Pathfinder: Shards of an Order PBP

Game Master Benjen Harris

Shards of an Order is a homebrew Pathfinder campaign set in a world called Vyn, more specifically set on the continent of Enderal.
World Anvil

[dice=Nalia Initiative] 1d20 + 6[/dice]
[dice=Poppo Initiative] 1d20 + 5 [/dice]
[dice=Vynya Initiative] 1d20 + 1[/dice]
[dice=BobE Initiative] 1d20 + 2[/dice]
[dice=Hurak the Hunter Initiative] 1d20 + 4[/dice]

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Male Hobgoblin Investigator 7 HP 50/50 + 15 temp l AC 23 21 T 14 FF 19 17 l  F +5 R +10 W +6 l Spd 30' l Init +8 +4 l Perception +12 +10 I Stealth +17 I Sense Motive +10 I *TRAP SPOTTER* l Inspiration 7/7 Effects: Heightened Awareness, False Life, Barkskin, Invisibility l Extracts Lvl 1 - 4/5, Lvl 2 - 1/4, Lvl 3 - 2/2

Hurak, still standing there, responds to Trusty Patches, I saw the bald guard too! Even though I was invisible, I could swear he looked right at me. Then he went on his way, I thought, he must have been looking at something else. Even though there was nothing much too look at. Anyway he was leaving the torture room, and even though he should have been upset by the fact that the prisoners were missing he seemed in a good mood.

He continues, And I saw the two cells well enough, one had blood and broken glass for sure.

I better catch-up to Francis to let him know what else I saw in there! He says as he goes to look for the Beggar's leader.

Male Halfling Rogue 8 (Arcane Trickster) Loot HP 64/64 l AC 18 l Saves Str -2, Dex +8, Con +1, Int +6, Wis +1, Cha +2 l Spd 30' l Init +5 l Passive Perception 14 I Stealth +11 I Arcane Fever 0% I Effects: none, Spells Slots Lvl 2 2/2 Lvl 1 4/4 l Lvl 2 Knock, Invis l Lvl 1 - DM, Disg Self, Hid Laugh, Silver Barbs l Lvl 0 - Shock Grasp, Acid Splash, GFB

As Hurak relays what he saw, Poppo completely ignores him and instead shoots a strange look at Trusty Patches. When Hurak finishes he says, in an annoyed tone.

Look elf, where do you get off accusing Trusty Patches, his answer was right on, and most people wouldn't know who Dettlaff is, he's certainly right about that. This is definitely Trusty, that's the one thing I'm sure of. In fact, your the one here I don't trust, how do you know so much about us. Are you sure you aren't a spy for the Queen, and now you are trying to get closer to us?

With that Poppo walks away not allowing time for a response, and as the others go in to see Turngut, he instead walks outside.

Silver Crusade

Female Human Cleric 7/ Fighter 1| 60/60 HP | AC 18/18 | Initiative +5 | Saves Str +3, Dex +0, Con +1, Int +0, Wis +6, Cha +5 | P. Wis 13, P. Int 10, P. Wis 16 | Perception +3 | Speed 30| Arcane Fever 6%

As Nalia sees everyone beginning to loose it and go after each other she lets out a big and audible sigh then raises her voice to be heard, not quite yelling but close enough to it.

If you all will kindly shut your pie holes for a moment and listen to me. I'm going in to mourn my friend. I would love it if you all joined me! We'll have time to build more mistrust with each other after if that's what you guys are set on but I have a better idea. Let's go and get some drinks that Turngut would have enjoyed, in HIS honor. Since he could drink us all under the table I'm sure we'll all get wasted and maybe forget all the yuck, fear and frustration we've been under lately.

Looking at everyone with a leveled and stern glance, a glance that every women learns to do perfectly and no man could replicate, she continues, Poppo! I need oranges!, then she looks over at Vynya, Please don't take this the wrong way, but you know entirely too much about us and we don't know anything about you, and, frankly, that's weirding us all out a bit, especially in light of these doppelgängers. Please join us to mourn our friend but stay quiet for a moment. With that she finishes her statement to Vynya with a smile and moves into the room, thanking the Father for his hard work as he goes.

As she goes in, she calls over her shoulder, And Patches, I'll by you the first drink!

Female Half Elf Aberrant Mind Sorcerer 8 | 42/42 HP | AC 14 |Str +0, Dex +3, Con +6, Int +7, Wis +2, Cha +8 |Speed 30'|Arcane Fever 0%

Vynya is about to head out after Poppo when Nalia's stern lecture stops her short. She shrinks into her already small frame and shrivels under the larger (er, I mean taller) woman's glare. didn't realize...I mean... she stammers awkwardly before realizing she should just shut her pie hole as the holy warrior demanded.

Shuffling after Nalia, Vynya suddenly twitches and begins to pull on her raggedly hair again. Her eyelids flutter and she whispers hoarsely to Poppo: Dez Lug, Hoppo. Ok Aga Eg Zee Okak. Dez Zee Ok. Even if you can't understand Orcish, the tone and quality of the voice sounds eerily familiar. It likely sends a chill down your spine, especially Poppo's as he recognizes the sound of his now dead friend's voice. Once she finishes speaking, Vynya's body trembles and she claws at some of the knots in her hair as she compliantly follows Nalia into the makeshift morgue.

Orc translation:
Come Hoppo, my friend. I want to see you. Come see me.

