return to the Beartilde crypt and go to the hidden room that talks of He Who Grins O'Dimm smiles Its a powerful blade and no doubt you will quickly learn how to use it. Retrieve the blade and then meet me at the Four Points. So do we have a deal?

Male Halfling Rogue 8 (Arcane Trickster) Loot HP 64/64 l AC 18 l Saves Str -2, Dex +8, Con +1, Int +6, Wis +1, Cha +2 l Spd 30' l Init +5 l Passive Perception 14 I Stealth +11 I Arcane Fever 0% I Effects: none, Spells Slots Lvl 2 2/2 Lvl 1 4/4 l Lvl 2 Knock, Invis l Lvl 1 - DM, Disg Self, Hid Laugh, Silver Barbs l Lvl 0 - Shock Grasp, Acid Splash, GFB


That doesn't sound too bad, I guess. I'll agree on 3 conditions, one, I'm made whole again, mainly my mouth and tongue, I'm worthless without that; two, Trusty is freed with me; and three, once freed I'll be with my friends again, you know like Nalia, wherever they are right now. Can you do those things for me too? If so, I'll retrieve the blade as soon as I can and meet you at the 4 points. Poppo thinks in his head.

Female Half Elf Aberrant Mind Sorcerer 8 | 42/42 HP | AC 14 |Str +0, Dex +3, Con +6, Int +7, Wis +2, Cha +8 |Speed 30'|Arcane Fever 0%

Vynya startles when she realizes Hurak is addressing her. Up until then, her eyes had glazed over as though she were a million miles away.
Oh! Of course, of course. I'm not sure why we are helping you since you didn't seem to be part of the Plan, but Master Hedgehopper is essential, so any assistance from anyone is appreciated. However, that wall is very far and I'm afraid that my powers will no longer benefit you once you get close. Allow me to join least for the first part.
With that, she casts Invisibility on herself and follows Hurak to the wall and then casts her spells upon him: Silence and augments the spell with some psychic energy to grant Hurak Mindshield: +2 morale bonus to all Will Saves.

Steath with invisibility: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (16) + 21 = 37

@David - if you wanted invisibility on Hurak as well, let me know. Silence and Mindshield last 7 rounds. Invisibility lasts 3 minutes (wand)


For Poppo's Eyes Only:

O'Dimm looks at you, contemplating Retrieve the blade in the next week, meet me at the Four Points within the next week, and you become my champion for all time. Then I will do those other things out of the kindness of my heart. O'Dimm grins. Suddenly in your Poppo you can see the image of piece of paper, a contract appear in your mind. This contract is binding. Should you fail to do any of the things I have requested your soul will be forfeit to me. Will you accept?

So are you guys moving at full speed up to the wall? And will Hurak be invisible?

Grand Lodge

27 HP 45/ arcane fever 18 AC 14/ Touch 12/ FF 12/ CMD 16 / Init +2 / fort+6 ref+3 will +9/ Perception +5 /speed 30 /Arcane Fever 0% phantom 53 HP53 AC 18, tch 11, ff 17 Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +4 DR 5/slashing 5/magic cmd 18, perception +4 darkvision

BobE will ready a summons incase they are seen

Male Hobgoblin Investigator 7 HP 50/50 + 15 temp l AC 23 21 T 14 FF 19 17 l  F +5 R +10 W +6 l Spd 30' l Init +8 +4 l Perception +12 +10 I Stealth +17 I Sense Motive +10 I *TRAP SPOTTER* l Inspiration 7/7 Effects: Heightened Awareness, False Life, Barkskin, Invisibility l Extracts Lvl 1 - 4/5, Lvl 2 - 1/4, Lvl 3 - 2/2

Sounds good He nods to Vynya and points to the spot he plans to scale the wall. He then downs the vial in his hand and also disappears.

To the wall. He begins to move to the wall.

Stealth: 1d20 + 17 + 20 - 5 ⇒ (10) + 17 + 20 - 5 = 42

Male Halfling Rogue 8 (Arcane Trickster) Loot HP 64/64 l AC 18 l Saves Str -2, Dex +8, Con +1, Int +6, Wis +1, Cha +2 l Spd 30' l Init +5 l Passive Perception 14 I Stealth +11 I Arcane Fever 0% I Effects: none, Spells Slots Lvl 2 2/2 Lvl 1 4/4 l Lvl 2 Knock, Invis l Lvl 1 - DM, Disg Self, Hid Laugh, Silver Barbs l Lvl 0 - Shock Grasp, Acid Splash, GFB


For all time seems like a pretty long time; How about ten years of service? Poppo wants to take the deal, but he gets a bit scared by the forever clause.

