
Fahada Salib's page

45 posts. Alias of Twilightrose.

Full Name

Fahada Salib











Special Abilities

Low Light Vision, Adaptability, Elf Blood, Elven Immunities, Keen Senses, Multitalented, Canter, Charming




Common, Elven, Gnoll

Strength 12
Dexterity 15
Constitution 13
Intelligence 13
Wisdom 13
Charisma 17

About Fahada Salib

Current Status:
HP: 9/9 XP: 65

Hit Dice:
Rouge d8, Sorceress d6


Fort: +1 (+0 base +1 Con)
Ref: +4 (+2 base +2 Ref)
Will: +1 (+0 Base +1 Wis)
AC: 12 (10 +0 Armor +0 Shield +2 Dex +0 Size +0 Misc.)
Touch AC: 12
Flatfooted AC: 10
CMD: 13 (+0 BAB +1 Str +2 Dex +0 Size +10)


BAB: +0
CMB: 1 (+0 BAB +1 Str +0 Size)
Speed: 30 ft
Melee: Dagger: 1 [1d4/19-20 x2] (+0 BAB +1 Str +0 Size)
Punching Dagger: 1 [1d4/x3] (+0 BAB +1 Str +0 Size)
Ranged: Blow Gun: [1d2/x2] (+0 BAB +2 Dex +0 size +0 Range Penalty) 20 ft
Dagger (thrown): 2 [1d4/19-20 x2](+0 BAB +2 Dex +0 size +0 Range Penalty)10 ft
Initiative: 2 (+2 Dex +0 Misc.)


Feats: Skill Focus, Sneak Attack (1d6), Trapfinding
Favored Classes: Rouge and Sorceress


Disable Device: 6 (+1 rank +2 Dex +3 class skill)
Disguise: 7 (+1 rank +3 Cha +3 class skill)
Escape Artist: 9 (+1 rank +2 Dex +3 class skill +3 Skill Focus)
Perception: 7 (+1 rank +1 Wis +3 class skill +2 Keen Senses)
Sleight of Hand: 6 (+1 rank +2 Dex +3 class skill)
Stealth: 6 (+1 rank +2 Dex +3 class skill)
Diplomacy: 7 (+1 rank +3 Cha +3 class skill)
Bluff: 7 (+1 rank +3 Cha +3 class skill)
Sense Motive: 5 (+1 rank +1 Wis +3 class skill)

N/A until a level of Sorceress has been taken

Spells per Day:
N/A until a level of Sorceress has been taken

Bloodline Spells:
N/A until a level of Sorceress has been taken


Dagger: 1 (1 lb, 1d4 19-20/x2, P or S)
Punching Dagger: 1 (1 lb, 1d4 x3, P)
Blow Gun: 1 (1 lb, 1d2 x2, 20 ft, P)
Darts: 30
Backpack: 1 (2 lbs)
Candle: 1
Flint and Steel: 1
Grappling Hook: 1 (4 lbs)
Mirror: 1 (1/2 lb)
Belt Pouch: 4 (1/2 lb each)
Rations: 2 (1 lb each)
Thieves' Tools: 1 (1 lb)
Peasant's Outfit: 1 (2 lbs)
Poison Pill Ring: 1


PP: 0
GP: 163
SP: 3
CP: 9


Fahada was born the bastard child of a human Nobleman named Abbas Salib who found her elven mother's beauty to be irresistible. Fahada spent the first ten years of her life being raised by a wet nurse, Hiyam, in her father's home. She was treated quite lovingly by her father and his servants, but never was she accepted by his society. When her father sought a Noblewoman's hand in marriage, Iftikhar first stipulated that he must first be rid of Fahada. It grieved her father deeply to see Fahada go, but he agreed and so sent her away to live with her mother, Jathal.

After only 4 years with her mother, Fahada decided that she could simply not live with the elves any longer. She loved her mother, but truly she missed her wet nurse and her father far more than she loved Jathal. Fahada left her mother to travel back to her father's, when she arrived she found that her father had passed away the year before and no one had bothered to send word to her. Fahada learned from her step-mother that she had a year old half-brother and that everything in her father's estate was to be left to his wife and legitimate heir. Fahada was ever so politely turned away and told she should best return to her mother.

Heartbroken, Fahada wandered the streets in a daze for many nights and many days. One evening, half starved and lost in her grief, Fahada finally came to her senses enough to approach a fruit vendors cart. While gathering the fruit she fully intended to purchase, she accidentally knocked over the vendors cart. The man yelled at her, and grabbing her by the wrist began to shake her violently. He heard the rattle of the coins she still had in her purse and ripped her purse away. He continued to yell, and when Fahada did nothing -- made no apology or attempt to free herself the man called her an insolent fool and began to beat her. It was the sound of a sudden crack the preceeded the sight of blood blossoming on the man's cheek. Fahada did not quite understand why he was bleeding, and was quite sure she did not care.

She heard a woman's voice demanding that the man let her go right away. Horror-stricken, the man did as the woman said then shoved Fahada towards the woman. Weakened by her state, Fahada fell to the ground. In front of her face were a pair of woman's boots, and the end of a leather whip. Fahada did not bother to try to pull herself to her feet until the woman's hand slipped beneath her arm and tugged her upward. She raised her eyes and came face to face to a woman who looked very much like herself. Her elf and human heritage was as easy to see as it was in Fahada. In truth, this was the first time Fahada had ever seen anyone like herself and the awe of the moment was enough to remind her of her manners.

She thanked the woman for her kindness and introduced herself like a proper lady. The woman smirked before introducing herself only as Dhakiyah. Dhakiyah led Fahada away from the area as guards were already beginning to move in their direction. She led Fahada away to what appeared to be an abandoned building, but inside it was really quite lavish. Dhakiyah showed Fahada patience and hospitality as Fahada began to relay the events that led to her being attacked by the vendor. Dhakiyah came to realize through it all that Fahada really had no place to go, and so suggested that Fahada stay with her. Fahada attempted to decline, insisting that she did not wish to be a burden but Dhakiyah insisted.

It took surprisingly longer than one would expect for Fahada to realize that Dhakiyah was a thief, and a very good one at that. By this time though, not only had Fahada grown to trust in Dhakiyah and to enjoy her company above all others, but alas Fahada had fallen completely in love with Dhakiyah. Twelve years did Fahada stay with Dhakiyah, as a lover and as a dear friend, learning all that Dhakiyah had to teach Fahada. Dhakiyah died six months ago, she was ravaged badly by an unexpected guard dog while attempting to burglarize a house. She made it back to Fahada, only to bleed to death in her arms.


Fahada stands 5'9" and weighs 135 lbs. Her straight hair hangs to her waist, and like her eyes, most would call it black but when the sun shines on her it can be seen that both are a very deep indigo. Her smooth, flawless skin is the color of burnt sugar.