Aurelain |

Aurelain smiles a wholesome smile at Swen as he adjusts his pace to match her's. If there is a fortune to be made, I for one intend ta have my rightful share of it I do. And I am thinkin that when the time comes for decidin, that we well be the ones in place to do that decidin. His smile is sincere and honest and sure.

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Swen gives Aurelian a quizzical look, “You, like, really believe in stuff, don’t you.”
“Pshh. There’s nothin’ to believe in. The world’s a terrible place, and everyone’s try’na use you, or kill you. Don’t you forget it Aurelian. You can’t trust no one.”

Aurelain |

The blood rager looks thoughtful for a moment. We, each of us, gets to choose an outlook on life. Its a choice. I choose to trust you. So far you have not let me down. He says with a wink. Give it a try Swen. Trust me and see where it leads.

Amed Alsaakhib-Alraed |

Amed smiles to himself as the half-orc tries to brighten the kayal's dismal demeanor.
Aurelain is a very rare half-orc, thinks the magus.

Amed Alsaakhib-Alraed |

Amed sees the newest member of Team Grey hanging in the back of the group. The magus disengages himself from Aurelain's shoulder to walk next to half-elf ranger.
Extending his hand in greeting, Amed says, "Hello, dear lady. We were not formally introduced. My name is Amed Alsaakhib-Alraed, magus by profession, budding flautist in my spare time, among other pursuits."
Sadly no Diplomacy check because she's a PC.

Amed Alsaakhib-Alraed |

"Miss Blackleaf, very nice to meet you", said Amed cordially. "I wished to ask you a big favor. You do not have to give me an answer right now, but I wanted to bring it up so you had time to consider it. You see, my Elven is very limited; a few phrases, but mostly curse words. Since the journey to the elven homeland will take some considerable time, I was hoping you could help me improve my Elven. Proper names and pronouns, that sort of thing. That is, of course, if you are willing," the magus asks, bows his head slightly.

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Swen replies to Aurelain, "I trust you in a fight. I've seen what you can do. I like you better on my team than on the other side. But don't you dare think for a second that I'm not using you for my own purposes!"
She laughs, but its not clear if she's joking.

Aurelain |

I understand where you are Swen. But that's a dark way to look at the world it is. And it makes life's passing a bit lonely as well. Its true that some men are fickle. But its just as true that some are steadfast. Would you throw the good out with the bad? I'll stand by you because its right and good to do so. I need no more reason than that. And I'll call you friend if you'll allow it. He smiles a tusky but somehow handsome and bright smile. The way I see it you've nothing to loose trusting me. You either gain a loyal friend or prove yourself right if I betray you. He chuckles at the logic.

Thorn Blackleaf |

"Uhm...I...suppose that's okay. If you want to learn Elven, I don't mind. It isn't the easiest language though." she replies in a friendly, albeit reserved tone.
As she overhears bits of the other conversations going on, the ranger is forced to wonder what she'd gotten herself into. It seemed as if members of the group couldn't even trust each other, while others seemed close.

Nicenzia Immortuos |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Nicenzia stands next to Swen. "Well I haven't tried to use you. Yet." she says with an impish smile. "The world is indeed cruel in most places but I find that there are minor places of tranquility. Having been borned into slavery in Cheliax, I just enjoy the freedom I get traveling. I'd do anything against anyone threatening my or my close friends' freedom." she says all seriously

DM The nines |

The riverdocks were not extensively large, though they were very organized. Macredi's role of a provider of lumber bot normal and exotic made the merchants in town a lot of money and as such was very well regulated. Three large and wide ships were berthed there at the moment with a fourth upstream waiting it seemed. Dockworkers bustled along two of them, large cranes lowering large log pallets down into holds, the third however sat quiet for the time being.
Your new contractor had mentioned seeking the River runner, and a Captain Sukeban... but any ship heading north would do really, how would you like to proceed?

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"I'd do anything against anyone threatening my or my close friends' freedom."
"See Aurelain, now that's friendship you can use," snarks Swen, giving Nicenzia a familiar wink.
At the docks, she turns to Amed, "Ok schmoozeball, you're up."

Amed Alsaakhib-Alraed |

"Aren't you the one who hated 'pet names'", Amed smirked down at Swen. Cracking his knuckles, the magus surveyed the scene and asked, "Got any advice where to start? I thought someone went down here earlier to scope thing out."

