Ruins of Azlant (Inactive)

Game Master Nathan Goodrich

Chapter 3: The Flooded Cathedral
Part 2: Exploring Zanas-Tahn

Ruins of Azlant Maps

Starting Day: Oathday, 3rd of Arodus 4717 AR

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Hey everyone.

After many years on the boards and a number of played-in games under my belt I have recently returned to GM-ing IRL and therefore have decided to pluck up my courage and run a game here on the boards as well!

I am going to be running The Ruins of Azlant for a party of 4-5 characters. I have one space reserved so I am looking for 3-4 people to round out the party. The reserved character will be an Archaeologist Bard.

Character Gen rules:

25pt buy.
Core Races, Gillmen and Undines. (Undines MUST take the 'Mostly Human' racial trait.)
Classes: Anything Paizo, Unchained classes must be unchained.
Starting Level: 1
Wealth: Max for your class.
HP: Max.
Traits: 2, one campaign. You can take a drawback for a third trait.
Background Skills are in effect.

Please consult the players guide if you have any questions. Find it HERE.

Provisionally this recruitment will be open until 00:00 on Saturday 7th October. This may change depending on popularity.

EDIT: please do include a background to tell me a bit about your character. It doesn't have to be an essay but I would like to know how your character came to be aboard the Peregrine and a little about their personality.

Liberty's Edge

Already have a character ready. Here's Karios Blue. Just need to tweak his ability scores for the 25-Pt buy.

He won't have his hippocampus at the start and would play him in a way that he gets it in game.

Interested, will put something together come monday.

Looks good Karios - do you have some background to tell me some more about him?

dot for interest.

How important is it to have one of the "aquatic" archetypes that are in the Players Guide?

-- david

Dotting for interest.

I have a half-elf crypt breaker alchemist that I would like to submit. The character was mechanically complete for a prior Ruins of Azlant recruitment but I ran out of time to get the background information into the profile.

I'll post with the mentioned alias when I have the submission complete. Whether I get in or not, thanks for offering to run the game.

Liberty's Edge

GM Nikolaus 'the Grimm' wrote:
Looks good Karios - do you have some background to tell me some more about him?

Thanks! Here's some background for him.

He's from a little coastal town and was always drawn to the sea. He's looking for a place to call home and has been a bit of a nomad from shoreside town to shoreside city. When he heard that there was going to be a new colony close to the waters he jumped at the chance to relocate there and maybe it will quell his wanderlust as he always felt like some part of him was missing. Maybe this journey will be the one to help him find that piece.

In play he's always drawn to the water and it lends to the theory that he's part sea elf since his human parents who died long ago found him amid some rocks on the beach.
At the start of the AP he won't have his animal companion and will discover it in game cos I thought that would be cool to roleplay and to build the friendship in the game with his animal companion.
He's going to serve as some of the muscle of the group. He's especially strong in water when his companion can help. Out of water he'll back up whoever takes point and can hold his own if need be.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Interested, and have a character ready from another thread. Will change race a bit... will post again when I get home

Papa-DRB wrote:

dot for interest.

How important is it to have one of the "aquatic" archetypes that are in the Players Guide?

-- david

Hi David - good to see you!

As important as you make it. There is swimming later on in the AP as I understand but there will be ways, means and wands of waterbreathing so no particular need for aquatic archetypes if you don;t want them. (I don't recommend Pyrokineticists though...)

Paizo Employee Organized Play Line Developer

Awesome! I'm super excited for this campaign. I should have a character up in a day or so, but I'm probably going to be a gillman.

Very much interested.
I would be delighted to join this!

Paizo Employee Organized Play Line Developer

meloriel wrote:
Awesome! I'm super excited for this campaign. I should have a character up in a day or so, but I'm probably going to be a gillman.

I'll be submitting a human spiritualist (drowned channeler) whose family has long been haunted by the spirit of a drowned man (actually an ancient Azlanti who drowned with the fall of his empire and has been trying to compel his distant descendants to return him 'home' for untold generations).

My submission should be in later today.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Very interested. I have two characters done up from previous recruitments.

Full disclosure I am running the game already (just started book two and the players are really enjoying it though we came damn close to a TPK last session!), if that counts me out I understand.

@ GM Nikolaus 'the Grimm': I know a lot of DMs don't care for it, but how do you feel about the Rich Parents trait?

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Dotting! Hey Nikolaus/Say'ri.

Dien here with proposed character. Party role is hopefully to provide some tanking, meleeing, and divine support in the manner of heals and buffs. I also wouldn't be opposed to putting in the feats to have him craft magical items later on if the campaign allows for that sort of downtime.

Personality wise, Jenner's a practical, optimistic, level-headed salt-of-the-earth-sea kind of dwarf. He's grown up in Andoran so he's pretty cosmopolitan as dwarves go, and reasonably comfortable on a boat or in the water. He's got a 'quartermaster' type personality-- someone else can handle the big planning, but by god, you'll need someone who remembers to pack rope!

Speaking of god: he is a servant of Abadar, and views taming the potential wilderness and making it a profitable colony not only good business sense but an act of faith.

Backstory: Jenner's family has lived in Almas for at least a few generations. Family lore is that they were refugees from one of the destroyed Sky Citadels, but as far as Jenner is concerned, that's all ancient history. Growing up in a largely human city has left Jenner with less of the traditional pride in one's clan/home caves than might be typical for some dwarves: he's perfectly fond of his family and his family name (Longhammer), but when human sailors gave him the somewhat-punny nickname 'Holystone' for patching up their wounds, he adopted it with great cheer as his sort-of-unofficial surname around port.