Female Half Elf Aberrant Mind Sorcerer 8 | 42/42 HP | AC 14 |Str +0, Dex +3, Con +6, Int +7, Wis +2, Cha +8 |Speed 30'|Arcane Fever 0%

Oops, yeah. Full speed to move up to wall then cast. Take -5 to Vynya’s stealth roll, so 32 total. Also, her casting only has T and E components (Thought and Emotion), so silent as well. Sheesh! You’d think the guy with a Dash-1 rogue would know how to stealth! Lol.


For Poppo's Eyes Only:

O'Dimm stands there and thinks for a moment putting his hands in the diamond shape he always does. You are twenty five are you not? Halflings live to be around one hundred years? You will have service for the remaining seventy five years of your life. But every soul you capture within He Who Grins I will take off five years. I don't care the souls origin or how you obtain them. Does that sound fair? O'Dimm's question echoes around your mind.

The guards don't notice as you approach the wall. Go ahead and give me a DC:10 Climb check. And with silence plus invisibility I don't think its even possible for these guys to find you unless they bump into you. So climb check please.

Not even going to roll because these guys can't possible hear you even with a natural 20

Male Hobgoblin Investigator 7 HP 50/50 + 15 temp l AC 23 21 T 14 FF 19 17 l  F +5 R +10 W +6 l Spd 30' l Init +8 +4 l Perception +12 +10 I Stealth +17 I Sense Motive +10 I *TRAP SPOTTER* l Inspiration 7/7 Effects: Heightened Awareness, False Life, Barkskin, Invisibility l Extracts Lvl 1 - 4/5, Lvl 2 - 1/4, Lvl 3 - 2/2

Hurak pauses a moment for the spells and then he pulls out his grappling hook and fires it up the wall, careful to keep hold of the rope so the whole thing stays invisible.

AC 5 to catch the hook: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14

Once hook up he climbs.

Climb with rope DC 5: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

He lands the hook okay, but the walls a bit tricky, luckily no noise, so he tries again.

Climb with rope DC 5: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15

Then he's up and over, and quickly and carefully stows the hook and rope against the wall.

Male Halfling Rogue 8 (Arcane Trickster) Loot HP 64/64 l AC 18 l Saves Str -2, Dex +8, Con +1, Int +6, Wis +1, Cha +2 l Spd 30' l Init +5 l Passive Perception 14 I Stealth +11 I Arcane Fever 0% I Effects: none, Spells Slots Lvl 2 2/2 Lvl 1 4/4 l Lvl 2 Knock, Invis l Lvl 1 - DM, Disg Self, Hid Laugh, Silver Barbs l Lvl 0 - Shock Grasp, Acid Splash, GFB


Well then I can think of a couple already to harvest, I agree, Poppo thinks as mentally signs the contract.


Beyond the wall you can see that you are right above a stable of five horses, two work horses and three war horses. A catapult with several stones sitting near it is just next to the stables with a group of three people sitting bored next to it. Sitting next to the stables are three men wearing full plate with lances and shields they poke fun at a hunch backed half-orc stable boy who tends to the horses.

You can hear from the building to the South the loud sound of metal colliding with metal, a blacksmith. A large cart sits out front of it loaded with several crates and barrels.

To the East you can see the wooden building that looks to be recently constructed. Workers move in and out of the building carrying heavy bits of lumber and rope. Next to that building you see two catapults and three ballistas that are not loaded and have no ammunition near them.

The final and tallest building has a heavy wooden door that leads into the three story keep.


For Poppo's Eyes Only:

You mentally sign the contract and next to your signature begins to appears the signature of Gaunter O'Dimm. As he signs you feel a brief burning pain on your right forearm which burns away any cloth it touches as the signature of O'Dimm appears there as well Think of that as a mark to remember our deal O'Dimm says aloud. It will also grant you some power but I'll leave that to be a surprise for you to find out. With a snap of his finger you suddenly feel your broken nose heal back into the place and feel your mouth heal in an instant. Then with another snap the shackles keeping you and Patches in place open. I will see you at the Four Points, my champion. O'Dimm says as he snaps a third and final time and you and Patches are teleported away. As you teleport you feel as though you now hold a small metal object in your hand.

