Aerent Sephim |

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rash and overconfident sounds cool!
All three tons of Grumblejack stare in wide-eyed, silent awe, as the nice green man makes valuable water appear out of nowhere from his black hands.
Sindran, congratulations, you have made a friend!
Arryn, I'm sure you can deal with the lock. Time passes swiftly, though, so if you intend to have Grumblejack free before Ron is back, you have time for only a few attempts at DC 25
Arryn and Talon have a dagger, Aerent has the sword, Caladwhen has her spells and assuming Arryn can open the door, Sindran is armed with a Grumblejack.
I propose we wait for Arryn to try - Arryn you get two attempts if you want to be able to run back to the cell in time; obviously more attempts if you don't care about being spotted outside the cell.
Also, anyone who hasn't rolled initiative, please do so now :)

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Hmm, I'm seeing a totally different plan in the discussion board.
I guess the choice is up to Arryn; free the monster, or stay in the cell :)

Caladwhen |

Caladwhen remains silent a moment as she ponders how best to deal with Ron. Looking to Talon, she motions to the keys he is holding "Talon, I'm assuming those are the cell keys. If so, put me in an adjacent cell "chained" to the wall. Either you or Aerent will have to remain hidden in the room with me. Keep our present cell door closed, so as not to raise his suspicion."
Moving across the room to the door, she turns to explain her plan "I think the best approach is to play the damsel in distress. I'll call for Ron the moment he appears, and tell him that his fellow guards have placed me in the cell for their own nefarious purposes, but have left for the moment."
Raising a brow, she considers the next step "At that point, whoever is hidden in the cell with me should take him from behind, a knife to his throat. I'll explain we mean him no harm, but that calling for help will be his end. At that point, I'll ask what we need of him." Stopping to grin, Caladwhen shrugs and continues "After that, I don't really care what we do with him."
My thought is he'll immediately notice the other guards missing, but Cala's little ruse will give a plausible explanation as to why. Putting her in a different cell also means he won't notice that Sindran or Arryn is missing, or the chance he notices that we're not chained anymore. My hope is this way, we can take him before he calls an alarm.

Caladwhen |

I won't be able to post again until later this evening, so here are my actions assuming all is a go ahead with Ron.
Assumes Cala is in a separate cell with either Arryn, Aereth or Talon hidden with her
Hearing Ron coming up the stairs, Caladwhen takes a deep breath and mutter to herself "Here goes nothing". Waiting until he is within earshot, she calls out in a panicked voice "Ron, is that you? Please I pray it is, come here!"
Assuming Ron enters, Caladwhen appears distraught and chained to the wall "Please Ron, you have to help me. The other guards put me in here and left, they said they'd be back for me!" Stopping a moment, Caladwhen does her best to appear truly frightened "You have to do something Ron, you're my only hope."
Please Master Kenobi, you're my only hope! Assuming this works, the person in the cell should grab him from behind with the knife when he comes to aid her.
If Ron cooperates, Cala will ask all the questions that Sindran had mentioned before in the discussion tab.

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Love the idea. There's only one flaw - the keys you found do not fit the cell. To keep things moving, I'll assume Arryn simply picks the lock of the next cell and you ambush poor Ron there as planned.
Down the stairway, you hear the doors of the great hall swing open. The clamor of someone carrying a tray full of bowls up a stairway becomes audible. As Ron reaches the top of the stairs, he turns around, so he can open the door with his back. He comes in backwards, then turns after a few steps.
You guys? I've brought today's special. But don't expect anything special, that's just a nasty joke our cook tends to ---
and then he hears Caladwhen...

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sense motive, penalty for believable lie: 1d20 + 2 - 4 ⇒ (8) + 2 - 4 = 6
Ron rushes towards Caladwhen's cell - completely oblivious to all the changes you made around the cell block. He rushes at Caladwhen, and only then notices the shadow in the corner - but it's too late. The trap has sprung, and Ron the Unfortunate has lost yet again.
Heartbroken by the betrayal, he sinks to his knees, sobbing.
answers shall follow tomorrow I'm afraid. feel free to post additional questions and bluff/intimidate rolls, depending on how you intend to extract information.

