Why Can't Fighters Have Nice Hobgoblins? Ironfang Invasion

Game Master Stalwart

Oathday, 29 Sarenith, 4717

Loot list

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Sovereign Court

Half-Orc Dragonheir Scion (12) Wounds (5) HP (122) Saves (16/10/11, +4 vs spells and SLAs) Init (+1) AC (30/11/29, +2 vs goblinoids) Fire Resist (10) CMD (26) BB (2/5) Buffs (Ability Mastery +2 Str)

Yeah, was considering dropping the furious focus to start using a shield. Sure, it's -3 hit on the first attack, but it adds +2 AC before the shield gets enchanted. Fighting defensively is -4 on all attacks for +2 AC, so this would already be a better option than that. And at lvl9 he'd just get furious focus back. It would be a decent way of showing him mastering the technique.


As for going chevalier...it would be pretty cool. The Aura of Courage fits Benedict's role as a team leader quite well. And smite evil is a really powerful feature as well, especially given your high Cha.

M Aasimar Fighter 9/Chevalier 3| HP 112/112 | AC 31 (33 vs goblins), T 14, FF 28, CMD 30 | Init +5 | Perception +25 (Darkvision) | F/R/W +14/+11/+9 (+4 vs mind-affecting, immune fear/poison) | Move 30' | Tactician 1/1 | BB 1/1 | Alter Self 1/1 | Active: None

Hope 2021 is off to a great start for all of you...
Are we waiting on anybody right now?

M Aasimar Fighter 9/Chevalier 3| HP 112/112 | AC 31 (33 vs goblins), T 14, FF 28, CMD 30 | Init +5 | Perception +25 (Darkvision) | F/R/W +14/+11/+9 (+4 vs mind-affecting, immune fear/poison) | Move 30' | Tactician 1/1 | BB 1/1 | Alter Self 1/1 | Active: None

I've run into troops before in PFS. It's not a bad rule other than the fact that they ignore AC. A 30 AC fighter and a 12 AC wizard take the same damage from a troop. Whereas against 20 invididual low-level soldiers that AC would make a huge difference.

I kind of wish the rules had something like "targets receive DR against the troop's attacks equal to 1/3 of their total AC" but I don't think they do.

Anyway, at least they're not immune to weapon damage.

Sovereign Court

Half-Orc Dragonheir Scion (12) Wounds (5) HP (122) Saves (16/10/11, +4 vs spells and SLAs) Init (+1) AC (30/11/29, +2 vs goblinoids) Fire Resist (10) CMD (26) BB (2/5) Buffs (Ability Mastery +2 Str)

Given that it is a swarm, so it assumes that you *are* going to be hit, I'd make it DR=1/3 armor, shield, Natural Armor and deflection.

Fighter has +3 Plate, +3 Shield, +2 Ring, +2 Amulet of Natural Armor, with 12Dex. That's AC 10 (base) + 12 (armor) + 3 (Shield) + 2 (Deflection) + 2 (Natural Armor) + 1 (Dex) = AC30.

Rather than having DR/10 vs troops, it would instead be DR/6. This would represent the fighter being able to tank the hits due to all of his thick plate armor.

Then you have the party rogue. +10 (base) +3 (Mithril Chain Shirt), +3 (Buckler), +2 (Ring), + 2 (Amulet of Natural Armor) + 6 (Dex 22) + 1 (Dodge) = AC27

Instead of having DR/9 vs troops, it would instead be DR/3

This would suck for dex based rogues, as their DR would be really low. But when you have over a dozen guys swinging at you at the same time from all sides, you're gonna get hit. It's just too bad that you decided to only wear leather.


I'd also say that for a troop swarm, I'd likely give them negative modifiers on damage as they take HP damage. This would represent the troop's numbers falling off as they are taken down, and would give them vulnerability to AOE damage. Thus making wizards a natural counter to troops, unless the troop catches them (Burn the witch!)

Anyways, that's just my musings. :)

M Aasimar Fighter 9/Chevalier 3| HP 112/112 | AC 31 (33 vs goblins), T 14, FF 28, CMD 30 | Init +5 | Perception +25 (Darkvision) | F/R/W +14/+11/+9 (+4 vs mind-affecting, immune fear/poison) | Move 30' | Tactician 1/1 | BB 1/1 | Alter Self 1/1 | Active: None

@GM, can you check the math on Skirmisher #2 in our tower?