BobE and Nalia you watch as suddenly teleporting next to you is Poppo and Trusty Patches. Both of you can give me a perception check as well.

Patches looks supremely confused looking at Poppo then back at the castle then to Nalia and BobE Umm... he stutters What just happened?

Male Halfling Rogue 8 (Arcane Trickster) Loot HP 64/64 l AC 18 l Saves Str -2, Dex +8, Con +1, Int +6, Wis +1, Cha +2 l Spd 30' l Init +5 l Passive Perception 14 I Stealth +11 I Arcane Fever 0% I Effects: none, Spells Slots Lvl 2 2/2 Lvl 1 4/4 l Lvl 2 Knock, Invis l Lvl 1 - DM, Disg Self, Hid Laugh, Silver Barbs l Lvl 0 - Shock Grasp, Acid Splash, GFB

Wow! That actually worked! Nalia, BobE! So great to see you, that was a close one. I was captured, but I managed to escape and bring Trusty with me! Poppo exclaims happily.

Hey where is Turngut! He didn't try to go in after me did he? He turns back to toward the complex, clearly looking for his burly friend.

Grand Lodge

27 HP 45/ arcane fever 18 AC 14/ Touch 12/ FF 12/ CMD 16 / Init +2 / fort+6 ref+3 will +9/ Perception +5 /speed 30 /Arcane Fever 0% phantom 53 HP53 AC 18, tch 11, ff 17 Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +4 DR 5/slashing 5/magic cmd 18, perception +4 darkvision

what the hay? Is that really you. We were just getting ready for a rescue. We can talk about Turngut when we are all safe.

Male Halfling Rogue 8 (Arcane Trickster) Loot HP 64/64 l AC 18 l Saves Str -2, Dex +8, Con +1, Int +6, Wis +1, Cha +2 l Spd 30' l Init +5 l Passive Perception 14 I Stealth +11 I Arcane Fever 0% I Effects: none, Spells Slots Lvl 2 2/2 Lvl 1 4/4 l Lvl 2 Knock, Invis l Lvl 1 - DM, Disg Self, Hid Laugh, Silver Barbs l Lvl 0 - Shock Grasp, Acid Splash, GFB

Good point BobE, I could be a doppleganger, ask me a question only the real Poppo would know?

Silver Crusade

Female Human Cleric 7/ Fighter 1| 60/60 HP | AC 18/18 | Initiative +5 | Saves Str +3, Dex +0, Con +1, Int +0, Wis +6, Cha +5 | P. Wis 13, P. Int 10, P. Wis 16 | Perception +3 | Speed 30| Arcane Fever 6%

What dwarf did we meet in the mountains who later joined us for a time? You shared an apple with him, right?

Male Halfling Rogue 8 (Arcane Trickster) Loot HP 64/64 l AC 18 l Saves Str -2, Dex +8, Con +1, Int +6, Wis +1, Cha +2 l Spd 30' l Init +5 l Passive Perception 14 I Stealth +11 I Arcane Fever 0% I Effects: none, Spells Slots Lvl 2 2/2 Lvl 1 4/4 l Lvl 2 Knock, Invis l Lvl 1 - DM, Disg Self, Hid Laugh, Silver Barbs l Lvl 0 - Shock Grasp, Acid Splash, GFB

Poppo gets that goofy grin on his face, then laughs at Nalia. Hehehe, an apple, heehehehe, we both know I shared an orange with Thraduik. An apple, heehehehe. He pulls himself together.

Satisfied? Yes, let's get to safety; now where exactly is Turngut? He begins to wander away from the castle.

Grand Lodge

27 HP 45/ arcane fever 18 AC 14/ Touch 12/ FF 12/ CMD 16 / Init +2 / fort+6 ref+3 will +9/ Perception +5 /speed 30 /Arcane Fever 0% phantom 53 HP53 AC 18, tch 11, ff 17 Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +4 DR 5/slashing 5/magic cmd 18, perception +4 darkvision

We need to wait on your rescuer to come back before we leave. What happened to you?


Vynya are you moving back to the group or are you staying put next to the wall?

