WhtKnt's Iron Gods Adventure Path (Inactive)

Game Master WhtKnt

The town of Torch has long enjoyed a singular claim to prosperity—a violet flame that burns atop Black Hill in the heart of the town. This flame burns incredibly hot, and while it’s usually the size of a bonfire, several times a year the fires spew up into the heavens in a brilliant beam of purple violence. These eruptions are presaged by about an hour of soft rumbling, giving nearby smiths a chance to retreat before the fires can consume them. At all other times, the violet energies allow for the smelting of all manner of skymetal. Torch is one of the only locations where skymetal can be worked with relative ease outside of Starfall, and its entire economy has risen around these purple flames, with traveling smiths coming from across Avistan to pay for the opportunity to work with them. Of course, Torch needs all the visiting trade and coin it can gather, for while the town’s distance from Starfall makes it inconvenient for the Technic League to maintain a permanent presence here, the taxes and tariffs it charges the Numerian town on a monthly basis are significant. The town prospers, but the bulk of its income does not belong to it.

Which is why, when the fires atop the hill suddenly go out, the town is in trouble.

Current Map
Loot sheet

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NG Male Forest Gnome Background: Outlander Class: Wild Magic Sorcerer 4Death Saves
AC 13 HP 22/22 Pass Perc 11 Init +3 Prof Bonus +2 Spell Attack +5 Spell DC 13 Full Portrait

That assumes an anvil, a dwarf and 3 cats can swim and not drown before being eaten by what's in the pond. That leaves a couple humans to face the "the horrors of the murk pond."

Male (Blessings 4/4), (Sacred Weapon 3/3 Rounds), (Fervor 4/4) Dwarf Warpriest 3 (hp 24/24),(AC20/21, T11, FF19/20)+4 vs Giant Subtype (With/Without Shield), (Saves F+5, R+3, W+7 +4 vs Spell/SLA +2 vs Poison)(CMB4, CMD15), Init 1, Perc +6, +2 vs stonework

If I am out of armour, I can swim just fine, but right now a negative swim check is not good. :)

Male (Blessings 4/4), (Sacred Weapon 3/3 Rounds), (Fervor 4/4) Dwarf Warpriest 3 (hp 24/24),(AC20/21, T11, FF19/20)+4 vs Giant Subtype (With/Without Shield), (Saves F+5, R+3, W+7 +4 vs Spell/SLA +2 vs Poison)(CMB4, CMD15), Init 1, Perc +6, +2 vs stonework

Druneor looks around, and seeing that no one else happens to be getting ready, starts to get out of his armour. "Pire, I hope that nothing comes out to bite us"

Male Human Archaeologist Bard 1 | HP 13/13 | AC:15 T:11 FF:14 | F:+1 R:+3 W:+1| Init:+1 Per:+3

Pire smiles. "It'll be fine! Like I said, no vegetation. If there's no vegetation, then there's nothing for little fish to eat, and if there're no little fish, there's nothing for the big beasties to eat... Unless the stuff in the water made super monsters, or something. But that's unlikely." He pulls his rope out of the bag laying on the ground, tying one end around himself, and tossing the other by Druneor's feet.

Male (Blessings 4/4), (Sacred Weapon 3/3 Rounds), (Fervor 4/4) Dwarf Warpriest 3 (hp 24/24),(AC20/21, T11, FF19/20)+4 vs Giant Subtype (With/Without Shield), (Saves F+5, R+3, W+7 +4 vs Spell/SLA +2 vs Poison)(CMB4, CMD15), Init 1, Perc +6, +2 vs stonework

Druneor takes the end that was tossed at his feet, and ties it firmly around himself.

Then looks around, and says "Well, let us get this over with, as I don't feel like standing around"

NG Male Forest Gnome Background: Outlander Class: Wild Magic Sorcerer 4Death Saves
AC 13 HP 22/22 Pass Perc 11 Init +3 Prof Bonus +2 Spell Attack +5 Spell DC 13 Full Portrait

"Still take the rope if we don't use it to pull you out you can use it to pull us to you if you find the way in." Cheshire looks up at pire, "Tug twice if you want to get pulled in."

Male (Blessings 4/4), (Sacred Weapon 3/3 Rounds), (Fervor 4/4) Dwarf Warpriest 3 (hp 24/24),(AC20/21, T11, FF19/20)+4 vs Giant Subtype (With/Without Shield), (Saves F+5, R+3, W+7 +4 vs Spell/SLA +2 vs Poison)(CMB4, CMD15), Init 1, Perc +6, +2 vs stonework

Druneor, looks at Cheshire "Good point" pulls a rope out of his pack, and then ties one end of that to the other rope, and then tosses the free end to Cheshire. "Pull twice to get pulled back?"

