Town Readiness
If you agree to the mayor's request, you can make certain skill checks to improve Longshadow's defenses.
City Walls: Leading laborers to repair and improve the walls can take a Knowledge (engineering) roll, or a Craft (stonemasonry) or a Profession (stonemason) check. 3 Successes
Internal Defenses: Organizing fallback positions and choke points inside the walls, along with barricades and medical/fire stations can take Craft (alchemy, carpentry, stonemasonry, or traps), Diplomacy, or Knowledge (local) checks. 3 Successes Maximum achieved
Militia Drills: Whip the militia into shape with Intimidate or Profession (soldier) checks. 2 Successes
[ooc]Reinforcements: Training freed slaves and captives from the Legion takes Perform (oratory) or Profession (soldier) checks. Or you can call on the Chernasardo Rangers for aid. Called upon, 3 units of freed captives trained
Siege Supplies: Redoubling efforts to make sure larders are full in case of a siege takes Profession (baker, cook, farmer or trapper) or Survival checks. 3 Successes Maximum achieved
Townsfolk Readiness: Organizing and training the noncombatant townsfolk to fight fires, run messages, and tend to the injured requires Diplomacy, Heal or Profession (soldier) checks. 2 Successs Maximum achieved
Miscellaneous: Navah and her warbeasts; three stolen catapults
Militia Members:
Jet, CG human aristocrat 2 (hp 7, AC 14, att/dam +1/1d8, Con +0, Know: local +5, Sense Motive +5, Survival +5)
Rhyna, N human adept 2 (hp 6, att/dam +0/1d4-1, Con +0, Heal +5, Knowledge (religion) +5, Spellcraft +5)
Kining, LE dwarf expert 2 (hp 9, att/dam +1/1d4, Con +1, Craft: weapons +5, Craft: stonemasonry +5, Know: engineering +5, Prof: merchant +6, Stealth +5, Survival +6)
Netthias, LN dwarf aristocrat 1 (hp 5, AC 14, att/dam +0/1d8, Con +1, Know: history +4, Sense Motive +5, Survival +5)
Farrow, LN human aristocrat 1 (hp 4, att/dam +0/1d6, Con +0, Know: local +4, Sense Motive +4, Survival +4)
Clidon, LN human aristocrat 1 (hp 4, att/dam +0/1d6, Con +0, Know: local +4, Sense Motive +4, Survival +4)
Mershan, N human warrior 1 (hp 6, AC 14, att/dam +2/1d8+1, Con +1, Handle Animal +4)
Andrum, CN human warrior 1 (hp 6, AC 14, att/dam +2/1d8+1, Con +1, Handle Animal +4)
Toriya, NE gnome warrior 1 (hp 7, AC 11, att/dam +2/1d4, Con +2, Handle Animal +5)
Likolm, LN half-orc warrior 1 (hp 6, att/dam +2/1d6+1, Con +1, Handle Animal +4)
Salesi, N human adept 1 (hp 3, att/dam -1/1d4-1, Con +0, Heal +4, Knowledge (religion) +4, Spellcraft +4)
Yangvit, NG dwarf adept 1 (hp 4, att/dam -1/1d4-1, Con +1, Heal +5, Knowledge (religion) +4, Spellcraft +4)
Phersi, CN half-elf commoner 1 (hp 3, att/dam +1/1d4+1, Con +1, Craft: shoes +4, Handle Animal +4, Perception +6)
Ednu, N human commoner 1 (hp 3, att/dam +1/1d4+1, Con +1, Craft: locks +4, Handle Animal +4, Perception +4)
Tushina, LN human commoner 1 (hp 3, att/dam +1/1d4+1, Con +1, Craft: bows +4, Handle Animal +4, Perception +4)
Shillein, LN human commoner 1 (hp 3, att/dam +1/1d4+1, Con +1, Craft: books +4, Handle Animal +4, Perception +4)
Minshiel, CN elf commoner 1 (hp 2, AC 11, att/dam +2/1d8, Con +0, Craft: armor +5, Handle Animal +4, Perception +6)
Rori, N human commoner 1 (hp 3, att/dam +1/1d4+1, Con +1, Craft: clothing +4, Handle Animal +4, Perception +4)
Geerum, NG dwarf commoner 1 (hp 4, att/dam +1/1d4+1, Con +2, Craft: glass +4, Handle Animal +3, Perception +5)
Varesha, NE tiefling commoner 1 (hp 3, AC 11, att/dam +1/1d4+1, Con +1, Craft: paintings +5, Handle Animal +5, Perception +4)