Male Halfling Rogue 8 (Arcane Trickster) Loot HP 64/64 l AC 18 l Saves Str -2, Dex +8, Con +1, Int +6, Wis +1, Cha +2 l Spd 30' l Init +5 l Passive Perception 14 I Stealth +11 I Arcane Fever 0% I Effects: none, Spells Slots Lvl 2 2/2 Lvl 1 4/4 l Lvl 2 Knock, Invis l Lvl 1 - DM, Disg Self, Hid Laugh, Silver Barbs l Lvl 0 - Shock Grasp, Acid Splash, GFB

Poppo misinterprets BobE, So Turngut did go in after me! Why'd you let him go in alone! He turns to head back to the fortress, it's not safe in there.

Grand Lodge

27 HP 45/ arcane fever 18 AC 14/ Touch 12/ FF 12/ CMD 16 / Init +2 / fort+6 ref+3 will +9/ Perception +5 /speed 30 /Arcane Fever 0% phantom 53 HP53 AC 18, tch 11, ff 17 Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +4 DR 5/slashing 5/magic cmd 18, perception +4 darkvision

no we have an investigator looking for you. A very good professional. Dont worry about him. Poppo, the fight did not go well for Turngut. He is not here. I will tell you more later. Now tell us what happened to you.

Female Half Elf Aberrant Mind Sorcerer 8 | 42/42 HP | AC 14 |Str +0, Dex +3, Con +6, Int +7, Wis +2, Cha +8 |Speed 30'|Arcane Fever 0%

As soon as Hurak is over the wall without raising the alarms, Vynya will move cautiously back to the party (half speed).

Stealth while invisible: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (7) + 21 = 28

Hoping that she escaped detection, she returns to the party just as Poppo spins around to go look for Turngut and runs into her! Popping back into the visible spectrum, Poppo sees the dirty urchin girl standing there looking shocked, amazed and confused all at once. She looks quizzically between Poppo, BobE and Nalia.
What is going on!?! She whisper-shouts to them. Looking at Poppo, How are YOU here? I am so baffled, this is NOT what was supposed to happen. But, regardless, here you are! Maester Hedgehopper, I am immensely pleased to meet you, but this is not the time or place. We need to get out of here immediately. Let's go! Without waiting for a response, she pushes through the other three and begins to head away from the fortress.

Silver Crusade

Female Human Cleric 7/ Fighter 1| 60/60 HP | AC 18/18 | Initiative +5 | Saves Str +3, Dex +0, Con +1, Int +0, Wis +6, Cha +5 | P. Wis 13, P. Int 10, P. Wis 16 | Perception +3 | Speed 30| Arcane Fever 6%

Hold on their Vynya, we have to get Hurak back. Can you communicate with him in any way? He'll be looking for Poppo all over that keep, not knowing he's out here already. Otherwise I fear we may need to go in after him.

With that, Nalia starts to think hard back to Firespark, hoping what she thinks in some way communicates to him. She wonders if he knows Hurak or could find and communicate to him via magical means, to advise him to turn around. If any one looks at her you see her looking very strained and occasionally popping open an eye to look around mumbling the word Firespark on her lips.


Nalia you think if you wanted communicate with Firespark you would have had to respond with 25 or less words pretty quickly.

Grand Lodge

27 HP 45/ arcane fever 18 AC 14/ Touch 12/ FF 12/ CMD 16 / Init +2 / fort+6 ref+3 will +9/ Perception +5 /speed 30 /Arcane Fever 0% phantom 53 HP53 AC 18, tch 11, ff 17 Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +4 DR 5/slashing 5/magic cmd 18, perception +4 darkvision

Poppo, what happened to you?

Male Halfling Rogue 8 (Arcane Trickster) Loot HP 64/64 l AC 18 l Saves Str -2, Dex +8, Con +1, Int +6, Wis +1, Cha +2 l Spd 30' l Init +5 l Passive Perception 14 I Stealth +11 I Arcane Fever 0% I Effects: none, Spells Slots Lvl 2 2/2 Lvl 1 4/4 l Lvl 2 Knock, Invis l Lvl 1 - DM, Disg Self, Hid Laugh, Silver Barbs l Lvl 0 - Shock Grasp, Acid Splash, GFB

A professional investigator?! You certainly made that happen quickly; I'm flattered. Who's this Vynya, the investigator?