His family has a modestly successful business as shipwrights, specifically as the forgers, welders, and hammerers of all the iron and brass parts that go into a ship. (Need a chain forged? An anchor? Brass ship's wheel? Longhammer Foundry's the place to go!) While Jenner learned to use a forge and anvil perfectly well, and sometimes tinkers about making weapons, he preferred rather to go out ON those ships, or at least to be in the city's market making deals, than sweating in the back room of the shops. As soon as he was old enough, he took passage on ships, paying his way through spreading Abadar's healing blessings, and visiting other cities and shipyards through the Inner Sea region to explain to them the benefits of doing business with Longhammer Foundry.

But a new, untapped market has emerged: a wild one, a place where they surely need things forged... Perhaps across the sea, the Longhammer clan will be able to establish not only a business, but to claim land as their own, to have a cave again. Jenner figures he owes that much to his parents, anyway.

May tweak skills some if accepted. Will finish purchasing gear if accepted as well

Liberty's Edge

meloriel wrote:
meloriel wrote:
Awesome! I'm super excited for this campaign. I should have a character up in a day or so, but I'm probably going to be a gillman.

I'll be submitting a human spiritualist (drowned channeler) whose family has long been haunted by the spirit of a drowned man (actually an ancient Azlanti who drowned with the fall of his empire and has been trying to compel his distant descendants to return him 'home' for untold generations).

My submission should be in later today.

That's a very cool concept. I dig it.

Paizo Employee Organized Play Line Developer

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Here's my submission, Ashlyn Orellis, and her phantom Elizar!


Ashlyn Orellis
Female Human Spiritualist (drowned channeler) 1
NG Medium Humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +5
AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13 (+3 armour, +2 Dex)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +6
Speed 30 ft.
Melee unarmed strike +2 (1d3+2)
…dagger +2 (1d4+2/19-20)
Ranged telekinetic projectile +2 (1d6 bludgeoning)
…acid +2 ranged touch (1d6 acid) (1 splash)

Spells Known (CL 1st, Concentration +5)
1st—2/day—chill touch, cure light wounds
0—At Will—light, mage hand, mending, telekinetic projectile

Str 14, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 18, Cha 10
Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 14
Traits Athletic, Unintentional Linguist
Feats Athletic, Improved Unarmed Strike
Skills Acrobatics +3, Climb +5, Knowledge (history) +4, Linguistics +5, Perception +5, Profession (pearl diver) +7, Survival +5, Swim +9
(0 points; 4 class, 0 INT, 1 race, 1 favoured class)
Abilities Etheric tether, knacks, phantom (drowned phantom), shared consciousness
Languages Common, Aquan, Azlanti

Special Abilities:


Athletic (trait): You have always had a knack for physical activity. You either grew up in a rural area and had an active childhood where you were always climbing trees, swimming in lakes and rivers, and clambering up rocky hillsides, or you competed in and excelled at contests or sports while growing up in a larger settlement. Due to this background, little can slow you down or inhibit your movements. When the Bountiful Venture Company interviewed you, they noticed your stature and physicality, and they chose you for the colonial expedition knowing that a strong back is always helpful in a growing colony.
You reduce your armor check penalty by a number equal to one-third your character level (minimum 1) for purposes of Acrobatics, Climb, and Swim checks, and you gain a +1 trait bonus to one of these three skills, chosen when you take this trait (swim).

Drowned Phantom: A drowned channeler has a drowned phantom. A drowned phantom’s ectoplasmic body drips with water and seems to bleed off watery droplets even in its incorporeal form. A drowned phantom gains a swim speed of 30 feet in both forms and gains the water subtype in addition to the phantom subtype, meaning that it can use its natural slam attacks underwater without taking the penalty for bludgeoning attacks underwater. The drowned channeler’s etheric tether extends twice as far underwater, but only half as far above water. Additionally, the drowned phantom doesn’t grant any of the usual benefits while confined in the drowned channeler’s consciousness unless the drowned channeler is within 25 feet of an ocean, sea, lake, or other large body of water. Both forms of bonded manifestation grant the drowned phantom’s swim speed of 30 feet to the drowned channeler, and attacks from the ectoplasmic bonded manifestation’s tendrils don’t take the typical penalties for bludgeoning attacks underwater, as if the phantom itself made them.

This ability alters phantom, shared consciousness, etheric tether, and bonded manifestation.

Etheric Tether (Su): A spiritualist can force the phantom to manifest in an area around her by pushing the phantom’s consciousness though the veil of ethereal essence, allowing it to fully manifest in either ectoplasmic or incorporeal form. Whenever her manifested phantom takes enough damage to send it back to the Ethereal Plane, as a reaction to the damage, the spiritualist can sacrifice any number of her hit points without using an action. Each hit point sacrificed in this way prevents 1 point of damage dealt to the phantom. This can prevent the phantom from being sent back to the Ethereal Plane.

This tether is limited. When the phantom is fully manifested, it and the spiritualist must remain within 25 feet of one another (or 100 feet while underwater) for the phantom’s manifestation to stay stable with little to no concentration on the part of the spiritualist. The spiritualist can stretch the limited tether, but only when the phantom is in ectoplasmic form. When a spiritualist starts her turn and her ectoplasmic phantom is between 25-50 feet away from her (100-200 feet if underwater), the spiritualist must concentrate on the link as a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity or the ectoplasmic phantom immediately returns to the Ethereal Plane and cannot be summoned from that plane for 24 hours. This concentration can be interrupted as if it were a spell. Treat this effect’s spell level as equal to 1 + 1 per 10 feet farther than 50 feet that the phantom is from the spiritualist (maximum spell level 6th). If the tether is interrupted or the check fails, the phantom immediately snaps back into the consciousness of its spiritualist master.

If the ectoplasmic phantom is ever more than 50 feet away from its spiritualist (200 feet if underwater), or the incorporeal phantom is ever 25 feet away from the spiritualist (100 feet if underwater) or outside of line of effect from the spiritualist for more than 1 round per spiritualist level the spiritualist possesses, the tether is automatically broken; the phantom immediately returns to the Ethereal Plane and can’t be summoned from that plane for 24 hours.