Male Orc Brawler4/Barbarian2|Std AC 20,T 14,FF 16|CMD 24(27 vTrip, 26 vDirtyTrick/Disarm/Reposition)|
Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +2|Speed 40'|Arcane Fever 0%

For GM:
Besides the Gates to the Cradle, Turngut stands up quickly as he sees his friends begin to bicker. No! No! Come and say good-bye, Hoppo. Come Hoppo, my friend. I want to see you. Once more, maybe the last time? Come see me.. He waits, bobbing on the balls of his feet to see what they do. Will they want him back or will they let him go in peace?

Grand Lodge

27 HP 45/ arcane fever 18 AC 14/ Touch 12/ FF 12/ CMD 16 / Init +2 / fort+6 ref+3 will +9/ Perception +5 /speed 30 /Arcane Fever 0% phantom 53 HP53 AC 18, tch 11, ff 17 Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +4 DR 5/slashing 5/magic cmd 18, perception +4 darkvision

BobE pats v on the shoulder long day. Just give them time.

Male Halfling Rogue 8 (Arcane Trickster) Loot HP 64/64 l AC 18 l Saves Str -2, Dex +8, Con +1, Int +6, Wis +1, Cha +2 l Spd 30' l Init +5 l Passive Perception 14 I Stealth +11 I Arcane Fever 0% I Effects: none, Spells Slots Lvl 2 2/2 Lvl 1 4/4 l Lvl 2 Knock, Invis l Lvl 1 - DM, Disg Self, Hid Laugh, Silver Barbs l Lvl 0 - Shock Grasp, Acid Splash, GFB

Poppo is just about to go outside, but pauses and kicks at the dirt by the doorway as Nalia tries to rally the troops, then stares in disbelief as Vynya sounds just like Turngut.

Okay, Um, okay Nalia, I just can't go in there yet. He walks outside as he planned and you get the feeling Poppo wants a moment alone with his fallen friend, and will wait for the other to finish to take his turn.


Poppo waits outside for a moment alone with his friend. Everyone else stands around the orc, he's still, cold, lifeless. You start to remember all the good times you've spent with Turngut. The time you first met him half dead being healed by apothecary on the Suncoast. All the times he fought so ferociously to protect you and others. The time he freed the souls of the von Eberich's and finally felt some semblance of peace in his life. The friendships he made with all of you Woman, Winklebutt, and of course Hoppo.

Now devoid of life how do you all respond?

Silver Crusade

Female Human Cleric 7/ Fighter 1| 60/60 HP | AC 18/18 | Initiative +5 | Saves Str +3, Dex +0, Con +1, Int +0, Wis +6, Cha +5 | P. Wis 13, P. Int 10, P. Wis 16 | Perception +3 | Speed 30| Arcane Fever 6%

Nalia cries softly, pulling BobE in for a hug while looking awkwardly around for Poppo. Seeing Vynya, she grabs her in her other long arm and embraces them both for a few moments. Then she feels around in her bags, looking for something to leave with her friend. Finally, she settles on pulling her dagger out and cutting off one of her braids, tucking it into Turnguts's massive paw.

She mumbles as she turns away, I'll miss you, my friend. With that, she'll step out, trying to make sure Vynya goes with her, to give BobE and then Poppo a moment by themselves.

Grand Lodge

27 HP 45/ arcane fever 18 AC 14/ Touch 12/ FF 12/ CMD 16 / Init +2 / fort+6 ref+3 will +9/ Perception +5 /speed 30 /Arcane Fever 0% phantom 53 HP53 AC 18, tch 11, ff 17 Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +4 DR 5/slashing 5/magic cmd 18, perception +4 darkvision

BobE gives Nalia a hug and sighs. Putting his hand on Turngut's forehead he says Find the peace you deserve, brother. Rest well knowing we will avenge you


Vynya do you say anything? If not I'm assuming you all exit to let Poppo have time alone with his friend?

Female Half Elf Aberrant Mind Sorcerer 8 | 42/42 HP | AC 14 |Str +0, Dex +3, Con +6, Int +7, Wis +2, Cha +8 |Speed 30'|Arcane Fever 0%

Vynya stands awkwardly in the doorway, looking between Nalia/BobE and the door. Her gaze obviously avoiding the body lying in state. Nervously moving her weight from one foot to the other, she mutters and mumbles to herself, hands wringing and occasionally randomly waving around. When BobE says for Turngut to "rest well", Vynya suddenly stiffens and her eyes roll back so that only the whites show as she stares at BobE. In the same, oddly familiar orcish voice, she grunts out: Wrinklebutt, it Narg me, turngut! turngut Tan. Turngut...speak! can wrinklebutt Tan? do Okak Aga turngut back Eg Nak? Nart turngut stay ash Dat?

Orcish translation:
Wrinklebutt, it me, Turngut! Turngut can hear. Turngut...speak! Can Wrinklebutt hear? Want turngut back To Fight? Or Turngut stay and rest?


With the similar sounding orcish voice you all depart the room leaving Poppo a chance to say goodbye to his best friend.

Male Halfling Rogue 8 (Arcane Trickster) Loot HP 64/64 l AC 18 l Saves Str -2, Dex +8, Con +1, Int +6, Wis +1, Cha +2 l Spd 30' l Init +5 l Passive Perception 14 I Stealth +11 I Arcane Fever 0% I Effects: none, Spells Slots Lvl 2 2/2 Lvl 1 4/4 l Lvl 2 Knock, Invis l Lvl 1 - DM, Disg Self, Hid Laugh, Silver Barbs l Lvl 0 - Shock Grasp, Acid Splash, GFB

Poppo waits till the others leave the room, and walks quietly into the room and closes the door behind him. If there is a door

For GM and the spirit of Turngut:

Poppo slowly walks over to the body; takes one massive finger in his wee hand, and starts to quietly weep. After several minutes, he chokes out some quiet words, through the tears.