#1 got dropped by AOOs and by Benedict's Round 1 attacks.

#2 got hit twice by Grum for 55 damage in Round 1, then by Benedict for 12 in Round 2, then by Grum for another 28 in Round 2. It's taken a lot more damage than its compatriot.

If he's down, I'd like to take this round to heal up.

Yep, good catch. I forgot it had taken damage (and I realize I forgot to take into account the first one being prone on Grum's confirmation roll).

So both hobgoblins are dead in the northern tower.

Fighter 11 | 121 HP | AC 24 (25 in fortress mode, 28 w/ full attack), T 14, F 20, CMD 27| F 9 R 8 W 8 | Init +3 | Perc +11

Haven't been able to log into the site for the past few days, just managed to fix it by clearing my cache.

Working on updating my games now.

Male Elf Fighter (archer)/rogue* 12 | AC 24 (26 with buckler), T 18, F 18 (20), CMD 31 (25) | F 11 R 12 W 10 | hp 88/88 | Init +6 | Perc +32, +38 vs traps, darkvision 60', see invisibility/ethereal | Effects:

Ok, I am feeling bad about not participating in the combat, but you guys are handling it, I think. Do you want me to keep doing what I’m doing? If not, call out in character and I can rain down alchemists’ fire or start shooting with sneak attack. The latter is probably more effective.

M Aasimar Fighter 9/Chevalier 3| HP 112/112 | AC 31 (33 vs goblins), T 14, FF 28, CMD 30 | Init +5 | Perception +25 (Darkvision) | F/R/W +14/+11/+9 (+4 vs mind-affecting, immune fear/poison) | Move 30' | Tactician 1/1 | BB 1/1 | Alter Self 1/1 | Active: None

Now that we have thinned out the enemy and you are not in danger of being overwhelmed by the troop, I think I might call out for Aerel.

M Aasimar Fighter 9/Chevalier 3| HP 112/112 | AC 31 (33 vs goblins), T 14, FF 28, CMD 30 | Init +5 | Perception +25 (Darkvision) | F/R/W +14/+11/+9 (+4 vs mind-affecting, immune fear/poison) | Move 30' | Tactician 1/1 | BB 1/1 | Alter Self 1/1 | Active: None

@Grum - sorry, not sorry!
We did almost lose Grum fighting another enemy champion, and while that battle was a glorious tribute to Gorum, we don't need to tempt the RNG.

Benedict isn't one for fighting fair anyway.

Sovereign Court

Half-Orc Dragonheir Scion (12) Wounds (5) HP (122) Saves (16/10/11, +4 vs spells and SLAs) Init (+1) AC (30/11/29, +2 vs goblinoids) Fire Resist (10) CMD (26) BB (2/5) Buffs (Ability Mastery +2 Str)

Ha! It's all good. The hobgoblin cheated first by using a wolf. ;)

Sovereign Court

Half-Orc Dragonheir Scion (12) Wounds (5) HP (122) Saves (16/10/11, +4 vs spells and SLAs) Init (+1) AC (30/11/29, +2 vs goblinoids) Fire Resist (10) CMD (26) BB (2/5) Buffs (Ability Mastery +2 Str)

Piercing, vs. Grum and Benedict: 2d8 ⇒ (2, 8) = 10 (Passed for 5)

Talon, vs Grum: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27
Damage: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3

Piercing damage: 2d8 ⇒ (4, 3) = 7
Reflex DC 16 for half

Bite: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (19) + 12 = 31
Damage: 1d8 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16

Melee: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30
Damage, challenge, flaming: 1d8 + 4 + 8 + 1d6 ⇒ (8) + 4 + 8 + (1) = 21

Melee: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (19) + 12 = 31
Damage, challenge, flaming: 1d8 + 4 + 8 + 1d6 ⇒ (2) + 4 + 8 + (2) = 16

Bite: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (15) + 12 = 27
Damage: 1d8 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14

