Cheshire Silvanshee |

Cheshire huffs. "Uhh no . . . first it did not appear to me to match the description of the automaton. Second it was attacking someone screaming obviously this young girl. Third it was attacking a wall searching for something if it was the automaton mentioned earlier why would it attack the wall in a room in a house where it has been for awhile. Fourth and finally the metal guy said it was dangerous." He points emphatically to the thing that is apparently the automaton, "Danger dealt with. You're welcome" He relaxes, "My surprise is that Val says this is the automaton which by all reports I had, which apparently were wrong, looked differentish. Next time I will let it take a few shots at you. But no one is talking about the fact that it was trying to get something from this wall. Unless its behavior was completely erratic?"

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Anvil looks to his companions in heated debate and frowns.
"Target eliminated. Discontinue aggression."
-Posted with Wayfinder

Cheshire Silvanshee |

Cheshire looks toward Anvil and his head tilts to the left curiously and he smiles somewhat puzzled.
Cheshire looks to Val and makes tries to appear non-threatening, "Hi Val, was it, I am Cheshire, we are here to help. Do you know what changed about the automaton to make it aggressive. I was told that it has been here for awhile has it always been gonzo?"

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Val takes a moment to compose herself, then answers the questions as best she can. "Khonnir was headed investigate the caves where he first found the creature, but he hasn't been seen since.
"There’s an underwater passage connecting the caves to Weeping Pond. If you plan to go after Khonnir, I'm sure he wouldn't object to you using the tavern as a base of operations. I can't offer much more than bedrolls to sleep on, but I can give you all the food and water you need.
"As for the creature, it had been still and silent until just a few moments ago. It was lifeless when Khonnir brought it back about a week ago."

Druneor Hammerstriker |

Upon hearing that it was lifeless until a few moments ago, Druneor stops walking, turns around and asks "Was there anyone that came here before us?"

Druneor Hammerstriker |

Druneor, upon hearing that no one came before us, quietly says "odd" then walks into the workshop proper.
this shop could use a bit of work

Pire Spipden |

Pire nods, before standing back up. "Sounds like the Weeping Pond is our next stop. Robots are weird. This one apparently activated all on its own. I've got a hunch we'll find out why in those caves. The clock is ticking for Baine, and I think we're just about done here. As much as I want to dissect that thing, Baine's whereabouts are more pressing right now. Everybody ready to head out?" He sheaths his sword, before looking at each of the other party members.

Cheshire Silvanshee |

"Just one more question." Cheshire looks to Val and asks kindly, "Val, its okay if you did, but is there any chance you touched the," he looks toward Pire and makes air quotes, "'Robot' before it went all dangerous?"

Kit'Arr |

if she had the feat she could... i have to take that at lvl 3 or shes going to be useless in that regard it seems
The catfolk eyes the mechanical thing
"I have no idea how these things work, but i definitely plan on learning!"
-Posted with Wayfinder

Pire Spipden |

I have Techonologist, and a +4 in DD, if I need to do it. I think I'll be able to handle tech things when we come across them, so don't feel forced to take the feat.
As he walks to wards the door, he looks over at the catfolk. "You know, I could teach you some stuff if you're interested. It's nice to see that not everyone" Pire glances at Cheshire "is so dismissive of the importance of technology. It's like magic, except nobody's figured everything out yet. There's still so much to learn!"

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Val shakes her head. "No, sir. I didn't touch it because Khonnir told me not to."

Druneor Hammerstriker |

Druneor, walks out of the shop. "I didn't see anything in there that might have set that thing off" indicating the robot.
"I am ready to go though"

Cheshire Silvanshee |

Cheshire doesn't understand the nuance of Pire's remark, "My family studied engineering for centuries, they came to Numeria to study the strange tech here, but I have never seen something like this still working. If you know more of it I would like to learn.

Druneor Hammerstriker |

"I don't know to much about these things" Waving his hand at the robot,"but I want to know more about the ruins and artifacts that are under there" Indicating where the torch was lit.

Cheshire Silvanshee |

"Lets go then."

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The walk to the Weeping Pond is simple enough, but on arrival, you find no sign of any caves. This placid-looking pond is set off from the surrounding area by a crescent-shaped escarpment. No vegetation grows on the banks of this pond, and the waters carry a bitter stink of sulfur and other chemicals, enough to make the eyes water after spending too much time on the shore. A shallow stream runs southeast of the pond and finally empties into Crowfeather Lake.

Pire Spipden |

Arriving at the pond, Pire puts a hand on his waist, and another on his chin, as he surveys the site. "See this? No plants are growing here. Whatever's in the water doesn't like living things. I'm not sure how good of an idea swimming to find an underwater passage actually is. Never stopped me before, though. Baine needs us, and it looks like we're gonna have to go through here." He bends down near the pond's edge, dipping a single finger into the water to test it.

Druneor Hammerstriker |

"Pire Wait!!" Druenor yells. He then drags a torch out of his pack. "if you want to test something, don't use your self, use something else" and then tosses the torch to pire.