Sindran Eithe |

Sindran continues to make friends with Grumblejack while all this is happening.
He watches as Ron rushes to the trap and seems content to wait until someone fetches him.
Sindran nods, telling Grumblejack he'll be right back, and heads towards the cell where they have Ron.
If Arryn fetches him, he asks her to unlock Grumblejack's cell first before heading to the cell.
Since I'm assumedly chatting with Grumblejack while all this is happening, and it may be some time until someone comes to fetch me, here are some topics or questions Sindran might have posed:
Topic: Grumblejack's Imprisonment
Why are you here?
How long have you been here?
How did you get here?
Topic: Grumblejack himself
What are you good at?
What are you going to do when you get out?
What do you like?
Topic: The Prison
Do you like any of the guards?
What do you know about Sergeant Blackerly? Do you like him?
Topic: Silly
Would you happen to have an extremely convenient way out of the prison?
How's the wife?
Want to be my minion?
What is the meaning of life, the universe, and everything?
What is best in life?
Have you ever danced with Asmodeus in the pale moonlight?
What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
Say, you wouldn't happen to have a scroll of empowered fireball hiding in that loincloth, would you?
He might not exactly phrase it like that, but that's the gist. I'm prioritizing finding more about Grumblejack. Of course, if Grumblejack offers any other information, Sindran would be eager to listen.
No questions for Ron from Sindran yet. I want to do it personally and see what the others intend to do first.

Talon Dalkar |

Knife to Ron's throat Talon rolls his eyes "Quit your sobbing or I'll cut ur eyes out. Luckily you're useful to us" He gets close and smiles, not the happy one he had on earlier but a wicked, cruel grin that curdles the blood "You're lucky she's here, if she's not happy I wouldn't wanna be in your position"

Aerent Sephim |

Aerent walks around Ron and stands beside Caladwhen. "Now Talon, let's not be hasty. Ron was just surprised, that's all."
Aerent leans toward the guard and smiles, "Ron, you're not having a good day, but that's about to change. It's well known that Branderscar isn't what it used to be, and it's been getting worse ever since Blackerly took over... and you know it as well as we do. So here's the deal, if you help us, we'll kill Mr. Blackerly and we'll make sure you come out of this alive and looking like a hero. All we need from you is some information to make our escape a bit easier. And we're going to get out of here, with or without your help - the only question is whether you live through it, or you force us to kill you on the way out."
Aerent leans back, but continues to smile, "So that's the offer, Ron. Do you want to die, or do you want to answer a few questions and wake up tomorrow as the heroic prison guard who managed to stop the Branderscar riot? What do you say?"
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21
Bluff: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28
Not sure which one is more appropriate, so I rolled both Diplomacy and Bluff. If it matters, Aerent is serious about making a deal with him and letting him live.

Arryn Lerash |

"Yes... choose wisely Ron, it would be unfortunate to have to meet our blades." I say, with a wicked evil smile.
Intimidate: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12
Not to sure if Cala is actually chained, or was pretending, but if she was actually chained, I will release her from the chains. I would also like to know more about the clothing that we got. Arryn is uncomfortable in her rags and wants to know if right now, while others are busy if she might be able to use a pair. If the timing is inappropriate, she can wait.