Total Damage: 5 + 3 + 7 + 16 + 21 + 16 + 14 = 82

How much negatives?: 73 - 82 = -9

Sovereign Court

Half-Orc Dragonheir Scion (12) Wounds (5) HP (122) Saves (16/10/11, +4 vs spells and SLAs) Init (+1) AC (30/11/29, +2 vs goblinoids) Fire Resist (10) CMD (26) BB (2/5) Buffs (Ability Mastery +2 Str)

Chaotic neutral Grum may have just made a fatal mistake. But hey, why not? :P

M Aasimar Fighter 9/Chevalier 3| HP 112/112 | AC 31 (33 vs goblins), T 14, FF 28, CMD 30 | Init +5 | Perception +25 (Darkvision) | F/R/W +14/+11/+9 (+4 vs mind-affecting, immune fear/poison) | Move 30' | Tactician 1/1 | BB 1/1 | Alter Self 1/1 | Active: None

Benedict will roll with it.

Well really Grum will be the one doing the rolling. Figure of speech.

M Aasimar Fighter 9/Chevalier 3| HP 112/112 | AC 31 (33 vs goblins), T 14, FF 28, CMD 30 | Init +5 | Perception +25 (Darkvision) | F/R/W +14/+11/+9 (+4 vs mind-affecting, immune fear/poison) | Move 30' | Tactician 1/1 | BB 1/1 | Alter Self 1/1 | Active: None

Level 8! We got almost 5,000 XP each from those encounters, putting us at 54,720 XP.

Benedict will take a level of Chevalier.

+1 BAB
HP: +1d10+1 (7), new total 60.
Ability score increase: +1 Cha
+1 Fort, +1 Will
Class abilities: Aura of Courage, Recklessness +1
6 skill points: Bluff, Diplomacy, Sense Motive, Perception, Handle Animal, Ride
Also get the free rank in Disguise from Advanced Armor Training
Acrobatics gets a +3 from now having it as a class skill

No feat, no FCB.

Benedict will take one of the sharpshooters' +1 Composite Longbows (+2 Str). He could also take Dargg's flail (+1 Flaming Light Flail?) for now, as I think nobody else would want to use it.

@Aerel, feel free to restock your potion of CMW before we divvy up the loot. I don't have time to do that right now but can get to it later unless someone else wants to.

Sovereign Court

Half-Orc Dragonheir Scion (12) Wounds (5) HP (122) Saves (16/10/11, +4 vs spells and SLAs) Init (+1) AC (30/11/29, +2 vs goblinoids) Fire Resist (10) CMD (26) BB (2/5) Buffs (Ability Mastery +2 Str)


+1 BAB
HP: 73 + 6 (class) + 3 (con) +1 (toughness) = 83
Ability Score Increase: +1 STR
+1 Fort
Feat: Weapon Focus Bastard Sword (He's found his favorite weapon! I doubt that we'll find anything more appropriate to Grum than his shocking sword)

3 Skills Points with FCB: +2 Perception, +1 UMD

Male Elf Fighter (archer)/rogue* 12 | AC 24 (26 with buckler), T 18, F 18 (20), CMD 31 (25) | F 11 R 12 W 10 | hp 88/88 | Init +6 | Perc +32, +38 vs traps, darkvision 60', see invisibility/ethereal | Effects:

Another level of fighter(rogue)

+1 BAB
+7 hp
+1 Dexterity
+1 Fort
Feat: Clustered Shots

6 skill points: Perception x2, Climb, Disable Device, Stealth, Survival

He has a +20 to detect traps and +24 to disable device!

Fighter 11 | 121 HP | AC 24 (25 in fortress mode, 28 w/ full attack), T 14, F 20, CMD 27| F 9 R 8 W 8 | Init +3 | Perc +11

Another level of fighter (no surprise there)!

+1 BAB
+1 Dexterity
+9 HP
+1 fort

Feat: Improved TWF

3 skill points (perception, survival, intimidate)

Male Human Fighter 12| AC 28 T 16 FF 23 | HP 124/124| F +11 R +10 W +6; +3 vs Fear | Init +5 | Perc +17

Fighter +1

+1 BAB
+9 HP
+1 Fort

+1 to dex

No feat, spell instead: Bull's strength

7 skill points: 2 X Craft: Bows, Arcana, Dungeoneering, Religion, Perception Spellcraft

Recalculated my attacks, I was a little low on my to hit numbers so those jumped a bit. Deadly aim went to +6 as well. I've decided I want celestial armor, barring that I think it will be mithral breastplate.

