DM The nines |

I do not mind sleeping on deck, or below good captain and expect no birth or board better than you give your crew. And I am not one to sit idly while others around me work. I do not expect to travel free but give me price based on that. And do not be forgettin that our team is agreein to fight for you and yours if there is trouble. We are a capable group and that is worth somethin to be sure.
"A worker eh? Ever sailed before cutie? You know what doesnt matter, if you are willing to learn well that's good enough for me. What about your friends think they would be willing to swab the deck line the rigging or the like?"
She grinned at you Amed like a cat eyeing cream,

DM The nines |

Being a little irritated that should couldn't convince the merchant to buy the dwarfs stock she returns to him. ** spoiler omitted **
He paused tugging at his beard then he grinned.
"Where is this inn you said?"
I am assuming you would give him directions to the compound.
"Tell ye what lass. That sounds like a better lead than dealing with these prickly bastard. Here take this cask with you as a gift for the help. I'll be on my way to this place of yours."
He whistled to one of the men with him and they took down one of the smaller casks which they set on the ground in front of you. There was no way you could safely carry it, but Surely Amed or Aurelain could help.
appraise: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15

Nicenzia Immortuos |

If he agrees Nicenzia will return to the rest of the party, otherwise she will go and get Amed or Aurelain to carry it to the ship.

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Swen’s shoulders sag, “Oh buddy. This game sure is tough. You guys are gonna take everything I’ve got! Well, I better get goin’ before the Captain uses me to scrub the deck. Gotta earn back my wages!”
Swen stands and leaves the gamblers, stopping when she spots Nicenzia struggling with a cask, “Need a hand, Miss?” She says, still in the guise of a young, blonde, human sailor.

Nicenzia Immortuos |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Nicenzia weighs her options but decides to take the help. "Well thank you miss. I seem to have been distracted and lost contact with my group. Perhaps ypu have seen them? They are a random bunch, but I think the one to stand out the most is this very beautiful woman who looks a little like me, with black hair and a more ashgrey skin than my own. she says scouting over the harbor for the rest. It's easier to descibe Swen, than the others most of them don't stand out very much. "Oh yeah they were going to look for a ship River-something, perhaps you know it? she just remembered.

Amed Alsaakhib-Alraed |

Amed continues to 'herd the cats' that are Team Grey to his location at the docks.

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“The River Runner? You’re in luck, that’s exactly where I’m headed,” secretly Swen grabs half the keg and helps Nicenzia out. “Sorry, haven’t seen your friend, but she sounds nice!”

Amed Alsaakhib-Alraed |

Amed is always willing to show off (make a complete fool out of himself) in front of the ladies, so he'll try to learn to sail if taught.

Nicenzia Immortuos |

Nicenzia isn't much of a manual labour person.
Nicenzia shifts around so it's easier for two to carry the cask. "Normally I never has such luck. And yes she is very nice, I kinda like the natural dark aura surrounding her." she responds as the make there way to the ship.

Aurelain |

Smiling a Swen Aurelain prmoises I'll have a drink later. Right now it seems that drink seems to be this crews most recent problem. Lets help them load up and cast off. The sooner we are away the sooner we can feel that cool breeze in our faces.

DM The nines |

The captain eyed you all for a moment like you were crazy offering to help crew the ship but then she grinned showing a smile that still had most of her original teeth. You did see one really shiny gold tooth there. She turned around quickly... almost too quickly pausing for a moment as it was clear she was getting her bearing back for a moment before she started to head up the wooden gangplank leading up to the ship.
"Come along then my new crew, let me show you where you can all stow your things... cept for you missy. If you dont mind sharing I can put you in ol "Winsome" Linsolm's room with her. She's been enjoying the extra space since ol Magpie up and left the route. I'll even just charge 5 cp a night for the traveling."
She began leading the way to the berthing area. There were two decent sized bunk rooms beneath the ship, and amazingly enough, there was a side for the lasses and one for the lads.
"Stow your things in those extra footlockers along the wall... despite being drunkards me crew arent thieves, so they dont have great locks."
She warned but left to give you time to well drop your armor if you wished.
Everyone please give me a DC 10 intelligence check

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

As they walk up the gangplank, Swen turns to Nicenzia, “So tell me more about this ‘dark aura’ of mine,” she says with an actually genuine smile.
Int: 1d20 ⇒ 3
Swen doesn’t know her poop deck from her crow’s nest.
"Stow your things in those extra footlockers along the wall... despite being drunkards me crew arent thieves, so they dont have great locks."
Hmm... Easy pickins’...

