Stone Golem

IBGrumbleJack's page

20 posts. Alias of increddibelly.


Liberty's Edge

Grumblejack understands Sindran's nod.
Lightning quick, he snatches up one of the lizards who are still cowering behind him. He holds it in his hand, crouches low and pulls his arm back.
Then, he turns towards the lake. As you enter the cave, you can just about hear him say: "Stay flat now, Leggy fish. You bounce on water, yes?"

Liberty's Edge

The lizards cower behind Grumblejack, but as the tiger seems nothing more than a wild housecat to him, he has no tolerance for this cowardly behaviour.
"Go. Away. Now."

Liberty's Edge

Grumblejack noisily spits out the femur; you can hear him complain loudly about the terrible texture and the lack of flavor.
"PTOOOEY! Lizzies make tongue itch! Sand taste better!"

Liberty's Edge

Meanwhile, a party of explorers is sneaking through the jungle - except for GrumbleJack, whose idea of sneaking is walking in a straight line, crushing or chopping whatever is in the way. However, Grumblejack does not acknowledge the obvious fact that he couldn’t sneak up on a deaf man, yet alone attentive monsters guarding their habitat.

If someone disparages his “skill” at stealth, he retorts: "Grumblejack have no problem with plan. Grumblejack quiet as death! One time, Grumblejack sneak up on a farmer to steal sheep. Farmer turn around and look me straight in eyes. He so scared, little man make water!!"
His roaring laugh scares away a few dozen birds.

"Grumblejack ask him if he saw anything. Farmer say no."

Turning the smug to eleven, he finishes:
"See...Grumblejack VERY stealthy."

Liberty's Edge

Grumblejack startles at the fierce noise, and involunatrily drops the Goblin he was eating.

"Grubmlejack NOT likes her."

He looks around, but there's no one there to blame or send instead - grudgingly, he realises he'll have to walk all the way over to Tiadora and see what she wants.

Frowning like a toddler, he sets off towards her, as slowly as he dares.
"*grmbl*...One day, Grumblejack eat her."

The prospect seems to cheer him up a little bit.

When he finally reaches Tiadora's position, he bravely speaks:
"Grumblejack NOT pet. Grumblejack Fearsome Monster!"

Liberty's Edge

Sindran, while you are discussing religion, Grumblejack turns out to be a surprisingly diligent student (to the effect his tiny brain allows)
"Hmmm...Grumblejack not know much about the gods. " says the ogre suddenly suprising contemplative. "Men who wear 'Sar-ren-nay' suns always hated Grumblejack, so Grumblejack hate them back. What gods like ogres?"

Liberty's Edge

Grumblejack is fiercely interested in the non-melting ice. If you'd look at his face, you'd see that he's not just thinking about its potential as a permanent cool snack, but you can almost see the cogs behind his eyes moving and rattling.

He steps up towards whoever of you is near, and opens his mouth, to speak:
"Re-lich-un is hard. Ice witch work for you; you work for Thorn; Thorn works for Devil God."
He waits for a sign that he has made himself clear, before continuing. He raises the ice cone for emphasis:
"Ice witch pray to ice. You pray to ...sick-thing. But no one pray to Hell?"

Liberty's Edge

Grumblejack stops shielding his face as soon as the icy pellet cease to hail down. His eyes shine something fierce - you have *never* seen him this upset before.

Liberty's Edge

out of the blue, during lunch on day 17

"D'oh! Master Sindran. I was told you give bag!"

*goes off to fetch bag he totally forgot about for about a week*

*beams with pride - he re-mem-ber-ed-enized!*ooh big word!

The bag is chock full of mithral scales - you remember the shape and color from way, WAY, WAAAAAY back, when the cardinal put you to a test of proficiency:
These are the scales from the mithral cobras in the Cardinal's cellars. He dismantled them and thought it wise to have Grumblejack give them to you.