Caladwhen |

With Charm Person, Ron would have the friendly status towards Caladwhen, so I'll give a shot a diplomacy to wrangle some answers out of him. I'm modifying my above action slightly now that he's been successfully taken unawares.
Oh, and to answer your question Arryn, we wouldn't have actually chained Cala to the wall, but faked it.
Satisfied that Ron is incapacitated by Talon, Caladwhen drops the facade and casually removes the shackles. Approaching Ron, she is herself again, detached, devoid of emotion and logical once more. Nevertheless, to maintain Ron's trust, Caladwhen speaks in a non-threatening and friendly manner.
Kneeling down to look at Ron at eye level, Caladwhen places her hand on his face gently "I apologize for the ruse Ron, but it was necessary. I intend to leave this place, for I was unjustly accused*, and cannot be put to death." Looking slowly up at Talon, Caladwhen motions to Ron's captor "I know this seems a grim position to be in, but my companions won't hurt you so long as you cooperate and do not make a scene." Slowly looking Ron again in the eyes, Caladwhen smiles gently and speaks slowly with a calm re-assuring tone "You're a good person Ron, and you will live through this, I promise. Now then, we just have a few questions for, that's all."
*The innocence line is just a way to regain some of Ron's confidence.
Diplomacy roll: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17
Best d20 roll I've ever had on the Paizo forums!
- How many guards are there here?
- What is the quickest root out of the prison?
- Are there any secret doors or ways to get in or out?
- Any other pertinent questions I didn't list here suggested by others

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given the sheer number of questions, it's probably easiest if I keep these conversations a little techanical.
Topic: Grumblejack's Imprisonment
-Why are you here?
Humongs hurt she. Grumblejack hurt humongs more. Humongs take Jack.
-How long have you been here?
He blinks and picks his nose. Time is a human convention.
-How did you get here?
Humongs have net. Humong shaman make me fall, scary, make me go here, no move. Jack NO LIKE shaman!
Topic: Grumblejack himself
-What are you good at?
He shrugs. hurt humongs? Yeees? This generates another toothy smile.
-What are you going to do when you get out?
Hurt humongs. Then, give humong to she.
-What do you like?
rocks. woods. fight big spiders...after a while, he seems to get an idea Hurt humongs?
Topic: The Prison
-Do you like any of the guards?
Ronnie nice. giggles Ronnie win next time.
-What do you know about Sergeant Blackerly? Do you like him?
Fat man bad. Likes hurt Jack. No nice to other mans.
Topic: Silly
Would you happen to have an extremely convenient way out of the prison?
Out? Smash all humongs.
-How's the wife?
Humongs hurt she. Nice you ask
-What is best in life?
throw big spiders at many humongs in woods. His face positively lights up at the memory.
-What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
What do you mean, an Andoran or a Taldor swallow?
-Say, you wouldn't happen to have a scroll of empowered fireball hiding in that loincloth, would you?
After a moment's thought, he drops his cloth. As it turns out, he was indeed hiding something, but definitely not a scroll.

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Ron is fully aware of the trouble he's in. However, there's the slightest of twinkles in his eyes, as he notices the opportunity
Ron relaxes a bit. He sees the value of Aerent's proposition and agrees to his terms.
-How many guards are there here?
8 units of 12 men; three captains and the sarge. Oh BTW, what happened to the three outside? And there's Warden Righter - but he just sits in his tower with his books these days, petting his owl.
-What is the quickest route out of the prison?
there's only one route; that's what's kept BranderScar safe for so long. A couple of years ago, someone tried to escape by jumping off the walls. We never even bothered to clean up.
-Are there any secret doors or ways to get in or out?
Maybe. But then they're secret. I suggest you look in the gatehouse, (3b or 3c). Beyond the walls are only steep drops and sharp rocks.
If you can think of any other questions, I'll answer them later as if they were answered now.
Timewise, it's 9:30 PM after the interrogations are complete. With guard shifts changing every 6 hours (thank you for the info, Ron), You don't expect anyone to come up to the prison level until midnight.

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Ron is happy to inform you about the layout of the prison.
He's never been into the warden's tower, though.

