| ammo 56/60(S/CI) | Conditions: Daylight (on arrow; 90mins), Lucky Number 7
LG Male Aasimar | Pal/Sorc/AA 9 | HP 35/72 | AC 23, TCH 15, FF 19 | CMB 9, CMD 24 | Fort +14 Ref +14 Will +15 | Init +8, Perc +15; Darkvision 60' | Speed 30' |
About Timothy E.
Palla di Neve (aka Snowball) the Emissary Familiar:
Divine Guidance (Sp): An emissary can cast guidance at will.
Share Will (Su): Whenever an emissary or its master fails a saving throw against a mind-affecting effect that affects only one of them, the other can attempt the saving throw as well. If this second saving throw is a success, treat the original result as a success, and the emissary and its master can’t use this ability again for 24 hours. On a failure, both the emissary and its master suffer the effects of the failed saving throw, even if one of them wouldn’t ordinarily be a valid target.
Domain Influence (Sp; "Bit of Luck"): The emissary can touch a willing creature as a standard action, giving it a bit of luck. For the next round, any time the target rolls a d20, he may roll twice and take the more favorable result. The emissary can use this power once per day.
Religious Mentor (Ex): The familiar’s sworn duty is to help train the chosen one for her future glory. The familiar is treated as having a number of ranks in Knowledge (religion) equal to the chosen one’s paladin level. The chosen one doesn’t gain Knowledge (religion) as a class skill.
Lay on Paws (Su): At 2nd level, a chosen one’s familiar is able to borrow some of her divine energy to heal itself and others. The familiar can use the chosen one’s lay on hands ability, including all of her mercies, but each such use consumes two uses of the paladin’s lay on hands ability. Starting at 4th level, the familiar can also channel positive energy, but each such use consumes four uses of the paladin’s lay on hands ability. This ability alters lay on hands and channel positive energy.
True Form (Ex): At 7th level, a chosen one’s familiar reveals its true form, transforming into an outsider improved familiar that matches the chosen one’s patron’s alignment (typically an arbiter, a cassisian, a harbinger, or a silvanshee, but potentially any lawful neutral, lawful good, or neutral good outsider familiar depending on the patron). The familiar gains the change shape universal monster ability if it doesn’t already have it, which it can use at will to transform into its original form or back to its true form.
Tim the Beautiful
LG Male Aasimar Paladin (Chosen One) 7 / sorcerer (eldritch brawler) 1 / arcane archer 1
Initiative +8; Perception +15; Darkvision 60' Aura Aura of Courage (Su; +4 morale vs fear for allies within 10')
AC 23, touch 15 flat-footed 19 (+4 dex +1 natural armor +7 armor +1 deflection)
hp 72
Fort +14, Ref +14, Will +15
Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5
Supernatural Abilities
. 3/daySmite Evil (swift; +5 attack & +7 damage; bypass all DR; double damage on first attack against undead/evil outsiders/evil dragons; net +4 bonus to AC)
. 8/dayLay On Hands (3d6 hp + mercies)
. (2 uses of Lay on Hands) Channel Positive Energy (4d6 hp)
Spell-like Abilities
. 1/dayDaylight
. at willDetect Evil (or as a move action for the strength of a single person/item's aura within 60')
Str 12, Dex 18, Con 12, int 12, Wis 12, Cha 20
Base Atk +8; CMB +9; CMD 24
languages: Celestial, Common, Halfling
Traits: Broken, Not Beaten (combat): auto stabilize below 0 hp; 1/day take 1 damage to get one move or one standard action while below 0
Celestial Community (race): expend race SLA for CLW (1d8+5) and take half the amount healed as nonlethal
Fate's Favored (faith): increase luck bonuses by 1
Magical Knack (magic): +2 CL for Sorcerer
Mercies: Deceived: The target can immediately attempt a new saving throw to disbelieve any ongoing illusions that it failed to disbelieve within the last minute.
Haunted: The paladin’s lay on hands also acts as protection from evil, but only for the purpose of allowing a new saving throw against enchantment (charm) and enchantment (compulsion) effects, making the target immune to any attempts to possess or exercise mental control over the target, or preventing a life force from controlling the target (all as described in the second effect of protection from evil). Use the paladin’s level as the caster level.
Other Paladin things: Divine Health (Ex): At 3rd level, a paladin is immune to all diseases, including supernatural and magical diseases, including mummy rot.
Unicorn Bloodline & Eldritch Brawler things: Bloodline Arcana: Every time you cast a spell, you can restore a number of hit points equal to double the level of the spell you cast to one target of your choice that you can see. A creature at its maximum hit points cannot be affected by this ability. Healing a dying creature with this ability does not automatically stabilize the creature unless its hit points are brought to 0 or above.
Martial Flexibility (Ex): At 1st level, an eldritch scrapper gains the brawler’s martial flexibility class feature, using her sorcerer level as her brawler level for the purposes of uses per day. The scrapper treats Arcane Strike and Combat Casting as combat feats for the purpose of this ability.
Skills (background skills have an asterisk after the name)
4 Acrobatics (4 Dex)
13 Appraise* (1 Int, +9 ranks, +3 class skill)
5 Bluff (5 Cha)
5 Climb (1 Str, +4 ranks)
5 Craft (Carpentry)* (1 Int, +1 ranks, +3 class skill)
19 Diplomacy (5 Cha, +9 ranks, +3 class skill, +2 racial)