WhtKnt's Iron Gods Adventure Path (Inactive)

Game Master WhtKnt

The town of Torch has long enjoyed a singular claim to prosperity—a violet flame that burns atop Black Hill in the heart of the town. This flame burns incredibly hot, and while it’s usually the size of a bonfire, several times a year the fires spew up into the heavens in a brilliant beam of purple violence. These eruptions are presaged by about an hour of soft rumbling, giving nearby smiths a chance to retreat before the fires can consume them. At all other times, the violet energies allow for the smelting of all manner of skymetal. Torch is one of the only locations where skymetal can be worked with relative ease outside of Starfall, and its entire economy has risen around these purple flames, with traveling smiths coming from across Avistan to pay for the opportunity to work with them. Of course, Torch needs all the visiting trade and coin it can gather, for while the town’s distance from Starfall makes it inconvenient for the Technic League to maintain a permanent presence here, the taxes and tariffs it charges the Numerian town on a monthly basis are significant. The town prospers, but the bulk of its income does not belong to it.

Which is why, when the fires atop the hill suddenly go out, the town is in trouble.

Current Map
Loot sheet

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Dark Archive

Maps: Car. Crown || Skull & Shackles

Each of you has come to Torch for your own reasons, and each has heard a number of rumors regarding goings on in the town. As the adventure opens, you find yourselves gathered at a tavern, The Copper Coin, where many of the townsfolk gather nightly. The place is crowded and you have, by necessity, come together at a table with those of like mind.

I expect that you will not read spoilers that are not intended for you, nor those labeled GM Screen. Doing so may ruin your enjoyment of the scenario.


Cheshire Silvanshee:
The violet flame that has burned atop Black Hill for over a century has gone out, leaving a strangely seeping pit of rubble and bubbling fluids where the town’s livelihood once glowed day and night.

Ever since Councilor Khonnir Baine, one of Torch’s more powerful wizards and a well-liked individual, went missing on his second expedition under Black Hill, the citizens of the nervous town have edged closer to outright panic. With their hands full handling the growing refuse and waste problems in town now that their primary disposal method is gone, the town council is eager to find out what happened to Khonnir and rescue him--they’ve made public a reward of 4,000 gp to any group that can recover Khonnir’s body; if he can be returned alive, they’ve promised to throw in the scroll of resurrection they’ve been holding on to in case they need to revive him. Interested parties are invited to speak to the council at Town Hall.

Khonnir Baine discovered the signs of unusual traffic on the banks of Weeping Pond, and shortly thereafter, the submerged tunnel that provides access to several heretofore unknown tunnels under Black Hill. His emergence from the caves with a deactivated semi-humanoid automaton sparked worries that something strange might be going on in the caverns, but when he failed to return from his second expedition a few days ago, those worries turned to outright fear. Several other adventuring parties have gone missing in the caves, and Torch find itself running short on new volunteers.

The Technic League's not pleased with the situation, and I hear the Black Sovereign himself is heading to town in a few weeks to find out what’s been going on down here!

The violet flame that has burned atop Black Hill for over a century has gone out, leaving a strangely seeping pit of rubble and bubbling fluids where the town’s livelihood once glowed day and night.

Ever since Councilor Khonnir Baine, one of Torch’s more powerful wizards and a well-liked individual, went missing on his second expedition under Black Hill, the citizens of the nervous town have edged closer to outright panic. With their hands full handling the growing refuse and waste problems in town now that their primary disposal method is gone, the town council is eager to find out what happened to Khonnir and rescue him--they’ve made public a reward of 4,000 gp to any group that can recover Khonnir’s body; if he can be returned alive, they’ve promised to throw in the scroll of resurrection they’ve been holding on to in case they need to revive him. Interested parties are invited to speak to the council at Town Hall.

Khonnir Baine discovered the signs of unusual traffic on the banks of Weeping Pond, and shortly thereafter, the submerged tunnel that provides access to several heretofore unknown tunnels under Black Hill. His emergence from the caves with a deactivated semi-humanoid automaton sparked worries that something strange might be going on in the caverns, but when he failed to return from his second expedition a few days ago, those worries turned to outright fear. Several other adventuring parties have gone missing in the caves, and Torch find itself running short on new volunteers.

Garritt the Junkmaster found something a few weeks ago that lit up his shack like a second torch. He's been real quiet lately. Wonder what he's hiding in that junkyard?

Pire Spipden:
The violet flame that has burned atop Black Hill for over a century has gone out, leaving a strangely seeping pit of rubble and bubbling fluids where the town’s livelihood once glowed day and night.