M Aasimar Fighter 9/Chevalier 3| HP 112/112 | AC 31 (33 vs goblins), T 14, FF 28, CMD 30 | Init +5 | Perception +25 (Darkvision) | F/R/W +14/+11/+9 (+4 vs mind-affecting, immune fear/poison) | Move 30' | Tactician 1/1 | BB 1/1 | Alter Self 1/1 | Active: None

Okay, I updated the loot tracker.
Setting aside 1 CMW potion for Aerel (to replace what he administered to Grum), there were 7 left on the four sharpshooters and 5 in the locked chest. With what we had before, that brings our "Party Loot" total to 16 potions of CMW.

I would like to use Dargg's flail if possible, and one of the archer's bows. Putting the +1 Warhammer and Benedict's old bow (which wasn't even MW) into "To Sell".

Dargg's cloak and medal haven't been identified, if they are magic.

What we currently have to sell comes to over 6,000 GP each - hopefully we can find some good gear in Longshadow.

On to Redburrow?

Male Elf Fighter (archer)/rogue* 12 | AC 24 (26 with buckler), T 18, F 18 (20), CMD 31 (25) | F 11 R 12 W 10 | hp 88/88 | Init +6 | Perc +32, +38 vs traps, darkvision 60', see invisibility/ethereal | Effects:

When encumbrance was the bane of Aerel's existence, he shed all of his melee weapons other than a brace of daggers plus one. Now that he has the belt of strength, he could afford a melee weapon - would it make sense for him to carry the warhammer, as rarely as he would use it?

I've been pretty careful to stay out of reach, but I thought I was going to have to go toe-to-toe with someone in that last fight and I didn't relish the idea.

I absolutely think Benedict should take the flail and a bow. My strength is still not enough to use one of those bows, unfortunately, but perhaps I should forgo the warhammer in favor of an improved belt of strength - I'd rather have one of those bows.

Hmm... it appears that I would take a penalty to hit until I found a way to enhance my strength further, then I would only gain a +2. Never mind, sell what you have planned to sell.

M Aasimar Fighter 9/Chevalier 3| HP 112/112 | AC 31 (33 vs goblins), T 14, FF 28, CMD 30 | Init +5 | Perception +25 (Darkvision) | F/R/W +14/+11/+9 (+4 vs mind-affecting, immune fear/poison) | Move 30' | Tactician 1/1 | BB 1/1 | Alter Self 1/1 | Active: None

You could certainly take the +1 Warhammer that Benedict had been carrying. Its sale value works out to just over 200 gp per person, so I don't think we'd miss the coin very much if we didn't sell it.

Sovereign Court

Half-Orc Dragonheir Scion (12) Wounds (5) HP (122) Saves (16/10/11, +4 vs spells and SLAs) Init (+1) AC (30/11/29, +2 vs goblinoids) Fire Resist (10) CMD (26) BB (2/5) Buffs (Ability Mastery +2 Str)

I think that I’ll buy Deliquescent gloves. 1d6 acid, 1d6 electricity and 1d4 fire damage. Then just need to get cold damage and the sword will be set

Male Elf Fighter (archer)/rogue* 12 | AC 24 (26 with buckler), T 18, F 18 (20), CMD 31 (25) | F 11 R 12 W 10 | hp 88/88 | Init +6 | Perc +32, +38 vs traps, darkvision 60', see invisibility/ethereal | Effects:
Benedict the Clever wrote:
You could certainly take the +1 Warhammer that Benedict had been carrying. Its sale value works out to just over 200 gp per person, so I don't think we'd miss the coin very much if we didn't sell it.

OK, I will do that. Thanks.

Grum Bakison wrote:
I think that I’ll buy Deliquescent gloves. 1d6 acid, 1d6 electricity and 1d4 fire damage. Then just need to get cold damage and the sword will be set

And where will you be finding these gloves?


