Male Tengu Warpriest of Hei Feng | HP: 70/70 | AC22 tch20 FF19 I CMD34/FF32 |F10 R9 W14 (+5 vs enchantment effects) | Init: +2 | Perception: +19 I Sense Motive +18
played by
Nandita Bachchan
female CN Human Fighter Cad lvl11, constant Deathwatch in 30ft cone HP 103/103 |AC-19 T-15 FF-16 | F+10, R+6, W+3 |CMB+15 (16 disarm & steal) (18 dirty trick no AoO) CMD 28 (29 vs disarm & steak)(30 dirty trick) | Init+3 | +2 att & dmg vs. those who hit me since my last turn| if I hit someone denied dex immeadiat action to dirty trick with attack | swift action to change improved weapon dmg crit 19/20x2 | snatch and throw back arrows once per round
played by
Deaths Adorable Apprentice
Nils the Roamer
HP 103/103 AC 33 T 19 FF 26, Fort +13, Ref +12, Will +9, CMD 30, Init +6, perception +15
played by
Radrick Anon
|| Temp effects: 8/8 Ki Points remaining. | 10/10 rounds of Haste Available | Level loss: -8 HP. -1 to all ability checks, attack rolls and combat maneuver checks. -1 to AC and Outflank feat and sweeping maneuver is lost HP 91/91(83/83) | AC22 tch22 FF17 | CMD28/FF23 | F+13 R+15 W+13 | CMD +2 Disarm/Grapple/Reposition +4 Trip and all Grant an AoO | | Performance Combat +6 | Acrobatics+19 | Escape Artist +19 | Perception+17 | Stealth+17
played by
AGM Lemming
Sol Drakescale
Male Nagaji Bloodrager 5/Dragon Disciple 6 Init +1; AC 36/T 12/FF 35; (Imp Uncanny Dodge) CMD 31/FF 30 hp 131; Fort +13, Ref +7, Will +7; Perception +10
played by
Captain collateral damage