Peter Stewart |

Quote:The undead cleric was a cleric/rogue. The party was 11-12th level. Fun times. I provided Mike Shel the logs from our experience, he thought it was a good run too.As I mentioned above, my GM dropped this into our STAP campaign. Characters were not optimized for a dungeon crawl by any means and included a sorcerer/wizard, a waves Oracle, a weather cleric, a human sword and board fighter, a summoner (who had his eidolon but no summons), and an undead cleric, along with a duelist cohort.
Fun times! It'll be fun keeping an eye on this. Hopefully you guys have some decent luck.
Thinking, we might have gone in at 12th level instead of 14th...
Yeah, but Tycho didn't find crap for traps unless there was treasure he could pocket as a result. I think he spared us... one? Two?

Kain Darkwind |

Kain Darkwind wrote:Kain, do you think you could share the logs with me too?
The undead cleric was a cleric/rogue. The party was 11-12th level. Fun times. I provided Mike Shel the logs from our experience, he thought it was a good run too.
I'm on vacation at the moment (and away from the logs) but I'd be glad to. PM me your email address.
As for Tycho, he was operating under the curse of greed caused by the Tooth of Ahazu the Seizer. Most of the traps in the Tomb were not of the simple 'perception check, disarm check, proceed merrily', so simple trapfinding wasn't the end-all be all. I do recall him saving you from a particularly devastating crushing stone.

T'wich McGruff |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

As for Tycho, he was operating under the curse of greed caused by the Tooth of Ahazu the Seizer. Most of the traps in the Tomb were not of the simple 'perception check, disarm check, proceed merrily', so simple trapfinding wasn't the end-all be all. I do recall him saving you from a particularly devastating crushing stone.
This sounds quite challenging.
Curse of greed? Ha, no self-respecting dwarf considers that a curse, it's a boon.
I once had a character in multi-year homebrew campaign that put on a cursed necklace that attracted undead. The necklace would get warm and begin to glow and attract undead. I use to call it my early warning device, it's all a matter of point of view. He wore that thing for years and it was one of his prized possessions.

baldwin the merciful |

Here is an updated submission/interest list.
Hello everyone! I'm happy to see that enthusiasm remains high, and that the applications are rolling in. I'll do an updated roster tonight (unless someone beats me to the punch),
The Mud Sorcerer’s Tomb Recruitment:
I put listed the characters first as Completed and Incomplete, then by general character type. If I missed someone let me know and I’ll fix it.Completed:
Omar Bin Zayed - Male Human (Keleshite) Ranger (Guide, Trapper)14 - ranged
T’wich McGruff – male dwarf, rogue 11/cleric 3
Dragox – male half-orc, Paladin 14
Sargon the War Sage – male Human Sorcerer 14
Fiora – female Human Ranged fighter 14
Est of the frozen monastery - Male human (Ulfen) monk 14
Reyondelee - female half-elf bard 14
Bastian Crossbones - male Gnome polearm fighter 14
Gauthier the Long Arrow - Cleric (evangelist) 14
Incomplete/expressed Interest
Zan-Lee (wizard) –You mentioned it was complete but I couldn’t find the profile or link.
Irene "Ren" the irenic(aka ScegfOd) – wizard diviner
Sissyl – expressed interest
Redelian – druid?
French Wolf?
The Morphling – Ranged paladin?
Dave Herman aka Gunter Tark - dwarf unbreakable fighter
Here are the character classified by general class type.
Fighter types:
Dragox – male half-orc, Paladin 14 -complete
Est of the frozen monastery - Male human (Ulfen) monk 14 -complete
Bastian Crossbones - male Gnome polearm fighter 14 - complete
Dave Herman aka Gunter Tark - dwarf unbreakable fighter - incomplete
Omar Bin Zayed - Male Human (Keleshite) Ranger (Guide, Trapper)14 – ranged - complete
Fiora – female Human Ranged fighter 14 - complete
The Morphling – paladin? Incomplete
T’wich McGruff – male dwarf, rogue 11/cleric 3 - complete
Reyondelee - female half-elf bard 14 - complete
Sargon the War Sage - Human Sorcerer 14 - completed
Zan-Lee (wizard) –You mentioned it was complete but I couldn’t find the profile or link.
Irene "Ren" the irenic(aka ScegfOd)– wizard diviner - Incomplete
Gauthier the Long Arrow - Cleric (evangelist) 14 -complete
Redelian – druid? - Incomplete
If I missed anyone or there is an updated status let me know and I'll fix it. Since this is a long recruitment period it's probably a good idea to check in so DM, Electricjokecascade, can confirm interest.