Ever since Councilor Khonnir Baine, one of Torch’s more powerful wizards and a well-liked individual, went missing on his second expedition under Black Hill, the citizens of the nervous town have edged closer to outright panic. With their hands full handling the growing refuse and waste problems in town now that their primary disposal method is gone, the town council is eager to find out what happened to Khonnir and rescue him--they’ve made public a reward of 4,000 gp to any group that can recover Khonnir’s body; if he can be returned alive, they’ve promised to throw in the scroll of resurrection they’ve been holding on to in case they need to revive him. Interested parties are invited to speak to the council at Town Hall.

Khonnir Baine discovered the signs of unusual traffic on the banks of Weeping Pond, and shortly thereafter, the submerged tunnel that provides access to several heretofore unknown tunnels under Black Hill. His emergence from the caves with a deactivated semi-humanoid automaton sparked worries that something strange might be going on in the caverns, but when he failed to return from his second expedition a few days ago, those worries turned to outright fear. Several other adventuring parties have gone missing in the caves, and Torch find itself running short on new volunteers.

A bunch of smelters in the boarding house claim they saw a wyvern with some sort of machine sticking out of its chest a days ride west of town.

Druenor Hammerstriker:
The violet flame that has burned atop Black Hill for over a century has gone out, leaving a strangely seeping pit of rubble and bubbling fluids where the town’s livelihood once glowed day and night.

Ever since Councilor Khonnir Baine, one of Torch’s more powerful wizards and a well-liked individual, went missing on his second expedition under Black Hill, the citizens of the nervous town have edged closer to outright panic. With their hands full handling the growing refuse and waste problems in town now that their primary disposal method is gone, the town council is eager to find out what happened to Khonnir and rescue him--they’ve made public a reward of 4,000 gp to any group that can recover Khonnir’s body; if he can be returned alive, they’ve promised to throw in the scroll of resurrection they’ve been holding on to in case they need to revive him. Interested parties are invited to speak to the council at Town Hall.

Khonnir Baine discovered the signs of unusual traffic on the banks of Weeping Pond, and shortly thereafter, the submerged tunnel that provides access to several heretofore unknown tunnels under Black Hill. His emergence from the caves with a deactivated semi-humanoid automaton sparked worries that something strange might be going on in the caverns, but when he failed to return from his second expedition a few days ago, those worries turned to outright fear. Several other adventuring parties have gone missing in the caves, and Torch find itself running short on new volunteers.

Something has been raiding Seven Tears Farms lately, crushing some crops and stealing others. Whatever's doing it leaves these big round footprints in the ground.

The violet flame that has burned atop Black Hill for over a century has gone out, leaving a strangely seeping pit of rubble and bubbling fluids where the town’s livelihood once glowed day and night.

Ever since Councilor Khonnir Baine, one of Torch’s more powerful wizards and a well-liked individual, went missing on his second expedition under Black Hill, the citizens of the nervous town have edged closer to outright panic. With their hands full handling the growing refuse and waste problems in town now that their primary disposal method is gone, the town council is eager to find out what happened to Khonnir and rescue him--they’ve made public a reward of 4,000 gp to any group that can recover Khonnir’s body; if he can be returned alive, they’ve promised to throw in the scroll of resurrection they’ve been holding on to in case they need to revive him. Interested parties are invited to speak to the council at Town Hall.

Khonnir Baine discovered the signs of unusual traff ic on the banks of Weeping Pond, and shortly thereafter, the submerged tunnel that provides access to several heretofore unknown tunnels under Black Hill. His emergence from the caves with a deactivated semi-humanoid automaton sparked worries that something strange might be going on in the caverns, but when he failed to return from his second expedition a few days ago, those worries turned to outright fear. Several other adventuring parties have gone missing in the caves, and Torch find itself running short on new volunteers.

The mechanical creature Councilman Baine found under the hill wasn’t the only one. Others have been crawling out of the ground around town and attacking people!

The violet flame that has burned atop Black Hill for over a century has gone out, leaving a strangely seeping pit of rubble and bubbling fluids where the town’s livelihood once glowed day and night.

Ever since Councilor Khonnir Baine, one of Torch’s more powerful wizards and a well-liked individual, went missing on his second expedition under Black Hill, the citizens of the nervous town have edged closer to outright panic. With their hands full handling the growing refuse and waste problems in town now that their primary disposal method is gone, the town council is eager to find out what happened to Khonnir and rescue him--they’ve made public a reward of 4,000 gp to any group that can recover Khonnir’s body; if he can be returned alive, they’ve promised to throw in the scroll of resurrection they’ve been holding on to in case they need to revive him. Interested parties are invited to speak to the council at Town Hall.