Cheshire Silvanshee |

Throughout the trip from Khonnir's to the pond Cheshire rambled mostly to Pire bouncing the ideas off Druenor for a second opinion. "Pire you called the automaton a 'robot' what kind of word is that I never heard such a word. Automaton implies lifeless though this one clearly had locomotion. I suppose golem would be a word that could be used but that implies magic right, Druneor golems move on magic right. So not all automatons are golems so a robot is powered by something else, but what? That creature appeared more than gears and springs."
Once at the pond he notes Fuzzles reluctance to near the water he sniffs and wrinkles his nose.

Druneor Hammerstriker |

"From what I have read, golems move on magic, but I don't have personal experience with that."druneor muses
"I think we might have to take one apart to see fully, so long as our metalic friend here doesn't object" indicating anvil

Druneor Hammerstriker |

Druneor, leans on his spear, and comments to Anvil. "That might be the case more often than not." Then he continues to walk along with the rest of the group.

Cheshire Silvanshee |

"What are we going to do about the foul smelling water."

Druneor Hammerstriker |

"Cheshire, I think that the first thing to check is that it won't hurt us." Druneor looks over to Pire "You want to dip that torch handle in to ensure that it won't hurt us?"

Druneor Hammerstriker |

Hoping that I managed to interrupt you before you did.

Cheshire Silvanshee |

What's the worst that can happen?

Druneor Hammerstriker |

Shades of the sphere of Annihilation from tomb of horrors. Learned never to trust liquids, or solids, or gasses. . . . don't trust it all. :)

Cheshire Silvanshee |

Looking back at the last several posts I am left with an incredibly important question. The torch that Druneor tossed to Pire, was it lit? Not what exactly is polluting the water but that fact threw me into a spin. LOL Anvil's comment may not be far off if we light the pond on fire.
Cheshire's eyes dart from the dirty water to the movement of the torch tossed to Pire. He refocuses after a bit of distraction. Looking to see how the experiment is going to turn out.

Druneor Hammerstriker |

It was not lit by me, I figured he would use the haft of the torch to determine if the liquid was hazardous. Like you would use the pole, but a lot closer. :)

Pire Spipden |

The torch was to be used to see if the liquid dissolved or otherwise damaged the object. Unfortunately, Pire had already stuck his hand into the pond. I have Wis 8, I'm contractually obligated to make bad decisions.

Cheshire Silvanshee |

Honestly that is what I though. Then I wondered. Hmm is it lit? I left my 10 foot pole in my 1st edition haversack.

Cheshire Silvanshee |

When he realizes that Pire is already committed to putting his hand in the water. Awe man I would put my hand in the water. He catches the torch before it hits Pire on reflex. He passes it absently back to the dwarf while watching Pire. "I wonder if its like acid? Cause that would hurt."

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When Pire touches the water, he notes that it has an oily sheen to it and seems to be filled with all manner of minerals (in other words, it is "hard" water), but he notices no immediate ill effects.

Pire Spipden |

Pire stands back up, shaking the water off. "Well, my hand's still attached - for now, anyway. Need to keep an eye on it, and see if that changes, though." As he talks, he slings off his backpack. He rummages through his things, keeping his weapons, armor, and a couple of vials on him, and placing the rest of his pack aside. "I can head under, and search for the underwater tunnels that Val mentioned, but I'll need someone else with me in case something happens down there. Anybody up for a swim?"

Druneor Hammerstriker |

As Druneor puts the torch back in his pack he says "You know, that could have turned out bad. But I swim about as well as a rock." He then thanks Cheshire for returning the torch.
I will be trying to find legitamate methods of getting rid of items that I don't need from the kits. :) As for the contractually bad decisions, my FTF game, I am trying to ride herd on a Int 7 barbarian, and a wis 7 fighter, like trying to herd cats. :)

Kit'Arr |

"You do not want a wet cat on your hands!" she warns, making sure she isnt too close to the liquid
"I dont mind swimming or if their is a clear cut reason to get wet, but get me wet just because you think its funny, and you will need great magic to reattach your skin..."
-Posted with Wayfinder

Druneor Hammerstriker |

Druneor chuckles softly over Kit's comments.

Cheshire Silvanshee |

Cheshire looks at the water which he still does not trust, "I can swim barely worse in armor, but Fuzzles likes it less than I do. Seriously this is the only way in."

Pire Spipden |

"Yeah..." Pire scratches his head. "Val said Baine got to the caves via an underwater passage. I figured another person and myself would hunt for it underwater, then lead the rest of you if we found it. If you guys want to scout the rest of the pond, that's a good idea, but our current lead is in the drink."

Druneor Hammerstriker |

"So Pire and who are trying to find the route? I guess the rest of us will wait for you to return."
Digs around in his pack.
"Pire, do you want a rope attached, so that we can haul you back if neccessary?"

Cheshire Silvanshee |

We are awesome what stopped your "adventure party?" Murky pond.

Druneor Hammerstriker |

It isn't the pond. It is what could be hiding in it.