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"Yes, well, I, uh, got distracted. And besides, I didn't know I was supposed to be looking for a boat."
Perception to spot The River Runner: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10
"Hey new girl, you know anythin' 'bout this boat?"

Amed Alsaakhib-Alraed |

Amed shrugs. "Fair enough". The magus searches the docks for the River Runner.
Diplomacy (Gather Imformation): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (6) + 12 = 18

Aurelain |

Nicenzia Immortuos wrote:"I'd do anything against anyone threatening my or my close friends' freedom.""See Aurelain, now that's friendship you can use," snarks Swen, giving Nicenzia a familiar wink.
At the docks, she turns to Amed, "Ok schmoozeball, you're up."
Aye, but would she tell you when you were in the wrong, or stop you from doing something stupid? Its easy to take action against a threat. But there is more to being a friend that that I am thinking. Aurelain says, but his voice is light and without challenge. Its a fun conversation to be sure, but lets be looking for that ship for now. We can pick this up later if you like.
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21

Nicenzia Immortuos |

Swen Xuo wrote:Nicenzia Immortuos wrote:"I'd do anything against anyone threatening my or my close friends' freedom.""See Aurelain, now that's friendship you can use," snarks Swen, giving Nicenzia a familiar wink.
At the docks, she turns to Amed, "Ok schmoozeball, you're up."
Aye, but would she tell you when you were in the wrong, or stop you from doing something stupid? Its easy to take action against a threat. But there is more to being a friend that that I am thinking. Aurelain says, but his voice is light and without challenge. Its a fun conversation to be sure, but lets be looking for that ship for now. We can pick this up later if you like.
"Right or wrong is a matter of perception. I might have a tendency towards being a little cruel myself, but I always strive to conduct myself within the confines of the law. So if I would tell her if Swen is in the wrong, I might if it's within the law of the nation we are in. But ib matters good or evil I leave it to her own jugdement." Nicenzia adds as a last responds before they enter the harbor and begins to look around for the ship.

DM The nines |

Your sharp elven eyes spot the name plate of the River Runner. It was the third ship at the rear of the three docked that was sitting there quietly either waiting its turn to be unloaded/loaded or was empty awaiting a cargo. There was someone laying out on a bench in front of the ship however, from this distance it almost looked like they were taking a nap in the sun.
Asking about the River runner and more importantly Captain Sukeban lead one of the small group of sailors to point to the northern most ship at the dock. The one that was quietly sitting there. Another question a bit closer and the old sailor laughed at you slapping you on the back a little too hard as he chortled out.
"Looking for child support or something? She's in a foul mood the Captain is, hell of a hangover."
Almost as quickly as the newcomer to your group, the elf Thorn you spotted a large name plate along the edge of the ship that read in bronzed letters "River Runner". You two spotting a shape laying atop a bench in front of it, only slight movement made you sure the figure wasn't dead.
You were looking for the ship, sure.. but you couldnt help but notice a gaggle of drunken sailors off the side of the docks dicing for coin. Old rogue habits you know. They looked to be easy marks if you had time for a hustle.
Nothing you saw noted the ship you were looking for, but the docks were certainly bustling and busy. You saw a couple of wagons of what looked like merchants haggling with passing sailors trying to sell whatever goods they had aboard along with a dwarf in a wagon that held several large casks. You could make out the dwarven tongue and he sounded exasperated... unfortunately it seemed most of the folks there payed him no mind...perhaps they couldnt speak the language?

Amed Alsaakhib-Alraed |

Asking about the River runner and more importantly Captain Sukeban lead one of the small group of sailors to point to the northern most ship at the dock. The one that was quietly sitting there. Another question a bit closer and the old sailor laughed at you slapping you on the back a little too hard as he chortled out.
"Looking for child support or something? She's in a foul mood the Captain is, hell of a hangover."
Amed makes a loud whistle to his scattered companions letting them know he found the ship.
When addressing the old sailor, the magus bows to the old sailor's advice. "Thanks for the warning, old one. May Besmara take you into her boudoir."While waiting, Amed mentally preps himself for the conversation to come.

Thorn Blackleaf |

[Ooc]I'm pretty sure you just wished him to drown. Lol[/b]
Thorn suppresses a smile as Ahmed draws their attention to the ship the she and Aurelain, (the most cheerful half orc she'd ever met) had already found.
The mention of the captain's likely mood promising that things would definitely not be boring.