I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, it should have been me, it's my fault. My fault. I just didn't want that evil queen to escape. I should have let her go.

Why did you follow me! Why! He raises his voice and it trails off into tremble. He stands there for a few more minutes shaking.

Your the first true friend I ever had; your my brother forever, not sure how I'll go on without you there. Turngut, why. You can't be gone. No.

No!! He pounds a fist onto the table.


Poppo sniffs and wipes his nose and eyes as he walks out of the room. He moves over to the other silently, sniffing, and not saying a word.


Poppo exits the small building housing the bodies. Pearson looks at Poppo with a sad expression and sits back down on the bench next to Father Winthrop.

After some time passes the father walks up to Nalia Mylady, where would you like him to be transported? I presume the Sun Temple?

After that where are you guys going?

Silver Crusade

Female Human Cleric 7/ Fighter 1| 60/60 HP | AC 18/18 | Initiative +5 | Saves Str +3, Dex +0, Con +1, Int +0, Wis +6, Cha +5 | P. Wis 13, P. Int 10, P. Wis 16 | Perception +3 | Speed 30| Arcane Fever 6%

If you could could hold him until we can see him off properly, that would be great. We must remain focused now but I hope we'll have time to get back to his funeral soon.

Nalia looks around at the group surrounding her and says, I'm so grateful to have you guys. It's obvious we didn't say that enough before and I don't want to make that same mistake again.

She smiles at everyone with a very stupid look, matching the lopsided haircut she's now given herself as her stomach rumbles loudly.

Pearson, you know where to get some food around here? Where would Francis go for a beer and some grub? I think we could all use some rest and a warm meal.


Not a lot of places like that down here but the Leaky Tap has edible food i suppose. Pearson reaponds still grief on his face. I would accompany you but I need to make sure the Father makes it back unharmed.

Male Halfling Rogue 8 (Arcane Trickster) Loot HP 64/64 l AC 18 l Saves Str -2, Dex +8, Con +1, Int +6, Wis +1, Cha +2 l Spd 30' l Init +5 l Passive Perception 14 I Stealth +11 I Arcane Fever 0% I Effects: none, Spells Slots Lvl 2 2/2 Lvl 1 4/4 l Lvl 2 Knock, Invis l Lvl 1 - DM, Disg Self, Hid Laugh, Silver Barbs l Lvl 0 - Shock Grasp, Acid Splash, GFB

Poppo stands staring at his feet, then seems to come to for a moment,

Is it safe to stay down here in the Undercity? Perhaps we should go top-side to more familiar surroundings? Do we need to check in at the sun temple?

And then stares back down at his feet again, seeming oblivious to everything.

Grand Lodge

27 HP 45/ arcane fever 18 AC 14/ Touch 12/ FF 12/ CMD 16 / Init +2 / fort+6 ref+3 will +9/ Perception +5 /speed 30 /Arcane Fever 0% phantom 53 HP53 AC 18, tch 11, ff 17 Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +4 DR 5/slashing 5/magic cmd 18, perception +4 darkvision

I for one would like to get as far from here as a flying fox could get. Not mentionin' we should report back in person

Silver Crusade

Female Human Cleric 7/ Fighter 1| 60/60 HP | AC 18/18 | Initiative +5 | Saves Str +3, Dex +0, Con +1, Int +0, Wis +6, Cha +5 | P. Wis 13, P. Int 10, P. Wis 16 | Perception +3 | Speed 30| Arcane Fever 6%

Well, let's head back out of here. Let's go with Pearson and the father, to accompany Turngut back to the Sun Temple. We can also let the people see us bearing our friend from here, knowing that we lost some of our own in trying to bring them peace. Remember, we still need to win them to the side of this great city, so they'll stand to protect it when the external menace arrives.

Nalia looks at her friends, and knows we need purpose to help bring us out of our sadness.

It will be good to be sort of an honor guard but at the same time give us a chance to get out of here and as you said, BobE, report in. I suppose a warm meal can wait. Pearson, would you allow us to accompany you? Vynya, will you come with us?

Female Half Elf Aberrant Mind Sorcerer 8 | 42/42 HP | AC 14 |Str +0, Dex +3, Con +6, Int +7, Wis +2, Cha +8 |Speed 30'|Arcane Fever 0%

While the party discusses their plans, Vynya stands at the perimeter and slowly shuffles away from the group, muttering to herself more, her left hand pulling at her greasy bangs. Want to...Hoppo...Tan Turngut...Jat...Jat?? No..fight, Nat zut men... Her face screws up into a confused look and she seems lost in thought, but when Nalia addresses her, she startles in surprise. Oh! Oh, m..mylady. I do not think my presence will be welcomed in a location as exalted as the Sun Temple. I..I.. she trails off...

Suddenly, she spins and looks directly at Poppo, her eyes suddenly piercing, as though looking directly into the Halfling's soul. Standing strongly upright, an imperious look on her face and with a commanding voice that hits a staccato cadence with military precision, she issues a challenge to him. Maester Hedgehopper. What say you? Do you wish the return of your Orc friend posthaste? Or do you desire that he tarry in The Cradle, rewarded with eternal rest and peace? He requests of you thusly and a response is required directly. Again, to you I enjoin: What say you!?! As soon as the final words burst from her, she shrinks back and again looks like a ragged street urchin, eyes darting and tugging on her hair. Despite her change of demeanor, while sucking on the end of a knot of hair, she looks to Poppo as though waiting for an answer.

Silver Crusade

Female Human Cleric 7/ Fighter 1| 60/60 HP | AC 18/18 | Initiative +5 | Saves Str +3, Dex +0, Con +1, Int +0, Wis +6, Cha +5 | P. Wis 13, P. Int 10, P. Wis 16 | Perception +3 | Speed 30| Arcane Fever 6%

Nalia's eyes bug out of her sockets and her mouth falls open!