Khonnir Baine discovered the signs of unusual traff ic on the banks of Weeping Pond, and shortly thereafter, the submerged tunnel that provides access to several heretofore unknown tunnels under Black Hill. His emergence from the caves with a deactivated semi-humanoid automaton sparked worries that something strange might be going on in the caverns, but when he failed to return from his second expedition a few days ago, those worries turned to outright fear. Several other adventuring parties have gone missing in the caves, and Torch find itself running short on new volunteers.

The mechanical creature Councilman Baine found under the hill wasn’t the only one. Others have been crawling out of the ground around town and attacking people!

GM Screen:
Cheshire: 1d20 ⇒ 15
Cheshire: 1d100 ⇒ 36
Kit'Arr: 1d20 ⇒ 13
Kit'Arr: 1d100 ⇒ 76
Pire: 1d20 ⇒ 12
Pire: 1d100 ⇒ 31
Druenor: 1d20 ⇒ 10
Druenor: 1d100 ⇒ 21
Anvil: 1d20 ⇒ 17
Anvil: 1d100 ⇒ 27
Shigeru: 1d20 ⇒ 2
Shigeru: 1d100 ⇒ 1

Male Human Archaeologist Bard 1 | HP 13/13 | AC:15 T:11 FF:14 | F:+1 R:+3 W:+1| Init:+1 Per:+3

"So! A fist slams down onto a table the group is seated around. A young man, weathered from the wilds, but still clearly enthusiastic, sits at one end, addressing the group. "You all know what we're doing, right? Khonnir Baine hasn't come back from his trip under the Black Mount and, like, three groups of dudes have tried to find him and haven't come back out either. That's why we're going in there. Because somebody needs to go in, save Baine, and everybody else who got themselves stuck! As Pire realizes he's standing, he clears his throat, and sits back down. "So, uh, I'm Pire Spipden. What are all your names again? Sorry, I've been a little scatterbrained today."

NG Male Forest Gnome Background: Outlander Class: Wild Magic Sorcerer 4Death Saves
AC 13 HP 22/22 Pass Perc 11 Init +3 Prof Bonus +2 Spell Attack +5 Spell DC 13 Full Portrait

Having heard that there were some asking similar questions about recent events as him down at the Copper Coin Cheshire walks out of town a short ways with Fuzzles.

Casts speak with animals

"Hey buddy. Tavern is a little crowded, you know how the the other 2 legs are." He scratches the tiger behind the ears. "You know the rules no hunting behind fences or if you can see or smell a 2 leg. I don't have enough to replace another pony. But that was a while ago."

Makes his way to the Copper Coin

Cheshire enters the tavern the gnome's hand rests casually on the shoulder of a white tiger that is taller than the gnome. The two get past the threshold but stay of to the side looking around. A clank of pots from the kitchen turned both the heads of the gnome and the tiger but both calmed thereafter.

Cheshire sees the empty spot at the table and walks near to the chair and waits calmly. He is easily ignored in the hustle and bustle of the tavern. After waiting a few long moments he sighs slightly frustrated and directs the Tiger to sit beside him. He climbs nimbly into the chair and squats rather than sits looking across the table. "I hear that there were some down at the Copper Coin asking the same sort of questions I was? Is that you?"

Cheshire starts slightly at the thump on the table but calms quickly. "Cheshire." He points to his chest. "I was told we should seek more information at the Town Hall. I worry that the lose of the fires will bring scrutiny on this little town from the Technic League . . . that can't be good."

Male Human Gunslinger (Pistolero) 1

Theodric leans forward in his chair, cigar held loosely in his lips as he puffs out the side of his mouth. Damn. Gonna have to do some work before getting a chance to learn how to smith sky metal. At least it's a good cause with a rich reward. His thoughts are interrupted by the energetic words of the young archeologist. He stares at him in silence for a moment, then slowly takes his cigar and taps off the end of it. "Call me Theo." He picks up his drink, ice clinking against the glass as he takes a sip with a practiced motion. "I wouldn't be so hot headed 'bout this. Other groups have gone missing for a reason, this ain't scarin' off a little disorganized band of goblins or something." He glances at the gnome, raising a brow at the tiger. "He better be house trained." Theo chuckles, putting his cigar back in his mouth. "You know that mech creature that came out of that hole? I heard there's more and that they're attacking the citizens."

NG Male Forest Gnome Background: Outlander Class: Wild Magic Sorcerer 4Death Saves
AC 13 HP 22/22 Pass Perc 11 Init +3 Prof Bonus +2 Spell Attack +5 Spell DC 13 Full Portrait

Oh look at that . . . I thought I had edited things so the Tiger was outside town. Hmm . . . looks like I started my edit but not finished. I don't know if that was my oversight or if an edit got lost. Could have sworn I edited out the tiger from my tavern entrance. Silly interwebs. Oh well Tiger is with us. LOL.

