Aerel Truthseeker |

I know Aerel wanted any unclaimed Alchemists' Fire and Acid, of which there are 10 and 3 respectively.
Claimed and recorded.
William! All the best to your family and especially your son! Positive thoughts!

Benedict the Clever |

Just waiting for Benedict to be back on the scene. Amkarang and William seem to be handling the situation well enough, but yes, we do know we need to get moving to Longshadow.

Aerel Truthseeker |

Yeah, I'm still here, but keeping quiet because I'm not in the scene. I hope everyone, especially William's son, is doing well.

Benedict the Clever |

Pretty sure the GM said we did get all that trading done.
Many of the recently identified items should go to William:
Pearl of Power (2nd level)
Scroll of Darkness
Scroll of Beast Shape I
Scroll of False Life
Scroll of Ray of Enfeeblement
Oil of Gravity Bow
And for Aerel:
Ring of Maniacal Devices
Oil of Gravity Bow (2)
Things to sell in the future (total sale value):
Page of Spell Knowledge (2000)
+1 Hide Armor (4) (2330)
+1 Cloak of Resistance (4) (2000)

Aerel Truthseeker |

What's the plan for the items that were on the four hobgoblins we took down? I'm thinking several would go to the Fort's new defenders.
I can list them here later, but this is a flyby-post. :D

Benedict the Clever |

Sell their hide armor and cloaks (magical) when we can.
I imagine our refugees are well supplied with mundane gear at this point, and even MW gear is pretty abundant. There's a lot we didn't sell from the Fort Trevalay battles and instead gave to the Rangers. We can give the MW sickles to the Rangers and refugees if you like.

Aerel Truthseeker |

Each of the hobgoblins had a longbow, between 11 and 15 arrows, a potion of cure moderate wounds, +1 hide armor, cloak of resistance +1, and oil of magic weapon. They also each had a pair of masterwork sickles and two flasks of alchemist's fire.
Fair enough regarding their gear. What do you want to do with the healing potions, oil of magic weapon, and alchemists' fire?

Benedict the Clever |

Oil of Magic Weapon we should probably leave with the militia just in case an enemy with DR/magic pops up. It isn't something that we really need, and it sells for a pittance.
I added the CMW potions and alchemists fire to Party Loot for now.
These hobgoblins do love their Alchemists' Fire.

DM Stalwart |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Things to sell in the future (total sale value):
Page of Spell Knowledge (2000)
+1 Hide Armor (4) (2330)
+1 Cloak of Resistance (4) (2000)
Why, it just so happens, that the coins and jewels in the bag works out to cover the sale value of all that armor and cloaks (so you can leave it with the militia)!

Benedict the Clever |

That works out well!
Another 1,266 GP for everybody.

Benedict the Clever |

I think it was reasonable IC to judge that it seemed suspicious that Aerel didn't report back. He is not normally flighty or irresponsible.
If she hadn't cast a spell on Benedict, and if somebody had identified her as a benevolent fey, then I might have sat down to eat.
But this is somewhat worse than I was expecting.
I am not a big fan of OOC strategizing but it would really suck to have one PC kill another. So, William, Amkarang - if either of you are lucky enough to get "Act Normally" this round, please do keep in mind that next round you could well get "Attack nearest creature." Dropping weapons might be a good call.

Aerel Truthseeker |

Aerel had a bad feeling, but wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt, so he spoke loudly to warn you - thinking that you would approach cautiously as a result. But at least you were a bit forewarned.

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"Ugh. Had to cut that one short or I think we'd have had a couple dead PCs. It was a planned encounter, but a series of low rolls and the night attack made it... a bit too much."
I'm ok continuing. PC death has never bothered me (I have another concept for a fighter that would be fun to play and could do the crunch rather quickly). The fear of PC death makes the fights much more fun.
And because I consider it a mark of honor, here is a list of my dead PCs.
Gorthug Orc Draugr. Killed by a human barbarian.
Ingrahild Nargrymkin Dwarven Zen Archer Monk. Eaten by a plant.
Kragmyr Grudgekeeper Dwarven Skald. Squished by a giant.
Malkaer Illuvinar Elven Gestalt Magus/Paladin. Blown apart by magic.
Marillo Sullus Tiefling Vigilante. Killed by agents of House Thune.
So yeah. PC death, even from random encounters, is not something I shy away from.

DM Stalwart |

I'd rather the character deaths come from the big set-piece fights, rather than a planned encounter on the way to the plot. I appreciate you not fearing death and being okay with it, so I'll keep that in mind. But it really sucks when you've got this good group dynamic going and all of a sudden a series of really, really (and I mean, REALLY!) bad rolls comes close to a TPK, especially during a little side encounter.

Benedict the Clever |

It's rather surprising that THIS was what gave us trouble.
Seems like a straight-up fight against melee brutes.
Anyway, I trust you to do what you think best.
Grum did have a great idea getting armor he can sleep in (and the ring to not need much sleep), and Benedict will follow his example.