Then he starts to wade into the water.

Male Human Archaeologist Bard 1 | HP 13/13 | AC:15 T:11 FF:14 | F:+1 R:+3 W:+1| Init:+1 Per:+3

Pire wades in after Druneor, a grin on his face. He splashes a little water in the direction of the party, saying "Right, hold onto the rope. Hopefully, we'll be back after a few minutes," before diving in, hunting for the underwater tunnels.

Male (Blessings 4/4), (Sacred Weapon 3/3 Rounds), (Fervor 4/4) Dwarf Warpriest 3 (hp 24/24),(AC20/21, T11, FF19/20)+4 vs Giant Subtype (With/Without Shield), (Saves F+5, R+3, W+7 +4 vs Spell/SLA +2 vs Poison)(CMB4, CMD15), Init 1, Perc +6, +2 vs stonework

So Just to clarify things Pire is tied to Druneor, and Druneor has a rope to the party.

NG Male Forest Gnome Background: Outlander Class: Wild Magic Sorcerer 4Death Saves
AC 13 HP 22/22 Pass Perc 11 Init +3 Prof Bonus +2 Spell Attack +5 Spell DC 13 Full Portrait

So you are anchoring him or going in 50 behind leaving us to pull you both?

Male (Blessings 4/4), (Sacred Weapon 3/3 Rounds), (Fervor 4/4) Dwarf Warpriest 3 (hp 24/24),(AC20/21, T11, FF19/20)+4 vs Giant Subtype (With/Without Shield), (Saves F+5, R+3, W+7 +4 vs Spell/SLA +2 vs Poison)(CMB4, CMD15), Init 1, Perc +6, +2 vs stonework

Druneor, at the last minute unties the rope from Pire to himself, and tosses the free end to Cheshire. He then reties his rope on himself, and then dives in.

Dark Archive

Maps: Car. Crown || Skull & Shackles

By the time the pair emerge from the water, their eyes burn terribly and their skin itches fiercely, but they have discovered the underwater passage. They spend a few moments emptying the contents of their stomachs onto the ground, but the nausea soon passes.

DM Screen:
Druenor Fort save: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10
Pire Fort save: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10

Male (Blessings 4/4), (Sacred Weapon 3/3 Rounds), (Fervor 4/4) Dwarf Warpriest 3 (hp 24/24),(AC20/21, T11, FF19/20)+4 vs Giant Subtype (With/Without Shield), (Saves F+5, R+3, W+7 +4 vs Spell/SLA +2 vs Poison)(CMB4, CMD15), Init 1, Perc +6, +2 vs stonework

Druneor coughing and spitting looks to the rest of the party "Well, we found it, just follow Pire's rope. We will be along in a minute or two"

Takes a few minutes to tie his gear together, and then a rope to his gear.
"Give us a couple of minutes we will be good to go."

Intend to swim to other side, and then use the rope to pull my gear to me to minimize swim checks

Druneor mumbles to himself
"I knew we should have looked at the lost stock and footprints before we came here."

Grand Lodge

M Android Wizard(metal) 1

"Error: Spell 'Touch the Sea' Not Found. <spelladd=nextupdate>spell=Touch_of_the_Sea</spelladd>"

"I require additional resources to learn to swim. For now, I can sink. With rope, I can sink at an angle."

Male (Blessings 4/4), (Sacred Weapon 3/3 Rounds), (Fervor 4/4) Dwarf Warpriest 3 (hp 24/24),(AC20/21, T11, FF19/20)+4 vs Giant Subtype (With/Without Shield), (Saves F+5, R+3, W+7 +4 vs Spell/SLA +2 vs Poison)(CMB4, CMD15), Init 1, Perc +6, +2 vs stonework

Druneor looks over at Anvil "Looks like we could always tie the rope to you, and have you bring my equipment with you when we pull the rope in."

Looks over at Cheshire
"I am not sure how we are going to get your cat through"

NG Male Forest Gnome Background: Outlander Class: Wild Magic Sorcerer 4Death Saves
AC 13 HP 22/22 Pass Perc 11 Init +3 Prof Bonus +2 Spell Attack +5 Spell DC 13 Full Portrait

"I take it that the entrance is aways down?"

Grand Lodge

M Android Wizard(metal) 1

Anvil looks to the dwarf.
"I can do that."

