The Ruby Phoenix Tournament with GM Deadly Secret - Table 2 (Inactive)

Game Master Deadly secret


I am recruiting for 1-3 tables of the Ruby Phoenix Tournament Module by Paizo for level 11 characters. This will be slightly modified per table. This will not be a society game. We will go over details about the module later when you’re selected. Build rules will be established after we select a group where you all can coordinate together to make a party.

Things I would like to know in this recruitment:

- How much experience do you have with Pathfinder rules?
- How much experience do you have with Roleplaying in general?
- Are you familiar with PbP formatting and how to?
- Have you ever played the Ruby Phoenix Tournament before, even just a little? (please be truthful)
- How many PbP games are you currently active in? Do you GM any?
- Will you be able to check the game at least daily or every other day to post? If not explain and we can work with you.
- What type of characters do you like to play? Personality, Class, Themes!

If you have any questions about the game, I might answer but I won’t give you build information. That is reserved for Session 0! But if your submission is solely based on a specific build or race, feel free to ask if it’s allowed but we shall not go into details. Please also, don’t submit character sheets or backstories.

Happy Gaming

Always wanted to play this one :)

- How much experience do you have with Pathfinder rules? I play a lot, have played since it came out. Transitioned right away from 3.5 Strong system mastery.

- How much experience do you have with Roleplaying in general? 30 years give or take. Many systems. D20, Shadworun, Whitewolf, played many others as well.

- Are you familiar with PbP formatting and how to? Yes, I post many times a day.

- Have you ever played the Ruby Phoenix Tournament before, even just a little? (please be truthful). Nope, played in society for a year or so, heard of this one and wanted to. It like a gladiator tournament right?

- How many PbP games are you currently active in? Do you GM any? I'm in 9 right now. Don't GM any.

- Will you be able to check the game at least daily or every other day to post? If not explain and we can work with you. Yes I post daily and multiple times a day. I like to keep games moving if I can.

- What type of characters do you like to play? Personality, Class, Themes! I prefer melee types with some magic. The savvy swashbuckler/bard, The noble do good paladin. The duelist Magus. I really like Path of War stuff as well. Hope to get to play with you. Thanks.

Yeah sorta Gladiator. It's more so Martial Arts with teams.

- How much experience do you have with Pathfinder rules?
A lot, been playing in more or less constantly since 2009. :)

- How much experience do you have with Roleplaying in general?
Started 3.5 in 2009, then moved over to Pathfinder. Dabbled in other things but this is always my go-to.

- Are you familiar with PbP formatting and how to?
Yes, very. (See q re. Pbps)

- Have you ever played the Ruby Phoenix Tournament before, even just a little? (please be truthful)
Never but I love the sound of it and have read a few reviews.

- How many PbP games are you currently active in? Do you GM any?
Many... approximately 20 (a couple are dying/on long long pauses). I GM 3 (Ruins, RotRL and HV).

- Will you be able to check the game at least daily or every other day to post? If not explain and we can work with you.
Yes - I do anyway.

- What type of characters do you like to play? Personality, Class, Themes!
Almost anything - I tend to go through phases (Shifter is my current class of choice) although I love my paladins etc. I'm not a huge fan of prepping casters though.

Personality - depends wildly on the character. When I build I usually have an idea for either the fluff or the crunch and the other comes as I build. So flexible is probably the best way to describe it! :)

lol didn't even know Shifter was a class til you mentioned it.

- How much experience do you have with Pathfinder rules?
I've not actually played any Pathfinder, but have been Theory crafting and creating character builds in my free time for the past couple months or so. I think that I've got a decent grasp on rules, but we'll see.

- How much experience do you have with Roleplaying in general?
I played red box dungeons and dragons up through second edition several decades ago (early 80s through early 90s,) but haven't done much playing of a formal game system since then. The closest relevant recent experience would be several years playing fairly elaborate Mafia/Werewolf style games in a PbP setting.

- Are you familiar with PbP formatting and how to?
As I said, I've had experience playing other PbP games, and I've read over the guide here at Piazo. I believe I should be able to meet any style requirement without too much trouble.

- Have you ever played the Ruby Phoenix Tournament before, even just a little? (please be truthful)
Not even just a little.

- How many PbP games are you currently active in? Do you GM any?
At present, unsurprisingly given my prior answers, none.

- Will you be able to check the game at least daily or every other day to post? If not explain and we can work with you.
I would be able to check in at the very least a couple times a day most days. Weekends are harder, but at least once a day shouldn't be an issue.