Cheshire looks at the one with the big hat and smokey stick. The gnome's head tilts curiously when the human speaks of the tiger. The gnome speaks swiftly like many gnomes though he seems to be studying things around him his attention shifts as he speaks. "House trained?" He looks puzzled a moment. "He is safe to be around at the moment. Mostly. If that is what you mean."

Cheshire listens a small look of confusion washes over his face. Citizen . . . is that an animal. He is saying it like its bad . . . so its probably more than hunting. Hmmm Mech sounds like Tech probably means the automaton the missing one Khonnir found. "So there are more automatons like the one called Khonnir found? Perhaps that is what the Technic League want."

Grand Lodge

M Android Wizard(metal) 1

A relatively large android man (6', 200lbs) in loose fitting clothes walks to the table and looks to the individuals talking.


Anvil walks over to the table and sits down.

"Khonnir was my teacher. I would like to find him. I am called Anvil."

He looks to the large tiger.

"Hello to you too."

Male Human Archaeologist Bard 1 | HP 13/13 | AC:15 T:11 FF:14 | F:+1 R:+3 W:+1| Init:+1 Per:+3

"Well, I guess it could be kinda dangerous. Though I don't think the League has anything to do with this. I mean, unless they've got a secret base underneath the forge..." Pire pauses mid-sentence, as if just having thought of something. He rummages through the pack laying near him, and pulls out a red book. He scribbles "Technic League - secret base under Torch???" before circling the text and stowing the book away. Before he says anything more, he spots the metal man who just sat down at the table. His eyes practically pop out of their sockets, as he stutters "Y-you're o-one of them..." He pauses, looking around the crowded building, before leaning forward and putting his hand near his mouth "You're an android, aren't you? Khonnir was your teacher? How come I never saw you around town? I spent so much time out in the wilderness, I never..."

Grand Lodge

M Android Wizard(metal) 1

"Yes. I am android. I am not technic league. I studied in Khonnir's workshop. He was a good teacher. I will hunt with you."

Anvil then looks to each person at the table, including the cat, and nods.

NG Male Forest Gnome Background: Outlander Class: Wild Magic Sorcerer 4Death Saves
AC 13 HP 22/22 Pass Perc 11 Init +3 Prof Bonus +2 Spell Attack +5 Spell DC 13 Full Portrait

The tiger looks up at Anvil curiously not sure what to make of him. Cheshire reaches a reassuring hand down toward the tiger looking at Anvil with some distrust but a great deal of curiosity. "You knew Khonnir. It is said he returned from beneath the Torch with an Automaton . . ." He look around to make sure he is not being overheard. ". . . Is that you. Are you the Automaton." His curiosity in overdrive Cheshire's eyes dart about following the lines along the metallic skin of Anvil. He doesn't seem threatening. Shiny like a skymetal I wonder what kind?

Grand Lodge

M Android Wizard(metal) 1

"No, that was not me. He did talk about an automaton. I never saw it. We worked on machinery."

Anvil seems completely oblivious to any implication that he is threatening or strange.

NG Male Forest Gnome Background: Outlander Class: Wild Magic Sorcerer 4Death Saves
AC 13 HP 22/22 Pass Perc 11 Init +3 Prof Bonus +2 Spell Attack +5 Spell DC 13 Full Portrait

Cheshire as he listens and observes continues to look over at Anvil curiously.

sleight of hand: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13

Slowly he moves his hand near Anvil then swiftly reaches out and pokes him lightly on the arm. After the briefest of touches he pulls his arm swiftly back. Hmmm metal still don't know what kind. Is he a machine? Maybe an oh what's the word. My uncle studied magicy things . . . elemental or something.

Undoubtedly Anvil would have felt the gentle poke but may not know what it was. The others may or may not have seen.

Distracted by the talk of automatons he returns to the conversation. "Hmmm I wonder if they would let us get a look at the Automaton that Khonnir found. That might be a clue."

Grand Lodge

M Android Wizard(metal) 1

Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18

"It's okay. You can touch me."

Anvil will then reach out his hands, in a non-threatening manner, towards Cheshire.

NG Male Forest Gnome Background: Outlander Class: Wild Magic Sorcerer 4Death Saves
AC 13 HP 22/22 Pass Perc 11 Init +3 Prof Bonus +2 Spell Attack +5 Spell DC 13 Full Portrait

Cheshire looks around trying to play off getting caught. He reaches out again and takes a closer look. This time he also pokes at the circuitry tattoo half expecting a jolt of some kind. "You're made of metal! I was right. Are you an elemental or something?"