Male Halfling Rogue 8 (Arcane Trickster) Loot HP 64/64 l AC 18 l Saves Str -2, Dex +8, Con +1, Int +6, Wis +1, Cha +2 l Spd 30' l Init +5 l Passive Perception 14 I Stealth +11 I Arcane Fever 0% I Effects: none, Spells Slots Lvl 2 2/2 Lvl 1 4/4 l Lvl 2 Knock, Invis l Lvl 1 - DM, Disg Self, Hid Laugh, Silver Barbs l Lvl 0 - Shock Grasp, Acid Splash, GFB

Sorry gang family wedding this weekend

Poppo also stares in shock at Vynya. Um, oh, um, well. He sputters, not sure how to answer.

Vynya, do you have other people living in your head? He asks, but before she can answer, he decides he better answer the question.

I sure hate to loss, my friend, but um, I could never deny him eternal rest and peace. He definitely deserves that, I wouldn't deny him that, if that is what he wants. But it's not for me to decide, is it, not my decision, it's his, Turngut's.

Then he looks deep into the elves eyes, If you are in there somehow, Turngut, I'll never forget you my friend, but enjoy your rest, if that is what you want, you deserve it! And I love you my friend. Goodbye! Tears stream down the halfling's face as he says it.

Grand Lodge

27 HP 45/ arcane fever 18 AC 14/ Touch 12/ FF 12/ CMD 16 / Init +2 / fort+6 ref+3 will +9/ Perception +5 /speed 30 /Arcane Fever 0% phantom 53 HP53 AC 18, tch 11, ff 17 Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +4 DR 5/slashing 5/magic cmd 18, perception +4 darkvision

Under his breath BobE whispers I wonder if I am strong enough now

Male Halfling Rogue 8 (Arcane Trickster) Loot HP 64/64 l AC 18 l Saves Str -2, Dex +8, Con +1, Int +6, Wis +1, Cha +2 l Spd 30' l Init +5 l Passive Perception 14 I Stealth +11 I Arcane Fever 0% I Effects: none, Spells Slots Lvl 2 2/2 Lvl 1 4/4 l Lvl 2 Knock, Invis l Lvl 1 - DM, Disg Self, Hid Laugh, Silver Barbs l Lvl 0 - Shock Grasp, Acid Splash, GFB

Poppo just overcome with emotion backs to the wall and sits down, waiting for someone to take the lead. Head hanging between his knees, he's no longer crying, but just sits silently.

Female Half Elf Aberrant Mind Sorcerer 8 | 42/42 HP | AC 14 |Str +0, Dex +3, Con +6, Int +7, Wis +2, Cha +8 |Speed 30'|Arcane Fever 0%

Vynya stares at Poppo intently after he answers, the silence growing palpable as her unreadable eyes study him. When Poppo tries to address Turngut, Vynya blinks in surprise and looks confused for a moment. As Poppo sits, she finally responds, addressing all 3 in the party, but mainly Poppo. I don't know what you heard. I...I know I'm supposed to listen for an answer, but I don't know the question. People speak through me sometimes. Other times I...I feel them and sometimes... She pauses and looks at each of you meaningfully. Starting off slowly, but increasing in speed as the words tumble out, she continues. I dream them. I have.. I have dreamed of you since you washed ashore after your awful shipwreck. I didn't know it was real, but it felt real. When I saw you fighting in the Corners, I couldn't believe it. You are real, but then Turngut died. Somehow, even now, I can feel where he is. I can't see him or hear him, but I feel him, like how you can feel someone staring at you or those fleeting memories of dreams when you first awaken... She looks at Poppo. He is at peace and is ready to rest, but misses you severely. He too, has never had a friend like you. She looks at Nalia. But he wants to fight to help his friends and save the world. He's never had a reason to live before this. You, M'Lady, have given this too him She looks at BobE. And...and, Vynya's eyes widen in realization. He is with Eroned even now! He delays the rest that Eroned has granted him because of you, oh great Herald of Elnil. Poor, sweet Turngut has earned Eroned's acceptance because of you. And, because of all of you, his friends! And she again looks to all 3 of you. I do not know what his choice is, but I will follow you if you wish and help where I can. Saying that she bows her head in deference.

As the party walks to the tavern outside of the Undercity, the journey is likely without much conversation. If they do ask her more about herself, Vynya looks uncomfortable and shakes her head almost imperceptibly. During the walk, she occasionally goes into a fit where she pulls her har and mutters in various languages, sometimes in (somewhat) understandable sentences, other times, meaningless amalgam of words.

Upon reaching the tavern, it takes some convincing to get her to enter. She seems scared and confused, as though she has never been inside a building (she has, but never one that wasn't abandoned, or at least closed or empty). Once inside, she looks around with wide eyes and when the party is seated, she looks at the chair in confusion before slowly settling herself into it after seeing how others use it. Utensils are treated like oddities and food is sniffed and poked before she hesitantly tries any. Meanwhile, depending on the clientele and also management of this establishment, people are furtively staring or, perhaps outwardly gawking at the bony, smelly, greasy girl. After a few bites, she looks up to the rest of you and smiles a genuine smile. This...this is incredible! I have never tasted such marvelous fare. She seems more relaxed and begins to open up and converse with you. Thoughout the entire meal, she doesn't have a single fit and her hair, although still in knots and at odd angles, hangs untouched.


