wicked_raygun |

Dragon Age
This is an official recruitment thread for a Dragon Age RPG PBP game. I will be running a small adventure for 4 players called The Dalish Curse with some modifications. I'm hoping to use this adventure as a jumping off point for a more character driven homebrew game. The game will take place in Ferelden approximately 10 years before the events of the "Dragon Age: Origins" video game. And I will consider this an alternate universe type of scenario, and as such I will not feel beholden to any future canon from the games. So whatever happens happens, and Thedas is just going to have to deal.
And, yes, I'll be using the official Dragon Age Tabletop game.
Character Creation
Players will make 2nd level characters. And we will use the Arranging Abilities option to create them. Essentially, roll 3d6 8 times, take the result and consult the Determing Abilities table.
But please don't bother rolling unless you are selected to play. Instead, tell me about what kind of character you want to play in a 1 to 3 paragraph proposal.
The following backgrounds are available in the Core Rulebook if anyone wants to get an idea. Of course, I am more than willing to customize something if needed. Elves, Dwarves, Humans and Qunari are all okay. Just remember that the game takes place in Ferelden. No one can begin as a Grey Warden. Although, I won't stop you if that's your goal for the game.
• Ander Survivor
• Apostate
• Antivan Wayfarer
• Avvar
• Chasind Wilder
• Circle Mage
• City Elf
• Dalish Elf
• Dwarf Duster
• Escaped Elven Slave
• Ferelden Craftstman
• Ferelden Noble
• Free Marcher
• High-born Dwarf
• Low-born Dwarf
• Nevarran Adventurer
• Orlesian Commoner
• Orlesian Exile
• Orlesian Noble
• Orlesian Student
• Qunari Beresaad
• Rivaini Merchant
• Seheron Convert
• Surface Dwarf
• Tal Vashoth
• Tevinter Altus
• Tevinter Laetan
• Tevinter Soporati
• Waking Sea Raider
If anyone has any questions, I'm happy to answer. Again, I'm looking for 4 players. And I'm looking at a posting speed of approximately once per weekday, and once per weekend.
Oh, one more thing, I do not remotely care about party balance. If 4 mages have the best proposal, so be it.

YoricksRequiem |

I'm going to iron out the details, but as a Dot for Interest, I'm looking to play a non-Circle mage. Likely either an Elvish Apostate on the run, or someone from Tevinter. In either case, the character will be younger and naive, not having experienced the horrors that the Circle Mages fear, and having fundamental disagreements with them over the regulation of magic (at least partially because of not knowing any better). It should provide some interesting opportunities and room for growth.

wicked_raygun |

I personally like the randomization. In fact all of my Dragon Age PCs were rolled 3d6 in order, which is the default method. With the option I'm allowing a player rolls and then arranges their ability scores where they want them.
And I feel I should point out that, rolling randomly in the DA system is actually very forgiving. To get a (-2) ability score, you need to roll triple 1's. And if someone did roll something god-awful, then I would allow a re-roll.
And in this system, PCs raise a single ability score every time they level up. And since we would begin at level 2, players would be able to raise one ability and pick an extra focus. Having used this system many times before, I can assure you that all the players will feel plenty effective.

Tavarokk |

Effectiveness, even relative in case of notably uneven rolls between party members, is actually a secondary concern. It's more of an issue of rolling during chargen defeating the very point of character creation. All mechanical parameters of a character serve the sole purpose of quantifying the background as written by the player, and so this background is supposed to be the one and only thing that determines stats within the boundaries of a starting power level. With this approach forcing any kind of randomization ends up being but a pointless obstruction.
On the other hand, one could approach chargen differently: first roll up stats and background completely randomly, then ask oneself "what kind of person this character would grow into?", in which case '3d6 in order' would be the most natural method. But since you said to post concepts without stat arrays, this isn't the case in this game, is it?

rungok |

Okay. So here's my character concept.
I would like to play a fighter from Kirkwall. Killian Burke had come to Ferelden in pursuit of fame and fortune, and perhaps to pick up a wife if one such opportunity arises. See, his family was poor and hard times left them with little to sustain themselves in Kirkwall, and Killian left to ease the burden on his parents and brothers.
Gaining passage across the waters employed as a guard, Killian aided in fighting off a Qunari raiding ship that almost sunk the vessel and killed everyone aboard. He was injured for a time and only survived the trip because of the chantry healers who attended him upon arriving. He had since been laid up recovering, and is eager to begin searching for new fortune.

