Rough Rampager

Grum Bakison's page

1,155 posts. Alias of Grumbaki.


Wounds (5) HP (122) Saves (16/10/11, +4 vs spells and SLAs) Init (+1) AC (30/11/29, +2 vs goblinoids) Fire Resist (10) CMD (26)


BB (4/5) Buffs (Ability Mastery +2 Str)


Half-Orc Dragonheir Scion (12)


Chaotic Awesome

Strength 22
Dexterity 12
Constitution 16
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 10
Charisma 16

About Grum Bakison

* To Hit: +25/+16/+11 (+12/+7/+2 BaB +6 Str +1 Enchantment, +4 WT, +2 WF, - 0/-4 Power Attack)
* Damage: 2d4+1d4+33 (+9 Str +12 PA +3 AS, +1 Enchantment +4 WT, +4 WS)

[dice=Damage with electricity and fire]1d10+1d6+1d4+33[/dice]

[dice=Damage with electricity and fire]1d10+1d6+1d4+33[/dice]

[dice=Damage with electricity and fire]1d10+1d6+1d4+33[/dice]

* Fort: +8 (class) + 2 (con) + 2 (sacred tattoos) +3 (Cloak) = +16
* Ref: +4 (class) +1 (dex) + 2 (sacred tattoos) +3 (Cloak) = +10
* Will: +4 (class) +2 (hedgehog) +2 (sacred tattoos) +3 (Cloak) = +11

AC and CMD
* AC: 10 (base) + 14 (armor) + 2 (natural armor) + 1 (ring) + 1 (dex) +2 (amulet) = 30
* CMD: 10 (base) + 5 (str) + 1 (dex) + 1 (ring) + 10 (BaB) = 27

Race, Traits, Stats:

Race Half Orc (red dragon bloodline)
* Darkvision (60ft)
* Sacred Tattoos (+1 luck bonus to all saves)
* Intimidating (+2 to intimidate)
* Weapon Familiarity

* Fate's Favored (+1 all luck bonuses)
* Ironfang Survivor (+2 dodge bonus against goblinoids, and once per day can roll twice and pick the highest when making an intimidate, stealth or sense motive check against a goblinoid)

Feats, Skills, Equipment:

Familiar: Alertness
Lvl 1 Class: Arcane Strike
Lvl 1: Power Attack
Lvl 2 Class: Fearful Might (+3 bonus on Intimidate checks to demoralize a foe)
Lvl 2: Furious Focus
Lvl 3 Class: Draconic Defenses
Lvl 3 VMC: Hedgehog (+2 Will), Alertness
Lvl 4: Draconic Strike (At 4th level, whenever the dragonheir scion damages a target with an attack augmented by Arcane Strike, the attack deals an additional 1d4 points of damage of the dragonheir scion’s energy type.)
Lvl 4 Bonus: Toughness
Lvl 5: Barroom Brawler
Lvl 6: Dazzling Display as standard action
Lvl 7: Void +3 saves vs spells, increases by +1 at lvls 10,15,20
Lvl 8: Weapon Focus Bastard Sword
Lvl 9: Weapon Specialization, Self Sufficient
Lvl 10: Greater Weapon Focus
Lvl 11: VMC Prestidigitation
Lvl 12: Greater Weapon Specialization
Lvl 13: Improved Critical
Lvl 14: Dodge
Lvl 15: VMC Feral Speech
Lvl 16: Penetrating Strike
Lvl 17: VMC Aura of Prescience
Lvl 18: Greater Penetrating Strike
Lvl 19: Toughness
Lvl 20: Armor Focus

Iron Caster
1/day Grum will be able to use Barroom Brawler to get the feat Advanced Weapon Training. This will net him for 1 minute “Item Mastery: The fighter gains an item mastery feat as a bonus feat, which functions with any magic weapon he wields, even if the magic weapon does not meet the feat’s normal requirements. He must meet all of the feat’s prerequisites.”

This means that Grum will have, 1 time per day he can cast 1 of the following:

+2 enchantment bonus to a stat that lasts 24 hours
+1 Resistance bonus to saves for 5 resist to 1 Element for 24 hours
Targeted Dispel
Shield AC bonus equal to 1/3 Fort save
See Invisibility!
Burning Hands
2x CLW or 1x CMW

Skills 2+FCB=3 per level
* Heal: 3 SP (+5)
* Linguistics: 1 SP (+1)
* Climb: 1 SP (+8 / + 3 in armor)
* Survival: 2 skill points (+8)
* Intimidate: 4 skill point (+13/+16 to demoralize in combat)
* Use Magic Device: 11 skill points (+20)
* Perception: 11 skill points (+24)

* Cloak of Resistance +3
* Ring of Protection +1
* Ring of Sustenance
* +5 Comfort Plate
* Boots of Springing
* +1 Shocking Bastard Sword
* Longsword (1d8 damage, 19-20 crit, x2)
* Longbow +2 mod with 20 arrows (1d8 damage, 20 crit, x2)
* Fighter's Kit (This kit includes a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a flint and steel, an iron pot, a mess kit, rope, soap, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin.)
* wand of summon monster II
1 Barkskin
1 Remove Fear
1 Thunderstone
1 MW Javelin
* Wand of Charm Animal
* Wand of Summon Monster II (21)
* Wand of Cure Medium Wounds (3)
* Wand of CLW (9)
* Belt of Con +2
* Headband of Cha +2
* Amulet of Natural Armor +2
* Circlet of Persuasion
* Gloves of Dueling
* 1039 gold

Dragonheir Scion:

Fearful Might (Ex)
* At 2nd level, a dragonheir scion gains a +1 bonus on Intimidate checks to demoralize a foe. This bonus increases to +2 at 6th level and by an additional 1 every 4 fighter levels thereafter to a maximum of +5 at 18th level.
* This ability replaces bravery.

Draconic Defenses (Su)
* At 3rd level, a dragonheir scion gains a +1 natural armor bonus and energy resistance 5 against her energy type. At 7th level, this increases to a +2 natural armor bonus and energy resistance 10; at 13th level, it increases to a +3 natural armor bonus and energy resistance 20.
* This ability replaces armor training 1, 2, and 3.

Draconic Strike (Su)
* At 4th level, whenever the dragonheir scion damages a target with an attack augmented by Arcane Strike, the attack deals an additional 1d4 points of damage of the dragonheir scion’s energy type.
* This ability replaces the bonus feat gained at 4th level.

Draconic Presence (Su)
* At 6th level, the dragonheir scion receives Dazzling Display as a bonus feat. She does not need a weapon in hand to use this ability, and can use it as a standard action.
* This ability replaces the bonus feat gained at 6th level.

Advanced Weapon Training
Lvl 9: Advanced Weapon Training (abundance tactics barroom brawler)
Lvl 13: Defensive Weapon Training
Lvl 17: Fighter’s Reflexes
Lvl 20: Focused Weapon

Wings (Su)
* At 15th level, a dragonheir scion can grow leathery dragon wings from her back as a standard action, granting her a fly speed of 60 feet with average maneuverability. She can dismiss the wings as a free action.
* This ability replaces armor training 4 and armor mastery.

Might of Wyrms (Su)
* At 20th level, a dragonheir scion’s draconic heritage becomes manifest. He gains immunity to paralysis, sleep, and damage of her energy type, as well as blindsense with a range of 60 feet.
* This ability replaces weapon mastery.