-Posted with Wayfinder

Female Catfolk
AC: 11, T: 11, FF: 10; HP: 8/8; F:0, R:1, W:1; CMB +0, CMD 11 ; Init: +1; Perc: -1
Expert 1
Climb +8

Kit sighs. Guess she has to swim... she was not in a good mood. But well. This would be entertaining

-Posted with Wayfinder

NG Male Forest Gnome Background: Outlander Class: Wild Magic Sorcerer 4Death Saves
AC 13 HP 22/22 Pass Perc 11 Init +3 Prof Bonus +2 Spell Attack +5 Spell DC 13 Full Portrait

Cheshire looks to the dwarf, "Fuzzles isn't mine, he's my brother. He has been known to swim a bit. He isn't much of a diver but with the rope we know the route well. Do we have a second rope? If so we can assist the current swimmer and they leave a second rope for the follower. Might make things easier. Otherwise we could have the strong swimmers bring the rope back for those that might benefit from being pulled along with the rope. Just a thought."

Male (Blessings 4/4), (Sacred Weapon 3/3 Rounds), (Fervor 4/4) Dwarf Warpriest 3 (hp 24/24),(AC20/21, T11, FF19/20)+4 vs Giant Subtype (With/Without Shield), (Saves F+5, R+3, W+7 +4 vs Spell/SLA +2 vs Poison)(CMB4, CMD15), Init 1, Perc +6, +2 vs stonework

"Cheshire, that will work well." Druneor pulls another rope out of his pack."You want to drag it through?"
After pulling the second rope out, lashes up his gear tight and gets ready to swim the distance again. by Nethys blessing, I hate this part

NG Male Forest Gnome Background: Outlander Class: Wild Magic Sorcerer 4Death Saves
AC 13 HP 22/22 Pass Perc 11 Init +3 Prof Bonus +2 Spell Attack +5 Spell DC 13 Full Portrait

With the ropes and the system we have devised do we need to roll anything? I think Anvil and Fuzzles will be the hardest.

Cheshire stoes his chain shirt in his pack for freer movement ties the end of Druneor's rope around his waist and the end of the other rope to trail behind him leaving an end for someone on shore. After it is clear that Druneor on the far side he tugs it and starts the swim. "This should be fun."

Grand Lodge

M Android Wizard(metal) 1

Assuming that Anvil can take 10 to sink, he will wait u til the end to be dragged down with the leftover gear. (If there is any)

"I will go last. Pull the rope. I will sink."

-Posted with Wayfinder

Male (Blessings 4/4), (Sacred Weapon 3/3 Rounds), (Fervor 4/4) Dwarf Warpriest 3 (hp 24/24),(AC20/21, T11, FF19/20)+4 vs Giant Subtype (With/Without Shield), (Saves F+5, R+3, W+7 +4 vs Spell/SLA +2 vs Poison)(CMB4, CMD15), Init 1, Perc +6, +2 vs stonework

After Druneor hauls Cheshire to the other side, he looks at the choking gnome "Bit of a bad swim that is, now we have to figure out how to get your companion here."

He then starts to haul on the rope for Pire.

NG Male Forest Gnome Background: Outlander Class: Wild Magic Sorcerer 4Death Saves
AC 13 HP 22/22 Pass Perc 11 Init +3 Prof Bonus +2 Spell Attack +5 Spell DC 13 Full Portrait

I knew there was something I forgot to type in my last post. Oops I cut and forgot to retype.

fort save: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13

Cheshire vomits. "Oh" He turns and vomits again. "I will have to go back bring the rope for Kit and Fuzzles. She can leave the second rope for me and now that I know the way I will tie it to me and about 10 feet from Fuzzles he'll keep calm if I am near and you all can pull us. He can swim. Probbly better than me. Someone else might want to swim back for the metal guy. I should keep some of my breakfast."

After Pire swims over Cheshire starts the swim bringing the rope to Kit explaining the second rope plan.

Female Catfolk
AC: 11, T: 11, FF: 10; HP: 8/8; F:0, R:1, W:1; CMB +0, CMD 11 ; Init: +1; Perc: -1
Expert 1
Climb +8

"So what is it i have to do over and above swimming in horrible muck..."

-Posted with Wayfinder

NG Male Forest Gnome Background: Outlander Class: Wild Magic Sorcerer 4Death Saves
AC 13 HP 22/22 Pass Perc 11 Init +3 Prof Bonus +2 Spell Attack +5 Spell DC 13 Full Portrait

"Tie both ropes to you one is to help you over the other will stay here for me and Fuzzles."

Male Human Gunslinger (Pistolero) 1

"Pleasant." Theo takes a step away from the vomit. "Is there any path that doesn't end with us burning our clothes?"

