DM - Voice of the Voiceless |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

“When the laughing beast-men attacked, I hid between two of our camels until the guards drove them off. For days after, nothing bothered us but the usual dust, heat, and flies. Then the mountains lifted above the horizon, and at last we came in sight of glorious Solku. How solid the town’s gate! How peaceful the boats sailing upriver! How golden the evening sun, which set the Citadel’s dome aflame! We clapped and cheered to see our journey’s end.
“Of course, that’s when the bandits struck again. “The healers say I’ll keep my arm. But enough of that—let me tell you about sunrise service at the Lambent Citadel!” —Rehema Nasreen, Sarenite pilgrim
This is a recruitment thread for a Homebrew Campaign set on Golarion in Katapesh. The campaign will start in Solku, at the start of the month of Pharast.
Campaign Summary:
Give me a year and a hundred of my kin and I would make this a place that armies would break upon like water. ...Sleep! I feel the need of it. Yet my axe is restless in my hand. – Gimli, Son of Gloin
The quotes that I’ve included for flavor throughout this post should give you a reasonable inclination of what sort of game I’m likely to have play out in the long term. Hopefully it will be a game of three parts, with the beginning short and sharp, middle section dense and pressing and the final a slow dragging over hot coals as skin blisters and throats grow hoarse from screaming… should be a hoot ;)
House Rules / Restrictions / Points of Note:
The street is no longer measured by meters but by corpses…Stalingrad is no longer a town. By day it is an enormous cloud of burning, blinding smoke; it is a vast furnace lit by the reflection of the flames. And when night arrives, one of those scorching, howling, bleeding nights, the dogs plunge into the Volga and swim desperately to gain the other bank. The nights of Stalingrad are a terror for them. Animals flee this hell; the hardest stones cannot bear it for long; only men endure. – Un-named German.
Nothing that needs be known for the start of the PbP. Assuming that we move past the opening chapter then we can discuss some additional systems that might be applied for the middle section, and then eventually for the end. I’m expecting that they’ll predominately be qualitatively driven though and easy to get your head around.
Secondly I will note that ultimately I intend for this to be a campaign suitable for good characters – or at least ones with the welfare of the common man close to heart. You can be pragmatic, enigmatic, magnanimous or any other description – but a desire for both preserving life beyond your own and protecting the weak will make things far more interesting.
Posting Requirements:
“What are you going to do?’ whispered Temple.
‘There was a time I’d have gone charging over there without a thought for the costs and got bloody.’ Lamb lifted the glass and looked at it for a moment. ‘But my father always said patience is the king of virtues. A man has to be realistic. Has to be.’
‘So what are you going to do?’
‘Wait. Think. Prepare.’ Lamb swallowed the last measure and bared his teeth at the glass. ‘Then get bloody.” ― Joe Abercrombie, Red Country
I am looking for people that can check in on the thread at least a couple of times a day, and post 1/day on weekdays. Weekends are more relaxed, as I can generally only get online in the evenings due to the entanglements of a couple of young boys. My weekday posting can occasionally get a bit spotty as well depending on how my workload goes.
Feel free to pop into my profile and take a peek at the campaigns that I currently DM if you’d like to get a read for how I go about things.
What do you Need to Post Now for an Application:
Nine-tenths of tactics are certain, and taught in books: but the irrational tenth is like the kingfisher flashing across the pool, and that is the test of generals. – T. E. Lawrence, The Evolution of a Revolt
The last couple of times I went about recruiting I had a fairly onerous response requirement, but this one will be much tighter and less demanding… so much so that I don’t actually want any written background or personality from anybody at this point. All I need are the following:
- A paragraph description of what your character looks like.
- Why are you in Solku?
- What are your plans for the next seven days?
- It might be useful (but not mandatory) to tie your character to a group within Solku or it’s surrounds, I’ve given a few possible suggestions in a spoiler below.
- A summary of how your character will be mechanically built (abilities, class, major character choices).
Dathapatish within the Town Militia Dathapatish – commander of 10
Enforcer at the First or New Market
Adventurer staying at the Breakstride
Usher at Gilded Dreams
Researcher at the Archive of Eminent Tomes
Sergeant within the Condor Company
Officer of a Trade House
Sergeant within the Serpentine Blades
Ranchhand in The Pens
Acolyte of the Temple of Iomedae
Street leader from Dustyfoot
Bandit from The Beehive
Outrider from Fort Longjaw
Boatman for the Current Runners
Pesh Farmer from Commonfield
List is not intended to be exhaustive – feel free to make custom arrangements.
Oh, and for frame of reference – you’ll be building 4th level characters, core races, 20pt buy, standard wealth by level.
If you’re looking for fluff inspiration – much of what is in Dark Markets or the Solku entry in Towns of Golarion I would consider canon. Or if you don’t have either here’s the wiki entry.
Recruitment Timeline:
First, we ate the horses. We weren't riding anywhere, not with the castle surrounded. We couldn't feed them, so fine. The horses, then the cats-I've never liked cats, so fine. I do like dogs - good animals, loyal - but we ate them too. Then the rats... The night before you slipped through, I thought my wife was dying. She couldn't speak anymore, she was so frail. And then you made it through the lines, slipped right through in your little black sail boat with your onions... – Stannis Baratheon (TV Series)
The recruitment thread will stay open until ~Thursday 6th February or so. I also will give a 24 hour warning before shutting the gates to applications.
Fire away with any questions that you might have and I shall endeavour to answer them.
Lastly… please remember this is a Recruitment Thread; and not a Roleplay Tavern.
Duiker saw Coltaine there… his round shield a shattered mess on his left arm, his lone long-knife snapped to the length of a short sword in his right hand, his feather cloak glistening as if brushed with tar. – Deadhouse Gates, Steven Erikson