I'm assuming you all go to the Dancing Nomad. You enter the relatively busy tavern full of commoners, nobles, adventurers really anyone comes here. Hundreds of adventurer portraits stare back at you in silence. But the one that you find yourself looking at the most is the portrait of Turngut who stands there as if a ghost watching the group. You find a table easy enough and a young blonde haired bar maid takes your order of food and drinks, bringing them out a short while later.

A purple skinned tiefling man with a badger at his feet plays a jaunty tune. Several figures clap and dance along to the song of Otir Teague, and the tiefling doesn't seem to notice you amongst the large amount of people.

A couple hours after you have arrived you see the door to the tavern open. Entering is a thin man dressed like a town guardsmen with a rapier at his hip. His hair used to be long and red but it has since been cut to be shorter and his beard is a lot better groomed. MacGuire glances around the tavern before his eyes land on the group. Sadness fills his face as he approaches I...I he stumbles looking for words to say. I'm... I'm really sorry. Nal. He addresses Nalia I'm so sorry I couldn't be there to help. I would have. He sadly sits down as close to Nalia as he can sit and contempt stays silent for once.

Time passes and you are joined by your dwarven companion Thraduik Brune as well. He shares similar condolences and wishes of being able to help. He drinks heavily in Turngut's memory and tries to keep this event as a celebration of Turngut's life.

More time goes by and late into the morning when the bar is mostly empty apart from a few patrons the doors to the Nomad open again. This time entering is Helgard von Eberich followed quickly behind by a guardsmen who attempts to convince him to return to the safety of his estate. But the guardsmen quickly realizes that any assassin who were to tango with Helgard would be in for an uphill battle of a fight.

Helgard approaches the bar and leans against it putting a gold coin down Your finest brandy. he says. You can't help but draw similarities from when you first met Helgard. Instead this time Helgard holds real emotion on his face sadness and anger. The bartender returns and hands Helgard the brandy which he downs quickly. Before walking over to your table.

Myladies he nods to Nalia and Vynya Mylords he nods to BobE, Poppo, MacGuire, Patches, and Thraduik. May I take a seat?

Female Half Elf Aberrant Mind Sorcerer 8 | 42/42 HP | AC 14 |Str +0, Dex +3, Con +6, Int +7, Wis +2, Cha +8 |Speed 30'|Arcane Fever 0%

Vynya blushes and giggles into her sleeve at being called a lady.

Silver Crusade

Female Human Cleric 7/ Fighter 1| 60/60 HP | AC 18/18 | Initiative +5 | Saves Str +3, Dex +0, Con +1, Int +0, Wis +6, Cha +5 | P. Wis 13, P. Int 10, P. Wis 16 | Perception +3 | Speed 30| Arcane Fever 6%

Nalia struggles to prevent the surprise from being seen on her face. Helgard, what brings you to the Nomad. We're celebrating the life of our friend Turngut. He was taken from us far too soon.

She looks a bit rough, as it's late and she's been trying to keep up with everyone else. It's hard to keep up with a dwarf!

Male Halfling Rogue 8 (Arcane Trickster) Loot HP 64/64 l AC 18 l Saves Str -2, Dex +8, Con +1, Int +6, Wis +1, Cha +2 l Spd 30' l Init +5 l Passive Perception 14 I Stealth +11 I Arcane Fever 0% I Effects: none, Spells Slots Lvl 2 2/2 Lvl 1 4/4 l Lvl 2 Knock, Invis l Lvl 1 - DM, Disg Self, Hid Laugh, Silver Barbs l Lvl 0 - Shock Grasp, Acid Splash, GFB

Poppo follows along as the group heads to the Nomad. Once there, he sits him on the far end of one table, and doesn't order anything. Eventually food and ale find there way in front of him. He just pushes the food around with his fork and takes only a few sips of ale, spending more time staring at it instead. As various friends come to call, he delivers appreciative nods at there words of care and encouragement, but little more.

Once von Eberich enters Poppo only has a nod for him as well when he delivers his greeting, then goes right back to staring into his ale, almost as if a whole world were contained in its golden hues; and that world was all that matters.


He nods to Poppo solemnly Truth be told Lady Nalia im here for the same reason. Helgard sits and calls for another glass of brandy. I received word from Dakrast a short while ago of Turngut's death, a damn shame. the brandy is brought to the table and downed once again quickly. Despite advice not to walk the streets because of the assassins I wished to come here and give my condolences. Especially considering how intertwined Turngut's fate was with mine. I also have full intention to attend his funeral. He pauses briefly And I have full intention to assist you in killing those responsible, with your blessing of course.

Grand Lodge

27 HP 45/ arcane fever 18 AC 14/ Touch 12/ FF 12/ CMD 16 / Init +2 / fort+6 ref+3 will +9/ Perception +5 /speed 30 /Arcane Fever 0% phantom 53 HP53 AC 18, tch 11, ff 17 Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +4 DR 5/slashing 5/magic cmd 18, perception +4 darkvision

BobE is silent. He reassures V and takes on the role of a guardian grandfather to her. He drinks s cup of cider, states st his friends then stands up and abruptly leaves.

gm eyes only:
BobE makes his way to where Turnguts body lies. He tells everyone to leave and will use the best of his knowledge to try to resurrect him. The best of his knowledge is animate dead and will turn him into a bloody skeleton.
I think this is what BobE would try to do not understanding what animate dead would do. If this throws a wrench into your plans, he could be dissuaded by a priest or someone.