Phantom: A spiritualist begins play with the aid of a powerful and versatile spirit entity called a phantom. The phantom forms a link with the spiritualist, who forever after can either harbor the creature within her consciousness or manifest it as an ectoplasmic or incorporeal entity. A spiritualist can harbor her phantom in her consciousness (shared consciousness), manifest it partially (bonded manifestation), or fully manifest it.

A fully manifested phantom is treated as a summoned creature from the Ethereal Plane, except it is not sent back to the Ethereal Plane until it is reduced to a negative amount of hit points equal to or greater than its Constitution score.

A spiritualist can fully manifest her phantom through a ritual that takes 1 minute to perform. When the phantom is fully manifested, the spiritualist can change the form of the phantom’s manifestation (either from ectoplasmic to incorporeal or vice versa) as a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity. When the phantom manifests, its hit points are unchanged from the last time it manifested, unless the phantom was slain and returned to the Ethereal Plane; in this case, the phantom manifests with half its maximum number of hit points. The phantom does not heal naturally, and can be healed only with magic or by being tended to with the Heal skill while fully manifested in ectoplasmic form. The phantom stays fully manifested until it is either returned to the spiritualist’s consciousness (a standard action) or banished to the Ethereal Plane. If the phantom is banished to the Ethereal Plane, it can’t return to the spiritualist’s consciousness or manifest again for 24 hours.

While fully manifested, a phantom can’t be returned to the Ethereal Plane by means of dispel magic, but spells such as dismissal and banishment work normally. Whenever the spiritualist is unconscious or asleep, the phantom immediately returns to the spiritualist’s consciousness. If the spiritualist dies, the phantom is returned to the Ethereal Plane, and can’t return to the spiritualist’s consciousness until 24 hours after the spiritualist is brought back to life. A phantom can’t be dismissed or banished (by a spell or any other similar effect) while it resides in the spiritualist’s consciousness, as the phantom is protected from such effects by the power of the spiritualist’s psyche.

Fully manifested phantoms can wear armor and use items (though not wield weapons) appropriate to their forms. Any items worn, carried, or held by a phantom are dropped when the phantom returns to the spiritualist’s consciousness, and must be retrieved and donned anew if the phantom wishes to use them when it fully manifests in the future.

Phantoms are self-involved, even jealous, creatures that do not play well with other summoned companions. A phantom refuses to manifest in the presence of an eidolon or shadow summoned by the phantom’s master. Furthermore, if a phantom is manifested when such a creature is summoned, it immediately retreats into its spiritualist’s consciousness, and will not manifest again until the eidolon or shadow is dismissed.

Shared Consciousness (Su): While a phantom is confined in a spiritualist’s consciousness and she is within 25 feet of an ocean, sea, lake, or other large body of water, it grants the spiritualist Skill Focus (intimidate, stealth). It also grants a +4 bonus on saving throws against all mind-affecting effects; at 12th level, this bonus increases to +8. Once per day, when the spiritualist fails a saving throw against a mind-affecting effect, as an immediate action she can shunt that effect into the phantom’s section of her consciousness instead. When she does so, she is not affected by the mind-affecting effect, but for the normal duration of that effect, the spiritualist loses the bonuses on saving throws against mind-affecting effects and the Skill Focus effects granted by her phantom, and can’t use this ability to shunt a mind-affecting effect into the phantom’s consciousness or manifest her phantom in any way. When a mind-affecting effect is shunted into the phantom’s consciousness, spells such as dispel magic and break enchantment can be cast on the spiritualist to end the effect’s duration as if the spiritualist were affected by the mind-affecting effect.

Unintentional Linguist (trait): You can speak with outsiders. You gain a +1 trait bonus on all Linguistics checks, and you begin play knowing one of the following languages (in addition to those granted by your race and Intelligence modifier): Abyssal, Aquan, Celestial, Ignan, Infernal, Protean, or Terran. (Aquan)


Combat Gear dagger, acid (3), potion of cure light wounds
Possessions studded leather armour, backpack, bedroll, explorer’s outfit, grooming kit, mess kit, signal whistle, trail rations (2), waterskin

Carrying Capacity
Light 0-58 lb. Medium 59-116 lb. Heavy 117-175 lb.
Current Load Carried 39 lbs.
Money 7 GP 6 SP 10 CP


Ashlyn Orellis was born to an odd family. As long as any of them can remember they have been haunted by a ghost. The spirit of a poor, drowned man bonds with one member of their family and, upon their death, bonds with a different one. He bonded with Ashlyn when she was only four years old and previously had been bonded with her grandmother (Elizabeth). No one knows who the poor spirit is, why he haunts them, or what strange language she speaks, but it is presumed he died at sea. The poor sould desperately desires to return home, but cannot recall where it is, and so far no one in their family has ever figured it out.

Ashlyn and her family (parents: Marcus and Evangeline; elder brothers: Alamon and Ezekiel) live in Souston, a small coastal village up the coast from Almas. Most of her family are fishermen, but Ashlyn—like her grandmother before her—has always felt more at home in the water than on it, so she works as a pearl diver. Her best friend is Elizar, her poor drowned spirit friend, and she is always out exploring the region to try to help him find his home (where he constantly asks her to bring him). She hasn’t found it yet, but she hopes one day she will.

One day, while selling her pearls in Almas she caught sight of a ship, the Peregrine, leaving port, which caused Elizar to wail and grasp after the boat desperately. Ashlyn took it as a sign and has worked constantly to get accepted on the Peregrine’s next voyage, to the distant colony of Talmandor’s Bounty. After being lucky enough to be selected for the next wave of colonists, Ashlyn bid her family goodbye and set off across the ocean.