electricjokecascade RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16 |

I'll edit it for the next update.
Thank you for the help, Baldwin, much appreciated.
It's looking like I already have enough quality submissions to run two tables, so it's going to be hard to narrow it down to four. As is, I may end up picking five or six and simply upping the difficulty level of the encounters.
Given that, the submission period is closing on midnight EST, 27th of December. I'll announce my picks on the 28th, and we'll then dive into the Discussion thread to unify the group into as potent a tomb-delving force as we can make it.
Either way, Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays, everyone!

Timothy E. |

baldwin the merciful wrote:I'll edit it for the next update.Thank you for the help, Baldwin, much appreciated.
It's looking like I already have enough quality submissions to run two tables, so it's going to be hard to narrow it down to four. As is, I may end up picking five or six and simply upping the difficulty level of the encounters.
Given that, the submission period is closing on midnight EST, 27th of December. I'll announce my picks on the 28th, and we'll then dive into the Discussion thread to unify the group into as potent a tomb-delving force as we can make it.
Either way, Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays, everyone!
Nice, Merry Christmas!
I've typed up almost everything but my spells, so I'm basically ready. (I'll be picking walls and other battlefield control spells if that matters)
I'll double check the formatting and numbers a little later...

electricjokecascade RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16 |

Oh. Well, I thought I had a few days, but if you're closing it in one day, I have no chance to complete a 14th level character on time while on Christmas vacation.
I guess that means I'm out.
Morphling, if you like you can get a concept and the basics done, and if picked you'll have plenty of time to finish up after. Your call.