Grand Lodge

27 HP 45/ arcane fever 18 AC 14/ Touch 12/ FF 12/ CMD 16 / Init +2 / fort+6 ref+3 will +9/ Perception +5 /speed 30 /Arcane Fever 0% phantom 53 HP53 AC 18, tch 11, ff 17 Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +4 DR 5/slashing 5/magic cmd 18, perception +4 darkvision

BobE makes his way back to the sun temple without alerting his companions

Silver Crusade

Female Human Cleric 7/ Fighter 1| 60/60 HP | AC 18/18 | Initiative +5 | Saves Str +3, Dex +0, Con +1, Int +0, Wis +6, Cha +5 | P. Wis 13, P. Int 10, P. Wis 16 | Perception +3 | Speed 30| Arcane Fever 6%

I can't speak for all my friends but any help we can get will help this city. That's all we are trying to do.

With that, she tries to catch Helgard up on the events since they've last seen him. She includes the information on the doppelgänger cult and the evil queen who brought down Turngut as well as their interactions with Francis, Ib and Tinboy.

As she relates the story she is trying to keep track of everyone in the bar, noting who's there to celebrate Turnguts life with them, who may not be, and where everyone is and who they might be interacting with. As I said, it's late and she may not be doing the best job of it, as she must assume BobE has gone up to bed and turned in early.

Male Halfling Rogue 8 (Arcane Trickster) Loot HP 64/64 l AC 18 l Saves Str -2, Dex +8, Con +1, Int +6, Wis +1, Cha +2 l Spd 30' l Init +5 l Passive Perception 14 I Stealth +11 I Arcane Fever 0% I Effects: none, Spells Slots Lvl 2 2/2 Lvl 1 4/4 l Lvl 2 Knock, Invis l Lvl 1 - DM, Disg Self, Hid Laugh, Silver Barbs l Lvl 0 - Shock Grasp, Acid Splash, GFB

Poppo pays little attention to what is going on around him, he just sits quietly.


Helgard stands from his seat My sabre, and the sabres of the Free Enderalan Company are at your disposal. He gives a bow I must depart now I'm afraid very important matters I must attend to. Helgard departs.

For BobE's Eyes Only:

Ok so since Turngut is in good condition and not a skeleton you can't turn him into a bloody skeleton and also mark off 25 gold pieces for the material component to turn Turngut into a zombie.

You walk towards the Sun Temple, its night time and thunder strikes a nearby tree sending sparks flying. The colossal stone statue of Malphas which holds the Sun Temple aloft on its back takes on an ominous look in the darkness. You enter the temple be recognized as a member of the Holy Order and go the place where you would know bodies are kept.

No one is in the room only the corpse of your former companion Turngut. Would you like to cast animate dead?

After some drinking, eating, and tears you all head back to the Sun Temple to get some rest before the funeral ceremony tomorrow. Would anyone like to do anything else before that?

Grand Lodge

27 HP 45/ arcane fever 18 AC 14/ Touch 12/ FF 12/ CMD 16 / Init +2 / fort+6 ref+3 will +9/ Perception +5 /speed 30 /Arcane Fever 0% phantom 53 HP53 AC 18, tch 11, ff 17 Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +4 DR 5/slashing 5/magic cmd 18, perception +4 darkvision

gm eyes only:
BobE makes it to the sun temple and prepares the spell. he ensures the doors are closed and locked. he rest his hand on Turnguts huge shoulder I will bring you back my friend. I will not let the wrongness of your death hurt our friends. BobE starts finishes the spell as a red glow envelopes the orc. BobE grins and yells yes! yes! come back my friend only to freeze with the smile slowly turning to horror. Whats this! no NO! NO!! I didn't want this! NO ! Slowly Turngut's flesh melts from around his bones. He sits up with slowly and his face and chest pulls off his frame. as he stands his eyeballs drop into his skull and roll out by his spine, striking his pelvis and rolling across the floor. BobE looks in horror as his friend is now a bloody skeleton staring eyeless at him. BobE paces back and forth and hears a wet smack and Turngut's skeleton follows him leaving bloody footprints on the floor. what to do what am I going to do. this is not right. how did this happen . tears streak down his face. BobE finally decides on an action. he finds an old cloak and wraps it around the Turngut's skeleton and then wraps some of the burial cloth around his head and leads him back to the inn. All the while Beatrip laughs and sneers and cries intermittently [i] YOU fool! I told you! I freaking told you not to do this! [/b] BobE has Turngut's skeleton hide in the shadows of the back of the tavern with Beatrip and

BobE sneaks into the tavern after dark. stealth: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19 He gently knocks on Nalia's door and whispers

nalia and gm :
Nalia, I need help come quick. don't wake the others. and try not to be mad. I made a mistake. a bad mistake

Female Half Elf Aberrant Mind Sorcerer 8 | 42/42 HP | AC 14 |Str +0, Dex +3, Con +6, Int +7, Wis +2, Cha +8 |Speed 30'|Arcane Fever 0%

Vynya is so enamored by the rich fare (a simple beef stew), she fails to notice BobE leaving or Poppo’s mood. Although she finds it amazing, she actually eats very little and declines any alcohol. Once she realizes everyone is heading to bed, she’ll slip away to sleep in one of her normal spots in the Undercity. She shows up before dawn the next morning for the funeral.

Male Halfling Rogue 8 (Arcane Trickster) Loot HP 64/64 l AC 18 l Saves Str -2, Dex +8, Con +1, Int +6, Wis +1, Cha +2 l Spd 30' l Init +5 l Passive Perception 14 I Stealth +11 I Arcane Fever 0% I Effects: none, Spells Slots Lvl 2 2/2 Lvl 1 4/4 l Lvl 2 Knock, Invis l Lvl 1 - DM, Disg Self, Hid Laugh, Silver Barbs l Lvl 0 - Shock Grasp, Acid Splash, GFB

Poppo quietly retreats to the Sun Temple with the others and retires to his chamber.

