
Benedict the Clever's page

2,098 posts. Alias of Aldizog.

Full Name





Fighter 9/Chevalier 3| HP 112/112 | AC 31 (33 vs goblins), T 14, FF 28, CMD 30 | Init +5 | Perception +25 (Darkvision) | F/R/W +14/+11/+9 (+4 vs mind-affecting, immune fear/poison) | Move 30' | Tactician 1/1 | BB 1/1 | Alter Self 1/1 | Active: None







Special Abilities

Alter Self, Celestial Resistances, Truespeaker, Tactician 1/day




Chaldira Zuzaristan




Common, Celestial, Elven, Dwarven, Goblin, Sylvan, Halfling, Gnome, Minatan, Undercommon, Draconic, Terran, Aklo, Giant



Strength 19
Dexterity 16
Constitution 15
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 10
Charisma 18

About Benedict the Clever


Benedict was born to a family of shepherds in the foothills of the Mindspin mountains, not far from the Lost Mines. At an early age it was clear that the family’s rumored celestial ancestry had manifested itself in Benedict, and a priestess of Pharasma took the child to Absalom to determine if there were any relevant omens that would indicate the boy’s destiny. The priestess offered to give the boy an education, that he might use his powers to fulfill the will of the gods. As usual, prophecy failed to yield any meaning, but Benedict remained in the city for years of study while the priests tried to understand why the celestial heritage had shown itself. Benedict picked up some of the skills quickly, demonstrating a knack for languages and persuasive rhetoric, though he mostly used these skills to explain his way out of trouble or avoid chores.
A good-hearted but mischievous soul, Benedict found little of value in most teachings of the divine. He took some interest in learning about mysterious deities such as Sivanah or the Lantern King, but the one who most spoke to him was the Halfling goddess Chaldira Zuzaristan. Essentially alone among the gods, Chaldira showed that trickery was not solely for the evil or amoral, but had its place even among the virtuous. Benedict spent a great deal of time with followers of the Calamitous Turn, developing his unique skills.
Recently, on a visit home, he had a close call with the Ironfang Legion. He used his otherworldly abilities to disguise himself as a bugbear, growled at the hobgoblins that he had a mission to attend to, and stalked off in another direction. He has come to the Market Festival to sell some wool from his parents’ flock.


Benedict is tall (6’4”) and of average build. He appears to be human, with an unruly mass of brown hair (actually a wig) falling down around his shoulders. His true nature is not immediately apparent. In contrast to his dirty skin (disguising the faint silvery sheen it would otherwise have), his armor is clean and polished.

Character Sheet:

Aasimar (Angelkin) Fighter (Tactician) 9 / Chevalier 3
NG Medium Outsider
Alternate Racial Traits: Truespeaker
Init +5; Perception +20, Darkvision
AC 31, touch 14, flatfooted 28 (Armor +9, AAT +2, Dex +3, Shield +4, Natural +2, Deflection +1); +2 Dodge vs. goblinoids
HP 112 (12d10+36)
Fort +14, Ref +11, Will +9 (+4 vs mind-affecting, immune to fear/poison)
Resistances Cold 5, Electricity 5, Acid 5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +2 Dwarven Waraxe +21/+16/+11 (1d10+9/x3) or MW Cold Iron Scimitar +18/+13/+8 (1d6+6/18-20)
Ranged MW Javelin +16 (1d6+4/x2) or +1 Composite Longbow +16/+11/+6 (1d8+3/x3)
Str 17 (19), Dex 14 (16), Con 13 (15), Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 16 (18)
BAB +12/+7/+2; CMB +16; CMD 30
Feats Leadership, Unhindering Shield, Improved Feint, Power Attack, Deceitful (B), Greater Feint, Lastwall Phalanx, Barroom Brawler, Steadfast Personality, Combat Expertise, Toughness (B), Advanced Armor Training (Armor Specialization - Breastplate), Deific Obedience
Traits Ironfang Survivor, Seeker
FCB Fighter +9 Skill Points
Skills (7 per level fighter, 6 per level Chevalier)
Acrobatics 5 +16 (+14 w/ACP)
Bluff 12 +26
Diplomacy 12 +22
Linguistics 5 +12
Sense Motive 12 +21 (+12 ranks, +3 Class, +2 racial, +4 Alertness)
Craft (Alchemy) 1 +6
Knowledge (Geography) 1 +6
Knowledge (Nature) 1 +3
Knowledge (Nobility) 1 +6
Knowledge (Planes) 1 +3
Perception 12 +25 (with Ioun Stone for Alertness)
Survival 3 +6
Knowledge (Religion) 3 +5
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 1 +6
Knowledge (Local) 1 +3
Spellcraft 4 +6
Climb 2 +11 (+10)
Swim 1 +8 (+6)
Handle Animal 1 +11
Ride 1 +7 (+5)
Perform (Oratory) 1 +11