Male Human Gunslinger (Pistolero) 1

What a couple of chatterboxes. Theo blows out a ring of smoke. "We should probably be talking about a rescue mission."

NG Male Forest Gnome Background: Outlander Class: Wild Magic Sorcerer 4Death Saves
AC 13 HP 22/22 Pass Perc 11 Init +3 Prof Bonus +2 Spell Attack +5 Spell DC 13 Full Portrait

Cheshire's eyes follow the smoke ring a moment. Woah. He looks toward Theodric, "Yes, I wonder if they will let us look at the Automaton that Khonnir found. It might have a clue."

Grand Lodge

M Android Wizard(metal) 1

"I only shock when I want to."

"Yes. We should go to his workshop."

Male Human Gunslinger (Pistolero) 1

Theo stands, draining his drink and putting down the necessary amount of coin on the table. "Automaton first, then the workshop, sound good? Let's get to work, daylight's burning."

Female Catfolk
AC: 11, T: 11, FF: 10; HP: 8/8; F:0, R:1, W:1; CMB +0, CMD 11 ; Init: +1; Perc: -1
Expert 1
Climb +8

Found the thread!!!! sorry for delay. with being in hospital the weekend i lost track. catching up now and will post

A female feline saunters into the tavern, late or not, she didn't care. She was here now. And well, she had...

She eyes those leaving, were they the ones she was ment to meet?

"What are you up to? Already leaving? Well, count me in!"

She seems to think for a moment
"Where are we headed? Hmmm?"

NG Male Forest Gnome Background: Outlander Class: Wild Magic Sorcerer 4Death Saves
AC 13 HP 22/22 Pass Perc 11 Init +3 Prof Bonus +2 Spell Attack +5 Spell DC 13 Full Portrait

As Kit'Arr approaches the tiger at Cheshire's feet lifts its head and cranes its neck. Cheshire kicks the tiger, looking down at the beast beneath the table, "Cool it you she is a two leg cat. Besides I saw her first." Cheshire spends a moment looking about the room gauging reactions. Cheshire looks toward Kit'Arr his nostrils flare as he sniffs the air. After a brief pause Oh these two legs always like to talk when they first meet. I guess even the ones that are cat like. Cheshire smiles a broad toothy grin, "Uh hi. They sent you here too. Anyone who asks too many questions about the fire they send here. I am Cheshire Silvanshee. We were going to see the Automaton and Khonnir's workshop. In the hopes we can find out what happened to the flames."

Female Catfolk
AC: 11, T: 11, FF: 10; HP: 8/8; F:0, R:1, W:1; CMB +0, CMD 11 ; Init: +1; Perc: -1
Expert 1
Climb +8

She cranes her neck, thinking
"Fires? Just light a new one. Or move to a warmer place."
She eyes the tiger
"He's pritty. He yours?"
Her eyes and ears kept looking about the place
"Not use to so many people..."

-Posted with Wayfinder

Male (Blessings 4/4), (Sacred Weapon 3/3 Rounds), (Fervor 4/4) Dwarf Warpriest 3 (hp 24/24),(AC20/21, T11, FF19/20)+4 vs Giant Subtype (With/Without Shield), (Saves F+5, R+3, W+7 +4 vs Spell/SLA +2 vs Poison)(CMB4, CMD15), Init 1, Perc +6, +2 vs stonework

A mumbling dwarf just about wanders into the feline that is standing in the door
Tavern was harder to find than expected

Looks at the human that is leaving
Wait, I was supposed to meet some people here, are you one of them,
and where are you off to ?

spells prepped, Sanctuary(d), Bless, Obscuring Mist

Female Catfolk
AC: 11, T: 11, FF: 10; HP: 8/8; F:0, R:1, W:1; CMB +0, CMD 11 ; Init: +1; Perc: -1
Expert 1
Climb +8
Druneor Hammerstriker wrote:
A mumbling dwarf just about wanders into the feline that is standing in the door Tavern was harder to find than expected Looks at the human that is leaving Wait, I was supposed to meet some people here, are you one of them, and where are you off to ? spells prepped, Sanctuary(d), Bless, Obscuring Mist

"You too huh?" she asks with a laugh

"Im not the only one have trouble. Even with this nose its hard in a city or town. Way too many scents. Guess its why they have that curiosity saying"

-Posted with Wayfinder

Male (Blessings 4/4), (Sacred Weapon 3/3 Rounds), (Fervor 4/4) Dwarf Warpriest 3 (hp 24/24),(AC20/21, T11, FF19/20)+4 vs Giant Subtype (With/Without Shield), (Saves F+5, R+3, W+7 +4 vs Spell/SLA +2 vs Poison)(CMB4, CMD15), Init 1, Perc +6, +2 vs stonework

Yea, me too. The scents don't bother me, but trying to find a human sized tavern was a bit difficult

Druneor's the name, and I am here to see about finding out what happened to the torch

Female Catfolk
AC: 11, T: 11, FF: 10; HP: 8/8; F:0, R:1, W:1; CMB +0, CMD 11 ; Init: +1; Perc: -1
Expert 1
Climb +8

"Kit'Arr" she makes a flamboyant bow and adds a flourish of her paws/claws, while rolling the r in her name

She then stops and thinks some more
"Again with this flame... wonder why they just don't light it again. Why go through with all this trouble just for a bit of heat?"