Aurelain |

Aurelain prods the resting man. He smells of rum and worse. he announces. He is either quite hung over or still drunk, or both. he pronounces. Addressing the man he asks gently Are you with the River Runner? What were you celebrating?

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Swen bites her lower lip as she spots the drunk gamblers. She lingers behind as the others walk off to the ship. She’s got time. Just one hand is all. Just one.
Instead of following, she turns suddenly away from her crew and heads toward the dice game. As she does, she shifts her form to appear as a young and inexperienced human sailor.
“Hiya guys,” she pipes in, interrupting a roll of the dice, “What’s that you’re playing? Can I join in?”
Disguise: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (17) + 11 = 28

Nicenzia Immortuos |

Nicenzia kinda just stops as the group walks by the wagons and decided to see what the dwarf was complaining about.

DM The nines |

Aurelain prods the resting man. He smells of rum and worse. he announces. He is either quite hung over or still drunk, or both. he pronounces. Addressing the man he asks gently Are you with the River Runner? What were you celebrating?
The figure stirred and grunted sitting up and glaring at you for a moment. As She sat up it was clear that the captain of the River Runner has some aquatic heritage in her bloodline somewhere... or she really did have a bluish green tinge to her skin from drinking far too much alchohol.
"Celebratng? Yeah I guess you could call it a celebration making through that bloody hobgoblin blockade across the river up north. Bastards ambushed a ship just in front of us. It took the brunt of their fire, we kept going... light the flames on that ship. "
She shook her head and rose wavering a moment. Standing you could she she was tall and thin, though she sort of stooped her shoulders in an almost continual slouch. She picked up a hat and adjusted it on her head so the brim of it covered most of her eyes from the sun.
"Captain Sukeban of the River Runner. You dont look like merchants what do you want?"
She began trying to stifle a yawn.

DM The nines |

Swen bites her lower lip as she spots the drunk gamblers. She lingers behind as the others walk off to the ship. She’s got time. Just one hand is all. Just one.
Instead of following, she turns suddenly away from her crew and heads toward the dice game. As she does, she shifts her form to appear as a young and inexperienced human sailor.
“Hiya guys,” she pipes in, interrupting a roll of the dice, “What’s that you’re playing? Can I join in?”
"Queen and Crowns, laddie. Sure do you know how to play?"
An older sailor began with a wide grin under a bulbous nose. He nudged the guy beside him to move over making space for you. Before he even let you answer he launched into an explanation of the game. There was a small cloth mat on the ground there with six symbols on it, A heart, a crown and an anchor in red, and black.
"Each man takes a turn with the dice, before he throws the dice we place bets on what symbol will show up the most on the dice. each throw the winner collects the coin. Throwing coppers while we wait for the next merchant to roll up with things to load aboard the ships."
He began.

DM The nines |

Nicenzia kinda just stops as the group walks by the wagons and decided to see what the dwarf was complaining about.
** spoiler omitted ** She speaks to the dwarf in his native language trying to sound as a freindly help and not a prying spectator.
The dwarf jerked his head and glared at you for just a moment before he features softend. He jerked his thumb torwards the merchants at the front of the wagon.
He shook his fist for a moment torwards the merchants who merely watched with almost unreadible faces. You thought they looked a little smug.
sense motive: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (9) + 0 = 9
"Because im not my father who normally comes here those bastards are telling me they can't verify that these casks are the real thing. Like they can't see the makers mark on the kegs. They want to pay half price."

Amed Alsaakhib-Alraed |

"Captain Sukeban of the River Runner. You don't look like merchants what do you want?"
She began trying to stifle a yawn.
"Captain Sukeban, I am Amed Alsaakhib-Alraed, a representative to The Silver Shields Guild and a Mr. Bwirse. You come highly recommended for passage of myself, my teammates, and a small cargo to Riverspire. Can you accommodate us?"
Diplomacy (w/Practiced Impression): 1d20 + 12 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 12 + 2 = 15
Aurelain |

My friend has the right of it. Its passage we need, but we are good in a fight each and every one of us. And it seems you need the company of fighting men and women the now. I am Aurelain and you'll find me a fast friend if can take us. The half orc stands his full 6'6" in height and holds his clawed hands in front of himself, not to intimidate but to show he is not bluffing.

Nicenzia Immortuos |

Nicenzia keeps talking with the dwarf.