Aerent Sephim |

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22
Aerent has several questions for Prison Guard Ron:
"Are there any passwords the guards use, if so, what are they?"
"Where is the armory?"
"Where is Mr. Blackerly?"
"How many guards patrol the walls and towers at night?"
Understood if Cala is taking the lead, adding another Diplomacy to aid below.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26

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26! sheesh, you bunch of politicians.
Ron is actually starting to feel comfortable. You guys are so organised! The other guards could learn so much from you!
-Are there any passwords the guards use, if so, what are they?
this week's password is Ghastenhall.
-Where is the armory?
good point. I'll put some names to the numbers on the map.
That would be the north-western door(12) in the Great Hall(8). Some of the stuff we've confiscated over the years has been thrown in there. Only Blackerly has the key though.
-Where is Mr. Blackerly?
what time is it? oh. He's probably getting ready to sell his foul home-made liquor and run his poker game about now. You know, I think he's cheating, but I've never managed to catch him. Somehow he often knows who's going to lose.
-How many guards patrol the walls and towers at night?
there's always 2 guards on either end of the great hall, and two pairs of guards patrolling the wall. We have a rule that the patrols should always be in sight of eachother.
also, based on your musings in the discussion thread:
Belladonna? yeah we grow a patch, for troublesome prisoners, in the southeast corner of the greens. (5a)
To reach the captain's office from here, you'll have to go through the first door to the left as you reach the ground floor.(14)

Aerent Sephim |

DM, do the guards carry bells or whistles, or other signalling devices? Or is there an alarm system in plain sight (maybe a magical gong or something)? I'm wondering if it's obvious how guards would let each other know if there is an emergency. If it's not, Aerent would ask that question too.

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Ron knows that quite a few of the guards have signalling horns. Not everyone though, especially the ones standing guard alone.
Also, gently, Ron has a request: Uhm, guys...? If it's not too much to ask, although I fully understand if it is, given your priorities of getting out and all so no hard feelings if you won't, but I sincerely feel that it would do the prison loads of good if Blackerly were to be...motivated...to allow someone else to take his position? And if you'd be so inclined, I think that I could do a much better job than the current Sarge.
having played his trump card, he even starts to sweat a little. Oh roody hell, he just had the balls to ask for a serious promotion! That would certainly soothe the missus!!

Arryn Lerash |

I stand, and ask Ron my one question.
"Ron, do you know if there are any caravans, or groups that are leaving the Prison within the next few days?"
I turn over to Caladwhen.
"We might be able to hitch a ride, which gets rid of the archer problem."
I stand, until he answers, and then sit back down.
I'll ask this after Aerents are answered.

Caladwhen |

Geography Roll: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23
Caladwhen nods with Aerent, but raises an eyebrow suggesting she does have some concerns about chasing down Blackerly. Returning her attention to Ron, the elf smiles, happy to find him so amiable to her present needs. "Why of course Ron; if it's in our power to do so, we will of course motivate Blackerly to resign his post." Motioning to her branded arm, she pouts ever so slightly to garner Ron's sympathy "After all, he was quite cruel me, and appeared to enjoy it. Such men should never been intrusted with power over anyone."
Standing up, Caladwhen looks sternly to others and speaks in Elven, so that Ron can't understand her "We need to find out how Sindran is coming along with that creature down the hall. Time is of the essence."
The caravan is a good idea; maybe a supplies wagon or something to that effect.

Talon Dalkar |

Talon looks blankly upon Cala when she speaks in Elven. He's barely holding Ron now, just standing beside him with the dagger still in hind, he's hardly a threat now.
"I have a question Ron. When they take possession off of prisoners items, where do they keep them?" When some party members give him inquiring looks, he shrugs "I want my spellbook back, they're very difficult to come by"

Arryn Lerash |

I nod in agreement, and leave the cell to go and meet up with Sindran. I walk to Grumblejacks cell. The two seem to becoming good friends, or at least trusting allies.
"Sindran, we're running out of time, do you have any updates with Grumblejack, and how he may aid our escape? We are thinking he might help to distract, or maybe to get rid of large amounts of Guards. We have gotten a lot of good information on areas, and the enemies from Ron. I'm not to sure of the plan, but I think we're going to kill Blackerly, and make a run for it." I quickly explain to the charred half-orc.
Once I get the news, I will immediately report to Caladwhen to relay the information.

