Will Pratt |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Hello all I've been trying to be in an online game for a while now but because of my schedule ROll20 hasn't worked out and of the 3-5 play by posts I've been in they have all dropped of quickly because of the DM or some other reason so I'm creating my own Play by Post and it's going to be very high power.
I will let you all know now when exams start up I will let you all know a week beforehand that my posting rate will drop off a little, but I will come back as soon as they end. My goal is to never go more than 3 days during exams without posting otherwise I will probably be posting every day
3PP- No 3PP of any kind are going to be allowed
Technology- No tech of any kind is allowed no guns either I'm not a fan of them at all.
Gestalt- If you don't know how gestalt works the skinny of it is you level up in two different classes at the same time. You will be leveling up on two bilateral lines that don't intersect. if you ave any questions look here http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/gestaltCharacters.htm or contact me
Classes- All classes except for the gunslinger and the summoner are legal in this game.
Race- All Pathfinder races from the core and featured races are allowed I may allow other races just ask the worst I can do is say no. No races with more than 15RP will be allowed unless there is a significant drawback to them and/or they are in the core or featured races section.
Stats-30 point buy no score can go below an 8. If you dump all of your stats that's fine but please play him correctly don't have someone with a cha of 8 and no ranks in diplomacy be an eloquent speaker he won't be one he'll be very blunt.
Gold-300 starting gold for everyone
Traits-2 traits one has to be a campaign trait while you won't be required to pick one that goes with your mythic path it is recommended.
HD-Max at first level and then you will roll each level after that 1s are re-rolls and once in your career you may re-roll any 1 roll for HP. you must take the second result even if it's worse. If you change your PC and have already used your re-roll for HP tough luck it's been used.
Hero Points- I may give you hero points later in the game I"m not sure yet if I will, though. If you want to use them on any of the standard uses you may. If I give them to you though I will be pretty liberal in what they let you do since you'll be both gestalt and Mythic you should be able to break the rules a little with them no hero point feats will be allowed and if they are given out they will be very rare at most you would get 6 in your career if not less.
Fluff- The better your fluff is the better your chances are don't expect to be chosen with I hit stuff with a sword because it's fun.
Mythic- You don't start out mythic you will become mythic when you do
Leveling- I won't be handing out EXP I'll be letting you know when you level up it will be based on when you normally would level up in the book. When you level up mythic or otherwise you will be given 2 additional days to make your next post and have your PC updated because it can take a while to do that while gestalt that is you will have 4 days after you level to make a post any later and refer to the above.
I don't think this will happen often though because I"m usually pretty good at keeping things balanced
I will, however, do open rolls for the entire game so if mods start to get lower or higher this is why if you have a question as to why let me know, but this will be the answer
Fights will be done using a free-form style of gameplay where I will provide a map and we will just move in to attack I will give you distances and the like and you'll act accordingly. I will provide a map of where you are, but it will not be used as a grid.
I like fluff I think it's very important and I will do my best to provide as much for you all as I can if you ask I will try to answer you unless it will mess up the plot.
I think that covers everything that I need to if you have any questions let me know and I will answer them applications will close Nov. 3rd 11:59 PST
You may submit your character on here or through a myth-weaver sheet.

Archae-Nym |

Color me interested, I just dropped out of a recruitment thing cause of the restrictions and such and low and be hold i find another to join.
ill need to update with the power increase but that's no biggie. as for the classes i'm doing unchained rogue (acrobat) and i'll pick the other gestalt after.
I will need to do a bit of background updating as well as i changed it to work with the previous recruitment i spoke about. so i need to change it back. the concept is a Thrill-seeking Assassin who is emotionally stunted carrying more weapons than your average dwarven armory.
Also i actually just started using Mythweavers, so i'll update on that then post the link here. Also Level 1 start Right?