![]() |

Definitely interested :-)
How would you feel about a Sahir-Afiyun (using the rules from Dark Markets of Katapesh), a pesh farmer and addict who works in the 'refining' end of the business, but wishes that his faith in the redeeming nature of the Everlight was strong enough to give him the courage to cut ties? Would that be too uncomfortable?

magnumCPA |

Sounds interesting. Love the pitch. One of your quotes indirectly gave the idea.
How would you feel about some kind of slave warrior bodyguard. Not some kind of spunky escaped slaved. I mean one that's still very much obedient. Only problem is coming up with a hook, but I don't suppose one of the other PCs could have somehow managed to legally acquire him from his old boss for whatever reason (whether on purpose or he was just given away to pay a debt).
Was thinking of going a little more unorthodox and making him a halfling mounted ranger.
Barring that, I have a writeup for another melee character, an aging human weapon master fighter. Thinking he'd be past 30 at the very least. Though the question there is if you would be applying the age modifiers or not.

DM - Voice of the Voiceless |

Glad to have your interest magnumCPA. I tend not to give too much directed feedback on character concepts - I prefer to have people pitch the character that they most want to play, rather than whichever one they think that I most want to see.
Age modifiers - if your character is old enough, they apply.

Jetty |

I present Jabrim Lightfoot for consideration.
I tried to integrate him into Solku society as much as possible. If you require more information, please let me know.
Jabrim is a common looking Halfling, quite unremarkable. People usually do not remember him unless he wants them to. He has cinnamon skin, light brown hair and dark brown eyes. He is often dressed in cheap looking light robes, perfect for local weather, not hindering movement and offering many possibilities for hiding stuff. He usually wears disguised light armor under the robes. He is quite adept at changing his looks to best suit his duties at the moment.
Jabrim is a resident and an employee. Also, he loves his town and would protect it at all costs – or die trying. This means he might definitely not be considered good as he is not above any underhanded tactics including assassination (although he would not enjoy it).
Day job: Bartender at Breakstride who also acts as a runner with pitcher of beer to send arriving caravan members to the inn.
Part-time job: thief at New Market under the direction of Beza Duri
True job: Special operative to Lord Kel-Kalaar charged with observing and studying the visitors of Solku and reporting anyone that might pose a threat to the town to Marjan Hediyeh. He utilizes both his "official" jobs for his day-to-day duties. He is sometimes charged with special assignments.
Plans for next seven days… as usual, given his jobs.
Note: nothing is set in stone, if the character concept is approved, any crunch can be changed.
Male Halfling Ninja 4
N Small humanoid (halfling)
Init +4; Senses Perception +10
AC 18, touch 15, flat-footed 14 (+3 armor, +4 Dex, +1 size)
hp 27 (4d8+4)
Fort +2, Ref +8, Will +2; +2 vs. fear
Defensive Abilities uncanny dodge
Speed 30 ft.
Melee masterwork wakizashi +7 (1d4/18-20/×2) and
. . masterwork wakizashi +7 (1d4/18-20/×2)
Ranged shortbow +8 (1d4/×3)
Special Attacks ki attack speed, sneak attack +2d6
Spell-Like Abilities
. . —vanishing trick
Str 10, Dex 19, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 14
Base Atk +3; CMB +2; CMD 16
Feats Two-weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse
Traits child of the streets, well-informed
Skills Acrobatics +11, Bluff +7, Climb +4, Diplomacy +7 (+8 to gather information), Disable Device +11, Disguise +8, Escape Artist +9, Knowledge (local) +9, Perception +10, Profession (barkeep) +5, Sense Motive +8, Sleight of Hand +12 ( +16 to conceal a weapon), Stealth +15, Use Magic Device +9; Racial Modifiers +2 Perception, ki jump (running start), no trace
Languages Common, Halfling, Kelish
SQ fearless, ki movement, ki pool, ki stealth, ninja tricks (hidden weapons +4, vanishing trick), poison use
Other Gear Masterwork Studded leather armor, Masterwork Wakizashi, Masterwork Wakizashi, Shortbow, Handy haversack (empty), Hat of disguise, Thieves' tools, masterwork, Wrist sheath, spring loaded (empty) (2), 40 GP
Special Abilities
Fearless +2 racial bonus vs Fear saves.
Hidden Weapons +4 (Ex) A ninja with this ability can easily conceal weapons on her body. The ninja adds her level on opposed Sleight of Hand checks made to conceal a weapon. In addition, she can draw hidden weapons as a move action, instead of as a standard action.
Ki Attack Speed (Su) By spending 1 point from her ki pool, a ninja can make one additional attack at her highest attack bonus, but she can do so only when making a full attack.
Ki Jump (Running Start) (Su) Jumping is always counted as being at a running start.
Ki Movement A Ninja can spend 1 point to increase her speed by 20 feet for 1 round.
Ki Pool (Su) You have a ki pool equal to 1/2 your monk level + your Charisma modifier.
Ki Stealth A ninja can spend 1 point from her ki pool to give herself a +4 insight bonus on Stealth skill checks for 1 round.
No Trace +1 (Ex) Survival DCs to track you are at +1, gain +1 to Stealth when you are stationary and not acting.
Poison Use You do not risk poisoning yourself accidentally while poisoning a weapon.
Sneak Attack +2d6 +2d6 damage if you flank your target or your target is flat-footed.
Uncanny Dodge (Ex) Retain Dex bonus to AC when flat-footed.
Vanishing Trick (Su) As a swift action, the ninja can disappear for 1 round per level. This ability functions as invisibility. Using this ability uses up 1 ki point.
Well-Informed (Diplomacy) +1 Gather Information and Knowledge (Local), and one of these is a class skill.
Futher developement depends on the campaign.