DM The nines |

"Sounds like fun, count me in."
From somewhere on her person, Swen slips out 4 silver coins and places them on the black heart.
"Suren you want to bet so much on the first roll lassie?"
The man began gathering up the dice into a leather cup and handing it to you Swen.
"since you are new you get the first toss."
roll 6d6 1 black anchor, 2 red anchor, 3 black crown, 4 red crown, 5 black heart, 6 red heart

DM The nines |

Nicenzia keeps talking with the dwarf.
** spoiler omitted **
He quivered in annoyance for a moment his eyes narrowing. You could tell he was staring at someone. Half turning to look you could see a merchant in all white smiling smugly at the dwarf.
He offered taking his gaze off the man.

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Swen gives the cup a good shake and spills it across the table.
gamble: 6d6 ⇒ (2, 6, 1, 2, 5, 1) = 17
“Sh!t,” she curses as her coin is gathered up by the winner, “There goes my dinner.” She shrugs naively.
She passes the cup and this time places 1 silver on the black heart, “Say, whadya fellas know about that ship down there?” She gestures to the River Runner, “Anything I should know about working for Captain Sukeban?”

Nicenzia Immortuos |

Bluff to hide casting a spell: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (5) + 11 = 16
Nicenzia approaches the merchant while attempting to hide charming him with a spell. As she gets within 30 feet just fiddles with a bit of the material the spell needs while under her breath finish a Charm Person spell (DC14).
She shows the merchant her best smile. "My friend Stouthammer over there are selling some very fine spirits, which alot of people are waiting to buy at their local wateringhole. Since you can't let him in with his papers, he wants to make an offer to you so you can be the only merchant in town selling his spirits. If you look past his papers and buys the ale for eighty percent his normal price, you can, as the only merchant selling this to the folks waiting for it at a high price. Think about it, with no competention for such a sought after product you could set the price anyway you want it."
Bluff: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (7) + 11 = 18
Those dice rolls are not with me tonight.

Amed Alsaakhib-Alraed |

The captain takes a look at both Amed and Aurelain and a big smile broadens on her face. It almost seemed... predatory.
"I suppose I should see if I cant wrangle my crew back to the vessal then... are you folks in a hurry or do I have time to find cargo?"
Without any work from Swen, Amed guesses on the state of the crew. "Well..that depends. What is your rate for passage and estimation of arrival in Riverspire? We have six among us, and a small chest for cargo. I assume we shall buy and eat our own food on this journey?"
Diplomacy w/Practiced Impression: 1d20 + 12 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 12 + 2 = 31
DM The nines |

Swen gives the cup a good shake and spills it across the table.
“Sh!t,” she curses as her coin is gathered up by the winner, “There goes my dinner.” She shrugs naively.She passes the cup and this time places 1 silver on the black heart, “Say, whadya fellas know about that ship down there?” She gestures to the River Runner, “Anything I should know about working for Captain Sukeban?”
One of the older fellows chuckled shaking his head.
" She's a right fair captain, bit of a taskmaster compared to others but runs a fair ship. Rumor is she gets bored sometimes and seeks entertainment in her cabin if ye catch my drift... i think you wont have to worry about that though."
He answered. The next throw of dice was closer... you were one black heart away from winning. The cup is passed to the next thrower and bets are placed again.

DM The nines |

** spoiler omitted **
Nicenzia approaches the merchant while attempting to hide charming him with a spell. As she gets within 30 feet just fiddles with a bit of the material the spell needs while under her breath finish a Charm Person spell (DC14).
She shows the merchant her best smile. "My friend Stouthammer over there are selling some very fine spirits, which alot of people are waiting to buy at their local wateringhole. Since you can't let him in with his papers, he wants to make an offer to you so you can be the only merchant in town selling his spirits. If you look past his papers and buys the ale for eighty percent his normal price, you can, as the only merchant selling this to the folks waiting for it at a high price. Think about it, with no competention for such a sought after product you could set the price anyway you want it."
Those dice rolls are not with me tonight.
will save: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20
sesne motive: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18oh jeeze.
The spell did not have its desired effect. In fact the merchants eyes narrowed and for a moment he looked like he might call for guards. Then he just smirked and shook his head.
"Silly child playing an adult's game. Your little spells will not get in the way of my profit. I am aware of the quality of those spirits, but im just not willing to pay such prices. I want to make real coin not coppers."
He said with a sniff once more looking you over and smirking.
"If you think its such a good deal, you buy it and sell it."
He said laughing and turning to go.