Appearance and Personality:

Ashlyn is a friendly young woman in her mid-twenties. She’s very fit and healthy, and loves to swim. Her hair is straight and black, which she wears very short to keep it out of her way. She’s used to being with Elizar at all times, and often talks aloud to him (even when he’s inside her head), which tends to make most people keep their distance. She doesn’t think this is odd or offensive.

Despite that Elizar can’t remember his past life or history, Ashlyn always seems to know things about the past she hasn’t otherwise learned, including the gibberish language Elizar speaks, and another the language of aquatic creatures.



Male Phantom (despair)
NG Medium Outsider (phantom, water)
Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Perception +4
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex)
…+1 deflection (incorporeal), +2 dodge (incorporeal), +2 natural (ectoplasmic)
hp 7 (1d10)
Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +2
Speed 30 ft., Swim 30 ft.
Melee 2 slams +2 (1d6+1 plus miserable strike)
Str 12, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 13
Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 14
Feats Skill Focus (knowledge [arcana])
Skills Intimidate +5, Knowledge (arcana) +2, Spellcraft -1, Stealth +6, Swim +5
Abilities Link, manifestation forms (ectoplasmic, incorporeal), miserable strike, power from despair, share spells
Languages Common, Aquan, Azlanti

Special Abilities:


Link (Su): A spiritualist and her phantom share a mental link that allows for communication across distances (as long as they are on the same plane). This communication is a free action that can be performed even when it isn’t the spiritualist’s turn, but the spiritualist and the phantom must both be conscious to communicate in this way. This allows the spiritualist to give orders to her phantom at any time. Magic items interfere with a spiritualist’s connection to her phantom; as a result, the spiritualist and her phantom share magic item slots. For example, if the spiritualist is wearing a magic ring, her phantom can wear only one magic ring. In the case of a conf lict, the items worn by the spiritualist remain active, and those worn by the phantom become dormant. The phantom must possess the appropriate appendages to utilize a magic item.

Miserable Strike (Su): If the phantom hits a creature with a slam attack, that creature must succeed at a Will saving throw (DC = 10 + 1/2 the phantom’s Hit Dice + the phantom’s Charisma modifier = 12) or take a –2 penalty on attack and damage rolls for 1 round. This is a mind-affecting fear and emotion effect. Penalties from multiple hits don’t stack with themselves.

Power from Despair: The phantom gains a +2 bonus on attack and damage rolls against creatures that are shaken, frightened, panicked, cowering, or subject to effects such as aura of despair or crushing despair.

Share Spells (Su): The spiritualist can cast a spell with a target of “you” on her phantom (as a spell with a range of touch) instead of on herself. A spiritualist can cast spells from the spiritualist spell list on her phantom even if the spells normally do not affect creatures of the phantom’s type (outsider). This ability does not allow the phantom to share abilities that aren’t spells, even if they function like spells.

Manifestation Forms When manifested it may be either ectoplasmic or incorporeal:
Ectoplasmic: When the spiritualist manifests her phantom in ectoplasmic form, the phantom gains the following abilities.

- Damage Reduction: A phantom manifested in ectoplasmic form has DR 5/slashing. When the spiritualist reaches 5th level, the phantom gains DR 5/magic. At 10th level, the damage resistance increases to 10/magic. At 15th level, it increases to 15/magic, and at 20th level, the damage reduction becomes DR 15/—.

- Phase Lurch (Su): A phantom in ectoplasmic form has the ability to pass through walls or material obstacles. In order to use this ability, it must begin and end its turn outside whatever wall or obstacle it’s moving through. An ectoplasmic phantom can’t move through corporeal creatures with this ability, and its movement speed is halved while moving through a wall or obstacle. Any surface it moves through is coated with a thin, silvery mucus that lingers for 1 minute.

Incorporeal: When the spiritualist chooses to manifest the phantom in incorporeal form, the phantom appears within 30 feet of the spiritualist as a ghostly apparition. It gains the incorporeal subtype, including a deflection bonus to AC equal to its Charisma modifier. Since it isn’t an undead creature, it takes no damage from holy water or positive energy. Unlike other incorporeal creatures, an incorporeal phantom can’t attack corporeal creatures, except to deliver touch-attack spells using the deliver touch spell ability. An incorporeal manifested phantom can make slam attacks against other incorporeal creatures as if it were in ectoplasmic form.


Elizar is a tall, thin man with long black hair and black, empty eyes. He looks horribly sad and often speaks in a wail. He appears to be soaked, and constantly drips water (real or incorporeal) in all his forms. Elizar is incredibly mournful, though he cannot recall why. Elizar is driven to return to his home—although he cannot recall where it is or express how to get there. He has been urging Ashlyn to bring him there since she was four years old.

In life, Elizar was an Azlanti wizard who died during the destruction of his empire. A few of his relatives survived and eventually they became gillmen. In time some of his descendants interbred with humans in what is now Andoran. Elizar has haunted his descendants through the ages, both underwater and back on land.

Elizar remembers his past life only in bits of shattered memories. All memories made while bonded with his descendants fade shortly after their deaths, as such the various ages and places he has ‘lived’ through are a confusing blur.

Thank you for your consideration.

Talomyr checking in with my submission, Celeste Naevirion - Half-Elf Crypt Breaker Alchemist and member of the Pathfinder Society (Don't tell the Bountiful Venture Company that though...)

I will re-purchase her gear and pick a new trait if you have an issue with the rich parents trait. (See question above).

Thanks for the opportunity to submit an application.

I would like to apply with this character.
He will join as part of the pathfinder society.
A real tank with decent Damage output.
This char kind of depends on the rich partents trait.

Posting rate?

Hi all

I am the Archaeologist bard that the GM explained about in the OP.

All my stats/background/personality are shown under my alias.

Looking forward to playing!

meloriel wrote:
I'll be submitting a human spiritualist (drowned channeler) whose family has long been haunted by the spirit of a drowned man (actually an ancient Azlanti who drowned with the fall of his empire and has been trying to compel his distant descendants to return him 'home' for untold generations).