Archae-Nym |

Also here's the link to my myth-weavers sheet
i have 145 in gold left after getting everything i need, so if anyone has any suggestions for pick ups or more weapons feel free to comment
Heres a list of whati have for weapons right now
Composite shortbow Common arrows and Blunted Arrows
Blade boots
And a Cestus
thinking a set of daggers, maybe a morning star.
Oh and background is in the profile, i'm still adding to it but the basics are there. Also for the campaign traits, I've look through them and i will probably be working in chance encounter.

oyzar |

Very interested in this! I'm thinking half-orc bloodrager//scarred witch doctor, but I would obviously prefer to use the pre-errata scarred-witch doctor. Would you allow that? Also, can I take Extra Hex with my first level feat despite not actually knowing any hexes yet since for some weird reason scarshield doesn't count as a hex? Lastly, I hope a slight re-flavoring of riftwarden orphan is ok so that only one of the parents is a riftwarden and that the character haven't actually grown up in Kenabres? Lastly, can we take a drawback for an extra trait? If enough of those answers are negative I might end up going with another concept instead, probably witch//alchemist.

AdamWarnock |

Dotting. I think I have something that will provide you with ample opportunity tortu-- I mean develop the character. ;)
By the way, I second the question about the unchained classes. I was also wondering fi you'd be using he background skills as well as the artistry and lore skills from Pathfinder Unchained as well?

Arachnofiend |

I will get into a Wrath game eventually... My first thought is a Tiefling Paladin/Bloodrager, caught between her fiendish nature and divine goals. Might be a bit too focused on the smashy smash mechanically for a gestalt game but I'd like to give it a go. Will report back in later with a sheet/backstory.

Will Pratt |

@NenkotaMoon I don't understand your question. Stats for me are STR, DEX COn INT WIS CHA and nothing else and class has nothing to do with that. Can you be more specific in what you mean?
@thunderbeard If you want to include it sure if not though it doesn't really matter to me at the moment just start to get an idea if you don't already have one
All unchained classes will be allowed except for the summoner no summoner of any kind is allowed
@Oyzar you must use the current errata no pre-errata of anything, scarshield doesn't count as a hex,
Normally I'm perfectly fine with re-flavoring anything so long as it works the same mechanically but because of how this AP works if I change how that trait is created it would have to be changed for anyone else who chose that trait and it would change some of the in game flavor and events later on. That's all I'll say on the subject so not to let to many spoiler go.
And finally I don't like the drawback system because I don't think it' very balanced.
@Edinoiz No we aren't using the background skills system.

Edinoiz |

Cool, then I know. I have a question though.
As a Paladin with the Mount Divine Bond; how would the Monstrous Mount feat work with the Mounstrous Companion feat if I wanted to use, say, a Hippogriff as my mount/cohort?
Would the mount progress in racial HD according to my paladin (druid equivalent via Divine Bond) levels while it also gains class levels as my Mounstrous Companion cohort?

Saranda Damusil |

Here we go. I have a Sorcerer/ Rogue up to bat. Sill working on a back story, but I should have something soon. Link to Mythweaver character sheet below and on alias profile.
Link here for Erran http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=603418

oyzar |

@Oyzar you must use the current errata no pre-errata of anything, scarshield doesn't count as a hex,
Normally I'm perfectly fine with re-flavoring anything so long as it works the same mechanically but because of how this AP works if I change how that trait is created it would have to be changed for anyone else who chose that trait and it would change some of the in game flavor and events later on. That's all I'll say on the subject so not to let to many spoiler go.
And finally I don't like the drawback system because I don't think it' very balanced.
Fair enough. With mythic and gestalt there is already plenty of power. Some GMs are willing to bend things more than others. Good to know where you stand :). I think I'll go alchemist instead of bloodrager then, though I might still go scarred witch doctor. What do you think about scarred witch doctor? A cool twist on the witch class or something that will be a stretch to justify for this game?

Will Pratt |

@Edinoiz I knew there was something I was forgetting and I'm sorry if this messes with your PC design but no cohorts of any kind and this includes the monstrous companion feat. You can take the monstrous mount feat if you like to get a hippogriff as a mount I have no problem with that however with how much power you all have and the extra headache of cohorts I'm not going to be allowing them. Sorry like I said I knew I was forgetting something but I don't want to have to keep checking on upwards of 12 character sheets
@Oyzar I've been in games with Scarred witch doctor and I think it's a cool fun class and like anything can easily be incorporated into this game.