Vrog Skyreaver |

Right, so after looking at the various options, I think I'm going to submit a Tal'Vashoth warrior, who serves the old ways and beliefs and despises the Qun.
He is called Kata, and he hires himself out as a mercenary who specializes in killing Qunari. He has had a pretty successful career so far, as people are willing to pay one Qunari to wipe out a dangerous band of them.

YoricksRequiem |

I really love the Elves of Thedas and the setting of Dragon Age so I might have to consider figuring out the rules and making a character. Are there options for being a Mage outside of being part of the Circle? Do the Dalish have their Mages as a playable character type?
Yes! It's the Apostate background. Because of the situation surrounding it, being overt with the use of magic can get you into trouble, and the description includes that as a caveat, but it's certainly an option.

EmissaryOfTheNorth |

Here from the Interest thread! Gotta say I appreciate rolling for stats as I do love the ranfom elemwnt it brings to character creation.
I have to iron out the details, as well as deciding on the background (Either Nevarran Adventurer or Ferelden Noble) but I know for sure the main theme of my future submission:
A young warrior whose father/grandfather/brother rose to glory through heroic deeds and strength of arms. He is out to make a name for himself, as he fears he will forever live in his relative's shadow. Instead of being reckless in his pursuit of glory, he ended being cold and calculating, yet he doesn't fear death for even in a truly magnificent death he might find the fame he craves.

Arknight |

Interested, but new to the system (and world since never played any of the video games either).
Am thinking along the lines of Orlesian Exile. Son of a Chantry Templar, and being trained for the same, he began to question some of the philosophy behind the templars, and a rival, seeing an opportunity, spread rumors that he was actually an Apostate. No true proof could be found, but he did leave quickly as it hit too close to the truth. While not an apostate, he had found the path of the Spirit Warrior.
Is that valid for the setting?

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I'd like to put my hat in with a Dalish Rogue. He is curious about what is outside of his tribe's area. As a scout for his tribe he has the opportunity every so often to go just a bit farther than supposed to. Though the words of his people still resonate in his mind and he is very cautious.

wicked_raygun |

Interested, but new to the system (and world since never played any of the video games either).
Am thinking along the lines of Orlesian Exile. Son of a Chantry Templar, and being trained for the same, he began to question some of the philosophy behind the templars, and a rival, seeing an opportunity, spread rumors that he was actually an Apostate. No true proof could be found, but he did leave quickly as it hit too close to the truth. While not an apostate, he had found the path of the Spirit Warrior.
Is that valid for the setting?
First off, don't worry. My knowledge of the setting isn't iron clad either. I mainly only know the first 2 games. I'm actually only now starting Inquisition.
Spirit Warriors are indeed a specialization that players can pick up. But players don't get their first specialization until 6th level.
That being said, I'm more than happy to work with characters who want to foreshadow their future abilities. So, for example, a character who wants to eventually become a Spirit Warrior or a Spirit Healer would probably have dreams of a spirit following them in the Fade.
Or someone who wants to have Templar powers, could have begun the training but left before they started taking lyrium. Or perhaps they stopped taking lyrium and are slowly regaining their abilities. Or perhaps they stole the knowledge somehow.
Blood Mage is another specialization that a person can take. A character who wanted to go that route could foreshadow that by being someone who is constantly being tempted, or who seeks power at all costs.
There are lots of options available.