Great idea Meloriel - character looks really good.

Talomyr wrote:
@ GM Nikolaus 'the Grimm': I know a lot of DMs don't care for it, but how do you feel about the Rich Parents trait?

I won't ban it - it makes sense that people would make the extra effort on a trip like this, but there would be some re-balancing of the loot to ensure that things even out within the first couple of levels. So sure, but you won't get much tasty loot for a bit until the wealth balances a bit more.

Your submission looks good.

@Dien - good to see you again, you can't stop playing dwarves can you? ;)

Bastien wrote:

I would like to apply with this character.

He will join as part of the pathfinder society.
A real tank with decent Damage output.
This char kind of depends on the rich parents trait.

See my answer to Talomyr above regarding Rich Parents.

@Ancient Dragon Master: about 5 posts a week I'd hope. On a personal level I run a game on Wednesday night so I usually don't get online to check my games then, but I can usually get at least 1 post up over the weekend so it balances.

@Kevin: not at all, feel free to apply - I've played in plenty of games I've read and had other people do so too. As long as you don't get too mate-gamey I don't have a problem with it.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

After reading through the Player's guide, my interest is peaked. Considering a ranger.

I'd love this.

As it stands I'm looking at making an Undine Cavalier using the Daring Champion archetype and the Order of the Eel.

The basic idea is that the character would have discovered he is different at a very early age, despite looking like a normal human boy.

How he figured out he wasn't human:
He tripped and fell off a cliff into the sea while playing on the coast. Once in the water he quickly discovered he could swim, despite never being taught how to. As a six year old boy this amused him to no end and he spent hours just swimming.

Things became quite a bit more stressful when the tide came in. Suddenly the waves swept him up against the rocks and tumbled over him. Incapable of scaling the almost vertical cliffs he panicked. He suddenly realised he had wasted his time having fun instead of finding a place where he could get on land and now he'd drown.

Yet the moment he had to give in to the exhaustion and his lungs filled with water he made another discovery: he could still breath!

Too tired to swim to shore he tied himself up in the seaweed along the coast and fell asleep. He awoke when the time for low tide arrived and he leisurely swam to a place where he could get ashore.

The idea is that the character feels a bit torn between the land and the sea and between both his landbound and his aquatic friends (he has some locathah buddies that live south of Almas). He recently joined the Eagle Knights in hope of becoming a Gray Corsair and would grab the Eagle Knight Recruit trait (with a rapier instead of a longsword).

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

GM Nikolaus 'the Grimm' wrote:
@Dien - good to see you again, you can't stop playing dwarves can you? ;)

I DO really like dwarves. >___> But I don't play them exclusively, I swear!

Cuàn wrote:

I'd love this.

As it stands I'm looking at making an Undine Cavalier using the Daring Champion archetype and the Order of the Eel.

The basic idea is that the character would have discovered he is different at a very early age, despite looking like a normal human boy.

** spoiler omitted **

The idea is that the character feels a bit torn between the land and the sea and between both his landbound and his aquatic friends (he has some locathah buddies that live south of Almas). He recently joined the Eagle Knights in hope of becoming a Gray Corsair and would grab the Eagle Knight Recruit trait (with a rapier instead of a longsword).

Interesting idea Cuan - why would he be on the Peregrine?

GM Nikolaus 'the Grimm' wrote:

Interesting idea Cuan - why would he be on the Peregrine?

It's threefold really. First it is the part of being an Eagle Knight. He expected he'd be able to join the Gray Corsairs straight away but he has to undergo even more training before then. This is a major let down as that means more time away from the sea and from the excitement of life outside a military school.

Second is the sense of adventure. It is new, grand and offers opportunities that can't be gained elsewhere. The chance of meeting new and interesting people is a great draw for him (part of being in the Order of the Eel I think).

Third is just the sea. Being on a ship sailing the waves is all he ever dreamt of. Living on an island isn't bad either.

Liberty's Edge

Dot! I have an Undine Hydrokineticist that never saw a game; I'll get around to giving her a background.

this character is my submission for this game.. undine watersinger bard... because someone has to tell the story! Just needs a few things like a feat and background and equipment list finalized.

Hey Nikolaus, curious. This is going to be a PBP game?

Paizo Employee Organized Play Line Developer

Evelyn Goldwall wrote:

Hi all

I am the Archaeologist bard that the GM explained about in the OP.

All my stats/background/personality are shown under my alias.

Looking forward to playing!

Love your character, Evie! I've always had a soft-spot for bards and yours looks like a blast.

Alkendor wrote:
Hey Nikolaus, curious. This is going to be a PBP game?

Yep. :)

@Sapiens: awesome - I have a soft spot for hydrokineticists myself :)

@Fleur - nice character, I'll take a proper look tomorrow!

I'd like to submit my character: Tobias Heltshorn

Tobias' mother and father were explorers. Both having been born into affluent families and both rejecting the riches that were their birthright in exchange for the chance to discover new vistas. When Marta became pregnant the couple slowed down... for a few years anyway.

Truth be told, by the time Tobias was five he had already been on two continents and in a half a dozen countries. Marta and Cranston were always on the forefront of exploring new territory, be it a newly discovered ruin or a legend of some mysterious monster in a mountain pass.

It was no surprise to anyone in either of their families when is was discovered they had left Tobias to study with a druidic circle while they went on a particularly dangerous journey out into the Arcadian Ocean. What did surprise everyone was that they never came back. Storms on the high seas swept both of the veteran explorers overboard.

The mission however, was a success the island of Ancorato was discovered and the Bountful Venture Company has begun to settle the island. Hoping to discover what happened to his family, Tobias and his uncle applied to colonize the settlement. His uncle went ahead on the first ship but Tobias was only accepted into the second.
Biding his time until the Peregrine set sail he has focused on training his skills with the druidic circle he was left with.