- What type of characters do you like to play? Personality, Class, Themes!
I'm pretty flexible here. My recent builds include the following:

  • A Ratfolk Order of the Eastern Star Cavalier who I imagine as a wandering knight who is trying not to be taken too seriously so that she can keep her membership in her Secret Society undercover.
  • A Half-orc Bounty Hunter (Fighter/Inquisitor) who's very intimidating and serious about taking people in alive when she's on the job, but fairly low and pleasant the rest of the time.
  • A Human Wizard (Spell Sage) who is interested in the practical application of magic in new ways and is somewhat focused on crafting interesting, if not always practical, trinkets.
  • A Vanara Rouge who pretends to be a wizard, eventually ends up apprenticing one, and then goes Arcane trickster. I envision playing her always being insecure of how people view her and needing recognition from others to have a sense of self worth.

I want to make characters who have some personality, but should also be useful to a group. I'm unlikely to seek out inter-party conflict.

I realize that this isn't a typical application, and if you have any questions or concerns, or want more details on anything that I've provided please do let me know.

Thanks for the consideration!

-Zorblag R`Lyeh

- How much experience do you have with Pathfinder rules?
A... LOT
I've been playing on and off since probably 2010. I've been in a few campaigns and provided some pretty memorable moments for my fellows.

- How much experience do you have with Roleplaying in general?
Outside of Pathfinder, not terribly much. I've done some free-form PBP and I'm getting into Starfinder in a big way.

- Are you familiar with PbP formatting and how to?

- Have you ever played the Ruby Phoenix Tournament before, even just a little? (please be truthful)
No, I was set to join a table at one point but last minute conflicts had me bowing out.

- How many PbP games are you currently active in? Do you GM any?
I'm currently in five active PBPs but they're moving at a pretty sedate pace. I just GM'd a real life opening session of Dead Suns.

- Will you be able to check the game at least daily or every other day to post? If not explain and we can work with you.
Yes, I usually check in on my phone while I'm at work and post where needed afterwards.

- What type of characters do you like to play? Personality, Class, Themes!
Usually I play non-overtly magical but mechanically interesting characters. For me concept trumps raw mechanical ability but in my experience with decent system mastery most concepts will work. My most famous character in my RL group was a vital strike build for god's sake.

These days, I really like having more than one method of addressing problems, which usually means decent combat ability and a set of skills.

Thematically, I like internal consistency and usually avoid murderhobos. Making characters with some sort of investment in the scenario they're tangled up in is far more fun than just having someone wander through and commit mass murder.

Anyway, for this one, I'm thinking about indulging in my long-held desire to finally play a Alchemist/Master Chymist since we're starting at above level 8.

- How much experience do you have with Pathfinder rules?
A fair amount. I've been playing on and off for ~7 years now, though I may not have kept up with some of the more recent changes/new classes.

- How much experience do you have with Roleplaying in general?
Slightly more than my Pathfinder experience; my IRL gaming group transitioned from PF to D&D 5e a few years ago (though the PBPs I've been in have been nearly all PF still), so those are my main sources of experience.

- Are you familiar with PbP formatting and how to?
Yup. My PBP experience is entirely here on Paizo, so you can see there exactly my level of experience.

- Have you ever played the Ruby Phoenix Tournament before, even just a little? (please be truthful)
Nope. I read the splat text for it a while back and gathered there's a martial arts tournament. I'm guessing there's more than just that going on though? I guess related to the module, my main question is if there's going to be PvP involved because I'm not really a fan of that. I can tolerate some, but I prefer a more cooperative setting.

- How many PbP games are you currently active in? Do you GM any?
2-3 (not entirely sure on the active status for one of the games). I'm am DMing one of those games. I expect to pick up more when the PF 2e playtest comes out.

- Will you be able to check the game at least daily or every other day to post? If not explain and we can work with you.
I typically check/post Sun-Thurs, thus taking Friday and Saturday off. While I may check multiple times in a day, I typically limit posting in a game to once a day, right before I go to bed.

- What type of characters do you like to play? Personality, Class, Themes!
Hmm, not super sure about patterns/themes. I perhaps have a slight bias for high Int characters because I love me some knowledge skills. I will also probably try to avoid playing a party-face character because I've learned that I, the player, lack the charisma to pull it off. I also enjoy creating Japanese-themed characters, though I don't do it especially often. Mostly my characters are built with one central idea in mind and then everything sort of comes together around that. Examples:
- A martial character who picks enemies up and uses them as weapons to club other enemies
- A buff/debuff spellcaster who can play off all their magic as just being mundane luck
- A pacifist who is somehow still useful to the party during combat

Not sure if this is a personality theme or not, but one thing that I especially like about PBPs is that you can have a character who doesn't talk much, but then narrate what they're thinking to make them more interesting.