Benedict the Clever |

The reason Amkarang's armor matters is that I don't know how far down he was on HP.
I know he has that trait to recover some HP as a full-round action.
We should armor up and move on, I guess, stopping to rest in an hour or two.

Amkarang the Unsinkable |

Whoops, sorry for the missed actions. I'm towards the end of the semester with work picking up substantially as well, so most of my games have suffered a bit. Things should calm down a lot by next week.

Benedict the Clever |

So by my count we are now at 49,120 XP.
Needing 51,000 XP for level 8.
Almost there!
Any plot XP for rescuing the trapped guys or anything like that? Maybe we have to get them out of here to safety first.

Aerel Truthseeker |

Please accept my condolences. Take all the time you need. We don’t expect you to post until you’re ready, whatever else is going on in your life, especially a loss like this. RL is more important - we are just playing a game here.

Benedict the Clever |

My condolences on your loss, GM. Take all the time you need.
And may we all have a New Year that is better than this one...
While I do agree that this is just a game, as Aerel says, it is really nice to have a distanced-yet-social activity to make this pandemic living a bit more tolerable. I appreciate this game and everyone's contributions to it. And especially the GM for all the work he puts in.

Aerel Truthseeker |

It appears we are now level 8! I actually have my level-up decisions made whenever we are able to make that official!
For future reference:
Teamwork feats:Coordinated Shot (ally in melee grants attack bonus to archer)
Covering Fire (archer grants AC bonus to ally in melee)
Volley Fire (attack bonus from allied archers)Non-teamwork feats:
Agile Maneuvers (improve Trick Shot: Disarm by raising CMB - not high priority)
Bullseye Shot (move action to gain +4 on next ranged attack roll)
Deadly Accuracy (one reroll of any 1's on damage dice)
Dedicated Adversary (gain favored enemy - thinking goblinoid)
Disrupting Shot (+4 to concentration DC when shooting spellcaster in the act)
Dodge (because - armor class)
Elven Accuracy (single re-roll of failed concealment roll)
Expert Sniper (halves penalty while sniping)
Far Shot (halves range penalty)
Focused Shot (add Intelligence modifier to damage roll)
Improved Initiative
Manyshot (always popular, now available)
Reckless Aim (AC penalty for attack bonus, but nat 1 hits ally - probably not a good choice)
Shadow Strike (can deal precision damage to creature with concealment - sneak attack is minor at this point)
Snap Shot (threaten squares within 5' with my longbow)
Stabbing Shot (because - Legolas!)
Vital Strike (now available)
Weapon Finesse (because I'm not going to avoid melee forever)

Benedict the Clever |

That 3,200 is 640 each, so we are still a tiny bit away. Shouldn't be long though.
When we do get it... Manyshot is the standard high-damage option, but against a spellcaster a single readied attack can be more valuable than a Manyshot. Which makes Bullseye Shot great. On the other hand, we don't face a ton of casters (thankfully).
Improved Initiative to get a bit more Sneak Attack damage?

Aerel Truthseeker |

Oops, my mistake regarding the level. As for the feat choice, I am going with Clustered Shots - I left it off the list as a result. I just brought the list forward and updated it because I had to look for a while to find it again.
If my sneak attack amounted to more than 1d6, Shadow Strike and Improved Initiative would be more tempting.
Elven Accuracy and Deadly Accuracy are interesting, as is Bullseye Shot. I boosted Dexterity to 18 for 8th level, so that will help.
Not a lot of other things going on for Aerel at this level.

Aerel Truthseeker |

Boosts to Dexterity are rarely a bad choice. Some attacks, AC, Reflex saves...
You mentioned learning to be an archer - William had a spare bow at one point that I could not use because of my low strength. Do we still have that, just for when we could use another ranged option?

Aerel Truthseeker |

I figured it was, but I recently remembered that we had a composite bow at one point - might as well be in your hands if we still have it.

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I think for lvl8 maybe I should take shield focus? Maybe retrain a feat into it, so I can take Unhindering shield. The extra AC from a buckler would be nice.

Benedict the Clever |

Yeah, Unhindering Shield is a good option.
I'm not sure what you have available to retrain, though.
The only feats you actually chose were Power Attack (level 1), Furious Focus (Ftr2), and Barroom Brawler (level 5). Everything else is locked in by archetype and VMC.
Only the fighter bonus feats are eligible for the free retrain at level 8, and the only one of those you have is Furious Focus.
For Benedict, I am not sure whether to go Ftr8 or Ftr7/Chevalier1. That looks like a fitting PrC that the GM approved and that would let Benedict make some use of his Cha (getting Smite Evil at Ftr7/Chv3). If Ftr8, then Advanced Armor Training (Armor Specialization - Breastplate) for more AC, and swap out Flagbearer for Power Attack. If Ftr7/Chv1, then no feat right away. But once he finishes the Manual of War, he'll be able to do that Flagbearer-for-PA swap on a daily basis.
Hoping to eventually get some downtime to do regular feat retraining (not just the free Ftr feat retraining) at the end of this book. We'll see.