Lleidr |

Architecture joke. I like dungeons with wide corridors and open spaces that flow into one another instead of these narrow hallways and doors everywhere.

ziltmilt |

Sorry for the delay. This weekend was fairly busy, and then on Sunday, I noticed a big update in the AI in the freeware app, TripleA. TripleA has oodles of massive maps so people can play Axis & Allies-style wargames.
So, the liberation of Europe delayed me. I finally chased German troops out of Paris by late last night, so I should be more timely now with the updates.

Nicholae Szabo |

Will someone PLEASE kill her? I will have to channel otherwise and that helps her.

ziltmilt |

Thanks, L. for listing out all the goodies you guys have found. Here's a question for you guys, and what's prompting the question is how much of a nuisance it is to track inventory, including wealth.
How would you guys feel if you were in an RPG where the GM was responsible for reporting on your money, your gear, which container (backpack, saddle bag, etc) held what, what your treasures are appraised at, what magic items you've ID'd, etc?
Typically, in games I've been in, the players have handled this. I've been toying around with an inventory app i've built in Excel that'll take care of all that stuff. But, if players would object harshly to having a non-player juggle the numbers, there's not much point in continuing. A feature I plan on adding to it, is for it to auto-magically export to a Google spreadsheet.
So, what do you think? Would having a tool like this make the game easier?

GM Helaman |

Hells yes... Generally a google drive excel sheet is all that is needed.
Unclaimed stuff goes on it. Claimed stuff is removed from it and goes on the the characters profile.
GP wealth tallied and is split here on a post and we all update our characters profile.
Where it gets sticky is "do we just take items as needed" or do we 'buy' the item for an equal share of gold.
So far its been the case that items are just taken on the basis of who can use them best. I am ok with that generally speaking but this arc I am ending up a bit light.

![]() |

The main reason the players track their own treasure pot is because the GM has enough on their plate just trying to keep the game moving, but I don't think any player would ever object to the GM tracking that for them.
On another note, unless we plan on continuing on to another adventure all this talk about dividing up treasure is irrelevant. Don't get me wrong I'd love to continue on, but if we don't plan on it we might as well just "give it all to a good charity".

ziltmilt |

Another part of this thing is tracking encumbrance & the capacity of various containers. You'll notice 4 different sections on this tab of the XLS file:
1) Green - a list of all entities: PCs, NPCs, locations
2) Gold - a list of things held directly by the selected entity. When you select something in the list on the green side, you see everything held by that person or place. In this case, Hakak is carrying a backpack, pouch & bedroll.
3) Grey - when you select a container in a location or worn by an entity (the beltpouch carried by Hakak in this image), it shows you the contents of that container. And, the little popup box is happening as a result of pushing the 'Capacity' button. It tells me how much room is left in the pouch.
4) Black - wealth & weight. Wealth can be summarized in several different ways. This is showing a summary of all the coins carried by Hakak. And, finally it shows weight carried.
Right now, these values are keyed for 5th ed D&D, so the cost of the backpack and bedroll is probably off a bit from PF. I'll add a simple formula to display encumbrance under 'weight carried'.

GM Helaman |

Ok... guys, treasure sorting is tough at the table and harder in real life.
We'll go with Liedr's cash breakdown of 430 each before items. Everyone note that.
If we sell the wand of produce flames and the wand of shocking grasp along with the scrolls? Whats the party take Lleidr? Add to that the MW Handaxe that Hakak mentioned. We'll keep the silver dagger for now.
That leaves us with
* Cold Iron +1 returning dagger. Lliedr
* Longsword +1. Hakak but he doesn't seem to want it. I'll take it if no one else wants it.
* masterwork composite longbow, STR rating unknown, default book value 400 gp, carried by Ned I think? Lets get this identified and let Ned hold it.
* 4 +1 elfbane arrows - I think these also go to Ned
* Gut-tugger, +1 short sword. Offered to Selina
* masterwork composite longbow, STR rating unknown, default book value 400 gp - I think this should go to Hakak but anyone else want it?
* Sihedron medallion, has the ability to grant 'Gentle Repose' on its bearer. I don't see the use in this but it is an ancient artifact so lets retain it as a party.
* composite short bow, STR rating unknown, default book value 75 gp. I don't know - I think this should go to Jubrayl but anyone else want it?
* masterwork thieves' tools. Lleidr is the only one who can make this work for him. Let him have them.
* +1 bastard sword - this should go to our servant of Ragathiel if he's proficient in it.
* +1 breastplate - I think Hakak could use some more protection - he is 50-50 on it, anyone else want it?
* Wand of Magic Missiles, 37 charges, command word and caster level unknown. Lleidr can use this.
* Wand of Tree Shape, 4 charges, command word and caster level unknown. Not sure what to do with this? Sell it? Ned? You want it?
* small +1 leather armor. Lleidr can use it. No one else can - I say let him have it
* Four potions CMW and 2 CLWs. Oracle and Cleric are probably best to take the CLWs and everyone else take a CMW...
It is these final 2 items:
* Cloak of Resistance +1
* Ring of Protection +1
That I need to nail down.
If ANYONE else has a claim, spit it out now, please. If you disagree with my suggestions, let me know.

