Thorn Blackleaf |

Thorn follows through on her promise to help Nicenzia with her elven as they travel, finding the petite sorceress to be a rather quick study.
Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15
In the bar.
Relatively silent, as is often her habit, the ranger takes in everything around her letting the rest of the company answer the questions since she was the newest member. She felt an unusual ease here, likely the blend of elven and human details that resonated with her. It made sense she supposed. She cocks her head as Allairdra banters with the new arrival, smiling quietly.
"When you have a moment I'd like an ale please." she says once their host turns her attention back to the seated group.

Aurelain |

Gear stowed and secured, Aurelain returns to the main room and takes a seat by Thorn. He offers her a key.A room for the ladies has been secured. He notes with the offer. Now about that drink. Was there a cider in the house?

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Swen considers what Al says about this Grimmy as the warmth of the dwarven whisky washes over her.
She orders another shot, and one for Amed as well, as she slides Aurelain's cider down to him.
"For hire, yes. Heroes? I guess that depends on who's doin' the hirin'."
As Nicenzia brings up their purpose being here, Swen jerks a thumb to the older elf, "I bet that's him, huh."

DM The nines |

"Well we certainly don't want anything to do with his powders, although the might be usable in some spellcasting, but I think that is more for wizards than my kind." Nicenzia says returning her attention to the beautiful elf, her cheeks darkning a little. "I think I'll go with Allairdra, it always feels weird to me shortening others names without knowing them, specially one as beautiful as you. I'm Nicenzia we have been told to seek out a Hamdan the cunning, we are told he owns this tavern. Our employer sent us along with some ancient items he found and would love to have Hamdan take a look at, since he has such a vast knowledge of old legends and myths." she says smiling.
Allairdra's nose wrinkled up slightly as she grinned slightly at Nicenzia's compliment about her beauty.
"You are too kind, That is an old friend of mine,Halocyun, I knew him back when i was in the queen's guard. When this."
She paused and made a motion towards her face, hidden behind the wooden mask.
"Happened he brokered the deal with Hamden to get this place for me. I can send word to him if you like, one of the dock workers could take you to his home from here, though he comes in most nights for dinner, his wife works upstairs still during the day time."
She offered the group. She turned and got the ale for you thorn murmering a common elven blessing to your health as she the coin. She then procures the shots for you Swen, pouring herself one as well.
"Im shocked my brother hasn't been out to pester you folks about food, normally when beauties sit at the bar i can barely get him to work. Hmm, I wonder if he is afraid of you."
She chuckled as an old half elf in one of the booth's called out to the dark haired elf something a song. Allairdra actually seemed to blush a bit more after the shot whether due to the alcohol or the old half elf's request for a song it was yet to be seen.

Nicenzia Immortuos |

Nicenzia looks to Swen as the barkeep mentions the brother, than smiles and return her attention to Allairdra "My thanks, I think that perhaps the two of us here doesn't really look like the common beauties around here. We might be a little dark and pale for him." she says with a grin. "On a more serious note, if you could get a message to him we would appreciate that very much, better to make an appointment than show up unannounce and he is gone for the day." she says drinking more of her wine. "Mmmmh this one is really good! I'd like a refill please. You should try it Swen, you might enjoy this one also"

DM The nines |

Time passed and Allairdra kept up a steady chat while waiting for the dockworker she sent to find Hamden. Time passed pleasently at one point further pestering by the Ranger bard Halocyun lead to the owner of the place singing a little duet with elf. After a few moment reflection it was clear the song he was singing was about the very owner of the bar and the rescue of an elven princess from minions of Treerazor.
The dockworker returned with the message that Hamden would be there at dinnertime, leaving you folks about five hours to kill...
anyone have anything they wish to do?

Amed Alsaakhib-Alraed |

Inspired by the bard's song, Amed unpacks his flute and begins to play some songs he's learned. As he performs, the magus tries to make eye contact with the scarred-yet-beautiful barmaid.
Perform (wind instruments): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22
Diplomacy (with Practiced Impression): 1d20 + 12 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 12 + 2 = 15

Nicenzia Immortuos |

Nicenzia turns her attention to Swen "Shall we have a look around town? We were promised lunch afterall so we might aswell find our caravan friend and see what he is up to." she asks so the others close by can also hear it.