Sovereign Court

Half-Orc Dragonheir Scion (12) Wounds (5) HP (122) Saves (16/10/11, +4 vs spells and SLAs) Init (+1) AC (30/11/29, +2 vs goblinoids) Fire Resist (10) CMD (26) BB (2/5) Buffs (Ability Mastery +2 Str)

Well, obviously the next merchant we come across! A wish list never hurt anyone. ;)

M Aasimar Fighter 9/Chevalier 3| HP 112/112 | AC 31 (33 vs goblins), T 14, FF 28, CMD 30 | Init +5 | Perception +25 (Darkvision) | F/R/W +14/+11/+9 (+4 vs mind-affecting, immune fear/poison) | Move 30' | Tactician 1/1 | BB 1/1 | Alter Self 1/1 | Active: None

Benedict's first priority in Longshadow is a Ring of Sustenance like Grum has, so he can sleep less and get more crafting done.

Fighter 11 | 121 HP | AC 24 (25 in fortress mode, 28 w/ full attack), T 14, F 20, CMD 27| F 9 R 8 W 8 | Init +3 | Perc +11

One of those bows could give me a much more effective ranged option if there’s one to spare.

M Aasimar Fighter 9/Chevalier 3| HP 112/112 | AC 31 (33 vs goblins), T 14, FF 28, CMD 30 | Init +5 | Perception +25 (Darkvision) | F/R/W +14/+11/+9 (+4 vs mind-affecting, immune fear/poison) | Move 30' | Tactician 1/1 | BB 1/1 | Alter Self 1/1 | Active: None

There certainly is. Have one!

Sovereign Court

Half-Orc Dragonheir Scion (12) Wounds (5) HP (122) Saves (16/10/11, +4 vs spells and SLAs) Init (+1) AC (30/11/29, +2 vs goblinoids) Fire Resist (10) CMD (26) BB (2/5) Buffs (Ability Mastery +2 Str)

"There's actually a fairly interesting backstory to this grisly scene, but without some potent magic, there's no real way for the PCs to learn what truly happened here.

In short, the town decided to defend itself by building the pallisades and digging trenches around their homes. The attackers were a troop of minotaurs that overran the defenses.

A resident who fancied himself something of a wizard tried in desperation to cast a spell off a scroll -- acid fog -- but botched it. The resulting mishap consumed attacker and defender alike, and created the aberration known as a trench mist.

It'll be a mystery for the characters, but I figure you as the players might like to know... the rest of the story."

This is my problem with APs! So many interesting stories that the players don't get to see. That is a really cool story.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I do what I can to let the characters deduce the backstories to these encounters, and flesh them out a little more if I find them lacking. Sometimes I can't give too much away since they're only meant to be hints and clues to future plot twists.

And then there's occasions like this, where I could not figure out any way for your characters to ascertain what happened and it's not tied to any other future event. So I decided to just let you peek behind the curtain. I'll keep an eye out for other opportunities when I find them.

I love watching players be resourceful.




That is all.

M Aasimar Fighter 9/Chevalier 3| HP 112/112 | AC 31 (33 vs goblins), T 14, FF 28, CMD 30 | Init +5 | Perception +25 (Darkvision) | F/R/W +14/+11/+9 (+4 vs mind-affecting, immune fear/poison) | Move 30' | Tactician 1/1 | BB 1/1 | Alter Self 1/1 | Active: None

I have to say that ticking clock has me alarmed. I don't wish to split the party, but taking 3 days to get to Longshadow doesn't sound great. Hopefully this will work out okay.

Though I am open to input from everyone else.

Male Elf Fighter (archer)/rogue* 12 | AC 24 (26 with buckler), T 18, F 18 (20), CMD 31 (25) | F 11 R 12 W 10 | hp 88/88 | Init +6 | Perc +32, +38 vs traps, darkvision 60', see invisibility/ethereal | Effects:

I'm worried about the refugees, but I'm more worried about the town being caught unawares. I'm totally down with someone going on ahead to warn them, even if the rest of us have to continue shank's mare the rest of the way.

