Druneor Hammerstriker |
Male (Blessings 4/4), (Sacred Weapon 3/3 Rounds), (Fervor 4/4) Dwarf Warpriest 3 (hp 24/24),(AC20/21, T11, FF19/20)+4 vs Giant Subtype (With/Without Shield), (Saves F+5, R+3, W+7 +4 vs Spell/SLA +2 vs Poison)(CMB4, CMD15), Init 1, Perc +6, +2 vs stonework

Which is what I had intended, back up out of the quagmire

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Maps: Car. Crown || Skull & Shackles

Theo's shot strikes the tentacle, causing it to withdraw into the rock formation, as Pier helps Druenor struggle from the sodden ground.

Cheshire Silvanshee |
AC 13 HP 22/22 Pass Perc 11 Init +3 Prof Bonus +2 Spell Attack +5 Spell DC 13 Full Portrait
NG Male Forest Gnome Background: Outlander Class: Wild Magic Sorcerer 4Death Saves

Cheshire pulls a boomerang from his belt and launches it toward the strange creature.
boomerang: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23 -4 if I am shooting into melee= 19
damage: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

Druneor Hammerstriker |
Male (Blessings 4/4), (Sacred Weapon 3/3 Rounds), (Fervor 4/4) Dwarf Warpriest 3 (hp 24/24),(AC20/21, T11, FF19/20)+4 vs Giant Subtype (With/Without Shield), (Saves F+5, R+3, W+7 +4 vs Spell/SLA +2 vs Poison)(CMB4, CMD15), Init 1, Perc +6, +2 vs stonework

Thanks Pire
As Druneor gets back onto the solid ground.
Nethys grant me strength
clw: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9 Burning Obscuring mist

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Maps: Car. Crown || Skull & Shackles

As with the shot fired before it, the boomerang clacks against the coral formation with no apparent effect.

Druneor Hammerstriker |
Male (Blessings 4/4), (Sacred Weapon 3/3 Rounds), (Fervor 4/4) Dwarf Warpriest 3 (hp 24/24),(AC20/21, T11, FF19/20)+4 vs Giant Subtype (With/Without Shield), (Saves F+5, R+3, W+7 +4 vs Spell/SLA +2 vs Poison)(CMB4, CMD15), Init 1, Perc +6, +2 vs stonework

Now that Druneor is clear of the tentacles, he spends some time digging his sling out.