He then begins to get very excited, as he tells his tale.

Well, the Queen was escaping as a mist, I followed her into the sewers. One of those mute assassins was down there, we fought, I nearly had him when he finally caught me with his blade. He wasn't that good of a fighter really and just got lucky, but his blade was poisoned, I was paralyzed! Then he dragged me all over the Undercity. Finally they hung me upside down in that weird castle over there, and there was this evil dwarf torturer, who liked to talk about himself in the 3rd person, really creepy. Anyway he roughed me up a bit, trying to get information about the Holy Order. I didn't really give him anything useful. Not sure I really know anything useful? But after awhile, he left the room; and had some dim-witted assistant come in to watch us. I was able to move again by then and escaped my chains, I sneaked into another room right past the idiot guard, and then another looking for a way out. I found a room with several scrolls laying on a table. They were tough to read, but I found out one was for teleporting, I think short distances only, I had a tough time casting it, but I eventually figured out, sneaked back in next to Trusty, I don't think even he saw me. And then I cast it. I was trying to picture someplace outside the walls, and ended up right next to you guys. Which was really weird and surprising. But a major relief, other than the fact that Turngut is not here, and not doing well, and the fact that noone wants to talk about it makes me wonder how bad it really is, last I saw he was scaling the wall, but then I flew off after the queen and didn't see what happened next? So what happened next.

He finally comes up for air and gives a weary look back at the castle to make sure they haven't been spotted.

Grand Lodge

27 HP 45/ arcane fever 18 AC 14/ Touch 12/ FF 12/ CMD 16 / Init +2 / fort+6 ref+3 will +9/ Perception +5 /speed 30 /Arcane Fever 0% phantom 53 HP53 AC 18, tch 11, ff 17 Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +4 DR 5/slashing 5/magic cmd 18, perception +4 darkvision

BobE seeing no way to avoid further...
He scaled the walls. the two body guards were shapeshifters and ambushed him from both sides. It was quick. I don't think he ever realized it was coming. When we found him, he was smiling peacefully. He was past healing. Nalia beseeched Malphas. I spoke with Elnil. She told me it would ultimately be his choice to come back or not. I think our friend finally peace. What I'm trying to say Poppo is this. Turngut is dead. He will be waiting for you at Eroned's gates I think. The finest orc I have ever known, the finest warrior, we will miss him in the days to come. I will stare into the sun tomorrow to honor him. BobE turns his head and wipes his eyes. and whispers to himself another one I failed to protect

Male Halfling Rogue 8 (Arcane Trickster) Loot HP 64/64 l AC 18 l Saves Str -2, Dex +8, Con +1, Int +6, Wis +1, Cha +2 l Spd 30' l Init +5 l Passive Perception 14 I Stealth +11 I Arcane Fever 0% I Effects: none, Spells Slots Lvl 2 2/2 Lvl 1 4/4 l Lvl 2 Knock, Invis l Lvl 1 - DM, Disg Self, Hid Laugh, Silver Barbs l Lvl 0 - Shock Grasp, Acid Splash, GFB

Poppo stares mouth agape, Dead, you mean dead, dead His head drops, But he just can't be, dead. Tears begin to streak down the halflings face, he curls into a ball, and sobs.

Male Hobgoblin Investigator 7 HP 50/50 + 15 temp l AC 23 21 T 14 FF 19 17 l  F +5 R +10 W +6 l Spd 30' l Init +8 +4 l Perception +12 +10 I Stealth +17 I Sense Motive +10 I *TRAP SPOTTER* l Inspiration 7/7 Effects: Heightened Awareness, False Life, Barkskin, Invisibility l Extracts Lvl 1 - 4/5, Lvl 2 - 1/4, Lvl 3 - 2/2

An in person, mini adventure took place.

After around 4 minutes, Hurak reappears, big grin on his face.

Well Trusty, you cost me a good bit of coin escaping on your own. I see you and the holy halfling managed to escape on your own. Not too surprising, as most the folks in there didn't seem too bright. What's wrong with Poppo? He's seems upset.

The veteran hobgoblin leans over, There, there little man, you've freed yourself from a nasty lot you should be celebrating. He pats Poppo on the head.