DM Corvus |

I was pretty active in this forum for a while and had to take a step back due to "real-life." But I saw this pitch, and I want back in. I really love the world of Golarion, especially the north, north-eastern corner of Garund, so there's really no way for me to say no.
I have a character based on an NPC from a campaign I've been working for a while.
Pellious Leroung is a Chellish scholar, a latter son of a house with a long and prestigious history of academic achievement. He uses his family's largess in pursuit of knowledge, and the glory of discovery. He can be astonishingly, but not always offensively arrogant, and expects his name and wealth to open most doors his general lack of charm cannot. All of his noble-born propriety quickly dissolves in the face of a potential discovery or new knowledge. He has no issue with the diabolical elements of his homeland, and buys into the notion that Hell works for Cheliax.
Pellious is tall, slight, and his long, black hair and beard is already streaked with gray. He dresses in the finest clothes, and carries himself with a deeply ingrained noble bearing. His eyes are piercing blue, and devour all that they see.
He is in Solku to visit the well-known Archive of Eminent Tomes, and to peruse the volumes of knowledge there for the next several weeks, before setting-off to Osirion and Thuvia. He most likely has some retainers or servant(s) with him, but I'm not completely sure how that would work mechanically.
Crunch-wise, Pellious is a Lawful Neutral Conjurer, with a heavy focus on knowledge skills. Complete crunch will be posted soon, if necessary. In the campaign he was higher level so he had an imp familiar, I'm currently trying to suss out a suitable replacement.
Are we taking the new standard of two traits and a drawback?

Otm-Shank |

Hm, this looks extremely interesting. I love the tone set by the quotes! Kudos on the Malazan quote, love those books!
I'll see if I can come up with a concept that strikes my fancy.
Any restrictions on classes I should be aware of? How about the ACG Playtest? Not set on anything, just want to make sure I know all my options.

Khepri of the Dawn |

Word on the street is the paladin has returned from Zolurket. He spent months aiding the dwarves in establishing a base of operations to reclaim their homeland. For reasons of his own he left them and returned to the Lambert Citadel. What could have prompted that move?
Khepri is a man in his prime, with good looks and confident air about him. He has dark skin, short brown hair, and deep brown eyes. He genuinely cares about others and goes out of his way to help another when he can.
He wears highly polished and well made dwarven crafted plate mail with a sunburst of Sarenrae on it. His shield, as well made as his armor, has the image of an angel with fiery hair on it. His scimitar has holy words etched up and down the blade that contain prayers to Sarenrae. He also wears a red and white cloak with gold trim that has the Sarenrae sunburst on it.
Khepri has returned from Zolurket because his instincts or holy guidance led him back. He will spend the next week in the Lambert Citadel praying and recovering. He will also aid Adar Bilyadan in his training and drills of the militia if he will have him.
Khepri will focus on criticals and bull rushing combinations (like bull rush strike). He will also be staying paladin and will augment his lay on hands (like greater mercy/ultimate mercy or some of the others in ultimate Magic)

Mahorfeus |

Currently working on a writeup for a paladin of Sarenrae, but just a question, if you will.
The wiki makes mention of a band of Sarenrae's paladins called the Dawn Vigil, but does not really go into much detail about them. Would it be a viable plot point for my character? Or is it a little too small/exclusive?
EDIT: Actually, I'd rather not step on any toes if at all possible. A crusader cleric could more or less fit with the same overall backstory that I have in mind.