Sindran Eithe |

"Grumblejack is right there you know," the half-orc says, tilting his head in Grumblejack's direction. "Say hello to Arryn, Grumblejack."
He faces Arryn. "That sounds messy, but we'll see. Would you mind letting Grumblejack out of his cell?"
Sindran is referring to the locked door.

Arryn Lerash |

"If you think that's best" I say as I pull out my new tools with a flourish. I step up to the cell.
Open Grumblejacks cell: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (4) + 17 = 21
Not sure if that will do it, will try again
I pull from the lock for a second, perplexed. I then brighten my face, lean back in, and set to work.
Open Grumblejacks cell: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (9) + 17 = 26
"There you go. Anything to report? Hello Grumblejack," I say as I turn to the Monster, "Nice to meet you." I say as I step away.

Caladwhen |

That's a good point Talon, I hadn't thought of the spellbooks. I'll need mine as well. As far as languages go, Caladwhen speaks a dump load of them, so most anything will work for me.
Looking over to Talon, Caladwhen nods understandingly and then addresses their captive "Yes Ron, where has Blackerly stashed our possessions?".
While Arryn is out, Cala begins discussing the plan in the harsh infernal tongue with Aereth and Talon.

Sindran Eithe |

"Not much." Except for an empowered rod which I will keep for my own use. "Made friends."
Sindran opens the door to Grumblejack's cell with a flourish, extending a hand and beckoning to indicate following before walking towards Ron's cell. "Come, Grumblejack, Arryn."
As they walk, the half-orc asks Arryn, "Anything I should know? What was done with those guards from earlier?"

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"Twice a week, a supply cart goes back and forth to Veryston. I think the next one is due soon, I'd have to check the roster."
Arryn : Looking back, I now see your question regarding the clothes in the sack off the veil. They are sensible, but as you try them on, it's clear they are perfectly cut for each of you - your mysterious benefactor has clearly made a huge effort to make you feel decent and comfortable. May I assume you prefer these clothes over the crusty linens? Alternatively, there's always the dead guards' uniforms, although they are getting smellier by the minute.
as you mention spellbooks, Ron says:"I'm sure the spellbooks will be in the warden's tower; he loves to study those things. Any other items of value have likely been claimed by the Sarge, you'd have to go to his chambers (14) and (15)"

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Suddenly, you hear the door at (16) open. You feel your heart beat in your throat - this is it, the final stand. They're coming for you.
A voice calls from downstairs:"Heyyy Ronny, Sarge asks if you're still up for your spot at the table tonight; if not, Dan will take it. So whaddaya say?" and then you remember : This is Branderscar; this is not someplace dangerous. The warden is allowing a bunch of incompetent peasants run the place.
Ron however jumps at the sound of the voice. He stumbles : I..I - I should probably go. Sorry. There's no question he is sincere. But will you allow him to go?

Sindran Eithe |

Should I roll for either the Wis or the Int? I wasn't there for the interrogation so I don't know much of anything.
Sindran appears just as the voice calls, hearing what is said. The half-orc grins at Ron, the first time they've seen each other since the guard left for the kitchen. "Hey, Ron. Playing poker tonight? Where do you guys usually play? You should go before they get suspicious."

Talon Dalkar |

Int1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18
Sense Motive1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
Wis1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15
wow Talon is on his game today
"Ron, you need to calm down, you're too excited. Remember, nothing out of the ordinary is happening today. Go play poker, act as if nothing has changed."
After he leaves Talon continues "F#*(@)#@ human reading my book. We should remove the guards at his chamber and wait for him in there"

