Cousin Schmitty |
Male Halfling Master Summoner 5

Dumb Paladin wrote:
Should we simply skip Schmitty in the order until the week is up, so as not to overly delay the combat? Or does this mean we're just going to hold off for 7 days so he doesn't miss anything?
I'm still checking in, but if I'm MIA at a critical juncture just NPC me as needed.

Evan Markhale |
Male Aasimar Gestalt Bard 1 (archivist) / Gunslinger 1 (mysterious stranger)

My newness to play-by-posts is starting to make itself known. A great deal of my planned actions got undone by the fact that I am now prone in the wagon, and still haven't used my move action (because I can't anymore).
Could I have used my move action to get up before the gnoll dropped into the wagon, since my turn preceded his? Since I didn't suggest this as a 'back-up' plan to use my move action, not having forseen the AoO trip by the hyena, am I just SOL?
I'm not sure how these sort of situations are supposed to be generally handled. If your turn & stated goals are interrupted or nor longer viable, do you get to post new options? Or is that it for you?