To Live in Infamy - a Skull and Shackles AP

Game Master Nayr Trebrot

Plunder, Infamy, and Disrepute
Plunder - 2; Infamy - 3; Disrepute - 1
Tracking page
Ship combat
The Shackles
Ricketys Squibs
Combat Map
Captain Pegsworthy

Rush + ship
Opposing ship

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FleetFooted Halfling 39/39 hp |Loot|The Shackles Map

Its good to be dry, eh Rush!

Male Human Swashbuckler Lvl 5

Jack curses.

Pirates? any day.
Snakes? fine.
Orcs? bring 'em.

But undead? Jack shivered, remembering how, once when he was a boy, they had buried his father on the corner of their little farm. His father had gone on a bender, ended up in a brawl, and then had visited a s~%#ty whore house situated outside town in an overgrown wood, and then, never came home. No love lost, the burial was quiet and unceremonious; his mother poured out all the liquor over his grave, and they all went to bed easier than they had for any night they'd remembered. Unfortunately, his father's corpse hadn't been content to lay in his grave, and came a lookin for his liquor late that night, and not finding it, started in him and his mom...


What is the captain doing up there?

Jack swipes, aiming to take off the things head.

attack: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (14) + 10 = 24
damage + d6 shock damage: 1d6 + 10 + 1d6 ⇒ (2) + 10 + (2) = 14 assuming shock won't shock sunyata

FleetFooted Halfling 39/39 hp |Loot|The Shackles Map

Are they under water?

Current HP: 28 of 28 Sylph Oracle 5

Aye, Captain. I'm always happiest standing on deck.

Sure are! About 20-30 feet down. You can see them, but it's hazy; you get a lot of jerky movements and some unexpected forms in the ship. Feel free to roll init as well, if you want to do something.

FleetFooted Halfling 39/39 hp |Loot|The Shackles Map

Init: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8 **yawn

Jack quickly moves in to attack, his weapon seemingly made for the underwater terrain. The blade sweeps in to strike, and punches through the armor and bloated flesh underneath. Aimed for the head, the strike does pierce through a cheek, but the nature of the weapon doesn't seem to be made for attacking this type of creature. The ensuing shock of the damage sends silent sparks off inside the creature's mouth though, splitting rotten teeth and sending them floating.

The creature still stands, but its head is in more pieces than it was before. It responds by lashing out at Jack with a meaty fist.
Slam: 1d20 + 5 - 2 ⇒ (8) + 5 - 2 = 11

Another creature comes out behind it and slashes at Jack with a greataxe.
Attack: 1d20 + 5 - 2 ⇒ (2) + 5 - 2 = 5

The last comes rushing out and tries to grab on to Sunyata and draw her in for a bite!
CMB: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12

Sunyata and Jack both get an AOO on the grappler.

All three of the creatures fail in their attacks!

Male Human Swashbuckler Lvl 5

Jack sees the undead monster try to grapple Sunyata. Jack shudders, but tries not to waste the opportunity.

aoo: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15
damage+shockdamage: 1d6 + 10 + 1d6 ⇒ (5) + 10 + (6) = 21

It's pretty cool to see how powerful a swashbuckler can get at higher levels; just keep track of that panache;)

Jack plunges his blade into the creature and through it, skewering it soundly. It's blubbery flesh is flash fried by the shockwave internally, but the mindless humanoid still stands!

Male Human Swashbuckler Lvl 5

Sunyata, can you bludgeon it?

FleetFooted Halfling 39/39 hp |Loot|The Shackles Map

Hold me hat, Jack's a rat. and with that Taptap dives in.

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Current HP: 28 of 28 Sylph Oracle 5

Rush drops the rope he was working on, barely catching Tap's hat as he dives into the water. Rush looks after him with a confused expression, looks around the ship, notices nothing (with his +2 Perception), shrugs his shoulders, puts the captains hat on his head, picks up the rope and keeps weaving it into a net.

Śūnyatā cursing in every language she knows... Just great, what we needed, a deadsy UNDERWATER!!

Śūnyatā seeing Jack is going for it, she releases the creature and realizes they're screwed so in a panic of fight or flight she rages...