Nothing more from Poppo

Silver Crusade

Female Human Cleric 7/ Fighter 1| 60/60 HP | AC 18/18 | Initiative +5 | Saves Str +3, Dex +0, Con +1, Int +0, Wis +6, Cha +5 | P. Wis 13, P. Int 10, P. Wis 16 | Perception +3 | Speed 30| Arcane Fever 6%

Finally, I get a secret message! Cool! For my eyes only... and the GM I guess.

for Bobie and GM only!:
Nalia will quickly rise and come to help BobE. She gathers her weapons and quickly puts on her armor, not knowing what she's getting herself into. What have you done and where did you get off to?

Grand Lodge

27 HP 45/ arcane fever 18 AC 14/ Touch 12/ FF 12/ CMD 16 / Init +2 / fort+6 ref+3 will +9/ Perception +5 /speed 30 /Arcane Fever 0% phantom 53 HP53 AC 18, tch 11, ff 17 Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +4 DR 5/slashing 5/magic cmd 18, perception +4 darkvision

nalia and gm only:
outside quick. once outside the frantic sweating BobE with tears streaked across his face says I'm so sorry so sorry I should have known better I should have. But I thought...I thought I could bring him back on my own. I didn't know. Oh Nalia I am so sorry look for ypurself
Nalia will then notice beatrip standing next to an cloaked and facial shrouded orciah form standing in the shadows.
Beatrip cackles the idiot doesn't know the difference between resurrection and animate dead. I guess they do sound similar to a moron

action she was asked to take:
nalia uncovers the shrouded forms face and initially thinks she sees a bloody smiling turngut. Then she realizes the wide mouth smile is the lack of skin on the face. She looks into the eyes and sees empty black holes with blood dripping from the sockets. The tusk ring once given to him by a maiden is still attached to his tusk, leaving no doubt as to the skeleton's identity

Silver Crusade

Female Human Cleric 7/ Fighter 1| 60/60 HP | AC 18/18 | Initiative +5 | Saves Str +3, Dex +0, Con +1, Int +0, Wis +6, Cha +5 | P. Wis 13, P. Int 10, P. Wis 16 | Perception +3 | Speed 30| Arcane Fever 6%

bobie only:
What have you done? Our friend is a mindless pile of bones! Can this be undone? Surely the holy order can fix this. Why is he here? We must get him away from here. Poppo can never see this, can NEVER know of this! With that exclamation, she quickly covers Boneybuts head and starts to usher them both towards the temple grounds, in hopes of talking to Father Wintrhop.

Grand Lodge

27 HP 45/ arcane fever 18 AC 14/ Touch 12/ FF 12/ CMD 16 / Init +2 / fort+6 ref+3 will +9/ Perception +5 /speed 30 /Arcane Fever 0% phantom 53 HP53 AC 18, tch 11, ff 17 Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +4 DR 5/slashing 5/magic cmd 18, perception +4 darkvision

nalia only:
I know I know. I thought of that but... isn't the penalty for this death....maybe I should just leave... I dont know
[ooc] "boneybutt" I love it

Silver Crusade

Female Human Cleric 7/ Fighter 1| 60/60 HP | AC 18/18 | Initiative +5 | Saves Str +3, Dex +0, Con +1, Int +0, Wis +6, Cha +5 | P. Wis 13, P. Int 10, P. Wis 16 | Perception +3 | Speed 30| Arcane Fever 6%

bobie only:
I fear we may have consequences to this but we'll stand up to them when the time comes. For now we must focus on the problem in front of us. I don't know enough about this to hazard if it can even be corrected, but I'm sure someone does. A mistake made in good faith, however STUPID, surely can't deserve death. What sort of land are we in that would punish a man for trying to save a friend? Especially friends that have been doing nothing but try and save the adopted land they are in? Hurry, I fear we must hurry!

Grand Lodge

27 HP 45/ arcane fever 18 AC 14/ Touch 12/ FF 12/ CMD 16 / Init +2 / fort+6 ref+3 will +9/ Perception +5 /speed 30 /Arcane Fever 0% phantom 53 HP53 AC 18, tch 11, ff 17 Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +4 DR 5/slashing 5/magic cmd 18, perception +4 darkvision

yes this is taking too long. They will be up soon


Ooooooh its so secreative!

For BobE and Nalia's Eyes Only:

By the way you will not be considered to take a long rest because of this. Also Jon I need you to change your alignment from neutral good, to chaotic good.

You both rush through the streets the temple district you get the occasional looks from passerby's. With it being night they don't notice the cloaked skeletal orc. You finally arrive in the temple district, your first time here.

At the entrance to the district is a garden that branches out to eight different paths. The paths lead through vast beautiful gardens with stone statues of various Lightborn and heroic paladins and priests. One of the paths leads to a massive chapel the biggest in the district with the large symbol of a burning eye with a longsword pointing downward behind it, the symbol of Malphas.

You enter the chapel and for the most part its quiet a couple of people praying in the gigantic cathedral and a few priests that walk about lighting various incense burners. A few paladins that have similar armor to the keepers of the order, but have a more silvery appearance patrol the temple.

You are able to find your way to the chambers of the high priest Father Winthrop. The feeble grey haired man opens the door Ah Mysir BobE, Madame Nalia its very late what can I do for you/

For Poppo's Eyes Only:

You have a restless nights sleep, thrashing and turning. Thoughts of sorrow go through your mind, keeping you awake until you fall asleep from sheer exhaustion. But even in your dreams you find no rest, instead you find yourself standing in the hallway beneath the stairs of the Beartilde crypt. You look up at a sealed metal door with arcane runes

"Beyond is buried one of great evil, the wielder of "He Who Grins". Only chaos and great evil will follow if you open this door. TURN BACK."