Disguise 12 +26 (+28 with kit, +36 with Alter Self) (from Adaptable Training)

Languages Common, Celestial, Dwarven, Goblin, Sylvan, Halfling, Minatan, Undercommon, Draconic, Terran, Aklo, Giant (2 base, 2 Int, 8 Linguistics)
Special Alter Self 1/day, Tactician 1/day (6 rounds, Lastwall Phalanx), Armor Training, Init +2, Advanced Armor Training (Adaptable Training - Disguise), Aura of Courage, Recklessness +3, Controlled Charge, Stubborn Mind, Poison Immunity, Smite Evil, Weapon Training (Axes +1)

Cloak of Resistance +3
Belt of Physical Perfection +2
Headband of Alluring Charisma +2
Ring of Protection +1
Ring of Evasion
+3 Breastplate
+3 Buckler
+2 Dwarven Waraxe
Amulet of Natural Armor +2
Boots of Elvenkind
Disguise Kit (8 uses)
MW Cold Iron Scimitar
2 MW Javelins
+1 Composite Longbow (+2 Str) w/20 arrows
+1 arrow
Pathfinder’s Kit (5 days rations remaining)
Alchemist's Fire (4)
50' silk rope
Climber's Kit
Potion of Owl's Wisdom
Potion of Prot Evil (2)
Scroll of Haste
Potion of Delay Poison
Lucky Horseshoe
Manual of War
Circlet of Persuasion
Dark Blue Rhomboid Ioun Stone
Eyes of the Eagle
Talisman of Freedom
Potion of Barkskin
Gloves of Dueling
80 GP


XP: 3,291 + 80 (Bramblelash) + 240 (Harpy) + 350 (Undead/Lynx) + 150 (Jackals) + 200 (Mites/Wolf) +300 (Trog Ambush) +50 (Waterskins) +225 (Stirges) +114 (RP) = 5,000
+320 (Refugee camp battle) +240 (Cave Fishers) + 440 (Guard trogs and shaman) + 120 (lizard) = 6120
+120 (trap) +280 (2 trogs and lizard) + 160 (trog and 2 frogs) +320 (barb and friends) +160 (stalactite critters) +80 (deciphering) +160 (cube) +440 (Trog leader) = 7,840
+160 (assassin) +160 (crow) +160 (centaur) +320 (ogres) +120 (Veld) +400 (Fahrak) = 9,160
+2,400 (Camp Redjaw) +480 (owlbears) +960 (Spriggans) +600 (archer ambush) +800 (Plant and hairy dudes) +960 (Drunken courtyard) +320 (golem/bees) +800 (satyrs/Linder) +480 (shambling mound) +720 (pixie) = 17,680
+640 (advanced owlbears) +640 (Longfrond) +320 (Porcupines) +480 (trollhounds) +1,600 (trolls) +960 (traps/golem) +480 (golem) +640 (traps) = 23,440
+480 (Herge) +960 (trolls) +960 (deathwebs) +640 (Fort's patrol) = 26,480
+8,480 (most of Fort Trevalay) +480 (yellow mold) = 35,440
+240 (Cougar) +640 (Spectre) +1200 (Halk/Korreds) +480 (ghost) +320 (fey giant) +1,120 (Korred wizard) +320 (trap) = 39,760
+960 (Hobgoblin scouts) +880 (healing refugees) +1280 (Tromaki/dwarves) +640 (Avoiding Bear) +1280 (Bulettes) = 44,800
+2,560 (Geist/Traps/Solifugids) +1,760 (Geists/Trap) +640 (rescuing miners) +4,960 (Ridgeline camp) = 54,720
+2,640 (Mist/armors) +1,280 (Mayor) +1,280 (owlbears) +960 (ooze) +1,280 (lurkers) +3,200 (Navah) +2,560 (river crossing) = 67,920
+3,200 (doppelganger and bugbears) + 4,480 (town prep) +2,560 (wyverns) +8,080 (warbeast camp) +960 (Ankhegs) +1,920 (bomber troops) +8,640 (munitions camp) +13,440 (first day of siege) = 111,200
+3,200 (minotaurs and morlocks) +2,560 (wolf-riders and anhkeg) + 8,640 (Kosseruks' camp) + 5,120 (Great Victory) = 130,720
+5,120 (elementals and other encounters) +2,560 (rocs) +3,840 (ogres) + 1,920 (plans) + 4,480 (hunters and ogre mage) +2,560 (morlock brutes) +3,840 (construct) + 960 (trap) + 3,520 (second wave) = 159,520
+6,880 (Naga/Guards/Notes) + 7,040 (Rot Grubs, Centipedes, Trap) + 10,400 (Psychepores/Final Morlock Fight) + 5,120 (Duergar) + 3,840 (Undead) + 3,840 (Dragons) + 5,120 (oozes) + 5,120 (nagas) + 7,680 (tentacle creature) + 7,680 (Spirit Warriors/Kraggodan) = 222,240