Ahoy everyone :D

Q and A:
- How much experience do you have with Pathfinder rules?
I have been GMing Pathfinder for about 2 years in a weekly fashion, I know most of the rules very well tho i have to look up specifics once in a while. Some of the variant rules, such as stamina or the "word-magic" system, are unfamiliar to me, but I am willing to learn.

- How much experience do you have with Roleplaying in general?
About 3 years of DSA (DasSchwarzeAuge), with the release of 5th edition of DSA I switched my table over to Pathfinder, which I found to be way more comfortable to GMing and have been running Pathfinder up until now, so 5 years in total. So far I have been a player in some PF One-Shots or Shadowrun Campaigns during that time.

- Are you familiar with PbP formatting and how to?
Up until now I wasn't part of a PbP game, but I have read the Guide and looked over some PbP campaigns in the past year.

- Have you ever played the Ruby Phoenix Tournament before, even just a little? (please be truthful)
I do know the Setting and own a Copy of "The Dragon Empires Gazetteer", once I have found it in a store and had a sneak peak at the module, in which I saw an artwork that spoiled me in respect to one encounter in the adventure.

- How many PbP games are you currently active in? Do you GM any?
None and No.

- Will you be able to check the game at least daily or every other day to post? If not explain and we can work with you.
Yes, I will check in daily!

- What type of characters do you like to play? Personality, Class, Themes!

Personalities of my characters are often heavily influenced by their Deity and Believes. I prefer Characters with strong religious ties and world views. My characters tend towards the LE side of things, eager to achieve a goal and be willing to make sacrifices toward that end in a "the goal justifies the means" way. I often roleplay them preferring strong and loyal companions which they can rely on, in turn they will stay loyal and trustworthy towards their allies as long they do not interfere with the characters objectives, as they relish the thought of being able to achieve yet greater goals with a group of capable allies than on their own.

Due to my liking of fictional gods and their lore I prefer to play divine caster classes in descending order; Paladins/Antipaladins(Tyrants), Druids, Clerics. Also though not divine casters Kineticists are a blast to play ;D

"In your face" melee-characters are not quite my style and I rather prefer Swashbucklers, Rogues/Ninjas, Investigators, Magi or Monks over straight up Fighters or Barbarians when it comes to close-quarter combat.

I like to adopt Themes for my Characters that are akin to their Deity, in those regards I like to look for undead themed Deities for my Clerics, Decay or Vermin themed Deities for my Druids. I also do happen to like reptile focused, Trickery, Charm and Shadow themed characters.

For this campaign I have thought of playing a Hungry Ghost Monk, since it seems flavorful to me and this is something I have yearned to try for a long time. But I am fine with either of the Classes mentioned above.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------

The module sounds fun and I would really like to join, if you are ok with a PbP beginner.

With best Regards,

Things I would like to know in this recruitment:

- How much experience do you have with Pathfinder rules? A whole heccuva lot! I am a three star PFS GM, and I have been playing since the days of the red box. Yes, I know I'm old, thank you!
- How much experience do you have with Roleplaying in general? A Lifetime. I've been in love with RPGs since I was allowed to join my uncle's game in the back of a comics shop at age 5.
- Are you familiar with PbP formatting and how to? [I]I am indeed.

- Have you ever played the Ruby Phoenix Tournament before, even just a little? (please be truthful) I have played it for PFS, but our group was [I]too optimized, and it wasn't a challenge. I would like to try and play it where that wasn't the case.[/I]
- How many PbP games are you currently active in? Do you GM any? I am currently in about 20 PBP games and GMing three more.
- Will you be able to check the game at least daily or every other day to post? If not explain and we can work with you. I check all of my games daily.
- What type of characters do you like to play? Personality, Class, Themes! I tend to make a character that fits with the needs of the group, and I've been playing enough that I feel really comfortable with most classes, including things like the Shaman and the Summoner. As far as my favorite classes go, I like to play fighters, monks, bards, anything from the occult adventures book, and vigilante. I tend to like playing either healers or tanky types, and I will often eschew glass-cannonhood to others (although I will play one if that's what the group needs).

Table 1 filled, still recruiting for table 2.