-Posted with Wayfinder

Male Human Gunslinger (Pistolero) 1

As Kit'Arr enters Theo openly stares at her. "So a milk for you?"

Grand Lodge

M Android Wizard(metal) 1

"Hi. Yes. We are looking for Khonnir. Follow us. Talk while walking."

The large metal man walks towards the door.

Male Human Archaeologist Bard 1 | HP 13/13 | AC:15 T:11 FF:14 | F:+1 R:+3 W:+1| Init:+1 Per:+3

"Yes, yes! Let's be off!" Pire stands up with a flourish, trying to the impress the two new members - and not doing good a job of it. As they head out, he turns to Kit'Arr. "Well, that's kinda the whole problem. The forge went out, and nobody knows how to turn it back on, except maybe for Khonnir. He's missing, so we need to find him, or else the forge won't go back on, and if we don't turn the forge back on, all of the skymetal smithing that's done in town will be finished, and without the smithing, we lose a major backbone of the town's economy, and then there won't be enough money, so when the Technic League comes for their "collections", there won't be enough, and then super bad things will happen!" He pauses, slightly bent over and clearly out of breath. "So, that's where we're going. To find him. You're coming?

NG Male Forest Gnome Background: Outlander Class: Wild Magic Sorcerer 4Death Saves
AC 13 HP 22/22 Pass Perc 11 Init +3 Prof Bonus +2 Spell Attack +5 Spell DC 13 Full Portrait

Cheshire looks amused at the dwarf. "Looking for us? I don't know we are going to investigate the fires on the hill going out. Does that sound like who you were looking for?"

His head pops toward Theo, "Milk whats with the milk why do they always go to the milk am I missing something." He looks at Kit'Arr, "Do you know why they always offer milk, every time they see Fuzzles they ask if he wants milk. He's been off the teat for awhile now." He stops suddenly he cranes his head his eyes following something moving fast in the background at another table.

When Kit'Arr asks about the fire Cheshire looks her way, "Big bright fire shinning purple flames up into the sky as in "THE TOURCH" of this the town of Torch. He thinks a minute as she changes the subject to the tiger, his faces puzzles a moment. [b]"Mine . . . no I do not own him no. He is my younger brother. His name is Fuzzles" He pauses a moment and they realizes that the complicated relations of the 2 legs require more explanation. "I was adopted," Cheshire offers as an afterthought explanation.

"Smells yes lots of them. Though Fuzzles complains about them more than me. Some of them are nice. Lots of 2 legs though. People I mean." Cheshire gets up from the table as he speaks standing first on his chair rising from a squat position and hopes off the chair landing lightly, Fuzzles rises as well and stretches and follows alongside the gnome as he rambles on. "Oh, Druenor, Kit'Arr, the tall metal guy is Anvil, the smokey one with the big hat is Theo, and the smiley guy is Pire."

Did my best to keep these random statements in chronological order. Either way Cheshire obviously has an internal filter problem. In addition to the sniffing, random starring and so on.

Male (Blessings 4/4), (Sacred Weapon 3/3 Rounds), (Fervor 4/4) Dwarf Warpriest 3 (hp 24/24),(AC20/21, T11, FF19/20)+4 vs Giant Subtype (With/Without Shield), (Saves F+5, R+3, W+7 +4 vs Spell/SLA +2 vs Poison)(CMB4, CMD15), Init 1, Perc +6, +2 vs stonework

Aye, I can walk and talk. Where are we going first ?

Looks over the metal man with interest while walking

Kit'Arr?? I am not sure I would be able to say it right. Will you mind the shortend Kit? As for the flame, without it, the town of torch will go broke, as they cannot forge or smelt anything

Cheshire, Aye, you were the ones I was looking for. Pleased to meet you.

Dark Archive

Maps: Car. Crown || Skull & Shackles

The best place to start your search is to check with the town council about taking a look at the automaton. You arrive at the council building to find the only person present is an elderly dwarven woman with white hair and green eyes.

"Kin I help you?"