I did not make any assumptions about healing - I'm still sitting at 25% after the trench mist encounter. Should I assume Grum hit me with the wand post-battle? If there was more healing, I apologize that I missed it.

This game is so interesting since the usual "spellcaster with the solution for any problem" is absent. Which means the magic items that may not always be useful are suddenly valuable, and can force creativity where otherwise the players would be relying on a spell list.

So, I'm enjoying watching the upcoming decisions by the group. The ticking clock is to provide a sense of urgency and force the characters into making some difficult choices. I can't wait to see how this unfolds.


Male Elf Fighter (archer)/rogue* 12 | AC 24 (26 with buckler), T 18, F 18 (20), CMD 31 (25) | F 11 R 12 W 10 | hp 88/88 | Init +6 | Perc +32, +38 vs traps, darkvision 60', see invisibility/ethereal | Effects:

What are the skillsets of our refugees? Are any of them capable of fighting or hunting, etc.? I don't expect any of them would be highly-skilled, but knowing any special abilities available to us is always a benefit.

Fighter 11 | 121 HP | AC 24 (25 in fortress mode, 28 w/ full attack), T 14, F 20, CMD 27| F 9 R 8 W 8 | Init +3 | Perc +11

Sending someone ahead with a warning before the rest of us catch up sounds like the best plan. I don't really see us having a better way to get there quickly. I'd imagine as a smaller force we'll move faster than the hobgoblins.

This next social scene is going to be a little more complicated than just rolling a few Diplomacy checks by the party face. There's lots of different strategies you can employ, which lets other characters participate.

There's certain tactics you can pursue:

Allegory Knowledge (history)
Baiting Sense Motive
Emotional Appeal Perform (oratory)
Flattery Diplomacy
Logic Knowledge (local)
Mockery Perform (comedy)
Presence Intimidate
Red Herring Bluff
Rhetoric Perform (act)
Wit Linguistics

Some of these the mayor is biased against, some the mayor is biased in favor of. You may roll a Sense Motive to ascertain the mayor's biases.

Sovereign Court

Half-Orc Dragonheir Scion (12) Wounds (5) HP (122) Saves (16/10/11, +4 vs spells and SLAs) Init (+1) AC (30/11/29, +2 vs goblinoids) Fire Resist (10) CMD (26) BB (2/5) Buffs (Ability Mastery +2 Str)

Interesting...it's too bad that I don't see interpretive dance on that list

Fighter 11 | 121 HP | AC 24 (25 in fortress mode, 28 w/ full attack), T 14, F 20, CMD 27| F 9 R 8 W 8 | Init +3 | Perc +11

I'm sure Grum could make it work somehow.

Male Human Fighter 12| AC 28 T 16 FF 23 | HP 124/124| F +11 R +10 W +6; +3 vs Fear | Init +5 | Perc +17

The only skill pertinent that William has is Linguistics. He does the a +1 to all diplomacy and intimidate checks with humanoids in Nirmathas from his campaign trait, though I doubt that will help much here.

M Aasimar Fighter 9/Chevalier 3| HP 112/112 | AC 31 (33 vs goblins), T 14, FF 28, CMD 30 | Init +5 | Perception +25 (Darkvision) | F/R/W +14/+11/+9 (+4 vs mind-affecting, immune fear/poison) | Move 30' | Tactician 1/1 | BB 1/1 | Alter Self 1/1 | Active: None

A verbal duel! I am familiar with those from War for the Crown.

Wishing I had prioritized crafting the Circlet of Persuasion first. Well, we'll see how this goes.

Male Elf Fighter (archer)/rogue* 12 | AC 24 (26 with buckler), T 18, F 18 (20), CMD 31 (25) | F 11 R 12 W 10 | hp 88/88 | Init +6 | Perc +32, +38 vs traps, darkvision 60', see invisibility/ethereal | Effects:

I did not see this explanation prior to making my post. Diplomacy is actually my best available skill in that list with a +6 and I’m untrained in Sense Motive. I’m not going to be much help here, but I will try to aid.