How much experience do you have with Pathfinder rules?
Quite a bit. I made the switch around 2010.

How much experience do you have with roleplaying in general?
Started with Living City just before 3rd edition Dungeons & Dragons in the late 90s.
Edit: Actually started with RIFTS from Palladium a year or so before that. Also played some Old White Wolf World of Darkness (mostly Vampire: The Masquerade) and Mutants and Masterminds.

Are you familiar with PbP formatting and how to?

Have you ever played the Ruby Phoenix Tournament before, even just a little? (please be truthful)
Not at all.

How many PbP games are you currently active in? Do you GM any?
2 (Kingmaker, and a PFS character). I do not at the moment.

Will you be able to check the game at least daily or every other day to post? If not explain and we can work with you.

What type of characters do you like to play? Personality, Class, Themes!
All kinds! I like to write so I'm open to playing any kind of character and like to fill in group weaknesses. All else being equal, though, I tend toward casters with a slight preference for arcane over divine.

- How much experience do you have with Pathfinder rules?
A fair bit, I've been playing and GM'ing pretty regularly for 4 years now.
- How much experience do you have with Roleplaying in general? A bit more, I've been playing tabletop RPGs for about 7 years.
- Are you familiar with PbP formatting and how to?
- Have you ever played the Ruby Phoenix Tournament before, even just a little? (please be truthful)
- How many PbP games are you currently active in? Do you GM any?
I'm currently the GM of 1 game. The game I was playing in just ended, so I found a number of interesting pbp's including this one.
- Will you be able to check the game at least daily or every other day to post? If not explain and we can work with you.
- What type of characters do you like to play? Personality, Class, Themes!
I have a wide variety of character concepts constantly rolling around in my head, so when creating a character I look to see what is needed, and pick the character that most closely fits.

I'm interested!

- How much experience do you have with Pathfinder rules?
I'm a one-star PFS GM, but I've been GMing home games for a few years now, including two books of RotRL, one of Crimson Throne, and a couple of modules.

- How much experience do you have with Roleplaying in general?
Pathfinder and Starfinder represent the only significant exposure I've had to RPG, but I recently started playing in a Call of Cthulhu game as well. I'm also a fan of fantasy fiction in general.

-Are you familiar with PbP formatting and how to?
Sure! I'm up to over 5,000 posts on the forums, the vast bulk of which are PbP games.

- Have you ever played the Ruby Phoenix Tournament before, even just a little? (please be truthful)
I have zero exposure to this AP, beyond reading the product description. The idea of competing in a tournament sounds pretty rad, and the exotic location is icing on the cake!

- How many PbP games are you currently active in? Do you GM any?
I'm currently playing in nine games, and currently GM one.

- Will you be able to check the game at least daily or every other day to post? If not explain and we can work with you.
I frequently check the game on my mobile (multiple times per day) and try to get in a post at least once per day.

- What type of characters do you like to play? Personality, Class, Themes!
I prefer full, 9th level casters or 6th level casters. I just love magic! I'm pretty all over the place with classes, though I'm drawn toward likeable, good natured characters that are still conflicted in some way. I'm excited over this game in particular b/c it could allow for high level magic use, something I haven't had an opportunity to play or GM.

Thank you for applications, table 1 is filled and table 2 is almost there. I will leave this listing up for a few more days.

  • How much experience do you have with Pathfinder rules?

    I've got a good grasp on the basic mechanics and I can usually quote the more commonly brought-up rules off the top of my head. In the occasional circumstance when a more obscure point of contention arises, I more often than not know my way around the PRD or well enough to dig up the appropriate reference.

  • How much experience do you have with Roleplaying in general?

    My familiarity with the Pathfinder ruleset stretches back 10 years, make it 20 if we count the old 3rd ed. days. Recently (meaning, the last 5 years or so), my roleplaying experience has mostly been confined to the forums, a medium which I've grown to like more and more due to its flexibility and its potential for a broader, deeper narrative-driven approach to gaming.

  • Are you familiar with PbP formatting and how to?

    I am. (Example combat post)

  • Have you ever played the Ruby Phoenix Tournament before, even just a little? (please be truthful)

    I've heard it deals with some kind of martial arts tournament, which immediately piqued my curiosity back at the time of its release. Alas, I've never had the chance to play it – but I've had a concept for a shaolin monk-type build running around in my head for a while now, and I figure such a module would be the perfect fit.

  • How many PbP games are you currently active in? Do you GM any?