Caladwhen |

Int: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15
Wis: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21
Realizing the time for action has come, Caladwhen reluctantly decides to take a calculated risk in letting Ron go. He is infatuated with me, so the likelihood of him turning against us is unlikely.
Placing her hand gently on his shoulder, Caladwhen smiles and then gives Ron a quick kiss on his cheek. That ought seal his loyalty if promise of promotion hasn't.
"You'll do great Ron. Be calm, nothing out of the ordinary is going on as far as Blackerly is concerned. We'll take care of the rest."
Once Ron leaves, Caladwhen quickly disrobes and puts on her new outfit, seemingly unconcerned about modesty. While adjusting her new digs, Cala ponders "These are a perfect fit, and my style of clothes. I worry that we're jumping out of the frying pan into the fire... some of this seems to good to be true." Pausing to sigh, Cala shrugs "No matter, we can't worry about that now."
Packing her things, Caladwhen addresses some of the strategic matters "If we don't have more of the Belladonna, I can always cast an enchantment that will put Blackerly's guards to sleep. From what I gather, Blackerly's room is near the bottom of the stairs." With a devilish laugh, Cala shakes her head "What kind of fool puts his room anywhere near the prisoner cells? This place truly is run ramshackle."
Looking to Talon, Caladwhen nods sympathetically "I know how you feel. That book is precious to me, I can't bare that some feeble minded old man is leafing through them." Though her words denote anger, Cala still appears the picture of control.

Arryn Lerash |

Geography: 1d20 ⇒ 18
Sense Motive: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (2) - 1 = 1
Wis: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (3) - 1 = 2
Int: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12
I relay the conversation, all given information from Ron to Sindran as we walk back to the cell.
I see Caladwhen change. These prison clothes are dreadful. I think to myself. Disregarding modesty, I also change.
"You wizards and your silly books, I've got all I need right here!" I say as adjust my new clothing. They are probably the nicest things I've ever worn, I realize. "Gosh, our Mutual Friend is very giving..." I say as I trail off.
I then go to the corner, and try to remain unseen until called upon.
Stealth: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14

Aerent Sephim |

Aerent stares at each of the prisoners in disbelief. As Ron walks away, he looks around at the group, "I can't believe..." Pausing a moment, he looks down and regains his composure. He looks up at Caladwhen, "Please tell me that idiot is still under your spell's influence."
Regardless of her answer...
Aerent leaves the cell and heads back to the room where the dead guards lie hidden. He takes the uniform he gathered earlier and puts it on. Going back he tries to find Arryn, but doesn't see her. Looking around, he shrugs and moves back to the stairs to listen for any other guards who might be coming.
Unless/until Aerent chooses another class that provides more skill points, he's not learning a new language.
Int: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (10) - 1 = 9
Wis: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (9) - 1 = 8
Disguise: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17

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charm person lasts for 1h per level. I was going to have Ron wake up in the middle of the poker game, that would've been interesting... But you'be been chatting for so long that this option is no longer available to me. So now Ron is sincere in his intentions of becoming the new sarge. Question is, can he be subtle enough during the game...

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Aerent, that's done. feel free to update your sheet.
Talon's spellbook, DC 17: 1d20 ⇒ 19
Talon you remember your spellbook being taken by the Sargeant when you arrived. "well lookey-here, a book of runes. Well - you won't have need for this anymore, little bird! Let's see if old Richter can appreciate this." 'old Richter' would be a respectful title for the prison's warden, Mathias Richter, who resides in the tower with his books.
Caladwhen's spellbook, DC 17: 1d20 ⇒ 15
Caladwhen, you're out of luck - for now. All your stuff was taken by the inquisitor after your trial, and burned while you were forced to watch. Yeah, inquisitors; lots of fun to sit next to at a party.

Sindran Eithe |

Sindran tries to find where the dinner Ron promised is. And eat it!
He also brings along the clothes and changes into them before coming back with his Chef's Special.

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Aerent Sephim |

After several minutes, Aerent returns to the group, "Get ready, I think somebody is coming!"
He quickly runs back to the staircase but then slowly walks up to the door. He counts to 15, then opens the door slightly, and says to the guards closest to him, "Come quick, ole Grumbie is doing a dance!"
Aerent leaves the door ajar and moves back to Grumblejack's cell.
Not sure what skill you want, but here's a d20 roll in case Aerent needs one for the guards.
1d20 ⇒ 17