Male Halfling Rogue 8 (Arcane Trickster) Loot HP 64/64 l AC 18 l Saves Str -2, Dex +8, Con +1, Int +6, Wis +1, Cha +2 l Spd 30' l Init +5 l Passive Perception 14 I Stealth +11 I Arcane Fever 0% I Effects: none, Spells Slots Lvl 2 2/2 Lvl 1 4/4 l Lvl 2 Knock, Invis l Lvl 1 - DM, Disg Self, Hid Laugh, Silver Barbs l Lvl 0 - Shock Grasp, Acid Splash, GFB

Poppo looks up and wipes the tears away. He looks at Hurak and then over to Vynya wondering about the new additions. He stands up, I guess we should go then.

Grand Lodge

27 HP 45/ arcane fever 18 AC 14/ Touch 12/ FF 12/ CMD 16 / Init +2 / fort+6 ref+3 will +9/ Perception +5 /speed 30 /Arcane Fever 0% phantom 53 HP53 AC 18, tch 11, ff 17 Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +4 DR 5/slashing 5/magic cmd 18, perception +4 darkvision

bobE leans overand whispers to Nalia say something comforting will you. I got nothing. too used to death to comfort i guess

Female Half Elf Aberrant Mind Sorcerer 8 | 42/42 HP | AC 14 |Str +0, Dex +3, Con +6, Int +7, Wis +2, Cha +8 |Speed 30'|Arcane Fever 0%

The indifferent Vynya immediately breaks down into tears when she sees Poppo reacting to the news of Turngut's death. She runs back and collapses by his curled up little body and strokes this straw-like hair, shushes him comfortingly while weeping herself. I know, I know. There, there. It is terrible but...but he's happy now. I know it... In fact, I know it! She says with sudden realization. I can feel him even now, watching us...watching YOU Maester Hedgehopper. He..he wants to know if you are OK... Are you? Can you still be strong and go on? I think. I think he believes in you... All of you.. to.. to save all of Vyn. With tears still streaming down her face and hand still resting on Poppo's head, she looks up to Nalia, BobE and back to Poppo with a look of awe and wonder. Then, catching sight of Hurak standing nearby, she looks at him, puzzled. You? I'm not sure about you and I don't think you're going to save the world...I'm sorry. She finishes sheepishly.

Silver Crusade

Female Human Cleric 7/ Fighter 1| 60/60 HP | AC 18/18 | Initiative +5 | Saves Str +3, Dex +0, Con +1, Int +0, Wis +6, Cha +5 | P. Wis 13, P. Int 10, P. Wis 16 | Perception +3 | Speed 30| Arcane Fever 6%

Poppo, Vynnya claims to see things. We’ve just met her and so far she seems to mean well. You know I don’t have a lot of wisdom or any deep knowledge, but what I can tell you about is being an orphan and being alone. Turngut was once alone, but with our misfit band he wasn’t anymore. We learned to trust and rely on each other, depend and truly care for each other. This hard road has forced that out of us. I know he died trying to save all of us, and mostly you. I know deep in his greenish orc heart he was glad to have friends, even friends to die for. We must honor him in how we treat those we meet. Think the best of people and try and help where we can. That’s all we can do. Now, let’s get out of here!

Male Halfling Rogue 8 (Arcane Trickster) Loot HP 64/64 l AC 18 l Saves Str -2, Dex +8, Con +1, Int +6, Wis +1, Cha +2 l Spd 30' l Init +5 l Passive Perception 14 I Stealth +11 I Arcane Fever 0% I Effects: none, Spells Slots Lvl 2 2/2 Lvl 1 4/4 l Lvl 2 Knock, Invis l Lvl 1 - DM, Disg Self, Hid Laugh, Silver Barbs l Lvl 0 - Shock Grasp, Acid Splash, GFB

Poppo dusts himself off, through a few sniffles, a look of dogged determination on his face. He wipes his nose on his sleeve, and clutches at his arm, wiggling it around. Then begins walking away.

Male Hobgoblin Investigator 7 HP 50/50 + 15 temp l AC 23 21 T 14 FF 19 17 l  F +5 R +10 W +6 l Spd 30' l Init +8 +4 l Perception +12 +10 I Stealth +17 I Sense Motive +10 I *TRAP SPOTTER* l Inspiration 7/7 Effects: Heightened Awareness, False Life, Barkskin, Invisibility l Extracts Lvl 1 - 4/5, Lvl 2 - 1/4, Lvl 3 - 2/2

Hurak give Trusty a little slap on the back. Then looks to Vynya, Well missy, your probably right, I would never dream so big as saving the world. I'm happy to do what I do; and I'm good at that. That said if saving the world, happens to cross over with me doing what I do, then I'll do that too! He chuckles.