Enchanter Tim |

Gotta throw in for a VoV game!
Professor Dario Westone is a slim Half-Elf with short hair, standing about 5’8” and 135 pounds. He usually dresses in brown breeches and a leather jacket though he tends to favor blues as well. He moves with a natural grace and his smile is easily disarming. As an academic, Dario usually isn't seen with weaponry, but on excavations and explorations he is known to regularly carry a sword and several daggers about him.
The Professor is a religious researcher and former associate Professor originally from the University of Egorian. He has since taken to wandering the land, cataloging the world's religions, both major and minor. He's come to Solku not only to observe the practices at Sarenrae's Lambent Cathedral, but also to track down some ancient and esoteric religious texts in the Archive of Eminent Tomes.
Dario's next several days will be split between observing and discussing religious practices with Sarenrae's priests and digging through the Archive for texts. He will be known to several members of both groups, though his research may go largely unnoticed by the higher ups.
Dario is an Half-Elf Archeologist Bard with a level in either Urban or Freebooter/Trapper Ranger to give him access to martial weapons and the Disable Device class skill. He'll be using Dervish Dance with a scimitar for combats. He's going to be your skill monkey, knowledge buff, secondary arcane caster, skirmisher, and possible face (he's got the skill points, but not the full blown Charisma). All in all, a jack-of-all-trades.

DM - Voice of the Voiceless |

Welcome welcome all, still room for more at the table though :)
Mahorfeus - the Dawn Vigil is basically a reference to those Paladin's of Sarenrae that help to guard the city. There is very little of any detail in the literature - so it wouldn't be an issue to assume membership.
Once there are a few more characters put forward I'll go through a review pass and ask any questions that bubble up within my noggin.

Noor El'Harkon |

That was why I was looking at races with Spell-Like Abilities to cover that requirement without a dip. But after getting more into the Magus, I think I will just go straight Magus with the flavor of a Dragon Disciple. Still considering the races though, as they fit her personality very well, particularly the Peri-aasimar and the ifrit, and then the Suli has Magus as a favored class and an archetype. I got some thinking to do.

Grand Moff Vixen |

I am interested in this. I am going to think of a basic concept in about a day or so.
Question: are drow (or their equivalent) in this world? If so, what is their culture like? How are they perceived by the rest of society?
I have no plans on making a character using the drow race, this is just for my edification as I think of ideas.

Grand Moff Vixen |

As for class, how do you feel about the Expanded Spell-less Ranger from Kobold Press? I like it a lot. I feel that it is the epitome of what a ranger should be.

Mahorfeus |

Well, I rarely end up with the character I originally intended when I post in these things. I bounced back and forth between the paladin and cleric, and wound up with an ifrit inquisitor of the immolator archetype. I just found the flavor of an agent of Sarenrae literally purifying his enemies with flames appealing.
Ahmaad is a lithe young man with handsome features, bronze skin with a metallic sheen, and long, pale white hair that glows orange in the sunlight. His eyes are surprisingly human-like, though they sometimes glow like embers. He prefers lightly-colored clothing that tight-fit, making it practical for both traveling and dancing. He keeps his magical scimitar by his side, and a golden effigy of Sarenrae’s holy symbol can always be found around his neck.
Male ifrit immolator 4
CG Medium outsider (native)
Init +12; Senses Perception +9
Domain Ash
AC 20, touch 15, flat-footed 16 (armor +5, Dex +4, deflection +1)
hp 29 (4d8+8)
Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +6
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +1 scimitar +8 (1d6+5/18-20)
Special Attacks fire bolt (5/day)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 4th)
1/day-burning hands (DC 13)
Spells Prepared (CL 4th, concentration +6)
2nd (2/day)-none prepared
1st (4/day)-none prepared
0 (at will)-none prepared
Str 10, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 13
Base Atk +3; CMB +3 [+7 with scimitar]; CMD 18
Feats Weapon Finesse, Dervish Dance, Precise Strike
Skills Intimidate +10, Knowledge (religion) +7, Perception +9, Perform (dance) +2 [2 ranks], Sense Motive +11, Stealth +11, Survival +7 (+9 to track) [2 ranks]
Traits Reactionary, Adopted (Genie Blood [Human])
Languages Common, Ignan
Combat Gear +1 scimitar, +1 chain shirt, ring of protection +1
Other Gear traveler’s outfit, mwk backpack, bandolier, bedroll, belt pouch, candles (10), cheap holy text, flint and steel, iron pot, manacles, mess kit, rope, soap, spell component pouch, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), waterskin, golden holy symbol, potions of cure light wounds (4)
Assets 27 gp, 5 sp
Wildfire Heart +4 racial bonus on initiative checks. Replaces the ifrit’s energy resistance.
Judgment (Su) As a swift action, activates an effect that lasts until the end of combat. The ability can be switched to another as a swift action. Can be used 2/day.
Monster Lore (Ex) Adds Wisdom bonus to Knowledge checks made to identify monsters’ weaknesses.
Fire Bolt (Sp) Unleashes a bolt of divine fire toward a target within 30 feet as a ranged touch attack. Inflicts 1d6 points of fire damage +1 for every two inquisitor levels possessed (+3).
Stern Gaze (Ex) Morale bonus to Intimidate and Sense Motive checks equal to half of inquisitor level (+2).
Track (Ex) Add half of inquisitor level to Survival checks made to track.
Solo Tactics (Ex) Allies are treated as having teamwork feats for the purpose of determining whether a bonus is gained by inquisitor.
Ahmaad has lived in Solku for as long as he could remember – raised by Sarenite priests, he was often told that he was found in the desert, where any ordinary child might have died. He has stayed both out loyalty to the church and out of love for his home, despite the hardships it has sometimes imposed on him.
As an inquisitor of Sarenrae, Ahmaad often leaves Solku to patrol the city’s outskirts, keeping a watchful eye out for the savage enemies that have besieged it in the past. While he usually prefers to work alone since he is light on his feet, he sometimes works with paladins and mercenaries on these matters. Having returned to town after such a mission, he plans to rest, resupply, and determine where he should next direct his efforts. As disciplined as he is for an ifrit however, the temptation for some good fun might derail his plans.