NG Male Forest Gnome Background: Outlander Class: Wild Magic Sorcerer 4Death Saves
AC 13 HP 22/22 Pass Perc 11 Init +3 Prof Bonus +2 Spell Attack +5 Spell DC 13 Full Portrait

Cheshire walks with the others moving at an easy graceful pace though he has to speed up to keep up with the strides of the others. As the group enters the council building he stops as he enters to survey the room. After a moment he realizes the others have entered and moved past him. He and Fuzzles speed up to return to stride with the group. These 2 legs just walk wherever how do the others have time to know they are not a threat. I wonder if my gnome family was like these 2 legs?

As Cheshire and Fuzzles return to the fold he looks about wondering who is going to answer the old lady. He takes his time near the rear of the group absently making sure his deadlocked and feathered hairs are out of his face.

Male Human Gunslinger (Pistolero) 1

Theo puts out his cigar when he sees a lady, flicking the stub away. He takes off hit hat and steps to the front. "Evenin' ma'am. We're looking into the matters going on in town and were wondering if you knew where we could go to have a look at the automaton that's so talked about."

Female Catfolk
AC: 11, T: 11, FF: 10; HP: 8/8; F:0, R:1, W:1; CMB +0, CMD 11 ; Init: +1; Perc: -1
Expert 1
Climb +8

She grinned, a toothy smile
"Kit is fine with me"

Looking at the gnome and his tiger
"Adopted? How odd. Still, pleased to meet you"

Then finally at Theodric
"Ale, water, milk, anything with a bit of sweetness or water base is fine with me. And don't worry, i get the milk remark quite often if i do come into town. I prefer rooftops and trees" she produces her claws "They make climbing a bit easier"

When confronted with the woman, she simply waits at the back. People were not really her forte. Well, talking to people was not her thing. Other things, yes, well, that she could do well

Male (Blessings 4/4), (Sacred Weapon 3/3 Rounds), (Fervor 4/4) Dwarf Warpriest 3 (hp 24/24),(AC20/21, T11, FF19/20)+4 vs Giant Subtype (With/Without Shield), (Saves F+5, R+3, W+7 +4 vs Spell/SLA +2 vs Poison)(CMB4, CMD15), Init 1, Perc +6, +2 vs stonework

Druneor brushes the trail dust off of his legs with a hat
Good evening, we were wondering if you were willing to let us look upon the automaton. We are trying to determine what happened to Khonnor

Looks around at the other members of the group
Once we have looked at this automaton, I suggest we go check the rumours of the round metal footprints around where people have been loosing stock and crops

Female Catfolk
AC: 11, T: 11, FF: 10; HP: 8/8; F:0, R:1, W:1; CMB +0, CMD 11 ; Init: +1; Perc: -1
Expert 1
Climb +8

just realised that i never described her much. Black fur, white stripes, bright green eyes. Lithe build. Tiger looking ;)

-Posted with Wayfinder

NG Male Forest Gnome Background: Outlander Class: Wild Magic Sorcerer 4Death Saves
AC 13 HP 22/22 Pass Perc 11 Init +3 Prof Bonus +2 Spell Attack +5 Spell DC 13 Full Portrait

"Missing livestock.?" Instinctively Cheshire looks toward Fuzzles. He thinks out loud, "Round metal footprints?" He leans over and closely I spects Anvil's feet checking if they are round.

Male (Blessings 4/4), (Sacred Weapon 3/3 Rounds), (Fervor 4/4) Dwarf Warpriest 3 (hp 24/24),(AC20/21, T11, FF19/20)+4 vs Giant Subtype (With/Without Shield), (Saves F+5, R+3, W+7 +4 vs Spell/SLA +2 vs Poison)(CMB4, CMD15), Init 1, Perc +6, +2 vs stonework

"Aye, Missing stock, and crops."
"At least that is some of the rumours that I have heard."

Female Catfolk
AC: 11, T: 11, FF: 10; HP: 8/8; F:0, R:1, W:1; CMB +0, CMD 11 ; Init: +1; Perc: -1
Expert 1
Climb +8

"I too have heard a few of those things. But one at a time i think"

Really hard not to speak like a Khjiit

-Posted with Wayfinder

NG Male Forest Gnome Background: Outlander Class: Wild Magic Sorcerer 4Death Saves
AC 13 HP 22/22 Pass Perc 11 Init +3 Prof Bonus +2 Spell Attack +5 Spell DC 13 Full Portrait

lol. I'm struggling too. Gnomes can be fun just odd and obsessive I am trying to pull off a feral gnome. Or at least one who has lived with tigers for 20 years of adolescence.

"Maybe it is connected."

Grand Lodge

M Android Wizard(metal) 1

"No. They are not round. I have toes like you. We should go there next."