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Here is the crunch for my submission. I should have his backstory up for later tonight.
Male human evoker 14
N Medium humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +14
AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 98 (14d6+40)
Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +13
SR 18
Speed 30 ft.
Special Attacks intense spells (+7 damage)
Arcane School Spell-Like Abilities (CL 14th; concentration +23)
At will—elemental wall (14 rounds/day)
12/day—force missile (1d4+7)
Evoker Spells Prepared (CL 14th; concentration +23)
7th—mage's sword, prismatic spray, prismatic spray, spell turning
6th—chain lightning (DC 27), chain lightning (2, DC 27), greater dispel magic, true seeing
5th—baleful polymorph (2, DC 26), lightning arc[UM] (DC 26), lightning arc[UM] (DC 26), overland flight, wall of force
4th—acid pit[APG] (DC 25), dragon's breath[APG] (DC 25), dragon's breath[APG] (DC 25), enervation, enervation, greater false life[UM], resilient sphere (DC 25)
3rd—lightning bolt (DC 24), lightning bolt (DC 24), protection from energy (3), ray of exhaustion (DC 22), spiked pit[APG] (DC 24)
2nd—create pit[APG] (2, DC 23), false life (2), spontaneous immolation[UC] (DC 23), spontaneous immolation[UC] (2, DC 23)
1st—animate rope, mage armor, magic missile, magic missile (3), protection from evil, shield
0 (at will)—detect magic, disrupt undead, light, mage hand
Opposition Schools Enchantment, Illusion
Str 10, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 28, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +7; CMB +7; CMD 19
Feats Esoteric Advantage, Flaring Spell[UM], Greater Spell Focus (conjuration), Greater Spell Focus (evocation), Greater Spell Focus (transmutation), Improved Familiar, Persistent Spell[APG], Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus (conjuration), Spell Focus (evocation), Spell Focus (transmutation)
Traits clever wordplay, dangerously curious
Skills Appraise +17, Diplomacy +14, Fly +7, Knowledge (arcana) +26, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +16, Knowledge (engineering) +22, Knowledge (geography) +18, Knowledge (history) +22, Knowledge (local) +16, Knowledge (nature) +22, Knowledge (nobility) +19, Knowledge (planes) +26, Knowledge (religion) +26, Linguistics +14, Perception +14, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +26, Use Magic Device +24
Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Ancient Osiriani, Celestial, Common, Daemonic, Draconic, Infernal, Necril, Terran, Thassilonian, Undercommon
SQ arcane bond (arcane familiar, elemental, air, small), human wizard
Combat Gear boots of escape[ARG], ring of blinking, robe of the archmagi (gray), wand of enervation (50 charges); Other Gear headband of vast intelligence +6, ring of sustenance, 15,500 gp
Special Abilities
+1 Spells in Spellbook Add one spell from the wizard spell list to the wizard's spellbook. This spell must be at least one level below the highest spell level the wizard can cast.
Boots of escape (1/day) Dimension Door 1/day to escape being grappled, pinned, or entangled.
Deliver Touch Spells Through Familiar (Su) Your familiar can deliver touch spells for you.
Elemental Wall (14 rounds/day) (Sp) Create wall of one chosen energy type, otherwise as wall of fire.
Empathic Link with Familiar (Su) You have an empathic link with your Arcane Familiar.
Enchantment You must spend 2 slots to cast spells from the Enchantment school.
Esoteric Advantage After ID creature, move action: lower target creature's DR, energy resistance, or SR by 2 (min. 0).
Evocation Evokers revel in the raw power of magic, and can use it to create and destroy with shocking ease.
Familiar Bonus: You gain the Alertness feat while your familiar is within arm's reach.
Flaring Spell Spell with the fire, light, or electricity descriptor dazzles creatures it affects
Force Missile (1d4+7, 12/day) (Sp) As a standard action, magic missile strikes a foe.
Greater Spell Focus (Conjuration) +1 to the Save DC of spells from one school.
Greater Spell Focus (Evocation) +1 to the Save DC of spells from one school.
Greater Spell Focus (Transmutation) +1 to the Save DC of spells from one school.
Illusion You must spend 2 slots to cast spells from the Illusion school.
Intense Spells (+7 damage) (Su) Evocation spells deal listed extra damage.
Persistent Spell Foes must succeed at 2 saves or suffer the spell's full effects.
Ring of blinking On command, this ring makes the wearer blink, as with the blink spell.
Requirements: Forge Ring, blink; Cost 13,500 gp
Ring of sustenance Immune to hunger and thirst, and only sleep two hours a night.
Scry on Familiar (1/day) (Sp) You can scry on your familiar, as the spell.
Share Spells with Familiar Can cast spells with a target of "You" on the familiar with a range of touch.
Speak with Familiar (Ex) You can communicate verbally with your familiar.
Spell Focus (Conjuration) Spells from one school of magic have +1 to their save DC.
Spell Focus (Evocation) Spells from one school of magic have +1 to their save DC.
Spell Focus (Transmutation) Spells from one school of magic have +1 to their save DC.
Spell Resistance (18) You have Spell Resistance.

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The Morphling wrote:Morphling, if you like you can get a concept and the basics done, and if picked you'll have plenty of time to finish up after. Your call.Oh. Well, I thought I had a few days, but if you're closing it in one day, I have no chance to complete a 14th level character on time while on Christmas vacation.
I guess that means I'm out.
Alright, that helps a lot. I can get the build done, it's items that always take me lots of time. Thanks!

Melina Tribani |
Here's the character sheet for Redelia's druid character. The character does not have any stuff yet. Also, I have three unused feats, partly because I'm interested in picking up some teamwork feats if chosen.
Please let me know how many hit points Silti, Jandara's animal companion, should get per level.
(Please note that the alias is recycled, but built for this game)

electricjokecascade RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16 |

Some great submissions are coming in under the wire. Just a reminder that recruitment is closing at midnight tonight, EST.
I'm going to be driving home all day tomorrow, and also want to give each submission the proper consideration, so will probably be posting my selection on the 29th or 30th, depending on how tough it is to make my decision.
Thanks to everyone whose taken the time to submit!

electricjokecascade RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16 |

DM: I just want to check to see if you are ok with The Ring of Blinking. It's transmutation based rather than conjuration/summoning, but if blinking back and forth from the Material to Ethereal Plane will be problematic let me know, I can swap it out for something else.
No, that's fine. Thanks for checking though.

electricjokecascade RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16 |

Quick note: try to add a little flavor and personality to your submission. Lengthy backgrounds aren't needed, but I'll definitely pick a PC with strong personality over just plain crunch. Quirks, attitude, biases, some background highlights - all these will go a long way to making your PC stand out.