DM - Voice of the Voiceless |

A rough collation of interest and such thus far:
- Luke_Parry - Sahir-Afiyun ?
- magnumCPA - ?
- Jetty - Jabrim Lightfoot - Halfling Ninja / Bartender at the Breakstride
- DM Corvus - Conjurer ?
- Otm-Shank - ?
- Khepri of the Dawn - Human Paladin of the Dawnflower
- Mahorfeus - Ifrit Inquisitor (Immolator) / Acolyte of the Lambent Citadel
- Enchanter Tim - Half-Elf Archeologist Bard / Visitor of the Archive
- BD - Pharasmin Penitent ?
- Noor El'Harkon - Suli Magus ?
- Grand Moff Vixen - ?
- Ptolmaeus Arvenus - ?
My apologies if I've gotten anything wrong above. The question mark indicates only that the submission isn't finalised.

SurplusRaine |

Hello! Recruitments are always so exciting. I, for one, am relishing the chance to play a character on the more benevolent side of the alignment chart.
You already have a general idea of my posting habits as the Halfhand, so we'll jump straight into it:
Farah Ashbel, Bladebound Magus.
But beneath the veil lies a different picture; one painted in scars and burnt flesh. Scars wrap her body's entirety, pitted and warped by heat and seared to a sheen. They coil up her neck like grasping tendrils, reaching all the way to a clouded white eye rendered useless by flame. Her right cheek is all but burnt away, little more than a few tendons stretched across exposed teeth and gums. Despite this her gaze is intense, the sharp features of a once-beautiful face filled with wild passion and will. They tell a simple story: Her body may be broken, but her spirit is not.
Though she has left Solku before on many occasions, her Black Blade Uriel insists that she return and stay "Until such a time that She decides you are no longer needed." What the blade means by this, it refuses to clarify.
This Week
Farah has just returned to Solku with a merchant caravan. After giving a mandatory cut to the Blades, she leaves them to enjoy a few days of respite before returning to street performance to earn a living. The majority of her earnings will go towards her monthly visit the Archive of Eminent Tomes (Where she tries to discover the true nature of her Black Blade), and although she knows that she can't really afford it, she may find herself donating both her time and gold towards altruistic causes. She knows that times can be very hard for those unfortunate enough to have fallen on difficult times and helps those she can, sometimes going without so that someone else might have a warm bed or meal, at least for one night.
Her main focus is that of a secondary combatant, engaging in melee alongside frontliners and dealing as much as she can with elemental damage. The general idea will be the same as most other magus' - smack baddies with spellstrike and fish for crits.
Her Black Blade was meant to be a tie-in to Sarenrae - A sword with a spirit of a holy crusader (Not literally of course). A fun little juxtaposition with Farah herself, who feels as if she was forsaken by the Dawnflower. But this is merely a suggestion - The blade's ultimate purpose is whatever fits the campaign best, as decided by the GM.

F. Castor |

Hmm... Interesting. Pondering either a scimitar-wielding human swashbuckler or a human wildblooded tattooed sorcerer with the sage bloodline, both chaotic good and both rather nice folk actually. Admittedly, I am leaning more towards the latter, especialy considering the sheer number of scimitars around here. :-P

Twigs |

Twigs here, chiming in. Have my hands a little full, but I couldn't help but throw something together throughout the week. It may need a little more polishing, but I want to submit him for review. I'll finish his profile over the next few days.
Erasmes Yasir Ibn Amin
Sajjad, so named for his piety (lit. "He who worships"), has been Erasmes' companion for many years, having won him in a game of dice in the slave-markets of Okeno. He wears bright gauzy silks, and a silver holy symbol of the Dawnflower about his neck. (I felt like this would be a fun touch, having both Erasmes and his familiar being devout Sarenraeans but being rather lacking in the moral virtues she espouses. Should give the clerics of the party something fun to work with.)
I've never played a caster with a familiar, being quite partial to bonded items and seeing familiars too often treated as window dressing. However, I've seen it done really well over PbP and wanted to try to get the most out of a familiar this time around. I want to really play up the interaction between Erasmes and his familiar, and am considering setting up a seperate profile for him. I love the idea of having a pet smart enough to occasionally outwit other members of the party, and mean to have Erasmes treat him as his intellectual equal, placing great stock in the simian's cunning and wisdom. In tougher fights I'm hoping to put him to use scattering caltrops and using splash weapons, and if it wouldnt be too cheezy might invest a feat so that he can (or at least, have a 50-50 chance of with his low charisma score), activate wands. I'm looking at the archetypes for familiars in the Animal Archive, but all but one of them give up improved evasion and I'm more or less on the fence about the valet.