Athraz the Redeemed |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Cue the theme song!
Meet Athraz the Redeemed, a reformed kobold who reveres Apsu and trains in monastic ways to perfect himself into the dragon he believes he is. He is a mix of the Monk of the Four Winds with the Qinggong monk archetypes plus the Theologian cleric archetype, using the Dragon subdomain. He specializes in buffing, unarmed combat and being an overzealous hero. He wandered off from his tribe when he was younger and was rescued by a female archer who guided him to safety, opening his eyes to greater things with her kind demeanor. Now, he trains relentlessly to unlock his draconic heritage, hoping to one day journey back into the Worldwound, find the archer woman (if she still lives) and repay her for her kindness (or rain down destruction on her killers).
I still have to flesh out his history and personality completely, but mechanically, he should be mostly set.

Archae-Nym |

Cue the theme song!
Meet Athraz the Redeemed, a reformed kobold who reveres Apsu and trains in monastic ways to perfect himself into the dragon he believes he is. He is a mix of the Monk of the Four Winds with the Qinggong monk archetypes plus the Theologian cleric archetype, using the Dragon subdomain. He specializes in buffing, unarmed combat and being an overzealous hero. He wandered off from his tribe when he was younger and was rescued by a female archer who guided him to safety, opening his eyes to greater things with her kind demeanor. Now, he trains relentlessly to unlock his draconic heritage, hoping to one day journey back into the Worldwound, find the archer woman (if she still lives) and repay her for her kindness (or rain down destruction on her killers).
I still have to flesh out his history and personality completely, but mechanically, he should be mostly set.
Iron fist theme I approve.

Athraz the Redeemed |

All set now! Presenting Athraz the Redeemed for consideration!
Male Kobold Monk/Cleric/1
LG Small Humanoid (Reptilian)
Deity: Apsu
Init +3; Senses Perception +8
AC 18 Touch 18 Flat-footed 12
HP 9/9
Fort +3 Ref +6 Will +4 (+2 vs. sleep or paralysis)
Domains Scalykind (Dragon)
Favored Class Monk (+1/3 AC bonus)
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Unarmed Strike +5 (1d4/x2)
Special Venomous Stare (DC 12) 1d6+1 nonlethal + fascinate
Channel Positive Energy (DC 11) 1d6 pos energy, 4/4
Flurry of Blows (-1/-1)
Elemental Fist +1d6 fire/cold/acid/elec (1/1)
1st (DC 13) - Magic Fang (domain), Blessed Fist, Firebelly
0th (DC 12) - Create Water, Detect Magic, Read Magic
Str 10, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 12
Base Atk +0; CMB -1; CMD 15
Feats Snatch Arrow, Weapon Finesse
Traits Chance Encounter, Blood of Dragons
Skills Acrobatics +8, Heal +6, Kn. Religion +5, Perception +8, Stealth +12
Languages Draconic, Common
Regardless of the danger, Athraz, at only age 8, undertook the task and ventured far into the treacherous land. Too far, in fact, as when it came time to make his way back, he found himself lost and his path cut off. Scared and alone, he was rescued in his darkest hour by a very striking female archer. She showed him kindness and bravery, taking him to the edges of the Wound and guiding him towards Kenabres, before vanishing back into the dark lands as strangely as she appeared. Athraz had not seen such cunning, grace or generosity before, and her act opened his eyes to far bigger and grander things.
Upon reaching Kenabres, Athraz sneaked his way into the city, finding his way into a temple of Iomedae before the city watch was alerted. Again, the young kobold was saved by the kindness of an old priestess of Iomedae, claiming the kobold was a refugee of the temple and that he was her responsibility. Twice, his life had been saved by the kindness of larger species, and he vowed to walk the most righteous path he could to repay them. They believed he could be far greater than anyone, even himself, thought possible, and he refused to let them down.
Since that day, Athraz has resided in the temple of the priestess who saved his life, helping when he can and constructing his own shrine to Apsu, the dragon god creater. He has studied divine practices and martial regimens, pushing his mind and body to their limits constantly to make himself a proper dragon. In doing so, he has unlocked incredible powers and appointed himself the unofficial guardian of the Iomedaen temple and its elderly priestess, a task which he takes quite seriously.
Athraz much prefers to fight by himself, not out of dislike for teamwork, but because he is consistently trying to test himself and his skill in battle, as he has yet to have a true challenge with a real foe (few take a kobold warrior seriously, and when they do, they do not anticipate fair fights). Although he knows he shouldn't be eager to pick fights, he is itching for a chance to put his skills to real use. In spite of his face of confidence, Athraz has very low value for his life, seeing himself as a monster among heroes and not worthy to stand beside them without great struggle. However, two people have risked themselves to save him, which means that he must have something worthwhile inside him. And if his life is worth something, the life of every larger being around him must be worth even greater!
Athraz constantly hopes that one day, he will have the power to venture back into the Worldwound and find the woman who saved his life first, so that he may show her that her risk was not in vain. He also hopes to one day return to his tribe and show them the value of Apsu's teachings and the words of metallic dragons; though their scales differ, their power is no less, and he is living proof that they can achieve mighty things under their watch.