Character details:
I have both a wildshape druid and a casting druid built for this depending on what the party needs.

Toby is a slightly unruly looking youth, his chin length hair rarely more kempt than to being put up in a ponytail. His eyes are blue with the typical Taldan bronze skin.

This is the crunch for Elizabeth Ardoc, on the run daughter from the Ardocs in Kaer Maga and seeking a new life.


Full Name : Elizabeth Ardoc
Race: Human

Classes/Levels Wizard (Skill points)

Gender f

Size M

Age 18

Special Abilities :

Alignment: NG

Deity Brigh


Languages Common,Dwarf,Dragonic,Abyssal,Celestial,Azlanti

Occupation : Aspiring golem crafter

Strength 10
Dexterity 12 (+1)
Constitution 14 (+2)
Intelligence 18 (+4)
Wisdom 12 (+1)
Charisma 14 (+2)
Height: Weight: Hair: Blonde Eyes: Blue
Favored Class: Wizard
Hit Points: 11
Spd: 30
Init: +5
AC: 11( armor shield)/Touch 11/FF 10)
BAB: +0
CMB: +0
CMD: 12
Saves: Fort +2 Ref +1 Will +3

Club +0 1d6
Light Crossbow 1d8 19-20/x2 80 feet

Skills: 8/Level(2 class INT+4 Race+1 FCB+1)
Perception (1+1)2
Know-Engineering (1+4+3+1)9
Spellcraft (1+4+3)8
Know-Planes (1+4+3)8
Swim (1) 1
Profession-Engineer (1+1+3)5
Craft (armor) (1+4+3)8

Background 2/Level
Know History (1+4+3+1) 9
Craft-Stonemasonry (1+4+3)8

Feats:Improved Initiative, Toughness(+3 HP +1 HP/lvl past lvl 3),.Scribe Scroll(Class)
Traits: Mathamatical Prodigy(+1 Know-Arcana/Engineering),Azlanti Scholar(Know-History Class skill)
Special Abilities:Bondeditem(Ring cast 1 spell known/day),Hand of Apprentice 7/Day +4 Hit

Wizard's Kit (21)
belt pouch
flint and steel
iron pot
mess kit
spell component pouch
torches (10)
trail rations (5 days)
Light Crossbow
20 bolts
Potion of CLW
44 gp

Spells per day 3/3/
DC 14+level
0:Detect Magic,Light,Jolt
1(15)Magic Missle,Ray of Enfeeblement,Enlarge Person
Virtue:Elizabeth is devoted to advancing her knowledge so she can at long last build golems.
Flaw:Elizabeth despises mysogony and will be abupt and rude to such people.

0 All
1 Magic Missle,Ray of Enfeeblement,Mage Armor,Enlarge Person,Ant Haul,Charm Person,Alarm

Background:Elizabeth originally hails from Kaer Maga where she was born into the Ardoc family, a group of ruthless criminals who enforce their will through golems and other constructs. Elizabeth longed to be able to join her brothers in the golemworks but the Ardocs were male-dominated and Elizabeth was expected to be a 'good girl' and eventually marry for the benefit of the clan. Rebelling against this, Elizabeth stole money and supplies to flee Kaer Maga and ended up in Almax where she managed to
become an apprentice to a Pathfinder memeber. Hearing of the expidition to a new colony, Elizabeth decided this was the best chance for a new start and to
get even further away from the Ardocs and signed up for the second wave of colonists.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber


Malkior grew up on island off the coast of Andoran alongside his family. The Island of Karsin had a small Andoran Naval outpost. Malkior studied under his father for a time as a blacksmith proving himself competent in the craft.

When he was fourteen he found an old forgotten shrine to Pharasma which had been set up by some fishermen focusing on her aspect associated with water. This was to become a turning point for him, he felt drawn to it. Much to his family’s reluctance he determined to set out and further his study of Pharasma. Before he left his father gave him a rapier that had been in the family for a few generations.

Beginning his studies as a Priest of Pharasma Malkior began to learn a lot more about the wider world. The myths and legends about Azlant many most likely more fiction than fact enthralled him. He did a tour of duty in the Andoran Navy but truth be told it turned out rather uneventful save a run in with a Kelesh slaver vessel.

When he heard of the expedition Malkior jumped at the opportunity. He was more than a little crestfallen that he wasn’t chosen for the first wave of colonists, he had made friends with a few including the blacksmith.

However now as he stands on the Peregrine’s deck his mind’s eye looks towards the future and the possibilities. The opportunity to uncover lost knowledge about ancient Azlant and decipher secrets long forgotten, to set up a temple of his own and perhaps even in the early stages put the skills learned from his father to use. There’s opportunities there if he is daring enough to rise to the challenge.

Malkior Undine Cleric of Pharasma, NG
Hair: Black, Eyes: Green, Age: 22
Character Sheet:

Humanoid (Human), Native (Outsider)
Str 14-2, Dex 14+2, Con 13, Int 14, Wis 14+2, Cha 12
Str 12, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 12
HP: 10, AC: 17, FF: 14, Touch: 13, Fort: +3, Ref: +3, Will: +6
Blindsense 30ft in Water, Darkvision 60ft, Land Speed 30ft, Swim Speed 30ft
Traits: Resourceful (Campaign), Heirloom Weapon (Equipment-Rapier)
Feats: Weapon Finesse

Gear: 240gp
Bucker, Parade Armor, Mwk Backpack, Cold Iron Dagger, Alchemical Silver Dagger, Cleric’s Kit, Small Tent, Dagger x2, Rapier, 4gp

Diplomacy 5=1+1+3, Knowledge (Arcana, Dungeoneering, Local, Nature, Planes, Religion 6=1+2+3) Sense Motive, Swim =4(/12)=1+1+3-1(+8 against hazards), Spellcraft 6=1+2+3

Background Skills:
Appraise, Craft: Weaponsmith 7=1+2+3+1, Heal, Knowledge (Engineering, Geography, History 6=1+2+3, Nobility), Linguistics, Profession

Languages: Common (Taldane), Halfling, Aquan* -Since they normally automatically get aquan it's not on their bonus list of languages but it seemed reasonable.