magnumCPA |

Hey sorry I haven't made my guy yet. I've been a little busy, with some pretty heavy IRL stuff, but I should be able to make time today and monday
So here's a link of what little I have so far.
A paragraph description of what your character looks like.
Carwyl wears a helmet sized for his small stature over his long brown hair. He wears some basic armor over light, billowy desert clothing. His skin is partially red from all the time spend in the sun. His facial expression is more or less always the same. The same dead looking dark eyed stare. He rides a tan colored riding dog that is well behaved for it's mangy appearance. Much like Carwyl himself.
Why are you in Solku?
Carwyl is a slave and bodyguard of a quite wealthy merchant who was forced to stop through Solku on his way to Katapesh. He was instructed to guard the markets and keep his master safe, though recently he heard a rumor that for whatever reason, his master whether voluntarily or involuntarily, gave away Carwyl's contract. So it's possible he has a NEW owner. (fishing for a potential connection with someone else, if not I'll come up with something regarding his previous task)
What are your plans for the next seven days?
Carwyl will do what he is told. Previous duties have involved guarding the master, guarding the market stalls, running down escaped slaves and even stomping out competition. For now he just survives and follows whatever laws or orders he must.
It might be useful (but not mandatory) to tie your character to a group within Solku or it’s surrounds, I’ve given a few possible suggestions in a spoiler below.
Carwyl guards his master and by extention the markets. Besides that he does what he is told and cannot quite fathom doing otherwise. If he had a new owner, naturally he'd have to listen to them. Whether they took his contract through force or through some other method.
A summary of how your character will be mechanically built (abilities, class, major character choices).
Carwyl is a mounted ranger with the horse lord archetype a focus on intimidation and more physical skills. He focuses on offense over defense, and I will try to make him decent enough without the mount. He specialized in using the lance and has a riding dog which opens all kinds of possibilities. His size means he can fit in smaller spaces than most mounted characters an IC has the added benefit of making him look more impressive. Will take human as his favored enemy for it would be useful as a man who works for a slaver.

Udaya Udas |

A paragraph description of what your character looks like.
UU is a firecracker. She is brassy, irreverent, playful, unpretentious, and mercurial. When she walks into a bar, sailors have been known to run out. While capable of being diplomatic, UU prefers 'straight talk' and she has moments of 'creative' intimidation.
Why are you in Solku?
UU is a maverick and doesn't fit the typical Paladin mold. She isn't high-minded, doesn't wear shiny armor, and isn't a role-model for anything but relentless ass-kicking. She has something of a love/hate relationship with Sarenrae's church and her Paladinic organization. As punishment for the many headaches she causes her superiors, she has been sent to 'watch over' a 'strategic town'... read that as she has been exiled to a dusty little village around a muddy well about a day East of Solku. UU has been stationed in the quiet village for about 6 months and is going slowly insane.
The powers-that-be have decided that UU has earned a small break from her duties (and hopefully learned her lesson) so she has been given a week off. All the locals saw when the message arrived was a cloud of dust from UU's horse as she rode away as fast as she could. Being in the middle of nowhere, UU had few choices. Figuring a major city like Solku would have something to offer, she headed in that direction. Had she known that she'd be hip-deep in Paladins, she would have gone elsewhere. But it was too late now, so UU shrugged and decided to make the best of it.
Short version: UU is on vacation!
What are your plans for the next seven days?
It might be useful (but not mandatory) to tie your character to a group within Solku or it’s surrounds.
A summary of how your character will be mechanically built (abilities, class, major character choices).
Human (Keleshite) Paladin 3 / Inquisitor 1
LG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +4; Senses Perception +7
AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 10 (+4 Dex)
hp 30 (3d10+1d8+3)
Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +9
Immune disease, fear
Speed 30 ft.
Special Attacks Judgement of Sacred Destruction +1, judgement of justice, judgement of piercing, judgement of smiting, smite evil
Spell-Like Abilities
. . At will—detect evil
Inquisitor Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +3):
1st (2/day)—shield of faith, command (DC 13)
0 (at will)—disrupt undead, detect magic, create water, sift
Str 13, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 14
Base Atk +3; CMB +4; CMD 18
Feats Dervish Dance, Power Attack, Weapon Finesse
Skills Bluff +6, Climb +5, Diplomacy +6, Handle Animal +6, Intimidate +8, Knowledge (religion) +4 (+6 to identify the abilities and weaknesses of creatures), Perception +7, Perform (dance) +4, Ride +8, Sense Motive +7, Spellcraft +4, Stealth +8, Survival +6
Languages Common, Kelish
SQ aura of courage, aura of good, domains (fire), fire bolt, judgement 1/day), lay on hands, mercies (mercy [shaken]), monster lore +2
Special Abilities
Aura of Courage +4 (10' radius) (Su) You are immune to Fear. Allies within aura gain a morale bonus to saves vs Fear.
Aura of Good (Ex) The paladin has an Aura of Good with power equal to her class level.
Dervish Dance Use Dex modifier instead of Str modifier with scimitar
Detect Evil (At will) (Sp) You can use detect evil at will (as the spell).
Fire Bolt (1d6+0) (5/day) (Sp) 30' Ranged touch attack deals 1d6+0 Fire damage.
Immunity to Disease You are immune to diseases.
Immunity to Fear (Ex) You are immune to all fear effects.
Inquisitor Domain (Fire) Granted Powers: You can call forth fire, command creatures of the inferno, and your flesh does not burn.
Judgement (1/day) (Su) Variable bonuses increase as the combat continues.
Lay on Hands (1d6) (3/day) (Su) You can heal 1d6 damage, 3/day
Mercy (Shaken) (Su) When you use your lay on hands ability, it also removes the shaken condition.
Monster Lore +2 (Ex) +2 to Knowledge checks when identifying the weaknessess of creatures.
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Smite Evil (1/day) (Su) +2 to hit, +3 to damage, +2 deflection bonus to AC when used.
The Crunch above is her build, I haven't transferred it to her profile yet.