DM The nines |

DM The nines wrote:The captain takes a look at both Amed and Aurelain and a big smile broadens on her face. It almost seemed... predatory.
"I suppose I should see if I cant wrangle my crew back to the vessal then... are you folks in a hurry or do I have time to find cargo?"
Without any work from Swen, Amed guesses on the state of the crew. "Well..that depends. What is your rate for passage and estimation of arrival in Riverspire? We have six among us, and a small chest for cargo. I assume we shall buy and eat our own food on this journey?"
[dice Diplomacy w/Practiced Impression31
The predatory gleam in her eyes lessened as its good friend greed seemed to arrive and announce its presence.
"You'll br providing your own provisions? I would estimate with the winds being friendly we can make it to Kerse in 4 or 5 days. From Kerse you could easily catch a caravan heading that direction within a day or so for another week and half to two weeks. I could sail you all the way to Eroges, but the chances of finding a caravan to travel with to Riverspire from there would be longer... of course it would be a lot less travel by land. Since i dont have time to collect a real cargo of note, it'll cost 9 silver per person per day.Double that if you want to use three of the cabins, cause moving my officers out of the cabins will lead to bellyaching.

Amed Alsaakhib-Alraed |

"I'll alert my team, and be back shortly", the magus nodded as he turned away to find Team Grey.

DM The nines |

[Ooc]I'm pretty sure you just wished him to drown. Lol[/b]
Thorn suppresses a smile as Ahmed draws their attention to the ship the she and Aurelain, (the most cheerful half orc she'd ever met) had already found.
The mention of the captain's likely mood promising that things would definitely not be boring.
While the others spoke you watched and listened. Glancing at the ship you could see several spots along the upper parts of the ships hull near the railing where there were fresh gouges.... judging from the size you would imagine they were either arrows or crossbow bolts, from the looks of it they were removed...recently.
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Swen places another silver on the black heart, sighs heavily and rests her cheek on her fist to watch the next toss of the dice.
“Say, any of you fellas ever been to Riverspire?”

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Swen places another silver on the black heart, sighs heavily and rests her cheek on her fist to watch the next toss of the dice.
“Say, any of you fellas ever been to Riverspire?”
One of the other gamblers, a sandy haired fellow with bronzed skin from many long hours spent in the sun nodded simply.
"A few times, though it was about six or seven years ago. Interesting town. Pretty standoffish during the day, though folks seemed nice enough in the few nights in the tavern."
He offered as he took up the cup of dice and rolled it. . .
gamble: 6d6 ⇒ (6, 3, 1, 1, 4, 5) = 20

Aurelain |

Amed Alsaakhib-Alraed wrote:DM The nines wrote:The captain takes a look at both Amed and Aurelain and a big smile broadens on her face. It almost seemed... predatory.
"I suppose I should see if I cant wrangle my crew back to the vessal then... are you folks in a hurry or do I have time to find cargo?"
Without any work from Swen, Amed guesses on the state of the crew. "Well..that depends. What is your rate for passage and estimation of arrival in Riverspire? We have six among us, and a small chest for cargo. I assume we shall buy and eat our own food on this journey?"
[dice Diplomacy w/Practiced Impression31The predatory gleam in her eyes lessened as its good friend greed seemed to arrive and announce its presence.
"You'll br providing your own provisions? I would estimate with the winds being friendly we can make it to Kerse in 4 or 5 days. From Kerse you could easily catch a caravan heading that direction within a day or so for another week and half to two weeks. I could sail you all the way to Eroges, but the chances of finding a caravan to travel with to Riverspire from there would be longer... of course it would be a lot less travel by land. Since i dont have time to collect a real cargo of note, it'll cost 9 silver per person per day.Double that if you want to use three of the cabins, cause moving my officers out of the cabins will lead to bellyaching.
I do not mind sleeping on deck, or below good captain and expect no birth or board better than you give your crew. And I am not one to sit idly while others around me work. I do not expect to travel free but give me price based on that. And do not be forgettin that our team is agreein to fight for you and yours if there is trouble. We are a capable group and that is worth somethin to be sure.

Nicenzia Immortuos |

Being a little irritated that should couldn't convince the merchant to buy the dwarfs stock she returns to him.