baldwin the merciful |

Here is an updated submission/interest list.
Hello everyone! I'm happy to see that enthusiasm remains high, and that the applications are rolling in. I'll do an updated roster tonight (unless someone beats me to the punch),
The Mud Sorcerer’s Tomb Recruitment:
I put listed the characters first as Completed and Incomplete, then by general character type. If I missed someone let me know and I’ll fix it.Completed:
Omar Bin Zayed - Male Human (Keleshite) Ranger (Guide, Trapper)14 - ranged/skilled
T’wich McGruff – male dwarf, rogue 11/cleric 3
Dragox – male half-orc, Paladin 14
Sargon the War Sage – male Human Sorcerer 14
Fiora – female Human Ranged fighter 14
Est of the frozen monastery - Male human (Ulfen) monk 14
Reyondelee - female half-elf bard 14
Bastian Crossbones - male Gnome polearm fighter 14
Gauthier the Long Arrow - Cleric (evangelist) 13/monk 1
Gunter Tark aka Dave Herman - dwarf unbreakable fighter 14 –crunch done
Jandaraaka Redelian– druid 14 – crunch done
Loc – human evoker wizard 14
Irene "Ren" the irenic(aka ScegfOd) – wizard diviner 14
Incomplete/expressed Interest
Zan-Lee (wizard) –You mentioned it was complete but I couldn’t find the profile or link.
Sissyl – expressed interest: Withdrew
French Wolf? Withdrew
The Morphling – Ranged paladin? - withdrew
DM Tadpole - ?
Here are the character classified by general class type.
Fighter types:
Dragox – male half-orc, Paladin 14 -complete
Est of the frozen monastery - Male human (Ulfen) monk 14 -complete
Bastian Crossbones - male Gnome polearm fighter 14 - complete
Dave Herman aka Gunter Tark - dwarf unbreakable fighter – crunch done
Omar Bin Zayed - Male Human (Keleshite) Ranger (Guide, Trapper)14 – ranged/skilled - complete
Fiora – female Human Ranged fighter 14 - complete
T’wich McGruff – male dwarf, rogue 11/cleric 3 - complete
Reyondelee - female half-elf bard 14 – complete
Sargon the War Sage - Human Sorcerer 14 - completed
Zan-Lee (wizard) –You mentioned it was complete but I couldn’t find the profile or link.
Irene "Ren" the irenic(aka ScegfOd)– wizard diviner – complete
Loc – human evoker wizard 14 - crunch done
Gauthier the Long Arrow - Cleric (evangelist) 13/monk 1 -complete
Jandaraaka Redelian– druid – crunch done
If I missed anyone or there is an updated status let me know and I'll fix it.

Melina Tribani |
I've filled in the fluff a bit more. Character is complete except for:
-3 feats (at least one teamwork feat desired)
-hit points for animal companion Silti (unclear how this number should be generated in this campaign, so I just went with character building software's defaults for now; I will fix this if chosen by using whatever method the GM chooses

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electricjokecascade RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16 |

And that's a wrap! Or a cut off. Please, no more submissions, as I already have far too many qualified PC's to consider, and picking a handful is going to be incredibly tough.
To be honest, I wrote a heartfelt post thanking everyone for their submissions and explaining how I was going to make my selections, but it was eaten by my brother-in-law's crappy wifi connection. So I'll have to settle for this shorter version. I'll be announcing my selection tomorrow, and it's going to be brutal - I swear I could send a group of seven or eight qualified adventurers into the Tomb, but that would be both unfair on the monsters and cause improbably humorous traffic jams in certain key hallways and rooms.
So, thank you again everyone, and expect my announcement come tomorrow.
(Now I'm going to copy this post so if it too gets eaten, I'll be able to just paste it in.)
Good night, and cheers!

electricjokecascade RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Selecting four PC's proved impossible, so I've expanded the group size to six. Given the Tomb's attrition rate, that raises the odds of at least one or two PC's making it to the very end. Even picking six was rough, as there were easily eight highly qualified characters that more than made the grade.
Will the following please report to the Discussion thread:
- Reyondelee
- T'wich
- Gauthier the Long Arrow
- Dragox
- Sargon the War Sage
- Omar Bin Zayed