Noor El'Harkon |

With a Magus already in the running, I poked around for other arcane options and came across the Advanced Class Guide and within found the Bloodrager. I hate the name (really, really hate the name. very 4th edition-ish) but I like the concept. It has a version of a dragon disciple rolled into 20 level class, minus the stat bonuses. Since the concept was always more important than the crunch, this will work. Channeling her draconic heritage will be the flavor for the rage, as an uptight princess, she is not a mouth frothing rager....but she does have pride issues, so maybe...
Full write-up tonight....

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My IRL group just fragmented from people moving, so looking at getting involved in some PbP. I have a light load this semester so can easily meet the posting requirements.
Antal al-Besair, Halfling Oracle/Sergeant within the Serpentine Blades
Practically always dressed in well-maintained armor, though is usually barefooted like most of his kin.
When the Serpentine Blades even took notice, he was quick to demand to join. His healing powers got him in the door, but his determination and formidable force of personality got him his promotion to Sergeant. This all despite those who had their doubts about the young halfling cripple.
He wears medium armor, has a shield, not afraid to trade blows in melee. His good DEX and moderate AC should lead to being fairly hard to hit. I picture him being a largely defensive character. Casting spells, but also holding a flank himself when needed.
Enemies are likely to underestimate him due to his size and curse, they soon regret that.
Toying with the idea of taking Leadership, if it wouldn't be horrible disruptive, to play up a whole desert-prophet-leader angle.

Fahada Salib |

Fahada's sheet hasn't been changed yet, but serves as a baseline since I'm bringing her from another game.
Half-elf rouge with Sorcerer chosen as a second favored class. Chaotic Good.
Strength 10
Dexterity 14
Constitution 11
Intelligence 11
Wisdom 11
Charisma 15 ( +2 race mod)
Fencer: You trained with blades for long hours as a youth, either taking lessons in the genteel art of fencing from tutors paid for by your parents or by being taken under the wing of a disenfranchised fencer who may have turned to a life of crime. You gain a +1 trait bonus on attacks of opportunity made with daggers, swords, and similar bladed weapons.
Ease of Faith: Your mentor, the person who invested your faith in you from an early age, took steps to ensure that you understood that what powers your divine magic is no different than that which powers the magic of other religions. This philosophy makes it easier for you to interact with others who may not share your views. You gain a +1 bonus on Diplomacy checks, and Diplomacy is always a class skill for you.
Charming: Blessed with good looks, you've come to depend on the fact that others find you attractive. You gain a +1 trait bonus when you use Bluff or Diplomacy on a character that is (or could be) sexually attracted to you, and a +1 trait bonus to the save DC of any language-dependent spell you cast on such characters or creatures.
Sentimental: You are sentimental, and your thoughts often stray to the past at inappropriate times. You take a —2 penalty on Perception checks to avoid being surprised and on Reflex saving throws to avoid traps or hazards.

Noor El'Harkon |

Noor now feels she must do much more before she is worthy to return home, to compensate for her unnatural condition. She has come across many raided caravans in her travels, evidence of gnolls, bandits..and worse. The growing numbers of gnolls in the Brazen Peaks, led her to seek out those dedicated to hunting down this humanoid plague. She has taken up with the Outriders from Fort Longjaw. Her knowledge of the mountains, skill with a blade, and unbridled determination were all welcome into the ranks of those arrayed against the gnoll aggression.
She is lawful good, but can likely butt heads with the local paladins.....or not. She is Good in the sense that she has a strong desire to serve the community. her lawful aspects are not community based though, and are much more tied to custom. The Law for her is her law, in that others must respect her personal law and position. She has accepted a position with the Outriders, but she sees herself as an auxiliary and not a common trooper...kind of like an Indian guide with the cavalry.

