Fearful Might (Ex)
* At 2nd level, a dragonheir scion gains a +1 bonus on Intimidate checks to demoralize a foe. This bonus increases to +2 at 6th level and by an additional 1 every 4 fighter levels thereafter to a maximum of +5 at 18th level.
* This ability replaces bravery.
Draconic Defenses (Su)
* At 3rd level, a dragonheir scion gains a +1 natural armor bonus and energy resistance 5 against her energy type. At 7th level, this increases to a +2 natural armor bonus and energy resistance 10; at 13th level, it increases to a +3 natural armor bonus and energy resistance 20.
* This ability replaces armor training 1, 2, and 3.
Draconic Strike (Su)
* At 4th level, whenever the dragonheir scion damages a target with an attack augmented by Arcane Strike, the attack deals an additional 1d4 points of damage of the dragonheir scion’s energy type.
* This ability replaces the bonus feat gained at 4th level.
Draconic Presence (Su)
* At 6th level, the dragonheir scion receives Dazzling Display as a bonus feat. She does not need a weapon in hand to use this ability, and can use it as a standard action.
* This ability replaces the bonus feat gained at 6th level.
Advanced Weapon Training
Lvl 9: Advanced Weapon Training (abundance tactics barroom brawler)
Lvl 13: Defensive Weapon Training
Lvl 17: Fighter’s Reflexes
Lvl 20: Focused Weapon
Wings (Su)
* At 15th level, a dragonheir scion can grow leathery dragon wings from her back as a standard action, granting her a fly speed of 60 feet with average maneuverability. She can dismiss the wings as a free action.
* This ability replaces armor training 4 and armor mastery.
Might of Wyrms (Su)
* At 20th level, a dragonheir scion’s draconic heritage becomes manifest. He gains immunity to paralysis, sleep, and damage of her energy type, as well as blindsense with a range of 60 feet.
* This ability replaces weapon mastery.