Druneor Hammerstriker |

Once the body is put back on ice.
Well, it looks like we cannot go any further that way.
he then restows his gear, and starts making his way to the room with all the garbage.
Shall we go that way Pointing off to the south east.

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The ceiling of this vast chamber rises nearly thirty feet overhead. A five-foot-wide ledge runs along the western wall, sloping down to the cave floor ten feet below. Four ramshackle huts made of what appear to be strips of metal, hides, and some sort of fibrous plant matter sit in the cave, while to the south yawns a dark pit. The room is so massive that your light cannot reveal the eastern end.

Druneor Hammerstriker |

Shall we see what is down there?
Druneor starts to walk downslope.

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Cheshire Silvanshee |

Cheshire looks up at those around him, "Whatever it is won't be able to pounce on us up here. Common Fuzzles."
The two follow the dwarf down the slope.

Druneor Hammerstriker |

Druneor hearing kits words, grasps his spear a little tighter, and continues to walk downslope using his darkvision to look into the nooks and crannies.
Aye, that is my worry, something going to pounce on us

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Please forgive the untimely interruption.
As you reach the ground, a hairless, smooth-skinned humanoid steps out of hiding and addresses you. From the sides of the entrance, you can see two more humanoids appear as if emerging from the very walls of the room. The color of their flesh is the same as that of the walls!
The one in the center of the room speaks in broken Common. "I am Luepel. We would have no more intrusions in our caverns by your people. Two of you will come with me to reach an accord with our leader. The others will remain here. Choose now!"

Theodric Galadon |

Theo goes for his guns, but pauses when the creature calls out semi-diplomatically. "Give us a minute to talk amongst ourselves!"
He huddles the party together. "I think we should request some of their kind in return, and the two we send should be a talker and a fighter. The talker if things go well, the fighter if they don't. I'm thinking me and Pire."

Druneor Hammerstriker |

That seems reasonable, but be wary. Also, what kind of a signal will you use if in duress ?

Cheshire Silvanshee |

Cheshire nods in agreement.

Pire Spipden |

Pire bends over for the huddle, listening closely to the plan. "The two of us sounds like a good pairing. Though you don't look like much of a talker, Theo. I mean, not that... oh. Hey!" A slight frown on his face, he stands next to Theo and faces the small creatures, silently hoping that the two of them aren't disarmed before negotiations.
What type of knowledge check would it be to indentify the creature's we're negotiating with? Local, since they're (presumably) humanoids?

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Luepel nods. "Brath and Yadriss will remain here with your companions. You two will follow me." Without waiting for a response, the woman leads the duo out of the cavern via the north exit.
Luepel calls out and a gaunt, grey-skinned hairless woman steps from the hut. The pair converse for a moment in a strange tongue, then the newcomer turns to you.
"I am Sef, leader of the skulk. Luepel has told me that you are from the surface. I would strike... what is your word? A bargain. I offer free passage through our territory if you promise not to harm skulks and to defeat our sworn foes. They dwell in a nest to the north. They called jinkins."

Druneor Hammerstriker |

Druneor leans on his spear, while he waits for the return of their allies, while keeping an eye out on the two that were left here.

Pire Spipden |

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"Jinkins nastybad tiny creatures with much teeth. Eyes glow orange and they disappear muchly. Set traps, break things, cause much troubles. You kill or get rid of jinkins, I give you big treasures."
Ducking into her hut, she emerges carrying a leather bag. She opens the bag and takes out a handful of silverdisks and five strange cards. The cards are made of a smooth, flexible material, and each has a brown stripe across it's surface.
"You like? I give you five card and bag of silvers if you get rid of jinkins."

Theodric Galadon |

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15
When you say 'silverdisks', are you just describing silver coins or are you saying these don't appear to be actual money?

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Druneor Hammerstriker |

Great. Druneor says with a grin, and he continues to keep an eye out, and on the two that were left with us.

Cheshire Silvanshee |

"Hmm might be a little late on this one but if these Skulks or whatever are murders was it wise of us to give up 2 of us and thin our numbers here?"

Druneor Hammerstriker |

Cheshire, we did make arrangements for them to contact us in an emergency. A Shot, I think that would be somewhat easy to arrange.

Pire Spipden |

Druneor Hammerstriker |

As we have not heard a shot, I am under the impression that they are still there.

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"A bargain, then," the creature says. "You may go." It indicates the passage that you entered by.

Kit'Arr |

"Traps?" she grins, showing her long fangs
"I dont mind traps... and i dont mind helping taking down this... jenkins... do you know what the cards are?"
-Posted with Wayfinder

Cheshire Silvanshee |

"Let's get to it then who knows might be related to why we are here anyway. "

Druneor Hammerstriker |

Did they point you in their direction, and if so, would you be so kind as to lead on.
Druneor puts his pack back on, and starts to walk off in the direction indicated.

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Thegroup heads out the middle north entrance and into a warren of tight tunnels where Medium-sized creatures must stoop in order to navigate them. Missle fire will not be possible under these conditions for any creautre not of Small size or smaller. You come into an unoccupied cavern with two exits, both heading north.

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Hearing no objections, Theo leads the group to the left.
You pass by a small, empty cavern before coming upon another crossroad. The group wends around to the right before entering a fairly spacious cavern. Several different passageways converge on a narrow ledge overlooking a rubble-filled cavern. The far wall is made of a smooth, dark metal. A single circular door, tightly closed, sits on the metal wall just above the upper level of the rubble.
The chamber appears to be empty.

Druneor Hammerstriker |

Druneor also looks around while others deal with the door.
perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14
Theodric, did they tell you about this room ?

Cheshire Silvanshee |

perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13
Cheshire looks around.