Rping 6 cha with 18 int, I understand your problems.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Male (Blessings 4/4), (Sacred Weapon 3/3 Rounds), (Fervor 4/4) Dwarf Warpriest 3 (hp 24/24),(AC20/21, T11, FF19/20)+4 vs Giant Subtype (With/Without Shield), (Saves F+5, R+3, W+7 +4 vs Spell/SLA +2 vs Poison)(CMB4, CMD15), Init 1, Perc +6, +2 vs stonework

Aye, one thing at a time. I think that looking at this automation that was found first might prove that they might be connected.

Dark Archive

Maps: Car. Crown || Skull & Shackles

The dwarven woman smiles. "I'm Dolga Freddert, one of the five members of the Council, and the only one not otherwise engaged at the moment.

"Aye, the automaton is in Khonnir's workshop, near the Foundry Tavern. Straight out of here and across the bridge, take the first right, then two lefts. It will be on yer right.

"You know, we're offering a reward of 4,000 gold pieces to anyone investigating Khonnir's disappearance, plus a scroll of resurrection if you bring him back alive. We're also offering a separate reward of 4,000 gp if you can relight the Torch, but we're more concerned with getting Khonnir back safe and sound, first."

Male Human Gunslinger (Pistolero) 1

Theo's brows raise. "We'll consider it a bonus. Thank ye ma'am, we'll get right to it." Theo leaves if the party has no further questions.

Male (Blessings 4/4), (Sacred Weapon 3/3 Rounds), (Fervor 4/4) Dwarf Warpriest 3 (hp 24/24),(AC20/21, T11, FF19/20)+4 vs Giant Subtype (With/Without Shield), (Saves F+5, R+3, W+7 +4 vs Spell/SLA +2 vs Poison)(CMB4, CMD15), Init 1, Perc +6, +2 vs stonework

"May Nethys bless you, and your family for the assistance

Walks off after Theo

NG Male Forest Gnome Background: Outlander Class: Wild Magic Sorcerer 4Death Saves
AC 13 HP 22/22 Pass Perc 11 Init +3 Prof Bonus +2 Spell Attack +5 Spell DC 13 Full Portrait

Cheshire goes to leave with the others but turns back. "We will do what we can. Though I hear the Technic League may already be coming to investigate. Even the Black Sovereign himself. That can't be good." He looks up from his brooding statement. He smiles a friendly toothy grin, "Well thank you for the directions. Good day."

Female Catfolk
AC: 11, T: 11, FF: 10; HP: 8/8; F:0, R:1, W:1; CMB +0, CMD 11 ; Init: +1; Perc: -1
Expert 1
Climb +8

Kit shakes her head
"Dont go telling people that. We dont want a panic... well.... then we might loot things.... choices choices...."

-Posted with Wayfinder

NG Male Forest Gnome Background: Outlander Class: Wild Magic Sorcerer 4Death Saves
AC 13 HP 22/22 Pass Perc 11 Init +3 Prof Bonus +2 Spell Attack +5 Spell DC 13 Full Portrait

Cheshire looks confused, "What'd I say? Did I break one of the labyrinthine social rules of you 2 legs again? Don't stand on the table. Don't sniff strangers. Don't just stand there lurking about. I don't get it!" He continues on a few paces and adds. "They probably frown on looting too."

Female Catfolk
AC: 11, T: 11, FF: 10; HP: 8/8; F:0, R:1, W:1; CMB +0, CMD 11 ; Init: +1; Perc: -1
Expert 1
Climb +8

"Dont give bad news to people who need hope" she winks at the loot remark

-Posted with Wayfinder

Male (Blessings 4/4), (Sacred Weapon 3/3 Rounds), (Fervor 4/4) Dwarf Warpriest 3 (hp 24/24),(AC20/21, T11, FF19/20)+4 vs Giant Subtype (With/Without Shield), (Saves F+5, R+3, W+7 +4 vs Spell/SLA +2 vs Poison)(CMB4, CMD15), Init 1, Perc +6, +2 vs stonework

Druneor shakes his head and grins at the antics of Cheshire

"Aye, let people who need hope, keep hope.","It makes life easier for all involved."

"As for loot, it all depends on ones definition of it."

Male Human Archaeologist Bard 1 | HP 13/13 | AC:15 T:11 FF:14 | F:+1 R:+3 W:+1| Init:+1 Per:+3

Pire raises an eyebrow at the gnome. Yeah, yeah, I wouldn't worry too much about the Technic League. I mean, yeah they're jerks, but so long as we get the fire back on before they come, things should be fine. I'm more concerned about Khonnir. Let's keep moving." With this, he picks up the pace, eager to get to the workshop.

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