DM - Voice of the Voiceless |

A rough collation of interest and such thus far:
- Luke_Parry - Sahir-Afiyun ?
- magnumCPA - Carwyl - Halfling Ranger Horse Lord / Slave
- Jetty - Jabrim Lightfoot - Halfling Ninja / Bartender at the Breakstride
- DM Corvus - Conjurer ?
- Otm-Shank - ?
- Khepri of the Dawn - Human Paladin of the Dawnflower
- Mahorfeus - Ifrit Inquisitor (Immolator) / Acolyte of the Lambent Citadel
- Enchanter Tim - Half-Elf Archeologist Bard / Visitor of the Archive
- BD - Pharasmin Penitent ?
- Noor El'Harkon - Human Bloodrager / Outrider from Fort Longjaw
- Ptolmaeus Arvenus - ?
- SurplusRaine - Farah Ashbel - Bladebound Magus / Serpentine Blade
- F. Castor - ?
- Twigs - Erasmes Yasir Ibn Amin - Human Evoker / Merchant staying at Gilded Dreams
- Udaya Udas - Human Paladin of the Dawnflower / Loose tie to Sarenrans
- Spazmodeus - ?
- Antal al-Besir - Halfling Oracle / Serpentine Blade
- Fahada Salib - Half-Elf Rogue / Sorcerer / Caravan Guard
My apologies if I've gotten anything wrong above. The question mark indicates only that the submission isn't finalised.
Right-o, I think I've caught up and updated most of everything. I'm reading through and getting thoughts and ideas - but I probably won't have time for any real inquisiting into things until after the CNY long weekend. What I've seen so far has been intriguing though, and I'm very happy to see returned faces as well as fresh blood to the thread.
That being said, still plenty of time to chuck out a character concept and get into the running / action :)

Gregory Paltaris |

"You talk of fire like one who has yet to feel its hot betrayal on your flesh. You would do well to curb your enthusiasm and learn some respect for the elements you weild goblin."
Leaning out of the shadows, his words were given more weight to anyone who cared to look at him. Fully half his face, the entirety of its right side, was a tangled mass. Burn scars of an angry reddish brown color covered and distorted his features, his mouth and brow sagging into a permanent expression of sadness. From within its gaunt, deep socket, a milky white eye leered out into the room, its pupil-less stare seeming to follow your every move, like the eyes of a painting. It all stood in stark contrast to the untouched left side, pale skinned and smirking with a better knowing half smile. The skin, upon closer inspection, bore tiny sporadic patches of scales.
"Look at me and behold the glory of the fire you hold so dear, and pray you do not find yourself in its loving embrace as I have."
Reaching up his left arm, he scratched an itch on his right wrist, the act briefly revealing the arm underneath his heavy coat, the skin that same malformed reddish brown. Throughout the inn, minds silently pondered the extend of the ruin covered by that coat.
Also, a pic: Link
His travels took him within a relatively short distance of the city, at which point he heard about the Archive of Eminent Tomes. Still holding out some hope that he one day might have the funds and time to continue his original research, he heads to Solku to visit the Archive and possibly pick up some relevant information. On his way, he has put aside some gold to be able to stay in the city for a few weeks without working, intending to spend his days reading.
The city being what it is, he also holds out hope that he might find someone with whom he can continue his travel. Once or twice he has had such companions, but inevitably they have all reached their destinations, and he has continued on alone. His appearance means meaningful conversations with other people usually elude him, so he is feeling rather lonely of late.
Put bluntly, Gregory is "looking for friends."
And a question for the DM. In PFS, Alchemists get Extra Bombs instead of Brew Potion. If possible, I would like to do the same with Gregory. His current crunch is set up assuming that is ok, but let me know.

Mahorfeus |

Ouch, I think I messed up. Reading Noor's character concept brought to my attention that the opening post called for Core races only... however, I seem to be the only applicant listed with a Bestiary race (ifrit).
Is that a problem? I don't want to be unfair to anyone that has witheld their own character concepts. I can come up with an alternate submission, if necessary.

DM - Voice of the Voiceless |

Otm-Shank wrote:Any restrictions on classes I should be aware of? How about the ACG Playtest? Not set on anything, just want to make sure I know all my options.No restrictions apart from needing to fit into the milieu of Solku.
Tiasa - linked my answer to a similar question from up thread.
Mahorfeus - I don't have an issue with the Ifrit so please feel free to hold your application as is. When I get around to trawling through the applications I might have a few more specific questions regarding the ifrit-ness, but no other real concerns.

Gregory Paltaris |

Mahorfeus - I don't have an issue with the Ifrit so please feel free to hold your application as is. When I get around to trawling through the applications I might have a few more specific questions regarding the ifrit-ness, but no other real concerns.
At first when I read this I went "Oh, whew ok, guess Gregory being a Tiefling is fine as well then".
But thinking about it, I thought it best to state that Gregory is a Tiefling, just in case.

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My apologies DM, I did not read through every comment before mine. Here is my submission.
Appearance: Kienyach (Kien for short) has a memorable appearance. He's a muscled half-drow with burn scars that reach up to his neck. He has a bent nose that looks like it has been broken numerous times, long combed back hair, and very unique green eyes with a few gold flecks in them. Half of his right ear is gone, bitten off by something.
Why he is in Solku: After being discharged from the military he had nowhere to go and no purpose, so he came to a city where purpose might find him.
His plans for the next seven days: He met a man who leads an underground pit fighting ring, so now he fights for entertainment and coin. He spends the rest of his time drinking and trying to forget.
Connections in Solku: The man who runs the pit fighting ring and Dathapatish within the Town Militia, although he tries to avoid the second person.
Crunch: Brawler who fill dart around the battlefield, punishing with unarmed strikes and making combat maneuvers as needed. Also will be trained in intimidate. Profile here.