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Swen downs the last shot of whiskey. "Days on the road, and she wants to go back outside, in the bright, bright, sun." She pays Al her due in coin, puts Koyo on her shoulder and follows Nicenzia out. As she moves out the door, she’s sure to give the squirmy tiefling a lingering glance and smirk.
Shielding her eyes, from the sun, she steps up to Nicenzia and takes her by the arm. "This is an elven town, eh? I wonder if they have a temple to Calistria. So, where were we s’posed ta meet the little guy for lunch?"

Nicenzia Immortuos |

"Well I think he was going to a tavern nearby, he was pointing at some buildings on the way in before he parted with us. I think there is some temples in town, from my little knowledge of the goddess her temples are a good place for information in the elven lands." Nicenzia says unfolding her umbrella and hold it so it can cover the both of them. "It's not so much I wanted to get out in the sun. It just sounded like we had a few hours to kill, so I wanted to see what the town had to offer, if anything before we leave it again. Perhaps look at some elven-made dresses I hear they are quite beautiful, and I'd love to get my hands on one." she says with a big smile.

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"Sure thing friend. Let's go steal some dresses."
Perception around town, anything stand out?: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
Diplomacy+Hairdid for gossip: 1d20 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 1 + 2 = 16

Nicenzia Immortuos |

"I hope you are up for trying some also, it's a good way to relax and maybe we'll find something that suits you." She say and leans in to whisper so to not be overheard. "We should not steal steal, at least not untill we know we won't be coming back here." Nicenzia says laughing slightly.
Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 5
As they walk around Nicenzia is curious about the different shops, she has hardly been outside of Cheliax and Isger in her life. "As much as I hate traveling, I do enjoy taking in the sights and see the local fashions."

Aurelain |

Aurelain watches the ladies go. He worries about them but knows they can handle themselves. Perhaps that way too smart bird will come back for help if the two adventurous adventurers get in over their heads. Finishing his cider he calls Another.

DM The nines |

Sorry about the delay folks, had a slight case of the Covid - 19 to work through, lets get this rolling again :)
Alairdra was clearly impressed more with your playing than your attempts to catch her eye but she was busy at the bar as it were. Just before you managed to leave she did give you directions to a few places of interest (shops, the temple to Calistria, etc..) and gave you a rolled up parchment put inside of a wellworn but still servicible leather case.
"My kin across the river are a bit more standoffish, but as long as you are back on this side by darkness and have this, you wont be bothered too often. Kellisandre at the Weavery is a good one though, If you are looking for something elven in style and well made go there first."
She offered the two exploring pair before she turned her attentions back to Aurelain sliding him another pint of the pear cider.
"You are not like any half orc I have met, you must have a story behind you."
She began.
Amed the bard after a few more moments of your song calls you over to talk shop.

Amed Alsaakhib-Alraed |

Amed walks over at the bard's beckoning and introduces himself to Halocyun.

Aurelain |

She offered the two exploring pair before she turned her attentions back to Aurelain sliding him another pint of the pear cider.
"You are not like any half orc I have met, you must have a story behind you."
I'm the product of my upbringing and surroundings, like most people. Aurelain says as he sips his beverage with relish. I could tell you tales of the Orcs of the Severed Hand or of my time fighting slavery in Chelix. Those tales are both part of me. Are you truly interested, or just being good at your job? he asks in a mild and complementing tone.

Nicenzia Immortuos |

"If you don't have any place you want to visit first, what do you say we go to Kellisandre to look at the dresses first. Then afterwards we can find a temple or anyhting els that strikes your fancy." Nicenzia suggests with a smile at Swen.

Nicenzia Immortuos |

"Well now I have to go with you." Nicenzia says with a devilish grin. "But of course if you don't want to share your personal stuff, just say it and I'll wait somewhere els or outside of the temple. But you have made me curious, and I will inquire into it."