White Grotto Student

Amkarang the Unsinkable's page

548 posts. Alias of Simeon.


Fighter 11 | 121 HP | AC 24 (25 in fortress mode, 28 w/ full attack), T 14, F 20, CMD 27| F 9 R 8 W 8 | Init +3 | Perc +11

About Amkarang the Unsinkable

Human (Tian-Sing) fighter (two-weapon fighter) 10 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 109)
CG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +3; Senses Perception +11
AC 24, touch 14, flat-footed 20 (+7 armor, +1 deflection, +3 Dex, +2 natural)
hp 121 (11d10+53)
Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +8 (+3 vs. fear)
Defensive Abilities defensive flurry (+3)
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +1 meteor hammer +17/+12/+7 (1d8+8) or meteor hammer +16/+16/+11/+11/+6 (1d8+7)
. . dagger +14 (1d4+5/19-20)
Ranged +1 composite longbow +12/+6/+1 (1d8+2)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with +1 meteor hammer)
Special Attacks twin blades (+2)
Str 18, Dex 17, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +11/+6/+1; CMB +13 (+17 to trip); CMD 27
Feats Advanced Weapon Training (armed bravery), Combat Reflexes, Dirty Fighting, Double Slice, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (meteor hammer), Greater Trip, Greater Weapon Focus (meteor hammer), Improved Trip, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Power Attack, Two-weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (meteor hammer), Weapon Specialization (meteor hammer)
Traits river rat (marsh or river), unbreakable survivor
Skills Climb +7, Diplomacy +2, Intimidate +10, Perception +11, Survival +14, Swim +12
Languages Common, Goblin, Minatan, Tien
+1 breastplate, lamellar (leather) armor[UC], +1 meteor hammer[UC], dagger, sling, sling bullets (20), amulet of natural armor +2, ring of protection +1, belt of physical perfection +2, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, box of fishing tackle (1 lb), cape of free will +1/+2, fishing net, fishing pole, simple (1 lb), flint and steel, mess kit[UE], soap, trail rations (5), waterskin, 4007 gp, 2 sp
Special Abilities
Advanced Weapon Training (armed bravery): Add bravery bonus to will saves
Combat Reflexes (4 AoO/round) Can make extra attacks of opportunity/rd, and even when flat-footed.
Defensive Flurry +2 (Ex) +1 AC vs. melee when making a full-attack with both weapons.
Doublestrike: At 9th level, a two-weapon warrior may, as a standard action, make one attack with both his primary and secondary weapons. The penalties for attacking with two weapons apply normally.
Power Attack -3/+6 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Twin Blades +2 (Ex) +1 to hit and damage when making a full attack with both weapons.
Improved Balance: At 11th level, the attack penalties for fighting with two weapons are reduced by –1 for a two-weapon warrior. Alternatively, he may use a one-handed weapon in his off-hand, treating it as if it were a light weapon with the normal light weapon penalties.

Amkarang was born in the River Kingdoms to a group of Tian-Sing river pirates. He became a river rat for the pirates, swimming through dark waters to cut the moorings of boats at dock. He was frequently used as a pack animal, carrying the loot for the pirates while they made their getaway. He found solace in fishing, with some of his happiest moments spent sitting by the river with a rod in the current. As he got older, he trained in the use of a meteor hammer, enjoying the feeling of the iron spheres swinging through the air at his enemies. But one day he decided to take a bit more of his share than normal, and the other pirates caught on. He fled across Lake Encarthan, ending up in Nirmathas. His troubles weren't over when he arrived there. The pirates beat him senseless, tossed him in a river and sailed, expecting him to drown like all their other victims. Amkarang refused to do that. He woke up as he hit the water, realizing the situation he was in. He dragged himself out of the water, meteor hammer in hand. His survival was witnessed by a boat captain who saved him, and became somewhat well-known in Nirmathas, becoming known as Amkarang the Unsinkable.
Appearance and Personality:

Amkarang is a tall and burly Tian-Sing man, with several scars and a broken nose from his years as a bandit. He wears a backpack with a fishing rod, bait and tackle box, and a fishing net hanging from it. A meteor hammer hangs on a hook from his belt, along with a sling and dagger on his other hip. He wears a set of leather lamellar armor.
Amkarang is a rather gruff man, a holdover from his days as a bandit. However, he truly hates bandits and those who would exploit the weak, and has made a vow to rid the world of them. In battle, he is fearless, striking foes with the force of an comet. Out of combat, he is a very different person, calm and collected with an easy demeanor. He loves fishing, and finds it can soothe him down after the hardest of experiences. He can often be found sitting by any of body of water he can find, with his net or fishing pole in the water.