Male (Blessings 4/4), (Sacred Weapon 3/3 Rounds), (Fervor 4/4) Dwarf Warpriest 3 (hp 24/24),(AC20/21, T11, FF19/20)+4 vs Giant Subtype (With/Without Shield), (Saves F+5, R+3, W+7 +4 vs Spell/SLA +2 vs Poison)(CMB4, CMD15), Init 1, Perc +6, +2 vs stonework

Answering in ooc as I am on the other side. Theodric, probably, but we haven't found it yet.

Dark Archive

Maps: Car. Crown || Skull & Shackles

It takes a little work, but soon, everyone is standing (and possibly retching; if you fail a DC 10 Fortitude save, you are sickened for 1 minute) in a cavern...

Dampness hangs in the air of this cave, condensing into heavy moisture on the slick, stone walls. The calm, dark waters wind around to the east up north, along a stony, soot-scarred beach. A five-foot-high ledge sporting several stalagmites rises to the east, beyond which a low-ceiling cave beckons.

Current Map

Male (Blessings 4/4), (Sacred Weapon 3/3 Rounds), (Fervor 4/4) Dwarf Warpriest 3 (hp 24/24),(AC20/21, T11, FF19/20)+4 vs Giant Subtype (With/Without Shield), (Saves F+5, R+3, W+7 +4 vs Spell/SLA +2 vs Poison)(CMB4, CMD15), Init 1, Perc +6, +2 vs stonework

After being sick for a couple of minutes, and after his gear finally makes it to him. Druneor rearmours himself.
Well, looks like this is probably the way. as his vision swims to a grey and white texture. Kit, do you want to lead?
We really have to find another way out.

switching to darkvision

Male Human Archaeologist Bard 1 | HP 13/13 | AC:15 T:11 FF:14 | F:+1 R:+3 W:+1| Init:+1 Per:+3

Pire retches, before standing up. "See? Wasn't all that bad. Let's get a move on." Pire pulls out a torch and lights it, holding it in one hand, and his longsword in another, before following whoever's on point.

Grand Lodge

M Android Wizard(metal) 1

Anvil sinks and is pulled by the rope and makes it into the cavern.

"I hope I don't rust."

After a moment of silence...

"A joke."

Anvil also has darkvision

NG Male Forest Gnome Background: Outlander Class: Wild Magic Sorcerer 4Death Saves
AC 13 HP 22/22 Pass Perc 11 Init +3 Prof Bonus +2 Spell Attack +5 Spell DC 13 Full Portrait

Cheshire gets sick again and after a few minutes puts his armor back on. "I'm with the notion of finding another way out." When Pire lights the light he looks about trying to get a feel for the place. He points to the cave, "Looks like we have a path." He walks over to Fuzzles, "You okay buddy?" He pats the cat.

Female Catfolk
AC: 11, T: 11, FF: 10; HP: 8/8; F:0, R:1, W:1; CMB +0, CMD 11 ; Init: +1; Perc: -1
Expert 1
Climb +8

if she makes it through

She looks around. Totally deneched. She looks around. The darkness was not her thing. But she had her nose

She has scent

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Male (Blessings 4/4), (Sacred Weapon 3/3 Rounds), (Fervor 4/4) Dwarf Warpriest 3 (hp 24/24),(AC20/21, T11, FF19/20)+4 vs Giant Subtype (With/Without Shield), (Saves F+5, R+3, W+7 +4 vs Spell/SLA +2 vs Poison)(CMB4, CMD15), Init 1, Perc +6, +2 vs stonework

Druneor, looks over at the party, Well, I would rather not have to swim out, so lets find another way out. as he stows his rope back in his pack.
Hey Pire, Theodric, can you use these, as they have no use for me indicating a handful of torches.

kit comes with torches, even though I don't need them

Grand Lodge

M Android Wizard(metal) 1

"Let's keep moving."

Anvil takes a few steps forward and looks back to the party.

"Who will go first?"

Dark Archive

Maps: Car. Crown || Skull & Shackles

A collection of stalactites and stalagmites choke this low ceilinged cavern, making it difficult to squeeze between them. Matching stalactites close in from the five-foot-high ceiling, giving the impression of a maw of needlelike teeth bearing down on one another. A dead half-orc sprawls on the ground near the cave’s eastern entrance.

Grand Lodge

M Android Wizard(metal) 1

Anvil will cast detect magic on the room, ensuring that the dead body is within the cone.