Tanram, N halfling commoner 1 (hp 3, AC 12, att/dam +2/1d3, Con +1, Craft: leatherworking +4, Handle Animal +5, Perception +6)
Ramtan, N halfling commoner 1 (hp 3, AC 12, att/dam +2/1d3, Con +1, Craft: leatherworking +4, Handle Animal +5, Perception +6)
Imiraq, N human commoner 1 (hp 3, att/dam +1/1d4+1, Con +1, Craft: clothing +4, Handle Animal +4, Perception +4)
"Marqus, LN human commoner 2 (hp 6, att/dam +2/1d4+1, Con +1, Profession: drover +5, Handle Animal +5
"Yallie, N Gnome commoner 1 (hp 4, att/dam +1/1d4+1, Con +1, Craft: herbalist, Perception +6
"Ingran, LN human commoner 1 (hp 3, att/dam +1/1d4+1, Con +1, Craft: cooper, Handle Animal +4
"Jafari, LN human expert 2 (hp 6, att/dam +2/1d4+1, Con +1, Profession: Merchant +6, Diplomacy +5
"Theros, LN half-elven commoner 1 (hp 3, att/dam +1/1d4+1, Con +1, Profession: farmer +4, Handle Animal +5
Each day, an NPC can be assigned to perform one task around camp or generally employ skills on the PCs’ behalf. The most useful such projects include the following.
• Assist: NPCs can assist a PC or NPC with any skill they’re trained in, automatically granting a +2 aid another bonus.
• Build Shelter: Creating a shelter for one Medium-sized creature requires a successful DC 12 Craft or Survival check. For every 2 points by which the result exceeds 12, the shelter can accommodate one additional Medium-sized creature. These shelters are simple and cold, but enough to prevent a character from being fatigued from lack of shelter.
• Craft: With access to the necessary tools, NPCs can craft finished goods for the PCs upon request, using the normal Craft skill rules (Core Rulebook 91).
• Forage or Hunt: Characters who spend a full day hunting or gathering and succeed at a DC 10 Survival check gain 1 Provision Point. Characters gain 1 additional Provision Point for every 2 by which the result exceeds 10.
• Herd: Phaendar’s sheep and goat herds were scattered in the attack, and many were lost in the Fangwood. NPCs can recover a single goat or sheep with a successful DC 16 Handle Animal check. Captive animals can be maintained with a single successful Handle Animal check (DC = 10 + the number of animals) per day. Neglecting to maintain the herd or failing this check indicates one or more animals have wandered off. A captive animal generates 1 Provision Point every 3 days in the form of milk (and eventually cheese or butter), or can be butchered to immediately provide 2 Provision Points.
• Scout: NPCs trained in Survival or Stealth can scout the area or keep an eye on Phaendar for the PCs. With a successful DC 10 Survival check, an NPC can either discover one point of interest in the area (such as an encounter location) or reduce the chances for a random encounter by 5%. An NPC who succeeds at this skill check by 5 or more can identify one danger in the area of the encounter (if any exist).
• Stand Watch: An NPC can stand watch, attempting Perception checks and even confronting danger while the PCs rest uninterrupted.
• Support: One or more NPCs can follow the PCs to assist them, carrying equipment, standing watch at temporary camps (see below), and providing skills the PCs may lack. NPCs hold back from combat, but should the PCs lose a fight, the NPCs attempt to drag their unconscious leaders to safety.
• Use Skill: NPCs can use any of their listed skills on the PCs’ behalf, such as using Handle Animal to train captured animals, Heal to provide long-term care, or Knowledge to answer questions for the PCs.