Nicenzia Immortuos |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Int: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12
Nicenzia blushes a bit as Swen asks to what she said to the sailor. "You were that kind sailor helping me witht he Keg? I truely couldn't tell. Well if you must know I was refering to your shadowy nature and that you have seen hardships like me. I know what you wish to accomplish and would give me hand in a heartbeat if I could help you in anyway." She says smiling back.

Amed Alsaakhib-Alraed |

Int: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (8) + 0 = 8 Damn.
The magus stows his backpack in one of the footlockers.

DM The nines |

Man. those were some terrible rolls... well most of them at least.
The river trip north goes smoothly. While you see signs of struggles along the river banks no hobgoblin raiding parties appear to bother you. At one point the good captain mentions aloud that you folk must be lucky, the last few traders that passed through all were at least attacked by an arrow or two. Something must have scared em off for now.
On the second night Amed, Captain Sukeban offers to let you eat dinner with her in her cabin.
On the first night, most of the crew is quiet and nervous, so many eyes are on the shore line where hobgoblins have been reported, most of the eyes dart to you all as well, despite most of you helping and trying to learn how to sail, its clear to most of the sailor that you are made of stern stuff and will show those hobgoblin a thing or two if they show up.
Actually everyone give me an int check for day 2, 3,4 and 5. DC 13 if you make three success counting day one you get a special prize.

Amed Alsaakhib-Alraed |

Amed will need a Charisma score and another description of the Captain's appearance.

DM The nines |

Amed will need a Charisma score and another description of the Captain's appearance.
Captain Sukeban, but just a scosh leaner probably due to her half-elven heritage

Amed Alsaakhib-Alraed |

Amed accepts the offer to eat dinner at the Captain's table (and all it entails). Hmm, thinks the magus, and here I thought this voyage would be boring. Could lead to less work as well.
Con save: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (8) - 1 = 7
Int. save (Day 1): 1d20 ⇒ 3
Int. save (Day 2): 1d20 ⇒ 10
Int. save (Day 3): 1d20 ⇒ 9
Int. save (Day 4): 1d20 ⇒ 3
Int. save (Day 5): 1d20 ⇒ 15

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Once Swen learns about the crow's nest form and function, she volunteers herself to play the role of lookout.
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
Somehow she totally misses Amed's walk of shame that first morning.
Otherwise she tries to keep up with the more professional sailors.
int: 1d20 ⇒ 10
int: 1d20 ⇒ 9
int: 1d20 ⇒ 12
int: 1d20 ⇒ 4
She has a hard time discerning a clove hitch from a sheep's shank.

DM The nines |

Day two of travel
Unsurpisingly to most, for some reason Amed you did not receive a 2nd offer to dine with the captain. She was sort of a taskmaster in other arenas as well, so it probably didnt upset you too much.(Unless you know pride is a thing)
On the third night you found the captain asking you Aurelain if you would like to dine with her in her cabin.
If you decide that yeah eating dinner with the captain is a thing you would do, feel free to read the spoiler for Amed above.
The days ran smoothly, most of you however seemed just as lost at crewing a sailing vessel as your average landsmen.
Not willing to do physical labor Nicenzia you did find yourself from bore half looking over charts and questioning the ships navigator...who mostly bored from simply following the rivers course and only taking soundings to avoid running aground from sandbars sort of gave you unofficial lessons on ships navigation.
Three successses on the int check means you can put a FREE skill point in Proffession Navigator.
Aurelain your three successess mean you can put a FREE point in profession Sailor
Everyone else, no worries there will be other checks on later things that can earn you free things I promise, better luck next time I hope! OH also, there is no hobgoblin battle because group white ran into the hobgoblins timeframe wise a day before you all got here and literally so soundly beat them so quickly they are laying low for a week, I sort of have things set up like a 'living' campaign so your two groups loosely affect the others. :)

Aurelain |

Aurelian graciously counters the offer for dinner. The stars on deck are magnificent. I propose we share the sailor’s regular fair, complimented with perhaps a glass of wine. I would enjoy your company so much more knowing that we ate the same fair you offer your crew. Otherwise my guilt at indulgence would spoil my evening. I hope you can understand.