M Aasimar Fighter 9/Chevalier 3| HP 112/112 | AC 31 (33 vs goblins), T 14, FF 28, CMD 30 | Init +5 | Perception +25 (Darkvision) | F/R/W +14/+11/+9 (+4 vs mind-affecting, immune fear/poison) | Move 30' | Tactician 1/1 | BB 1/1 | Alter Self 1/1 | Active: None

It looks like we would have Grum lead on Presence (Intimidate), William lead on Wit (Linguistics), and Benedict lead on Baiting (Sense Motive), Flattery (Diplomacy), or Red Herring (Bluff). We won't have very good checks at the other skills.

I know Benedict will likely end up making more of the rolls here (depending on what tactics are called for), but I'll welcome others' RP and Aid Another attempts.

Forgot to mention, you have a number of edges in this verbal duel, which you can spend to make a reroll of a skill check.

You have three edges (Rescuing Meslin and Voldan; capturing Mahrzan; and rescuing Nibbitz and her notes).

M Aasimar Fighter 9/Chevalier 3| HP 112/112 | AC 31 (33 vs goblins), T 14, FF 28, CMD 30 | Init +5 | Perception +25 (Darkvision) | F/R/W +14/+11/+9 (+4 vs mind-affecting, immune fear/poison) | Move 30' | Tactician 1/1 | BB 1/1 | Alter Self 1/1 | Active: None

Okay, good to know.

Benedict also has his trait to roll twice and take the better on a skill check 1/day.

I'm going to push us along, since the advisors didn't roll all that well and you all still have your edges. I'd rather not take up too much time with that.

You get 6,400 xp for winning over the mayor.

M Aasimar Fighter 9/Chevalier 3| HP 112/112 | AC 31 (33 vs goblins), T 14, FF 28, CMD 30 | Init +5 | Perception +25 (Darkvision) | F/R/W +14/+11/+9 (+4 vs mind-affecting, immune fear/poison) | Move 30' | Tactician 1/1 | BB 1/1 | Alter Self 1/1 | Active: None

If Benedict gets a Ring of Sustenance like Grum has, and therefore needs only 2 hours' sleep a night, would he be able to get full days of item crafting accomplished while still going adventuring?

M Aasimar Fighter 9/Chevalier 3| HP 112/112 | AC 31 (33 vs goblins), T 14, FF 28, CMD 30 | Init +5 | Perception +25 (Darkvision) | F/R/W +14/+11/+9 (+4 vs mind-affecting, immune fear/poison) | Move 30' | Tactician 1/1 | BB 1/1 | Alter Self 1/1 | Active: None

If you agree to the mayor's request, you can make certain skill checks to improve Longshadow's defenses.
City Walls: Leading laborers to repair and improve the walls can take a Knowledge (engineering) roll, or a Craft (stonemasonry) or a Profession (stonemason) check.
Internal Defenses: Organizing fallback positions and choke points inside the walls, along with barricades and medical/fire stations can take Craft (alchemy, carpentry, stonemasonry, or traps), Diplomacy, or Knowledge (local) checks.
Militia Drills: Whip the militia into shape with Intimidate or Profession (soldier) checks.
Reinforcements: Training freed slaves and captives from the Legion takes Perform (oratory) or Profession (soldier) checks. Or you can call on the Chernasardo Rangers for aid.
Siege Supplies: Redoubling efforts to make sure larders are full in case of a siege takes Profession (baker, cook, farmer or trapper) or Survival checks.
Townsfolk Readiness: Organizing and training the noncombatant townsfolk to fight fires, run messages, and tend to the injured requires Diplomacy, Heal or Profession (soldier) checks.

Okay, I think the first thing to do is get everybody Rings of Sustenance using some of that 25,000 stipend so we can do more of these tasks in the limited time.

And get Mount for William, plus Pearls of Power, so we can more rapidly travel to the hobgoblin encampments.

Benedict can do a lot of those checks, and once he completes the Manual of War he can actually do more - swapping out a combat feat for Advanced Armor Training (Adaptable Training) to get Profession (Soldier), Knowledge (Engineering), or Intimidate. William could use the Manual of War in the same way.

Making independent checks is generally better than doing Aid Another, but it depends on the threshold for success and if there are penalties for failure.

Is Take 10 an option?

Or, you know, you could always buy some flesh-and-blood horses.

Taking 10 is not allowed, sorry.

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