Nicholae Szabo |

You asked for the Bastard Sword earlier... Lets find something you want then. Just the scrolls?

Lleidr |

First, the brain the jar and the f'ed up teddy bear are gonna give me nightmares, so thanks both of y'all :)
Second, it's really weird to be, in real life, a creative writing type with a shoddy grasp of numbers, especially when it comes to finances, playing the group's thief, but trying to come up with fair division of the booty. Something inside is telling me to borrow money I can't pay back and steal something while I'm at it...
To throw out a different format, I'm showing the final breakdown as:
Hakak: 430 gp, masterwork composite longbow, +1 breastplate, a silver dagger, and a potion of Cure Moderate Wounds
Jubrayl: 430 gp, composite shortbow, +1 bastard sword, and a potion of Cure Moderate Wounds
Lleidr: 346 gp, Fang of Erylium (+1 cold iron returning dagger), small +1 leather armor, Wand of Magic Missiles, potion of Cure Moderate Wounds, masterwork thieves' tools, masterwork flute, and Ripnugget's dented crown
Ned: 430 gp, masterwork composite longbow, 4 +1 elfbane arrows, and a potion of Cure Moderate Wounds
Nich: 430 gp, +1 longsword, and 2 potions of Cure Light Wounds
Selia: 430 gp, and a potion of Cure Light Wounds
Story loot: Sihedron medallion, Father Tobyn's ashes, Nualia's journals and notes, and a horse
To add in: the masterwork handaxe (value 306 gp) should sell for 153 gp
The scrolls value at: Comprehend Languages: 25 gp; Minor Image: 150 gp; See Invisibility: 150 gp; Sleep: 25 gp; and Whispering Wind: 150 gp
Lyrie's spellbook should sell for about 300 gp
The Wand of Produce Flame: 750 gp
The Wand of Shocking Grasp: 750 gp
The Wand of Tree Shape: 4500 gp
Gut-tugger: 2000 gp
The Cloak of Resistance +1 is worth 1000 gp, and the Ring of Protection +1 is worth 2000 gp. I really think someone (significant look at Selia and Ned) should wear them, but it's up to the group.
Without those last two items, the total is 8953 gp, or another 1790 gp each for everyone except Lleidr, who isn't taking a share.
If y'all want to throw the protection magic in the sell pile, it becomes 11,953 gp, split 5 ways to 2390 each.

Nicholae Szabo |

Throw it in the pot and I agree on Shelia.
Liedr those prices are at full charge. The wand of tree shape has only 4 charges. Sale value is 360gp (90 gp a charge), the wand of produce flame at 34 charges is only worth 510gp
Finally the horse with worth some money if returned.

Lleidr |

Throw it in the pot and I agree on Shelia.
Liedr those prices are at full charge. The wand of tree shape has only 4 charges. Sale value is 360gp (90 gp a charge), the wand of produce flame at 34 charges is only worth 510gp
Finally the horse with worth some money if returned.
Gotcha. Didn't realize the price would fluctuate with charges, thought it was just based on the item itself.
So, let's see...adjusted for the remaining charges, removing the Wand of Shocking Grasp (since I can't seem to pry the info about it from Zilt), and adding in Hakak's chain shirt (50 gp), the new total is 3873 gp, split 5 ways gives each of y'all 774 gp.
If the protection magic stays in the sell pile, the total is 6873, split 5 ways for 1374 gp each.
Was there a reward for the return of the horse? Or did you mean the value we could get for selling it?

Lleidr |

Lleidr was skipping out on the second cut because the first split of coinage was gonna be enough to cover gifts for the family back home and donations to help repair damages to Sandpoint from the goblin raid...and hopefully still have a few left over for food and travel. Plus, the FoE was comparatively a very expensive item. The Southerner in me has to decline twice, but ultimately Lleidr will take a cut if y'all insist.

Nicholae Szabo |

Are we gonna all die here? It just wore 66pts of dmg and nearly one shotted the barbarian... run away?

Lleidr |

I was thinking about some strategy today. It seems the most important thing we can do at this point is neutralize Malfeshnekor's DR so some of these shots will really hurt.
* Hakak needs a magic boost. Can someone cast magic weapon on his axe?
* Ned, you've got 4 +1 arrows. The elfbane feature doesn't come into play, but they'll still do full damage. If you are going into melee, there's Gut-tugger (+1 short sword) that I guess Lleidr's still carrying for now and will be glad to pass to you
* Selia, if you move your first eagle down a square, it'll be in a flanking position for Hakak and Ned (if he stays in melee). Putting the second one beside it will flank for Jubrayl.
* Jub really needs a hit :) I was thinking of manifesting Arg and having him move over to fight defensively and Aid Jub's attacks?
* Now that melee's going on, I think Lleidr is most effective hanging back and casting magic missiles: they're auto hit and do more than my dagger
Does any of that sound useful? I drank a lot of beer while thinking, and that usually seems to help lol