If there are magical auras. Kn. Arcana: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22
if those auras come from objects. Spellcraft: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19

Male (Blessings 4/4), (Sacred Weapon 3/3 Rounds), (Fervor 4/4) Dwarf Warpriest 3 (hp 24/24),(AC20/21, T11, FF19/20)+4 vs Giant Subtype (With/Without Shield), (Saves F+5, R+3, W+7 +4 vs Spell/SLA +2 vs Poison)(CMB4, CMD15), Init 1, Perc +6, +2 vs stonework

After dropping his torches, Druneor lashes his pack back up, and grabs his spear and walks over to the dead half orc.

perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
to ensure nothing jumps out to bite me
heal check: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12
This is to determine cause of death

NG Male Forest Gnome Background: Outlander Class: Wild Magic Sorcerer 4Death Saves
AC 13 HP 22/22 Pass Perc 11 Init +3 Prof Bonus +2 Spell Attack +5 Spell DC 13 Full Portrait

"A cave erily similar to a monsterous mouth full of teeth and a corpse. I'm not one for omens but that can't be good." When Cheshire sees Druneor check the corpse he comments dryly "I think he's dead."

NG Male Forest Gnome Background: Outlander Class: Wild Magic Sorcerer 4Death Saves
AC 13 HP 22/22 Pass Perc 11 Init +3 Prof Bonus +2 Spell Attack +5 Spell DC 13 Full Portrait

Cheshire looks about again "Too much orc for Khorrir right? Anyone want to say some words over the dead before I look for loose change, I am scant broke currently."

Female Catfolk
AC: 11, T: 11, FF: 10; HP: 8/8; F:0, R:1, W:1; CMB +0, CMD 11 ; Init: +1; Perc: -1
Expert 1
Climb +8

"I have a few words..."
She closes her eyes
"May his veins be empty and his pockets full!"

Male (Blessings 4/4), (Sacred Weapon 3/3 Rounds), (Fervor 4/4) Dwarf Warpriest 3 (hp 24/24),(AC20/21, T11, FF19/20)+4 vs Giant Subtype (With/Without Shield), (Saves F+5, R+3, W+7 +4 vs Spell/SLA +2 vs Poison)(CMB4, CMD15), Init 1, Perc +6, +2 vs stonework

Druneor looks over at Cheshire I know he is dead, but how he died, might be instructional.
As for omens, I think he had a bad one indicating the orc.

Do we have a loot sheet set up ?

Female Catfolk
AC: 11, T: 11, FF: 10; HP: 8/8; F:0, R:1, W:1; CMB +0, CMD 11 ; Init: +1; Perc: -1
Expert 1
Climb +8

I can make a simple one?

NG Male Forest Gnome Background: Outlander Class: Wild Magic Sorcerer 4Death Saves
AC 13 HP 22/22 Pass Perc 11 Init +3 Prof Bonus +2 Spell Attack +5 Spell DC 13 Full Portrait

"Amen" Cheshire adds to Kit's words.

He then begins rummaging the pockets of the corpse.

Dark Archive

Maps: Car. Crown || Skull & Shackles

Anyone who wishes may set up a loot sheet and I'll link to it.

Female Catfolk
AC: 11, T: 11, FF: 10; HP: 8/8; F:0, R:1, W:1; CMB +0, CMD 11 ; Init: +1; Perc: -1
Expert 1
Climb +8

will do so tonight

-Posted with Wayfinder

Dark Archive

Maps: Car. Crown || Skull & Shackles

Investigation of the body reveals that it is a female half-orc. It has been partially devoured by scavengers and has been stripped of anything of value.

Cause of death was apparently multiple stab wounds from a short-bladed weapon like a dagger.

Knowledge (local) (DC 10):
You recognize the half orc as Parda Garr, a popular brawler in town. She recently entered the caverns with a group of thugs. She was well-liked by most everyone in town and it was believed that her association with the thugs would lead to a bad end.

Male (Blessings 4/4), (Sacred Weapon 3/3 Rounds), (Fervor 4/4) Dwarf Warpriest 3 (hp 24/24),(AC20/21, T11, FF19/20)+4 vs Giant Subtype (With/Without Shield), (Saves F+5, R+3, W+7 +4 vs Spell/SLA +2 vs Poison)(CMB4, CMD15), Init 1, Perc +6, +2 vs stonework

know local untrained: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10
I see I managed to just know her as that is the highest I can claim

Well Druneor states It seems she did come to a bad end after all. She was killed by multiple stabs.
I guess it will be necessary for us to be careful afterall.

With that, Druneor stands up, looks around Kit, would you be so kind as to lead? gives her a few seconds and then starts to walk after her.

will follow kit at 15'

Dark Archive

Maps: Car. Crown || Skull & Shackles

No magical auras, Anvil.

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