Domains: Healing, Knowledge

Alternate Racials:
Mostly Human, Hydrated Vitality, Amphibious, Watersense

Would you consider third party materials? I've got an idea for a Soulknife, using the Living Legend Archetype, from Dreamscarred Press, who channels specific Azlanti with his powers, though he knows little of their origin.

I can provide necessary information, of course, if you're on the fence.

Here's my submission

Hey, GM Nikolaus 'the Grimm' so do you prefer GM Nikolaus or 'the Grimm' or just "Nikki"? Blast that's Mickey, oh well.

So I have this idea for a mooncursed human barbarian with the crocodile curse. He would be a professional tanner (a needed occupation in any burgeoning colony) who desires to get away from his past life.

Let me see what I can put together.

Grand Lodge


To whom it may concern,
I would like to apply for your current position as hunter/gatherer for the Bountiful Venture Companies 2nd go into Azlant. I grew up in the Sodden lands, My parents are a member of the Flock of Father Heveril once holy Paladin of Erastil. My mother and myself are hunters for the flock we provided a lot of the food and fresh water that keeps the flock alive. My father hunts the beasts that would threaten us and the Knights of Abendego who think to turn us into slave.
I must warn you that I have Undine heritage, my mother is Undine and my father human. I don’t feel this will cause issues with other crew and settlers but it may give me an advantage on patrolling and hunting around the water of the island. I am proficient with the bow and rapier, my tracking skills and dislike or any unnatural creatures is what has helped me to exceed at this job. Campaign trait is Seasoned Hunter, +1 dmg vs Aberrations.
I hope this finds letter finds its way to your desk soon.

Thank you,
Jinase Minnower


Jinase Minnower
Undine hunter (primal companion) 1 ( Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 26, 97, Pathfinder RPG
Bestiary 2 275)
NG Medium outsider (native)
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7
AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +3
Resist cold 5
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor), swim 30 ft.
Melee rapier +0 (1d6/18-20)
Ranged composite longbow +3 (1d8/×3)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +1)
1/day—hydraulic push APG
Hunter (Primal Companion) Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +4)
1st (2/day)— gravity bow APG, obscuring mist , summon nature's ally I
0 (at will)— detect magic , flare (DC 13), light, purify food and drink (DC 13)
Str 11, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 10
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 13
Feats Point-Blank Shot
Traits child of nature
Skills Acrobatics +1 (-3 to jump), Climb +2, Handle Animal +4, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +5,
Knowledge (geography) +5, Knowledge (nature) +6, Perception +7, Spellcraft +5, Stealth +5, Survival +7
(+9 to find food and water), Swim +10
Languages Aquan, Common
SQ animal companion (alligator named Finaleese), mostly human, nature training, primal transformation,
wild empathy
Other Gear armored coatAPG, arrows (20), composite longbow, rapier, 69 gp
Special Abilities
Animal Companion (animal companion (alligator named Finaleese)) (Ex) If no current companion,
summon nature's ally spells last 1 min/level but only 1 at a time.
Animal Companion Link (Ex) Handle or push Animal Companion faster, +4 to checks vs. them.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Energy Resistance, Cold (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Cold attacks.
Mostly Human Appear mostly human, count as humanoid (human) for all purposes, as well as outsider
Nature Training (Ex) Hunter levels count as druid/ranger levels for feats, traits, and options to improve
animal companions.
Point-Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.
Primal Transformation (1 minutes/day) (Su) As a swift action, activate eidolon evolutions on animal
companion (or self if companion dies).
Share Spells with Companion (Ex) Can cast spells with a target of "you" on animal companion, as touch spells.
Swim (30 feet) You have a Swim speed.
Wild Empathy +1 (Ex) Improve the attitude of an animal, as if using Diplomacy


N Small animal
Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Perception +5
AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+2 Dex, +4 natural, +1 size)
hp 23 (2d8+7)
Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1
Speed 20 ft., swim 30 ft.
Melee bite +4 (1d6+3)
Str 15, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 2
Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 14 (18 vs. trip)
Feats Toughness
Tricks Attack, Come, Down, Fighting, Stay
Skills Acrobatics +2 (-2 to jump), Perception +5, Stealth +6 (+14 in Water), Swim +14; Racial Modifiers
+8 Stealth in Water
SQ animal focus, come, fighting, hold breath
Special Abilities
Animal Focus (Su) As a swift action, gain bonuses from emulated animal(s).
Come [Trick] The animal will come to you on command.
Fighting [Trick] The animal has been trained to fight.
Hold Breath (x4) (Ex) You can stay under water longer than normal.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Swim (30 feet) You have a Swim speed.

Evelyn Goldwall wrote:

Hi all

I am the Archaeologist bard that the GM explained about in the OP.

All my stats/background/personality are shown under my alias.

Looking forward to playing!

If by some miracle I am selected for this game, Evelyn and Celeste are either going to be the best of friends or absolutely hate each other based on similarities...

Shadow Lodge

Dotting. I'll start working on a character shortly... :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Dotting. What Morphling said...


GM Nikolaus 'the Grimm' wrote:
meloriel wrote:
I'll be submitting a human spiritualist (drowned channeler) whose family has long been haunted by the spirit of a drowned man (actually an ancient Azlanti who drowned with the fall of his empire and has been trying to compel his distant descendants to return him 'home' for untold generations).

Great idea Meloriel - character looks really good.

Talomyr wrote:
@ GM Nikolaus 'the Grimm': I know a lot of DMs don't care for it, but how do you feel about the Rich Parents trait?