Come on, let me get you back to Francis, we'll be happy, to know my services were gratis today, and that these two are safe.

He darts ahead a bit and you can see he is watching for signs of trouble.

Male Halfling Rogue 8 (Arcane Trickster) Loot HP 64/64 l AC 18 l Saves Str -2, Dex +8, Con +1, Int +6, Wis +1, Cha +2 l Spd 30' l Init +5 l Passive Perception 14 I Stealth +11 I Arcane Fever 0% I Effects: none, Spells Slots Lvl 2 2/2 Lvl 1 4/4 l Lvl 2 Knock, Invis l Lvl 1 - DM, Disg Self, Hid Laugh, Silver Barbs l Lvl 0 - Shock Grasp, Acid Splash, GFB

Poppo follows Hurak, and then moves near to Trusty Patches,

They killed Greirat, right in front of Francis and all of us, I'm sorry. Poppo hangs his head as he delivers the news.

Grand Lodge

27 HP 45/ arcane fever 18 AC 14/ Touch 12/ FF 12/ CMD 16 / Init +2 / fort+6 ref+3 will +9/ Perception +5 /speed 30 /Arcane Fever 0% phantom 53 HP53 AC 18, tch 11, ff 17 Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +4 DR 5/slashing 5/magic cmd 18, perception +4 darkvision

did we check trusty for being a shapechanger?

well Hurak, if poppo is to save the world, and you helped poppo, then you did help save the world. and whispers to V, not so abrupt on those announcements, always leave room for hope.


Trusty eyes Poppo as he tells his story but doesn't add anything. When Poppo mentions Greirat he gets a saddened look on his face I know... the torturer was rubbing it in my face, is his body at the Grove? I'm sorry to hear about Turngut, real shame that.

You have not asked Patches anything to prove he isn't a doppelganger. Feel free to ask him something.

You guys head back through the Undercity crossing the Barrens before making your way to the Putrid Grove. The chubby door guard with a breastplate opens the door and gives you all a saddened look. While the Grove has never been outright happy, you get a sense that its more sad then usual.

As you enter you notice a familiar face, sitting on a bench wearing his onion-like armor, Pearson. He has an upset look on his face and looks to be in prayer to Malphas. Before looking up at you all, he gives a sigh of relief when he sees Poppo. He doesn't say anything initially but after a long pause I'm... i'm sorry I wasn't here to help. He motions to one of the buildings that make up the Putrid Grove They are keeping them in there, Father Winthrop is tending to them.

Female Half Elf Aberrant Mind Sorcerer 8 | 42/42 HP | AC 14 |Str +0, Dex +3, Con +6, Int +7, Wis +2, Cha +8 |Speed 30'|Arcane Fever 0%

Before they leave the fortress, Vynya gets a weird look on her face and sorta blanks out for a minute. The mutters in a strange language and pulls on her hair, then snaps out of it. Well, I certainly don't know this Trusty Patches fellow, but he is who he says he is.

Casting Detect Thoughts:
3rd Round: Surface thoughts of any mind in the area. A target’s Will save prevents you from reading its thoughts, and you must cast detect thoughts again to have another chance. If Trusty wants to resist, he can make a DC15 Will save. Also, if he's NOT Trusty, then feel free to re-narrate. :)


GM Rolls:

Patches Roll: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22

You try to detect the thoughts of Patches but you are unable to read them. Patches looks at Vynya and raises an eyebrow he then looks at BobE, Nalia, and Poppo First bit of information you bought from me was about Dettlaff van der Vesper. Strange guy runs a toy shop here in the Undercity. That proof enough? He asks looking at Vynya I don't like people trying to read my mind.

Female Half Elf Aberrant Mind Sorcerer 8 | 42/42 HP | AC 14 |Str +0, Dex +3, Con +6, Int +7, Wis +2, Cha +8 |Speed 30'|Arcane Fever 0%

Fearfully, Vynya stares at Patches. Pointing a thin, shaking finger at him, she says, I..I don’t trust him. I don’t think.. I don’t think he is who he says he is! Everyone knows about Detlaff. Even I know that!!