Seth86 |

Wayfarer : (name pending. So far leaning toward Zira)
Hailing from a family of traders, she now finds herself stuck ashore after one of their vessels went down. No way to contact her family she now has to fend for herself in till she can either get a new ship or join a crew that can help her get back. She is quite good with the blade as well as her tongue. Her family tradition of carousing runs in her blood and she aims to use these skills to hopefully get herself a ship and a crew. What a story to tell if she becomes a captain herself
Class : thinking of duelist

rungok |

Arknight wrote:Interested, but new to the system (and world since never played any of the video games either).
Am thinking along the lines of Orlesian Exile. Son of a Chantry Templar, and being trained for the same, he began to question some of the philosophy behind the templars, and a rival, seeing an opportunity, spread rumors that he was actually an Apostate. No true proof could be found, but he did leave quickly as it hit too close to the truth. While not an apostate, he had found the path of the Spirit Warrior.
Is that valid for the setting?
First off, don't worry. My knowledge of the setting isn't iron clad either. I mainly only know the first 2 games. I'm actually only now starting Inquisition.
Spirit Warriors are indeed a specialization that players can pick up. But players don't get their first specialization until 6th level.
That being said, I'm more than happy to work with characters who want to foreshadow their future abilities. So, for example, a character who wants to eventually become a Spirit Warrior or a Spirit Healer would probably have dreams of a spirit following them in the Fade.
Or someone who wants to have Templar powers, could have begun the training but left before they started taking lyrium. Or perhaps they stopped taking lyrium and are slowly regaining their abilities. Or perhaps they stole the knowledge somehow.
Blood Mage is another specialization that a person can take. A character who wanted to go that route could foreshadow that by being someone who is constantly being tempted, or who seeks power at all costs.
There are lots of options available.
I haven't looked extensively at it yet, since I have the older version of the book, but I'm thinking that I'd like to see if there was a Gray Warden specialization I could take him down. He has all the markings of a good warden: he's skilled at arms, willing to fight for good, and no one will miss him when he dies.

wicked_raygun |

I haven't looked extensively at it yet, since I have the older version of the book, but I'm thinking that I'd like to see if there was a Gray Warden specialization I could take him down. He has all the markings of a good warden: he's skilled at arms, willing to fight for good, and no one will miss him when he dies.
Grey Warden isn't a specialization at all. In fact anyone can become a Warden at any level, regardless of class, so long as they go through the ritual--and survive it. That last part's important.
And there are game benefits to it. You can sense Darkspawn, resistance to the Taint, you gain an ability point, and a new Talent (like feats). You even gain the Rite of Conscription.
So, yes, you can become one. I just don't want a character to start off as one.

rungok |

rungok wrote:I haven't looked extensively at it yet, since I have the older version of the book, but I'm thinking that I'd like to see if there was a Gray Warden specialization I could take him down. He has all the markings of a good warden: he's skilled at arms, willing to fight for good, and no one will miss him when he dies.Grey Warden isn't a specialization at all. In fact anyone can become a Warden at any level, regardless of class, so long as they go through the ritual--and survive it. That last part's important.
And there are game benefits to it. You can sense Darkspawn, resistance to the Taint, you gain an ability point, and a new Talent (like feats). You even gain the Rite of Conscription.
So, yes, you can become one. I just don't want a character to start off as one.
... Now I need to find a specialization...

wicked_raygun |

I'm going to set the closing of entries to this Sunday, July 9th. I'll make a decision Monday morning, and from there I'll help any players who are less familiar with the system to build characters in the Discussion Thread. I'll also take a page from FATE, and have the players build links with each other there.
And so to be considered as an official proposal, I'll need the following:
• Character name
• Character concept (class / race / background)
• A brief bit of back story
• What does your character hope to achieve?
Again 1 to 3 paragraphs is fine. If you write more, that's okay, too, but it's really not necessary. So please don't feel pressured to write me a novella.
Good luck. I'm looking forward to this.