I won't ban it - it makes sense that people would make the extra effort on a trip like this, but there would be some re-balancing of the loot to ensure that things even out within the first couple of levels. So sure, but you won't get much tasty loot for a bit until the wealth balances a bit more.

Your submission looks good.

@Dien - good to see you again, you can't stop playing dwarves can you? ;)

Bastien wrote:

I would like to apply with this character.

He will join as part of the pathfinder society.
A real tank with decent Damage output.
This char kind of depends on the rich parents trait.


Looking into making a Storm Druid for this! What are your thoughts on minor modifications to Racial Bonuses for the purpose of the Undine's "Water Affinity" racial trait? Would you be willing to allow its bonus to apply to other applicable domains (Storm, Aquatic, Oceans, Plane of Water, etc.)?

Tassadan wrote:
Looking into making a Storm Druid for this! What are your thoughts on minor modifications to Racial Bonuses for the purpose of the Undine's "Water Affinity" racial trait? Would you be willing to allow its bonus to apply to other applicable domains (Storm, Aquatic, Oceans, Plane of Water, etc.)?

That seems reasonable - go for it!

Robert Henry wrote:
Hey, GM Nikolaus 'the Grimm' so do you prefer GM Nikolaus or 'the Grimm' or just "Nikki"? Blast that's Mickey, oh well.

I think you just gave me a new theme song... :)

Joseph wrote:

Would you consider third party materials? I've got an idea for a Soulknife, using the Living Legend Archetype, from Dreamscarred Press, who channels specific Azlanti with his powers, though he knows little of their origin.

I can provide necessary information, of course, if you're on the fence.

I'll take a look, but dont get your hopes up - I'm not usually a huge fan of 3PP. Can I find it on the PFSRD?

You can find the Base Class [url]Here[/url] on the pfsrd, but the Archetype isn't quite so easily accessible. I'll send you a PM with some more info about the Archetype as soon as I get off work; it's simply a bit on the I convenient side right now.

Elandra is a young Taldan woman, slightly too tall for polite society.

Being the 4th child of the Grand-Proconsul to the Executor of the Zimaran River Defense, means Elandra is going to have to find her own way in life.

Tired of even the minor decadence her station allows Elandra has chosen to set off as far from civilization as possible and board the Peregrine to join the Bountiful Venture Company.

As a member of Erastil's faithful and a member of a minor Taldan house Elandra has both the skills needed to survive and explore and also the drive to help build a community and see long term success.

Female human inquisitor (monster tactician) of Erastil 1 (Pathfinder Player Companion: Monster Summoner's Handbook 7, Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 38)
LG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +4 (+6 during surprise rounds); Senses Perception +7
AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +4 Dex)
hp 11 (1d8+3)
Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +4
Speed 30 ft.
Melee morningstar +2 (1d8+2)
Ranged longbow +4 (1d8/×3)
Inquisitor (Monster Tactician) Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +3)
. . 1st (2/day)—bless, ear-piercing scream[UM] (DC 13)
. . 0 (at will)—detect magic, disrupt undead, guidance, read magic
. . Domain Animal (Feather[APG] subdomain)
Str 14, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 8
Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 16
Feats Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot
Traits deadeye bowman, - custom trait -
Skills Handle Animal +0, Intimidate +0, Knowledge (nature) +5, Perception +7, Ride +6, Sense Motive +7, Spellcraft +5, Stealth +6, Survival +6; Racial Modifiers +1 Perception
Languages Common, Polyglot
SQ eyes of the hawk, monster lore +2, stern gaze +1, summon monster I
Other Gear chain shirt, arrows (40), longbow, morningstar, mule, bit and bridle, blanket, feed (per day), riding saddle, saddlebags, 38 gp, 4 sp
Special Abilities
Eyes of the Hawk (+1 Perception/+2 Init.) (Su) +2 Initiative during a surprise round.
Inquisitor (Monster Tactician) Domain (Feather) Add Fly to your list of class skills. In addition, whenever you cast a spell that grants you a fly speed, your maneuverability increases by one step (up to perfect).
Monster Lore +2 (Ex) +2 to Knowledge checks when identifying the weaknessess of creatures.
Point-Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.
Precise Shot You don't get -4 to hit when shooting or throwing into melee.
Stern Gaze +1 (Ex) +1 to Sense Motive and Intimidate.
Summon Monster I (5/day) (Sp) Cast summon monster spells as a spell-like ability.


N Medium animal
Init +1; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +5
AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10 (+1 Dex)
hp 13 (2d8+4)
Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +0
Speed 40 ft.
Melee 2 hooves +2 (1d3+1)
Str 13, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 2, Wis 11, Cha 4
Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 13 (17 vs. trip)
Feats Endurance, Run
Acrobatics +1 (+5 to jump with a running start, +5 to jump), Perception +5
Other Gear bit and bridle, blanket[APG], feed (per day) (2), riding saddle, saddlebags
Special Abilities
Endurance +4 to a variety of fort saves, skill and ability checks. Sleep in L/M armor with no fatigue.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Run Run 5x your speed in light/medium armor or 4x speed in heavy armor and keep Dex when running.
Scent (Ex) Detect opponents within 15+ feet by sense of smell.

I'm looking to get back into a Pathfinder game after a few years without picking up a d20, be it physical or digital. I'm considering submitting either a monk or an ancestors shaman, in either case a human with the Aquatic Ancestry alternate racial trait and a grandfather who turned into a skum after he died.

Would you be willing to allow me to slightly alter the background info of the Seasoned Hunter campaign trait? Mechanically it would remain unchanged, but it would be more appropriate to call it Seasoned Fisherman for the character background I'm considering.

I'm not submitting, just popping in to wish everyone luck! I'm in one of DM Brainiac's groups and it's been great fun so far, though we're still pretty early on. And a special hat-tip to Evelyn, since I'm playing an Archaeologist in that game, myself! All the Knowledge skills are coming in super-handy, lemme tell ya.

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