Apply unyielding anger and expend psionic focus activating racial ability - Strength is increased to +6 for first round of outburst.. can I flurry of blows as well to beat the crap out of the creature? Help on how to roll this out in dice expressions?

Character Sheet

Male Human Swashbuckler Lvl 5

Well, with the +6, you get two attacks with damage potential of: 1d8+6, and use your monk level as BAB, plus your strength modifier for your attack roll: 1d20+6+4 or something like that. lot depends on yrou feats etc.

Yep, as Jack says; as long as you have the d20 rolls, we'll figure the rest out. And, please give me swim checks with your attacks, just to keep us all honest.

Male Human Swashbuckler Lvl 5

swim: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23

Śūnyatā calculates the resistance of the water and threatened by feeling trapped under water explodes with energy and feels the power flow through her fists as she hits the creature twice..

attack 1: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
damage: 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10
attack 2: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13
damage: 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12

swim: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15

Sunyata AOO: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17
Damage: 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7

FleetFooted Halfling 39/39 hp |Loot|The Shackles Map

Swim: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13
Swim: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
Swim: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26

Sunyata reaches down as the creature moves in to grapple her, and slams her fist down into its skull, cracking it like an egg. A viscous goo comes out and drifts around in the water, and the beast falls.

She then turns her rage upon the creature that Jack had stuck first, and she slams her hands into it repeatedly from various angles, turning structural bones into so much mush. That creature falls as well!

The final creature attempts to swat at Jack, but misses terribly as it struggles against the weight of the water.
Attack: 1d20 + 5 - 2 ⇒ (2) + 5 - 2 = 5

Above Jack, Tap rushes downward. You'll be there next round, though it may not matter. Jack and Sunyata are up!

Male Human Swashbuckler Lvl 5

Jack watches the undead monster as it swims toward him, and then expertly thrusts his blade through the the monster's chest, and then ripped his blade out, tearing out large chunks of undead flesh.

attack: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25
damage + d6 shock damage: 1d6 + 10 + 1d6 ⇒ (2) + 10 + (2) = 14
crit-confirm: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27
crit-damage: 1d6 + 10 + 1d6 ⇒ (5) + 10 + (3) = 18

Jack lashes out with his weapon and, as he tears it back out, rips out the creature's ribcage - or what's left of it. The diseased innards of the former pirate drift out into the water as it dies...again.

Done! I'm assuming that 15 was in the extended crit rang - Swashbucklers are indeed pretty awesome.

Male Human Swashbuckler Lvl 5

Jack looks up and sees Tap swimming down.

Don't worry Captain, its already taken care of.

He stands aside to let Tap be the first to enter the wrecked ship.

Current HP: 28 of 28 Sylph Oracle 5

(Keep in mind that Jack and Sunyata have the air bubble spell, Tap does not.)

Entering into the captain's cabin, you find the area a mess of open drawers and chests. It seems like a very prosperous captain made this his home, but it looks like he had to leave in a hurry. Or, try to...several bones that have been picked clean of meat and gnawed on float about in the chamber.

Among the mess, you find that more than one open chest with contents spilled still have considerable wealth buried within. In addition, you see weapons and armor stocked in the corner.

First, there's enough mundane items here and in the deck and the hold of the ship to account for 1 point of plunder. I'll add that to your total

In addition to that:
Coins - 251 PP, 2953 GP, 91 SP
Gems - 1 Agate, 1 Amethyst, 1 Aquamarine, 3 Topaz, 4 chunks of Onyx, and 2 pieces of Jade
MW items - MW chainmail, MW composite longbow +4 str bonus, 2 X MW greataxe, MW Hide, MW Longbow, MW Scale, MW warhammer
Magic items - just assuming you're going to detect and identify given time; in addition to the PC's, you have Farley, Malvessa, and Kerruk among the crew who can all do that -
Oil of Light
Oil of Mage Armor
Oil of Magic Stone
Oil of Shillelagh
Potion of Ant Haul (2)
Potion of Bull's strength
Potion of Endure elements
Potion of Enlarge person
Potion of Prot from good
Potion of Stabilitze
Potion of Virtue
Scroll of Burning hands
Scroll of Mage Armor
Wand of Bless - 37 charges
Wand of protection from chaos - 14 charges
Wand of Summon monster 1 - 41 charges

Male Human Swashbuckler Lvl 5

(MW composite longbow +4 str bonus) dang!