Writing above the door reads, a cold chill fills the air and hear the strange sound of distant violins playing for a moment before looking down at your arm. The searing mark of Gaunter O'Dimm now emblazoned like a cattle brand on your forearm. It glows a magically fiery red and now you understand what it does.

The Brand of Master Mirror
Aura: conjuration (teleportation), evocation
Slot: N/A
Price: N/A
Weight: 0lbs

The Brand of Master Mirror appears to be infernal runes of unknown origins. With the Brand of Master Mirror you understand and can speak infernal. The Brand of Master Mirror has three charges per day and can cast two spells each of which cost one charge.

The first spell you can cast is scorching ray at 7th level (Two rays, 40ft)

The second spell is a short range dimension door that lets you teleport a maximum of 15ft.

You awaken in a cold sweat looking down at your forearm the glow is almost blinding but then fades to the burnt skin color.

For Vynya's Eyes Only:

Vynya you make your way back to the Undercity, a weaving winding tangle of buildings that you are able to make your way through no problem. Those who you see avoid you like the plague, and you make your way to a little nook that you can sleep for the night.

A mess of straw is usually the best thing you can find so you lay down for a rest. Your dreams are fragmented and while some are nothing more than standard dreams some show you what is, what was, and what may come. But even those dreams are somewhat unclear.

You see a mansion, huge bigger than any building in the Undercity or in Ark for that matter. Lights so bright, music, dancing, a party.

You see the castle at the Archcliff, very busy. Figures dart around quickly.

You see a somber funeral at the top of the Sun Temple, the burning of a comrade. But, soon this vision warps you don't see the melancholy funeral anymore but instead a trial. An old man with a ghost in his shadow stands before eight figures. The dream fragments into several split possibilities. A hanging, cold winter castle, a dark cave, and a tavern.

Then you see a horrifying sight, which you hope in pray is not real. The same old man with a ghost from before conjures dark magic around a green skinned body, and the same skin peels back, falls off the bone and rises.

Then you wake up.

Silver Crusade

Female Human Cleric 7/ Fighter 1| 60/60 HP | AC 18/18 | Initiative +5 | Saves Str +3, Dex +0, Con +1, Int +0, Wis +6, Cha +5 | P. Wis 13, P. Int 10, P. Wis 16 | Perception +3 | Speed 30| Arcane Fever 6%

BobE and GM:
Father Winthrope, so good of you to receive us so late. We are truly in need of your help and guidance. As you know, we lost our friend Turngut and it has rattled all of us. I think we've all struggled this last day since we lost him. I know myself, I immediately tried to raise him with this glorious sword of our lord Malphas. As powerful as it is, it was not able to aid me. My friend BobE reached for anything he could to help the situation but I fear he's made things worse. I'll let him explain what happened but we need to know what we can do to reverse it, to truly raise our friend or give him back the peace in death he's certainly earned.

Grand Lodge

27 HP 45/ arcane fever 18 AC 14/ Touch 12/ FF 12/ CMD 16 / Init +2 / fort+6 ref+3 will +9/ Perception +5 /speed 30 /Arcane Fever 0% phantom 53 HP53 AC 18, tch 11, ff 17 Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +4 DR 5/slashing 5/magic cmd 18, perception +4 darkvision

nalia and gm only:
I am so sorry I dont know what really happened. I tried to bring him back but well look for yourself. I dont know I am so sorry BobE motions at boneybutt


For BobE's and Nalia's Eyes Only:

The father recoils from the sight of the skeleton, undead are not often seen within city walls let alone the walls of a temple. After a few brief moments the Father Winthrop calms down My dear boy, how foolish of you. Bring him in here quickly! You enter the humble chambers of the head priest.

You used the animate dead spell? Truly foolish indeed, but I can understand why I suppose. I know its hard to loose a close friend but maybe consult with a few people who know about these things before trying it. Winthrop says seriously. Lucky for you, I was around when they first banned necromancy around sixty years ago so I know more about the dark arts than you might think. He hobbles over to his neat desk and begins writing on a blank scroll and weaving magics into it.

After a little while he stops and struggles to rise from his chair grabbing the scroll case. His hands shake tremendously as he hands you the scroll Its a scroll of restore corpse He pauses briefly Now it won't work on him while he's in this state, you'll have to dispel that magic in some way. But once he is not longer undead that should restore his skin, organs, everything. You're a cleric? He asks BobE When you rest you can prepare the gentle repose spell. You'll want to cast that on him. The restore corpse spell, will put flesh back on his bones but it will look off, slightly more rotted and torn away. Gentle Repose should make him look back to normal.

The father pauses again and looks at the panicked look on both Nalia and BobE's faces. He chuckles a little bit I really don't think you will have anything to worry about. From what I've heard Old Arantheal thinks the world of you all, and the Signet Master wont soon forget how you saved his dear boy Micolash. The old man who is even older than BobE begins to usher you out of his room Lady Nalia I would like discuss with you further about you being The Chosen of Malphas, its... its something I have been waiting for since I came to the faith. Come visit me when you have the chance. May Malphas guide you both.

Grand Lodge

27 HP 45/ arcane fever 18 AC 14/ Touch 12/ FF 12/ CMD 16 / Init +2 / fort+6 ref+3 will +9/ Perception +5 /speed 30 /Arcane Fever 0% phantom 53 HP53 AC 18, tch 11, ff 17 Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +4 DR 5/slashing 5/magic cmd 18, perception +4 darkvision

nalia and gm:
BobE will do as instructed and quickly prepare things.

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