Amed Alsaakhib-Alraed |

Well, don't I feel like an ass. Thanks for throwing me overboard, Aurelian! :)

Aurelain |

Lets hope you don't have something a remove disease can't cure. :P Keep in mind that Aurelain is almost a paladin in his approach to the world. While he is not gonna sleep with the captain he is not gonna shun her invitation or call her our for her behavior either. He actually hopes to enjoy a dinner with the lady and get to know here better.

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While the captain is kept busy, before they disembark on the last day, Swen can't help but rummage through a few footlockers. At the least, she can recoup her gambling losses.
Stealth: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30
DD: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19
SoH: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19

DM The nines |

Aurelain - The captain, while slightly offput by your declining of the obvious intended activities laughed it off and with a shrug agreed. The food was pleasant stew, the only real difference it seemed in the captains portions versus that of the crew was that she got the first choice in cheese and bread before it divied up amongst everyone else.
chr based convo: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16
You discover through the conversation through the evening that she is a friendly sort (perhaps too friendly in ways) but is more just free spirited than anything else.
Over the next few days of sailing nothing much happens, a slight bit of rain makes a few hours seem worse but you find yourself on the docks of Kerse with Captain Sukeban tossing Aurelain a pouch of coin to split amongst yourselves.
"Thank you for the fine voyage and the fine conversations. You folk are welcome aboard any vessal of mine anytime."
She offered.
What would you follk like to do. You are still a week and some change depending on how you push it away from your destination via caravan or horseback.

Aurelain |

It has been a swift and instructive voyage my good captain. Your company was a stimulating added advantage and I take pleasure in knowing we depart as friends. I think you for the payment and while I am glad no harm came to your ship I cannot help but wish we had had the chance to prove our metal in a fight. The fewer river pirates that survive the better/
He turns to his companions. We have coin for room and drink. But there might be more responsible ways to spend our time. What shall we do?

Amed Alsaakhib-Alraed |

"Well, I for one think we should find a caravan heading east to make our way into Kyonin", Amed posed. "It would be cheaper than buying our own horses while still experiencing the wonders of the open road once more."

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gold: 3d4 ⇒ (2, 3, 1) = 6
silver: 2d12 ⇒ (6, 8) = 14
copper: 6d8 ⇒ (3, 6, 6, 2, 6, 8) = 31
I'm sure they won't miss it much.
Swen takes in their new surroundings.
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12
What time of day is it?
In response to Amed, "Well, there's safety in numbers, they say, but it's also a bigger target. I'm down for whatever. Who wants to go shopping?"

Nicenzia Immortuos |

"Might mean a bigger target, but we would also be able to keep most smaller raiding parties going a wide range around us. I woulf perfer a caravan perhaps it's possible to ride in the carts or walk alongside them I'm also ready to acompany you on a shopping spree, and we can look for a trading caravan in the market also and offer us as extra guards." Nicenzia says looking ready to leave when Swen are.

Aurelain |

I too choose a caravan. If we can provide a merchant the security of our arms and sleep better at night due to a larger group then I say that is a good thing.
Aurelain eventually gets around to dividing the coin purse. What does he find inside it?

DM The nines |

Aurelain No one ever said a sailor's life was glamourous, but you find enough coin to go everyone 8 gold peices and 5 silver.
Without having to ask more than once, you all are directed a large series of warehouses with open yards where the caravans meet with the goods from the dock.
It now becomes a matter of finding a caravan that is heading the direction you want.
give me some diplomacy checks guys,

Amed Alsaakhib-Alraed |

"Okay, ladies and Aurelain! Time for Mr. Alsaakhib-Alraed to get to work!"
Amed rubs his hands together, puts on his most genuine winning smile, and begins to gather information on where the caravan are going and if any are going near Kyonin.
Diplomacy (gather information, with Practiced Impression): 1d20 + 12 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 12 + 2 = 26