    I'm currently not participating in any game, having been on hiatus from the forums for a year. Having learnt my lesson, I don't want to overcommit and I figured applying for a module (as opposed to a fully-fledged AP) and sticking to just a single PbP at a time would be the perfect way to make my return.

  • Will you be able to check the game at least daily or every other day to post? If not explain and we can work with you.

    Yes. In every game I played, I managed to post at least once per day and sometimes significantly more as the case dictated (fast back-and-forth between two characters, for example). One disclaimer: I live in UTC+1, so my posting hours might align oddly with everyone else's.

  • What type of characters do you like to play? Personality, Class, Themes!

    I usully skew towards martially-oriented characters who can nonetheless contribute to the party in meaningful ways in a wide array of situations. I also enjoy the options that being able to cast spells opens, both in and out of combat. So all in all, I'd say I like complex characters who aren't afraid to tackle situations head on or get physical should the encounter require, but are also able to overcome or even circumvent an obstacle through subtlety or sheer willpower. Just to give an idea, the favourite characters I've played on the forums so far are probably a bastard sword-wielding, stealth-focused secret agent and a honour-bound shield-maiden and warrior-poetess.
    (I've never GMed in a PbP).

    Thanks for the consideration!

  • - How much experience do you have with Pathfinder rules? Over 10 years, but previously none at this level. (Just started one game on this board at higher level) Looking forward to the challenge.

    - How much experience do you have with Roleplaying in general? Just over 40 years, various games but mostly D&D.

    - Are you familiar with PbP formatting and how to? Very familiar on other boards. Still learning the details on this one.

    - Have you ever played the Ruby Phoenix Tournament before, even just a little? (please be truthful) No. Hadn't even heard of it before I saw the recruitment post.

    - How many PbP games are you currently active in? Do you GM any? Playing in two on this board. Still a couple on Tapatalk, but none of them have posted in over a week.

    - Will you be able to check the game at least daily or every other day to post? If not explain and we can work with you. Yes. Easily.

    - What type of characters do you like to play? Personality, Class, Themes! I prefer casters, arcane over divine, but can play anything for party balance. (Not real fond of playing paladins) The two games I am in here I play a Witch (level 1) and a Cleric.(High level)

    Scarab Sages

    Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Society Subscriber

    -How much experience do you have with Pathfinder rules?
    I am intimate with the PF rules.
    - How much experience do you have with Roleplaying in general?
    I have played a multitude of systems over the 20ish years of playing RPGs.
    - Are you familiar with PbP formatting and how to?
    - Have you ever played the Ruby Phoenix Tournament before, even just a little? (please be truthful)
    - How many PbP games are you currently active in? Do you GM any?
    Around 12 PbP games, I do not GM any.
    - Will you be able to check the game at least daily or every other day to post? If not explain and we can work with you.
    - What type of characters do you like to play? Personality, Class, Themes!
    I have a tendency to play any role but frontline fighter, which is what I would like to try this time around.

    Looks like we will be having a 3rd table and a few seats still open.


    How much experience do you have with Pathfinder rules?
    Well, I'm not the best min-maxer around, but I like to read builds and strategies from time to time. I started playing around 8 years ago, tabletop, and joined the PbP community 3 years ago or so, when tabletop became hard for my group.

    How much experience do you have with roleplaying in general?
    Since I was 13, more or less (about to be 40 now).

    Are you familiar with PbP formatting and how to?
    You could say I am, yes.

    Have you ever played the Ruby Phoenix Tournament before, even just a little? (please be truthful)
    Honestly, I bit here just because the named reminded me of old Ruby Championship things from L5R. I don't even know what this is about (though I'll hardly resist googling it after I finish answering).

    How many PbP games are you currently active in? Do you GM any?
    I retired from GMing long ago, when I discovered I suck hard at it. Right now I'm in about 8-10 games.

    Will you be able to check the game at least daily or every other day to post? If not explain and we can work with you.
    Yes, most of the time. Sometimes, I have to say, I'll have a hard time around (like mostly everyone, I guess), but I can't think of anything that would take me away from the forums more than a day or two (plus there's the phone).

    What type of characters do you like to play? Personality, Class, Themes!
    I enjoy the old classy hero who wants to do good and fight evil around. As for classes or concepts, martial dudes with some added capabilities (spells or weird powers) are my most favoured, probably on top of them the Warpriest.

    - How much experience do you have with Pathfinder rules?
    We eventually switched from 3.5 to Pathfinder once the Beta came out. 'We' as in my RL group.