Male Human Swashbuckler Lvl 5

(MW composite longbow +4 str bonus) dang!

MW is masterwork, yeah?


Male Human Swashbuckler Lvl 5

I think Tap has the most skill with the bow

Male Human Swashbuckler Lvl 5

I'd like to claim the masterwork war hammer. I'd like a bludgeoning weapon to complement my blade

FleetFooted Halfling 39/39 hp |Loot|The Shackles Map

Tap can't use a long bow...tooo tall for him, and his shortbow has fire :)

Male Human Swashbuckler Lvl 5

thing is cash trade-in is really poor. I *will* take that bow if nobody else wants it or can use it better. i've had more than one occasion where I've used one

FleetFooted Halfling 39/39 hp |Loot|The Shackles Map

Tap allows himself to back to the surface, and begins climbing aboard. A nice swim. My hat, my good Rush.

Belliott helps to fish Tap out, even if the Cap'n doesn't want the help - it's the way of the big guy, he can't help it. Well, cap'n...want we should get some men together to start hauling up the treasure?

I'm glad it hadn't already been cleaned out. Good work Jack. Thanks for helping me with that thing.. still gives me the willies... I don't know why they're called willies, but that's what that thing gave me.

Current HP: 28 of 28 Sylph Oracle 5

No way Rush can use the bow. The penalties he'd get for not having a high enough strength score are ridiculous. Also, a wand of summon monster 1? Who the heck made that? Here, let me spend a whole round casting a spell to get a creature for 1 round. Bout the only use I can see for that is trap-finding.

Of course Cap'n. Rush takes off the hat and hands it over. He then begins lowering the rope/net into the water. Everything going smoothly down there?

Male Human Swashbuckler Lvl 5

anyway to upgrade the wand?

FleetFooted Halfling 39/39 hp |Loot|The Shackles Map

It's all skeletons and bones down there Rush, and that's just Jack.

Mostly items for sale, then. Off to sell it? There is a Rapier Bay and Queen Bes are close.

Male Human Swashbuckler Lvl 5

we should keep most of those potions and wands. mage armor is very useful, for example.
Jack will take the bow and the MW warhammer, and forgo his share of the treasure if y'all feel that would be most fair.

Current HP: 28 of 28 Sylph Oracle 5

I agree with keeping the potions/oils and scrolls. I have no issue with Jack taking those items and still getting a cut of the treasure. I'm more of a "upgrading anyone means an upgrade for the group as a whole" sort of mind set. That being said, anyone mind if I take the wand of Bless?

FleetFooted Halfling 39/39 hp |Loot|The Shackles Map

Eh what's this? A wand of blessings? Rush, I need you to take this and bless me whenever Jack gets too close.

Male Human Swashbuckler Lvl 5

Jack laughs and gives Tap a big wet hug.

So where are we going?

You return to Rickety's and get the ram fitted, and then take stock and refill your freshwater stores and food after the brief stop. Then, it's back out to sea. Rush forecasts and guides the ship through a few days of random thunderstorms.

On the dawn of the second day, Kerruk calls down from the crow's nest. Ship on the horizon, cap'n! Pirate flags! Can't quite make em out.

FleetFooted Halfling 39/39 hp |Loot|The Shackles Map

Hoist the black flag, and let them know we are not bait waiting to be trapped Tap turns to his crew and barks orders to retrieve pikes, to prepare the ballista, and to pull the night crew out onto the deck armed and frothy. [/b]

Current HP: 28 of 28 Sylph Oracle 5

Rush looks over at the captain from the wheel, Orders, Captain? Engage or avoid?

Male Human Swashbuckler Lvl 5

Well, like the old pirate RumBuzz used to say, "Running makes ya look like prey. Only run if ya can get away."

FleetFooted Halfling 39/39 hp |Loot|The Shackles Map

We'll let them get wee bit closer, then decide if they are more than we can chew.

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