rungok |

• Character name: Calem Wolfe
• Character concept (class / race / background): Warrior Human Freemarcher. Hoping to work into Spirit Warrior or Guardian specialization.
• A brief bit of back story: Calem was the eldest son of family Wolfe, a poor but content family in Kirkwall. However, with a sudden drop in available work, the family was struggling to sustain itself. Realizing he had been living in the home for too long and was draining food and care his younger siblings (all six of them) could have, Calem sold all his belongings, bought a sword, and gave the rest to the family before catching a boat to Ferelden where he would seek his own fortune.
Serving on the boat as security to earn his passage, Calem was instrumental in fighting off a qunari raiding party that had ambushed the ship shortly out of Kirkwall. While injured, he survived the battle but developed a fever for the rest of the trip. While fighting off the fever he had several dreams that seemed strange and all too real, but when his fever finally broke he could hardly remember what they were.
• What does your character hope to achieve?: He hopes to achieve some wealth or fame, preferably both. He doesn't realize it, but he's also looking for a cause, or some kind of people or place that would make him feel like he belongs.
• (Bonus) character personality: Calem is not an overconfident person. He's quiet, tries to be observant, and knows what it's like looking over others weaker than him from being the eldest of 7. He has a quiet sense of humor, and is generally casual when it comes to handling business.

Seth86 |

Wayfarer : Zira Mitsobar
Concept : Rogue Human Wayfarer. Merchant and hopefully Duelest
Hailing from a family of traders, she now finds herself stuck ashore after one of their vessels went down. No way to contact her family she now has to fend for herself in till she can either get a new ship or join a crew that can help her get back. She is quite good with the blade as well as her tongue. Her family tradition of carousing runs in her blood and she aims to use these skills to hopefully get herself a ship and a crew. What a story to tell if she becomes a captain herself
Achieve: Getting her own ship and crew
Persona : Carefree, sociable

Vrog Skyreaver |

• Character name: Arne Skullcrusher
• Character concept (Warrior / Human / Avvar)
• Arne was the son of shepherds, who are not treated well in Avvar society. He lived a fairly peaceful life, until the night of his 14th birthday, when men in cloaks with knives came and killed his parents; His family was not the only such family effected, and among the Avvar it is know as the night of stalking knives. Kull survived by disarming and then crushing the skull one of the cloaked men, who turned out to be Qunari. Having no family to speak of, he followed the naming tradition of the Avvar and gave himself a surname based on the method by which he killed his first enemy.
Since that night, many Qunari have fallen to his blades.
• What does your character hope to achieve? In the short term, he wants to keep getting paid to kill Qunari. In the long term, he's....not really a long term thinker, actually. Ideally, he would like to kill all the Qunari and then burn their society to the ground, along with the traitors who have joined them.

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• Character name: Athros of the Sabrae clan
• Character concept (Rogue / Dalish Elf) into Scout and/or Shadow specialization (going Bow)
•Athros was born to a long line of Dalish scouts under Keeper Merathari. He is curious about what is outside of his tribe's area. As a scout for his tribe he has the opportunity every so often to go just a bit farther than supposed to. Though the words of his people still resonate in his mind and he is very cautious.
• Athros wants to give his life meaning beyond just another scout for his clan

Vrog Skyreaver |

Since we have had no mages apply, let me change my application to:
• Character name: Shianni Fadrick
• Character concept (class / race / background): Mage/Dalish Elf/Escaped Elven Slave
• A brief bit of back story: Shianni was the favored slave of a Tevinter Magister named Farthan. Farthan was a blood mage and egomaniac who wanted to use Dalish blood to power a ritual to allow him to contact The Forgotten Ones, a trio of Elven gods who battled The Creators. Shianni watched her five sisters and both her brothers die at Farthan's hand.
On the night that Farthan came for her, something awoke inside her, and she surprised him with her magic. It was at that moment that one of the Forgotten answered Farthan's call, twisting him into something worse than an abomination...and then his body collapsed in on itself. As Shianni lost consciousness, she heard a voice begin to whipser into her ear...
She awoke with a start in a barn in Ferelden, with no idea where she was and a boot kicking her awake.
• What does your character hope to achieve? Stop the spread of blood magic.
She also has been having dreams lately that she can't remember, and bears a sigil on her right collarbone the she did not have before, but which glows faintly when she uses her magic.

wicked_raygun |

Thank you everyone who applied. And I am officially closing recruitment and announcing the players. For anyone who didn't get in, you're welcome to lurk.
And without further ado, here are the players.
• rungok – Character Calem Wolfe
• Vrog Skyreaver – Character Shianni Fadrick
• Seth86 – Character Zira Mitsobar
• Sashaa – Athros of the Sabrae Clan