WR Dragon Age

Game Master wicked_raygun

A PBP Game using the Dragon Age system, and running the Dalish Curse.

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Female Human
Speed 14; 31/31 HP; Defence 14; Armour 4
Rogue 2
Communication (Barg,Pers) 3, Cunning 1, Dexterity 4, Perception 4, Strength 1

Perception: 1d6 + 4 + 2d6 ⇒ (6) + 4 + (6, 2) = 18

As they continue walking. She whispered to those around her. " We have company" she motions with her eyes to where she sees the would be ambushers

Zira spots Coalan and a group of 8 villagers hiding off the side of the road with clubs in hand. They look angry, dangerous, and not a little drunk. She warns the others giving them a chance to react.

You essentially have a surprise round to take any actions you would like, whether that be attacking, preparing a defense of some sort, or even talking down the villagers. Bear in mind that if you want to do non-lethal attacks just declare that you are and give a little narrative flare for it. There's no mechanical penalty to the attack roll or damage.

Speed 16; 31/31 HP; Defence 14; Armour 4

Stealth: 3d6 + 6 ⇒ (5, 4, 6) + 6 = 21

Athros will quickly move into the brush behind a tree and ready an arrow should things get hostile.

GM Only:

Perception (seeing): 3d6 + 3 ⇒ (6, 2, 1) + 3 = 12

Just rolling the villagers' perception check.

Female Human
Speed 14; 31/31 HP; Defence 14; Armour 4
Rogue 2
Communication (Barg,Pers) 3, Cunning 1, Dexterity 4, Perception 4, Strength 1

She has her bow ready. And stays at the back of the group

"Should I talk them down? Or try to?" she whispers

-Posted with Wayfinder

Speed 11; Health 46/46; Defense 14; Armor 4;

Calem will draw his sword and shield and take a stance. "We know you're here. Go home while you still can!" he shouts.

Going to try to intimidate them into giving up by giving them the impression I will bring many down before they could get me, and hoping that self-preservation encourages them to leave.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Female Human
Speed 14; 31/31 HP; Defence 14; Armour 4
Rogue 2
Communication (Barg,Pers) 3, Cunning 1, Dexterity 4, Perception 4, Strength 1

She grumbles
" Well. There goes that idea..." she pulls her bow back just a little as the tension escalated

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Max HP: 14 | AC 16 | Init: +2 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +2; Con: +0; Int: +1; Wis: +6; Cha: +0 | Spell DC: 14 Current Damage: -10 |
Spell Slots:
| Inspiration: [ ]

"Look, we know you think that your village has been cursed by the Dalish, but that's just silly." Shianni pauses and smiles in the direction that Zira was looking.

"If you'd like to see a real Dalish curse, please, by all means, keep trying to stop us. I will animate your stomach, lungs, and heart to march out of your mouths. They will do a happy little dance for you before you die. Or" she pauses for effect before continuing, "You can go home, clean up, and try to be better people, like your Andraste would want you to."

Intimidate: 3d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 6) = 14

The villagers come out of their hiding places when shouted to by Calem. They all turn to the Blacksmith, Coalan. And he speaks up.

"Where’s the other knife-ear?" he says indicating Athros, who hid. "He run away scared?"

Villager Willpower: 3d6 + 0 ⇒ (4, 5, 4) + 0 = 13
Coalan Willpower (courage): 3d6 + 3 ⇒ (1, 6, 3) + 3 = 13

"She's a mage! An abomination!" one of the villagers call out. This greatly unnerves the would-be mob, and they begin to disperse. Coalan seems determined to stick it out for a moment, but his courage shrinks along with the crowd size.

"This isn't over," he promises before running off.

Crisis averted.

Speed 16; 31/31 HP; Defence 14; Armour 4

After the townsfolk are out of sight Athros emerges from behind a tree and continues walking with a grumpy look on his face. He occasionally glares at Shianni then continues on.

Max HP: 14 | AC 16 | Init: +2 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +2; Con: +0; Int: +1; Wis: +6; Cha: +0 | Spell DC: 14 Current Damage: -10 |
Spell Slots:
| Inspiration: [ ]

"My apologies Athros. Did you want to murder them?"

Speed 16; 31/31 HP; Defence 14; Armour 4

Athros pauses a moment as if looking for the right words then speaks, "No. Though you are Elvhen, your often use of magic makes me wary of what you may become. Era'harel."