    - How much experience do you have with Roleplaying in general?
    It was some time around 11 or 12. Don't really remember my exact age though. AD&D was where I began.

    - Are you familiar with PbP formatting and how to?
    Have you ever played the Ruby Phoenix Tournament before, even just a little? (please be truthful)
    Nope. Never played but it does sound vaguely familiar. So I think I've at least heard of it.

    - How many PbP games are you currently active in? Do you GM any?
    About 7. And I don't GM. I just don't have the time to GM. I know good and well a LOT goes into GM'ing and there's just no way I could manage it with work.

    - Will you be able to check the game at least daily or every other day to post? If not explain and we can work with you.

    - What type of characters do you like to play? Personality, Class, Themes!
    I love dwarven martial types. Dwarves are awesome. But martial types of any kind are what I love playing most whether it be dwarf or not. Barbarians/fighters are probably my favorite of the bunch. But I also love monks. Monks are cool. :)

    As far as personality goes, I like for all my pc's to be different in that regard. But ultimately I'm for the 'hero-who-saves-the-day' type also.

    This recruitment is now closed. All 3 tables are filled and all applicants have been contacted. Happy Gaming Everyone!

    Hello, this recruitment is open to 1 player. The first person who answers the questions on the first post is in. You will be replacing their team member, Ahnika.

    Happy Gaming!

    Still looking for 1 player

    Hello! I started reading your few tables for fun a few days ago at work. Consider me interested. I will start a character build and I am familiar with the module in general but no specifics after day 1.

    May you answer the questions in post one before I accept?

    Of course forgive me, I posted in haste.

    How much experience do you have with Pathfinder rules?
    I have played pathfinder for 10+ years although I have had a dry spell for about a year due to my in real life group I was DMing The Emerald Spire for needing a break for personal reasons(pair of the players had a baby).
    - How much experience do you have with Roleplaying in general?
    I have been roleplaying online for nearly 20 years and have enjoyed many systems and characters. I enjoy playing the characters I create with all the creativity and experience I can muster.
    - Are you familiar with PbP formatting and how to?
    I have played in multiple pbp and currently have only one other that is very slow posting. I regularly check my pbp in the morning at 8 EST when getting into work and refresh throughout the day a couple times before becoming active most evenings for posting and rule intensive posts. Some weekends I am away but can usually post before I go or after I return from trips.
    - Have you ever played the Ruby Phoenix Tournament before, even just a little? (please be truthful)
    I remember reading about it and wanting to play in it long ago when it came out as it was a high level dragon empire themed module. I actually stumbled across your table two while bored at work and read through their adventures from the noodle house to the present post so I know about that far. I know also from reviews it is a lot of combat and structured encounters. Other than that I do not know specifics.
    - How many PbP games are you currently active in? Do you GM any?
    Ah as stated above I only am active in one and it is rather slow atm, the GM maybe not posting every day and I check it daily.
    - Will you be able to check the game at least daily or every other day to post? If not explain and we can work with you.
    See above but in summary yes.
    - What type of characters do you like to play? Personality, Class, Themes! I have played so many over the years but I like to craft a unique character type I've not played before much and then come up with a cool backstory that makes them fun to rp with. My eye is currently on Human Kineticist if that is allowed going for a sort of water/air/ice bender feel. I have done the class once a long while ago and am quickly brushing up/relearning it.


    Hello, this table is looking for a replacement. Please answer the questions on the first post and you're in. This is first come first serve and only room for 1.

    - How much experience do you have with Pathfinder rules?

    Been playing PF since the playtest. I'm at least somewhat familiar with all the rules, though Horror Adventures, Intrigue, and Occult are not my area of expertise. I'm quite knowledgable on the core stuff.

    - How much experience do you have with Roleplaying in general?

    Been playing since before the 1st ed DMG came out. I have played a fair variety of different systems.

    - Are you familiar with PbP formatting and how to?

    I have played and run here extensively.

    - Have you ever played the Ruby Phoenix Tournament before, even just a little? (please be truthful)

    Yes. I have played it both face to face and pbp.

    - How many PbP games are you currently active in? Do you GM any?

    I am playing in 4 'tables' and running (GMing) 5.

    - Will you be able to check the game at least daily or every other day to post? If not explain and we can work with you.

    I check the boards very often during the week and fairly often on weekends.

    - What type of characters do you like to play? Personality, Class, Themes!

    I like martial style characters as i dislike tracking limited resources. I don't tend to play the 'face' (but have). Tanky is a pretty common theme.

    recruitment closed, pm sent

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