Disregard Vynya’s previous post. Patches resisted her detect thoughts and she has no way of knowing who, or what, he is.

Silver Crusade

Female Human Cleric 7/ Fighter 1| 60/60 HP | AC 18/18 | Initiative +5 | Saves Str +3, Dex +0, Con +1, Int +0, Wis +6, Cha +5 | P. Wis 13, P. Int 10, P. Wis 16 | Perception +3 | Speed 30| Arcane Fever 6%

Looking at the sad face of Pearson Nalia nods at him, accepting his grief as appropriate and well meant. I know, it's been a horrible day. I wish we had all been together and maybe we could have taken Queen Vatyra and not let her get away. I fear she will be more trouble to us in the future. But for now, we can take comfort in rescuing Poppo, although I think he managed to get away despite us.....

She pulls herself up, sort of pulling herself together, and says, Well, I'm going to go in and talk with Father Winthrope and see Turngut. I need to see him, maybe close some of his wounds if I can, or make him look better. Then I'll be able to let this dread go, the ball of yuck in my belly. I've never lost a friend before. Of course growing up in the temple I've seen people come and go, but, I didn't have a lot of friends to loose. This hurts, and I think we'll all need each other to deal with it. Anyone want to go in with me?

Grand Lodge

27 HP 45/ arcane fever 18 AC 14/ Touch 12/ FF 12/ CMD 16 / Init +2 / fort+6 ref+3 will +9/ Perception +5 /speed 30 /Arcane Fever 0% phantom 53 HP53 AC 18, tch 11, ff 17 Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +4 DR 5/slashing 5/magic cmd 18, perception +4 darkvision

I envy you that. I am tired of outliving my friends. Come. I will go with you. It will be odd not having our friend with us anymore. then with a subtle glance to patches I will gut the next shapeshifter I find while he is still alive. I will see everyone of those beast tortured and wiped from the land
perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26

Female Half Elf Aberrant Mind Sorcerer 8 | 42/42 HP | AC 14 |Str +0, Dex +3, Con +6, Int +7, Wis +2, Cha +8 |Speed 30'|Arcane Fever 0%

Already with tears streaming down her face, lower lip quivering, Vynya holds back a sob. If M'Lady and Lords will allow it, I...I would like to look upon dear, sweet Turngut one last... A few sobs wrack her small frame, before she blurts out, One last time! She covers her streaked face with her filthy hands and begins weeping.

Despite her despair over Turngut (who, as far as your PCs know, have never met each other), she still keeps a wary eye on Patches.
Sense Motive when BobE subtlety threatens Patches: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (16) + 0 = 16


When BobE says that Patches looks at him like "seriously" and you can see some real frustration on his face. Which you can also tell Vynya that he is very frustrated at the accusations.

Sure Vynya everyone knows about Dettlaff, I gurantee you ask Francis, Idrok Nernalt, or Edward Pin and they wont have a clue who you are talking about. Even I don't know that much about Dettlaff and his weird swirling green eye.

And Sure I'm the one you mistrust... he points at Poppo I know he's not a doppelganger because Vesuvius put broken glass in his mouth a punched his face with it in there as I watched from the adjacent cell. But his story about how we escaped is a complete lie! We were both in the cells when the torturer Vesuvius left the room for a break then a chubby bald guard came in and we appeared next to you. He then motions to his hands where you can see pretty much all of his finger nails are missing. So trust this liar, but if you don't trust me then knock me unconscious and then you'll see I am Patches!

Pearson accompanies you into the room where the bodies are. Ib, Turngut, and Greirat are laying on separate tables. The wounds on the bodies are all pretty much cleaned and healed by the old man who prays over the body of Turngut. He is old in frail with a hunched back. His long grey hair has a large bald spot at the top of his head and he has a long grey beard as well. As you enter he turns and looks at you with blue eyes and gives you a melancholy smile. I am so sorry for your loss the old man says to start Its a terrible shame to loose friends. He looks back down at Turngut.[/b]

I am Father Wintrhop, head priest at the Temple of Malphas in the Temple District. I have already knitted together their wounds and cast gentle repose so that the bodies do not decompose. Please, take all the time you need, I will be just outside if you need me. The father steps out of the room leaving you all to mourn the loss of your friend.

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