I think the rough translation is demon mage.

Max HP: 14 | AC 16 | Init: +2 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +2; Con: +0; Int: +1; Wis: +6; Cha: +0 | Spell DC: 14 Current Damage: -10 |
Spell Slots:
| Inspiration: [ ]

"Magic is not something that I was born with; You might, however, say that it is something that I was reborn with. The night my master died, he contacted one of the Forgotten Ones, one of which answered. When I awoke, I was in Kirkwall, carrying this staff. I can not get rid of it, as I have been marked by whichever god appeared. I likewise can't seem to stop using magic, because it is the first thing my reflexes do when presented with a situation in which I have magic I can use to help. It often happens before I have even thought about it, and the few times that I have tried to ignore these instincts, I have had crippling pain shoot through my body."

Shianni stops for a moment, clearly lost in thought, before continuing with both her speech and stride. "I do not know why I have been marked so, but I can only hope that once I finish whatever it is they want me to finish, this goes away."

As she finishes the last part, she starts walking faster, apparently done speaking on the subject.

"It probably wasn't a god. Spirits and demons like to play tricks. And if they are confused with a god, then there not always so quick to deny it," Eshara says. When the band stares at here, she shyly admits, "I was studying to be Lorekeeper for my people. I don't have the gift, but I know lots of stories."

Eshara then pulls out a broken, silver link from a large chain. [b]"I found this when I was escaping the abomination Mythallen. I don't know what it does. But it was laid out as if on a shrine. Since you have the gift, Shianna, perhaps you can tell us what it is.

A brief examination shows magical etchings all over its surface.

If Shianna wants to analyze the silver link:

Magic (spirit) TN 13:
You feel a residue of the magic that once permeated this link. It was used to ward a Rage Demon, to keep it locked away. A mage with this link can perform magical stunts on Rage Demons or Abominations for -1 sp.

Max HP: 14 | AC 16 | Init: +2 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +2; Con: +0; Int: +1; Wis: +6; Cha: +0 | Spell DC: 14 Current Damage: -10 |
Spell Slots:
| Inspiration: [ ]

Magic: 3d6 + 4 ⇒ (1, 1, 3) + 4 = 9

"I can't see the aura on it, if any."

Female Human
Speed 14; 31/31 HP; Defence 14; Armour 4
Rogue 2
Communication (Barg,Pers) 3, Cunning 1, Dexterity 4, Perception 4, Strength 1

"Either way. By magic. Or words. No blood was shed. They are simply scared people. Good thing it didn't come to blows. World is dangerous enough without us being at each other's throats"

-Posted with Wayfinder

Eshara nods to Shianna and puts away the silver link. "We should get going then. We still have quite a ways to go."

And so the Band, guided by Eshara gets back on their way.

After traveling for most of the day, the group comes across the remains of the Dalish encampment, not far off the track in the forest. The elves’ colorful wagons are circled around the remains of a campfire in a shallow pit, long since turned to cold ashes. The carcass of at least one carthorse lies outside the circle of wagons, picked over by forest scavengers, and the wagons themselves as well as the debris scattered around the camp show signs of a struggle.

Closer examination shows overturned campstools, broken mugs and crockery, and an overturned iron cauldron that once hung from a tripod over the fire. A small amount of spoiled stew still sits in the bottom, but most of it has spilled and been consumed by scavengers.

Everyone please make Perception (tracking) checks.

Speed 11; Health 46/46; Defense 14; Armor 4;

Perception: 3d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 6) = 13

Speed 16; 31/31 HP; Defence 14; Armour 4

Perception: 3d6 + 3 ⇒ (4, 3, 3) + 3 = 13

Max HP: 14 | AC 16 | Init: +2 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +2; Con: +0; Int: +1; Wis: +6; Cha: +0 | Spell DC: 14 Current Damage: -10 |
Spell Slots:
| Inspiration: [ ]

Perception: 3d6 + 1 ⇒ (2, 2, 1) + 1 = 6

Female Human
Speed 14; 31/31 HP; Defence 14; Armour 4
Rogue 2
Communication (Barg,Pers) 3, Cunning 1, Dexterity 4, Perception 4, Strength 1

Perception: 1d6 + 4 + 2d6 ⇒ (6) + 4 + (6, 3) = 19

-Posted with Wayfinder

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