Liberty's Edge


Liberty's Edge

I'll give a +1 lame joke (morale) bonus to anyone who finds an easter egg this weekend. That said, I probably won't post much. See you guys on Tuesday, as you start taking over the Fortress Balentyne? That chapter is the most spectacular bit of the first book, and you'll probaby be at level 6 by the end of it - so you see, there's a lot of Evil Work to be done ;)

Liberty's Edge

Grumblejack's face lights up at the prospect of a mud bath with fresh kill.

Liberty's Edge

Is Jack Tired?: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14 yes he is.

Liberty's Edge

Sindran Eithe wrote:
Seems like it's bye-bye Ron. (And what happened to Grumblejack?)

"right behind you, Greenman, hur hur."

Liberty's Edge

or in other words, yes...what is the plan? :)

    * I saw something about Cala casting a spell - my guess is sleep like she mentioned earlier?
    * I suspect Sindran is up to something?
    * what about the sleeping dogs next to the door to 3c? Is anyone trying to sneak past them?
    * or are you going back to the plan of feeding them Belladonnified meat?

Liberty's Edge

From below, you hear an Ogre's attempt at whispering. It's actually pretty clever of the fellow, but the effort goes pretty much wasted due to his total incapacity of any sort of subtlety whatsoever.

"ERR...LITTLE GREEN MAN?," he whisper-yells from below; presumably at Sindran, who can only be considered little when compared to say a tree or a house, "THERE ARE 2 MANS OUTSIDE AT GATE"

poor Ron, even the Ogre has one up on him.

Liberty's Edge

Grumblejack will happily carry your keg.
He may accidentally drop it though, so I'll let you pick; would you like to roll a Handle Animal check, or shall I roll his Acrobatics check..? Can I pick? :D

Liberty's Edge

somewhat annoyed at being ushered around, Jack permanently opens the door to (12)
This room is unlit, however, torches are nearby, so you'll quickly find that inside are six spare sets of gear for guards: chain shirt,
heavy steel shield, long sword and longbow. There is also a rack holding a dozen more leather-wrapped clubs.
Further, there is also a stock pile of 240 arrows in twelve quivers. All guard gear (also the stuff you gathered thus far!), armors, weapons and shields bear the mark of Branderscar Prison somewhere on them.

There is also an assortment of weaponry that the guards have confiscated over the years. These weapons are jumbled together and obviously little cared for. They are also unmarked and thus resalable.
That assortment includes: a shiv made from a woman’s metal comb (treat as a dagger), a heavy mace, spear, quarterstaff, battle axe, rapier, great sword, trident and glaive.

What? why is there no *insert item here* in the loot pile?!:
if there are any other weapons that one of you are specialized in, do let me know. You're supposed to come out of this room feeling fully equipped, so a little bit of metagaming is allowed here. Oh, except spellbooks - my apologies Cala, but there's a very good reason for that.

Liberty's Edge

wondering why the humongs always worry about closed doors, Grumblejack is happy to assist.
"door no locked. see?" *crash* "door open."

(13, storeroom)This room is unlit.
Assuming you bring a torch from the hallway, you see that spplies for the prison are stored here. There are hundreds of torches, a dozen lanterns, two 10 gallon kegs of lantern oil, six spare guard uniforms, dozen signal horns, twenty 50’ lengths of rope and two barrels labeled ‘emergency ra-

survival dc 13:
The emergency rations barrels contain maggoty old
iron rations that has gotten wet, moldered and not been replaced. They could still be eaten by the brave or the desperate (each barrel contains 100 days of ‘food’) but you'd rather not.

Hanging in a special rack is also to be found several brands with the runic F symbol and a specially made brazier for heating them. You immediately recognize these items as the brands that marked you.

int DC12:
This storeroom is very sparsely supplied and could hold much more. Thanks to Sergeant Blackerly’s skimming, supplies at the prison are sparse.

Liberty's Edge

as I was saying
"Jack SMASH! Smash GOOOOD"
that's a pretty cool feature of the messageboard. I'm going to make aliases for other NPC's now :D