Archae-Nym |

i know feel i need to find my character a theme song dang it...
Also just in case
I wasn't always like this you know... I used to have a family...A mom, dad, and older brother. My parents were killed in front of me...by my brother. I don't know why, he just went insane. It was then that i just stopped caring about everything.
Emotions are confusing, he's my older brother i should love him but he's a murderer so i should hate him. it was all too confusing. I was alone, my brother disappeared. I spent most of my time alone, I was bored. i felt barely anything no matter what i did. I became a
killer for hire, the problem with the job is normally emotional struggle, people being unable to cope with stress of murder...not me i couldn't feel or at the very least i didn't care anymore.
Hatred...It's one of the few emotions i still feel. I did my research, I found big brother went back to drinking blood... That's the problem with living among other Bloodmarked, The addiction, it was a clan thing. They would all drink blood, to appease the demon lord Zura. That's why i hate Demons...It's not Tristan's fault he went insane... it's their fault. I will kill them all.
I've been called reckless by some of the few team's I've worked with before...I would run into combat without fear...I know it's stupid but sometimes i hope that if i keep doing it, eventually i will start feeling fear. Hoping to feel scared,It's odd.
I take no pleasure in what i do, the killing i mean. I don't hate it, but to me the lives of other people are no different than any other life.
Morality has always been an interesting subject when it comes up, law and chaos, well i hate them both. Chaos represents demons and their forces but devils are just as evil. Good and evil is simple, i prefer good. They are easy to predict, the money is clean, and well not to sound like a broken record but I get to kill demons.
It was childish of me, but i went into the world wound. It wasn't too far away just south of irrisen my home nation. My desire for some kind of revenge drove me their. I got in over my head, again... something i found happening more and more frequently of late. A woman helped me through to a place called Kenabres. She wasn't afraid or creeped out by my issues, she taught me to at least fake emotion, to trick people into believing i was normal...I would help me in the future, taking on demons alone was a fools errand.
"I put up a front so the world will see how vulnerable i'm not, it scares people to see someone with no emotional weaknesses...everyone else, they can connect with other humans beings easily...for me it's the hardest thing in the world. I'm not like you people, the rush doesn't happen for me normally. To get even the slightest rush i have to take chances, what you call recklessness I call trying to find a reason for my existence." The joyful facade i had gotten used to disappeared, replace with one hollow and sad. I watched as she turned away from me, she grabbed a cloth and wiped the blood from her kill off the blade.
Ashling is a reckless emotionally stunted thrill seeker. The trauma of seeing her brother go insane and her parents murdered in front of her drove her to be detached and emotionally distant. She constantly seeks and performs insane acrobatic stunts to alleviate the boredom.
White hair, violet Eyes, pale skin, wears a dark purple hooded cloak, 5'6 relatively skinny. Small and graceful, her eyes and hair color are genetic traits.
The gladius she wields is named Thorn, it is a blade she holds dear as it is the blade her brother used to kill their parents as well as being a family heirloom. She vows to find her brother and kill him and the demon lord Zura with the blade. It is a blade forged long ago with a mysterious bluish steel.

nate lange RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |

This is pretty tempting... I just started working on another application (and don't have time to take on both) but I put together an NPC for something I'm running and would really enjoy playing him as a character.
Plumekith Aasimar; unchained monk/cleric of Shelyn
He's a handsome priest that shows a fair bit of skin
In combat, he blends unarmed fighting with a glaive (and spellcasting)